HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix C - Oak Island Geophysical SurveyAPPENDIX C OAK ISLAND GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 SUBVE`l l Descriptive Report June 2019 Submitted to: h A MOFFATT & NICHOL Submitted by: F "-- •..r Complex Coastal Change Made Ckor 310 A Greenfield Drive Newport, NC 28570 252-247-5785 www.GeodynamicsGroup.com Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Lt� Phase 2 GeoDynamics TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Background..................................................................................................................6 1.2 Survey Area................................................................................................................. 6 1.3 Survey Objectives........................................................................................................ 7 1.4 Data Deliverables Format and GIS Database.............................................................. 7 1.5 Report Purpose............................................................................................................ 8 2.0 SURVEY LOGISTICS........................................................................................... 8 2.1 Mobilization..................................................................................................................8 2.1.1 Survey Vessel....................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Survey Equipment........................................................................................................ 9 2.3 Survey Schedule.........................................................................................................11 2.4 Personnel...................................................................................................................11 2.5 Weather......................................................................................................................11 3.0 METHODOLOGY................................................................................................14 3.1 Navigation and Position..............................................................................................14 3.1.1 Applanix POS MV................................................................................................14 3.1.2 Horizontal Control................................................................................................15 3.1.3 Vertical Control....................................................................................................15 3.1.4 Towed Sensor Positioning...................................................................................15 3.2 Multibeam Survey.......................................................................................................17 3.2.1 Multibeam Data Acquisition..................................................................................17 Data Acquisition Software.............................................................................17 Sensor Offsets, Orientation and Alignment...................................................17 Multibeam Calibrations.................................................................................18 Attitude Correctors........................................................................................19 Dynamic Draft Correctors.............................................................................19 Sound Speed Corrections.............................................................................19 Tide / Water Level Corrections......................................................................21 3.2.2 Bathymetric Data Processing...............................................................................22 Data Processing Software............................................................................22 Processing Workflow....................................................................................23 Post -Processed Attitude and Positioning......................................................23 Vessel Configuration File..............................................................................23 Raw Data......................................................................................................23 Water Level Correction (Tides).....................................................................24 TPU and CUBE Surface Generation.............................................................24 Surface / Line Filters.....................................................................................25 Sounding Review..........................................................................................25 Refraction Editing.........................................................................................26 Finalized Surface..........................................................................................26 Data Quality Review.....................................................................................26 3.2.3 Backscatter Data Processing...............................................................................26 Data Processing Workflow............................................................................27 Manual Editing..............................................................................................28 Finalized Mosaic and Exporting to Backscatter Products..............................29 3.3 Side Scan and Magnetometer Survey.........................................................................29 3.3.1 Side Scan and Magnetometer Survey Software...................................................29 3.3.2 Side Scan Sonar..................................................................................................30 Side Scan Workflow......................................................................................30 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 Lt� GeoDynamics Data Acquisition............................................................................................31 Data Processing...........................................................................................32 3.3.3 Marine Magnetometer..........................................................................................34 Magnetometer Workflow...............................................................................34 Magnetometer Data Acquisition....................................................................35 Magnetometer Data Processing....................................................................35 3.4 Sub -bottom Survey.....................................................................................................36 3.4.1 Sub -bottom Workflow...........................................................................................36 3.4.2 Sub -bottom Survey Software...............................................................................37 3.4.3 Sub -bottom Data Acquisition................................................................................37 3.4.4 Sub -bottom Data Processing & Interpretation......................................................39 3.4.5 Final Data Export and GIS Products....................................................................40 4.0 SURVEY RESULTS AND DISCUSSION............................................................41 4.1 Side Scan Sonar (Jay Bird).........................................................................................42 4.2 Magnetometer (Jay Bird).............................................................................................44 4.3 Multibeam (Jay Bird & Central Reach)........................................................................47 4.4 Sub -bottom Sonar.......................................................................................................52 4.4.1 Data Results........................................................................................................52 Jay Bird SBP Description..............................................................................55 Central Reach SBP Description....................................................................57 4.4.2 Data Products......................................................................................................60 5.0 SUMMARY..........................................................................................................62 APPENDIX A: Project Scope of Work........................................................................ 63 APPENDIX B: Calibration Documents.......................................................................73 APPENDIX C: Multibeam QA/QC Documentation..................................................... 77 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 GeoDynamics LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Survey map illustrating the bounding areas (in black) of the Central Site offshore of Oak Island, NC. Proposed MBES survey lines are displayed in red .................................................. 6 Figure 2. Survey map illustrating the bounding areas (in black) of the Jay Bird site offshore of Oak Island, NC. Proposed SBP survey lines (with concurrent MBES) are displayed in red .............. 7 Figure3. R/V 4-Points............................................................................................................... 8 Figure 4. Tidal and meteorological conditions from Leg 1.........................................................12 Figure 5. Tidal and meteorological conditions from Leg 2.........................................................13 Figure 6. Fort Fisher CORS station is the nearest station that was used to transmit RTK Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) corrections to the survey vessel. The VRS network utilized a solution derived from several nearby base stations................................................................14 Figure 7. POS MV system used for navigation and attitude corrections...................................15 Figure 8. Towing winch and cable counter aboard the R/V 4-Points used for deploying, acquisition and retrieving the magnetometer and side scan sonar towing configuration..............................16 Figure 9. Side scan sonar (left) and magnetometer (right) survey configuration. Figure extracted from Edgetech's "4200 Magnetometer Interface" addendum.....................................................16 Figure 10. Map showing patch test data for the R/V 4-Points in the Morehead City Port. The NOAA chart 11547-1 is displayed in the background................................................................18 Figure 11. AML Micro SV used for real-time sound speed corrections. The probe is located on the R/V 4-Points sonar mount near the transducers..................................................................19 Figure 12. AML Smart SV&P used for sound speed profiles....................................................20 Figure 13. Sound speed profiles taken throughout the Jay Bird full coverage MBES survey (-3 days). The graph doesn't include casts taking on survey days collected specifically for SBP verticalalignment......................................................................................................................20 Figure 14. Sound speed profiles taken throughout the Central Reach full coverage MBES survey (-2 days). The graph doesn't include casts taking on survey days collected specifically for SBP verticalalignment......................................................................................................................21 Figure 15. Graphic showing the major steps in bathymetric data processing ...........................23 Figure 16. Subset view showing a cross-section of multiple days of data that used an SBET for processing the ERS tidal corrections. The different colors of the soundings represent separate line files. The data agrees vertically throughout the cross-section through several days of data collection. The data has a 30x vertically exaggeration..............................................................24 Figure 17. Screen capture showing multiple lines loaded in the Subset Editor. The yellow slice bar inside the red oval, seen in the top plan view, is represented by the 2D subset view in the lower left, while the 3D view, in the lower right window, shows the entire subset view box (entire yellow outlined box within the red oval).....................................................................................25 Figure 18. Screen capture showing one line of sonar data opened in CARIS's Swath Editor. The Swath Editor shows a slice of the data, colored by port and starboard beams, looking from the rear direction. The section viewed is displayed in the top plan view..........................................26 Figure 19. Workflow diagram showing the major steps in backscatter processing for this project. .................................................................................................................................................28 Figure 20. Image illustratrating the "cut segment" tool in FMGT...............................................28 Figure 21. Side Scan Sonar Workflow.......................................................................................30 Figure 22. Example of Geodynamics' Edgetech 4200 HFL side scan sonar towfish, as it was used duringthe survey......................................................................................................................31 Figure 23. Example of real-time waterfall view in Discover monitored for SSS data quality ...... 32 Figure 24. Image displays example of raw side scan sonar data (left) and the effect of applying theEGN filter (right)..................................................................................................................33 Figure 25. Marine Magnetometer Workflow...............................................................................34 Figure 26. SeaSPY 2 Overhauser magnetometer.....................................................................35 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 GeoDynamics Figure 27. Sub -bottom workflow................................................................................................36 Figure 28. Photo showing the surface tow of the SB-512.........................................................38 Figure 29. Screen capture showing typical sub -bottom sonar data acquisition in Discover ....... 39 Figure 30. Illustration of towfish geometry relative to the sea surface, showing the seafloor and multipleray paths......................................................................................................................40 Figure 31. Location maps of scan sonar targets across the Jay Bird Shoals survey area .......... 43 Figure 32. Magnetic anomalies identified and provided by Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc...45 Figure 33. Distribution of magnetic anomalies as seen from the gridded normalized gamma dataset, with a digitization of the observed linear anomaly........................................................46 Figure 34. Bathymetric surface for Jay Bird. The surface is overlaid with 1 ft contours and is at a5 ft spatial resolution..............................................................................................................48 Figure 35. Backscatter mosaic for Jay Bird. The mosaic is at a 5 ft spatial resolution.............49 Figure 36. Bathymetric surface for Central Reach. The surface is overlaid with 1 ft contours and is at a 5 ft spatial resolution.......................................................................................................50 Figure 37. Backscatter mosaic for Central Reach. The mosaic is at a 5 ft spatial resolution .... 51 Figure 38. Color scheme used for core units at both Jay Bird and Central sites.......................52 Figure 39. Sub -bottom profile navigation tracklines, with line and file names, start points, and arrow indicators for line direction for Jay Bird............................................................................53 Figure 40. Sub -bottom profile data navigation tracklines, with line and file names, start points, and arrow indicators for line direction for the Central area........................................................54 Figure 41. The shallow, surface bounding horizon (blue) at the Jay Bird Shoal site. The faint dashed green lines denote 10 ft depth intervals........................................................................55 Figure 42. 3D image of showing the bathymetry overlaid on the profiles, showing the horizons thin in deeper waters (blue) away from the shoal......................................................................56 Figure 43. The base reflector (light blue) in the E portion of the Jay Bird Shoals area..............56 Figure 44. 3D view of the NE corner of the Central area displaying some of the characterizing nature of the two depictable horizons........................................................................................57 Figure 45. The eastern box of the Central survey area, showing the extents of the "shallow" reflector (dark orange) in the NE corner over the shallowest portion of the survey area. Below, the "base" reflector (lime green) marks the deepest, continuous reflector.................................58 Figure 46. 3D view of the northern end of the survey area, focused on the area between the two boxes to show the paleo channel feature (tip of North arrow) that underlies the bathymetric escarpment that extends from the western end of the eastern box (Box 2)...............................59 Figure 47. 3D view of the Central area, showing the base reflector shoaling towards the surface in the western part of the survey area with minimal acoustic penetration below the reflector ..... 59 Figure 48. Isopach grid and contours developed from reflectors digitized in sub -bottom profile imagery.....................................................................................................................................60 Figure 49. View of the ArcGIS platform with the embedded profiles accessible as attachments by clicking the trackline with the "i" tool..........................................................................................61 Figure 50. Hyperlinked PDF of sub -bottom profile imagery, with start and end of lines marked along with the cardinal direction of that start/end point..............................................................61 Figure 51. 3D interactive web page, allowing pan, tilt, zoom and vertical exaggeration ............ 62 Figure 52. Cross -line to main scheme surface comparison at Jay Bird. Since the cross -line only surface is not a deliverable and cross -lines are not included in the final bathymetric surface, fliers may exist in this surface. Therefore, the large min/max values can be attributed to these fliers/the lack of data for CUBE generation in the cross -line only surface. The mean (0.00 m) and standard deviation (0.06 m) are the more meaningful results. Note the statistics are in meters..............78 Figure 53. Cross -line to main scheme surface comparison at Central Reach. Since the cross -line only surfaces are not a deliverable and cross -lines are not included in the final bathymetric surface, fliers may exist in this surface. Therefore, the large min/max values can be attributed to these fliers/the lack of data for CUBE generation in the cross -line only surfaces. The mean (0.00 iv Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 Geodnynamics m, 0.03 m) and standard deviation (0.06 m, 0.04 m) are the more meaningful results. Note the statisticsare in meters..............................................................................................................79 Figure 54. The yellow slice within the red box (top view) is illustrating the data displayed in the 2D subset view (bottom image). In the 2D subset view, the tan soundings represent the cross -line, while all other main scheme lines are displayed in various colors. The data is exaggerated to 20X and shows good agreement......................................................................................................80 Figure 55. The yellow slice within the red box (top image) is illustrating the data displayed in the 2D subset view (bottom image). In the 2D subset view, the light blue soundings represent the cross -line. The data is exaggerated to 20X and shows good agreement..................................81 Figure 56. Displaying the difference surface derived from differencing 2015 R/V Benthos multibeam data from the 2019 R/V 4 Points data. The graph displayed in the upper left potion of the figure shows the statistics generated from this differencing. Overall, the data shows agreement between datasets....................................................................................................82 Figure 57. NOAA chart comparison in the Central Reach. The 2019 data was transformed to MLLW (using NOAA Vdatum) for this comparison. In CARIS, the mouse is hovered over the charted sounding and the white information bar displays the value attributed to the bathymetric surface. Overall, the datasets show agreement........................................................................83 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. General Vessel Specifications of the RN 4-Points...................................................... 9 Table 2. Table listing all survey equipment utilized for the project............................................10 Table 3. Survey activities throughout Phase 2 data acquisition................................................11 Table 3. A list of all survey personnel and management staff for this project ............................11 Table 4. Processing software utilized throughout the survey for multibeam sonar data ............ 22 Table 5. Table listing software used in backscatter data processing........................................27 Table 6. Software used by Geodynamics in geophysical data acquisition and processing ....... 29 Table 7. Software used in geophysical data processing...........................................................37 Table 8. Attribute table generated for point shapefiles showing extents of digitized reflectors..41 Table 9. Attribute table generated for the navigation tracklines shapefiles...............................41 v Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Geodynamics was contracted by Moffatt and Nichol to perform a series of reconnaissance surveys in support of future re -nourishment efforts on Oak Island, North Carolina (NC). This report is in reference to Phase 2 of the project, which includes a combination of multibeam sonar (MBES), side scan sonar (SSS), marine magnetometer (MAG), and sub -bottom profiling (SBP) at two potential borrow sites offshore of NC. The SSS and MAG data were acquired for object detection, identification of hard bottom areas, and general characterization of the seafloor. The SBP data was acquired to determine the shallow sediment distribution, identify subsurface features, and for geologic interpretations. The MBES data was acquired to determine accurate depths at potential borrow areas and aid in SBP data processing (vertically align the seafloor surface of the SBP to the bathymetry). The overall survey scheme for the Jay Bird borrow area required full coverage MBES and SSS, <100 ft spaced MAG lines, and SBP at a 1000 ft line spacing, forming a grid pattern (with concurrent MBES). For the Central Reach borrow area, the overall survey scheme required full coverage MBES and SBP at a 1000 ft line spacing forming a grid pattern (with concurrent MBES). The Central Site only required SBP and MBES because the site was previously surveyed with SSS and MAG in Phase 1 of the project. 1.2 Survey Area The two potential borrow sites are approximately 1-3 nmi offshore of Oak Island, NC (Figure 1- 2). Sites include Central Reach (2 inset areas) and Jay Bird, as specified in the Scope of Work (SOW) located in Appendix A. 29 S Sh 31 .31 : 33 S a a 31 4Sh. e Oak Island Geophysical: Phase . S• 34 e • 34 37 33 . NO -DISCHARGE ZONE 34 (see note Z). 37 35 � } y, Obs - Fish Haven �� {auth min 20 e '• i T� � i ��' y�� a 2 rveys Legend • t. os��r�E•���Ma Es u�.. (oiovo:.m [ral Reecb Mul[ibeem Line Spacing'. mvxe�a. N9FSe p Pnese 2Pes �Ie tlM1eJ Herz-xa, ores Figure 1. Survey map illustrating the bounding areas (in black) of the Central Site offshore of Oak Island, NC. Proposed MBES survey lines are displayed in red. L Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics Legend � E sung Gore lncetlons E7"es(pro d) ve..... ('.-1—N Oak ki-d 0eaphy—.1 Line 9paeiag� Op.t fill;pFceul lla nor. IM1F Ar ­11m� big.... Figure 2. Survey map illustrating the bounding areas (in black) of the Jay Bird site offshore of Oak Island, NC. Proposed SBP survey lines (with concurrent MBES) are displayed in red. 1.3 Survey Objectives The specific goals of this survey were to create the following deliverables: • MBES: o GIS Raster Dataset and Grid XYZ of bathymetric surface o GIS Feature Class of elevation contours • Magnetometer: o GIS Feature Class and ASCII of Mag Anomalies with applicable descriptions o GIS Raster Dataset of MAG Anomaly Surface o GIS Feature Class of MAG Anomaly Contours • Side scan: o GIS Feature Class of SSS Targets with descriptions, linked to SSS target PDF sheets o GIS Raster Dataset of SSS Mosaic • Sub -bottom Profiler: o GIS Feature Class of SBP lines (Polyline) and in a PDF form with contacts and a navigation map o GIS Feature Class of SBP start and end points o GIS Raster Dataset and Grid XYZ data of Isopach maps • Cumulative Products (if applicable): o GIS Feature Class of Points, Polygons, and Lines of interest 1.4 Data Deliverables Format and GIS Database The data deliverables will be supplied on an external hard drive and when applicable, in a GIS Database for overall usability and analysis of the final datasets. For a complete list of deliverables refer to the ReadMe document on the deliverable drive. 7 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics 1.5 Report Purpose The purpose of this document is to summarize the survey activities, report on the acquisition and processing methodology of the data collected, and present the findings in regards to the SOW. Magnetic anomalies were picked and reported on by Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc for the Jay Bird site; refer to this separate report within the final deliverable package for more information. 2.0 SURVEY LOGISTICS 2.1 Mobilization 2.1.1 Survey Vessel The Research Vessel (R/V) 4-Points (Figure 3, Table 1), owned and operated by Geodynamics, was selected to support the MAG, SSS, MBES, and SBP survey of the borrow sites offshore of Oak Island, NC. The R/V 4-Points was initially mobilized at Geodynamics' headquarters in Newport, NC and again on -site in Oak Island for a complete integration of the combined sensors. Figure 3. R/V 4-Points. LV Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� Geodynamics Table 1. General Vessel Specifications of the R/V 4-Points. General Vessel Specifications Vessel name RN 4-Points Owner Geodynamics Dimensions: 25' x 10' x 1.2' USCG: Designated Research Vessel Flag: U.S. Registry: North Carolina Reg No: Tonnage: Lab space: Lavatory: Max Speed: NC 5443 WV 4.5 2 Operator Stations Full head 30 knots Min. Survey Speed: 2.5 knots Propulsion: 2 x 140HP Suzuki Outboard Motor -2011 Auxiliary Power: 5kW Fischer Panda Generator Fuel Cap.: 120 gallons GPS: Lowrance HDS-10 Magnetic Compass: Richie Radar: Lowrance Broadband Autopilot: Simrad AP-28 VHF: ICOM 504 Internet: Verizon 4G LTE JetPack 2.2 Survey Equipment Table 2 lists the survey equipment used for this project. E Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics Table 2. Table listing all survey equipment utilized for the project. Primary GNSS Receiver - Positioning and Position/Attitude/Heading Orientation System for Applanix 320 v5 Marine Vessels (POS MV) Primary GNSS Antenna Trimble/ Position/Attitude/Heading (port) Zephyr II Aeroantenna Secondary GPS-GNSS Position/Attitude/Heading Trimble/ Zephyr II Antenna (starboard) Aeroantenna Inertial Motion Unit (IMU) Position/Attitude/Heading Applanix IMU-38 2 GPS Cables (20 m) Position/Attitude/Heading Trimble n/a IMU Cable (30 m) Position/Attitude/Heading Applanix IP68 Verizon Jetpack Cellular Internet Mobile Internet Trimble SPS 461 Position (DGPS) Trimble 461 Layback Position CMAX CM2 Cable Counter (SSS & MAG) Edgetech 4200 HFL SSS (300-600 kHz) Object Detection Operator station Acquisition Edgetech n/a n/a SSS deck cables (30m) I SSS Telemetry Edgetech Magnetometer Anomaly Detection SeaSPY2 M-SM1000- P03 Diagnostic Tool SeaSPY2 MS-SS3003 Isolation Transceiver 48V Tow cable Mag. Telemetry SeaSPY2 TC1000 Test cable SSS Integration Test SeaSPY2 I M-SS2210 Cable Test cable SSS Integration Cable Bathymetry SeaSPY2 TCSSS-S Sonar Processing Unit Kongsberg 12040C PU (PU) 2 15m Sonar Cables Bathymetry Kongsberg EM2040 Surface Sound Bathymetry Applied Micro Sound Velocimeter Microsystems Velocity SV Smart SVP Sound Profile Velocimeter _ Bathymetry` Applied I Microsystems 2040C-Dual 2 Sonar Heads Bathymetry Kongsberg Imagery/Geology Edgetech Head SBP (0.5-12 kHz) i SB-512i SBP Surface Towing n/a Poly -balls I n/a Operator station Acquisition Edgetech n/a SIBS deck cables (30m) SSS/SBS Telemetry Edgetech n/a 10 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� Geodynamics 2.3 Survey Schedule Survey activities were conducted from June 16 — June 29, 2019, in two separate legs, totaling a period of 10 days. Table 3 shows a generalized timeline of mobilization, acquisition and demobilization activities. Table 3. Survey activities throughout Phase 2 data acquisition. Julian Day Operationsr Description of Survey Prep vessel and transit with trailered vessel to Southport Marina in 6/13/19 164 Southport, NC. Launch vessel, dry test of equipment, and dock vessel in slip. 6/14/19 165 SSS, MAG, and MBES collection at Jay Bird. All three systems were run simultaneously. 6/15/19 166 Continue SSS, MAG, and MBES survey of Jay Bird. Continue SSS, MAG, and MBES survey of Jay Bird. Completed shallow 6/16/19 167 portion of the survey area during high tide. Completed all MBES recoveries. All SSS, MAG, and MBES in Jay Bird was completed. 6/17/19 168 Transit back to Morehead City with vessel. Transit with vessel down to Southport. Launch vessel, utilize boat lift at the 6/25/19 176 marina to get SBP in the water, and tie -off SBP to vessel. Take vessel to slip and test computers and equipment. 6/26/19 177 SBP of Jay Bird. MBES was run simultaneously. Shallow sections were run during high tide. SBP of Jay Bird was completed. SBP of Central Reach site. MBES was run simultaneously. All SBP 6/27/19 178 collection in the Central Reach site was completed. Only MBES remaining at that site. Continue MBES in the Central Reach site. Finish MBES in the Central Reach site. Use boat lift at marina to get SBP 6/28/19 179 6/29/19 180 out of the water. Trailer vessel and head back to Morehead City. 2.4 Personnel See Table 3 for a list of all survey personnel and management staff involved in this project. Table 4. A list of all survey personnel and management staff for this project. Chris Freeman President, Project Administrator Geodynamics Dave Bernstein Chief Hydrographer, Project Manager Geodynamics Ben Sumners Vessel Captain, Surveyor, Principal Geodynamics Investigator Nick Damm Surveyor Geodynamics Davis Batten Surveyor Geodynamics 2.5 Weather Meteorological observations from the nearby tide station at Wrightsville Beach, NC for each day of survey (Figure 4-5). 11 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 GeoDynamics NOAAINOSICO.OPS Winds at 8658163, Wrightsville Beach NC From 2019/06114 00,00 LSTILDT to 2019106116 23,59 LSTILDT 25 20 rrr c 15 r is rr r r r n 10 `�y 1� 1 t • '� r 5 ° T 14.Jun 12:00 15. Jun 12t00 16. Jun 12:00 • Winds — Gusts NUMINOSICenter for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services NOAAMOSICO.OPS Air Temperature at 8658163, Wrightsville Beach NC From 2019106114 00,00 LSTILDT to 2019106/16 23:59 LSTILDT 82.5 — 80 77.5 75 72.5 70 67.5 65 14. Jun 12.00 15. Jun 12.00 16. Jun 12.00 NOMfNO5/Center for Operational oceanographic Products and Services NOAAINOSICO-OPS Observed Water Levels at 8658163, Wrightsville Beach INC From 2019106114 00:00 LSTILDT to 2019106116 23:59 LSTILDT 6.0 6.0 4,0 4.0 J a� 2 0 2.0 c d = 0.0 A 0.0 N DA4/NUS/[enter for Operational Uceanographk Products and Sernces 0000 � 1100 00�00 12.00 00�00 12�00 6/14 6/14 6115 6115 6/16 6116 — Predictions — Verified — Preliminary Figure 4. Tidal and meteorological conditions from Leg 1. 12 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics NOAAINOS/CO.OPS Winds at 8658163, Wrightsville Beach NC From 2019/06126 00,00 LSTILDT to 2019106/29 23,59 LSTILDT 25 20 15 0 c Y `- 10 � � • J ,t v N 5 y 0 1 -5 26. Jun 27.Jun 28. Jun 29. Jun • Winds — Gusts NOAAINOSfCenter for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services NOAA/NOS/CO-OPS Air Temperature at 8658163, Wrightsville Beach INC From 2019/06/26 00:00 LST/LDT to 2019/06/29 23:59 LST/LDT 85 r 82.5 80 v v w 77.5 75 — 72.5 26. Jun 27. Jun 28. Jun 29. Jun NOAA/NOS/Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services NOAAINOSICO-OPS Observed Water Levels at 8658163, Wrightsville Beach INC From 2019106/26 00:00 LSTILDT to 2019106/29 23:59 LSTILDT 6.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 � 4.0 4.0 a� C 3.0 3.0 L ai 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 NOAAfNOSfCenterfor Operatio IOceanagraphic Prad—k nd Services 00:00 0 DO 0 00.00 .00:00 6126 6/27 6/28 6/29 — Predictions Verified — Preliminary Figure 5. Tidal and meteorological conditions from Leg 2. 13 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 GeoDynamics 3.0 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Navigation and Position Each data point obtained during the survey activity had a geographic location associated with it to facilitate database entry and display of these data within a Geographical Information System (GIS) framework. To obtain more accurate real-time corrections, position and elevation data were provided through a Virtual Reference Station (VRS) network, with Real -Time Kinematic (RTK) corrections received via an internet connection. The VRS network derives a solution from numerous nearby base stations, the nearest being the CORS station at Fort Fisher (Figure 6). Figure 6. Fort Fisher CORS station is the nearest station that was used to transmit RTK Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) corrections to the survey vessel. The VRS network utilized a solution derived from several nearby base stations. 3.1.1 Applanix POS MV The Applanix Positioning and Orientation System for Marine Vessels (POS MV) 320 V5 Global Positioning and Inertial Reference System was installed on the R/V 4-Points prior to mobilization (Figure 7). The system was primarily used to monitor and integrate vessel attitude with horizontal positioning information obtained from the dual -antenna spread, which supports Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellites, and then provides navigation to HYPACK. This system 14 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 GeoDynamics provides real-time roll and pitch accuracy Root -Mean -Square (RMS) to 0.020, heading to 0.020 (with a 2 m antenna baseline), heave accuracy to 5 cm or 5% (whichever is greater), and positional accuracy to ±1.0 m using standard Differential GPS (DGPS) receivers. Figure 7. POS MV system used for navigation and attitude corrections. 3.1.2 Horizontal Control Data were acquired in North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) 2011 North Carolina State Plane coordinate system with U.S. Survey Feet units. The horizontal control was provided by the POS MV system and was corrected using DGPS/GNSS technology. In the event the real-time network corrections service was to go out, the navigation system was setup to receive the differential corrections from a nearby DGPS station using an auxiliary DGPS antenna. 3.1.3 Vertical Control The post -processed vertical datum for bathymetric data is NAVD88 (Geoid12b). Survey data was collected using vertical corrections from the VRS real-time network. These corrections provided the necessary information for the ellipsoid heights to be post -processed to NAVD88 by integrating GPS Tides and the geoid model. Multibeam bathymetry data was ultimately controlled vertically by post -processing the logged navigation and attitude file (*.000) in POSPac and integrating the smoothed best estimated trajectory (SBET) back into the bathymetric data in CARIS (Section 3.1.4 Towed Sensor Positioning The MAG and SSS were towed from the center, stern of the vessel and were separated by a 30- ft tether (Figure 8-9). A towing winch was used to deploy and retrieve both devices, while an attached cable counter accurately measured cable out length. Cable out length was entered and monitored in HYPACK navigation software to determine, and apply, magnetometer and SSS layback. Reciprocal survey lines were run for post -processing verification of accurate layback corrections, as well as review of intersections during post -processing. 15 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics Figure 8. Towing winch and cable counter aboard the RN 4-Points used for deploying, acquisition and retrieving the magnetometer and side scan sonar towing configuration. Figure 9. Side scan sonar (left) and magnetometer (right) survey configuration. Figure extracted from Edgetech's "4200 Magnetometer Interface" addendum. The SBP towfish was deployed with a set of poly -balls attached to the towpoint. This maximized the distance between the towfish and the seafloor, therefore, the depth of the reflector. For more information see Section 3.4. 16 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Lts� Phase 2 GeoDynamics Figure 10. The SBP towed behind the RN 4Points, using the surface -tow poly -balls. 3.2 Multibeam Survey 3.2.1 Multibeam Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Software The HYPACK software suite was used during survey preparation in order to create survey line plans and evaluate the overall survey scheme. HYPACK was also used during the survey in order to record navigation, as well as to modify line plans on the fly (OTF) as necessary, log targets of importance and provide the captain with line tracking. Seafloor Information System (SIS) by Kongsberg was the data acquisition and user interface software to accompany the EM204OC-D system. All multibeam data collected during the survey were acquired using this software. SIS was also used for OTF identification of "holidays" or gaps in the data and real-time quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) of the multibeam sonar data. The POSView software by Applanix was used with the POS MV system. The software provides the platform to view and monitor the tightly -coupled integration of the attitude measurements recorded by the IMU as well as the position, heading measurements, and accuracies recorded by the GNSS antennas. POSView logged a POSPac file which contained all the attitude, positioning, heading, and error estimate data. This file provides a QA measure to inspect the recorded accuracies and/or post -process using Inertially-Aided Real Time Kinematic (IARTK) solutions. Sound speed profiles (SSP) were acquired by the AML Smart SV&P velocimeter. The AML Smart SV&P SSPs were processed in SeaCast, exported as Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) Sound Velocity Profiles (ASVP) files, and loaded directly into SIS to correct for sound speed during data acquisition. Sensor Offsets, Orientation and Alignment The vessel offsets were measured during the initial system installation and mounting on the R/V 4-Points and checked during mobilization. Vessel offsets are entered in SIS and the POSMV to ensure an accurate merging of IMU data with multibeam soundings. 17 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 GeoDynamics Multibeam Calibrations Prior to survey, calibration of the GNSS Azimuth Measurement Subsystem (GAMS) system was verified. The calibrations followed the auto -start procedure laid out in the POS MV V5 Installation and Operation Guide. The GAMS parameters in the setup menu were initially set to zero, except for the heading calibration threshold, which was set to 0.500°. The vessel then made aggressive figure-8 maneuvers until the GAMS solution came online and the values in the parameter setup menu were automatically updated. The patch test for the R/V 4-Points was performed in April 2018 (systems have remained the same). The patch test site was selected due to extensive prior survey operations performed by Geodynamics, as well as for its numerous bottom features such as flat areas, submerged debris and slopes (Figure 10). RTK-GNSS was utilized during the patch test and data were processed on -site using the SIS patch utility and CARIS. The pitch, roll, and heading biases obtained for the port and starboard transducers were entered in the Installation Parameters menu in SIS. Any additional pitch, roll, and heading biases determined during post -processing were then entered in the CARIS HVF. The latency between GNSS reception from the tightly -coupled POS MV and integration by the acquisition system was also measured during the patch test. The patch test followed the procedure laid out in the SIS EM2040C Reference Manual, How to calibrate a dual head system. Complete details of the multibeam system calibration and results can be found in Appendix B. Figure 10. Map showing patch test data for the R/V 4-Points in the Morehead City Port. The NOAA chart 11547-1 is displayed in the background. 0. Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Lts� Phase 2 GeoDynamics Attitude Correctors Attitude or complex vessel motion corrections were provided by the POS MV. The Applanix POS MV unit was setup to receive phase -differential position corrections through a VRS Network. This configuration allowed the POS MV to integrate decimeter positional solutions with highly -accurate vessel attitude measurements obtained from the IMU. When the GAMS was online, positional solutions were being received from five or more satellite fixes with a Positional Dilution of Precision (PDOP) equal to or less than three. Throughout the entire survey, POSView was configured to log a file which contained all the attitude, positioning, heading, and error estimates data (POSPac .000 file). Dynamic Draft Correctors Dynamic draft is the summation of the static draft, settlement, and squat corrections, and is a required corrector for survey -grade echo soundings. Using VRS RTK-GNSS, the ellipsoid -based vertical corrections received from the base station provided the survey vessel with an accurate real-time elevation based on the vessels position in the water. This worked to factor out the static draft, settlement, and squat of the survey vessel. Sound Speed Corrections Real-time surface sound speed was collected with an AML Oceanographic MicroSV (Figure 11). The real-time surface sound speed information is used to correct for the refraction of sound in the water to ensure accurate beam information throughout the survey. Figure 11. AML Micro SV used for real-time sound speed corrections. The probe is located on the R/V 4-Points sonar mount near the transducers. The AML Smart SV&P velocimeter were used during the survey in order to obtain accurate sound speed profiles throughout the survey area (Figure 12). The device measures sound speed directly using "time of flight" technology, automatically compensating for pressure, salinity, and temperature. The sound speed profiles are downloaded via serial cable, where the survey technician then logs the sound speed profile data and coordinates of the cast once the probe is recovered. The sound speed profile is then imported directly into SIS for real-time corrections. 19 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics Figure 12. AML Smart SV&P used for sound speed profiles. The real-time sound speed at the transducers was automatically compared to the respective depth and sound speed from the sound speed profile being used at any given time. To ensure accuracy, Geodynamics has both sensors calibrated annually to minimize the effect of small deviations in surface sound speed to beam forming accuracy. When the two sound speeds deviated by approximately 2 meters per second (m/s), a warning would alarm the survey technician of the potential for changing oceanographic conditions. Excluding multibeam collection specific for SBP vertical alignment, a total of 14 sound speed profiles were taken during the full coverage multibeam survey at Jay Bird and 5 sound speed profiles at Central Reach (Figure 13- 14). 0 - 2 - - #001 - #002 - #003 - #004 - #005 - #006 - #007 - #008 - #009 - #010 - #011 - #012 - #013 - #014 1525.0 1527.5 L530.0 1532.5 1535.0 1537.5 15-C.0 Sound Speed [m/s] Figure 13. Sound speed profiles taken throughout the Jay Bird full coverage MBES survey (-3 days). The graph doesn't include casts taking on survey days collected specifically for SBP vertical alignment. 20 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 GeoDynamics — #001 #002 — #003 — #004 #005 1531 1536 153a 15l0 15lT 15l1 154G 1546 Sound Speed [mis] Figure 14. Sound speed profiles taken throughout the Central Reach full coverage MBES survey (-2 days). The graph doesn't include casts taking on survey days collected specifically for SBP vertical alignment. While routine sound speed profiles were taken whenever changes were observed in the surface water, interactions with the bathymetry as well as upwelling, inlet/waterway flow, and thermal exchange can introduce variations in sound speed profiles during the survey. For the duration of this survey the sound velocity was rather consistent, however, a strong tide -line did have some effect on sound speed corrections in Jay Bird. All pre -cautions in the field and office were taken to accurately account for such change (additional casts, beam clips, SV correct in CARIS, etc.). Tide / Water Level Corrections Precision bathymetric survey data require accurate water level corrections in order to reference the millions of individual depth measurements, or "pings", to a common vertical datum of NAVD88. Astronomic tides typically have the most significant effect on water level over a given area of seafloor and are commonly accommodated for by using predicted tide zonation models. However, meteorology and localized phenomena and features (i.e., salinity or temperature fronts) can also have a measurable impact on water level at any given time. Tide zonation models forecast water levels at a given date and time based upon astronomic tidal harmonics, but cannot account for the short-term modification of tidal behavior due to inlet -based tidal effects, the effects of barometric pressure, winds, seawater density and nearby currents (i.e., Gulf Stream intrusion), distance from gauge, etc. Therefore, to minimize Total Propagated Uncertainty (TPU) in the bathymetric survey data, observed water level measurements were obtained throughout all hydrographic survey operations. RTK-based water level measurements, relative to the ellipsoid, were continuously recorded throughout the survey by the POS MV (POSPac .000 file). The GPS height determined by the POS MV was integrated into the raw multibeam sonar data file in SIS. After converting the raw data in CARIS, the GPS tide was computed, and the ellipsoid -based tidal measurements 21 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics were then reduced to NAVD88 by integrating a local Geoid 2012b model. The GPS Tide is computed in CARIS such to provide accurate tidal corrections and as a supplement to the IMU for removing heave. GPS Tide = GPS Height — Datum Height + Antenna Offset — Heave + Dynamic Draft — Waterline 3.2.2 Bathymetric Data Processing The following sections discuss the steps taken in processing the multibeam bathymetry data acquired with the EM204OC-D sonar. All Bathymetric survey data were processed using CARIS Hydrographic Information Processing Systems (HIPS) and Sonar Information Processing System (SIPS) software and gridded in a Combined Uncertainty and Bathymetry Estimator (CUBE) surface for each site at a final resolution of 5 ft. A surface resolution of 5 ft was chosen for the final Bathymetric data products based on data density and quality. Data Processing Software All multibeam bathymetric data processing software is listed in Table 4. Multibeam bathymetry data were processed in CARIS HIPS and SIPS 11.1.0. This software provides a comprehensive package to integrate time -tagged position, attitude, water level and sensor information into sounding data to calculate an accurate CUBE surface. CARIS HIPS and SIPS also provided the platform to clean and review sounding information, as well as assess TPU of individual soundings and resulting surfaces. Post -processing and inspection of position, attitude and navigation data as well as vessel and sensor alignment and other QA measures were performed using the Applanix software, POSPac Mobile Mapping Solutions (MMS) 8.3. The "In -Fusion Smart Base" method was utilized to post - process navigation. ArcGIS 10.5 software was used to project georeferenced datasets and various computational surfaces, including maps and charts delivered for this project. Table 5. Processing software utilized throughout the survey for multibeam sonar data. A CARIS HIPS & Bathymetry Processing SIPS 11.1.0 CARIS POSPac Navigation/Attitude ] 8.3 Applanix Post -Processing Sound Speed SVP Comparison Graphs 2019.1.2 HydrOffice Manager ArcGIS Generating Final GIS Products 10.5 ESRI 22 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics Processing Workflow Create Veasel File Merge Data Edit Subset Data Create Project I I I Compute TPU I I OA I QC Comparisons L And Inspections Convert Raw Data Generate CUBE In HIPS Surfaces FinaG a Surface Load SBET (if Filter Data Export Bathymetry applicable) (if needed] Process GPS Tides Adjust Vesscl Export and Produce Geometry (if needed) ArcGrid Refraction Edit I --I Compare Backscatter and Bathymetry for QA Figure 15. Graphic showing the major steps in bathymetric data processing. Post -Processed Attitude and Positioning POSPac MMS is a user-friendly suite of tools used to create an accurate solution of position, orientation and dynamics from the GNSS and IMU data collected with the POS MV. Raw POS data collected in the field is imported into POSPac MMS and an SBET is created using various methods of post -processing. The post -processed SBET is then integrated into the multibeam sonar data to enhance horizontal and vertical accuracy and the reliability of the GNSS data. Vessel Configuration File The CARIS vessel configuration file, called the HIPS Vessel File, is an Extensible Mark-up Language (XML) file that can describe details of the installation and calibration of the instruments installed and their precise positioning relative to each other and the vessel's reference frame. Embedded information within the HVF is used by multiple processes in CARIS to merge sensors, offsets and calculate sounding uncertainty. For this project, measured sensor offsets and calculated patch test offsets were applied to SIS or POSView prior to acquisition. Therefore, the "apply" option for most offset values in the HVF, except for a few correctors applied in post - processing, were set to "no". However, sensor offsets are still placed in the HVF as well as other manufacturer specifications to properly account for TPU. Raw Data The raw multibeam bathymetry data collected in SIS provides rough estimates of water depth and morphology. In order to view the raw data and water levels as it was collected, a zero -tide must 23 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 Lt� GeoDynamics be applied which neglects all tidal influences on depths. Corrections applied to the raw data in real-time included sound speed corrections from the most recent and appropriate sound speed cast, as well as initial heave, pitch, roll, and heading corrections from the POS MV. However, raw data may still include possible errors, including unaccounted for water level corrections, sonar orientation biases, and errors in sound speed. Water Level Correction (Tides) Tidal observation data must be loaded for every track line before the soundings can be viewed as depths and positions, correcting for astronomical and meteorological changes in water levels. As this project is an Ellipsoidally Referenced Survey (ERS), real-time tidal and water level changes were corrected by computing "GPS Tides" in CARIS. This procedure uses the GNSS height and vessel heave to dynamically deduct the vessel's vertical displacement through the water column as well as correct for the astronomical changes in water level heights over the course of the survey. Furthermore, with the addition of post -processed SBETs, the quality of the GNSS heights is increased, thus producing a more reliable tidal correction (Figure 16). Figure 16. Subset view showing a cross-section of multiple days of data that used an SBET for processing the ERS tidal corrections. The different colors of the soundings represent separate line files. The data agrees vertically throughout the cross-section through several days of data collection. The data has a 30x vertically exaggeration. TPU and CUBE Surface Generation A CUBE surface is a surface which uses multiple hypotheses to represent potential depth variances along the seafloor based on a TPU that is calculated in CARIS. The CARIS TPU module computes horizontal and vertical uncertainty values, requiring user -entered estimated error values for the tide, sound speed measurements and published errors from equipment specifications. TPU calculations are used in the CUBE algorithm to calculate a surface where `nodes' or `tiles' are assigned to soundings with the lowest vertical uncertainties and are internally self -consistent. 24 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 Lt� GeoDynamics Surface / Line Filters Upon initial QC inspections and reviews for targets or features on the seafloor, a combination of swath and surface filters were executed in CARIS to reduce manual editing. The main filter utilized was a swath filter to remove erroneous outer beams. Sounding Review One of the last steps of multibeam processing is to manually "clean" or remove erroneous data inherent to all multibeam echosounders. This is commonly due to aeration, pelagics, multiples, or outer swath artifacts. Soundings were edited using a combination of Subset Editor and Swath Editor. Subset Editor was used as a means of reviewing the data and cleaning erroneous soundings (Figure 17). Multiple overlapping lines are loaded into the Subset Editor, providing the processor with a confidence check for detecting features, assessing systematic errors, and flagging fliers. This technique provides the user flexibility to review the data in both 2-dimensional (21D) and 3-dimensional (31D) views. l Figure 17. Screen capture showing multiple lines loaded in the Subset Editor. The yellow slice bar inside the red oval, seen in the top plan view, is represented by the 2D subset view in the lower left, while the 3D view, in the lower right window, shows the entire subset view box (entire yellow outlined box within the red oval). Swath Editor provided an initial editor to review and clean individual lines, providing a slice that preserves both large and small-scale features in the swath and reveals true outliers (Figure 18). The erroneous data were flagged as rejected as to not be included in the final surface. The Swath Editor also provided a means for reviewing the navigation and attitude data for spikes or gaps and adjusting refraction coefficients if warranted. Surfaces were constantly recomputed and reviewed for remaining fliers and cleaned as necessary. 25 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 GeoDynamics �rf �"d a. IPG Q41�L �a-d9lsw-_ dl'3.1,I Ll_C-I,m;, u�� a ivv tvxo, aJ 000e_m�5eete uLm �. - - 7 a Figure 18. Screen capture showing one line of sonar data opened in CARIS's Swath Editor. The Swath Editor shows a slice of the data, colored by port and starboard beams, looking from the rear direction. The section viewed is displayed in the top plan view. Refraction Editing While sound speed casts were taken routinely and as needed to properly beam -form the swath data, rapid and spatially variable changes in sound speed due to environmental conditions (inlet/waterway inputs, wind events, etc.) led to some minor issues with sound speed corrections. In order to adjust the data with refraction issues, the Refraction Editor in CARIS HIPS was utilized. A visual inspection was completed on all track -line data in sub -sections to analyze and adjust the refraction coefficients. The trademark errors caused by sound speed discrepancies are a "smiling" or "frowning" of the overlapping bathymetric sounding swaths (higher or lower predicted sound speeds). Rather than leaving the refraction issue in the data and reducing the overall quality of the final product, this method of refraction editing in CARIS was selected because of the predictable bathymetric relief of the seafloor and ample swath coverage by which to gauge the proper refraction correction values to be applied to the data. Finalized Surface The final surfaces are 5 ft resolution and were chosen to maximize data quality and realistically account for data density for a given depth. Data Quality Review For this project, 3 main methods of data quality assessment were performed: (1) comparison of main scheme to cross -lines (2) a junction analysis with overlapping 2015 Geodynamics multibeam data; and (3) a NOAA Chart comparison. Details about each of these methods and the results of the assessment can be found in Appendix C. 3.2.3 Backscatter Data Processing The dual -head EM204OC-D collected backscatter intensity information when the multibeam was operating. The following sections outline the information and steps included in processing the 26 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 Geodnynamics multibeam backscatter data. Although this was not a direct requirement, Geodynamics believed this product would be useful in analysis. Processing of the multibeam backscatter data was performed in the QPS software, Fledermaus Geocoder Toolbox (FMGT) (Table 5). The software is designed to visualize and analyze backscatter data from multibeam sonars, performing a series of corrections aimed to maximize the information content within the backscatter signals. The software utilizes Geocoder, a software tool that implements geometric and radiometric corrections of backscatter intensities from the sonar and corrects for variable acquisition gains, power levels, pulse widths, ensonification areas and incidence angles to provide high -resolution and more accurate geo-referenced images of seafloor morphology and physical properties. ArcGIS 10.5 software was used to project georeferenced datasets and various computational surfaces, including maps and charts delivered for this project. Table 6. Table listing software used in backscatter data processing. Software Function FMGT Backscatter Processing Version Manufacturer 7.7.9 QPS ArcGIS Generating Final GIS Products 10.5 ESRI Data Processing Workflow The backscatter was processed into one FMGT project per site. The data was processed using the Automatic Processing method in FMGT. This method first adjusts the backscatter data by performing backscatter extraction and then applies radiometric corrections based on sonar type and bottom topography. Next, it performs filter processing, which includes angle varying gain (AVG) adjustments as well as anti-aliasing of the backscatter data. As this stage progresses, the results of the backscatter adjustment are incorporated into the project hierarchy and a mosaic is created. For this project, the backscatter was processed into a "time series" mosaic. The mosaic resolution was defined at a resolution appropriate for the depth and data density. Once the mosaic was created, the processor manually edited the lines within the mosaic to clean out erroneous areas/data. Following manual editing, the mosaics were exported for use in ArcGIS. The ArcGIS grids contain a processed backscatter value in decibel (dB) for each pixel. The overall workflow of backscatter processing in FMGT is shown below in Figure 19. 27 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics Create Project Import RAW Multibeam Files Select Appropriate Survey Lines Automatic Processing Mosaic Creation (Time Series) Manual Editing of Lines in the Mosaic Export Mosaic as ASCII Grid Clip ASCII Grid in ArcGIS Export Clipped Grid as an ArcGrid Create ArcGIS Products Compare Backscatter and Bathymetry for QA Figure 19. Workflow diagram showing the major steps in backscatter processing for this project. Manual Editing Once the data was imported, specific lines were selected to create a mosaic and the processor manually edited sections of the data that contained errors. The processor generally excluded cross -lines, turns, and erroneous lines when creating the mosaic. However, when entire lines could not be excluded, the processor used the "cut segment", and "add segment" in FMGT to manually edit the data. The cut segment allows the processor to exclude portions of the line that have errors due to turns, aeration, noise in the water column, and other erroneous backscatter situations (Figure 20). Figure 20. Image illustratrating the "cut segment" tool in FMGT. The "add segment" tool is the same concept, however, lets you add back in segments that may have been deleted or excluded. 0 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics Finalized Mosaic and Exporting to Backscatter Products Following the manual editing of the mosaics, the mosaics were exported as ASCII grids. The ASCII grid files were then converted to ArcGrids, clipped based on survey area extents and appropriate resolution, and exported as final ArcGrids. The final backscatter mosaics were created at 5 ft resolution to mimic the final bathymetric products. 3.3 Side Scan and Magnetometer Survey The following section outlines the equipment, software, and methods of acquiring and processing MAG and SSS data aboard the R/V 4-Points. Each section serves to illustrate critical steps for collecting and processing of the geophysical data. 3.3.1 Side Scan and Magnetometer Survey Software All geophysical data acquisition and processing software used by Geodynamics is detailed below and listed in Table 6. The POS MV integrated RTK-GNSS corrections for the vessel throughout all geophysical data acquisition. In the event RTK corrections were lost, the Trimble SPS 461 DGPS provided corrections for vessel positions within +/- 1 m. The HYPACK software suite was used during the survey to manage and integrate navigation for towed sensors and line tracking. In addition, HYPACK provided layback corrected SSS towfish position through cable out measurements from a CMAX pulley, sending the final layback corrected positions directly to the Discover acquisition software. Magnetometer data were acquired through a separate HYPACK driver. Discover 4200 Series 4.0 is a version of Edgetech's native acquisition software specifically designed for the acquisition of SSS with Edgetech systems. It provided a waterfall data display for both the high and the low QA/QC. Discover logged all RAW data along with time and navigation stamps in Edgetech's proprietary JSF file format file for high and low frequency SSS data. SSS data were processed and interpreted in SonarWiz 7 version 7.00.0008. Alongside the ability to process, analyze, and interpret the SSS data, SonarWiz provides a platform to review and process the navigation data and can then export deliverables for direct inclusion in GIS charts and reports. Magnetometer data were initially reviewed by Geodynamics, then sent to Tide Water Atlantic Research to be processed and interpreted. HYPACK was the only software used by Geodynamics for magnetometer acquisition and initial processing of the data into X, Y, Gamma edited files, as well as layback adjustments. ArcGIS software was used to assimilate data products and perform interpretations in one comprehensive platform. Data products and maps were generated to be displayed in this GIS platform. Table 7. Software used by Geodynamics in geophysical data acquisition and processing. I Navigation management, cable out and HYPACK navigation pass -through / Magnetometer 2018 HYPACK data acquisition Discover 4200 Side scan sonar interface and recording 4.00 Edgetech 29 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics SonarWiz Side scan and Sub -bottom sonar processing V7 Chesapeake and interpretation .7.0008 Technology Develop, mosaic and assimilate ArcGIS targets/anomalies, comprehensive 10.5 ESRI interpretations 3.3.2 Side Scan Sonar Side Scan Workflow Project Planning • GIS Development • Survey Design • Client Revisions • Final Survey Plan Survey Control Logistics Mobilization • Confirm survey control • Secure all gear/equipment and requirements and measure backups for project offsets • Vessel/install equipment • Check survey position • Perform/Confirm dimensional control verification location and document system integration • Create detailed digital notes • Comms test • Test Vessel Nav/GPS • Load HYPACK Navigation Project Side Scan Setup • Input Vessel Survey Offsets • Perform Dry Rub Test • Perform Wet Test, Range Resolution Test • Assess Results and Quality QA-QC • Coverage/Density Assessment • NAV Quality Assessment • Line -to -Line Feature Assessment • Target agreement in overlap QA-QC • Check Vessel Survey #'s and Software Input Test, _ _ _ _ • Verify Settings in line with SOW ♦ • Documentation of System Setup • Verify calculated position of sensor with MBES positioning Survey Data Acquisition • Log Data with Navigation in Discover • Log Targets of Interest/Importance • Maintain Towfish Altitude • Complete Daily Survey Notes ♦ - - • Backup All Data Survey Data Processing • Import data into SonarWiz • Apply gains & filters ♦ Adjust layback (if needed) • Review/repair navigation • Log targets and features of significance • Export Data/Maps/Products QA-QC • Navigation & SSS Altitude/ Health Checks • On -site calibration line for settings • Data Quality and Data Coverage Check, I.E. Range Test • Overall Survey Coverage Assessment • Review processed data quality in SonarWiz i Final Reporting • Create Final Report Document • Assimilate Data, Notes, QA/QC • Use Official SOW as Checklist • Finalize Report and Data Products • Produce final Data Product and interpretations for delivery and backups Figure 21. Side Scan Sonar Workflow 30 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 Geodynamics Data Acquisition Side scan sonar data were acquired with an Edgetech 4200 HFL dual frequency sonar (Figure 22). Navigation was provided by the POS MV with RTK-GNSS corrections via wireless internet connection. The corrected position was sent from the POS MV into HYPACK and then given a lever -arm offset to the tow point and cable out measurement from the cable counter. This towfish navigation solution was interpreted by HYPACK Survey and then exported as a GGA string via a RS-232 cable back to the Edgetech 4200 topside unit, where it was integrated and recorded in Edgetech's Discover software on the geophysical control computer. Data were recorded in JSF format files (used in processing), containing both the 300 and 600 kHz frequencies. The range setting for the towfish was set at 25 m (e.g. 50 m swath) for the entire survey. Survey speeds were maintained around 3-4 knots (kt). Towfish altitude was monitored at the acquisition station and adjusted via a winch remote, maintaining an altitude of — 10 — 20% of the SSS data range. This maintained altitude correlated to around 3 — 4 m above the seabed, with the primary goal to have the MAG below 6 m altitude. Figure 22. Example of Geodynamics' Edgetech 4200 HFL side scan sonar towfish, as it was used during the survey. Real-time acquisition data quality and coverage was constantly monitored in the Discover waterfall view (Figure 23). Targets were logged and noted in the field as observed targets, however, final targets and features presented in the results were documented and verified during post -processing. Sonar swath range was constantly monitored for full range performance while maintaining optimum altitude of the magnetometer and a line spacing :5100 ft. 31 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 GeoDynamics ooemoe to Tow9sb eieme� coos o„emoW coam- a ' •. Pews. IVl: 48.1 ��a ' Ambisnt (Cl a6.[ Resets'. 0 A qy: 9]967806 �- Tme 9,m Nerve Dlagrwili Ca Oen Fish Power: [M O O O • WLAN 11LAM ESL 400V Cable anent lmA]_ �1 SUNaoe jCj_ 99 - - - Tugger: supervisor. NegaOva 9a r_ � O t.amws oenaen.l.elallN 7r, G T�si,.tau no-s,.rnrhW -J vw� Figure 23. Example of real-time waterfall view in Discover monitored for SSS data quality. Data Processing Individual SSS JSF files were imported into SonarWiz, which generates a corresponding Chesapeake Tech Sonar Format (CSF) file. Navigation and heading from the layback driver to the towfish was smoothed using "course made good" and an average of 300 pings was used to smooth the navigation. Each SSS file was bottom tracked to remove water column data. The Empirical Gain Normalization (EGN) filter (Figure 24) was then applied to all SSS lines to improve and harmonize gains and appearance. Side scan sonar targets were picked on individual SSS lines and confirmed on adjacent lines, when available. Data were reviewed for areas/features of significance and evidence of potential hardbottom. Areas that may suggest potential debris that could possibly interfere with dredging and/or cultural resources were marked and included in a point shape file and target report with final deliverables. Final products include target dimensional attributes and description, where applicable. 32 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 GeoDynamics Figure 24. Image displays example of raw side scan sonar data (left) and the effect of applying the EGN filter (right). To generate the final SSS mosaic, data were exported into a 1-ft cell size, 8-bit, 4 band mosaic TIFF, exported with higher values representing more reflective material. 33 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 Lts� GeoDynamics 3.3.3 Marine Magnetometer Magnetometer Workflow Project Planning • GIS Development • Survey Design • Client Revisions • Final Survey Plan Survey Control Logistics Mobilization • Confirm survey control • Secure all gear / equipment requirements and backups for project • Check survey position • Ship / bring / install equipment verification location • Perform dimensional control • Create detailed digital and document system notes integration Magnetometer Setup • Input Vessel Survey Offsets • Calibrate / Measure Tow Cable • Configure MAG in HYPACK • Perform Ferrous Dry Test • Perform Wet Test • Assess Results and Quality 1 Install and connect magnetometer RS232 test / Ferrous Test Test Vessel GNSS QA-QC • Check Vessel Survey #'s and Software Input • Verify navigation and ♦ - - - - MAG data • Documentation of System Setup Survey Data Acquisition • Log HYPACK Navigation • Log MAG Data • Log Targets of Interest/Importance ♦ _ • Complete Daily Survey Notes • Backup All Data QA-QC • Coverage Assessment • Line -to -Line Feature Assessment �- • Anomaly Location Assessment Survey Data Processing • Import MAG Data into HYPACK Mag editor • Process Navigation • Correct & Normalize Data • Select Anomalies (Tidewater) • Export Targets (Tidewater) & Line Data • Produce GIS Data/Maps/Products QA-QC • Navigation & MAG Altitude Health Checks • Data Quality and Data Coverage Checks • Overall Survey Coverage Assessment • Review/Assess Targets Final Reporting • Create Final Report Document • Assimilate Data, Notes, QA/QC • Use Official SOW as Checklist • Finalize Report and Data Products • Produce final data products for delivery and backups Figure 25. Marine Magnetometer Workflow 34 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics Magnetometer Data Acquisition A SeaSPY 2 Overhauser magnetometer was used to acquire magnetic anomaly data (Figure 26). RTK-GNSS corrected positions were input into HYPACK (for layback position) to control navigation and data collection during the MAG survey. To ensure proper altitude per archeological recommendations, the SSS/MAG configuration was towed approximately 3-4 m above the seabed and no more than 6 m above seabed. MAG data were acquired in HYPACK after being passed through Discover. Corrected SSS towfish navigation data was given an additional 35-ft offset, as to account for the MAG sensor position behind the SSS. Data were recorded in HYPACK's RAW file format, where the gamma value is recorded as the Z value. Figure 26. SeaSPY 2 Overhauser magnetometer. Magnetometer Data Processing Magnetometer data were sent to Tidewater Atlantic Research in Washington, NC to be processed and interpreted. 35 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 GeoDynamlcs 3.4 Sub -bottom Survey The following section outlines the equipment, software and methods of acquiring and processing geophysical sonar data aboard the R/V 4-Points. Each section serves to illustrate individual, critical steps for collecting or processing of the geophysical data. 3.4.1 Sub -bottom Workflow Project Planning • GIS Development • Survey Design • Client Revisions • Final Survey Plan J Survey Control Logistics • Confirm survey control requirements • Check survey position verification location • Create detailed digital notes 1 I Mobilization • Secure all gear/equipment and backups for project • Install equipment • Perform dimensional control and document system integration • Connect hydro winch and connect towfish • Comms test • Test Vessel GPS & corrections • Load HYPACK Navigation Project , Chirp Setup • Input Vessel Survey Offsets • Perform Dry Ping Test • Perform Wet Test, Chirp Sweep & Power settings • Assess Results and Quality QA-QC • Check Vessel Survey #'s and Software Input • Verify Settings in line ♦ with SOW • Documentation of System Setup Survey Data Acquisition QA-QC • Log Data with Navigation (in Navigation & SBP Altitude Health Discover) Checks • Log Targets of Interest/Importance On site calibration line for settings • Maintain Towfish Altitude and cable ♦ _ _ Data Quality and Data Coverage out Checks • Complete Daily Survey Notes Overall Survey Coverage Assessment • Review/Assess Penetration and Targets QA QC • Coverage/Density Assessment Survey Data Processing Final Reporting • Line -to -Line Feature • Import data into SonarWiz • Create Final Report Document Assessment • Apply gains & filtering • Assimilate Data, Notes, QA/QC • Sub -bottom ♦ Apply datum correction . Use Official SOW as checklist penetration Integrate cores • Finalize Report and Data assessment Interpret horizons & targets Products • Produce GIs • Produce final data product for Data/Maps/Products delivery and backups Figure 27. Sub -bottom workflow 36 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics 3.4.2 Sub -bottom Survey Software All geophysical data processing software is detailed below and listed in Table 7. The geophysical survey equipment was operating independent of the multibeam system. The POS MV provided DGNSS navigation for all geophysical data. The HYPACK software suite was used during the survey to manage navigation and line planning as well as serve as an interface between the POS MV navigation output and the towfish to provide manual layback corrected position and heading to the SBP controller software. Discover SBP is a version of Edgetech's native acquisition software specifically designed for the acquisition of SBP for Edgetech systems. It provided a rolling data display of sub -bottom penetration and resolution, allowing real-time QA/QC. Discover logged all RAW data along with time and navigation stamps in Edgetech's proprietary JSF file format, as well as XTF and SEGY for posterity. Sub -bottom Compressed High -Intensity Radiated Pulse (CHIRP) data were processed using SonarWiz 7 version 7.00.0008 x64 software. The final processed data have been datum aligned (snapped to the NAVD88 bathymetry) and processed with an envelope function and custom gain settings to improve reflector continuity and interpretability. SonarWiz also provided the ability to integrate available boring (core) data, digitize and interpret horizons, visualize continuity between sub -bottom sonar line intersections and other datasets, export sediment thickness products, and produce data reports. Surfer software was used to develop the horizon grids. ArcGIS software was used to create isopach grids, assimilate data products and perform interpretations in a single comprehensive platform. Data products and maps were also generated to for use with this GIS platform. Table 8. Software used in geophysical data processing. HYPACK Navigation, cable out and navigation pass -through 2018 HYPACK Surfer Gridding software 9 Golden Software Discover SBP Chirp sub -bottom sonar interface and recording Edgetech SonarWiz Sub -bottom sonar processing and interpretation V7.00.0008 10.5 Chesapeake Technology ESRI ArcGIS Develop, mosaic and assimilate targets/features, comprehensive interpretations 3.4.3 Sub -bottom Data Acquisition The Edgetech SB-512 chirp system was used for sub -bottom profiling during this survey. Within the towfish the chirp consisted of an electronic control bottle and a dual function transmitter - receiver which interrogated the seafloor directly under the tow body. The SB-512 was towed with a set of poly -balls to float the unit roughly 2 — 3 m below the water surface and —75 ft behind the vessel using a side davit and winch, and tethered to the Kevlar reinforced data cable (Figure 28). The Edgetech 3200 deck -unit provided power and an Ethernet interface which connected to the Discover software on the acquisition/control computer. 37 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 GeoDynamics Figure 28. Photo showing the surface tow of the S113-512. Following mobilization and prior to deployment, the system was powered up on the deck at 2% power to check communications between the towfish and Discover. Before commencing the survey, the system was deployed on site to test environmental performance, conducting several test lines to determine the optimal system setup. During the test lines, the chirp sweep (frequency range and pulse length), shot interval and the system power were all adjusted. Following the test lines, settings were chosen to include a 30 millisecond (ms) sweep from 0.5-7 kHz at 100% power and with a ping rate maximized for optimal resolution. The resolution and penetration of a sub - bottom system are dependent on both the acoustic signal and the sediments encountered. The selected settings were chosen as to identify potential sand sources with depth. The system imaged 3 - 50 ft beneath the seabed through various continuous, semi -continuous, and paleo- feature reflectors, showing the system's adequacy for the requirements set forth in the SOW. Detailed results from the sub -bottom sonar calibration can be found in Appendix B. During the survey, sub -bottom data were continually monitored in the Discover software where display -only gains could be applied to improve visualization. The towfish altitude was controlled with a set of poly -balls to maintain the maximum altitude, which helped to keep the sea -surface multiple as deep as possible in the sonar record. Layback was manually entered in HYPACK software and did not change throughout the survey. Speeds were maintained around 3.5 kt. This was important for the sub -bottom data quality to maintain an acceptable level of signal attenuation in the water column and prevent unnecessary heaves (Figure 29). M. Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 GeoDynamics y FEgeTe h Giscevn-5ulsAenom 4.o3 ,.,.. c I 17 Ei 00 Gain �ini.�_. 00 NG / I� 7 J 1a 1z 14 El ' 'O F 20 s z9 zs � J @I (N 34:36,2601)(W 76,52.9797) l Ping 100483 1 KP: 0.000 KM I Gain 100 1 RC -49.0 Depth 13.4 1 NAV:PB NE7 PB ' - • AR 0.0 Figure 29. Screen capture showing typical sub -bottom sonar data acquisition in Discover. The sub -bottom data were recorded in Discover software using Edgetech's proprietary JSF format. This format is preferred over the generic SEG-Y or XTF format because the JSF records both the imaginary and real components of the raw signal. 3.4.4 Sub -bottom Data Processing & Interpretation Raw data quality was very high, with excellent signal-to-noise ratio (S/N). This permitted the data to be processed using the following simple 4-step workflow: Step 1 — JSF Import: Import JSF files with initial scalar to optimize full envelope to CSF file in SonarWiz Step 2 — Review Navigation and Bottom Track: Layback was analysed and adjusted as needed using bathymetric surface to align with features in SBP. Seafloor was bottom tracked to develop the surface for datum alignment. Step 3 — Datum Alignment: Using the unclipped bathymetric surface for more coverage, the bathymetric grid was used to "snap" the seafloor reflector to the grid, removing the vertical offsets from the SBP profile. Step 3 — Image Enhancement: Each line was reviewed to determine the optimal gain and image settings, to provide the best contrast and enhancement of reflectors from the surface to depth. Step 4 — Develop Project: Cores were developed in cross section using available stratigraphic/boring logs where profiles intersected positions of cores. Reflectors were digitized while cross-referencing available core information and inspecting intersections. Available cores have been added to the sub -bottom profiler imagery. To note, cores that may be directly on one line but also close to the nearby intersecting survey line were applied to both crossing lines for inspection. 39 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 GeoDynamics The SB-512 has a published vertical resolution of 8-20 cm and a penetration of 20 m in coarse calcareous sands to 200 m in clay. Tuning the sonar for maximum penetration resulted in slightly less vertical resolution; however, it produced excellent penetration, detecting features and reflectors down 5 — 40 ft below the seabed. Increasing the acoustic energy in the water column can also reveal artifacts from the sonar technology itself. In some areas, specifically where the seafloor surface was more acoustically reflective, a towfish multiple can be seen around 50 — 60 ft below the seafloor; essentially a mirror of the towfish altitude. Other artifacts inherent to sub - bottom sonars include ghosts and multiples. These artifacts are a result of sonars' acoustic energy reflecting off the seafloor, sub -surface horizons, the sea surface or towfish, and then off the seafloor and horizons and back to the towfish. This inherent phenomenon imprints "ghost" or "multiple" reflectors on the data due to the increased travel time, creating an apparent deeper reflector as an artifact. An illustration of these effects can be seen in Figure 30. Towing the SBP at the surface was the best approach to minimizing the potential masking by these acoustic interferences. Artifact Scenario #1 Air/sea interfa Multiple -l'w A.,r_ _'f .4 i ............................... Artifact Scenario #2 = illustrated return Expected Detection ' Towfish Altitude t--——————--—-————— — — — — — - Direct acoustic path between Tx and Rx Tseafloor surface .............. .............................................. ............................................................................................................ ............................. ...................... Towfish Ghost Sea Surface Multiple WNV. NOW r �.r Figure 30. Illustration of towfish geometry relative to the sea surface, showing the seafloor and multiple ray paths. 3.4.5 Final Data Export and GIS Products Digitized reflectors were exported as X,Y,Z-Navd88 (reflector to seafloor surface) text files and gridded into 50 ft resolution horizons and point feature classes in ArcGIS (Table 8). These horizon grids were used to generate isopach grids depicting the thickness from the seafloor to each respective horizon, therefore, these isopachs are irrelevant to any specific datum. Contours were then developed from the isopach grids. 40 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = Lts� Phase 2 GeoDynamics Table 9. Attribute table generated for point shapefiles showing extents of digitized reflectors. OBJECTID ESRI auto -generated Date Type of shapefile Time Date and time of acquisition Lat Latitude WGS84 Lon Longitude WGS84 X Starting X coordinate of line (NAD83 2011 NC SPF) Y Starting Y coordinate of line (NAD83 2011 NC SPF) Z NAVD88 I Elevation of reflector in NAVD88 (ft) A polyline shapefile was also developed to show the towfish navigation, "OIP2_SBP_JayBird_Navigation" and "OIP2_SBP_Central_Navigation" (Table 9). For interactive analysis, these polylines have the SBP profile imagery attached to the feature class within the geodatabase, similar to hyperlinks but embedded within the geodatabase so that links are not broken when moving files. Using the "i" (Info) tool in ArcGIS software will reveal the attachment to open. All images are labelled with distance along the line, with contacts labeled at the start and end of the planned lines to indicate the Start of Line (SOL), End of Line (EOL), and the cardinal direction of that start or end point. A feature class of the start points for each line is provided and should be used in GIS referencing the direction of lines. Table 10. Attribute table generated for the navigation tracklines shapefiles. Field OBJECTID Description Thickness in feet Shape ESRI auto generated Start—X X coordinate in NAD83 2011 NC SPF Start—Y Y coordinate in NAD83 2011 NC SPF Tiff Name of tiff image for that trackline Shape_Length Length of polyline Line Name Simple line file name created for reporting 4.0 SURVEY RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The following section outlines the survey results and products generated for the Oak Island, NC, Phase 2 Geophysical Survey. The Jay Bird Shoals and Central Reach survey areas were surveyed between 6/13 — 6/29/19 over 10 survey days. Both sites included full coverage multibeam bathymetry and sub -bottom profiling, with side scan and magnetometer data only being collected at the Jay Bird Shoals site. Results from these datasets are provided in the following sections. 41 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 GeoDynamics 4.1 Side Scan Sonar (Jay Bird) The side scan sonar mosaic depicts both large scale and fine scale features, including a series of fingering shoals extending from the NNE and out to deeper water (Figure 31). The brighter patches of seafloor usually represent fine scale sand waves, with wavelengths measured from 1 — 2 ft. Softer material, displayed as darker patches, often bounds these shoals in slightly depressed channels. A total of 49 side scan sonar targets were identified by Geodynamics in the Jay Bird Shoal survey area. In addition, the TAR report identifies 11 targets, of which some are redundant and some identify portions of a cable -like feature in the side scan data. Of these targets, seven were identified as tires and the remaining as unkown debris / features. Most of the features were relatively small objects, with the maximum height -r2 ft above the seafloor, maximum length of -r7 ft, and scouring on only five targets. A target report has been genearted and included in the "Report" folder within the deliverable. These targets are also supplied as a point feature class with target images attached to the feature class. 42 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: — L� Phase 2 GeoDynamlcs 2284000 2236000 2288000 22900DO 22920DO s uxxiearvx 'K to 4 aaawws 2B - oak-lslane 'soumvorc 37 � 30 3. 44 39 tan, Long Bay 29 25 36 Jay Bird Area 8 22 I�Moes 31 35 41 27 9 0 375 750 1,500 Feet `& 13 I I i I 38 �. Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 2 28 24 34 10 `z1 4z ia; Jay Bird SSS Survey 3z Legend ey Extents Low Return 0 � SSS Targets Side Scan Sonar Mosaic High Return ■ Oak Island Phase 2 Side Scan: Side scan sonar collected with an Edgetech 4200 HFL sonar with full coverage techniques. Drawn By, Nick [)a.. Thls map was Dave Bernstein 9eneratad to ilwstrate he SSS mosaic. Light Date Created'. 9111118 colors represent harde Mep Scale�t9,000 refums. Dart colors represent sager Ge�narerc uv c��er-y. resm fum, The osai rsc is �� ,,,, o erlaid wish 555 Geooynam�lcs ter ` rge, wnren corcela esc driptions vnthn he 555 feature repo deliverable package}_ TheseP data are provided in the NC State Plane Coordinate system of 1983 (2011), with horizontal and vertical units of measurement In feet. Data are vedlcally referenced to NAVD88 (Geoidl2h}, Figure 31. Location maps of scan sonar targets across the Jay Bird Shoals survey area. 43 Figure 31. Location maps of scan sonar targets across the Jay Bird Shoals survey area. 43 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: GeoDynUmics Phase 2.. 4.2 Magnetometer (Jay Bird) Nearly 85 nautical miles (NM) of magnetometer data was collected at Jay Bird Shoals. A total of 226 anomalies were identified (within the survey extents) by Tidewater Atlantic Research (Figure 32). Of these, eight had possible or confirmed associations with SSS features by Tidewater Atlantic Research. Most of these were small scale and associated with debris. One significant finding was a linear anomaly that struck SW -NE ran across the middle of the survey area, fading away from detection in the deeper SW corner. Although the anomaly is unknown, it has been advised by Tidewater Atlantic Research to be avoided (Figure 33). Additionally, background gamma values data showed some variations between day to day. For this reason, the digital terrain model (DTM) of the magnetic anomaly was generated from a normalized dataset, meaning the spikes and background data noise were smoothed to generate a normalized background value for each survey line, and subtracted from the real-time gamma values, creating a X, Y, Gamma Spike dataset that could then be gridded at 20 ft resolution and contoured (Figure 33). It should be noted that magnetic anomalies were depicted from the pre - normalized dataset to avoid any potential skew of the gamma spike range and intensity values, and the DTM is primarily supplied for visualization. 44 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 GeoDynamics 2285000 2286000 2287000 2288000 2289000 2290000 0 0 0 e 0 0 M 0 c 0 N I I N 2285000 2286000 2287000 2288000 2289000 2290000 Figure 32. Magnetic anomalies identified and provided by Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc. 45 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 SYrcN� Orv' KU ac aU aq otrf oak 4e�Hlp[pt Island r ' L Long Say Jay Bird Area ismOw 0 37x5 750 1,500 Feet Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 Jay Bird Magnetometer Survey Legend • TARAnoinalles --fi Normalized Magnetic Anomaly -q Gemma0.nomaly 'Z HigM1 8 1 Lovr -e 1 2 felaii Anomaly Contours d Anomaly Value —6 5p —10 —60 _-a —,too Linear An°ma Oak Island Phase 2 Magnetometer: Magnetometer data was collected using a Seaspy 2 averhauser Magnetometer, RTK-131155 for vessel positioning, and a CMAX -idle munter for layba 1, Positioning. Targets ovedaid were defined by Tdeurater Atlantic Research - Drawn By. Be. Sumnem wmnormarzed Reviewed By. Be- Bernstein rrrgnel°meter maamga. g Date Created 9f11l1® sPiF ... ., mined ny me""siy cltgpin and IrRery°lating large spires and srtroolM1ilp ne . vey line sing wng ave�erlller. ThereaRime gamma Mag P Scale_T.9g00 , ce..e e:cae a yt r-v ' r' _� Geotayilomlcs ,,,, e.. "ewes�ras�lxr�cea o-e the "°"relrzeaualuesb _ 9are nroaweamoe�rel�° maN rec rd. provided in the NC State Plane Coordinate system of 1983 (2011), with horizontal and �Tlllsdlll vertical unite of measurement in Feet Data are vertically referenced to NAV088 (Ge°1d126). L� GeoDynamics 228400D 22e80oo 2288000 2290000 19 )j e, 6 • ! O O a de R • D • � F a° o o v o Po0 �u O ° ' D O 0 • o ice ;> ° o ° O ° O 0 o 0 0 o p o D G'r • • D p0 p.,.0 • o ° o C4 0 0 0 • _ -;� ply O D O it p O • • o ° 2 D D ° • ~ ° D D ° • o p O • 0 0 ° v° v 15, o $ o 0 O °D° ° • ° p Qr O • D O o l p 2294000 22e6000 22060n0 2290000 2292000 Figure 33. Distribution of magnetic anomalies as seen from the gridded normalized gamma dataset, with a digitization of the observed linear anomaly. 46 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics 4.3 Multibeam (Jay Bird & Central Reach) Multibeam results reveal elevations from -14.67 to -29.51 ft, NAVD88 at Jay Bird and backscatter intensities ranging from -11.10 to -48.60 db. The overall bathymetry of Jay Bird reveals shoaling features paired with textural changes, with a patch of finer sediment on the west side of the survey area (also deeper) (Figure 34, Figure 35). At Central Reach, elevations range from -33.20 to -41.43 ft, NAVD88 and backscatter intensities range from -15.19 to -44.81 db. The overall bathymetry reveals distinct sand ridges with a rather homogenous bottom type. Additionally, there is evidence of former dredging (distinct, linear changes in bathymetric relief), which caused an escarpment on the west side of Box 2. The northern part of this escarpment has the lowest backscatter returns of the survey area (Figure 36, Figure 37). 47 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 GeoDynamlcs 228a000 2286000 2288000 2290000 2292000 'Ku <e oak lshand 'Southport -23 - 20 -19 -18 Q C_ong Bay -18 Onn�ie -25 n-15 2 t g375 sb.mmn,sr a,sooleat r 5 ® b r Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 -15 -180 Jay Bird MBES Survey 24 22 } 4 26 eo .e Jay bird Bathy -v -15 } -22 y o 26 4 [-28 - -24� , 22 o e 0 9 a a o a+ -20 Legend � Su rvey Extents — 1 ft Contours NAV088 (ft) � High. -15 � Low: -ao Desk Island Phase 2 Multibeam, Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter collected with me KOnEM2040 C dual -head SonaY with full gsbeYg Figure 34. Bathymetric surface for Jay Bird. The surface is overlaid with 1 ft contours and is at a 5 ft spatial resolution. Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 [te xr -K ur Oak Island -5 UU port Long Bay Jay Bird Area m a Dane'; 0 .� �375750 � B 1,500 Feet Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 Jay Bird MBES Survey Legend 0 Survey Extents Jay Bird Backscatter Intensity, Decibels Ida) High -10 Low -05 Oak Island Phase 2 Multibealn: Multl bathymete, and tack —utter culleetedwith the Kongsberg FM2040 C dual -head sonar with full coverage. Drawn By Nick ❑amm This map Baas generated to illustrate the—derved mosaic derived from MOES data, Lightl colors (larger, more Reviewed Ry. Dave Bernstein Date Created: 8127(19 Map Scale. l: 9,000 ea,ea cen�ra. positive values) represent harder Geo2ynarnl[s ^— returns, Carkcolors negAiv isax'�P°vs s' values) represent ware softer r mums. These data provided in the NC State Plane Coordinate system of 1983 (2011), with horizontal and vortical units of measurement in feet ❑eta are vertically referenced to NAVCBa (Oeoidl2b), 19 Figure 35. Backscatter mosaic for Jay Bird. The mosaic is at a 5 ft spatial resolution. 49 L� GeoDynamics Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 _ � r t� s°uN dj so�arvo t Oak Isl � ._. Long Bay 5 m mIiiiCentral Areas 0 625 1,250 2,500 Feet /�'► Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 Central Reach MBES Survey Legend Survey Extents — 1 ft Contours Central Reach Bathy NAVD88 Yt) High : -32 r Low:-42 Oak Island Phase 2 Multibeam: Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter collected with the Kgngsberg EM2040 D dual -head sonar with full coverage surveytechniques. Drawn By, Nick Damm This map was generated to illustral Reviewed By Dave Bernstein Date Created: 0127l19 the bathymatnc surface derived from Map Scele: 1: 14,000 M8F5 data. Conto urs are ovarlai Ge,-.a,. on the bathymetric surfacea and GeoDynamlcs hillshede lsyeris u8lized to produce texture. Theeee data are provided in the NC State Plane Coordinate system of 1983 (2011), with horizontal and vertical units A measurement in feet. Data are vertically referenced to NAVD88 (Geoid12b). GeoDynamlcs zzaaws zwbuuu zzabuuu zzsuuuu zzszuuu .—aa zzsews i 34 34 -34 -35 -37. 35 -:36 34 -36 -36 - '�-38 33 3 5 -38: -,)-DISCHARGE HARGE Zoe �ab;� ��'ti/ og.-� 19 -38 -40 (see note Z) 40•�: . 37 F 35 t:r4* Obstn Fish Hav t ' rr Al }a -40:. 2244000 2246000 2248000 2250000 2252000 2254000 2256000 Figure 36. Bathymetric surface for Central Reach. The surface is overlaid with 1 ft contours and is at a 5 ft spatial resolution. 50 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 s.rvvr .,' Nu to Oak Island—thiporr Long Bay t'm Central Areas 75 sre.e�,reme v1,250 re 2,500 Feet /�'► Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 Central Reach MBES Survey Legend 0 Survey Extents Central Reach Backscatter Intensity, Decibels loll High: -10 ■ Law � -45 Oak Island Phase 2 Multibeam: Multibeam bathymetry and bark-.ft., collected with the Kongsherg EM2040 C dual -head sonar with full avare ga. Drawn By: Nick Damm This map was generated to illustrate the Reviewed By Dave Bernstein Date Created'. 8/27719 aek=cener i derived from M8E5 data, Light lvalueseoe Map Scale.1. 14,900 Gcviva1'1 ev. paa5ve l ep esent ha d r Geolrynamlcs rewrns. Dark colors more n ga1N vls Sr alu ) represent _ softer retums These data are provided in the NC State Plane Coordinate system of 1903 (2011), with horizontal end vertical units of measurement In feet. Data are vertically referencedto Nil (Geold126). 31 I 1 S i { 3 -DISCHARGE ZONE (see note Z) 35 35 L� GeoDynamlcs 34 '7 Obstn Fish Hai (auth err Figure 37. Backscatter mosaic for Central Reach. The mosaic is at a 5 ft spatial resolution. 51 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 GeoDynamics 4.4 Sub -bottom Sonar 4.4.1 Data Results Approximately 13 and 28.5 NM of sub -bottom profiler data were collected at Jay Bird Shoals and the Central Reach area, respectively. Both sites were surveyed with the same settings and configuration, with the exception of the sub -bottom being -3-4 feet deeper in the water column for the Central survey area. Available core data was used and applied to the nearest applicable survey line and to multiple lines at intersections. Cores were color coded using an internal color scheme to keep the comparisons of core units possible and their variability with respect to the sub -bottom horizons interpretable (Figure 38). To preface for clarification, "reflector" refers to the digitized break between "horizons", which is described as the unit between the vertically bounding reflectors. For each survey area, these are discussed from shallowest to deepest. Isopach grids reference the thickness between the reflectors and the seafloor surface, therefore including the thickness of the above horizons for successively deeper horizons. Horizon grids reference the NAVD88 elevation of the gridded digitized reflector. SW SW-SM SP ML SP-SM SM GC GP -GM GP Well graded sand sand, Well graded possible silty sand shelly hash Sandy silt Poorly graded silty sand silty sand Clayey Gravelly Limestony Limestony M . SkyBIue Orange Yello Purple Sea Green Al iceBIue Rosy Brown OrangeRed Red Figure 38. Color scheme used for core units at both Jay Bird and Central sites. 52 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics 2294000 228e000 2268000 22e000a 2292000 NC Oak fslamd `'otJthport J �rl 6tiba�2e 2 b Long Bay8 2p1g� Jay Bird Area 2b 190626161805 ola,�I 1 to k l) 830 1,660 Feet I� I I Ih I �416 � Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 20— 26171103 e �, 1 Jay Bird Sub -bottom Profiles 27 20 10 2m905261 ➢s435 `lT=■ e 2o1aoe261s1asn 1 T 2018e626164941 1 � o �M � 1 2 1 2284000 M130011 228ae110 22a0000 2292011a Legend Sub -bottom Navigation Tracklines t Sub -bottom Navigation Start Points � Sub -bottom Lines (proposed) Sub -bottom profiling collected with Edgetech 5121 at 1004 fl spaced gdd over the existing cores Data was collected in turns and betwen gaps in some lines to provide extra data where possible. Sub -bottom profiles have the seaFloor surface snapped to the NAVD88 bathymet Figure 39. Sub -bottom profile navigation tracklines, with line and file names, start points, and arrow indicators for line direction for Jay Bird. 53 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 NC suxxronxr -Km, Fae --- } oakorsland-sauthpo t_on ay Central Areas Qxie 25 1,250m 2,500 Feet I I Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 Central Reach Sub -bottom Profiles Legend Sub -bottom Navigation Tracklines Sub -bottom Navigation Start Points Sub -Bottom Lines (proposed) Sub -bottom profiling collected with Edgetech 5121 at 1000 fl spaced grid over the existing cores. Data was collected in turns and betwen gaps in some lines to provide extra data he. id-sihle. Sub -bottom profiles have the seafloor surface snapped to the NAVD88 bathymetry so that reflectors and depths are relative to a vertical datum, Drawn ay.Bm Sumncra Tils nup wxa NniwialaJ fo abaimle me a�M1 bollom pmfiles colkcletl, Ma afi nl lM1e linen, ena IM1roe Dine bn tM1ey v:ere I dln for npss refernnuiriy to IM1e prdile magery. ProFks Sarea �"60L"markal lM1e alaa rat iM1e lines. -l-ea By Ea Dom m Dale Creafetl, i—mo19 ra.p 9e.l._1.15000 c�ah�i sy. c��fn' �� 111� ceooynamlcs r p mere aara ar< Pro,�a<a Iv me Luc seal<Pkne copramar< evrlem or 1983 (2n117, wAb hori ana veacal units or imwaummenl In leel_ Dme ere vanlwly ml--a m Ivavosa tsee�msM1l. �.���� «..xx� �w•xx• �w•xxx ..px�xx ae�•�x e.,.�•� 31 33 �O1g0e 1 2MA(Jfi2I14i BOY I m 3 1 20i9062 193144 N Z 2019062Ji44649 70 Box 1 c N ry1�91^h9 F Box 2 2M906Z]]fi1920ZM11'11"I'l Y F 21 N h 33 MO -DISCHARGE ZO (see note Z) 3; 35 Pli4Df•Y]NiidSF: L� GeoDynamlcs 7P •,7 Cbstn Fish Have Figure 40. Sub -bottom profile data navigation tracklines, with line and file names, start points, and arrow indicators for line direction for the Central area. 54 Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survev Scope of Work (SSOW) GeoDynamics Jay Bird SBP Description The cores in the Jay Bird Shoal area are predominately some variation of poor to well graded sands and some silty sand layers, all with varying shell content and variable thicknesses. To note, although some units document limestone chips mixed in mid -core, these borings do not document limestone or similar "cemented" material at their base to indicate a "depth to refusal" on a hard substrate, nor does the sub -bottom record indicate a rock layer at the base of them. Many of these cores show lenses or unit breaks in line with both the "shallow" and "mid" digitized reflectors. The shallow reflector documents a mottled, variable, modern horizon in the sub -bottom record, ranging from 2 — 8 ft thick to the surface (Figure 41). Cores mostly document a series of multiple, thin units in the upper portions, consistent with a mottled acoustic record marking variable densities. This unit is thickest towards the shoals and thins in the WNW portion of the area. Figure 41. The shallow, surface bounding horizon (blue) at the Jay Bird Shoal site. The faint dashed green lines denote 10 ft depth intervals. Below this horizon is the "mid horizon", where cores still indicate variability in unit thickness and content between each other, but the units are generally thicker than the upper units which correlates well with the semi -clean acoustic signal documented between the mid and shallow reflectors (Figure 42). This mid reflector is relatively faint in some areas but appears to match breaks in core units and/or near the base of some. This unit is thickest near the shoals, and thins towards the west, ranging from 5.5 — 21 ft thick (to the seafloor surface). This reflector marks an unconformity that is not continuously lateral, but instead undulating as it marks this erosional boundary. This unit and the above unit, although they have variability in grading, shell content, and grain size spatially in both XY and Z, are mostly consistent with each other, and could present a viable source for sediments if their overall content matches the requirements of the shoreface to receive them. 55 Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survey Scope of Work (SSOW) North � GeoDynami1s Figure 42. 3D image of showing the bathymetry overlaid on the profiles, showing the horizons thin in deeper waters (blue) away from the shoal. Below the mid horizon lies another horizon perched on a reflector marking an erosional surface, labeled "base reflector" (light blue). This reflector is visible in the in the NE corner and is lost below the sea surface multiple (dark purple) as it dips to the SW, ranging from 13 — 24.5 ft thick (to the seafloor surface). The ringing acoustic signature of this reflector into the horizon below, indicates the material may be acoustically impermeable and therefore compact, with only a few paleo features and broad structures visible below. No cores penetrate through this unit (Figure 43). Figure 43. The base reflector (light blue) in the E portion of the Jay Bird Shoals area. 56 Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survev Scope of Work (SSOW) GeoDynami1s Central Reach SBP Description In the Central Reach, most of these cores are relatively shallow compared to Jay Bird Shoals cores and document a different depositional environment. These cores are mostly consistent in their documentation of varying grades of sand, silty sand, sandy silt, trace shell content and/or calcareous rubble. Nearly 25% of these cores document cementation and/or limerock fragments at their base, with a few mid -units containing fragments of indurated material. Investigation of the cores overlaid on the sub -bottom profiles reveals two laterally continuous horizons that are consistent with unit breaks in the cores (Figure 44). !} M I W Figure 44. 3D view of the NE corner of the Central area displaying some of the characterizing nature of the two depictable horizons. The shallowest modern sediment lens is in the NE section of the eastern box of the Central area, labeled Box 2. This "shallow horizon" was traced 1.5 — 7 ft thick over a fingering shoal feature. Some portions of this reflector are faint and show little acoustical difference from the underlying horizon, while some portions clearly reveal truncated strata at the base of the horizon, albeit without a large contrast in acoustic signal. This is supported in the cores, as although they may have many different units documented, they are only slight variations of each other. The cores in this shallow unit mostly reveal poorly or well graded sand, silty sand, and varying trace shell fragments. 57 Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survev Scope of Work (SSOW) GeoDynami1s --. 1 ,•,��ryy A. 00 Figure 45. The eastern box of the Central survey area, showing the extents of the "shallow" reflector (dark orange) in the NE corner over the shallowest portion of the survey area. Below, the "base" reflector (lime green) marks the deepest, continuous reflector. The second and underlying unit is similar to the shallow horizon in sediment content and variability but has a much higher occurrence of limerock and/or calcareous content, either as fragments or at the base of the cores. This is consistent with the SBP imagery, as many portions of this "base" reflector mark a rugged, darker acoustic signal from the overlying strata, denoting a significant change in density and or material. This base horizon is thickest in the eastern end of the survey area and meets the surface at the most western extent of the survey area. It contains a few paleo features and truncated strata, likely related to the reworked material in localized parts of the horizon, as suggested by the high occurrence of limerock fragments and the rugged, undulating nature. This is particularly noticeable in the survey data collected between the two boxes, as a paleo channel underlies an escarpment, producing a pronounced surficial acoustic signal and noisy horizon. Although most of this paleo feature is outside of the survey boxes, the additional data collected helped to understand the overall geology and relationships between the bathymetry and sub -bottom characteristics (Figure 46). Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survey Scope of Work (SSOW) Rom. GeoDynami1s Figure 46. 3D view of the northern end of the survey area, focused on the area between the two boxes to show the paleo channel feature (tip of North arrow) that underlies the bathymetric escarpment that extends from the western end of the eastern box (Box 2). In addition, minimal acoustic penetration below this "base" reflector, even as it nears the seafloor surface in the western survey area, suggests material below this reflector may be highly compact and not as suitable for renourishment material (Figure 47). ®-.dA Figure 47. 3D view of the Central area, showing the base reflector shoaling towards the surface in the western part of the survey area with minimal acoustic penetration below the reflector. 59 Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survev Scope of Work (SSOW) GeoDynamlcs 4.4.2 Data Products For both survey sites, the digitized reflectors were exported as X, Y, Z_NAVD88 point shapefiles. These datasets were generated into 50 ft resolution grids and clipped to their respective data extents to create the "horizon" grid. The multibeam bathymetry was subtracted from the respective horizon grids to create the "isopach" grids, reflecting the thickness from the reflectors to the seafloor surface. Contours were generated from the isopach grids (Figure 48). N� Long Bay ❑ "� Jay Bad paa 0 420 860 , 1.fi80 Feel /� Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 Jay 91rd Sub -honour Isopach Legentl Jay Bird Survey OIP2_SBP Jay_Blna_Mld Isopach Taiokn gas �[) ■ HI �P� m profliing �o��a�etl ��a� Etlae�e�n s,�� noon n apaaatl gad a nna � anq s>,h3a,ua�e �,�enes have aura .,eHooar ee���e ­aaaa m ma 11osa namv­vr, eo ma W W W W W W W {Q W W 99 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W iA W W W W ffi WWW W W W m W W a Wm WW W W V W IV W J in Figure 48. Isopach grid and contours developed from reflectors digitized in sub -bottom profile imagery. To enhance the user experience for reviewing the sub -bottom profile imagery, three products have been generated for multiple methods of review across various platforms. First, the profiles were embedded within the geodatabase, attached to each profiles respective navigation trackline. To review these profiles, the user can use the "i", Info tool in ArcGIS software to view the attachments (Figure 49). Sub -bottom profile images are marked with 1,000 ft distance intervals, 10 ft vertical intervals, and have been labeled with contacts to denote the start and end of the planned line files with the cardinal direction labeled for referencing the map. A feature class marking the start point of each line was generated to help comprehension of data coverages. Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survey Scope of Work (SSOW) GeoDynami1s _ ]dentily u x ry ���� Itlentlfy from. <To, L,m O-Sub-0otmm --b. naddi— �1955z1,5o1]a s 4 ®o a ss � �hpe � P iNine iv 5 Shape 1e f 6862038961 1 7 ff 4.4 — R R R ■ i o missss�s. sa. i � R R i• • _ _ Id, �rrEdirE,r- � 1,1 nnry FW �,�h [•,f o� Figure 49. View of the ArcGIS platform with the embedded profiles accessible as attachments by clicking the trackline with the "i" tool. Second, these GIS products were combined into an interactive PDF, constructed with hyperlinks to each respective sub -bottom profile. The profile images contain links back to the main map page in the bottom left corner (Figure 50). Figure 50. Hyperlinked PDF of sub -bottom profile imagery, with start and end of lines marked along with the cardinal direction of that start/end point. 61 Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survev Scope of Work (SSOW) GeoDynamils Third, a 3D interactive web page was generated during processing, allowing the user to pan, tilt, zoom, and vertically exaggerate the sub -bottom profile fence diagram. Figure 51. 3D interactive web page, allowing pan, tilt, zoom and vertical exaggeration. 5.0 SUMMARY The data collected for the Phase 2 geophysical and hydrographic survey are comprehensive to investigate beach renourishment resources. The bathymetry datasets capture the overall relief and trend of geomorphological features while the backscatter and SSS data help provide a textural context to these features. The combination of SSS and MAG data provide valuable information to identify potential objects that may have an influence on dredging or planning efforts. The sub -bottom profiler data images below the depth of cores in both survey areas, providing detailed information relative to the observed core units and their distribution both vertically and horizontally. The MAG and SSS data reviewed by Tidewater Atlantic Research found many magnetic anomalies at Jay Bird Shoals, however, there was no indication of culturally significant anomalies based on size and duration of signatures. These datasets have been synthesized for review in a single desktop application, ArcGIS. For a more comprehensive analysis of the sub - bottom imagery, a 3D fence diagram can be viewed and manipulated via a web browser. A README is provided to illustrate the structure of the deliverable items included within this Deliverable. For any question, please contact Geodynamics directly. 62 Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survey Scope of Work (SSOW) APPENDIX A: Project Scope of Work Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survey Scope of Work (SSOW) June 2019 — October 2019 PROJECT SUMMARY Client(s) Moffatt & Nichol / Town of Oak Island Description of Work GeoDynami1s This is the second phase of geophysical surveys for Moffatt & Nichol in support of future re - nourishment efforts on Oak Island, NC. This phase includes 2 areas inside of the 3 nmi state waters area, therefore, the surveys follow NC state guidelines. These surveys will make use of multibeam sonar (MBES), side -scan sonar (SSS), marine magnetometer (MAG), and sub -bottom profiling (SBP). This work entails a full survey report and geophysical assessment of the data acquired. Survey Area(s) Surveys will take place at 2 main areas outside Wilmington Harbor. The "Jay Bird" site is surveyed for complete coverage MBES and SSS along with 100 ft spaced MAG and a grid of SBP data. The "Central Reach" site includes the same survey scheme, however, excludes MAG and SSS data collection because this work was previously completed for Phase 1. Images illustrating the survey areas and line plans can be found in Section 6 of this SSOW. Horizontal Coordinate System NC State Plane (NAD83-2011) Horizontal Coordinate System Units US Survey Feet Vertical Coordinate System NAVD88 (Geoid 12b — Grid 7) Vertical Coordinate System Units US Survey Feet (Elevations) Methodology Real-time horizontal and vertical corrections are provided by Real-time Kinematic (RTK) North Carolina CORS Virtual Reference Station (VRS) Network. When the Real-time VRS network is 63 Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survev Scope of Work (SSOW) GeoDynamics not available (no internet connection), corrections will be provided by DGPS. MBES data should be corrected in post -processing by POSPac. Towed sensors will be positioned by layback techniques. Standards/Requirements Data acquisition requirements should be guided by this SSOW such that data are deemed of high enough quality for preliminary geotechnical and cultural investigations. SURVEY COMPONENTS Survey Method: (Multibeam Sonar — Both Sites) Purpose MBES data is being acquired to determine accurate depths at potential borrow areas and aid in SBP data processing (vertically align the seafloor surface of the sub -bottom profile to the bathymetry). The survey design will be developed with full coverage bathymetry as the primary goal. While backscatter data is concurrently acquired with the bathymetry, it is not a specific component of this project, but may be provided to aid in analysis (not required). Accuracy Requirements MBES survey shall follow guidelines specified in the IHO-S44 for Order 1a surveys. Patch test performed and documented for the survey vessel Full Coverage MBES to provide the highest possible resolution Minimum 2 SVP/day Collection of cross -line data Coverage Requirements MBES data shall be 100% bottom coverage at both sites. Line spacing shall provide enough overlap as to acquire -130% coverage and density to support a full coverage surface. Survey Method: (Side Scan Sonar - "Jay Bird" Only) Purpose SSS data is being acquired for object detection, identification of hard bottom areas and general characterization of the seafloor at "Jay Bird". Side scan data will be used in concert with the MAG data for determination of objects and cultural assessments. SSS data will be processed by Geodynamics and additional SSS targets may be identified by Tidewater Atlantic Research. SSS in the "Central Reach" site was collected previously in Phase 1 and was therefore not a component of the Phase 2 survey. Accuracy Requirements SSS layback review for position verification Coverage Requirements Full coverage SSS mosaic at highest allowable resolution ZI Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survev Scope of Work (SSOW) GeoDynamics Survey Method: (Marine Magnetometer — "Jay Bird" Only) Purpose MAG data is being acquired for object detection. MAG data will be used in concert with the SSS data for determination of objects and cultural assessments. Magnetic anomalies are to be processed and interpreted by Tidewater Atlantic Research and included within the final survey report and deliverable package. MAG in the "Central Reach" site was collected previously in Phase 1 and was therefore not a component of the Phase 2 survey. Accuracy Requirements Position verification via SSS layback verification (Mag fixed length behind SSS) Coverage Requirements Line spacing of 100 ft Survey Method: (Sub -bottom Profiling — Both Sites) Purpose Sub -bottom profiler data is being acquired to determine the shallow sediment distribution and identify subsurface features. SBP data will be used in concert with the MBES data for identification of subsurface sediments and geologic interpretations. Accuracy Requirements Performance Report (environmental calibration) Coverage Requirements Line spacing to create a 100 ft grid pattern DELIVERABLES Data & Reporting Deliverables Listed below are deliverables associated with each type of data acquisition and cumulative components for the project. This project contains full processing, analysis, GIS package, and reporting. Data Type Data Product Data Format Notes Bathymetry Data Bathymetric Elevations ASCII TXT XYZ Data 2 decimal precision Bathymetric Contours ESRI Feature Class Contour interval TBD by data quality -1 ft Bathymetric Surface ESRI Raster Dataset Resolution TBD by data quality/density --5 ft Magnetometer Data MAG Anomalies ESRI Feature Class / ASCII TXT XYZ Data Include: latitude/longitude, eastings/northings, sensor reading, sensor 65 Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survev Scope of Work (SSOW) GeoDynamics Depth, size when applicable, and interpretation (Jay Bird Only) MAG Navigation ESRI Feature Class / All processed MAG data ASCII TXT XYZ Data including latitude/longitude, eastings/northings, sensor reading MAG Anomaly Surface ESRI Arc Grid Resolution determined in processing MAG Anomaly Contours ESRI Feature Class Pol line Side Scan Sonar Data SSS Targets ESRI Feature Class linked Include: latitude/longitude, with SSS target PDF eastings/northings, range, sheets depth, height above seabed, size, and interpretation SSS Mosaic GeoTiff 3 Band Sub -bottom Profile Data Processed SBP Data Tiff SBP Profile with digitized reflectors SBP Navigation / Tracklines ESRI Feature Class / Profile imagery embedded as ASCII TXT XYZ Data attachment SBP Line Start/End Points ESRI Feature Class / ASCII TXT XYZ Data SBP Lines PDF Illustration of SBP data with contacts and navigation ma Isopach Surface 1, 2, 3.... ArcGIS Grid / Grid XYZ Isopach Surface from digitized Data reflector Cumulative GIS Files when applicable) Point Features of Interest ESRI Point Feature Class Include: latitude/longitude, eastings/northings, and interpretation Line Features of Interest ESRI Line Feature Class Include: length and interpretation Polygon Features of Interest ESRI Polygon Feature Include: area Class and interpretation Processing Specifications / Notes MBES Data should be post -processed for improved navigation and GPS Tides MAG data for "Jay Bird" will be processed / analyzed by Gordon Watts at Tidewater Atlantic Research. Additionally, Gordon Watts may identify additional SSS targets. SBP data will be "snapped" to the NAVD88 MBES Bathymetry Horizontal Coordinate System and Units All data will be provided in NC State Plane (NAD83-2011) US Survey Feet coordinates. Vertical Coordinate System and Units MBES and SBP data will be vertically referenced to NAVD88 (Geoid12b — Grid 7) and provided in US Survey Feet. Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survev Scope of Work (SSOW) GeoDynamics Reporting Full Survey and interpretive report including description of findings for each survey component and cumulatively for each region. Report to contain QA-QC documentation including but not limited to MBES cross -line analysis, MBES chart comparison, SSS feature alignment as well as the applicable ancillary QA-QC components, and identification of any SBP artifacts/multiples that need descriptions. Ancillary Components (Appendices in Report or Submitted as Separate Documents in the Deliverable) Daily Field Notes SSS Position Verification documentation MBES Patch / Verification documentation SBP Performance Verification document Vessel & Equipment Specs / Integration documentation Delivery Data will be delivered on portable hard disk drive(s) or Digital Video Discs (DVDs) and made available via secure file transfer if necessary. Raw MBES, SSS, MAG, and SBP data will be maintained by Geodynamics and made available upon request. LOGISTICS Points of Contact Katie Finegan, PE (Main POC and project delivery) kfinegan(cD-moffattnichol.com Moffatt & Nichol 4700 Falls of Neuse Road, Ste 300 1 Raleigh, NC 27609 P 919-781-4626 ext.12152 D 919-645-0652 M 828-550-7272 Additional Contacts (to be included in project related communications): Katie Finegan (main) Jeff Crump Jcrump(a-)moffattnichol.com Brandon Grant bgrant(a)-moffattnichol.com Mark Pirrello MPirrello(a-)moffattnichol.com 67 Oak Island Geophysical Surveys - Phase 2 Survey Scope of Work (SSOW) Gordon P. Watts, JR., PH.D, RPA (Archaeological / Cultural Investigation) Tidewater Atlantic Research (TAR) P.O. BOX 2494 5290 river road [shipping only] Washington, NC 27889-2494 P 252-975-6659 Dave Bernstein (Project Manager) dave(a-)geodynamicsgroup.com Geodynamics 310 A Greenfield Drive Newport, NC 28557 P 252-247-5785 M 252-422-8428 Ben Sumners (Survey Team Lead) benC@geodynamicsgroup.com Geodynamics 310 A Greenfield Drive Newport, NC 28557 P 252-247-5785 M 252-475-4710 Additional Relevant Contacts / Information: Eric King Southport Marina 606 W. West Street Southport, NC 28461 P: 910-457-9900 M 910-508-8762 Dates of Importance Deliverable(s) Due Deliverable completed and submitted by 10/08/19 IMAGES .: GeoDynarTll� Oak Island Geophysical Survey: — L113 Phase 2 GeoDynarl s, INNS Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 Jay Bird Shoal Surveys ON Legend � Existing Core Locations Bird M8E5, 555, and MAG Proposed _Jay Lines 0 Su Oak Island Geophysical Survey: — Li Phase 2 GeoDynamics .ro e 2284000 22ES000 2288000 229000D Peyettmlle. - NC P xse,,.me A wilrr.nam� r)n3 21 iv � (yy „�Mou Pleesenx Mlles 71 0 375 75a 1,5oo Feel is�axa.�n�ar Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 Jay Bird Shoal Surveys27 24 2 4 r> 9 v �z 19 2284000 22ES000 2283000 2290000 Legend Existing Core Locations Sub -Bottom Lines (proposed} 0 Survey Extents (buffered 1000 ft) Oak Island Geophysical Line Spacing: Sub -bottom profiling collected wRh Edgetech 512i at 1000 fl spaced grid over the existing cores. Drawn By'. Dave Bernstein This map was Reviewetl By: Matt Damm generated to !illustrate the su ey vale creerza. osrtonv extents for SBS d ata ubsequent Map Swle'. 1:9,000 acquisition and SM6E5 °eiae1e Y a�rR.�md r«. acquis9ipn Qor snapping the aub- GEODyDOD11C5 bohom to [he MDES m + bathymetryt. Also m�wr,�essm' displayed are the exl5ting Vlb@COre lontip m—data are p�owaed is the NEc sate cone coobiaata system of 1Ba3 12011, WtIM1 norlxongl antl vertloal units of measuremer9 In feet. Halo are vertically referenced m NAVD9B (Geoi tll2bJ. 70 70 0 10 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 Feye[[eville e Nc ecksenrdlc SA w�Irtanem� On.low Lowy Bs 0,k 625 M11,2�50^a 2,500 Feet /_(•. I Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 Central Reach Surveys Legend ! Existing Core Locations —Central Reach MBLS Lines (proposed) 0 Survey Extents Central Reach Multibeam Line Spacing: The line plan for Central was developed to allow full coverage MBES data collection. SSS and MAG were not collected at the Central site during Phase 2 as this had already been completed in Phase 1_ 1.-6y: oam eemsrein This map wes generated to illustrate the survey extents for —11libeam sonar. Also displayed are n—i 6p. Niax oamm oe� crearaa: ovlone Mi,,—e:117 ri the existing C+EODynprnlCS ar �ro vidracore localions. These AaG are provided In rM1a NC 31ata Plane C-inam system 0 1 , (2dt1j, wNi hod.... and Vertical unite dl measurement in feet. Data are redlcally relerencetl to NFVI)88 [Geoitll ]EI. 71 29 S Sh 3 �-i' �:33 I 31 �t • I I� I 1 I I I I • S1 • 34 33 • 1 YL/ DI Vr A [IG ZONE 34 (see note Z}� 35 I I I 95 ! I I I_ !-- L� GeoDynamlcs 34 • 37 37 . I I Obstn Fish Haver • (aul miry 20 I I _ I 7 � Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 Feyettmlle. - �� INC xse,,.die S A warr.nsm� n B n n Mou,[Fleeza,c 30 yams o ore 625,2e0 u� e 2soa Feet IS Oak Island Geophysical: Phase 2 Central Reach Surveys Legend _• Existing Core Locations — Sub -Bottom Lines (proposed) 0 Central Reach Extents Oak Island Geophysical Line Spacing: Sub -bottom profiling collected wth Edgetech 512i at 1000 ft spaced grid over the existing cores. Drawn ey, Dave semefem this map wa generated to illustrate the survey extents far SBS data acquisition and suabseq—t MBES ulsKl.n (for Reviewed By. Ni Damn ate creerza'. dsrtdnv Map Swle'. 1:1]Op0 r;e»aauee Y ti� ,,,, a sn Aping the —b- GeoDynOf cs hoftorn to the MBES bathymetry). Also Msa`ina" displayed arethe existing Abraoore These doh are pmwded in 1M1e NC safe Plana 1BB3 12p11, wtlM1 M1orlxonhl antl vertloal untls Hato are vertically referenced m rJAVD9B (Geoitll2bJ. CooNinah system of of measuremera In feet. 72 29 •• • • • SSS 31 \:2c 31 1 31 _ • 3 132 S sh • • • 34 33 4, NO-D1 O E ZONE 34 use n V 5-'—T 37 GeoDynamics is � , 37 • • 37 Obstn Fish Haven (both min 20 2242000 2241000 224600D 2246000 2250000 2252000 225400D 2256000 22 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 APPENDIX B: Calibration Documents C.1 - Multibeam Patch Test Document RV 4-POINTS APRIL 2018 3G1e AyCreenfeld LYve DUAL HEAD EM2040C PATCH TEST VERIFICATION `' "wp°""3�'° 252-247-5786 w.Geo�jnamitsGroup.tdn SYSTEM INFORMATION Vessel: RV 4-Points Sonar Type: Kcngsberg EM2040C- Dual Head Date, 4/27/2018 Sonar Head Serial #(s): Part/Primary! 1286, Sthd/Secondary! 1331 Personnel: Bernstein D., Damm N., Lembke A. PU Serial #: 20043 Sonar Software: SISv4.2.1 Positioning System POSMVv5-POSView8.21 Sonar Frequency: 300kHz POSMV Serial # 6622 Swath Width, 130" GPS Ann etnna AT1675-540TS (2 antennas) Sound Speed Sensor at Sonar: AML MicroSV (7339) -sensor 200046 IMU Type 36 Sound Speed Profiler: AML Smart SV&P (5551) -sensor 204291 CALIBRATION DETAILS Location: Morehead City Port Entrance Approximate Position: Deg JIVir ISec Weather Clear Overcast Lat: 34° 42' 102.3" Wind 5-12 mph Long! 76° 40' 147.1" Seas 0 ft swell / 0-1 ft chop Sound Speed (avg) 1514 m/s GPS Corrections Patch Test Area Basemap GPS Correction: RTK-GPS Correction Type: CMR+ \ 16, rg 9 \ ��0 Station Name IMS \ 21 Cable Area 22 Coordinates: I Deg IMIn I Sec 15 1 t7 Lat: 34° 43' 6.62217" N 4 \ 4 a Long: 76° 45' 1 25.39287" W - -a 13 7 \ Ellips. Height: -19.23m 511411.4 4 Sonar Offsets / Biases X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Waterline SHl Position (port) 0.000 -0.199 0.000 -0.756 SHZ Position (stbd) 0.000 C.199 0.000 L �� + JS + LW i v Patch Test Values Roll Pitch Yaw Latency SHI(part) 20.916 1.245 0.427 0.000 ^�I _.--- -- SH2(stbd) -19.095 0.667 0.953 0.000 Attitude 1, Com2 0.640 0.600 -0.600 DODO Fort Maxon Timing 0.000 Sec �_.Mr.RCkIION..1,lNE /� Attitude Delay 7.000 msec Notes: Inititial dimensional control and patch test survey tock place in April, 2015. In April, POSMV Configuration 2018, a patch test verification survey was performed in a previously surveyed area near Lever Arms X (m) Y (m) Z (m) the Fart Macon Coast Guard station, just inside of Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina. The Ref. to IMU Target 0.000 C.000 0.000 farmer dataset provided excellent basemap to plan patch test lines. Patch test was Ref. to Primary GPS 1.829 -1.C55 -1.745 performed using the fcllcwing methods: LATENCY: collected reciprocal survey lines at Ref. to Vessel Lever Arm -0.D04 -1.753 1.019 varying speed over a steep slope, ROLL: collected reciprocal survey lines over a flat Ref. to Sensor 1 -C.004 -1.753 1.019 bottom, PITCH: collected reciprocal survey lines at equal speed over a steep slope YAW: Ref. to COG 0.000 C.000 0.253 collected parallel survey lines over a prominent feature(s). IMU w.r.t. Ref. Frame 1,015 0.621 -0.443 Target to Sensing Center 0.000 0.000 0.000 Resultant Lever Arm 0.000 0.000 0.000 GAMS Parameters Two Antenna Sep (m) 2.015 Baseline Vector Heading Cal.Threshold 0.500 X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Heading Correction (deg) 0.000 -0.016 2.015 -0,007 73 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase latch Test BIAS Verification Images Latency Verification Roll Verification Pitch Verification Yaw Verification Verification Surface with Calibrated Sonar 74 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 C.2 - Sub -Bottom Calibration Document 75 GeoDynamlcs GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY FOR OAK ISLAND - PHASE 2 .. Geodynamcs � 310 A Greenfield Drive ' .... SUB -BOTTOM PROFILER Con taot Newport,NG2a570 .. 252-247-5785 CALIBRATION LINE WW w. GeoDynamcsGrou p.com .-a.npler Leemel CM1engsuede Llea Date: 16-Jun-191 Chirp System lEdgetech SB512 Positioning System: JDGNSS - Cable Counter Layback To begin the survey, the chirp system was deployed on site to run a test line and determine the optimal acquisition settings based on the site geology and project goals. During the testing, frequncy, pulse length, power level and trigger rates were adjusted in a systematic Procedure: manner. Optimal settings were determined on -the -fly in Edgetech's Discover software and verified offline in SonarWiz where a time - varying gain was applied. Image shown is bathy corrected. A reciprocal line was also collected and used to verify the alignment of featues seen below for layback verification. Acquisition Settings: Sweep ID Frequency Pulse Length Pulse Type Power F Ping Rate 66529.0 0.5 - 7.2 kHz 30 ms Pull Spectrum CHIRP 100% -6.5 kHz ------------ _ --ofl f North ------------- South ------- --:----------------------------------------- ------------- Sea surface reflector snapped to NAVD88 Bothymetry Mi shallow returns -3- 5 ft deep ' • + mid -reflectors 10 - 15 ft deep .. .,. r 1 . • ,,, - � --^ -lid �._ ` + paleo features,r. "' 15'' 35 ft deep Multi le i - base reflectors occasionally visible ^ 40 - 50 ft deep 2 1, 10 .�„� `�i t"s��� +;, 4'lli 1 1 �♦r� t�' t'�+', � , � �"" '�a C�l,' h ���' � ,,�••I'�i �� �a, , ,, ,, n,, , t'�, ' � , ��',. ,, zd Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 C.3 - Side Scan Sonar Calibration Document 76 GeoDynamlcs GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY FOR OAK ISLAND - PHASE 2 Geodynamics 310 A Greenfield Drive SIDE SCAN SONAR QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT Contact: New po252-247-5785 570 -5785 �COt�+Y1Q1Ifll17Gf w ww .GeoDy narucsGroup.00m Date: 16-Jun-191 Sonar System jEdgetech 4200 (600 kHz) Positioning System: DGNSS - Cable Counter Layback Side scan sonar data was acquired with an Edgetech 4200 at a 25m range (-164 ft swath), and processed using the 600 kHz frequency data. The towfish was positioned using Differential GNSS positioning and a cable counter pulley. These images show the navigation tracklines with Procedure: arrows to denote the direction of travel, and the data coverage and the agreement of overlap of the swath data. Scale is shown in bottom left. Data Coverage and Overlap Ma ♦ \ . ti. A Oak Island Geophysical Survey: = L� Phase 2 GeoDynamics APPENDIX C: Multibeam QA/QC Documentation CA Cross -line Analysis A cross -line analysis was performed by comparing the final bathymetric surfaces, which use only main -scheme lines, with surfaces containing only cross -lines. The two surfaces are differenced, and the results are outlined in Figure 52 and Figure 53. It should be noted that large values for min/max differences are heavily influenced by the cross -line only surfaces. These cross -line only surfaces were not cleaned as a standalone product, which would be necessary because CUBE surface generation relies heavily on adjoining data (density). These cross -line surfaces do not have many, if any, adjacent lines, therefore the CUBE is generating a surface on less hypothesis, so fliers are more prevalent in the cross -line only surfaces. Overall, cross -lines are not included in the final surfaces and are not submitted in the deliverable, therefore, the cross -line surfaces were left as is and the large max/min values are attributed to such. The more meaningful information lies in the mean and standard deviation, which show agreement between the cross - line and main scheme surfaces (Figure 52 and Figure 53). Additionally, examples of cross -line to main scheme data alignment in a cross -sectional 2D view can be found in Figure 54 and Figure 55. 77 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics Jay Bird Compute Statistics Input Dataset: file: IIA:/PRO]E= PRIVATE_INDUSTRY/MDFFATT_NICHOL/OAK_ISLANE Attribute layer: Diff Feabire layer: N/A Attribute value bin size: 0.01 m Statistics Minimum: -4.70 m Mean: 0.00 m Std dev: 0.06 m Maximum: 1.81 m Area: N/A Total count: 336,620 30, 000 e c t 5,000 U 0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -t 0 t 2 Diff Iml Image Export ASCII Export OK Help Figure 52. Cross -line to main scheme surface comparison at Jay Bird. Since the cross -line only surface is not a deliverable and cross -lines are not included in the final bathymetric surface, fliers may exist in this surface. Therefore, the large min/max values can be attributed to these fliers/the lack of data for CUBE generation in the cross -line only surface. The mean (0.00 m) and standard deviation (0.06 m) are the more meaningful results. Note the statistics are in meters. Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics Central Reach Box 1 (Eastern) Compute Statistics Input Oataset fi1e:fff%:1PRCi3ECTSfPRIVATE_INDUSMYfMOFFATT_NICHOLIOAK_ISLANC Attribute layer: Oiff Feature layer: NIA Attribute value bin sire: 0 a m 54t.t. Minimum: -0.91 m Maximum: 1.76 in Mean: -0 00 m Area: N/A Std_dev: 0.06 in Total munt: 458,453 30,000 15,000 V 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.6 1 1.5 2 Diff {at) Image Epwrt ASCD Bgrort Box 2 (Western) Compute Statistics Input Oataset: Ale: JjA:jPRC]ECTSIPRIVATE_INOIJSTRYIMOFFATT_NICHOLIOAK_ISLANC Attribute layer: Oiff Feature layer: NfA Attribute value bin size: 0 01 m stati5ti( Minimum: -2.00 m Maximum: 0.32 m Mean: -0.03m Area: N/A Std_dev: 0.04 m Total munt: 108,922 20,000 c a 10,000 V 0 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 D'rff rnj [nrage Effort ASCII Et�ort CK Help Figure 53. Cross -line to main scheme surface comparison at Central Reach. Since the cross -line only surfaces are not a deliverable and cross -lines are not included in the final bathymetric surface, fliers may exist in this surface. Therefore, the large min/max values can be attributed to these fliers/the lack of data for CUBE generation in the cross -line only surfaces. The mean (0.00 m, 0.03 m) and standard deviation (0.06 m, 0.04 m) are the more meaningful results. Note the statistics are in meters. 79 Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics Jay Bird Figure 54. The yellow slice within the red box (top view) is illustrating the data displayed in the 2D subset view (bottom image). In the 2D subset view, the tan soundings represent the cross -line, while all other main scheme lines are displayed in various colors. The data is exaggerated to 20X and shows good agreement. Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� Geodnynamics Central Reach Figure 55. The yellow slice within the red box (top image) is illustrating the data displayed in the 2D subset view (bottom image). In the 2D subset view, the light blue soundings represent the cross -line. The data is exaggerated to 20X and shows good agreement C.2 Junction Analysis At Jay Bird, Geodynamics had existing multibeam data in the area from a previous project in 2015. This 2015 multibeam data was collected by the R/V Benthos and was compared to the 2019 R/V 4 Points data collected for this project. The two bathymetric surfaces were compared and showed agreement between datasets with a mean difference of 0.02 m and of standard deviation of 0.12 m. This gives confidence in the dataset. It should be noted that many of the differences could be attributed to natural change due to sediment transport. This is a dynamic area near an inlet with higher currents and wave energy, therefore, natural change is likely FIT Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics between a span of four years. Figure 56 below displays the difference surface along with the statistics generated from the differencing. Note the statistics and surface are in meters. This is because the multibeam processing software utilizes meters and the transformation of the data to feet happens in ArcGIS after exportation from the multibeam processing software. Jay Bird 1 20,00 ■ aDiff • • � 0 0 � AD Awl' AD SI 1 1 •11 11 „ J / ■ ■ ■ ■ I f ■ / # 1 # i ■ �I Figure 56. Displaying the difference surface derived from differencing 2015 R/V Benthos multibeam data from the 2019 R/V 4 Points data. The graph displayed in the upper left potion of the figure shows the statistics generated from this differencing. Overall, the data shows agreement between datasets. C.3 NOAA Chart Comparison For Central Reach, the final bathymetric surface was compared to the NOAA nautical chart in the area. To do this comparison, the 2019 Central Reach data was transformed to MLLW (chart datum) using a transformation value of 3.02 ft (derived from NOAA Vdatum). The data was then compared to nearby soundings on the chart. An example of this comparison is displayed below in Figure 57. Overall, the data agreed with the NOAA charted soundings. It should be noted that NOAA has a particular methodology to select which soundings go on the chart, as to reflect the shoalest soundings in the region. Additionally, most of the data used for this chart was not recent data. M. Oak Island Geophysical Survey: Phase 2 L� GeoDynamics Central Reach 29 0IP2 Central BoA_Fina12_Shifted_to_MLLW Depth = 31.79 usft h 33 a goo aoo soo -zoe - 33 DAth 2_Central_Box2a 33 ❑epth = 33.52 usft fAR E ZONE rote 35 35 5 93 2000 m Figure 57. NOAA chart comparison in the Central Reach. The 2019 data was transformed to MLLW (using NOAA Vdatum) for this comparison. In CARTS, the mouse is hovered over the charted sounding and the white information bar displays the value attributed to the bathymetric surface. Overall, the datasets show agreement.