HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix D1-Model Parameters Town of Oak Island Jay Bird Shoals Borrow Area Modeling June 12, 2020 2021/2022 Renourishment Project APPENDIX D1 Model Parameters The following are excerpts from the input files used in the calibrated model simulations. For brevity, this list is not intended to be all inclusive. It contains general model setup information, parameters which are typically modified for calibration purposes, as well as, details regarding model features beyond the default settings which were employed. Town of Oak Island Jay Bird Shoals Borrow Area Modeling June 12, 2020 2021/2022 Renourishment Project Typical FLOW input file (*.mdf) Filcco = #../grd/grid_spm_revOI_refined4Morph.grd# Anglat = 3.4000000e+001 Grdang = 0.0000000e+000 Filgrd = #../grd/grid_spm_revOI_refined4Morph.enc# MNKmax = 714 1727 1 Thick = 1.0000000e+002 Commnt = Fildep = #../grd/grid_spm_revOI_refined4Morph_FWOP.dep# Commnt = Commnt = no. dry points: 0 Commnt = no. thin dams: 0 Commnt = Itdate = #2017-01-01# Tunit = #M# Tstart = 0.0000000e+000 Tstop = 5.0400000e+004 Dt = 0.025 Tzone = 0 Commnt = Sub1 = # # Sub2 = # # Commnt = Wnsvwp = #N# Wndint = #Y# Commnt = Zeta0 = 0.0000000e+000 Commnt = Commnt = no. open boundaries: 7 Filbnd = #../bc/bc_offshore/bc_offshore_2d.bnd# FilbcT = #../bc/bc_upstream/bc_upstream_2d_AnnualAverageFlows.bct# Filana = #../bc/bc_offshore/bc_offshore_2d.bca# Filcor = #../bc/bc_offshore/bc_offshore_2d.cor# Commnt = Ag = 9.8100000e+000 Rhow = 1.0000000e+003 Tempw = 1.5000000e+001 Salw = 3.1000000e+001 Wstres = 6.3000000e-004 0.0000000e+000 7.2300000e-003 1.0000000e+002 7.2300000e-003 1.0000000e+002 Rhoa = 1.0000000e+000 Betac = 5.0000000e-001 Equili = #N# Ktemp = 0 Fclou = 0.0000000e+000 Sarea = 0.0000000e+000 Temint = #Y# Commnt = Roumet = #M# Filrgh = #../rgh/sp_var_v5_refine0705_refined4MorphGrid.rgh# Xlo = 0.0000000e+000 Town of Oak Island Jay Bird Shoals Borrow Area Modeling June 12, 2020 2021/2022 Renourishment Project Vicouv = 1.0000000e+000 Dicouv = 1.0000000e-001 Htur2d = #N# Irov = 0 Commnt = Iter = 2 Dryflp = #YES# Dpsopt = #MEAN# Dpuopt = #MOR# Dryflc = 1.0000000e-001 Dco = -9.9900000e+002 Tlfsmo = 6.0000000e+001 ThetQH = 0.0000000e+000 Forfuv = #Y# Forfww = #N# Sigcor = #N# Trasol = #Cyclic-method# Momsol = #Cyclic# Commnt = Commnt = no. discharges: 0 Commnt = no. observation points: 114 Filsta = #nesthd_ChannelMorph_rev07.obs# Commnt = no. drogues: 0 Commnt = Commnt = Commnt = no. cross sections: 2 Filcrs = #nesthd_ChannelMorph_rev07.crs# Commnt = SMhydr = #YYYYY# SMderv = #YYYYYY# SMproc = #YYYYYYYYYY# PMhydr = #YYYYYY# PMderv = #YYY# PMproc = #YYYYYYYYYY# SHhydr = #YYYY# SHderv = #YYYYY# SHproc = #YYYYYYYYYY# SHflux = #YYYY# PHhydr = #YYYYYY# PHderv = #YYY# PHproc = #YYYYYYYYYY# PHflux = #YYYY# Commnt = attribute file fourier analyzed Filfou = #n01_CFR_residual_currents.fou# Flmap = 7.2000000e+003 60 5.0400000e+004 Flhis = 0.0000000e+000 0 5.0400000e+004 Flpp = 0.0000000e+000 0 5.0400000e+004 Flrst = 0 Commnt = Online = #N# Cstbnd = #YES# Town of Oak Island Jay Bird Shoals Borrow Area Modeling June 12, 2020 2021/2022 Renourishment Project Typical WAVE input file (*.mdw) [General] ProjectName = Cape Fear River Description = Offshore wave model Description = representative waves Description = 2004-2018comb FlowFile = b01.mdf OnlyInputVerify = false SimMode = stationary DirConvention = nautical ReferenceDate = 2017-01-01 WindSpeed = 8.0000001e-001 WindDir = 9.7699997e+001 [Constants] WaterLevelCorrection = 0.0000000e+000 Gravity = 9.8100004e+000 WaterDensity = 1.0250000e+003 NorthDir = 9.0000000e+001 MinimumDepth = 5.0000001e-002 [Processes] GenModePhys = 3 Breaking = true BreakAlpha = 1.0000000e+000 BreakGamma = 7.3000002e-001 Triads = false TriadsAlpha = 1.0000000e-001 TriadsBeta = 2.2000000e+000 BedFriction = none Diffraction = false DiffracCoef = 2.0000000e-001 DiffracSteps = 5 DiffracProp = true WindGrowth = false WhiteCapping = Komen Quadruplets = true Refraction = true FreqShift = true WaveForces = radiation stresses <2013 [Numerics] DirSpaceCDD = 5.0000000e-001 FreqSpaceCSS = 5.0000000e-001 RChHsTm01 = 4.9999999e-003 RChMeanHs = 4.9999999e-003 RChMeanTm01 = 4.9999999e-003 PercWet = 9.9500000e+001 MaxIter = 50 [Output] TestOutputLevel = 0 TraceCalls = false UseHotFile = false MapWriteInterval = 7.2000000e+002 WriteCOM = true COMWriteInterval = 7.2000000e+002 [Domain] Grid = ../grd/Offshore_WAV_rev2_spm.grd FlowBedLevel = 0 FlowWaterLevel = 0 Town of Oak Island Jay Bird Shoals Borrow Area Modeling June 12, 2020 2021/2022 Renourishment Project FlowVelocity = 0 FlowWind = 0 BedLevel = ../grd/Offshore_WAV_rev2_spm.dep DirSpace = circle NDir = 36 StartDir = 0.0000000e+000 EndDir = 0.0000000e+000 FreqMin = 5.0000001e-002 FreqMax = 1.0000000e+000 NFreq = 24 Output = false [Domain] Grid = ../grd/grid_spm_wave_interm_ChannelMorph_rev.grd FlowBedLevel = 0 FlowWaterLevel = 0 FlowVelocity = 0 FlowWind = 0 BedLevel = ../grd/grid_spm_wave_interm_ChannelMorph_rev_FWOP.dep DirSpace = circle NDir = 36 StartDir = 0.0000000e+000 EndDir = 0.0000000e+000 FreqMin = 5.0000001e-002 FreqMax = 1.0000000e+000 NFreq = 24 NestedInDomain = 1 Output = false [Domain] Grid = ../grd/grid_spm_ChannelMorph_rev07_wave.grd FlowBedLevel = 2 FlowWaterLevel = 2 FlowVelocity = 2 FlowWind = 0 BedLevel = ../grd/grid_spm_ChannelMorph_rev07_wave_wTG_FWOP.dep DirSpace = circle NDir = 36 StartDir = 0.0000000e+000 EndDir = 0.0000000e+000 FreqMin = 5.0000001e-002 FreqMax = 1.0000000e+000 NFreq = 24 NestedInDomain = 2 Output = true [Boundary] Name = offshore Definition = orientation Orientation = south SpectrumSpec = parametric SpShapeType = jonswap PeriodType = peak DirSpreadType = power PeakEnhanceFac = 3.3000000e+000 GaussSpread = 9.9999998e-003 WaveHeight = 8.0000001e-001 Period = 9.0000000e+000 Direction = 9.7699997e+001 DirSpreading = 1.0000000e+001 [Boundary] Town of Oak Island Jay Bird Shoals Borrow Area Modeling June 12, 2020 2021/2022 Renourishment Project Name = Right Definition = orientation Orientation = east SpectrumSpec = parametric SpShapeType = jonswap PeriodType = peak DirSpreadType = power PeakEnhanceFac = 3.3000000e+000 GaussSpread = 9.9999998e-003 WaveHeight = 8.0000001e-001 Period = 9.0000000e+000 Direction = 9.7699997e+001 DirSpreading = 1.0000000e+001 Town of Oak Island Jay Bird Shoals Borrow Area Modeling June 12, 2020 2021/2022 Renourishment Project Typical Sediment Description (*.sed) [SedimentOverall] Cref = 1.6000000e+003 [kg/m3] CSoil Reference density for hindered settling calculations IopSus = 0 If Iopsus = 1: susp. sediment size depends on local flow and wave conditions [Sediment] Name = #Sediment Sand# Name of sediment fraction SedTyp = sand Must be "sand", "mud" or "bedload" RhoSol = 2.6500000e+003 [kg/m3] Specific density SedDia = 2.5000000e-004 [m] Median sediment diameter (D50) CDryB = 1.6000000e+003 [kg/m3] Dry bed density IniSedThick = 5.0000000e+001 [m] Initial sediment layer thickness at bed (uniform value or filename) FacDSS = 1.0000000e+000 [-] FacDss * SedDia = Initial suspended sediment diameter. Range [0.6 - 1.0] Town of Oak Island Jay Bird Shoals Borrow Area Modeling June 12, 2020 2021/2022 Renourishment Project Typical Morphology File (*.mor) [MorphologyFileInformation] FileCreatedBy = Delft3D FLOW-GUI, Version: FileCreationDate = Thu Apr 18 2019, 17:22:32 FileVersion = 02.00 [Morphology] EpsPar = false Vertical mixing distribution according to van Rijn (overrules k-epsilon model) IopKCW = 1 Flag for determining Rc and Rw RDC = 0.01 [m] Current related roughness height (only used if IopKCW <> 1) RDW = 0.02 [m] Wave related roughness height (only used if IopKCW <> 1) MorFac = 1.0000000e+000 [-] Morphological scale factor MorStt = 0.0000000e+000 [min] Spin-up interval from TStart till start of morphological changes Thresh = 5.0000001e-002 [m] Threshold sediment thickness for transport and erosion reduction MorUpd = false Update bathymetry during FLOW simulation EqmBc = true Equilibrium sand concentration profile at inflow boundaries DensIn = false Include effect of sediment concentration on fluid density AksFac = 1.0000000e+000 [-] van Rijn's reference height = AKSFAC * KS RWave = 2.0000000e+000 [-] Wave related roughness = RWAVE * estimated ripple height. Van Rijn Recommends range 1-3 AlfaBs = 1.0000000e+000 [-] Streamwise bed gradient factor for bed load transport AlfaBn = 1.5000000e+001 [-] Transverse bed gradient factor for bed load transport WetSlope = 0.2 [-] Avalanching slope sV:1H AvalTime = 86400.0 [s] Avalanching time in 1 day Sus = 1.0000000e+000 [-] Multiplication factor for suspended sediment reference concentration Bed = 1.0000000e+000 [-] Multiplication factor for bed-load transport vector magnitude SusW = 0.0000000e+000 [-] Wave-related suspended sed. transport factor BedW = 0.0000000e+000 [-] Wave-related bed-load sed. transport factor SedThr = 1.0000000e-001 [m] Minimum water depth for sediment computations ThetSD = 5.0000000e-001 [-] Factor for erosion of adjacent dry cells HMaxTH = 1.5000000e+000 [m] Max depth for variable THETSD. Set < SEDTHR to use global value only FWFac = 1.0000000e+000 [-] Vertical mixing distribution according to van Rijn (overrules k-epsilon model) [Output] AverageAtEachOutputTime= true