HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuxton - AppF-EFHAAPPENDIX F ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT ASSESSMENT in support of the permit application for BEACH RENOURISHMENT TO PROTECT NC HIGHWAY 12 AT BUXTON, DARE COUNTY, NC NOAAFISHERIES . 5{ NATIONAL OCEANaG AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION IA `7a�aAe \Serve and M� MI • �4 • D-ATLANTIC FISHERY -t1 MANAGEMEN COUNCIL +�r� Dare County Commissioners US Army Corps of Engineers National Park Service - Cape Hatteras National Seashore For review by: NOAA-National Marine Fisheries Service NC Division of Marine Fisheries Prepared by: CZR Incorporated 4709 College Acres Drive Suite 2 Wilmington, NC 27403 Coastal Science & Engineering P.O. Box 8056 Columbia, SC 29202 July 2021 - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK- ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT ASSESSMENT in support of the permit application for BEACH RENOURISHMENT TO PROTECT NC HIGHWAY 12 AT BUXTON, DARE COUNTY, NC Prepared for: Dare County Commissioners US Army Corps of Engineers National Park Service - Cape Hatteras National Seashore For review by: National Marine Fisheries Service NC Division of Marine Fisheries Prepared by: CZR Incorporated 4709 College Acres Drive Suite 2 Wilmington, NC 27403 Coastal Science & Engineering P.O. Box 8056 Columbia, SC 29202 July 2021 - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK- TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT SETTING....................................................................................................1 2.0 FISHERIES COORDINATION...........................................................................................................................5 3.0 DESCRIPTION of ALTERNATIVES AND PROPOSED ACTION.....................................................................7 3.1 Additional Details of Applicant -Proposed Action (Alternative 3-Summer Construction) .......11 4.0 RESOURCE SURVEYS AND COORDINATION..............................................................................................21 5.0 EFH AND HABITAT AREAS OF PARTICULAR CONCERN (HAPC) WITHIN PROPOSED PROJECT AREA OR VICINITY...................................................................................23 5.1 Potential EFH or EFH-HAPC within Project Impact Area and Fish Species Which Utilize Them.. 34 5.1.1 Estuarine Emergent Wetlands....................................................................................34 5.1.2 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) and Seagrass.................................................34 5.1.3 Oyster Reef and Shell Banks.......................................................................................36 5.1.4 Estuarine Intertidal Flats............................................................................................36 5.1.5 Sargassum and Sargassum Pelagic Habitat..............................................................36 5.1.6 Water Column.............................................................................................................37 Estuarine water column...............................................................................40 Marine water column...................................................................................40 5.1.7 Hard Bottom...............................................................................................................46 5.1.8 Artificial/man-made reefs...........................................................................................47 5.1.9 Primary and Secondary Nursery Areas (PNAs/SNAs)................................................47 5.1.10 Unconsolidated/shallow subtidal bottom..............................................................47 5.1.11 Cape Hatteras shoals.................................................................................................48 6.0 POTENTIAL EFFECTS TO EFH, EFH-HAPC, OR LIFE STAGES OF ASSOCIATED MANAGED FISH ....... 51 6.1 EFH and HAPC...........................................................................................................................52 6.1.1 Sargassum................................................................................................................... 53 6.1.2 Marine water column (includes ocean high salinity surf zone).................................54 6.1.3 Hard bottom................................................................................................................58 6.1.4 Unconsolidated/shallow subtidal bottom (marine only).........................................59 6.1.5 Cape Hatteras shoals/sandy shoals/offshore bars....................................................62 6.2 Potential Cumulative Effects of Proposed Project on EFH and HAPC.................................... 64 7.0 EFH CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY..............................................................................................................67 8.0 EFH IMPACT SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................67 REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................................................69 CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] i Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 The project area for beach renourishment to protect NC Highway 12 at Buxton, Dare County, showing maximum limit of maintenance and proposed offshore borrow area within state waters near CapeHatteras......................................................................................................... 3 Figure 3.1 Monthly average wave climate at NDBC wave buoy Station 41025 at Diamond Shoals compared with wave climate at the USACE-FRF at Duck and peak times for selected resource activities ................... 9 Figure 3.2 Representative core photo log.............................................................................13 Figure 3.3 Representative core log........................................................................................14 Figure 3.4 Example grain -size distribution(GSD).................................................................15 Figure 3.5 GSDs for Buxton native beach samples compared with offshore samples to 10 ft......................................................................................16 Figure 3.6 Monthly average wave climate (2003-2020)........................................................17 Figure 3.7 Types of land -based equipment..........................................................................19 Figure 5.1 Location of hard bottom, possible hard bottom, shipwrecks, and artificial reefs in state and federal waters off North Carolina- northern coast......................................................................................31 Figure 5.2 A screen shot of SAFMC designated EFH-HAPC near proposed project................................................................................................................... 33 Figure 5.3 Submerged aquatic vegetation in the proposed project vicinity ....................... 35 Figure 5.4 Floating mat of Sargassum with associated small fish, weedline/windrow of Sargassum, and drifts of Sargassum on Caribbean island of Tobago............................................................................ 38 Figure 5.5 Distribution of sensitive life stages of important fishery species in the Carolinas across months of the year by aquatic type/location......................................... 39 Figure 5.6 Depiction of Cape Hatteras marine water column dynamics ............................. 41 Figure 5.7 Dominant fish species caught in commercial landings per NCDMF................... 43 Figure 5.8 All other sharks in commercial landings per NCDMF.......................................... 43 Figure 5.9 Dominant fish species observed during recreational angler intercepts from 2004-2019 per NCDMF.................................................................................. 46 Figure 5.10 Offshore bathymetry from Mallinson et al. (2009).............................................. 49 Figure 6.1 Characteristics of fish that makes them vulnerable to effects fromdredging processes...................................................................................... 60 CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] ii Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Presence through year by month and major recruitment periods of surf zone invertebrates in the South Atlantic Bight ........................................ 8 Table 3.2 Native beach sediment sample mean grain sizes..............................................12 Table 5.1 Types of EFH by water regime and EFH/HAPC defined in South Atlantic region and in North Carolina...................................................... 25 Table 5.2 Life stage categories for managed species by geographic region within the Project Area or near vicinity............................................................................... 26 Table 5.3 EFH type and EFH/HAPC within the project vicinity or project footprint for which impacts may occur.............................................................. 27 Table 5.4 Management history of designated EFH for highly migratory species................................................................................................................. 28 Table 5.5 EFH types and geographically defined HAPCs within proposed project vicinity or footprint and potential impacts by activity ......................... 29 Table6.1 Sediment setting velocities................................................................................55 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS A HOPPER DREDGE AND CUTTER HEAD DREDGE INFORMATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES EXTRACTED FROM THE FINAL EFH ASSESSMENT FOR EMERGENCY BEACH FILL ALONG NC HIGHWAY 12 IN RODANTHE, DARE COUNTY, NC 3 JULY 2013 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ATV - all terrain vehicle AVS - American Vibracore Services Co. ASMFC -Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Council ASSRT - Atlantic Sturgeon Status Review Team BA- biological assessment BO - biological opinion BOEM - Bureau of Ocean Energy Management CAHA - Cape Hatteras National Seashore CAMA - Coastal Area Management Act CBRA - Coastal Barriers Resources Act CZMA - Coastal Zone Management Act CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] iii Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina CSE - Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc. CWA - Clean Water Act ca - circa cal yr BP - calibrated years before present cy - cubic yard EA - environmental assessment EEZ - exclusive economic zone EFHA - essential fish habitat assessment EIS - environmental impact statement ESA - Endangered Species Act FEMA- Federal Emergency Management Administration FMP - fisheries management plan FONSI - finding of no significant impact GESAMP - Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection HAPC- Habitat Area of Particular Concern If - linear foot/feet MSFCA - Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act NAVD - North American Vertical Datum of 1988 NCDCM - North Carolina Division of Coastal Management NCDENR - North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NCDEQ - North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (formerly NCDENR) NCDMF- North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries NCDOT-North Carolina Department of Transportation NCDWR - North Carolina Division of Water Resources NCWRC - North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission NDBC - National Data Wave Buoy NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NMFS - National Marine Fisheries Service NPS - National Park Service OPR - Office of Protected Resources (NOAA) pers comm. - personal communication SARBO -South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion SEPA - State Environmental Policy Act SERO - Southeast Regional Office (NMFS) TAR - Tidewater Atlantic Research USACE - United States Army Corps of Engineers USFWS - United States Fish and Wildlife Service CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] iv Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT ASSESSMENT in support of the NEPA documents prepared for BEACH RENOURISHMENT TO PROTECT NC HIGHWAY 12 AT BUXTON, DARE COUNTY, NC 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT SETTING In compliance with Section 305(b) (2) of the Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (reauthorized by 1996 amendments), Dare County, the National Park Service (NPS), and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) provides this National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Essential Fish Habitat Assessment (EFHA) in regards to the proposed project, Beach Renourishment to Protect NC Highway 12 (NC 12) at Buxton, Dare County, NC. The proposed project will affect lands within and waters adjacent to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore (National Seashore) and Dare County has been in regular communication and coordination with the National Park Service (NPS) about all aspects of the project. Dare County has requested a special use permit from the NPS to authorize beach restoration activities within National Seashore jurisdiction and a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit from the USACE for the associated dredge and fill activities under theirjurisdiction. The federal actions include decisions whether or not, and under what conditions, to issue the county the permits it has requested. Dare County contracted with Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc. (CSE) of Columbia, SC for the design and engineering. The state action includes a Section 401 water quality certification from Division of Water Resources and a major Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) permit from Division of Coastal Management. Two consultants assisted CSE: Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc. (TAR) of Washington, NC for geophysical field surveys and CZR Incorporated (CZR) of Wilmington, NC for preparation of documents in support of the proposed project (EFHA and the Biological Assessment [BA]). Dare County, or its authorized agent, is responsible for all coordination required to obtain needed State or Federal authorizations. The beach maintenance project for Buxton has many similarities to the Buxton beach restoration project permitted in 2015 and 2016 and completed in 2018 (SAW-2015-01612; NPS-GOV16-5700-014; NCDCM 135- 15; and NCDEQ 401 #15-1087). However, less sand is proposed to be placed along the same basic distance (Figure 1.1) while the borrow area location is outside of but nearby to the previous Borrow Area C. Alongthe Outer Banks of North Carolina, NC 12 connects all communities on Bodie, Hatteras and Ocracoke islands and serves as the only land -based evacuation route for all permanent and temporary island residents when the predicted approach of severe weather determines an evacuation is necessary. Emergency services also use NC 12 to access mainland hospitals and by waste collection services forwaste disposal to the mainland. Low lying and/or narrow portions of NC 12 unprotected by substantial dunes are often affected by overwash events during large storms and hurricanes which deposit sand over portions of the road and/or cause actual degradation of the road surface to the point of impassability; formation of new inlets is also not uncommon. In these conditions, the NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) initiates emergency repairs to alleviate the hardship imposed by closure of NC 12; therefore, repair and maintenance is almost continuous to prevent permanent loss of access on Hatteras Island. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task4-Appendix F] 1 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina The narrow portion of the island within the National Seashore immediately north of Buxton Village, identified as a NCDOT Outer Banks "hotspot" known as the Buxton/Canadian hole, has been breached in the recent past understorms like Hurricane Irene (27 August 2011) and Hurricane Sandy (28 October2012), which caused emergency closure of NC 12 at those breaches. During the past three centuries, nearly all breach inlets across Hatteras Island have closed naturally within years to decades (Everts et al 1983). Only three inlets, Oregon, Hatteras, and Ocracoke have persisted in recent times for a century or more. An inlet breached during Hurricane Isabel (2003) -6 miles east of Hatteras Inlet was closed by dredge because of the need to restore vehicle access along Hatteras Village. That work was approximately 10 miles west of the proposed project area (Wutkowski 2004). During construction of the aforementioned Buxton restoration project, four hurricanes in 2017 and several March 2018 nor'easters removed a substantial amount of the sand which had been placed during the previous months' construction. This proposed maintenance project is necessary to continue to protect this vulnerable portion of NC 12 and to achieve the defensive profile originally targeted in the 2017-2018 Buxton beach restoration. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task4-Appendix F] 2 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Cape Hatteras National Seashore Pamlico Sound 0 2000, Scale rsoo+oo j � CD 'I Lq A t I a n t i c O c e a n I o r � 1 m `o CO CO s � A CO a) V ) O O O O � � o 0 C N LO + O O� 4'9 LO �0 a 1840+°0 � Z Q d r v N U) Q O 0 L) 0 m m 4- j Q= 8-o N 9660+0° Na o �e o a Proposed 9880+°0 Borrow Area �o a LO o + 1s°0+00 o 0 0 10•ftVibracores� X O O �LOo ' m + L 00 V a e iszo+oo ' � � • ' , pro+o0 • • r — - Ca e / • Hatteras as "No Work" Buffer Zones Light / rO+Oo Cape Hatteras National Seashore / Previous Cores vo�0 / ' • /� 2017 Borrow Area 19g3+77 • / / \ V FIGURE 1.1. The project area for the proposed beach renourishment to protect NC Highway 12 at Buxton, Dare County (NC), showing maximum limit of beach nourishment and proposed offshore borrow area within state waters near Cape Hatteras. The offshore borrow area used in the initial 2017-2018 nourishment project is adjacent to the proposed new borrow area, as shown in the figure for beach maintenance to protect NC 12 at Buxton, Dare County (NC), showing maximum limit of beach nourishment and proposed offshore borrow area within state waters near Cape Hatteras. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 3 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK— CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 4 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 2.0 FISHERIES COORDINATION The Department of Commerce is the government branch which includes the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) which in turn oversees the National Marine Fisheries Service. Management councils develop and amend management plans for approval/implementation by NMFS and design research priorities. Although both the South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (SAFMC) and the Mid Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (MAFMC) in coordination with Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) manage numerous fish stocks which may frequent the waters of the Outer Banks, only those which have a federal Fishery Management Plan (FMP) have designated EFH or Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPC) within the EFH. The 1998 Comprehensive EFH Amendment (SAFMC 1998) identified EFH/HAPC for most of SAFMC's FMPs (Dolphin Wahoo FMP and EFH/HAPC for this fishery were established in 2004). The FMPs identified areas as EFH with the specific purpose to minimize adverse effects of fishing and to reduce or eliminate adverse effects from other non -fishing activities identified in the FMPs. The HAPC designations do not confer any specific protective measures but are designed towards conservation of habitat (MAFMC 2016). The Councils and NOAA fisheries lack authority to regulate non -fishing activities, but per the Magnuson Stevenson Fishery Conservation Management Act as amended (16 U.S.C.1855 § 305 (b)(2)) (MSFCMA), federal agencies must consult with NOAA fisheries when they authorize, fund, or undertake activities which may affect EFH. Fisheries managed by MAFMC occur in federal waters (3 to 200 miles from shore) and include 64 species covered under seven FMPs,14 other species have their own FMP, and include 50 forage species. In early 2019, one forage species was proposed for FMP inclusion along with a temporary limit on development/expansion of directed fisheries for 16 others. For the southeast, also in federal waters, SAFMC manages over 60 species which include the snapper -grouper complex, five species considered coastal migratory pelagics, dolphin/wahoo, golden crab, spiny lobster, shrimp, coral, and Sargossum. Over 40 other species are managed by NMFS as highly migratory species (e.g., tuna, billfish, large coastal sharks, small coastal sharks, pelagic sharks, prohibited sharks, and smooth -hound shark complex). Since 1942, ASMFC is the deliberative body of the Atlantic coastal states and coordinates the management and conservation of 27 nearshore fish species in state waters (< 3 miles from shore); however, no official coordination with ASMFC is required. Some of the 27 species are managed by either SAFMC or MAFMC and many also utilize the EFH and/or HAPC addressed in this document. The publication of the Fishery Ecosystem Plan of the South Atlantic Region in 2009 and its two subsequent amendments (2010 and 2011) demonstrated that SAFMC fisheries management had evolved from a habitat network to an ecosystem network, an approach that expanded the participation of new stakeholders, coordinated regional efforts, and integrated food web dynamics to better achieve broad essential habitat and fishery ecosystem conservation goals. In August 2015, NOAA published its Fisheries Climate Science Strategy (Link et al. 2015). The December 2016 Policy Considerations for South Atlantic Climate Variability and Fisheries and Essential Fish Habitats provided guidance from SAFMC which supported the move to ecosystem based management and associated climate science strategies to manage and assess cumulative effects and potential tradeoffs to achieve the most resilient and sustainable fisheries. In 2017, MAFMC published the final Forage Base Omnibus Amendment, the first rule in the Atlantic to list 16 forage species or species groups as ecosystem components in all the MAFMC FMPs. This amendment prohibits development of new and the expansion of existing directed CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 5 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina commercial fisheries of these 16 forage species until more scientific information relating to potential impacts of such directed commercial fisheries and impacts to existing fisheries, fishing communities, and the marine ecosystem can be assessed. In August 2020, one of these 16 forage species, Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias), was formally added as a stock to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish FMP under Amendment 21.This amendmenttothe FMP integratescatch limits and reporting requirements for commercial fishing vessels in federal waters from Maine through North Carolina as well as long-term conservation and management measures. As more information is gathered about fishery ecosystems as a whole and ecosystem response to climate driven changes, comprehension of the essential habitat needs of managed species deepens. Research needs and adaptive decisions driven by climate science strategies will be identified through NOAA's Regional Action Plans. Currently, a final Regional Action Plan (RAP) has been published for the Gulf of Mexico and a draft RAP for the southeast Atlantic was issued for public comment in September 2017 by the Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) for the SAFMC region that includes North Carolina (SEFSC 2017). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 6 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATIVES AND PROPOSED ACTION Several alternatives were considered and dismissed for the Buxton restoration project because they eitherwould not be allowed underexisting North Carolina regulations for the northern coast (e.g. sand - retaining structures, seawalls), or due to environmental impacts, sediment quality, or economics (e.g., non -off shore borrow source) which are also dismissed for this maintenance project for the same reasons. Since 2011, seven beach nourishment projects on the Outer Banks have been permitted for summer construction due to the level of safety required by dredge contractors to operate in the dynamic nearshore conditions common along the Outer Banks. Six of those in the northern Outer Banks were completed in the summer (two at Nags Head and one each at Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk, Southern Shores, and Duck). The Buxton beach restoration project also anticipated completion by summer's end. However, while the project began on time in summer of 2017, numerous construction delays due to hazardous wave climate in the borrow area near Diamond Shoals drove construction through the summer into the fall with completion in winter of 2018. While it is anticipated that summer construction may be permitted for the proposed Buxton beach maintenance for the same reasons as before and it is hoped that those previous wave climate delays were an anomaly, a winter construction alternative is also considered. The three potential alternatives fully evaluated are: 1. No Action, 2. Beach Renourishment with Offshore Sand and Winter Construction 3. Beach Renourishment with Offshore Sand and Summer Construction (Proposed Action). Preliminary alternatives analysis indicates that the No Action alternative would have the least impact on the existing EFH-HAPC addressed in this assessment. However, if an inlet breached NC 12 north of Buxton such that it did not naturally close and needed to be bridged, that inlet would likely become EFH for inlet -associated managed species (e.g., shrimp, red drum, snapper grouper complex, and coastal migratory pelagics). A permanent inlet would alter the hydrodynamics of the existing back barrier estuarine and tidal flat EFHs in the Buxton area (increased salinity, increased overwash potential, flood tidal delta formation) for the same inlet -associated managed species and provide a new egress/ingress point for diadromous and anadromous managed species (e.g., American eel) on their way from/to riverine habitats. The No Action alternative would result in the most impact on the human environment (private structures and NC 12 would continue to be damaged and breaches would cause interruptions and access issues and may require construction of a bridge if the inlet remained open) and would not meet the purpose and need. The second alternative would meet the purpose and need and have minimal impact on the EFH addressed in this assessment as construction would occur outside of either their recruitment window (e.g., benthos), or their growth and reproduction window (e.g. some fish), or the migratory window of many others. Due to normal winter wave climate, frequency of winter storms along the Outer Banks, and previous project experience, the winter construction window is likely to prolong whatever impacts may occur with the potential for numerous mobilizations and demobilizations, and prove most costly and impracticable. As before, without a nearby safe harbor, the dredge operations would have to demobilize repeatedly to Virginia Beach (closest safe harbor for ocean going dredges) under the threat of storms or when the wave climate becomes unsafe; the normal wave heights can become unsafe for the ocean dredges even on a clear sunny day. These conditions would render the winter season alternative impracticable from both a safety and an economic perspective. As before, preliminary alternatives analysis indicates the applicant preferred alternative (Proposed Action) is likely to be most practicable alternative but also CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 7 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina has the highest likelihood of EFH impacts among the alternatives considered, especially if wave climate delays push construction into fall benthic recruitment and increased fall presence of some fish. The Proposed Action, Beach Renourishment to Protect NC Highway 12 at Buxton, Dare County NC, is planned to begin summer 2022 with project completion two to three months later. The Proposed Action is described in detail in the permit application and includes project engineering and sediment specifics of the beach and borrows areas. In support of the Proposed Action, a graph showing monthly average wave climate was prepared which also shows representative peaks of certain biological resources/activities, including diversity peak for demersal and pelagic fish (mid -September to mid - October) and recruitment for some beach benthos (September) (Figure 3.1 and Table 3.1 per Hackney et aL 1996). TABLE 3.1 Presence through year by month and major recruitment periods of surf zone invertebrates in the South Atlantic Bight (in Hackney et al. 1996). MONTH OF THE YEAR SPECIES J F M A M J J A S 0 N D Coquina clams P P P P H H,R H,R H H H P P Donax variablis Ghost crabs P P P P P P,R P,R P,R P,R P P P Ocypoda quadrata Beach hoppers ? ? P P P P P P P P P P Orchestoidea Sand hoppers ? ? P P P P P P P P P P Talorchestia Worms P P P,R H,R H,R H,R H,R H,R H,R H P P Polychaetes Mole crabs P P P P H H H H,R H,R H P,R P,R Emerifa taploidea P = present, H = peak abundance periods, R = recruitment periods CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 8 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Monthly Average Wave Height and Peak Time for Representative Activities 7 6 __ ax Wave Height for Safe Dredging '— 5 — — - — - — — — — — — — — — r t 00 3 _ _ sea turtles m beach benthos recruitment Z demers��elogic fish diversity colonial water birds nesting i — red knot migration red knotmigration (second peak) wholes migration who migration 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month FIGURE 3.1. Graph showing the monthly average wave climate from 2003-2020 at NDBC Wave Buoy Station 41025 at Diamond Shoals (NC) near Buxton compared with the wave climate at the USACE Field Research Facility at Duck (NC). For some benthic species recruitment can be year round with a peak in summer and fall (e.g., mole crab) and for other species there is also a winter -spring recruitment peak (Wilber et at. 2009). Diaz (1980) found mole crab recruitment to peak in September following summer spawning whileAmend and Shanks (1999) found reproduction ended in late September. The criteria forsafe dredging apply to hopper dredge operations using ocean -certified equipment per informal guidance by dredging companies. Operations decisions involve numerous additional factors: wave period, sea state, pumping distance, size of dredge, and sediment characteristics. Suction cutterhead dredges generally cannot operate safely in waves>3 ft (USACE 2010). [Source: NDBC] The proposed action (Summer Construction) would meet the goal of the previously permitted project and achieve the wider oceanfront beach which the protracted series of storms during 2017 and 2018 prevented and would meet the project purpose and need. This alternative is predicted to afford protection for twice as long as Alternative 2-Winter Construction. The applicant -proposed action would include placement of up to 1.2 million cubic yards of compatible sands (also dredged from the proposed borrow area) along the 15,500-ft oceanfront (2.94 miles). Approximately 70 percent of this length is within National Seashore property on its eastern oceanfront north of Buxton Village (see Figure 1.1). The proposed dredging offshore and sand placement on the beach is projected to occur over a <3-month period between June and August 2022. Recognizing the serious concern for endangered and threatened species protection during summer dredge operations along the ocean coast of the South Atlantic Region, certain monitoring and mitigation measures would be implemented by the project owner (Dare County) and dredge contractor in close coordination with resource agencies (e.g. PDCs and other guidance from the 2020 SARBO as appropriate) and the NPS. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 9 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina National Seashore biologists closely monitor shorebird and turtle nesting activities along the National Seashore and establish closure areas when certain species are present and actively nesting. Following informal interagency consultation with USFWS, NCWRC, and NPS, Dare County proposes to minimize or mitigate impacts to nesting shorebirds and sea turtles and marine mammals by the following measures: • Time construction activities to avoid active nesting areas to the extent practicable. • Configure the fill sections to avoid placement on the dry sand beach in the vicinity of any designated bird closure areas; placement would occur seaward of mean low water for limited sections of the project. • Monitor both sides of the shore pipe each night during construction for signs of turtle activity. • Daily sea turtle nesting surveys initiated by 1 May through end of project. • USFWS- and/or NCWRC-authorized personnel will relocate all sea turtle nests that may be affected by construction or sand placement ahead of construction to minimize impacts to sea turtles. All relocated nests must be moved before 0900 the morning following deposition to a secure setting meeting criteria to optimize hatch. Nest relocations will cease as project segments are completed unless other factors threaten successful hatch. All nests will be marked and avoided. • Use special lights forturtles as recommended by USFWS and, perthe 2020 SARBO, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and subject to conformance with OSHA minimums for work safety. • Maintain a minimum back beach buffer of the order 50-ft (no work area) between the foredune and active nourishment area to avoid disturbance of incipient vegetation or potential nesting areas. • Maintain certified and NMFS/OPR-approved onboard protected species observers (PSOs) with authority to stop work as deemed necessary by current ESA protocols, the 2020 SARBO, and/or standard conditions of the any biological opinion (BO) issued for the project. Optional measures suggested to mitigate adverse effects will be fully considered. • Trawl ahead of hopper dredges (non -capture trawling) to mobilize any sea turtles or Atlantic sturgeon that may be resting in the surficial sediments of the borrow area. A goal of summer dredge operation is to accomplish the work at the largest volume possible in the shortest time, so as to provide the greatest project longevity. A project of -1.2 million cubic yards can be constructed in less than three months in the summer; however, based on recent experience at Buxton, wave climate is critical to the timeline, even in the summer. Typically, projects at the scale of Buxton require two or more landing points for the submerged pipeline. The sand slurry is pumped via the submerged pipeline to shore, then runs parallel to the beach byway of "shore pipe". Work proceeds north or south for a distance of 3,000-4,000 ft (typical) until that section of the project is complete. Then the shore pipe is removed and used to build the next section in the opposite direction until complete. Buxton would likely be completed in four discrete sections, working around the clock due to the high cost and number of personnel required for the operation of ocean certified dredges. It is not practical or cost-effective to suspend operations for several weeks and restart the project. Suspension of work for several weeks would result in remobilization costs or high standby costs per day (order of $150,000- 200,000) with concomitant reduction in the volume that can be dredged under a fixed budget. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 10 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Fill sections can be modified to avoid placement landward of the low tide line for limited distances so as to place active construction as far as possible from nest closure areas. Such a configuration would leave a swale between the nourishment berm and the native beach. After construction is finished and all equipment removed, autumn storms would be expected to overtop the nourishment berm and drive sand into the swale. This procedure was used at Nags Head to avoid placing sand under condemned houses that were positioned in the active swash zone (CSE 2012). It is not practical or advisable to leave gaps in the project, given the anticipated cross -shore dimensions. Bulges in the fill adjacent to gaps potentially produce accelerated erosion of unnourished sections. For similar reasons, the ends of the project would incorporate long taper sections (order of 1,000-1,500 ft). As sections are being completed, a 1,000-4,000 ft length of shore pipe remains in place for a 1-2-week period. The connection points every 40 ft must remain exposed for inspection for leaks by the dredgers, but numerous sand ramps will be placed over the pipe for vehicles and beach goers. The duration of time that the shore pipe would be strung out the maximum distance alongshore (-4,000 ft) would be a few days. As soon as the section volume is in place, the shore pipe would be removed and the nourishment berm graded to final contours with nearly all construction activity ceasing in that section. To minimize ingress of heavy equipment along the beach at night, unused pipe sections would be pre - positioned by loaders during daylight hours near the active work area for adding as needed during the night shift. This would also confine lighting to the -300 ft active work area each night. Dare County proposes these monitoring and mitigation measures based on consultation with USFWS, NMFS, and NPS officials, experience from the Buxton restoration project, and experience with Northern Outer Banks nourishment projects. 3.1 Additional Details of Applicant -Proposed Action (Alternative 3-Summer Construction) In addition to what has been described above, the applicant -proposed action (see Figure 1.1) includes the following items: 1) All sediment placed on the Buxton project beach adjacent to NC 12 would be compatible with the native beach. Table 3.2 lists typical mean grain sizes for the subaerial beach in the project area (August 2019 conditions). The beach fill sand would be dredged from the proposed borrow area located -2-3 miles offshore of Buxton from within an unnamed sand ridgejust northeast of the borrow area dredged for the 2017 Buxton restoration project (see Figure 1.1). Geotechnical investigations were conducted in 2020 and 2021 within the proposed borrow area to identify sufficient quantities of beach compatible material (>!90% sand). The proposed borrow area is an unnamed sand ridge exposed to high wave energy in water depths between 30 to 45 ft with negligible fine grained material present (e.g., mud or organics) (CSE 2021). The temporal presence and major recruitment periods of surf zone invertebrates of the South Atlantic Bight arranged into the months of the year are shown in Table 3.1 (adapted from Hackney et al. 1996 and as shown in Table 4.4 of https://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Portals/59/docs/regulatory/regdocs/Projects/F8/SEIS/S EIS Ch4.pdf). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 11 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Figures 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 show an example core photo log, a core log, and grain -size distribution from the center of the proposed borrow area. Figure 3.5 shows a preliminary comparison of the grain -size distribution along the subaerial beach and borrow area (composited samples in the upper 10 ft of section). The proposed borrow area for the renourishment is an unnamed sand ridge exposed to high wave energy in water depths between 35 to 50 ft with negligible fine grained material present (e.g., mud or organics) (CSE 2021). Geotechnical data within the proposed borrow area confirm the sediments are beach compatible and exceed North Carolina state standards for similarity with the native beach (CSE 2021). A high density of 10 borings (-1 per20 acres) demonstrates general uniformity of sediments in the upper 10 ft of substrate. Cultural resource data have been collected and will be provided in Appendix G of the Environmental Assessment. TABLE 3.2. Native subaerial beach sediment sample mean grain -size, shell percentage, and gravel percentage for samples collected in [UPPER] October 2014 (before the 2017-2018 beach nourishment project) and [LOWER] August 2019. Station Averages -October 2014 Station can STD (mm) Shell (9'a) Gravel Fines (%) 1760+00 0.442 0.453 6.6 4.8 0.1 1790+00 0.495 0.444 6.8 5.1 0.1 1820+00 0.499 0.420 6.8 7.3 0.0 1840+00 0.544 0.376 8.4 8.9 0.1 1870+00 0.476 0.386 8.2 9.1 0.2 1890+00 0.430 0.415 7.1 5.2 0.3 1900+00 0.440 0.405 6.7 7.1 0.0 1920+00 0.492 0.410 6.6 7.1 -0.1 1940+00 0.457 0.441 7.9 5.7 0.1 1980+00 0.403 0.407 6.5 5.7 0.3 Vis Beach 0.582 0.598 8.3 1.6 0.0 All Beach 0.465 0.413 7.2 6.6 0.1 Station Averages - August 2019 Station mean STD (mm) Shell (9'0) Gravel Fines (95) 1760+00 0.319 0.515 6.6 2.9 0.0 1790+00 0.338 0.557 6.8 1.3 0.0 1820+00 0.334 0.550 6.8 1.7 0.0 1940+00 0.303 0.539 8.4 1.3 0.1 1870+00 0,325 0.549 8.2 1.7 0.1 1890+00 0,329 0.540 7.1 1.9 0.0 1900+00 0,320 0.546 6.7 1.2 0.0 1920+00 0,314 0.578 6.6 1.4 0.1 1940+00 0,312 0.568 7.9 1.5 0.0 1980+00 0,313 0.573 6.5 1.1 0.0 Vis Beach 0.400 0.635 7.1 1.0 0.0 All Beach 0.321 0.550 7.2 1.6 0.0 CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 12 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina QS E Bux-44 0 CaWiOi S Jen[e G Engineering Buxton NC ` X:3051330 Y:567308 X10jElev Of Top: 42.0 ft NAVD 0.5 U.a 5.75 5.7 5.65 5.6 5.55 [ \ } 3.035 �I 3.D4 3.045 3.05 3.055 X 106 5.1 5.69 5.68 5.67 5.66 5.65 049 3.05 3.051 3.052 3.053 3.054 X108 4.5 8.5 1 5 9 1.5 5.5 9.5 2 6 10 2.5 6.5 10.5 3 7 11 FIGURE 3.2. Example core photo log for one of the 10-ft borings (BUX-44) obtained by AVS in April 2021. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 13 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina CORE LOG Coostol Science & Engineering Sheet of COORDINATES: HOLE NUMBER � PROJECT 24030 -Buxton Maintenance BUX-4 4 Northing: 567308. 000 Fasting: 3051330.000 LOCALITY: Buxton NC Grid Datum: NAD 183 (as shown on line d—g and file no) DATE: 2021-Apr-06 TOP ELEVATION. DEVICE DESIGNATION: Coastal Science & Engineering 80REANGLE: 90.000 BURDEN BOTTOM BARREL 3 in. Aluminum THICKNESS: 10.0 ft. ELEVATION. SIZE/TYPE: CORE WATER GEOLOGIST' TWK RECOVERY: 10 ft. (100.O�S) DEPTH: 42.00 £t. FIELD TEAM: (operation note only) Classification Of Materials Remarks e (Description) 0.0 to 4.0 ft: Medium Sand - w/ minor shell S1: 0.0 ft. to 4.0 ft. hash 5Y-7/2 Shell: 25.7% Mud: 0.0% • Mean Grain Size: 0.557mm 1 2 S1 3 •• 4 4.0 to 10.0 ft: Medium Sand - w/ minor fs and 52: 4.0 ft. to 10.0 ft. shell hash 5Y-6/1 Shell: 12.7% Mud: 0.7$ Mean Grain Size: 0.413mm 5 .• 6 • S2 8 9 , 10 FIGURE 3.3. Core log for BUX-44 showing the lithology, sample intervals, and mean grain sizes. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task4-Appendix F] 14 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 100' 90 80 70 60 0 50 40 30 20 10 0 Grain Size Distribution Grain Size (mm) 6 8 4 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 . . . . . . . . . . . I -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Grain Size (0) Project 2403-M Location Buxton, NC Date Apr 06 2021 Station BUX-44 Interval 10 ft COMP Mean 0.557 mm STD 0.386 mm Skewness -1.374 USCS Wentworth SP Coarse Sand Medium Sand Poorly Sorted Poorly Graded Strongly Coarse Skewed Leptokurtic Total weight (gram) 108.94 % finer than 0.0625 mm (dry) 0.00 % coarser than 2.00 mm (dry)10.88 CaCO3 17.9 FIGURE 3.4. Example grain -size distribution (GSD) for the upper 10 ft of one of the 10-ft borings (Bux-44). Results were composited from individual samples (weighted) for the upper 6 ft, 8 ft, and 10 ft of substrate. See Attachment 3 for composite GSDs for each core calculated for the upper 6 ft, 8 ft, and 10 ft. These thicknesses are representative of typical dredging depths (excavation sections) for offshore sediments along the East Coast (USACE 2010). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task4-Appendix F] 15 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Grain Size Distribution Grain Size (mm) 100 8 4 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 - Borrow Area 10 ft COMP 016 9 Beach Project CSE 2403-M Location Buxton (NC) 80 :.............:........:...:... ... ......... . .. .: Date May 2021 70 .. ....... BA 10 ft COMP Mean 0.517 mm BA 10 ft COMP STD 0.426 mm 60 - ; .... ..... ... .... .. . . BA 10 ft COMP Skew-0.489 mm 0 BA 10 ft COMP Kurt 4.107 mm 50 BA 10 ft COMP Shell 12.3% a 40 - All Beach Mean 0.321 mm All Beach STD 0.552 mm 30 = All Beach Skew 1.045 mm = All Beach Kurt 5.621 mm 20 ....:....:....:.... ...:...:... ;... ,......... All Beach Shell 7.2% 10 . .. .. ...... ;.. . 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Grain Size (0) Grain Size Distribution Grain Size (mm) Project CSE 2403-M Location Buxton (NC) Date May 2021 BA 10 ft COMP Mean 0.517 mm BA 10 ft COMP STD 0.426 mm BA 10 ft COMP Skew-0.489 mm BA 10 ft COMP Kurt 4.107 mm BA 10 ft COMP Shell 12.3% Vis Beach Mean 0.400 mm Vis Beach STD 0.636 mm Vis Beach Skew -1.073 mm Vis Beach Kurt 6.358 mm Vis Beach Shell 7.2% FIGURE 3.5. GSDs for Buxton native beach samples (n=140) compared with offshore samples to 10 ft (composite). The "Vis Beach" consists of all native samples collected on the visible beach (above MTL), while "All Beach" contains all samples. In both cases, the borrow area sediments are expected to be coarser than the native beach initially. Over time, the grain size of the post -nourishment beach is expected to move closer to the historical grain size distribution around Buxton. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task4-Appendix F] 16 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.6. Graph showing the monthly average wave climate from 2003-2020 at NDBC Wave Buoy Station 41025 at Diamond Shoals (NC) near Buxton compared with the wave climate atthe USACE Field Research Facility at Duck (NC). The criteria for safe dredging apply to hopper -dredge operations using ocean -certified equipment per informal guidance by dredging contractors. Suction-cutterhead dredges generally cannot operate safely in waves >3 feet (USACE 2010). The graph shows that average monthly wave height exceeds 5 feet from September to April in the proposed project area. Calmest conditions occur in June and July when average wave heights are -3.7 feet. Calmest conditions occur in June and July when average wave heights are -3.7 feet. (Source: NDBC). 2) The contractor (Weeks Marine) used one cutterhead dredge and two hopper dredges to complete the 2017-2018 project. The proposed work would anticipate to use either an ocean certified hopperdredge (with pump -ashore capabilities) and/or a hydraulic pipeline cutterhead dredge to excavate and pump the material from the proposed offshore borrow area to the sand placement area. The most feasible and safe method for excavation is anticipated to be conducted during summer months when wave energy at the borrow site is within threshold criteria for safest and most optimal operations (see Figure 3.6). The project area is exposed to the highest waves along the East Coast (Leffler et al. 1996) and is situated approximately 105 miles from the nearest safe harbor at Little Creek Virginia. Ocean-going dredges, which can legally operate offshore, generally have drafts which exceed the navigation channel depth or actual depth at Oregon Inlet (-45 miles away) or Hatteras Inlet (-20 miles away, extra distance required to navigate around Diamond Shoals for safe passage). 3) Once sand has been pumped to the site, heavy equipment typically used in beach fill placement operations (i.e., bulldozers, front end loaders, excavators) would be used to fine tune the design beach profile; other support vehicles (i.e., ATVs, trucks) would also CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 17 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina drive on the beach (Figure 3.7). Operations at the active beach construction site would be around the clock seven days a week until completion, the active beach discharge point would be fenced to protect public safety, and land based personnel would work within the beach construction zone to ensure compliance with conditions and restrictions of the applicable state and federal permits. Staging areas would be used to store additional shore pipe, fuel, mobile on -site office, and other necessary equipment. Locations of any staging areas and two anticipated access points for support vehicles and heavier equipment would be coordinated with the NPS and the Village of Buxton, as necessary. 4) The duration of construction is expected to be -2-3 months assuming operations are permitted during summer months and weather/wave climate is conducive. Safe harbor interruptions, which may be expected but are not quantifiable, are not included in the 2- 3-month construction estimate. 5) On a given day, the typical impact area along the beach in the project area would average -1,000 linear feet. Portions of the project area outside the active work area would remain open to the public, subject to NPS natural resource protection, management, and policy. As sections of the project are completed, the nourished area would be reopened immediately to the public as appropriate. Sections of shore pipeline extending up to -4,000 linear feet along the beach would be left in place along the completed berm. Sand ramps would be placed over the pipeline forvehicle and pedestrian access to and from the beach every 100-200 feet (ft). The pipeline would be monitored nightly while in place to detect anyturtle activity in the project area and to insure no turtles are stranded landward of the pipeline. Upon completion of a section of the project, the shore pipeline would be removed and relocated to a new pump -out point and shore pipe extended alongthe beach as the subsequent sections are completed. Thus, the shore length over which pipe extends during construction would vary from <100 ft to -4,000 ft. Resource closure areas designated by NPS biologists before or during construction would be bypassed or avoided by shifting construction as far seaward as practicable to minimize impacts and maintain acceptable no work buffers near closure areas. Close coordination between NPS personnel and contractors would be maintained throughout the construction of the project. 6) Loaders would remove and relocate the pipeline and bulldozers would shape the nourishment berm into its final grades and slopes above mean high water. The seaward slope cannot be controlled accurately, but the likely intertidal beach slope for the nourished beach at the time of construction would be -1 on 15 based on experience in similar settings. The constructed berm is expected to adjust rapidly to slopes and morphology typical of the surf zone, including low -tide bars and troughs formed within weeks in response to varying wave action. During fall months, the project area is subject to frequent high energy wave events associated with minor extra -tropical storms ("northeasters"). The berm elevation of the nourished beach is expected to be lower than the typical wave uprush limit during northeasters and be overtopped periodically within months of project completion. Washover deposits would shift sand landward to higher elevations near the foredune and shift sand into shallow water. No dune planting or sand fencing are included in project plans. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 18 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Payloaders For picking & Moving Pipe Dredge Work Tmiler Bulldozers (D8� ' For Grading Beach Fueling Pad to catch arry.spilled fuel Generator l during re fueling Dredge Pipe Used tD Distribute sand UxC+Cages from dredge onto the beach Unexplored Ordnance cages Fixed at the deliver end of the dredge pipe to catch UXOs Part o Patty �f f �rIIrJ s•T'' /Dumpster Fuel7ank ,} Beach Sled Portable Lfg for. hauling along tt ; begCh . FIGURE 3.7. Types of land -based support equipment generally required for beach nourishment construction. [Photo annotations courtesy of J Lignelli and First Coastal Corp of New York.] 7) The offshore borrow area would be excavated to a maximum depth of -10 ft below existing grade. If hopper dredges are used, excavations would leave undisturbed areas in close proximity to dredged corridors. High wave energy is expected to rapidly eliminate irregularities in the borrow area topography and promote mixing of exposed sands which underlie the removed sediments. The anticipated borrow area contains potential sand resources totaling approximately 3.3 million cubic yards. The maximum project volume to be removed would be less than 50 percent of the sand resources in the designated area. Upon adjustment, the average depth over the designated borrow area is expected to increase by -4 ft to an average depth in the range -35-50 ft below mean sea level. The excavations over a natural ridge are not expected to leave deep holes. An adjacent trough within 2,000 ft west of the proposed borrow area contains natural water depths >50 ft. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 19 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK— CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task4-Appendix F] 20 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 4.0 RESOURCE SURVEYS AND COORDINATION Coastal Science and Engineering conducted baseline, control, inshore geotechnical surveys, and sediment compatibility analyses; TAR (2015) conducted geophysical investigations (magnometer and shallow seismic profiles) and cultural resource analyses within the borrow area for the 2017-2018 project. These surveys confirmed a general uniformity of sediment quality and compatibility with the beach (CSE 2015) and ensured that the 2017-2018 project would not adversely encounter or impact hard bottom orcultural resources. TAR has conducted similar field work and analyses for the proposed project. Data from these surveys will be coordinated with all appropriate agencies (e.g., NMFS, USFWS, USACE, NCDMF, NCDCM, and NCWRC). Cultural resource survey results will be detailed in Appendix G of the Environmental Assessment. In September 2020, NPS issued a draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) to identify the best strategy and framework for streamlined Special Use permitting for future beach nourishment activities projected to occur within the Seashore over the next 20 years; the final EIS and Record of Decision was issued in April 2021. Priorto any construction of the proposed project, NPS will determine if the project meets the final NPS framework identified in their document for issuance of a US Department of Interior Special Use Permit (SUP) for the placement of sand on the beach within the National Seashore boundary. If so, Dare County will then coordinate with state and federal agencies to obtain the following authorizations: 1. North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (CAMA) Major Development Permit and North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) Section 401 of the Clean Water Act Certificate (PL 92-500). As required by the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) of North Carolina, the North Carolina Department of Administration's State Clearing House will coordinate state agency review of environmental documents prepared for the Proposed Action. 2. Department of the Army Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and HarborActof 1899 permits. These USACE permits will ensure thatthe proposed action complies with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (PL 93-205), as amended, Magnuson -Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSFCMA), Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (i.e., cultural resources), Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA), and other NEPA environmental requirements. No work will be initiated until these state and federal authorizations have been issued and all work will comply with all conditions and restrictions found within these permits. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 21 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK— CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 22 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 5.0 EFH AND HABITAT AREAS OF PARTICULAR CONCERN (HAPC) WITHIN PROPOSED PROJECT AREA OR VICINITY The MSFCMA defines EFH as "all waters and substrates necessary to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity" and may include habitat for individual species or an assemblage of species so designated by regional fishery management councils. The MSFCMA also requires these regional councils to develop and periodically amend a Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for each resource or species and to identify any Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPC) within an EFH. The stated intent of the EFH provisions in the MSFCMA is that EFH reflect only the important habitats and not the entire range of a species or assemblage (NMFS 2017). Not only must any HAPC be within an EFH, the HAPC must meet one of four criteria based on either ecological function, habitat sensitivity to human degradation, human development activities stresses, or rarity. The FMP amendments of SAFMC and MAFMC identify numerous types of EFH and locations of HAPC (Table 5.1). Table 5.2 shows life stages forthose fish species managed by SAFMC/MAFMC and their association with the categories of Table 5.1 EFH and HAPC that occur in the project vicinity. On a state level, as mandated by a 1997 state law, the North Carolina Marine Fisheries, Environmental Management, and Coastal Resources commissions adopted the North Carolina Coastal Habitat Protection Plan (CHPP) in December2004 and published the document in January 2005 (Street et al. 2005). The purpose of the CHPP was long-term enhancement of coastal fisheries associated with coastal habitats. It provided a framework to protect and restore habitats deemed critical to North Carolina coastal fisheries updated on a five-year basis. In December2010, with the addition of a fourth commission (North Carolina Wildlife Resources) the second iteration of the CHPP was published to update the latest scientific information on the condition, threats, and function of these habitats (Deaton et at. 2010); the most current CHPP was published in August 2016 (NCDEQ 2016a,b). The CHPP identifies six types of these habitats: shell bottom, sea grasses, wetlands, hard bottoms, soft bottoms, and the water column; these six habitats also occur within, or overlap, some EFH habitats. In addition, in 2005, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) developed the North Carolina Wildlife Action Plan, a comprehensive planning tool to conserve and enhance the fish and wildlife species of the state and their habitats (no plants are included); this tool was updated in 2015 (NCWRC 2015). While all the EFH types occur in waters of the southeastern United States, and many occur in North Carolina waters, only a few occur in the immediate project vicinity (within 2 miles) or the project area itself. The entire 818- acre project area includes the dry beach, intertidal and subtidal surf zone, nearshore area, and the entire marine watercolumn between the borrow area and the intertidal beach. The actual construction footprint area includes —200 acres of offshore borrow area and 95 acres of sand placement area. Location of habitats utilized by managed fish (or their prey) will change in response to concomitant shifts in temperature, nutrients, ocean currents, and other ecosystem dynamics as the habitats and food webs/forage base also adapt to those shifts. Habitats may shrink, disappear, or expand in the future and while the pace of change is unpredictable it is currently faster in higher latitudes. Some shifts are already evident in the range, abundance, and distribution of Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico species (e.g., black sea bass have spread north, lobster migration happens up to a month earlier, shrimp nursery area losses in Louisiana), and in larger scale effects (e.g., ocean acidification, temperature rise and global coral decline) and observed changes in ocean currents (Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, orAMOC, declined by 15 percent and a northward shift in the Gulf Stream as evidenced in Caesar et al. 2018), and by controversy about natural decadal variability vs anthropogenic accelerants of variable circulation (Chen and Tung 2018; Latif et al. 2019). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 23 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Table 5.1 shows the categories of EFH and EFH/HAPC for managed species that were identified in the applicable FMP orAmendments. In general, EFH/HAPC include high value intertidal and estuarine habitats, offshore areas of high habitat value orvertical relief, and habitats used for migration, spawning, and rearing of fish and shellfish. Due to characteristics of the proposed maintenance project location/vicinity where only estuarine and marine environments occur, palustrine and freshwater EFH are not included in other tables or in additional analyses. Table 5.2 lists the federally managed fish species for which Fishery Management Plans (FMPs) have been developed by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC) and/or the Mid -Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) and which may occur in the project area waters or vicinity. In addition, the table shows EFH by life stage category for those fish species with designated EFH. Fish species which utilize habitats shown in Table 5.1 and occur in the water bodies of NC in some life stage (Table 5.2) require special consideration to promote their viability and sustainability. The habitats and HAPC for species managed by the Atlantic States Fishery Management Council (ASFMC) and EFH and HAPC for SAFMC-managed species are shown in Table 5.3 along with the species for which a FMP has been developed and the species with ASFMC strategies and management goals. The management history for Highly Migratory Species is shown in Table 5.4. The potential effects of the proposed project on species and habitats are summarized in Table 5.5; for the purposes of this analysis, project vicinity is within 2 miles and the project footprint includes the dredged borrow area, the pipeline footprint, staging area footprint on the beach, and the sediment placement area. Section 6.0 of this document contains more details about those habitats or species which have the potential to be affected by the proposed project (either a Y or W shown in the Impact Activity column of Table 5.5). Figure 5.1 shows the hard bottom, possible hard bottom, shipwrecks, and artificial reefs in state and federal waters of the North Carolina coast in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras as depicted in NCDEQ (2016c), the most recent version of North Carolina's Coastal Habitat Protection Plan. The small black square south of Buxton indicated as "hard bottom - point" from the Moser Taylor 1995 data represents the existing groins installed in the 1970s under the direction of the US Navy to protect a facility adjacent to Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and to hold sand along the beach around the lighthouse. No sand will be placed directly on the existing groins. Geotechnical studies of the proposed borrow area including -14 borings up to 10 ft long discovered that there is no hard bottom in the borrow area. The scheduled geophysical surveys by TAR forthe proposed project will further confirm this finding (EA - Appendix G). Previous surveys conducted or reviewed as part of the NOAA Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) indicate that the nearest offshore hardbottom habitat is -10 miles east of the proposed project area. Prior to any placement of sand on the targeted beach at Buxton, remote sensing (i.e., shallow seismic, magnetometer and side scan surveys) will delineate any potential cultural resources such as wrecks and their associated habitat. All interim and final survey data will be coordinated and provided to representatives of the NMFS and North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMF). Current NC Coastal Resource Commission (CRC) rules discourage dredging activities within a 1,640-foot buffer of significant biological communities, such as high relief hard bottom areas [T15A NCAC 07H .0208(b) (12) (A)(iv)]. Under this rule, "high relief" is defined as greater than or equal to -1.7-feet per -16 feet of horizontal distance. Because reef fishes derive a significant portion of their nutritional requirements within a 500 m "halo" of exposed hard bottom Lindquist et al. (1994b), the sand dredging buffer around hard bottom areas (including those periodically buried with thin, ephemeral sand layers) was recommended by the DCM appointed Ocean Policy Steering Committee (DCM 2009). Appropriate avoidance buffers would surround any hardbottom features or cultural resources identified and mapped within the project area. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 24 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 5.1. Types of Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) by water regime and EFH-HAPC defined in the south Atlantic region and in North Carolina. EFH TYPES BY REGIME Palustrine Areas Unconsolidated bottom/aquatic beds Tidal forest Tidal freshwater Estuarine Areas Subtidal/intertidal non -vegetated flats Emergent wetlands Estuarine scrub / shrub (mangroves) Water column State -designated PNAs and SNAs Unconsolidated bottom Oyster reefs and shell banks Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) Coastal inlets High salinity bays, estuaries, and seagrass habitat Marine Areas Unconsolidated bottom/aquatic beds Artificial / manmade reefs Coral reefs Live/hard bottom Sargassum Water column Emergent wetlands Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) Continental shelf currents/Gulf Stream Ocean high salinity surf zones Sandy shoals of capes and offshore bars Coastal inlets Offshore habitats used for spawning and growth to maturity GEOGRAPHICALLY DEFINED EFH-HAPC Area - Wide Sargassum habitat (pelagic and benthic) Hard bottoms Hoyt Hills State -designated areas of importance All coastal inlets Hermatypic coral habitat and reefs Council -designated Artificial Reef Special Management Zones (SMZ) North Carolina Bogue Sound Pamlico Sound at Hatteras/Ocracoke islands New River The Ten Fathom Ledge Big Rock Sandy shoals at capes (Hatteras, Lookout, Fear) The Point Primary and Secondary Nursery Areas Cape Lookout South Spawning SMZ Table 5.1 Notes: EFH identified in FMP Amendments for SAFMC and MAFMC. Geographically defined HAPC are identified in FMP Amendments affecting the south Atlantic area. The EFH for species managed under NMFS Billfish and Highly Migratory Species generally falls within the marine and estuarine water column habitats designated by the Councils. Information in this table was derived from Appendices 4 and 5 of NMFS 2010 and SAFMC EFH and HAPC designations from https://safmc.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/EFH2OTable.pdf and https://safmc.net/w - content/uploads/2016/06/EFH-HAPC20Table.pdf. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 25 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 5.2. Life stage categories for managed species by geographic region within the Project Area or near vicinity (as shown on NOAA/NMFS EFH mapper, depicted in figures of Final Amendment 10 to 2006 consolidated HMS, or described in various management amendments). For some species, paucity of information results in all life stages combined into the ALL category. Note: — = life stage category not shown on EFH mapper; N = species not shown on EFH mapper for this life stage category; Y = species shown on EFH mapper for this life stage category. Some species with no life stage categories shown as EFH in the project area are included in table due to EFH in proximity and footnoted at the bottom of the table. Life stage category Managed species and geographic region Spawning, Neonate/ Eggs Larvae eggs & Neonate Juvenile Adult ALL YOY larvae Common name Latin name Greater Atlantic region Mid -Atlantic species *Atlantic butterfish Peprilus triacanthus N N — — Y Y *Atlantic mackerel a Scomberscrombus N N N N *Bluefish Pomatomussaltatrix N N Y Y *Longfin inshore squid b Doryteuthis (Amerigo) pealeii N N N *Scup Stenotomus chrysops N N — — — Y Y *Spinydogfish Squalusacanthias — — — — — N Y *Summerflounder Paralichthysdentatus N Y — — — Y Y South Atlantic region (SAFMC) Spinylobster Panulirusargus — — — — — — — Y Snapper Grouper — — — — Y **Coastal migratorypelagics Y Highly migratory species (NMFS) Albacore tuna Thunnus alalunga — — — — — Y N Bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus — — Y Y Y Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares — — N Y Y Billfish (NMFS) Atlantic sailfish Istiophorusplatypterus — — N Y Y Large coastal sharks (NMFS) Blacktip shark Carcharhinuslimbatus — — — N — Y Y **Sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus — — — Y Y Y Y Scalloped hammerhead shark Sphyma lewini — — — N N Y Y Spinner shark Carcharhinus brevipinna — — — — Y Y Y Tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier — — — Y Y Y Y Pelagic sharks (NMFS) Common thresher shark Alopias vulpinus Y Prohibited sharks (NMFS) Atlantic angel shark Squatina dumerii — — — — — Y Duskyshark ° Carcharhinus obscurus — — — — Y Y Y Sand tiger shark Carcharias taurus Y Y Y Y Smoothhound shark complex(NMFS) Smooth dogfish Mustelus canis — — — — — — — Y Small coastal sharks (NMFS) Atlantic sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon terraenovae — — — Y Y Y Y Blacknose shark Carcharhinus acronotus — — — — — Y Y a EFH for juveniles to Cape Hatteras; mostly north of38* according to MAFMC Amendment 11 b EFH for adults includes Hatteras Inlet `EFH Amendment 10 appears to not include Cape Hatteras when zoomed https://www.habitat.noaa.gov/application/efhmapper/i ndex. html CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 26 * indicates species managed byMAFMC ** indicates EFH/HAPC within project area EFH Assessment - July 2021 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 5.3. EFH type and EFH/ HAPC within the project vicinity or project footprint for which potential impacts may occur. Includes ASFMC-managed species and SAFMC EFH or EFH/HAPC (as shown in Table 5.1) and the protected resource designated to that habitat under a fishery management plan (FMP) developed for each protected resource. Updated from SAFMC (2020) http://safmc.net/download/SAFMCEFHUsersGuideFina[Nov20.Pdf (* indicates ASMFC habitat, ASMFC EFH-HAPC, or SAFMC EFH; ** indicates SAFMC EFH-HAPC). HABITAT TYPE FMP ASMFC Red drum, horseshoe crab, Unconsolidated bottom* Red drum, snapper grouper, scup, spiny dogfish, summer spiny lobster' flounder Atlantic menhaden, Atlantic striped bass, Atlantic sturgeon, bluefish, alewife, Offshore marine habitats used for American shad, blueback spawning and growth to maturity* Shrimp, snapper grouper herring, hickory shad, Spanish mackerel, spiny dogfish, spot, spotted seatrout, weakfish, Atlantic coastal sharks Red drum, Atlantic striped Ocean high salinity surf zones* Red drum, coastal migratory bass, bluefish, spotted pelagics seatrout, Atlantic coastal sharks Spawning area in the water column above the adult habitat and the Snapper grouper, coastal American eel additional pelagic environment, migratory pelagics includingSorgossum; Sargasso Sea* Barrier island ocean side waters from the surf to shelf break zone but Coastal migratory pelagics Horseshoe crab shoreward of the Gulf Stream* Shallow subtidal bottom* Spiny lobster' Horseshoe crab, scup Pelagic Sorgossum habitat** For dolphin under coastal (windrows in nearshore project migratory pelagics American eel, cobia vicinity)** Sandy shoals of Cape Hatteras from Red drum, horseshoe crab, shore to the ends, but shoreward of Coastal migratory pelagics scup, bluefish, summer the Gulf Stream** flounder ' not usually found north of southern North Carolina coast CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 27 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 5.4. Management history of designated EFH for highly migratory species (HMS). (Table 3.1 from NOAA 2017; updated). FMP orAmendment EFH and Species 1999 FMP for Atlantic tuna, EFH first identified and described for Atlantic tunas, swordfish, and sharks swordfish and sharks; HAPCs designated for sandbar sharks 1999 Amendment 1 to the 1988 EFH first identified and described for Atlantic billfishes Billfish FMP 2003 Amendment 1 to the FMP for EFH updated forfive shark species (blacktip, sandbar, Atlantic tunas, swordfish and sharks finetooth, dusky, and nurse sharks) Comprehensive review of EFH for all HMS. EFH for all Atlantic 2006 Consolidated Atlantic HMS FMP HMS consolidated into one FMP; no changes to EFH descriptions or boundaries 2009 Amendment 1 to the 2006 EFH updated for all federally managed Atlantic HMS. HAPC Consolidated Atlantic HMS FMP for bluefin tuna spawning area designated in Gulf of Mexico 2010 Amendment 3 to the 2006 EFH first defined for smoothhound sharks (smooth dogfish, Consolidated Atlantic HMS FMP Florida smoothhound, and Gulf smoothhound) 2010 White Marlin/Roundscale EFH first defined for roundscale spearfish (same as white Spearfish Interpretive Rule and marlin EFH designation in Amendment 1 to 2006 Final Action Consolidated Atlantic HMS FMP) 2015 Atlantic HMS EFH Comprehensive review of EFH for all HMS. Determined that 5-Year Review changes to some EFH descriptions and boundaries were warranted. Presents alternatives that would update EFH for all federally 2016 Draft Amendment 10 to the managed Atlantic HMS. Existing HAPCs for sandbar shark 2006 Consolidated Atlantic HMS FMP and bluefin tuna would be adjusted, and new HAPCs for sand tiger shark and lemon shark would be created to reflect recommendations in the 5-year review 2017 Final Amendment 10 to the Public comment period ended 22 December 2016. Final 2006 Consolidated Atlantic HMS FMP amendment approved 30 August 2017 and published in Federal Register on 7 September 2017 Public comment period ended 1 October 2018 and Final 2019 Final Amendment 11 to the became effective 3 March 2019. Included management 2006 Consolidated Atlantic HMS FMP measures to address overfishing and rebuild stock of North Atlantic shortfin mako shark Announced 23 June 2020 integrates provisions of recently 2020 Draft Amendment 12 to the revised National Standard guidelines, a standardized 2006 Consolidated Atlantic HMS FMP bycatch reporting methodology rulemaking, and NOAA Fisheries policy directives. Public comment closed 26 October 2020. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 28 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 5.5. EFH types and geographically defined HAPCs within proposed project vicinity or footprint and potential impacts by activity (Y= yes; N = no; W =within acceptable limits). Refer to Section 5.0 and 6.0 for details. PROXIMITY IMPACTACTIVITY Essential Fish Habitat Project vicinity Project footprint DredgeSand operation placement Estuarine Emergent wetlands Y N N N Estuarine scrub/shrub mangroves N N N N Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) Y N N N Oyster reefs and shell banks Y N N N Intertidal flats Y N N N Aquatic beds N N N N Estuarine water column Y N N N Seagrass Y N N N Creeks N N N N Mud bottom N N N N Marine Emergent wetlands Y N N N Unconsolidated/shallow subtidal bottom Y Y Y Y Live/hard bottoms N N N N Coral and coral reefs N N N N Artificial/man-made reefs N N N N Sargassum Y Y W N Water column & high salinity surf zones' Y Y W W Geographically Defined HAPC Area -wide Council -designated artificial reef Special Management Zones N N N N Hermatypic (reef -forming) coral habitat and reefs N N N N Hard bottoms N N N N Hoyt Hills N N N N Sargassum habitat Y Y W N State -designated areas of importance for managed species (PNAs) N N N N Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) Y N N N North Carolina Big Rock N N N N Bogue Sound N N N N CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 29 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 5.5. (concluded) PROXIMITY I M PACT ACTIVITY Geographically Defined HAPC Project vicinity Project impact area DredgeSand operation placement Pamlico Sound at Hatteras/Ocracoke islands N N N N Cape Fear sandy shoals N N N N Cape Hatteras sandy shoals y Y W N Cape Lookout sandy shoals N N N N New River N N N N The Ten Fathom Ledge N N N N The Point N N N N 1 effect is likely to ben egligible (e.g., project turbidity in surf zone water column would be very temporary and similar conditions commonly occur naturally and often for longer duration) CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 30 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Coastal Habitat Protection Plan w��� flhr NCDENR ,H cnRounn oePurrnex- or Map information collected from various federal, state, and private organizations_ Every effod has been made to ensure the quality and accuracy of this information. 7 ck ■ . i .ti Af6emarle Sound CK \ or Cro an ■ Soa a ■ ■ •j h •r �f ■ 1 a �' � pafnik LS e • 4 • / CA V Pamlico Sound A E,.i.� 5 j • • •• ■• dt ♦ 1 �e0ye pS] � o �.. � � ti • � / /A 6 Dlis hake _ I®f /'� N rpe�f kf�er ■ / ■ Hard Bottom Habitat (SEAMAP, 2001) Hard Bottom Habitat (MARMAP & SEFIS, 2013) ol Hard Bottom - Hard Bottom J Potential Hard Bottom Hard Bottom Potential Hard Bottom Artificial Reefs (DMF, 2015) 0 5 10 20 I Shipwrecks (NOAA, 2014) 0 Hard Bottom Habitat (Moser & Taylor, 1995) Miles F Hard Bottom Points 0 10 20 40 Hard Bottom Lines Kilometers . Hard Bottom Polygons NAD83 NCStale Plane May 201� FIGURE 5.1. Location of hard bottom, possible hard bottom, shipwrecks, and artificial reefs in state and federal waters off North Carolina- northern coast (from NCDEQ 2016b, Map 7.1.a). Blue arrow points to the old groins south of Buxton Village indicated as "Hard Bottom - point." CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 31 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Areas shown in Figure 5.2 include EFH-HAPC as follows: The Point (largest green unidentified rectangle) for Coastal Migratory Pelagics, Coral, Coral Reef, Live/Hard Bottom, Tilefish, Snapper/Grouper, and Dolphin/Wahoo is located approximately 25 miles offshore from Buxton/Cape Point/Cape Hatteras and the proposed project area; the sand colored narrow polygon south and north of The Point for tilefish; coastal inlets (blue circles) for Shrimp and Snapper/Grouper, and; the grey, blue, or green colored polygons alongthe shores of Pamlico Sound for Primary and Secondary and Permanent Secondary Nursery Areas for Shrimp and/or Snapper/Grouper. Note: the marsh on the sound side of Hatteras Island in vicinity the proposed project area contains no EFH-HAPC designated Nursery Areas. Cores from the borrow area were logged and analyzed for grain size, shell content, and mud content using sample splits at distinct changes in lithology, and the results showed that the sediment quality in the designated borrow area met the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission (NCCRC) criteria (15A NCAC 07H.0312 - Technical Standards for Beach Fill Projects). The similarity of the sand -size classes and shell content in sediment analyses for the recipient beach and the borrow area indicate for the proposed renourishment project that the sand will look and perform similar to native sand after placement on the beach. The majority of the cores represent the upper 10 feet of substrate, therefore, Dare County proposes a maximum allowed excavation depth of 10 ft below the existing grade, which is a similar depth to what was permitted for the 2017-2018 Buxton project and the recent Nags Head project. If the proposed excavation depth is approved, the borrow area contains approximately 3.3 million cy of beach -quality sand. All hardbottom features or cultural resources identified within the project area will be avoided and appropriate buffers will be incorporated. The potential pipeline corridors for a cutterhead dredge operation or a hopper dredge operation will be determined after completion of the cultural resources survey. It is anticipated that the projectwill be constructed via ocean -certified hopperdredge so as to maintain flexibility and safety during temporary demobilization to a safe harbor in rough sea conditions. Offshore hopper dredging operations do not require a continuous pipeline from the borrow area to the beach; instead a relatively short segment of submerged pipe is used that extends from safe water depths to the shoreline. The anticipated submerged pipeline will be -2,000 ft placed along the bottom more or less normal to the shoreline azimuth. Multiple pumpout points are anticipated for the project (likely a maximum of three corridors). Additional surveys will be conducted once the borrow area and parameters for corridor spacing are confirmed with prospective dredging companies (requirements vary with the size of dredges assigned to the project). All information associated with additional surveys, data analysis, mapping of corridors and proposed buffers will be coordinated with resource agencies prior to construction so as to avoid or minimize resource impacts. Final pipeline corridors also cannot be determined until the time of construction because of the need to avoid designated resource closure areas. The nearshore zone of impact of the beach fill will be a function of the normal annual to decadal depth of active profile change (i.e., Depth of Closure - DOC) along the foreshore, which for the Buxton and northern Outer Banks area is in the approximate range -19 ft NAVD to -30 ft NAVD (Birkemeier 1985; USACE 2010; CSE 2013). During construction, all nourishment along Nags Head was placed landward of the -12 ft contour. This was confirmed by pre- and post -nourishment construction surveys and post -storm surveys after Hurricane Irene after 85 percent of the nourishment was in place (CSE 2013). Subsequently, over a three-year period, sand from the CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 32 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina nourishment project shifted seaward to the approximate -19 ft NAVD contour with additional evidence of minor profile change between the -19 and -30 ft NAVD depth contours. The Buxton 2018 nourishment project demonstrated similar depth range impacts upon initial placement and adjustment. The principal difference between Buxton and Nags Head is the considerably deeper inshore trough off the Village of Buxton inside the outer bar. The trough is up to -20 ft deep at low tide along some sections of the proposed action area. Thus, the zone of impact is initially smaller than the subsequent area receiving inputs of sand as equilibration occurs. The post -construction adjustment of the profile tends to be rapid (order of weeks to months along the Outer Banks) in the surf zone, but relatively slow and event -driven in deeper water. Available data to date indicate there are no hard -bottom areas along the project shoreline out to a water depth of -30 ft NAVD. i ., 0 0 w • canyon c�eta5 / J LO T U LL O CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 33 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 5.1 Potential EFH or EFH-HAPC within Project Impact Area and Fish Species Which Utilize Them This section of the assessment document expands upon the currently designated EFH or EFH-HAPC with the potential to occur within the project vicinity (within 2 miles of project area footprint) or project area (actual project footprint) shown in Table5.5. Fish utilization is described in more detail for only those EFH or EFH-HAPC found within both the project vicinity and the project area. 5.1.1 Estuarine Emergent Wetlands - the Cowardin et al. (1979) definition is accepted by NOAA for the description of this EFH and includes deepwater tidal habitats and adjacent tidal wetlands that are semi -enclosed by land but have some open, or partly obstructed, or sporadic connection to marine waters which mix with freshwater runoff from the land. The seaward limit is an imaginary line drawn across the mouth of a river, bay, or sound. This EFH provides important nursery habitat for penaeid shrimp and snappergrouper and is also highly productive for manyother non -managed species. The nearest estuarine emergent wetlands lie on the west side of Hatteras Island which do fall within the project vicinity but will not be affected by the project as there is no nearby inlet to transport waters or sediment from the project into the EFH. Also, no project -related equipment will travel or be parked in or near this EFH. Therefore, this EFH is not evaluated further in this document. 5.1.2 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) and Seagrass - these shallow estuarine or marine EFHs perform many critical ecological functions and are highly productive for multiple protected and managed species. These species, along with other recreationally important shellfish, invertebrates, and forage species for the managed species, utilize the complex SAV habitat for spawning, nurseries, feeding, attachment, and refugia. Both the patches of SAV itself (stems, roots, rhizomes, leaves and propagules) and the area between patches are considered SAV habitat. High salinity SAV habitat in NC waters is generally dominated by three species of seagrass, shoal grass (Halodule wrightii), widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima), and saltwater eelgrass (Zostera marina). Siltation, damage from boat props and wakes, and other changes in water quality or substrate affect ability of SAV to thrive and extend coverage. Over 40,000 fish and 1,000 times as many small invertebrates are supported by a single acre of seagrass (https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/plants- algae/seagrass-and-seagrass-beds). While recognized around the world for its critical and highly productive ecological functions, there has been a global decline in SAV and seagrasses of about 29 percent in the last century with a current loss estimate of 1.5 percent/year (two football fields each hour). Estimated to encompass between 134,000 to 200,000 acres, North Carolina has the third largest expanse of SAV in the US alongwith Maine and Texas. While SAV habitat is extensive in some areas and patchy in other areas of NC waters, the nearest SAV is located in Pamlico Sound, directly across Highway NC 12 to the west, in the back barrier environment. Data from the most recent information on SAV in North Carolina waters were used to show 3,153 acres of SAV within the project vicinitywhich represents both continuous and patchy beds of SAV (Figure 5.3). Shown inKenworthy et al. (2012) as covered densely with high salinity SAV, these acres of SAV lie within the project vicinity but outside the project area; the nearest inletwhich could transport anywaters orsediment from the project area is -12 miles southwest. Therefore, this EFH is not evaluated further in this document. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 34 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 5.3. Submerged aquatic vegetation within project vicinity. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 35 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 5.1.3 Oyster Reef and Shell Banks -Oyster reefs and shell banks are intertidal or subtidal estuarine habitats composed of living shellfish or artifact shell material. Several species of specialized fish and invertebrates are associated with oyster reefs as these habitats provide food and cover. Managed species associated with this EFH include black sea bass, grey snapper, weakfish, and bluefish. Living oyster populations are limited by, among other things, siltation, salinity, and substrate. Throughout their entire Atlantic range, oyster reefs have declined substantially in the last century because of natural and anthropogenic stressors. Efforts currently are underway to regenerate oyster reefs in many states, including NC which has numerous living shoreline projects completed and others under development; living shoreline projects use oyster shell reefs to aid in estuarine shoreline stabilization and water quality improvements (6,200 linear feet of living shoreline in North Carolina have been restored in the past 20 years through a partnership between NOAA fisheries and the NC Coastal Federation). Habitat for and likely patches of oyster reef or shell bank are found within the project vicinity in the back barrier environments of Pamlico Sound but none are found within the project area. As mentioned for SAV, the nearest inlet which could transport any waters or sediment from the project area is -12 miles southwest. Therefore, this EFH is not evaluated further in this document. 5.1.4 Estuarine Intertidal Flats - this EFH is extensive throughout Pamlico Sound and is an important component of primary and secondary nursery areas and is considered a soft bottom habitat per NCDEQ 2016a,b). Described by SAFMC as dynamic areas that change and respond to shifts in sediment supply based on patterns of erosion and deposition, this EFH provides habitat for numerous benthic organisms which comprise important dietary components of many managed species and recreationally important fish species such as gag grouper, grey snapper, American eel, red drum, shrimp, summer flounder, and black sea bass. As described for SAV and oyster reef/shell banks, the nearest estuarine intertidal flats lie in Pamlico Sound to the west of NC 12, in the project vicinity but not in the project area. Therefore, this EFH is not evaluated further in this document. 5.1.5 Sargassum and Sargassum Pelagic Habitat - Sargassum filipendula is a benthic brown macroalgae found along the Atlantic coast of the Americas in shallow subtidal zones attached to rocks or shells, but is also found in deeper waters of 80 to 100 ft. In North Carolina, this alga occurs predominantly south of Cape Hatteras often growing on jetties near stabilized inlets. As it has larger floats than other species of Sargassum and weaker holdfasts, rough weather will often dislocate the holdfasts and it is often carried out to the open ocean where it joins other species of seaweed and Sargassum in the Sargasso Sea. Positively buoyant, the larger floats of S. filipendula keep it on top of the large floating mats of seaweed common to the Sargasso Sea. Of the 150 species worldwide, two other free-floating species of Sargassum are found in the Atlantic, S nutans and S fluitans with S. nutans the most common. Sargassum can occur in large floating mats in the waters of the continental shelf, in the Sargasso Sea, and in the Gulf Stream and can appear as concentrations of small patches (Figure 5.4), large mats, or often miles -long weed lines, or windrows, along current convergence boundaries in the open or coastal ocean (Deaton et at. 2010, NCDEQ 2016a,b). It circulates primarily between 20' and 40' N latitudes and 30' W longitude and the western edge of the Florida Current/Gulf Stream. Masses of Sargassum provide a mobile structural home for over 100 species offish (mostly larval and juveniles; left photo Figure 5.4), fungi, and micro- and macro -epiphytes, at least 145 species of invertebrates, four species of sea turtles, and numerous marine birds. Roughly 2M square miles in area, the Sargasso Sea is bordered by a ring of four currents; on the north by the North Atlantic Current, on the east by the Canary Current, on the south by the North Atlantic Equatorial Current, and on the west by the Gulf Stream. These CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 36 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina currents rotate a large eddy in a clockwise circulation (the North Atlantic Central Gyre) and also trap floating debris and trash/plastics such that the area is known as the North Atlantic Garbage Patch. The Sargasso Sea receives little wind or rain. The rotation keeps the masses of Sargassum and other seaweed in the Sargasso Sea from dispersing into other parts of the ocean; although some smaller rafts orwindrows do separate from the larger masses under certain wind and current conditions and drift in the open ocean (middle photo, Figure 5.4) or can be driven all the way to shore (right photo, Figure 5.4). Legally, SAFMC considers the Sargassum vegetation as both EFH and as a "fish" under the MSFCMA. Designated EFH or EFH-HAPC for Snapper/Grouper, Highly Migratory, and Coastal Migratory Pelagic fisheries, it is also the area to which all American and European eels are thought to congregate for spawning. It is a majorsource of biological productivity in nutrient -poor regions of the ocean tightly coupled to schools of associated fish. However, unregulated commercial harvest of Sargassum for traditional medicines, fertilizer, livestock feed, and the cosmetics industry has prompted concerns over the potential loss of this important resource. It is illegal to harvest south of the NC/SC boundary or within 100 miles of shore and any harvest is limited from November to June to protect sea turtles. Under certain wind conditions, relatively small masses of Sargassum may wash ashore from the Gulf Stream or outer continental shelf waters and it can also be found occasionally in nearshore waters. Since 2011, beaches of the Caribbean have experienced massive influx of two species of Sargassum along with the western equatorial coast of Africa. The source of this new and unpleasant (for tourism) and fatal (smothered sea turtle nests, fish kills) Caribbean phenomena at first was thought to be the Sargasso Sea or the Gulf of Mexico but satellite images revealed it to originate from the coast of Brazil transported by equatorial currents. This recent spate of Sargassum blooms is suspected to be driven by increased nutrients from the Amazon River (and potentially the Congo River) in addition to potential changes in water temperature due to climate change, iron rich African dust plumes, or changes in the complex dynamics of the North Equatorial Recirculation Region (NERR) (Oxenford, 2015; Louime et al. 2017; University South Florida 2019; Langin 2019; McBride 2019). 5.1.6 Water Column - the water column is the medium which connects all aquatic habitats, provides a basic ecological role for all organisms within it, and performs an essential corridor function for species which depend on more than one habitat for various life stages (Deaton et al. 2010; NCDEQ 2016a,b). Either or both the estuarine and marine water column are EFH for all managed species as shown in Table 5.2. Life stages of many of the species are found in the nearby estuarine waters of the North Carolina back -barrier sounds (Roanoke, Pamlico, and Croatan sounds) and/or nearest inlets (Oregon Inlet is -30 miles to the north and Hatteras Inlet is -12 miles to the southwest). Some other managed species can be found in the nearshore marine waters of the proposed borrow area or in the surf zone in the vicinity of proposed sand placement. A project conducted from March 2015 to October 2019 by NOAA's National Center for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) developed a calendar of environmental windows which shows the monthly distribution of sensitive early life stages for important fishery species in the Carolinas and which aquatic regime/type these stages are found (Figure 5.5). The purpose of the project was to provide a guide for coastal resource managers to reduce and minimize development -related impacts to fisheries. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 37 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina �800W 41<' 40°N • I 30°N - ��__ Mar 0 May u m_ Sep Nov A Feb 4� 0 immini Mar 20 8 10°N --_ May 20 8 FIGURE 5.4. Floating mat of Sargassum with associated small fish (courtesy of NOAA Ocean Explorer Gallery), weedline/windrow of Sargassum (SAFMC website) and drifts on Caribbean island of Tobago in 2015 (Credit: rjsinenomine (CC BY 2.0)] and monthly Sargassum distribution derived from MERIS satellite imagery from 2002- 2008 (as shown in Oxenford, Franks, and Johnson 2015). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 38 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina ` A MEHL O� National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Q0 Critical Early Life Stages for Important Fishery Species in the Carolinas Brown Shrimp (Farfontepenaeus aztecus)' Gag Grouper (Mycteroperco microlepis)' 17 White Shrimp Pink Shrimp Blue Crab (Litopenaeus setiferus)' (Forfantepenaeus duorarum)' (Callinectes sapidus)l t � Summer Flounder Southern Flounder Red Drum (Paralichthys dentotus)' (Paralichthys lethostigma)2 (Sciaenops ocellatus)° 7,_� Atlantic Sturgeon Shortnose Sturgeon American Shad River Herring (Acipenser oxyrinchus)' (Acipenser brevirostrum)' (Aloso sapidissima)' (Alosa aestivalis / Alosa pseudoharengus)' Table. Summary of the most sensitive life stages (eggs, larvae, and early juveniles) for each fisheries species assessed, and their distribution throughout the year. Boxes represent abundant eggs and/or larvae present in a given area. Light blue = River habitat; Gray = Inlet habitat; Dark blue = Estuarine habitat; Black = Ocean River/ Inlet Estuary NOAA', SC Dep. of Natural Resources (DNR)', Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission' and MD DNR.° FIGURE 5.5. Distribution of sensitive life stages of important fishery species in the Carolinas across the months of the year by aquatic type/location.(https://coasta[science.noaa.gov/project/fisheries-assessment-to-inform-time- of-year-restrictions-for-nc-and-sc/) CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 39 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Estuarine water column - EFH for multiple managed species under various FMPs: coastal demersals (red drum, bluefish, summer flounder), invertebrates (shrimp species), coastal pelagics (e.g., cobia, both mackerels), some sharks, and the snapper grouper complex (e.g., black and rock sea bass, Lane and grey snapper, sheepshead) and HAPC for shrimp, snapper/grouper, and red drum. While the nearest waters of Pamlico Sound are within 1,000 ft or less of the proposed sand placement area, the dry beach, the dunes (where they exist), NC Highway 12, and vegetated and unvegetated habitats separate the project area from the estuarine water column. The distance to the nearest inlet which could connect the project area marine water column to the estuarine water column is -12 miles to the southwest. Therefore, this EFH is not evaluated further in this document. Marine water column - this broad EFH also includes ocean high salinity surf zones EFH for red drum and coastal migratory pelagics, barrier island ocean -side waters from surf to shelf break zone and from Gulf Stream shoreward EFH for coastal migratory pelagics, and spawning area above adult habitat and additional pelagic environment EFH for snapper grouper and shrimp under various FMPs. Additionally, the marine water column is utilized by various life stages of ASMFC species including Atlantic menhaden, shad, spotted seatrout, spiny dogfish, and Atlantic coastal sharks among others. The coastal and nearshore Atlantic Ocean waters of North Carolina occupy a unique location in thatthe coldersoutherly Labrador Current (a portion of the North Atlantic gyre) intersects with the warmer northerly Gulf Stream in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras, which also is a biogeographic boundary and is the closest point of land to the Gulf Stream along the mid -Atlantic coast (see Section Cape Hatteras shoals for further discussion). This collision of currents generally decreases the marine water column temperatures north of Cape Hatteras and increases temperatures south of Cape Hatteras. The collision generates offshore frontal mixing zones which, combined with the varied winds and shifting bottom topography characteristic of Cape Hatteras shoals, causes nutrient -rich upwelling. Upwelling in the area can also be driven by wind events and local topography. Upwelling supports a large diversity of larval to adult stages of managed fish, including Highly Migratory Species and results in the HAPC called The Point (a rectangular area along the continental shelf break east of Cape Hatteras shown in Figure 5.2). These marine waters concentrate pelagic fauna relatively close to shore from the temperate biogeographic region to the north and tropical to sub -tropical biogeographic region to the south. The complex topography of the Carolina Capes region extends to the continental shelf break and is effective at capture of Gulf Stream eddies (FEP II live/hardbottom update March 2018 (https://safmc.net/uncategorized/fepii- live-hardbottom-habitat march-2018/). Figure 5.6 is a cartoon depiction of this unique collision of currents. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 40 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 5.6. Depiction of Cape Hatteras marine water column dynamics. (from https://www.coasta[studiesinstitute.org/research/coastal-engineering/research-project-processes-driving- exchange-cape-hatteras) Laney et al. (2007) indicated thatjuvenile Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenseroxyrinchus) were consistently captured in January- February bottom trawls from 1988 to 2006 in the shallow nearshore waters of North Carolina north of Cape Hatteras, including captures near the Buxton project vicinity. However, most of the captures were concentrated north of Oregon Inlet (Fig 3 of Laney et al. 2007, pg 175). An index of the estimated Atlantic coast population abundance for Atlantic sturgeon was developed from the Northeast Fisheries Observer Program (NEFOP) during 2006 to 2011(Kocik et al. 2013). The Kocik et at. report (2013) includes a map of the capture locations along the North Carolina coast (Fig 1, pg 26) which indicates that Atlantic sturgeon were not captured within the Buxton project area itself but were captured both to the north and south; an absence potentially linked to the distances to an inlet. There are 23 species or species groups managed interjurisdictionally under ASMFC, SAFMC, and/or MAFMC and the NC Marine Fisheries Council (NCDEQ 2015, Table 1). As of 28 August 2019, North Carolina has 13 FMPs two of which (red drum and summer flounder) also have ASMFC or MAFMC FMPs and one of which has a SAFMC FMP (shrimp). From 1978 -1993, North Carolina commercial fisheries landings statistics were collected on a voluntary basis through the National Marine Fisheries Service/North Carolina Cooperative Statistics Program. The growing need for more detailed and timely harvest data led the NC General Assembly to mandate trip -level reporting of commercial fisheries landings for all state -licensed fish dealers in 1994. Since that time, the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries Trip Ticket Program has grown into one of the leading fisheries data collection programs in the country. In fact, many otherstates have modeled their trip ticket systems after the North Carolina program. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 41 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina The NCDMF provided summary data for commercial landings in the ocean up to 3 miles off the beach from north of Cape Hatteras to the Virginia border from 2000-2019 (NCDMF, Amanda Tong, Marine Biologist II, License and Statistics Section, pers comm.17 October 2019 and 9 February 2021). Values for taxa richness, total weight, percent of catch, and numbers of managed species derived from the summary data are higher or lower than that shown below as some data are confidential and not shared with the public and some species are lumped into a group that may or may not include only the managed species. For example, among highly migratory species in the summary data, fourtuna are represented (three of which are confidential) and 18 shark species are represented (seven are confidential). Figure 5.7 shows the dominant species by tonnage and Figure 5.8 shows the data for sharks not shown in Figure 5.7. Bangley et al. (2018) analyzed NCDMF gill net and longline survey data from 2007-2014 which showed that six species of shark were most common in Pamlico Sound: spiny and smooth dogfish, bull shark, blacktip shark, sandbar shark, and Atlantic sharpnose shark. The analysis showed that sharks were most associated in habitats with high salinity, warmer temperatures, and proximity to inlets with the exception of bull shark which wasfound at greater distances from inlets and spinydogfish which was associated with lower temperatures and SAV beds. Bull shark has no designated EFH in NC waters (Table 5.2). The bullet list below provides additional information from the NCDMF summary commercial data: • Total taxa richness =124 • Total sample = 27,644 tons • Managed species comprised 58.1% of total as follows: Coastal demersals = 13.1% Invertebrates (shrimp & squid) = 10.1% Coastal pelagics = 3.7% Highly migratory=1.67% Sharks = 1.66% Snapper/grouper = 0.2% • Top individual managed fish species taken was Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus) = 35.8% • Other top individual managed fish species taken were less than 15% of total as follows: Spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) = 13.4% Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) = 8.1% Shrimp (three species) =10.0% Flounders (Paralichthid) = 5.0% Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) = 4.9% Smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis) = 3.4% Menhaden (bait) (Brevoortia tyrannus) = 3.4% Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) = 2.9% CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 42 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina NCDMF Trip Ticket Summary Tons Buxton to Virginia border (2000-2019) 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 • `oc ��t Jao� r ��� a��\ \�� r � �� et5 •.Q�a ay0 r�o� r :t�\ �elak r FIGURE 5.7. Dominant fish species caught in commercial landings from 2000-2019 per NCDMF. Data limited to 0 to 3 miles offshore from Cape Hatteras to Virginia border, Shrimp (all) includes pink, white, and brown shrimp, and Flounders includes all Paralicthids. NCDMF Trip Ticket Summary Tons Buxton to Virginia border (Sharks 2000 - 2019) 200 150 100 50 0 t��oye \ `��•Q cet a ec�oo�r ra FIGURE 5.8. Other sharks caught in commercial landings from 2000-2019 per NCDMF. Data limited to 0 to 3 miles offshore from Cape Hatteras to Virginia border. Shortfin mako shark landings were slightly more than 1 ton over this period; data for seven other shark species were confidential and not made public. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 43 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Despite, or possibly even because of, their frequently turbulent waves, ocean high salinity surf zones provide habitat for a diversity of fishes and are prime sites for recreational anglers and commercial net fisheries. This EFH also faces other escalating pressures from coastal urbanization and shoreline stabilization. Managed species typically found in the surf zone of Buxton can include bluefish, cobia, king and Spanish mackerel, sheepshead, summer flounder, brown/pink/white shrimp, bluefish, and several shark species. Olds et al. (2017) reviewed the global literature (152 studies gathered from Elsevier Scopus and ISI Web of Knowledge databases) on the ecology of surf zone fish to inform fisheries management and coastal conservation planning. While the ecological and economic importance of surf -zone fishes is widely recognized, Olds et al. (2017) conclude that few studies tested for impacts on fishing from urbanization or whether the impacts were severe in surf zones. The literature referenced in Olds et al. (2017) showed surf zones support diverse fish assemblages characterized by high numerical dominance (10 species typically comprise 95 percent of catches), but also showed the composition of assemblages as highly variable, changing with fluctuations in water temperature, wave climate, and the biomass of drifting algae or seagrass. The literature reviewed showed mostly positive effects from water temperature, macrophytes, and wind speed and mostly negative effects from wave climate, salinity, and turbidity on surf zone fish assemblages (see Figure 5 in Olds et al. 2017). The studies cited in Olds et al. (2017) show that fish use surf zones as feeding habitats and transit routes, but these areas may not be widely used as spawning sites,juvenile nurseries, or refugia and indicate that the hypothesized habitat functions are rarely backed by empirical data (Able et al. 2013, Tobin et al. .2014, Vargas -Fonseca et al. 2016 are cited). Somewhat surprisingly, the presumption that gutter habitats in surf zones serve as effective refugia from predators forjuvenile fish is also challenged by the Olds et al. (2017) literature review (specifically Nakane et al. 2009, Tobin et al. 2015). Furthermore, Olds et at. (2017) conclude that while intense fishing pressure leads to significant reductions in fish abundance, biomass, and diversity, no published data exist that can be used to determine what level of surf zone fishing effort is sustainable, which species are particularly at risk from harvesting in surf zones, or whether different modes of fishing exert distinct pressures. They also conclude that few studies have examined how surf fish assemblages are modified by environmental conditions (e.g. wave climate, water quality and drifting macrophytes). Morphological features of beaches are governed by sediment supply, tides, and wave exposure which individually or in combination alter the availability of both food (e.g. invertebrate prey or macrophytes) and habitat (e.g. gutters, runnels, bars) for surf fishes, but to what extent they influence the composition of surf fish assemblages remains unclear (Olds et at. 2017). Regardless of the need for more research to close gaps in understanding surf zone fish ecology as suggested by this literature review, this EFH is widely recognized to provide connectivity for fish to other habitats, support food webs, and perform important ecosystem services (Olds et at. 2017). Summary data for recreational landings (beach and up to 3 miles offshore) at Buxton access sites from 2004-2018 was also provided by NCDMF (Personal communication, Chris Wilson, Biologist II, License and Statistics Section, 15 October 2019); 2019 data were provided later (Personal communication Andrew Cathey, Biologist Supervisor, License and Statistics Section 17 February 2021). Summary data includes interception of anglers and catch observation at eight different fishing access locations in the Buxton area (beach and various marinas). In close proximity to the CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 44 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina proposed project footprint, Cape Point had the largest number of intercepts over the 16 years (8,058) while Buxton beach access had one of the lowest (632); the other six intercepts occurred at docks/marinas or at Ramp 49 in the Seashore at Frisco. Unlike the commercial landings data, these data are not separated byyear and summarize total observed catch by species for the entire period. Figure 5.9 shows the dominant species by total catch (total includes individuals released) and the list below provides additional information from the summary recreational NCDMF data: • Total taxa richness = 82 (identified to species) • Total sample = 25,156 individuals • Cooperatively or federally managed species comprised 68% of total as follows: Coastal demersals =16.3% Coastal migratory pelagics = 8.5% Sharks = 5.9% Highly migratory = 5.8% • Top individual managed fish species taken was bluefish = 29.5% • Other top species taken were as follows: Unidentified kingfish (Menticirrhus spp.) = 9.7% Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus) = 7.5% Florida pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) = 5.4 % Spot (Leiostomusxanthurus) = 5.2% Red d rum (Sciaenops ocellatus) = 4.3% Lefteye flounder (Bothidae) = 3.7% Spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) = 3.6% Unidentified skates = 3.1% Black drum (Pogonias cromis) = 3% Unidentified sharks = 2.9% Northern puffer (Sphoeroides maculatus) = 2.4% Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) =2.3% Southern kingfish (Menticirrhus americanus) = 2.1% CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 45 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 8,000 7,000 6,000 ^ 5,000 4,000 3,000 c 2000, 1,000 s 0 u Observed Recreational Catch at Buxton Access Areas J`�Q\�� �Jc`a\ p,��c�Q\, QP�p 5Qp'` QJ�S J�O�Q�•��pJ'` �Jc`a\ QQJ� �\Q\��: JQQ�Q� pP'�QQ` O 5 NCDMF 2004-2019 (species with >500 total) FIGURE 5.9. Dominant fish species observed during recreational angler intercepts at eight locations in Buxton vicinity from 2004-2019 per NCDMF. 5.1.7 Hard Bottom - while more than 90 percent of the hard bottom EFH of North Carolina occurs south of Cape Lookout, numerous occurrences of hard bottom or potential hard bottom exist north of Cape Hatteras. However, north of Cape Lookout the nearshore hard bottom EFH including shipwrecks often have low relief which makes them ephemeral (a storm may bury or uncover the habitat). The EFH can include both natural (rock outcrops) and unnatural components (shipwrecks). Pleistocene algal communities account for the natural hard bottom features (slight ridges, ledges and small terraces) found on the continental margin hard bottoms of both North and South Carolina; hard bottom can also be other natural outcroppings of limestone or unnatural man-made debris/structure. All hard bottom vertical structure attracts and supports a diverse assemblage of invertebrate colonizers (e.g., sponges, seaweed) which in turn attract and support a diverse assemblage of vertebrate organisms. All nearshore hardbottom is designated EFH for snapper, grouper, gag grouper, mackerel, and spadefish. The NCDMF website states that hard bottom provides nursery habitat for grouper, spadefish, and black sea bass while king mackerel, gag grouper, and grouper forage above or on hard bottom itself (http_//portal.ncdenr.org/web/mf/habitat/hard-bottom). The NCDMF website also states this EFH provides spawning area for black sea bass, grouper, and damselfish and refuge for gag grouper and black sea bass. The degraded groin field south of the proposed project likely provides similar habitat structure and function for some surf zone species (the groins are likely represented by three points east of Jennette Sedge on the Moser and Taylor [1995] hard bottom data set visible on the NCDMF website). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 46 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 5.1.8 Artificial/man-made reefs - used for centuries to enhance fishery resources prior to their designation as EFH, these areas serve many of the same functions as natural reefs whether they are a natural shipwreck, a deliberately sunken ship, or other man-made structure (e.g.,jetty, groin, reef ball). As a fishery management tool, properly constructed and strategically sited artificial reefs help offset the loss or damage of natural reef habitat to bottom -fishing gear and pollution and rebuild reef -associated fish stocks (NOAA 2007). Artificial reefs provide habitat structure where species may reproduce, spawn, hide, and forage; therefore, these structures increase the carrying capacity of what once was soft bottom habitat (NCDEQ 2016a,b). In North Carolina, the NCDMF Artificial Reef Program manages 41 ocean reefs, 8 estuarine reefs, and eight estuarine oyster sanctuary fishing reefs some of which are shown by triangles on Figure 5.1. All of the artificial reef sites are outside of the project vicinity. Dredging in the proposed borrow area and placement of material associated with proposed projectwould not be expected to adversely affect artificial reef sites managed bythe Artificial Reef Program. Therefore, this EFH is not evaluated further in this document. 5.1.9 Primary and Secondary Nursery Areas (PNAs/SNAs) - these EFH/HAPC areas are designated as areas of importance for managed fish by the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission and are defined by North Carolina as tidal salt waters that provide essential habitat for the early development of commercially important fish and shellfish (15 NC Administrative Code 03R .0103-0105). These habitats are also of particular importance to multiple species important to North Carolina fisheries as identified in NC Coastal Habitat Protection Plan (CHPP) (Deaton et al. 2010; NCDEQ 2016a,b) and various life stages of numerous ASFMC-managed species as shown in Table 5.4 (e.g., American eel, black sea bass and gag grouper). All PNAs/SNAs serve as EFH for egg, larval, and juvenile life stages of coastal migratory pelagics and shrimp, as can be inferred from listed species in Table 5.2. A barrier island forms a geomorphic buffer which can allow extensive areas of PNAs/SNAs to occur behind it. However, the closest designated nursery habitat occurs -29 miles away on the mainland in western Pamlico Sound (tributaries to Pains Bay and Long Shoal River; Map 7 as shown on http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/mf/primary-nursery-areas) and the nearest inlet which could transport fish to those PNAs is -12 miles to southwest of the project area. Therefore, this EFH/HAPC is not evaluated further in this document. 5.1.10 Unconsolidated/shallow subtidal bottom - this EFH consists of soft estuarine or marine sediments inhabited by a diverse assemblage of invertebrates that serve as prey to demersal fishes. Some managed species that require this essential habitat include, bluefish, red drum, snapper grouper, spiny lobster, summer flounder, smooth dogfish, and numerous shark species. Typically, very mobile in response to wave and current conditions, these sediments lack stable surfaces for extensive vegetation or animal attachment. Changes in type or amount of sediment supply, energy of wave and currents, and changes in water quality chemistry drive the biodiversity within this EFH. In the project vicinity, this EFH is found beneath both estuarine and marine waters, but for the same reasons given for other estuarine EFHs above, only the marine sediments of this EFH will be evaluated further. The offshore component of this EFH is typically more taxa rich than the surf zone and nearshore components because of differences in sediment transport forces and the dynamics of breaking waves in the surf zone. Marine EFH of this type is found both within the project vicinity (within 2 miles of project area) and within the project area itself (proposed borrow area and Buxton beach intertidal beach/surf zone). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 47 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 5.1.11 Cape Hatteras shoals - these shoals are part of the sandy shoals of capes and offshore bars EFH for Coastal Migratory pelagics, Highly Migratory Species, and summer flounder, a habitat of concern for red drum, and HAPC for sandbar shark. Such shoals include the marine soft bottom community identified and discussed in the CHPP (Deaton et al. 2010 and NCDEQ 2016a,b). Diamond Shoals at Cape Hatteras are a major sink in the coastal sediment transport system and are formed by convergent waves and longshore currents associated with cuspate forelands (Moslow and Heron 1994). The shoals are fed by sand moving south along the north segment of Hatteras Island under predominant northeast winds and waves, and sand moving east along the southern arm of Hatteras Island under prevailing southwest winds and waves; as such the individual features (ridges and troughs) shift in response. Diamond Shoals encompass over 15,000 acres of shoal habitat (an area approximately 7 by 2.5 nautical miles extending southeast from Cape Point beginning-12,000 ft south of the project area. A continuous supply of sand from adjacent beaches feeds Diamond Shoals and maintains them as an underwater extension of the coastline (Armstrong et al. 2013). Diamond Shoals contains roughly 100 times the volume of sediment in the proposed borrow area within the upper - 8ft of substrate. Cape Hatteras also marks a convergence zone where the southerly flow of the Labrador Current meets the northerly flow of the Florida Current/Gulf Stream and where the Florida Current separates from the continental shelf and the flow becomes the singular Gulf Stream, and where the current begins its passage over the deep ocean. This dynamic zone of mixed oceanic waters marks a distinct transition between warmer Gulf Stream waters and cooler Labrador waters with associated upwelling of nutrient laden waters and changes in dominant species. For example, in a 4 February 2015 email to the author, Randy Swilling (Acting Division Chief, Resource Management at Cape Hatteras National Seashore) indicated that turtle nesting numbers per mile of shoreline decline north of Cape Point; Paul Doshkov (Supervisory Biological Technician Cape Hatteras National Seashore) confirmed in January 2021 that this trend continues. Cape Hatteras shoals represent the northern and the southern terminus of the range of numerous species and results in a diverse biological assemblage. These two currents deliver both warmer species from the south and cooler species from the north to the shoals in the area and adjacent habitats. These shoals supportseasonal congregations of baitfish and shrimp preyed upon by numerous managed species (e.g., red drum and Spanish mackerel) and serve as staging areas for other coastal migratory species. The named shoals further north of Cape Hatteras and the proposed borrow area (Wimble and Kinnakeet) serve as spawning habitat for summer flounder aggregations (MAFMC 1998, Deaton et al. 2010, NCDEQ 2016a,b). Nearshore ocean waters and subtidal bottom habitat also serve as important pupping areas for several species of small coastal sharks (e.g., Atlantic sharpnose, bonnethead, blacknose shark); larger coastal sharks pup in these areas to a lesser extent. Acoustical arrays deployed south of Cape Hatteras (2008-2011 and 2012-2014) demonstrated how the shoals acted to constrict both shelf habitat and the migratory corridors of several highly migratory and/or managed species whose acoustic tags were tracked (e.g., spiny dogfish, Atlantic sturgeon, and sandbarshark) into this narrow convergence zone (Rulifson et al. 2020). Some tagged Atlantic sturgeon remained in the area all year and other Atlantic sturgeon and some shark species remained in the area only during the winter (November to April was shown as most critical period for these wintering species) (Rulifson et al. 2015). While not considered to be within any named shoals found north of the project area, the smallershoal targeted within the proposed borrow area does appear to be oriented shore oblique along a similar axis as et al. shoals north of Cape Hatteras and likely formed under similar dynamics and performs similar functions (figure 5.10). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 48 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 35 1_'0, r — 05 Pamlico Sound' bafhymatry+ Im bal] �LI�IG4 �e Value LOW -19 v ra -� w Painfico Sound bathJim tog volve Nun tw 7S40-w FIGURE 5.10. From Mallinson et. al., 2009, which shows shoals off Hatteras Island; the smaller ridge feature to the immediate west end of them a pscale is the isolated ridge of the proposed borrow area. 4..'h W ,Q'a'N 15'U'N CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 49 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK— CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 50 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 6.0 POTENTIAL EFFECTS TO EFH, EFH-HAPC, OR LIFE STAGES OF ASSOCIATED MANAGED FISH Adequate information over local and regional spatial scales is needed to accurately predict the direct and indirect impact of beach nourishment on the target beach ecosystem or on the borrow area and to ensure such activities are ecologically sound. However, while scientific understanding continues to deepen for some species or habitats, well -conceived and easily comparable pre- and post -impact studies are scarce (Schlacher et al. 2008; Leewis et al. 2012). Increased development of barrier islands and increased erosion of low-lying barrier island segments without adequate dunes have resulted in dredging (both inlet maintenance for navigation and excavation of offshore sites) and beach placement of dredged sediments as common practices in coastal North Carolina. About 50 percent of the 326 miles of ocean shoreline in North Carolina is state or federally owned. Approximately 85.3 miles (-26 percent) of the shoreline have been nourished at least one time, an estimated total of 167 miles (51 percent) have either received nourishment or are being considered for nourishment sometime in the future, and the average renourishment interval has been 4.5 years (Moffat & Nichol 2016). The statewide annual volume of nourishment projects has increased from 2.1M cy/yr over the entire record to 4.1M cy/yr since 2005 and 4.6M cy/yr since 2010 (Moffat & Nichol 2016). A similar increase is shown in the total annual distance nourished statewide from 4.6 mi/yr over the entire record to 10.9 mi/yr since 2005 and 11.5 mi/yr since 2010 (Moffat & Nichol 2016) This means that in a given year, -6 percent of the North Carolina coast has been subject to beach reconstruction over the past several decades. If future renourishment intervals remain the same as the past, potential additional areas considered for nourishment may increase the proportion of beaches actively nourished in a given yearto -11 percent. The construction duration of nourishment for any single project is typically -3 months. Potential effects to marine resources (including food sources and various life stages) or their habitats from dredging or placement of sediments may include some or all of the following: temporary or more permanent changes in coastal biogeochemistry processes and conditions (Hannides, Elko, and Humiston 2019), reduced food availability, direct habitat removal or burial, increased water column turbidity, dissolved oxygen reduction, contaminant and nutrient release, character changes in benthic sediment, character changes in benthic composition of infauna, suspension and dispersion of infauna, and entrainment. The potential effect varies from project to project and is dependent on methods, frequency, season, location, and the marine resources present in the project area. Over the past few decades, improved methods, equipment, and techniques used by dredge companies, project design improvements, sustained interagency collaboration and coordination, establishment of sediment criteria, regional planning, and specific permit conditions have all contributed to the minimization of many of these potential effects. Largely due to these improvements and collaboration, the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers determined that most beach nourishment projects in North Carolina can be properly evaluated with a detailed Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact (EA/FONSI) instead of an environmental impact statement. Additionally, effects on protected resources of many such projects can be considered and potentially permitted under the new South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion for Dredging and Material Placement Activities in the Southeast United States (2020 SARBO) (NMFS 2020). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 51 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 6.1 EFH and HAPC Table 5.5 lists the EFH categories and geographically defined HAPCs in those EFH within the project area or vicinity. Only those categories/features in the Impact Activity columns in this table which have designations otherthan N (for No potential impact) are discussed below with emphasis on the SAFMC resource specifically designated to that EFH or HAPC as shown in Table 5.3. Attachment A contains descriptions of both cutterhead and hopper dredge equipment, potential sedimentation and turbidity effects from their operation, and a summary table of minimization measures. Some of the minimization measures were extracted from the final EFH Assessment for the Emergency Beach Fill Along NC Highway 12 in Rodanthe, Dare County, North Carolina (Sections 13.1 and 13.2 and Table 4 from USACE 2013 which was also the minimization template for the 2017/2018 Buxton restoration project while other minimization measures shown are from the 2020 SARBO). For additional details on differences between dredge types and the summary of various methods to reduce impacts, please refer to Attachment A. While the purpose of this assessment is to address project specific impacts to EFH/HAPC, a suite of large scale dynamics and changes in relationship patterns across trophic levels of the southeastern US Atlantic coastal environment attributed to climate change are also likely to impact living marine resources which depend on EFH/HAPC in various ways and at an unknown pace. Natural long-term variability in the region and response to such larger scale drivers is not well understood; but obviously large scale oscillations in oceanic circulation influence ecosystems in complicated ways. Among other noted climate changes which impact EFH/HAPC (e.g., increases in temperature, sea level, and acidity), some researchers opine the Gulf Stream also appears to be weakening, along with its associated Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which may have implications for primary and secondary productivity if this weakening results in a decline in duration, magnitude, or frequency of Gulf Stream -associated upwelling events (per Ezer et al. 2013 and Rahmstorf et al. 2015 in NOAA 2017). Indirect effects of temperature change may also be important. For example, small increases (-0.6 °C) in temperature have been associated with major changes in planktonic ecosystems in the North Atlantic (Richardson and Schoeman 2004). Since plankton is essential for suspension -feeding beach species, changes in plankton assemblages may have large effects on these beach species and certain surf zone species which may prey upon them. Coincident to oscillations of ocean currents, climate change is purported to be associated with an increase in extreme events (e.g., hurricanes) which, even if they do not make landfall, the repeated associated high surf and elevated rainfall can be disruptive to nearshore species. The NC coast experienced these effects from four hurricanes in 2017 (Irma, Jose, Katia, and Maria), a series of nor'easters in March of 2018, a hurricane in 2018 (Florence), and a hurricane in 2019 (Dorian). There is wide reporting in the media and in scientific literature of an increase in jellyfish "blooms" and an increase of dominance of nuisance jellyfish as additional evidence of a decline in the health of the world's oceans (Condon et al. 2012 and 2013). Of pertinence to the Proposed Action, record numbers of cannonball jellyfish in nearshore NC waters in summer 2017 complicated the collection of borrow sediments for three northern Outer Banks beach nourishment projects. Cannonball jellyfish are preferred prey for leatherback sea turtles and there was an unexpected increase in sea turtles during the dredge operations for those projects. An oceanic condition or circulation pattern that kept the Gulf Stream closer to shore would explain the increase in turtles which tend to expand their range in association with warmer waters (Personal communication, Dr. David Kimmel, Lead CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 52 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Researcher Oceanographer, EcoFOCI, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NMFS, NOAA, 21 September 2017; former faculty member East Carolina University). To investigate the notion of increased jellyfish blooms, Condon et at. 2013 gathered all available published and unpublished long-term time -series onjellyfish abundance acrossthe oceansforover a century from 1874. The study identified two patterns in jellyfish populations: (i) a weak but significant overall increase in jellyfish since 1970, and (ii) a strong recurrent pattern of oscillations that has persisted for over a century. As stated by Condon et al. (2013) the realization thatjellyfish populations have been pulsing globally at decadal scales should lead to a broadening of the search for the drivers of change, from regional -scale (e.g., hypoxia) to global drivers (e.g., climatic oscillations). Among the suspected drivers are global temperature increases (Purcell et at. 2007 and Purcell 2012), overfishing of competitors (by -catch and reduction of predators in Daskalov et al. 2007), eutrophication of coastal waters (Parsons and Lalli 2002), spread of hypoxia (Vaquer- Sunyer and Duarte 2008; Purcell 2012), and human activities along the coast (Duarte et al. 2013). Among the complex ecological interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere, climate variability also has differential influences on sex and size classes (Stenseth et al. 2002), which can also affect food webs in various ways. The biological characteristics of small pelagic fish, prey to some managed species, are highly sensitive to environmental fluctuations (Alheit and Hagen 2001 in Stenseth et al. 2002). In addition, other planktivores (e.g., some forage fish and jellyfish) demonstrate rapid fluctuation in population size in response to multi -scale (seasonal to decadal) variables in the environment due to their dependence on primary and secondary production cycles (Purcell 2005, Pikitch et al. 2012, in Robinson et al. 2014). As stated in Robinson et al. (2014) large scale climate driven effects such as North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) can indirectly affect the timing, magnitude, and distribution of planktonic production in the Atlantic Ocean (Fromentin and Planque 1996). The NAO influence on ocean conditions (Hurrell et al. 2003) affects the planktonic production that supports larval and adult forage fish (Alheit and Hagan 1997; Pitois et al. 2012; Paiva et al. 2013) and jellyfish (Lynam et al. 2004, 2011; Molinero et al. 2005). While much is known, much more remains to be known before attribution (non -human or human) of the specific cause of apparent or measured effects and accurate quantification of impacts can be confidently made. Nonetheless, a balance between sustainable fisheries management and the pressures exerted from human coastal activities on those fisheries remains the goal of interagency consultation, international engagement, and continued research on antagonistic and synergistic drivers of change and the magnitude or frequency of ecosystems' or species' responses to those changes. 6.1.1 Sargassum - pelagic Sorgossum is positively buoyant and, depending on the prevailing surface currents, remains in waters of the continental shelf for extended periods or can be cast ashore when storm currents and wind allow such onshore/nearshore transport. Therefore, pelagic Sorgossum species could drift through the vicinity of the dredge operation in the proposed borrow area or, depending on wind and currents, could drift into the nearshore or surf zone. Because it occurs in the upper few feet of the water column, it is not subject to direct effects from dredging, although sediment placement activities associated with the proposed project could introduce temporary turbidity in the shallow water column during sand placement. However, this turbidity is short-lived and will likely duplicate storm conditions; thus, no impacts are expected to this EFH CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 53 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina or its associated managed fish species from turbidity. Juvenile fish or other organisms associated with Sargassum may serve as food for managed fish when any mats have floated into the nearshore or surf zone; species already in the nearshore/surf zone water column may also use the mat as refugia. If floating mats are encountered during dredging or are washed ashore during sand placement and are buried, these mats would represent a very small portion of the total EFH or EFH- HAPC available. Since Sargassum occurs in the upper few feet of the water column and is not commonly found in the project area, the project is not expected to have any impact on this EFH or HAPC or the life stages of managed species which utilize them; any impacts that may occur are expected to be minor and within acceptable limits. 6.1.2 Marine water column (includes ocean high salinity surf zone) - this EFH is found above topographically and hydrodynamically distinct habitats that support correspondingly distinct fish and benthic assemblages. Dredging and sand placement activities conducted during project construction will occur in the marine water column in the immediate vicinity of the borrow area and the target beach which have the potential to impact nearshore and intertidal surf zone resources of larval, juvenile, and/or adult life stages. These impacts may include minor and short- term sediment plumes (and related turbidity) as well as the release of trace constituents from the sediment into the water column. Marine sediments can be sinks/reservoirs for various pollutants most typically sourced to atmospheric or riverine deposition. Trace constituents found in the sediments which may be released into the water column during dredging or sand placement activities in connection with beach nourishment projects are usually associated with source sediment having proximity to either an active or old port, wastewater treatment facilities, effluents from industries, or undocumented spill of pollutants. Additionally, important nutrients can accumulate in various soft bottom sediments and be reintroduced into the water column when disturbed. Although it could possibly contain constituents from an unknown spill, the proposed borrow area is a naturally formed, sandy high energy shoal located at considerable distance from a port, inlet, or known effluent source so it is unlikely to release harmful contaminants or nutrients during dredging or placement activities. The borrow area is regularly exposed to waves greater than 10 ft and generally exhibits only trace amounts of fine-grained clays to which contaminants can adsorb. Other effects from turbidity in the water column would include changes in light penetration and visibility which may be either beneficial or problematic (whether predator or prey) and can interfere with nutrient availability for filter -feeders. Because the proposed borrow area consists of >99% sandy or shelly material, settling of sediments placed into suspension during dredging operations is expected to be rapid and measured in minutes, returning the borrow area to ambient conditions soon after cessation of operations. The fishes of the ocean high salinity surf zone are adapted to frequent and naturally turbid habitat conditions; higher turbidities which occur during sand placement operations of the proposed project will be of shorter duration than many common weather events. Turbidity in the water column from beach placement of sand may create localized stressful habitat conditions and may result in the temporary displacement of fish and other biota. Given the high- energy offshore environment and the coarse sediment composition, the turbidity plume created is expected to be short-lived. Coarse sediments have much higher settling velocities than finer material (Table 6.1). Fine-grained sediments (such as silts and clays) produce greater and longer CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 54 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina lasting turbidity plumes, which can impact large areas of the sea floor more than coarser, sand - sized material (USACE 2002a). Suspended sediments settle at predicted rates dependent on grain size as shown in Table 6.1 below. The time necessary for sediments in the turbidity plume to settle whether in suspension from dredge activity, in the slurry itself, or resuspended during manipulation is also affected by current and wave climate in the borrow area during dredge activity and in the intertidal zone during placement and manipulation. While turbidity plumes associated with dredging are often short-lived and may affect relatively small areas, subsequent resuspension and redispersal of dredged sediments can propagate beyond the dredged area for extended periods in certain wave climates (CSA International et al. 2010). However, these effects are minimal in sandier offshore areas such as the high energy shoal of the proposed borrow area. TABLE 6.1. Sediment settling velocities. [ds- sieve diameter. dv- volume sphere diameter. df- sedimentationdiameter. *Wentworth Classification.] ds (mm) dv (mm) df (mm) @ 10°C (m/sec) @ 20°C (m/sec) *Sand Cliassification 0.089 0.10 0.1 0.005 0.007 of 0.126 0.14 0.14 0.010 0.013 of-f 0.147 0.17 0.16 0.013 0.016 f 0.208 0.22 0.22 0.023 0.028 f 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.028 0.033 f-m 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.033 0.039 m 0.42 0.46 0.40 0.05 0.058 m 0.59 0.64 0.55 0.077 0.084 c 0.76 0.80 0.70 0.100 0.110 c 1.25 1.40 1.00 0.15 0.160 vc 1.8 1.90 1.20 0.17 1 0.170 1 vc The impacts associated with this project from turbidity may be similar, on a smaller scale, to the effects of storms. Storm effects also generally include increased turbidity and suspended sediment load in the water column and, in some cases, changes in fish community structure (Hackney et al. 1996). Severe storms have been associated with fish kills, but such situations are not associated with beach disposal of dredged sand. Turbidity will be most noticeable in proximity to the slurry discharged from the pipe head which operates ahead of the beach building activities. The section of beach affected per day will varyfrom 800 to 1,000 ft in length with 300 ft per day as the estimated completion rate. Elevated turbidity levels were detected within up to -500 ft down -current of the discharge during previous nourishment construction in Dare County (CSE 2012, 2014). The discharge plume was generally not detectable at greater distances or soon after cessation of pumping between hopper loads. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 55 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Van Dolah et al. (1994) assessed turbidity conditions associated with a beach nourishment project at Folly Beach (SC), where native mean grain size is -0.2 mm, and drew the following conclusion: Although dredge effluent does increase turbidity levels in the immediate vicinity of the outfall, there are many other factors such as local weather and wave energy that will also produce this effect. The turbidity levels at Folly Beach during nourishment and the dispersal of the sediment plume were not considered unusual orsevere relative to normal fluctuations and background levels. As mentioned in USACE (2014) in their Environmental Report on the Use of Federal Offshore Sand Resources for Beach and Coastal Restoration in New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia (MMS 1999), the U.S. Department of Interior BOEM (previously MMS) provided the following assessment: In order to assess if turbidity causes an impact to the ecosystem, it is essential that the predicted turbidity levels be evaluated in light of conditions such as during storms. Storms on the Mid -Atlantic shelf may generate suspended matter concentrations of several hundred mg/L (e.g., Styles and Glenn 1999). Concentrations in plumes decrease rapidly during dispersion. Neff (1981, 1985) reported that solids concentrations of 1000 ppm two minutes after discharge decreased to 10 ppm within one hour. Poopetch (1982) showed that the initial concentration in the hopperoverflow of3,500 mg/L decreased rapidly to 500 mg/L within 50 m. For this reason, the impact of the settling particles from the turbidity plume is expected to be minimal beyond the immediate zone of dredging. Burlas et al. (USACE 2001) found that certain fish species (erg., kingfish) were attracted to higher turbidity waters, whereas other species (e.g., bluefish) avoided high turbidity water around the discharge pipe during a major nourishment project along the central New Jersey coast. This study indicates that fish may seek as well as avoid locally turbid water associated with beach nourishment and that the presence of elevated turbidity can repel, or even attract, certain species dependent upon their particular adaptive behavior. In addition to USACE 2001, other studies have also found insignificant impact or even a temporary increase in surf zone fish populations associated with nourishment projects as possibly attributed to: 1) release of nutrients and infauna during dredging, 2) wide -foraging nature of surf zone fish, or 3) short term stay of migratory fish in the project area (Deaton et at. 2010; NCDEQ 2016a,b). So while highly migratory managed species such as bigeye, bluefin, skipjack, and yellowfin tuna all have been documented as juvenile and adults in Hatteras Inlet and presumed to be in the waters near Buxton, it is unlikely these species will be affected by the associated turbidity of the proposed project. The representational data set, NCDMF recreational catch data from 2004-2019 at eight intercept locations (ocean and shore catch), show tuna in those intercepts from 0-3 miles from shore; tuna comprised 4.9 percent of the 79,652 total fish with 0.5 percent of the tuna catch unidentified to species. Of potential interest, recent satellite tagging data on spiny dogfish (one of the most abundant sharks in the world and long-lived) indicate that benthic trawl data may not CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 56 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina accurately represent the status of the species as unexpected movement patterns shown by the tagged fish demonstrates that spiny dogfish utilize more of the marine water column than previously thought making them less available to benthic gear (Carlson et al. 2014). In North Carolina shelf waters, spiny dogfish are most common from November to April. Pregnant female spiny dogfish and pups are present from Februarythrough June and have a preferred pupping area located in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras shoals (MAFMC 2014). Adult bluefish occur in Mid -Atlantic estuaries from April to October and juveniles occur from May to October (http://www.habitat.noaa.gov/protection/efh/newlnv/index.htmi). Young of the year (YOY) also are common in proximity or within the project area marine water column and ocean high salinity surf zone north of Cape Hatteras as shown in Figure 28 in the 2000 Amendment 1 to the Bluefish FMP (MAFMC, 2014). Odell et al. (2017) list turbidity from beach nourishment and potential release of toxicants as a medium threat for red drum, juveniles of which eat zooplankton and small invertebrates. Little has been published on effects of beach nourishment on surf zone biota since North Carolina established sediment criteria for such projects in 2007; even fewer have been published with a BACI (before/after/control) component. In one of the few such publications, significant variation of abundances of zooplankton among sample time/site suggested potential effects of beach nourishment, seasonality, recruitment, planktivory, and surf zone turbidity on zooplankton populations (Stull et at. 2016). Turbidity was hypothesized to be an index of disturbance by high surf or human activities by Stull et at. (2016); however, linear regressions demonstrated that mean zooplankton abundance plotted against surf zone turbidity was not significant for any of the zooplankton groups or taxa. In addition, while effect of beach nourishment on zooplankton was explored numerous ways by Stull et at. (2016), no consistent long-term positive or negative effects of beach nourishment history and no significant effects between 1 to 2 weeks before or 2 to 3 weeks after nourishment were detected. According to Stull et at. (2016), the abundance of zooplankton measured in their study supported an earlier study (Delancey 1989) which concluded zooplankton were an important food source for surf zone planktivores and also concluded that contrary to previous studies, beach nourishment activities in the surf zone may represent transient short lived disturbance in a naturally frequently disturbed environment. Fish larvae in the ocean waters near Oregon Inlet generally travel westward until they encounter the shoreline then migrate along the shoreline until they encounter the inlet (USACE 2002b). As stated in the EFH assessment prepared for the Rodanthe project (USACE 2014) larval ingress and egress studies suggest that larval transport from offshore shelves to estuarine nursery habitats occurs in three stages: offshore spawning grounds to nearshore, nearshore to the locality of an inlet or estuary mouth, and from the mouth into the estuary (Boehlert and Mundy 1988). Results from the Hettler and Hare 1998 study suggest two bottlenecks for offshore -spawning fishes with estuarine juveniles: the transport of larvae into the nearshore zone and the transport of larvae into the estuary from the nearshore zone. While the methods fish larvae use to cover large distances over the open ocean and find the inlets to their estuarine nurseries is uncertain, both passive and active methods of movement are suspected along with use of environmental cues such as salinity, depth, temperature, swells, etc. Various studies have hypothesized passive wind and depth -varying current dispersal and active horizontal swimming transport. However, data are limited regarding larval distribution in the nearshore area. As indicated in USACE (2014), population level calculations of larval entrainment from hydraulic dredging activities were insignificant within a CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 57 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina representative high concentration inlet bottleneck at Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina. Therefore, the risk of larval entrainment from dredging activities in the offshore proposed borrow area associated with this project would likely be even less. However, some larvae in the marine water column adjacent to the beach could be buried or injured during sand placement activities but not in numbers that would have a long-term effect at the species level. Diamond Shoals lies between the Buxton project area and Hatteras Inlet (the nearest inlet). Currents and waves associated with these shoals act as a barrier to longshore transport which naturally converges toward Diamond Shoals (Deaton et al. 2010; NCDEQ 2016a,b) and therefore likely divert seaward a component of larvae drifting in the littoral current in the Buxton vicinity. Very few peer -reviewed papers have discussed responses of fish larvae or eggs to man-made sounds and while many other factors may be at play in responses of juveniles and adults to man- made noise or to any long-term consequences, one of the most important will be largely determined by presence or absence of a gas bladder (Popper et al. 2014). Gas bladders, along with their location within the body, make fish more susceptible to pressure -mediated injury to the ears and other tissues than those without and allow fish to detect a broader frequency range and at greater distances (Popper et al. 2014). Most bony fishes have gas bladders while the more primitive cartilaginous fishes (sharks and rays) do not. Some of the problems of previous research come from the fact that the subjects were captive fish in laboratory conditions and almost none have emphasized study of fish responses to particle motion rather than to sound pressure. Despite recent interest and increased concern, wide information gaps make it very difficult to draw conclusions about the nature and levels of man-made sounds and their potential to cause harm on fish, turtles, or invertebrates (Hawkins et al. 2014, Popper and Hawkins 2018 and 2019). For the reasons described above, marine water column EFH including the surf zone EFH will experience temporary turbidity from both the dredge operation and the sand placement activity alongwith the potential forsome fish or benthos larval death and/or injuryfrom turbidity; however, mobile juvenile and adult fish species have the ability to locate away from the most disruptive activities. Noise levels may result in avoidance behaviors in some mobile fish species but levels are not expected to cause hearing damage. Temporary interruptions to feeding activities of fish that predate on the benthic invertebrates may occur but these interruptions are minor since large expanses of similar habitat are nearby. These effects are not expected to be long lasting or cause significant impact to this marine water column or ocean high -salinity surf zone EFH or the life stages of managed species found within these habitats. 6.1.3 Hard bottom - the submerged remnants of the three groins which are south of Buxton and south of the tapered end ofthesand placement footprint provide similar functions forsurfzonefish as that provided by hard bottom EFH of deeper water (e.g., diversity of surfaces for colonization, complexity of refugia, alternative food/prey sources). As mentioned elsewhere turbidity of the surf zone is often high due to natural conditions, but as pumping nears the tapered southern end, turbidity may temporarily increase downcoast into waters near the groins. Visually oriented capture of prey may be temporarily disrupted for some fish, but turbidity also provides increased cover for others. Any turbidity that does occur is likely to be of shorter duration than that associated with some weather events but nonetheless could affect some of the filter -feeder colonizers which provide refuge or are prey to managed fish of the surf zone. These effects are not expected to be long-lasting or cause significant impact to hard bottom EFH or the life stages of managed species which may be in the vicinity. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 58 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 6.1.4 Unconsolidated/shallow subtidal bottom (marine only) - this EFH is extensive and includes all areas of submerged or intertidal bottom seaward of the beach not considered hard bottom. This EFH provides large areas of nursery and foraging grounds for managed fish (e.g., bluefish, sharks, tunas, summer flounder, and smooth and spiny dogfish) and invertebrates and smaller forage fish upon which managed species depend at various life stages. Subtidal soft bottom may contain up to 600 benthic species, the intertidal zone of the lower beach is diverse with meiofauna, but the beach benthic community is primarily composed of 20 to 50 species of macrofauna (Deaton et al. 2010 and NCDEQ 2016a,b). Dredging of sediments in the proposed borrow area will disturb and dislodge benthic organisms and either cause mortalityfrom burial orentrainment, or disrupttheir normal behaviors duringthe disturbance window. Benthic dependent fish in the area, and/ortheir predators, along with various life stages of other managed species may also experience entrainment mortality (eggs and larvae are particularly likely to suffer lethal effects due to dredge processes) or avoidance behavior effects due to noise or turbidity, or physiological effects such as clogged gills and visual impairment as suggested in the schematic below (Figure 6.1). In ASMFC's Habitat Management Series #14, beach nourishment and dredging were rated as medium threats for benthos dependent species such as red drum (due to changes in prey community, preferred substrate changes and burial of individuals) while climate change and coastal development were rated as high (Odell et al. 2017). Beach disposal of the dredged sediments can affect fishery resources through burial of intertidal and surf zone resources that managed fish may utilize. However, some demersal fish species are sometimes attracted to this type of disturbance (northern kingfish) and feed on the numerous fauna that may be suspended in the water column from the dredging or disposal activity. Other more sensitive demersal species can opt to move away to adjacent feeding areas (bluefish). While Deaton et al. (2010, page 364) acknowledge "the relative quick recovery on intertidal and shallow subtidal benthic communities" associated with soft stabilization projects on oceanfront shorelines such as bulldozing, without adequate best management practices known to enhance biological recovery, recovery rates in mined areas are usually longer. Periodic storms affect benthic communities along the Atlantic coast to a depth of about 115 ft (35 m); therefore, the soft bottom marine benthic community tends to be dominated by opportunistic taxa that are adapted to recover relatively quickly from disturbance (Posey and Alphin 2001; Posey and Alphin 2002 in Deaton et al. 2010; and NCDEQ 2016a,b). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 59 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Threatening process Characteristics that make fish vulnerable to this process Released toxicants Low mobility Small bodied species All eggs and larvae Settlement of sediments Benthic spawners Herbivores Demersal eggs Suspended sediment plume Visual predators—pIan ktivores and piscivores Small bodied species Demersal eggs Sticky buoyant eggs Gills —particularly larvae with open mouths Noise Flight response/ ^^ low flight response Swim bladder Loss of habitat/prey Habitat/prey specialists Low mobility Entrainment Demersal Benthos associated Low mobility/ flight response FIGURE 6.1. Characteristics of fish that make them vulnerable to effects from dredge processes. (source: Figure 1 in Wenger et al. 2017) While not specifically designated as EFH, HAPC, Primary Nursery Areas (PNAs) or Strategic Habitat Areas, Rippled Scoured Depressions (RSDs) and Rippled Channel Depressions (RCDs), are recognized as important soft bottom habitat and such features provide a diversity of structure for fish and benthos in the nearshore and surf zone environment (Deaton et al. 2010). As a nourished beach equilibrates, sediment placed in thetargeted nourishmentzone could gradually movewithin these nearshore RSD/RCD features which shift seasonally in response to wave action. However, as stated in USACE (2014), Thieler et al. (1999 and 2001) demonstrated it is likely that the features would be maintained through the self -reinforcing pattern in response to both along- and across - shore flows independent of beach nourishment activities. Therefore, benthic organisms normally associated with fine- and coarse -grained sediments in the nearshore component of this EFH are not likely to be significantly altered by the project. Nevertheless, during equilibration, removal of these runnels in the surf zone might eliminate the physical refuge these features provide for plankton and nekton. Despite the long held hypothesis that juvenile fish abundance in the gutters and runnels was evidence of restricted movement and forage efficiency for predators, in a global review of fish ecology of the surf zone, Olds et al. (2017) listed several studies which challenge that hypothesis. As the preponderance of the published literature they reviewed (72 out of 151) is descriptive, 26 addressed how environmental conditions affect fish assemblages, and only seven addressed habitat modification, the need for empirical data to test several common hypotheses about the surf zone was also evident. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 60 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Managed species, whether piscivorous or not, are attracted to this EFH largely due to its use by their preferred food, a process driven by the dynamics of a typical food web which is built from the bottom to the top and largely dependent on the benthic community in the unconsolidated sediments. Spatial and temporal variation in the benthic community prey species can therefore affect growth, survival, population levels of predators and all higher trophic level species (Normandeau Associates 2014). The annual and seasonal variability in the benthic community of this EFH is well documented and when subject to storms during a monitoring period (hurricanes or nor'easters common to the Outer Banks) project effects can be difficult to discern with confidence (Deaton et al. 2010, NCDEQ 2016a,b). However, known factors which maximize benthic biological recovery rates in the offshore portion of this EFH include use of hopper dredges, shallow excavation, use of topographic highs, and rate of sand movement. In US Gulf and Atlantic sandy borrow area studied within BOEM jurisdiction, general faunal recovery (total abundance and biomass) has been shown to vary from 3 months to 2.5 years; however, paucity of long term studies suggest that diversity and dominants composition may take 3.5 years (Michel et al. 2013). Those factors which maximize recovery in the beach intertidal zone include the following: • Grain size (similarity between native beach and borrow source is considered the most important factor; this compatibility is the main component of the sediment criteria requirements in North Carolina in place since 2007), • Season of nourishment (winter placement avoids peak recruitment periods), • Frequency of nourishment (allow for growth to maturity across years), • Location of sediment placement (maintain stable geomorphology across the normal beach seasonal profile to ensure sand remains in the system as long as possible), and • Rate of longshore transport (upstream recruitment opportunity). No infilling fines in the borrow area and accurate placement of properly sized sediment at Nags Head Beach in 2011 allowed a full suite of species similar to the native beach and offshore zone to recolonize the impact areas within one season and by the second year taxa richness and abundances were similar to controls (CZR 2014). In such environments frequently disturbed by natural events, infauna are well adapted to such perturbations by being small bodied, short lived, with a maximum rate of fecundity, efficient dispersal mechanisms, dense settlement, and rapid growth rates. Burial or temporary exposure from dredging could also be beneficial or problematic depending on species and niche (a more mobile fauna may be able to dig vertically to the new surface and avoid burial and less mobile prey species temporarily exposed may provide more available food source for predator species). Dredging in the borrow area and sand placement on the beach may temporarily disrupt food webs, change predator -prey relationships, reduce community stability, and change age structure of populations by selective mortality. However, it is recognized that tube dwellers and permanent burrow dwellers are most susceptible to these types of disturbances compared to more mobile organisms. A study of 50 dredge and disposal projects concluded that benthic recovery measured in months was associated with shallow, naturally disturbed habitats, unconsolidated fine grain sediments, and univariate analytical approaches while longer recovery (years) was associated with deep stable habitats, sand and gravel sediments, and multivariate or functional group analytical techniques (Wilber and Clarke 2007). This same study also noted that absence of both deposit feeders and of mid -depth burrowers may indicate an area is in a state of recovery. Polychaete CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 61 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina worms and crustaceans recover most quickly (several months) while deep burrowing mollusks are slower and may take several years (Rutecki et al. 2014 and Brooks et al. 2006, respectively). However, while polychaetes comprise the larger component of soft sediment infauna, a complete life history is known for only about 5 percent of the >8,000 described polychaete species (Ramey 2008). Additionally, studies have shown that avoidance of the peak larval recruitment period (early spring in the eastern US) can have a beneficial effect on the recovery rate (Wilber, et al. 2009); the Buxton beach maintenance is proposed to occur in the summer. On a spatial scale that far exceeds the proposed borrow area shoal itself, another system driver that affects both speed and diversity of biological recovery of a post -disturbance benthic assemblage beyond the resilience of the species present is variability in supply, transport, and settlement of larvae for some species (CSA International et al. 2010). While some disturbance, mortality, and burial will occur with dredging and sand placement activities, these effects are not expected to be long-lasting or cause significant impact to this EFH or the life stages of managed species which are found within this habitat. 6.1.5 Cape Hatteras shoals/sandy shoals/offshore bars - the Cape Hatteras sandy shoals (a.k.a., Diamond Shoals) are located directly south of the project area off Buxton and extend for up to 14 miles -this complex is the closest designated HAPC to the project area. These unconsolidated shoals are equivalent to soft bottom habitat as described in NCDEQ (2016a,b). Geotechnical data (CSE 2015) confirm there is uniformity of sediment size and type within the full section of the proposed dredge cut, with similar quality surficial sediments expected to be left in place after excavations of overlying material. These mobile soft sediments with various topographies serve as congregation areas and secondary nurseries for many managed and commercially important fish species that feed on benthic fauna [e.g., per NCDEQ (2016) -spiny dogfish, striped bass, and juvenile Atlantic sturgeon] are known to aggregate off the Outer Banks in the winter. Of potential interest, recent satellite tagging data on spiny dogfish indicate that benthic trawl data may not accurately represent the status of the species as unexpected movement patterns shown by the tagged fish demonstrates that spiny dogfish utilize more of the water column than previously thought making them less available to benthic gear (Carlson et al. 2014). Compared to larger named complexes like Kinnakeet Shoal, Wimble Shoals, or even the cape - associated Diamond Shoals, the proposed borrow area is a small somewhat isolated ridge; however, the ridge and nearby flatter habitat provide complexity for some species of fish and invertebrates. Site specific information about the fish and invertebrates found within the proposed borrow area was not located, but biological resources which may be common in the area can be inferred. Any vertical relief can provide refugia for an abundance of potential prey which then affords more suitable foraging ground and likely attracts more predators. A deeper understanding and appreciation for the diversity of demersal and pelagic fishes associated with shoal complexes has been gained with recent studies in the Mid -Atlantic Bight (predominantly north of Maryland) and support their designation as EFH (e.g., pelagics such as bay anchovy, Atlantic menhaden, Atlantic mackerel, butterfish, striped bass). Potential feeding, spawning, and maturation can take place in these habitats during fall and spring migrations of numerous managed and unmanaged fish species, especially those behaviorally and morphologically adapted to bottom feeding in sedimentary environments (skates, scups, drums, searobins, black sea bass, flounders) CSA International2010). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 62 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina The water depth in shallowest portion of the proposed borrow area proposed to be dredged ranges from about 30 to 35 ft (9 to 11 meters) at the top of the ridge to about 40 to 45 ft (12 to 14 meters) in the flatter topography on either side of the gentle slopes of the ridge. As described in the EFH assessment forthe 2014 nearby Rodanthe beach nourishment project, modeling performed for that project showed that for shoals in water depths like the proposed borrow area, waves more likely influence their formation rather than currents (USACE 2013). However, the proposed borrow area depths are at the shallower end of the 10 to 30 m range of the model range. Another model suggests that post -dredge infill of borrow areas is largely dependent on whether or not the ridge is active, whether or not there is sand available for refilling, and the actual dredging location within the ridge (CSA International et al. 2010). This model suggests that the best location for dredging on a shoal or ridge, at least from a physical standpoint, is the leading, down -drift edge as the borrow scour area can then be fed by ongoing physical (wave) processes which if active, are presumed to quickly refill the borrowed area. The ridge crest would be the second best, followed by the trailing edge. If the ridge is not active, only larger scale processes, e.g., major storms will rebuild the ridge. The Dibajnia and Nairn (2011) model referred to in the Rodanthe EFH assessment also tested various dredging methodologies and subsequent reformation scenarios in order to suggest ways to dredge offshore that would protect and maintain the morphologic integrity of ridge and shoal features; thereby also affording protection of or reestablishment of benthos and fish habitat. Only coarse grain sediment (>_90% sand) will be placed on the ocean beach strand in Buxton and any turbidity with this placement is not expected to extend to the Cape Hatteras sandy shoals. However, turbidity associated with the removal of sediment from the offshore proposed borrow area (in an unnamed shoal adjacent to the larger shoal) will have short term impacts on the water column in the immediate vicinity and potentially allow some settlement of fines to the bottom. However, the associated turbidity effects from dredging in the proposed borrow area and from sand placement on the Buxton beach will not adversely impact the Cape Hatteras Sandy Shoals with altered longshore currents or altered tidal climate. Dredge operations on the unnamed shoal in the proposed borrow area will alter the geometry of the existingsand feature which can alter benthic species recruitment patterns, especially if the area refills with finer grained sediments. However, effects of these alterations will be minimized by the method and location of targeted cutting such that portions of the habitat structure unique to the feature and important to resource use will be maintained. A combination of physical and environmental variables (e.g., temperature, depth, current facing versus lee side) as well as differences in sampling season or gear type bias (otter trawl versus beam trawl) all contribute to differences in cross -shelf species assemblage distributions among research studies of shoals. Studies of shoals in the Mid -Atlantic Bight show higher diversity, taxa richness, and abundance documented from the flats adjacent to shoals and according to Slacum et al. 2010 and winter as the period of lowest finfish and invertebrate use of shoal habitat (Diaz et al. 2004, Slacum et al. 2010, and Normandeau Associates 2014). Vasslides and Able (2008) evaluated shoreface sand ridges as habitat for fishes of the northeast coast and noted that shoreface sand ridges may have a distinct influence on fish abundance and assemblages. Contrary to other studies which found higher species richness and abundance in the surrounding inner shelf habitat (Diaz et at. 2004 and Slacum et at. 2010), Vasslides and Noble noted highest species abundance and richness on either side of the sand ridge with distinct recreationally and commercially important species assemblages. The fish found at the top of the ridge were typical prey species (sand lances, CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 63 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina anchovies, smallmouth flounder) favored by both resident and transient piscivores in the Mid - Atlantic Bight (Chao and Musick 1977; Chase 2002; Walter et al. 2003; Gartland et al. 2006) and thus sand ridges may influence the distribution of these economically important piscivores (Vasslides and Noble 2008). Anchovies and sand lances are among the 16 forage base species identified in the previously mentioned 2017 MAFMC Unmanaged Forage Omnibus Amendment. This was the first rule in the entire Atlantic to list forage species as ecosystem components. Sand lances are a unique (they dive at swimming speed directly into the sand to avoid predators) and a very important forage species to fish, birds, and marine mammals due to their streamlined elongate bodies which makes them very easy to swallow. Despite their importance to the food web, like many of the ecosystem component species, not enough is known about their biology or populations to inform conservation or management (Staudinger et al. 2020). Use of the topographic high within the proposed borrow area, overall shallow excavation depth of the hopper dredge, and the borrow site's location in an area of high sand movement are important factors that will maximize biological recovery rates (Deaton et al. 2010; NCDEQ 2016a,b). Further, the area of the proposed borrow excavations represents less than 1 percent of the extant similar habitat available nearby in Diamond Shoals and Kinnakeet Shoals. Therefore, the project is not expected to pose a threat to Cape Hatteras Shoals EFH or the life stages of managed species which are found within this habitat; any impacts that may occur are within reasonable limits. 6.2 Potential Cumulative Effects of Proposed Project on EFH and HAPC The effect of multiple and cumulative past and future impacts to habitat quality can result in non- linear or indirect responses of the fish which depend on particular habitats (ASMFC 2015; SAFMC 2009, 2016). Activities which may affect fish response include construction or navigation projects, fisheries, and/or environmental or management conditions (e.g., degraded water quality, sediment type shifts, climate change, switch to prey species when a managed fishery becomes overfished, food web linkage disruptions, ortrophic cascades). It is increasingly recognized that often the most severe environmental effects may result from these cumulative and/or indirect effects especially on mobile species (GESAMP 2019). Nevertheless, it is exceedingly difficult to accurately quantify the habitat and relationship metrics for most species such that it can be said with confidence that at X point of impact Y will occur if or when Z happens. One notable exception is the direct link of anadromous fish abundance to river miles (SAFMC 2009; ASMFC 2015). Thus, this aspect of any effects analysis remains a challenge. To protect the Cape Hatteras lighthouse from erosion, in the 1970s three groins were placed in the surf zone south of Buxton Village but these groins have not been maintained. With the exception of sand bags permitted to be placed in front of 14 parcels in north Buxton Village in 2013, this highly eroding segment of Hatteras Island has received no recent soft or hard stabilization. Prior to the aforementioned 2017/2018 Buxton beach restoration project, the most recent nearby nourishment project was NCDOT's 2014 Rodanthe emergency nourishment which occurred 25 miles to the north of the Buxton project. Depending on how time-crowdedorspace-crowded future offshore dredging and beach placement operations were, cumulative effects could be harmful to managed fishes and their habitats (marine water column, Sorgossum, Cape Hatteras shoals) within the borrow area and/or the surf zone. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 64 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina While NCDOT will continue to mobilize to protect NC 12 in emergency situations such as that which occurred at the Rodanthe "S Curves" and which could occur at Buxton, Dare County officials would prefer to not wait for an emergency at Buxton. Dare County government does have a long-range beach nourishment plan that will eventually schedule and coordinate beach segments in need of sand into a five-year rotation to ensure a more equitable use of available County funds. Such a staggered and coordinated approach should eliminate the negative cumulative effects of multiple projects which occur in close proximity, either spatially or temporally. As post -nourishment beach invertebrate population recovery is most subject to similarity between native and introduced sediments, NC adopted sediment criteria for beach nourishment projects in the state in 2007. Geological models of shoal formation offshore have shown that as long as sea floor irregularity remains on which to reform a ridge, dominant shelf processes will reconstruct these features as predicted by the shelf ridge process models despite repeated dredge episodes from the most desirable location or subarea (the crest, leading edge, or trailing edge) (CSA International et al. 2010). To a dredge operator, from a physical standpoint, the most desirable location of a shoal is the leading edge due to net long-term deposition and faster filling rates (CSA International et al. 2010). Rates of transport and regional patterns of pathways of mobile sand are generally understood for the proposed borrow area but prediction of the pace of replenishment, a return to a similar configuration, or benthic recovery is difficult. Along with strict adherence to NC sediment criteria, additional offshore dredging and sand placement mitigative practices for beach nourishment projects as shown in Table 4 of Attachment Awill also minimize the potential of cumulative effects to the EFH and HAPC. With the high quality of the sediment selected for sand placement, little to no interruption to longshore or cross shore sediment transport dynamics, one-time only strategic removal of shoal sands from the proposed borrow area, and the small amount of soft bottom, marine water column, hard bottom, or sandy shoal in the action area relative to the amount of available other similar EFH or HAPC at any time, the Proposed Action would not be expected to pose a significant cumulative threat. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 65 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK— CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 66 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 7.0 EFH CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY Construction is expected to occur in the late spring-summertimeframe (i.e., May -September). The following EFH considerations were developed in coordination with the NCDMF and NOAA Fisheries during early project planning for the 2014 emergency project at Rodanthe, were followed for the 2017/2018 Buxton beach restoration project, and for the 2019 Nags Head renourishment, and will be implemented forthe proposed Buxton maintenance project to the maximum extent practicable: 1) promote quick benthic recovery through shallow borrow area excavation, 2) use topographic highs and/or areas of high mixing and winnowing of fines within the proposed borrow area, 3) encourage dredge operations that leave behind unimpacted "ridges" to allow for recovery, 4) avoidance of hard bottom resources (within the nearshore toe of fill and offshore borrow area), and 5) construction of a temporary berm where necessary during placement on the beach strand in order to minimize turbidity. 8.0 EFH IMPACT SUMMARY The proposed Buxton renourishment project would not be expected to cause any significant adverse impacts to EFH or EFH-HAPC for those species managed by the SAFMC and MAFMC. Coordination with representatives of NMFS and NCDMF will continue throughout the life of the project in order to ensure that all parties are aware of any fisheries impacts. Additionally, both NMFS and NCDMF will be provided with information from any required project surveys and development of detailed borrow area use plans will be coordinated with both agencies. The five Rodanthe EFH considerations listed above and followed by Buxton restoration (2017-2018) will be integrated into the planning and eventually into the Buxton renourishment project construction process in order to minimize physical and biological impacts to EFH or HAPC and to assure that any adverse effects are short term and localized on both an individual and cumulative effects basis. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 67 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK— CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 68 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina REFERENCES Able, K. W., Wuenschel, M. J., Grothues, T. M., Vasslides, J. M., & Rowe, P.M. (2013). Do surf zones in New Jersey provide "nursery" habitat for southern fishes? Environmental Biology of Fishes, 96, 661-675. Alheit. J. and E. Hagen. 1997. Long-term climate forcing of European herring and sardine populations. Fisheries Oceanography 6:130-139, http://dx.doi.10.1046/j.1365- 2419.1997.00035.x. Alheit J. and E. Hagen. 2001. Memories of the Future, In History and Climate. P.D. Jones, A.E.J. Ogilvie, T.E. Davies, K. R. Briffa, Eds. Kluwer/Plenum, New York, pp. 247-265. Amend M. and A.L. Shanks. 1999. Timing of larval release in the mole crab Emerita talpoida. 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CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] 80 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina ATTACHMENT A HOPPER DREDGE AND CUTTERHEAD DREDGE INFORMATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES (SECTION 13) EXTRACTED FROM THE FINAL EFH ASSESSMENT FOR EMERGENCY BEACH FILL ALONG NC HIGHWAY 12, IN RODANTHE, DARE COUNTY, NC 3 J U LY 2013 and included in the EFHA in support of the NEPA documents prepared for 2017-2018 Beach Restoration to Protect NC Highway 12 at Buxton, Dare County, NC June 2015 NOTE: additional text added by CSE is shown in italics CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] A-1 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK— CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] A-2 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina A.1 Cutterhead Hydraulic Pipeline Dredge - Sedimentation and Turbidity Cutterhead hydraulic pipeline dredges are designed to handle a wide range of materials including clay, hardpan, silts, sands, gravel, and some types of rock formations without blasting. They are used for new work and maintenance in projects where suitable placement/disposal areas are available and operate in an almost continuous dredging cycle resulting in maximum production, economy, and efficiency. Cutterhead dredges are capable of dredging in shallow or deep water and have accurate bottom and side slope cutting capability. Limitations of cutterhead suction dredges include relative lack of mobility, long mobilization and demobilization, inability to work in high wave action and currents, and are impractical in high traffic areas. However, the dredging industry has shown itself to be capable of developing innovative methodologies to work around some of these constraints. Cutterhead dredges are rarely self-propelled and; therefore, must be transported to and from the dredge site. Cutterhead dredge size is based on the inside diameter of the discharge pipe which commonly ranges from 6" to 36." They require an extensive array of support equipment including pipeline (floating, shore, and submerged), boats (crew, work, survey), barges, and pipe handling equipment. A cutterhead is located on the suction end of the dredge and is a mechanical device that has rotating teeth to break up or loosen the bottom material so that it can be sucked through the dredge (Fig Al, below; Figure 7 in 2013 source document). During the dredging operation a cutterhead suction dredge is held in position by two spuds at the stern of the dredge, only one of which can be on the bottom while the dredge swings, oran anchor -cabling system that serves a similar purpose. The dredge swings around one spud or stem cable position as it works the bottom. There are two swing anchors some distance from either side of the dredge, which are connected by wire rope to the swing wenches. The dredge swings to port and starboard alternately, passing the cutter through the bottom material until the proper depth is achieved. The dredge advances by "walking" itself forward on the spuds. This is accomplished by swinging the dredge to the port, using the port spud and appropriate distance, then the starboard spud is dropped and the port spud raised. The dredge is then swung an equal distance to the starboard and the port spud is dropped and the starboard spud raised. For ocean borrow areas, a cable bridle system is generally preferred over a spud system to allow better seakeeping as work progresses. Moving cutterhead suction dredges is a slow process; therefore, efficiency is maximized by dredging in localized areas with deeper dredge cut volumes where the cutterhead is buried in the bottom. A cutterhead removes dredged material through an intake pipe and then pushes it out the discharge pipeline directly into the placement/disposal site. Most, but not all, cutterhead dredging operations involve upland placement/disposal of the dredged material. Therefore, the discharge end of the pipeline is connected to shore pipe. When effective pumping distances to the placement/disposal site become too long, a booster pump is added to the pipeline to increase the efficiency of the dredging operation. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] A-3 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE A-1. Cutterhead suction dredge schematic and representative close-up photographs. (Video of cutterhead dredge: http://el.erde.usace.army.mil/dots/doer/anima/cutterfront.avi; http://el.erdc.usace.army.mil/dots/doer/anima/cutterside.avi) Hydraulic cutterhead Dredge A.2 Hopper Dredge —Sedimentation and Turbidity Hopper dredges are self-propelled vessels that contain pumps, holds, and equipment to collect material from the seafloor, temporarily store it onboard, then motor to a pumpout orrelease point close to the shore. Forbeach nourishment, the dredge hooks up to a length ofsubmerged pipeline that runs to shore and reverses the onboard pumps to push material to the beach. Once the material reaches the shore, the dredge and fill operation is essentially identical to the discharge of material via cutterhead dredge. The act of dredging by hopper dredges is via suction intakes at the ends of drag arms lowered to the seafloor and dragged along the bottom. Water jets liquefy the sediments into slurry pumped into the "hopper" of the vessel. Typically, oceangoing hopper dredges excavate two furrows along the vessel's track removing 1-2 feet of substrate with each pass. Protocols for environmental protection during hopper dredge operations are well established under NMFS (1997, 2020). These protocols are designed to minimize the collection of sea turtles and other threatened species that may be present. They include turtle deflector heads CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] A-4 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina around the intakes, screens to separate out larger materials, and operational requirements to minimize pumping when the drag arms are in the water column above the seafloor. The applicant will require contractors to adhere to all dredging protocols specified under the South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion (NMFS 1997,2020). During dredging operations, marine resources within the vicinity of offshore borrow areas can be affected by turbidity and sediment plumes generated from filling and overflow of hopper dredges depending on the characteristics and suspension time of the sediment being dredged. The discharge of overflow associated with hopper dredges to achieve economic loading releases sediment into the water column. Cutterhead dredge operations are confined to the benthic environment and associated turbidity is more confined. Hopper dredge suction dragheads hydraulically remove sediment from the sand bottom and discharge the material into the storage hoppers on the dredge. The screened sandy material fills the hopper until an economic load is achieved for transit and subsequent pumpout to the beach placement location. As illustrated in Figure A2 the operation has two types of sedimentation and turbidity sources: S1 from the overflow (which for most U.S. dredges now is through the bottom of the hull) and S2 associated with suspension of sediment at the draghead (as shown in Figure 8 of 2013 source document). During filling of the hopper, any fine sediment (primarily silt, clays, and fine -sands) are washed overboard through overflow ports (i.e., S1) either over the side of the vessel or through weirs that release the slurry through the hull of the vessel. Such washing of the dredged material is the predominant source of turbidity plumes and sedimentation generated by the hopper dredge; however, the washing effect also makes the hopper load for pumpout to the beach coarser. Some turbiditywould be expected from the physical interaction of the draghead with the bottom substrate (i.e., S2) during the dredging operation, however, it would not be expected to be significant considering most of the disturbed sediments would be confined to the suction field of the hopper dredge dragheads and would be dredged and disposed into the hopper. Sediment discharged overboard from the hopper overflow moves faster than would be anticipated from simple Gaussian models because of the settlement velocity of component particles. That is because of high sediment concentration and discharge rate of the overflowed material, factors that lead to the development of a density current that moves through the water column in a dynamic phase of settlement, at least initially. Sediment is stripped away as the dynamic plume moves through the water column forming a passive plume that is advected and dispersed by ambient currents, with the particles settling according to Gaussian models (MMS, 2004). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] A-5 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE A2. Hopper dredge sedimentation processes. Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger and the Four Phases of the Sedimentation Process 6P .. Phase 3 Passive Plurne Model f settling hesuspension Lateral transport at the bed Phase 1- Overspill & l Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Head Source Terms S,, S, Dynnrnl Plume Passive Plume Model Dynamic Sedimentation Source: MMS, 2004 Note: This figure shows two S1 sources at overflows from a screening operation, in almost all U.S. dredges, the S1 source is through the bottom of the hull. Hitchcock and Drucker (1996) summarized values for material lost through the overflow process on a typical 4,500-ton hopper dredge operating in United Kingdom (U.K.) waters. Results from the study indicate that during an average loading time of 290 minutes, 4,185 tons of dry solids are retained as cargo, while 7,973 tons of dry solids are returned overboard from overflow. Such high proportions of returned sediments are not expected for the Buxton borrow area which contains similar sediments as the borrow areas used at Nags Head (CSE 2012) AND Buxton in 2017-2018. Post -dredging surveys at Nags Head and Buxton showed nearly equal excavation and placement volumes on the beach. This implies only minor losses of excavated material at both sites. The large hopper dredge used at Buxton filled in a typical time of one hour, which is much more rapid that the filling rate for the UK study. Sand -sized particles fall directly to the seabed and are reduced to background levels over a distance of 200-500 m (656-1,640 ft.) and smaller, silt -sized particles have a typical settling velocity of 0.1 to 1.0 ml and are reduced to background values of 2-5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) over a similar distance. According to Neff (1981, 1985), concentrations of 1,000 mg/L immediately after discharge decreased to 10 mg/L within one hour. The minimal effect of settling particles from hopper dredge turbidity plumes was further supported by a study from Poopetch (1982), which found that the initial hopper dredge overflow concentrations of 3,500 mg/L were reduced to 500 mg/L within 50 m (164 ft.). CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment— July 2021 [2403M—Task 4—Appendix F] A-6 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina The distance that sediment plumes can extend depends on the type of dredge, how it is operated, currents, and the nature of the sediments in the dredged area. Only beach - compatible, sandy sediments would be used for the Buxton project consisting of no less than 90% sand. Dredging of sandy sediments would minimize the amount of turbidity associated with the dredging operation and would reduce the suspension time and advection distance of overflow sediments. A study performed by Newell and Siederer (2003) in the U.K. (high -current velocities) showed that, in most cases, coarse material up to sand -size particles settles within 200 m (656 ft.) to 600 m (1,968 ft.) of the point source of discharge, depending on depth of water, tidal velocity, and the velocity of flow from the discharge pipe. During hopper dredging operations in the Baltic Sea, Gajewski and Uscinowicz (1993) noted that the main deposition of sand from hopper dredge overflow was confined to distances within 150 m (492 ft.) on each side of the dredge. The study further supported that the initial sedimentation associated with overflow material behaves like a density current where particles are held together by cohesion during the initial phase of the sedimentation process and are mainly confined to a zone of a few hundred meters from the discharge chutes. According to a plume dispersion model developed by Whiteside et al. (1995) (based on field study measurements obtained while hopper dredging in Hong Kongwaters), the contours forsediment deposition remain as a narrow band extending for approximately 100 m (328 ft.) on each side of the vessel, consistent with that recorded by Gajewski and Uscinowicz (1993). Though elevated turbidity levels could occur from hopper dredge overflow, the overflow process occurs only during the physical dredging operation and the elevated turbidity values are short term and confined. Because maximum load efficiency would be attained before transit to the pumpout location, overflow of material would not be expected to occur once the dredging process is complete. Once at the pumpout location, all turbid water generated by the hopper dredge slurry for pumpout would be retained in the hopper. Overall water quality impacts of the proposed action would be expected to be short-term and minor. The various life stages of fish species associated with marine and estuarine resources dependent on good water quality would likely move out of the impact area and are not expected to experience significant adverse effects from water quality changes. Therefore, the proposed action is not anticipated to adversely impact the marine water column either in the offshore borrow area and/or the ocean beach strand. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] A-7 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina — THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK— CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] A-8 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 4. Anticipated species protection recommendations for dredge operations (after USACE 2013 and the 2020 SARBO PDCs) in addition to regular NIPS monitoring surveys. Other additional monitoring may be required as a result of NEPA process and/or specific conditions attached to permits as a result of USACE risk assessments or consultations. The comment column has been modified to reflect the Buxton renourishment project. Sea turtles and Atlantic sturgeon are primary species of concern. Recommendation Considered in Borrow Comments Updated for Buxton Where Possible/Applicable (in bold) Source Area Design and Dredging Yes Partial No Avoid shoals in waters deeper than 30 meter The shallowest portion of the proposed borrow area proposed to be dredged i.e. to of ride ranges p p p p p g ( p g) g e n heightwith (m) which show a decrease in height with X between 35-40 ft deep and the deepest areas along the gently sloping sides of the ridge ranges between increasing depth representing le Shoat 45-50 ft deep. Height Decrease Zone beyond 30 m depth Dibajnia and The proposed borrow area use plans would be developed in accordance with dredge guidelines to the maximum Nairn (2011) Consider ridge and shoal dredging scenarios extent practicable to minimize morphologic shoal response provided by Dibajnia and Nairn (2011). Cuts would be which minimize impacts to overall shoal X targeted such that portions of the habitat structure unique to the feature and important to resource use would be integrity and protect habitat for benthos and maintained; thus, no adverse effects to overall shoal integrity are expected. Geotechnical data (CSE 2021) confirm fish there is uniformity of sediment size and type within the full section of the proposed dredge cut, with similar quality surficial sediments expected to be left in place after excavations of overlying material. Priority locations for shoal dredging to Use of the topographic high within the proposed borrow area, overall shallow excavation depth of the cutterhead minimize physical impacts is the leading edge or hopper dredge, and the borrow site's location in an area of high sand movement are important factors that would due to net long-term deposition and faster X maximize biological recovery rates. However, once the proposed borrow area surveys have been completed, infilling rates, followed by the crest and the coordination with appropriate State and Federal Agencies would occur to avoid impacts to existing high valued trailing edge biological resources associated with specific shoal features. Innovative dredging methodologies utilizing Hopper dredges are the proposed primary dredge method. Hopper dredge operations typically dredge in a"striped" CSA "striped" dredging pattern appear to support a X pattern to maximize production over long expansive portions of the borrow area leaving portions of the borrow area International more timely and uniform recovery unimpacted. Inc et al. (2009) Shallow dredging over large areas rather than The current borrow area design and borrow area use plan supports this recommendation. Hopper dredges operate excavating small but deep pits may be X most efficiently dredging shallow cuts over a large surface area rather than excavation of small deep pits. Theusable preferred dredge depths would be determined once the surveys have been completed. Dredging in a striped pattern to leave sediment sources adjacent to and interspersed Hopper dredge operations typically dredge in a "striped" pattern to maximize production over long expansive throughout target areas, leading to a more X portions of the borrow area leaving portions of the borrow area unimpacted to support infill processes. uniformly distributed infilling process Geotechnical data (CSE 2021) within the proposed borrow area confirm the sediments are beach compatible and exceed North Carolina state standards for similarity with the native beach. A high density of 10 borings (-1 per 20 acres) demonstrates general uniformity of sediments in the upper 10 ft of substrate. The potential Discussions Borrow area design should consider a wider beach quality sand reserves total >3.3 million cubic yards within an —200-acre area if dredged to 10 ft. with N MFS and shallower cuts rather than deep dredge X Shallower cuts over a smaller area are therefore feasible. The final borrow area layout and dredge plan would and NCDMF holes be prepared in consultation with resource agencies pending results of cultural resource studies. If a suction cutterhead dredge is used, the minimum and maximum excavation depth would be in the range 8-10 ft due to operational considerations for large ocean -certified dredges. If a hopper dredge is used, the cut depths would vary between —2 ft and 10 ft according to the number of passes over a given area. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] A-9 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Table 4 (continued). Considered in Borrow Area Source Recommendation Design and Dredging Comments Yes Partial No Review published literature and integrate significant Relevant literature as it pertains to the physical and biological activities associated with sand ridge information or lessons learned from dredging of other X features as well as potential dredge -related impacts have been integrated into this impact hoalfeaturesthrou houtthe region into borrow area use shoal g g evaluation. with NMFS planning for this project and NCDMF (cont'd) Consider leaving a segment of un-dredged sediment to Hopper dredges would likely be the primary dredge methodology for this project. As a result of the allow for recovery and recolonization into impacted X operation characteristics of the hopper dredge, it is likely that un-dredged ridges would be left behind for recolonization from un-impacted areas. Additionally, it is anticipated that the dynamic areas. nature of the borrow area would result in infill of the impacted areas with adjacent sediments. Shoals should be only partially dredged to facilitate post The proposed borrow area and associated quantity of sediment to be dredged is small relative to the dredging re -colonization from un-impacted refuge areas X areas of shoals off Hatteras Island, including Platt, Wimble, Kinnakeet, and Diamond Shoals. Limiting the distance between the remaining patches of The shoal that surrounds the proposed borrow area is —3 miles north of the large expansive area shoal habitat would reduce the distance and time a shoal- X of Diamond Shoals and is a rather small component within the overall complex of available associating species would have to travel between patches habitat. Considering the nearness of similar adjacent habitat types no adverse impacts to shoal associated species are anticipated. Shoals with less relief should be targeted for mining The borrow area use plan would be developed that maximizes opportunity to dredge along the instead of steeper shoals when the option is available X relatively flat and gradual sloped transition towards the shoal crest in order to minimize shoal Diaz et al. impacts to higher relief shoal features. (2004) and Slacum et al. Dredging should be avoided when demersal finfish are Dredgingforthe proposed beach renourishmentto protect NC 12 at Buxton is proposed to occur (2010) using the inner continental shelf as a nursery ground X in summer 2022 and is anticipated to be completed in two to three months (anticipated to begin between May and July). Sand could be mined at night, when some species migrate vertically into the water column to reduce the direct injury X Dredge activities would not be confined to nighttime activities due to efficiency constraints. to fish that can result from mining activities Shoals should be mined in rotation to allow shoal - associated assemblages to recover between mining The proposed renourishment action to protect NC 12 at Buxton is a one-time only event. events; this should be done in consideration of the rate at X Benthic communities of the borrow area are expected to quickly recover. which sand accumulates at the particular shoal where sand is being harvested CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment- July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] A-10 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina REFERENCES FOR ATTACHMENT A NOT CITED PREVIOUSLY Gajewski, L.S., and S. Uscinowicz. 1993. Hydrologic and sedimentologic aspects of mining marine aggregate from the Slupsk Bank (Baltic Sea). Marine Georesources and Geotechnology 11:229-244. Hitchcock, D.R., and B.R. Drucker.1996. Investigation of benthic and surface plumes associated with marine aggregates mining in the UK. In Conference Proceedings Oceanology International '96. Volume 2. ISBN: 0 90025412 2. pp. 220-234. NMFS.1997. Regional biological opinion concerning the use of hopper dredges in channels and borrow areas along the southeast U.S. Atlantic coast. South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion (SARBO). National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD,16 pp. Newell, R.C. and L.J. Seiderer. 2003. Ecological Impacts of Marine Aggregate Dredging on Seabed Resources. In Review of Existing and Emerging Environmentally Friendly Offshore Dredging Technologies. Prepared forthe U.S. Department of Interior, Leasing Division, Sand and Gravel Unit Minerals Management Service, Herndon, VA. U.S. Department of Interior, Minerals Management Service (MMS). 2004. Review of Existing and Emerging Environmentally Friendly Offshore Dredging Technologies. Prepared by W.F. Baird and Associates, Ltd. and research Planning, Inc. for the MMS Leasing Division, Sand and Gravel Unit. Whiteside, P.G.D., K. Ooms, and G.M. Postma. 1995. Generation and decay of sediment plumes from sand dredging overflow. In Proceedings of the 14th World Dredging Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands. pp. 877-892. CZR Inc. and Coastal Science & Engineering EFH Assessment - July 2021 [2403M-Task 4-Appendix F] A-11 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina