HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - Buxton - AppD-Littoral ProcessesAPPENDIX D LITTORAL PROCESSES Beach Renourishment to Protect NC Highway 12 at Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Prepared for: Dare County Board of Commissioners Bob Woodard, Chairman 954 Marshall C Collins Drive, Manteo NC 27954 Prepared by: High Volue Services COS 5ustoinoble Solutions PO Box 8056, Columbia SC 29202-8056 [2403 M-J U LY 20211 - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLEOF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................. iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 BEACH CONDITION SURVEYS AND EROSION ANALYSIS.............................................................. 3 2.1 Data Collection Methods........................................................................................................ 3 2.1.1 Survey Stationing History.............................................................................................. 4 2.1.2 Vertical Datum.............................................................................................................. 6 2.1.3 Data Collection Methodology......................................................................................... 6 2.2 Beach Profiles........................................................................................................................ 9 2.3 Profile Volume Analysis Methodology.................................................................................... 14 2.3.1 Profile Volume Approach............................................................................................. 14 2.3.2 Reference Contours and Calculation Boundaries.......................................................... 17 2.4 Historical Erosion Rate Priorto the Initial 2017-2018 Nourishment ........................................ 19 2.4.1 Historical Erosion Rates Prior to 2017........................................................................... 19 2.4.2 Historical Shorelines................................................................................................... 21 2.4.3 Equivalent Volumetric Erosion Rates............................................................................ 27 2.5 Volume Analysis During and After the 2017-2018 Nourishment ............................................... 30 2.5.1 Overview of the 2017-2018 Nourishment Construction ................................................. 30 2.5.2 Year 1 (2018) Post -Project Volume Analysis.................................................................. 43 2.5.3 Year 2 (2019) Post -Project Volume Analysis.................................................................. 46 2.5.4 Year 3 (2020) Post -Project Volume Analysis.................................................................. 50 2.5.5 Updated Erosion Rate after the Initial 2017-2018 Nourishment (2018-2020).................. 56 3.0 COASTAL PROCESSES.......................................................................................................... 59 3.1 Wave Climate....................................................................................................................... 60 3.1.1 Real -Time Wave Buoy -Station 41025.......................................................................... 60 3.1.2 Wave Information Studies - Station 63230................................................................... 63 3.2 Wave Modeling..................................................................................................................... 68 3.2.1 Model Capabilities....................................................................................................... 68 3.2.2 Model Assumptions..................................................................................................... 69 3.3 Shoreline Evolution Modeling............................................................................................... 70 3.4 Model Setup......................................................................................................................... 72 3.4.1 STWAVE Model Grid..................................................................................................... 73 3.4.2 GenCade Model Grid.................................................................................................... 73 3.4.3 Model Grid Size........................................................................................................... 75 3.4.4 Model Bathymetry....................................................................................................... 75 3.4.5 Wave Climate Analysis.................................................................................................80 3.4.6 Model Parameters....................................................................................................... 80 3.5 STWAVE Model Results.......................................................................................................... 80 3.6 GenCade Model Calibration................................................................................................... 89 3.7 GenCade Model Results........................................................................................................ 92 3.8 Conclusions..........................................................................................................................93 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................. 95 Attachment 1A) Baseline and Control Attachment1B) Key Station Coordinates for Surveys Attachment 1C) Station Coordinates for Surveys Attachment 2) Beach and Inshore Profiles Attachment 3) Compaction Results for Year 1 (2018) and Year 2 (2019) after 2017-2018 Project Completion Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix DI iii Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - Coastal Science & Engineering [2403M-Appendix D] Littoral Processes Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 1.0 INTRODUCTION This appendix supplements information in the main text of this document and provides additional data and analyses of erosion, wave climate, numerical modeling, and littoral processes in the Buxton renourishment project area. It covers the following topics: • Field data collection for beach condition surveys • Beach and inshore profiles • Volume analysis for defining beach condition • Overview of the 2017-2018 nourishment project • Historical erosion rates and updated erosion rates since the 2017-2018 nourishment project • Volume losses due to hurricanes Florence (September 2018) and Dorian (September 2019) • Wave climate (NDBC wave buoy and WIS hindcast data) • Wave transformation modeling to evaluate wave field for before and after dredging conditions • Shoreline evolution modeling to evaluate longshore sediment transport with and without the renourishment project • Profile adjustment after renourishment and project longevity Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix DI 1 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - Coastal Science & Engineering [2403M-Appendix D] Littoral Processes Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 2.0 BEACH CONDITION SURVEYS AND EROSION ANALYSIS 2.1 Data Collection Methods Coastal Science & Engineering (CSE) established a project baseline encompassing the length of Hatteras Island from Oregon Inlet to Cape Point using existing monuments. Stationing is in standard engineering units beginning near the Oregon Inlet jetty (station 0+00) and ending in the Cape Hatteras National Seashore (CHNS) (station 1983+77).* Intermediate control points mark the turning points and azimuths along the baseline. ("Stationing in engineering nomenclature is shorthand for distances along a line. In this case, station numbers increase from north to south, so station 420+00 (for example) is 42,000 feet (ft) or -8 miles south of the starting point near Oregon Inlet. Station 1792+50 (forexample) is 179,250 ft or -34 miles from the starting point.] Attachment 1-A lists the control points and applicable stationing along the baseline. The total length of the baseline is-198,377 linear feet, and stations provide a convenient measure of distances along the shore. The Buxton community along the oceanfront begins near station 1880+00. The purpose of establishing one baseline for Hatteras Island (east coast) is to facilitate future island -wide erosion analyses. During the planning phase of the initial nourishment project in 2013, the study area included some upcoast and downcoast areas and extended north and south from Buxton between stations 1720+00 (near Haulover Beach access in CAHA) and 1980+00 (Cape Point area of CAHA) (USACE- USDOI-NPS 2015). Stations in this area were used to mark profile locations and compare variations in the beach condition. Table 2.1 lists some reference stations and localities along the baseline. TABLE 2.1. Baseline (BL) and stationing along Hatteras Island for the current project at reference localities. See Attachment 1-A for a list of control monuments (turning points) along the baseline. Station 0+00 Monument # — Locality Oregon Inlet jetty Note North end of BL -347+00 — Pea Island 2011 breach inlet — -635+00 — Mirlo Beach — 686+44 — Rodanthe BL turning point -712+00 — Rodanthe Pier — -1573+00 — Village of Avon — -1880+00 — Village of Buxton North end of development 1928+11 CHLI Old Hatteras Lighthouse site — 1983+77 BYRD Cape Point area South end of BL Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix DI 3 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 2.1.1 Survey Stationing History CSE's original data collection plan for a feasibility study of the initial nourishment project called for profiles encompassing the littoral zone at a spacing of 1,000-2,000 feet (ft). After CSE's initial deployment to the field in August 2013, the team received information about the USACE/NCDOT emergency nourishment plan for the S-curve at Rodanthe (USACE 2013). The Corps established a baseline specific to that project which used stations beginning -1.6 miles north of Mirlo Beach. USACE station 0+00 corresponds to CSE station 548+94. USACE officials (R Keistler, USACE-Wilmington, pers. comm., August 2013) provided information on their control points and profile lines for the emergency project. To develop consistent profile lines for future reference and comparison, CSE modified its 2013 data collection plan to match USACE profile locations to the extent practicable. This means that CSE's initial profiles fall on odd - numbered stations because of the offset between CSE's baseline and the USACE baseline. For example, USACE profile line 80+00just north of Mirlo Beach is equivalent to CSE profile line 628+94. At Buxton, initial profiles were run on odd -numbered stations in anticipation of potential future federal work in the area. Thus, "Phase 1" Buxton profiles in 2013 are positioned slightly south (-63 ft) of even -numbered stations (ie - 1850+63, 1860+63, etc). Following a decision by Dare County to proceed with detailed planning for the initial Buxton project in 2014, profile spacing was set at 500 ft to provide detail during the Phase 2 study of the initial nourishment project. These lines were run from even -numbered stations along the Buxton project area to simplify nomenclature and references (ie - 1850+00, 1855+00, etc). After these adjustments, the Phase 2 beach survey data does not perfectly overlay the Phase 1 data. Figure 2.1 shows the comparisons of CSE's baseline, profile stationing, and profile azimuths for the Buxton area during the Phase 1 and Phase 2 studies for the initial nourishment project (USACE- USDOMPS 2015). Azimuth information via starting and ending coordinates for each line is in Attachment 1-B. The 500-ft spacing station numbers and profile azimuths adjusted in the Phase 2 study have been used in CSE's beach conditional surveys since 2014 (ie - red lines in Figure 2.1). A total of 20 stations around Buxton were profiled between the existing structures/foredunes and deep water in August 2013, and 52 stations were surveyed in October 2014. Profile spacing was initially 1,000 ft along the center of the reach and -2,000 ft at the ends of the reach. Profile lines are shore -perpendicular to the baseline in most cases. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 4 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 1700+Op 1720+00 a 1740+00 c L o t 1760+00 c y , � m O U U 0 1780+00 O ZU N E 1800+00 `D m w a m c 1820+00 Q 1840+00 1860+00 WXtQ 1880+00 1900+00 1920+00 Old Cape Hatteras Light Site . Cape Hatteras Light. 1g40+00 1960*00 1980+QD August 2013 i October 2014 1 0 3,000 Scale Cape Hatteras Datum: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) NC Zone3200 FIGURE 2.1. CSE's baseline, profile stationing, and profile azimuths established during the Phase 1 study in 2013 for the initial Buxton project, and further adjusted during the Phase 2 study in 2014 (red lines). Phase 1 profiles (August 2013) fell on odd -numbered stations for reasons given in the text. Phase 2 profiles at 500-ft spacing (October 2014) are positioned at even -numbered stationing and have been used since 2014. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M—Appendix DI 5 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 2.1.2 Vertical Datum The vertical datum for CSE's profile data collection was NAVD'88 (North American Vertical Datum of 1988) which is -0.4 ft above present mean tide level (MTL) in Dare County (NOAA-NOS). Figure 2.2 illustrates the various relationships among key reference datums for the closest tidal station at Cape Hatteras (NC) fishing pier, which is -7 miles southwest of the Buxton project area. At the pier, mean ocean tide range is 3.0 ft with an average spring tide of 3.5 ft (NOAA Tides and Currents, station 8654400). Mean high water (M HW) is 1.05 ft above NAVD; mean tide level is 0.45 ft below NAVD; and mean low water (MLW) is 1.94 ft below NAVD. The horizontal datum used in CSE's data collection is NAD'83 (North American Datum of 1983, Zone: NC 3200). 2.1.3 Data Collection Methodology Hydrographic data collection methodology followed procedures outlined in the USACE Hydrographic Surveying Manual (EM 1110-2-1003; January 2002, updated April 2004). Data were collected in the horizontal datum of North American Datum of 1983 (NAD'83) and were measured in US survey feet using State Plane Coordinates in the zone NC-3200 for Hatteras Island. The vertical datum was the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD'88) measured in feet. 2.0 1.5 MHHW (1.40 ft) 1.0 MHw(1.05 ft} $ D.5 00 0 0.0 NAVD88 (0 ft) z 0 7 -0.5 MTL(-0.45f1j NGV❑ 29 (-0.56ftj a W w -1.5 -2 0 MLW (-1.94 ft) M LL.N (- 2.0 6 ft) -2.5 -3.0 FIGURE 2.2. Key reference datums at Cape Hatteras (NC) fishing pier (-7 miles southwest of the project area). [Source: NOAA-Tides and Currents Station ID 8654400] CSE has been upgrading survey equipment and software over the years to apply the most up-to- date industry standards to the Buxton project area. Two RTK-GNSS (Trimble' Model R10 GNSS) units were used for the data collection. The R10 GNSS and TSC3 Data Collector with built-in modem allow CSE to access real-time networks (RTN) nationwide where available. This feature eliminates the need for an on -site "base station." The offshore work was performed using an ApplanixT" POS MV SurfMaster positioning system, a state-of-the-art navigation system used to facilitate vessel tracking and duplication of survey lines. It incorporates the GPS Azimuth Measurement System (GAMS) and solves for position in six degrees of freedom (boat position and orientation, heading, heave, roll, and velocity overthe bottom). This system is linked onboard the survey vessel in "real time" to an OdomT" Echotrac CV100 and Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 6 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina SMSW200-4a transducer for depth measurements. The sounder has a depth range of 0.8 ft to 1,000 ft with a 4° beam width and is designed to operate in very shallow depths such as shoals of inlets or the inner surf zone. The unit has a resolution of 0.1 ft and an accuracy of 0.01 meter (0.03 ft) plus or minus 0.1% of depth. CSE's navigation and surveying system for overwater work enables the recording of direct measurements of the bottom without the need for tide corrections. Offshore profiles were collected at 50 Hz but were filtered in the office to eliminate spikes and provide a 10-16-point floating average. Smoothed offshore data were edited to a manageable size and merged with subaerial data, which extend from the foredune to low -tide wading depth. CSE maintains up-to-date software licensing and support for processing overwater and overland data, including HYPACKT" 2021 and Trimble° Business Center (TBC). HYPACKT" is the industry standard for preparing raw survey data for plotting, export to CAD, and other final products. It allows CSE's field team to quickly detect missing data, anomalies, and spikes while in the field to ensure the tracklines match closely from survey to survey. The TBC software similarly processes raw survey data and facilitates QA/QC and data export to CAD and GIS software. Inshore surveys were obtained at higher tide stages to fill in the gap of the land -based data collected around lower tide stages. The survey profiles extended from low -tide depth into the nearshore area and the outer surf zone (-3,500-5,000 ft from the baseline). Figure 2.3 shows representative field data collection photos. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 7 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 2.3. Field data collection methods involved subaerial survey using RTK-GPS at low tide and hydrographic surveys by boat at high tide. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] R Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Data collected in x-y-z format were used directly to develop a digital terrain model (DTM), which provides a three-dimensional picture of the beach, the longshore bar, and the offshore zone. Figure 2.4 illustrates DTMs of the Buxton project area from the most recent survey (August 2020) by color -coded, smooth -contour maps usingthe indicated elevation/depth intervals for each color. Red and orange are the dune -beach zone, yellow marks the longshore bar, and blue represents water depths >30 ft. The bathymetry DTMs show relatively smooth, continuous morphology of a longshore bar (yellow -green color band) inside the 20-ft depth contour along Buxton positioned about 1,200 ft offshore with a crest elevation of (-)-12 ft to -14 ft. A deep trough of (-)-30 ft is located between two offshore bars with a bottom elevation of (-)-30 ft along most of the project area, particularly in front of the Village of Buxton. 2.2 Beach Profiles Although sediment transport and morphology changes in the nearshore are three-dimensional, it is customary in beach analysis to separately consider the cross -shore and planform (ie - alongshore) evolution. Survey data (collected in x-y-z format) were converted to x-z (distance - elevation) pairs to compare beach conditions among profile lines. No recoverable historical profiles into deep water were found prior to 2013; therefore, we believe the data collected by CSE in August 2013 was the first set of comprehensive beach profiles for this area extending from the frontal dunes to deep water. Table 2.2 lists beach profile surveys that CSE conducted between 2013 and 2020, along with the primary purposes of these data collection efforts. Profiles of these surveys at representative locations are shown in Figure 2.5. [See Figure 2.4 for general locations]. Attachment 2 contains a set of profiles obtained by CSE from May 2017 to August 2020. Profiles prior to 2017 can be found in the previous reports (CSE 2013; USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015 -Appendix A- Littoral Processes). Most of the Buxton area profiles exhibited alongshore bar with a crest at -13-15 ft NAVD. The bar crest is broader, deeper, and farther offshore at the southern end of Buxton along the National Seashore (south of the groin field at the old Cape Hatteras Lighthouse location). Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 9 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 2.2. Beach profiles survey that CSE conducted between 2013 and 2020 along with the primary purposes of these surveys. CSE is scheduled to perform a "Year 1" condition survey in August 2021 after completion of the nresent nrniect_ Survey Date Primary Purpose August 2013* Initial planning for the 2017-2018 project Detailed planning and preliminary design for permitting for the October 2014 2017-2018 project October 2015 Facilitating the final design of the 2017-2018 project for bidding August 2016 Updating erosion rates May 2017 Determining pre -construction condition of the 2017-2018 project Pre -hurricane season and Year 1 post -project condition after the June 2018 2017-2018 project October 2018 Post -Hurricane Florence Pre -hurricane season and Year 2 post -project condition after the June 2019 2017-2018 project November2019 Post -Hurricane Dorian Pre -hurricane season and Year 3 post -project condition after the August 2020 2017-2018 project *August 2013 profile data were collected at 1,000-2,000 ft spacing. All the other data sets were collected at 500-ft even spacing. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 10 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 1740+00 ) 12 1760+00 Pamlico Sound 1780+00 1800+00 0- 10 1880+00 Buxton 12 - 1soo+oo 1szo+oo._ Cape • Hatteras Light Cape Hatteras National Seashore Cape Hatteras National Seashore STA 1770+50 U) E J E W w 0 a 0 Atlantic Ocean a STA 1925+50 F--t NA', D 20 ft loft Oft _10IT -30 ft -40 A -50 ft Proposed Borrow Area 0 2,000 Scale FIGURE 2.4. Color -coded topography and bathymetry DTM interpolated from the most recent survey in August 2020 for the Buxton project area. Note variations in water depth (and profile geometry) between the outer bar and the beach. The "salient" in the shoreline between stations 1890+00 and 1980+00 is sand retained by groins at the old Cape Hatteras Lighthouse site. The alignment of the offshore bar is straighter than the shoreline north and south of the salient. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 11 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 30 20 j 10 Q z 0 c o -10 -20 w -30 -40 30 20 �j 10 Q z 0 c o -10 d -20 W -30 -40 National Park Station 1790+00 - May 2017 -Jun 2019 Oct 2018 _ +7 FT NAVD Jun 2019 ------------------------------------------------ Nov 2019 -6 FT NAVD -Aug 2020 r--- - ------------------------------------------- i 19 FT NAVD --------------------------------- ---- zaFTNAVD -------- 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Distance from Baseline (ft) Date Vol to +7 Vol to -6 Vol to -19 Vol to -24 May 2017 17.9 113.3 482.8 826.1 Jun 2018 21.1 159A 580.2 950.5 Oct 2018 22.5 147.0 556.9 915.5 Jun 2019 26.6 156.6 568.2 922.9 Nov 2019 24.0 153.3 547.1 881.9 Aug 2020 27.6 148.8 536.2 907.0 Phntoa 1 January 21161MC National Park Station 1860+00 2500 3000 3500 - May 2017 = Jun 2018 - Oct 2018 = +7 FT NAV Jun 2019 F----------------------------------------------- Nov 2019 FT NAVD -Aug 2020 - r--- - ---------------------------------- I - -19 Fr NAVD - L------------------------ 24FTNAVD ------- 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Distance from Baseline (ft) Date Vol to +7 Vol to -6 Vol to -19 Val to -24 May 2017 24.9 115.5 421.1 730,3 Jun 2018 27.6 165.4 605.2 943.0 Oct 2018 28.3 184.4 580.1 920.6 Jun 2019 28.3 176.8 559.7 908.3 Nov 2019 33.0 121.8 532.6 906.8 Aug 2020 33.0 152.8 580.2 905.2 Phato: 11 January 20161MC 2500 3000 3500 FIGURE 2.5a. Representative profiles for the Buxton project area at stations 1790+00 and 1860+00 in CHNS. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 12 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 30 20 j 10 Z 0 v o -10 7 SD -20 W -30 -40 30 20 j 10 Q z 0 o -10 aT -20 W -30 -40 Buxton Station 1890+00 - May 2017 i -Jun 2018 Oct 2018 +7 FT NAVD Jun 2019 - ------------------------------------------------- Nov2019 s FT NAVD -Aug 2020 - r-- --------------------------------------------------- -19 FT NAVD r---------- - ------ - L----- - ----- -- ------------------24FTNAVD .-------- - 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Distance from Baseline (ft) Date Vol to +7 Vol to -6 Vol to -19 Val to -24 May 2017 11.9 76.1 360.5 630.2 Jun 2018 14A 96.5 466A 765.3 Oct 2018 17.3 110.9 455.2 757.3 Jun 2019 18.0 122.0 435.2 709.5 Nov 2019 11.2 71.4 381.2 674.3 Aug 2020 2.3 44.1 353.8 651.5 Phola: 11 January 20161MC Buxton Station 1905+00 2500 3000 35( May 2017 Jun 2019 - Oct 2018 = +7 FT NAVD Jun 2019 - Nov 2019 - 6 FT NAVD -Aug 2020 - r------------ ------------------- -19 FT NAVD ---- -- ------------------------- L---- - - - - -- ----------- - -----.24FTNAVD ------- 0 50o 1000 1500 2000 Distance from Baseline (ft) Date Vol to +7 Vol to -6 Val to -19 Val to -24 May 2017 3.6 45.9 308.7 572.7 Jun 2018 6.4 95.0 417.4 7237 1� Oct 2018 9.5 101.1 377.7 679.2 Jun 2019 7.3 81.6 351.0 667.9 Nov 2019 0.0 25.6 307.3 630.0 Aug 2020 0.0 34A 313.8 578.1 Photo: 11 January2616 PC 250C 3000 3500 FIGURE 2.5b. Representative profiles for the Buxton project area at stations 1890 and 1905 in the Village of Buxton. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 13 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 2.3 Profile Volume Analysis Methodology 2.3.1 Profile Volume Approach Volume variations along the Buxton project area were estimated using standard methods (average -end -area method) and common cross -shore boundaries and contour datums. Two primary lenses (ie - volumes between particular reference contours) were used to analyze beach/inshore profiles using CSE's Beach Profile Analysis System (BPAS) software which facilitates statistical analysis, volume change calculations, and graphing. Profile volumes are a convenient way to determine the condition of the beach and compare one area with another. As Figure 2.6 illustrates, the active littoral zone encompasses a broad area between the dunes and some limiting offshore depth. Each profile incorporates complex topography, which changes continuously as the beach adjusts to varying wave energy, sediment supply, and tide range. Storms modify the profile by shifting sand from the dry beach and foredune to the outer surf zone. After storms, fair- weather waves tend to move sand back to the visible beach and reshape protective longshore bars. If this cycle of offshore/onshore sediment transport remains balanced overtime, the beach will be stable with no net loss of volumes in the profile. However, if more sand moves offshore or down - coast over time than returns to the visible beach, there will be a net loss and a specific volume erosion rate. Foreshore Backshore Dune Berm Beach Face Low Tide Terrace "Foredune" "Dry Beach" "Wet Beach" Runnel I Ridge �I Inner Surf Zone L Normal Breaker 7.nne Swu..h Z.- Fairweather Profile Storm Profile Trough I Longshore Bar Su f Zane Storm Breaker Zane G' —High Nuter —Low Water I I Li.k Of .Norma! —11 P-00 Change I "Closure" FIGURE 2.6. Representative profile of the littoral zone illustrating the principal features between the dune and offshore. The profile varies with changes in wave energy, the passage of storms, and differences in sediment quality. The Buxton erosion analysis takes into account the cycle of beach profile changes and focuses on the sand volumes in the entire littoral zone. [Based on Komar 1998] Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 14 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina While it is possible to approximate the equilibrium shape of beach profiles by simple analytical equations (Dean 1991, 2002), each site has a unique set of coastal processes (waves, tides, and nearshore currents) as well as complex admixtures of sediment. The morphology and slopes across the surf zone vary significantly as sediments of differing sizes are sorted by waves. The coarsest material tends to concentrate in shallow water at the inshore breaker line. Finer sands tend to accumulate on the longshore bar (if present) and foredune. As Komar (1998) and many others have shown, coarser sediments tend to produce steeper foreshore slopes (see Fig 2.6) than fine sand, assuming wave energy is similar. The implication is that less coarse sand is required to establish a profile in equilibrium with the local waves and tides compared with a beach consisting of very fine sand. This is illustrated in Figure 2.7. The example in the graphic compares a typical cross-section through a Louisiana barrier island with the North Carolina coast. Much of the Louisiana coast consists of very fine sand and experiences relatively low wave energy. Barrier islands are low -relief with very broad platforms extending miles offshore. North Carolina Outer Banks barriers are composed of much coarser sands which tend to equilibrate at steeper slopes despite higher wind and wave energy. As a result, a cross-section through a North Carolina barrier island will have higher relief compared to Louisiana. 10 10 — NC Barrier Island L 5 — LA Barrier Island 5 a) o a 0 — 0 2 a� O J c > N N C/� -5 -5 w ca m -10 -10 ZE 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Distance (meters) FIGURE 2.7. Variation in equilibrium barrier island and foreshore profiles for Louisiana and North Carolina. Coarser sandy sediments [typically 0.4 millimeters (mm) grain size] (left) lead to steeper profiles and lessvolume in the base of North Carolina barrier islands relative to Louisiana which is founded on fine-grained sediments (typically -0.1 mm grain size) (right). Ocean is to the right on the diagram. Note: 1 meter z 3.28 ft. [From CSE 2011] Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 15 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Researchers have found that basic differences among beach profiles can be distinguished by simple measures of profile volumes (eg - Verhagen 1992, Kana 1993). Profile volumes convert a two-dimensional measure of the beach to a "unit volume" measure, as illustrated in Figure 2.8. By using common datums and similar starting points (say, near the dune crest), it is possible to calculate the volume of sand contained in a unit -length of beach. Profile volumes integrate all the small-scale perturbations across the beach and provide a simple objective measure of beach condition (Kana 1993, Kana et al 2015). They provide quantitative estimates of sand deficits or surpluses when compared against a target or desirable beach condition. The examples of profile volumes in Figure 2.8 show a "normal" beach with a representative unit volume of 100 cy/ft measured to low -tide wading depth. A normal healthy profile is gen- erally considered to consist of a stable foredune and a dry beach that is wide enough to undergo normal seasonal and storm changes without adverse impact to the dune or backshore development. SURVEY MONUMENT loft 5ft Oft o -5 ft FG570f7 LW 0 100 200 300 400 DISTANCE - FEET SURVEY ' MONUMENT ,.'pVN�s •� �PG� oe yP� Qy loft � sft Oft -5 ft DISTANCE - FEET SURVEY MONUMENT .G loft sft 0ft -5 ft ERODED BEACH NORMALBEACH 500 600 BEACH WITH SAND SURPLUS 0 100 200 300 400 S00 DISTANCE - FEET FIGURE 2.8. The concept of unit -width profile volumes for a series of beach profiles showing an eroded beach with a deficit, a normal beach, and a beach with a volume surplus. Profile volumes integrate small-scale perturbations in profile shape and provide a simple objective measure of beach condition. Indicated quantities are realistic for many East Coast beaches within the elevation limits shown. [After Kana 1990] Coastal Science & Engineering [2403M-Appendix D] Littoral Processes 16 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina The other profiles in the graphic illustrate values for an eroding beach (in this case, backed by a seawall) and a beach with a sand surplus. For this simple example, the unit volume of the eroded profile is 50 cy/ft, or -50 percent of the normal beach. The third profile illustrates a beach with a surplus of sand along the dry beach and wet -sand beach relative to a normal healthy profile. Such areas often reflect accreting conditions where shallow bars are welding to the beach near inlets. The calculation limits can be arbitrary as long as they are consistently applied. Ideally, they should encompass the entire active zone of profile change for the time period(s) of interest. It should be readily apparent that at least 50 cy/ft must be added to the eroded profile in Figure 2.8 to achieve a normal, healthy profile. In actuality, much more sand is required to account for the area between low -tide wading depth and the offshore limit of significant sand movement (see Fig 2.6). Analyses such as these are necessarily site -specific, but they are practical measures of sand deficits and erosional losses overtime. 2.3.2 Reference Contours and Calculation Boundaries The normal limit of significant change in bottom elevation (ie - "depth of closure*" - DOC) for the Buxton project area was determined to be -24 ft NAVD (NPS/USACE 2015). This depth is based on estimates of DOC at decadal scales at Duck (Birkemeier 1985), Bogue Banks (Olsen 2006), and Nags Head (Kaczkowski & Kana 2012). Therefore, the seaward calculation limit of unit volumes is referenced from -24 ft NAVD. *Depth of Closure is where successive profiles (ie - cross -sections of the beach zone) tend to converge (or close) over a given period of time, suggesting that major changes in bottom elevation are not occurring beyond that point. It is the depth that FEMA uses when calculating incident -related sand volume loss if a declared disaster occurs to an engineered beach. During rare storms, the observed closure depth can be in deeper water, meaning sand exchange can be further offshore, as CSE's monitoring data confirm. *'NAVD (North American Vertical Datum of 1988) is a fixed reference elevation between mean high and mean low water. Presently, the NAVD datum is -0.78 ft above mean tide level in the Buxton project area. The landward calculation limit of unit volumes is set at the seawardmost structure in the immediate area (edge of Highway NC 12 or seaward face of a building (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). This calculation provides a measure of how much extra sand is contained in the profile seaward of structures relative to the quantity in the active beach zone. While the selection of volume calculation limits is arbitrary, the utility of this approach is that the relative condition of the beach from locality to locality can be objectively compared. Areas that contain a stable dune and wide beach seaward of structures can serve as a reference healthy condition for areas of high erosion and large sand deficits. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 17 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Volume changes within the calculation limits (ie — "sand box") for the Buxton project area are estimated using standard methods (average -end -area method) and common cross -shore boundaries and contour datums. Three lenses (ie - volumes between particular reference contours) are used in the planning and design phases to evaluate levels of dune protection, dry beach and construction berm adjustments, wet beach condition, inshore surf zone, and the outer surf zone (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). These three lenses are described as follows. • Lens 1 (Dunes) — Volume Above +7 ft NAVD — The 2017-2018 nourishment construction berm was designed at +7 ft NAVD, and the proposed renourishment construction berm is designed at the same elevation. The volume above the +7 ft NAVD elevation is a measure of the sand quantities shifted toward the dunes and upper beach. Therefore, this is a measure of storm and flood protection levels associated with the project or gains in dune volume due to post -project buildup above the contour. • Lens 2 (Beach to Low Tide Terrace) — This lens encompasses the active beach to low - tide wading depth (from +7 to -6 ft NAVD). It includes the primary recreational portion of the beach and the surf zone, where most wave -breaking occurs. • Lens 3 (Underwater to FEMA Reference Depth) — This Lens represents the outer breaker zone and extends to the FEMA reference depth (from -6 ft to -24 ft NAVD). It is the area beyond which there is relatively little change in bottom. +30ft +20ftloft z Lens 2 Oft Low Tide Terrace (-6 ft) MHW +1.05 ft MLW -1.94 ft i0ft FEMA Reference Depth (-24 ft NAVD) Lens 3 zo ft -30 It FIGURE 2.9. The beach zone used for calculating sand quantities along the Buxton project area. The zone of interest extends from the foredune to a specified offshore depth (FEMA reference at -24 feet NAVD), in effect, a large sand box over which waves shape the beach and shift sand around. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 18 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 2.4 Historical Erosion Rate Prior to the Initial 2017-2018 Nourishment 2.4.1 Historical Erosion Rates Prior to 2017 While CSE was planning and designing the initial nourishment, no recoverable historical profiles encompassing the beach, surf zone, and inshore area to a depth of at least -24 ft NAVD were located. Lacking such data, a standard method of estimating volumetric erosion rates is by extrapolation from linear rates (CERC 1984). A long-time rule -of -thumb used by the Corps of Engineers since the first nourishment project at Coney Island (NY) assumes a loss of 1 square foot (ft2) of beach area is roughly equivalent to a loss of 1 cubic yard of sand (CERC 1984). This ratio has also been assumed forsome analyses for NCDOT (M Overton, NC State University, pers. comm., October 2013). It can be shown that this ratio varies according to the dimensions of the active zone of profile change but remains constant between fixed contours regardless of foreshore slope (Bruun 1962, Hands 1981, Dean 2002). Typically, the vertical dimension considered extends from the dry -beach elevation to the depth of closure (DOC). For example, if the average height of the dry beach is +7 ft NAVD and the local DOC is -20 ft, there will be 27 cubic feet (cf) contained in 1 ft2 of "beach" area (Fig 2.10). Conveniently, 27 cf equals 1 cy, so the volume (cy) to area (sf) ratio equals 1. This ratio is >1 for beaches that exhibit a deeper DOC and <1 for beaches with a shallow DOC. Figure 2.11 illustrates how the volumetric erosion rate varies with the linear erosion rate and the local DOC. z +10 ft 1 ft, +7 ft Oft l I- Mean Tide 101c 1 27 Cubic Feet --*-' . 1 cy/ft -20 ft Distance - Variable FIGURE 2.10. Volume equivalents on a beach. Example assumes the active beach zone extends from the dry -sand beach elevation at +7 ft to an offshore depth of 20 ft. Therefore, 1 ft' of dry beach area represents -27 cf of profile volume. This ratio remains constant by simple geometry for a parallelogram with equal end -surface area. This concept can also be used to convert linear shoreline change to equivalent unit volume change. For example, 1 ft of dry beach recession, in this example, is equivalent to 27 cf (per foot of shoreline length) sand loss. 27 cf = 1 cy. The ratio varies with the vertical dimensions of the littoral zone (Bruun 1962, Hands 1981). [After Kana et al 2015] Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 19 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 16 16 14 14 , 12 12 Example: 8 ft/yr = 10 cyift/yr �% n 10 10 ` �``� � m ED 8 ` 8 m � � \ o 6 ti 6 c 4 \ �� 4 �� ! w 2 2 ! y 0 0 Station Alongshore Volume Equivalent 1 Volume Equivalent 2 Linear Erosion Rate --1.25 x Linear Rate --.75 x Linear Rate DOC --26-27 ft DOC --12-14 ft FIGURE 2.11. Example of the relationship between unit volume erosion rate and linear erosion rate for two beaches. The solid line shows a variable linear erosion rate alongshore, much like the trend and magnitudes for Buxton (Source: NCDENR 2012). The upper dashed curve shows an estimated equivalent u nit volume erosion rate for high-energy sites with a relatively deep limit of normal sand movement (DOC). The lower dashed curve shows the equivalent volume for a lower -energy site where the DOC is shallower. The ratio that CSE assumed for Buxton is 1.15, based on a DOC z 24 ft NAVD. For example, at Hunting Island (SC), the inshore area is a relatively constant -12 ft NAVD (de facto DOC), and the dry beach equilibrates around +7 ft. This means 1 ft2 of area loss on the visible beach equates to about 0.7 cy of volume loss [ie (7+12)/27 ;�: 0.7]. Similarly, if DOC off Buxton is assumed to be -24 ft NAVD and the average dry -beach elevation is +7 ft NAVD, 1 ft2 of beach area loss will equate to about 1.15 cy of volume loss [ie (7+24)/27 z 1.15]. CSE used this latter ratio to convert linear erosion rates to volumetric rates in the project area.* ('Overton and Fisher (2005) assumed a similar dry -beach elevation, but a deeper limit of sand exchange (-30 ft MSL) which equates to a ratio of 1.37 (ie -1 ft of beach widening requires 1.37 cy/ft of nourishment). The authors report that the ratio would need to be refined during the engineering design phase of the beach nourishment project." (pg 7). Their report was prepared prior to the Nags Head project and the availability of post -nourishment profiles into deep water. CSE (2014) reported nearly 100 percent retention of nourishment sand after two years between the foredunes and -19 ft NAVD at Nags Head. Post Irene and Sandy data at Nags Head also show evidence of accretion between -19 ft and -24 ft which significantly exceeds the losses to -19 ft. This implies some onshore transport likely occurred during Irene and Sandy in the zone beyond the -19-ft contour. The ratio assumed by Overton and Fisher (2005) is more conservative, but for the time scales under consideration in the present study, CSE believes a ratio of 1.15 is realistic for planning.] Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 20 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 2.4.2 Historical Shorelines NCDENR periodically publishes official, long-term, average annual oceanfront erosion rates ("setback factors") for North Carolina. An early analysis was prepared by Tafun et al (1979), who applied the "end -point method," which is retained by NCDENR in recent updates. The end -point method computes average annual rates at each shoreline transect using the earliest and most - current shoreline position. The earliest shorelines considered in prior analyses are typically based on NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS) "T-sheets" from the 1920s to the 1930s. More recent shorelines are interpreted from controlled aerial photography using the "wet/dry" line at the edge of the surf zone, which approximates local MHW at the time of the photography (Overton & Fisher 2003). The most recent update of official shorelines (NCDENR 2012) utilized 1946/49 and July 2009 imagery (end points) from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). NCDENR (2012) details the various blocking and smoothing algorithms applied in developing the official rates along Dare County. Figure 2.12 shows the results of the NCDENR (2012) analysis. A striking aspect of the NCDENR shoreline change rates along Hatteras Island is their large variation alongshore. Long barrier islands with few active inlets often exhibit more uniform shoreline change rates. This is certainly the case north of Oregon Inlet along most of Bodie Island or Bogue Banks (NCDENR 2012). By comparison, some short segments of Hatteras Island have zones of moderate accretion (>5 feet per year-ft/yr) near zones of high erosion (>10 ft/yr). The Buxton area has been highly erosional, but the rate diminishes in the vicinity of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse groins. The longest "stable" segment of Hatteras Island is between Salvo and Avon, where measured change rates are within a narrow range of 1-5 ft/yr (see Fig 2.12). CSE obtained the "shape files" of shorelines developed by NCDENR or their consultants at NC State University and East Carolina University, and plotted them against the baseline for the present study. CSE also digitized the June 2012 wet/dry line and added it to base maps of Buxton. An earlier shoreline from the mid-1800s is also depicted. Distances from the CSE baseline to the shoreline were measured at CSE profile transects and then used to check shoreline change rates for several intermediate periods. The shorelines are illustrated in Figure 2.13, and the data are tabulated by CSE stations in Table 2.3. Figure 2.14 plots selected results for the Buxton project area. The official NCDENR long-term erosion rates (Figs 2.12 & 2.15) show focused high erosion approaching 10 ft/yr in the area north of Buxton Village along the National Seashore. The rates at CSE project profiles (see Fig 2.14) are consistent with NCDENR official rates, but show some interesting variations according to the time period used. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 21 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Cape Hatteras to Avon (raw, smoothed. & blockad data) Cal. Ha-- negative (gre sn)= accrete on, n 0sfun (red) = eros Ion 12 A41' 10 � 9 8 7 g .Q ■ htJ 3 4 1 .2 7, - 7,100 7,126 7,1aa 7,1160 7,18e 7�0 12i0 7wM, 7,a50 7x80 7A 7,320 7W 7,960 7,380 7,400 7.420 ]96fi and ZO(19 S/iaYefrnes iranseo ID Avon to Rodanth■ (raw, smoothed, & blocked data) „,ti,� , . , �. negative;green}= accretion, pOsmve {rerp =eroslon 13 1 2 11 40 10 � 9 8. p g 7 4 $ 6 44 i V W 3 2 1 0 S a� 4 7,460 F,500 7,550 7,600 7.650 F,700 7,750 7,808 7A50 7,No 7Aso M*and,0099naY m'r iranuct ID Rodanthe to Oregon inlet (raw, smoothed, & blocked data) Raasmrle (er4( negatNe (gre en}= accrev on, pnsave "u) = erosion 22 Pee island (Nabonel Seeshorel .at 18 16 1e - 12 - y 8 r - 0 iFP 7,966 am 8A2o BA70 8.060 moo 8.100 8,120 8,140 8.160 8,160 8�00 8X0 8,240 8A0 8,280 8,3m 6,320 6,300 iransect D 1ed8 294® axe 2" Z_ffi FIGURE 2.12. Long-term shoreline change rates for Hatteras Island derived from historical aerial photography (1946/49 and 2009) showing smoothed and blocked data by transect as prepared by NCDENR/NCDCM and their consultants. [Source: NCDENR 2012, Figs 34-36] Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 22 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Historical Shorelines 1849 -1873 1925 -1946 1933 -1952 1970-1988 1998 • Waves 2004 2009 2012 I � i 0 2,000 — Scale (Feet) r aso+aa I Salvos 900+00 U � i - G N � 4 � 920+00 I m I r I U r O i f I I U r sao+oa I 1800+00 I f ----- ------ r I I G � ! U ,azo+oa i o I I V aI I ------- --- � � I u, �saa+ao I - ------- m 0 U I I 0. I� I I I , -- 18fi0+00 , , I I - -- • Buxton I I I ,900+00 I �- 1P i Cape Hatteras Light ssowo I Q - - I - 19so+00 I i - i I I I i l 980+00 - i 1R+00 I Rodanthe Area 1983+77 �� _ Buxton Area PaneI03 i Panel04 FIGURE 2.13. Historical (approximate MHW) shorelines for Salvo and Buxton from GIS shape files prepared by NCDENR and consultants from INC State University and East Carolina University. The 2012 shoreline (wet/dry line) was digitized by CSE from 2012 imagery. The shoreline "salient' between stations 1920+00 and 1940+00 is associated with groins placed in the 1970s to protect Cape Hatteras Lighthouse (which was eventually moved -1,600 ft to the southwest). [Courtesy: NCDENR 2012] Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 23 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 2.3. Historical shorelines (distance from baseline in feet). CSE Station 1925-46 1970-88 1998 20D4 2009 1744+87 517 300 328 257 301 1777+68 604 294 214 251 242 1790+63 735 332 277 250 189 1800+63 719 377 252 238 134 1810+63 794 369 225 242 100 1821+84 803 414 271 215 138 1830+63 809 371 266 218 104 1840+63 719 384 196 119 95 1850+63 716 358 197 173 101 1860+63 717 398 217 198 101 1870+63 680 365 233 196 163 1880+63 650 300 210 187 166 1890+63 627 368 259 227 170 1900+63 581 439 277 274 180 1901+75 576 443 295 266 198 1910+63 560 396 353 201 229 1920+63 516 456 393 282 259 1929+11 490 358 324 241 219 1940+63 629 243 43 152 -37 1950+63 723 122 -89 80 -13 1960+63 827 93 6 64 112 1970+63 893 272 61 159 250 1983+77 1,012 630 265 361 351 Coastal Science & Engineering [2403M-Appendix D] Littoral Processes 24 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 4.0 Buxton Area - Linear Shoreline Change Rates - (ft/yr) 2.0 - 0.0 , . . . . . . . OEM Note: Median Dates Assumed: MOMMOMMAMMOMME -2.0 - 1915146� 1935 Bch 0" 1970/88 1979 -4.0 - -6.0 - -8.0 - -10.0 -Buxton Groins Village -12.0 - -14.0 - 1970/88 to 2012 —1925146 to 2012 -16.0 - -18.0 I y5 �'NI 19�ox63 19�oN63 196ox�,3 1g�3k�'l 10 1�9ok63 1g1oX63 1$3ox63 1$�oX63 1��oX63 1��ox63 1go1X FIGURE 2.14. Linear shoreline change rates (ft/yr) at CSE stations derived from historical shorelines 1920s to 2009, digitized by the State of North Carolina (source: NCDENR 2012). The 2012 shoreline was digitized by CSE from 2012 imagery. [Source: ESRI ArcGIS World Imagery] Coastal Science &Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 25 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina ► 780+00 ID:7870 p 2,000 _ Waves Scale (Feet) 800+00 r 840+90 -- rl 2 a - I � 0 860+00 t ro CO a� U 0 U O 880+00 E _ ro F-�� EL Salvo ro i i 920+00 ID: 7782 { I Jr lJ 940+00 2 980+0o ID:7760 2 9sa+ao Rodanthe Area Panel 03 I,,. 771A i 4760� 4 1800+ b 5 13 9820+i o a�1840+ _ 1880+00 • Buxton 1920+00 7s4o+oo Cape Hatteras Light +sso+oQ +sao+ � 198 0 0 D: 7258 5 D: 7257 7.5 ID, 7248 9 ID 7240 Cm O 10 c ro ID, 7208 9.5 ID, 7193 8 ID 7189 6.5 ID 7177 5 ID 7161 7.5 ID', 7152 11 ID7135 10 ID: 71213 Buxton Area g Panel 04 FIGURE 2.15. NCDENR (2012) official shoreline change rates and setback factors (ft/yr) for Salvo and the Buxton project area as published by the state. As Figure 2.16 showed, some segments along Salvo with the minimum "setback factor" of 2 ft/yr are accretional (eg - between transects ID 7738 and 7870). [Source: NCDENR 2012] Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 26 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina The erosion rates in the Buxton project area show long-term maxima around station 1840+00 (-4,000 ft north of the Village of Buxton/National Seashore boundary). Maximum rates were around 9 ft/yr, excluding the area south of the old Hatteras Lighthouse groins. The section of the National Seashore north of Buxton breached in the early 1970s and has washed over Highway NC 12 several times, including as recently as Hurricane Sandy in October 2012 (NCDENR 2012, unpublished data). As Figures 2.12 and 2.14 showed, erosion rates at the groins have been lower than adjacent areas, indicating their stabilizing impact on that portion of the shoreline. Downcoast of the groins, shoreline erosion rates were much greater between 1925/46 and 1970/88 (generally preceding groin construction) than the period since 1970/88. Some of the reduction in the erosion rate over the past few decades may be related to an -1.3 million cubic yard nourishment project placed along Buxton in -1973 (S Rogers, North Carolina Sea Grant, pers. comm., August 2013). 2.4.3 Equivalent Volumetric Erosion Rates CSE used official long-term erosion rates published by NCDENR (2012) and determined the rate at each surveyed profile line (Table 2.4). An equivalent volumetric change rate was calculated using the factor 1.15 as discussed in Section 2.4.1. Table 2.4 lists the estimated average annual volume erosion rates at CSE stations within the project area. The equivalent rates at Buxton range up to 12.6 cubic yards per foot per year (cy/ft/yr) (station 1821+84). Net annual erosion losses between stations were estimated using the average -end -area method, which averages the unit rates for adjacent stations and applies the average over the shoreline distance between stations (see Table 2.4). These subtotals were summed for designated reaches for purposes of estimating net yearly losses in critically eroding areas. CSE reviewed the locations of profile volume minima (see Section 2.3) and NCDENR linear erosion rates, and delineated two priority reaches along the project area for possible beach restoration. At Buxton, the critically eroding reaches are considered to be the-11,500-ft shoreline segment between stations 1805+56 and 1920+63, or an expanded length incorporating the-13,750-ft segment between stations 1790+63 and 1928+11 (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 27 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 2.4. Official long-term (linear) erosion rates in the Buxton area and the estimated equivalent unit volume erosion rate (cy/ft) using the conversion factor: 1 linear ft =1.15 cy/ft. The net volume rate between profile stations is computed by the average -end -area method. [DCM - North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Management] (after CSE 2013 and USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015) CSE Station 1744+87 USACE Station DCM Transect ID 7277 Distance To Next (ft) DCIM Rate (ft/yr) Equiv Vol Rate (cy/ft/yr) Net Vol Rate To Next (cy/yr) 1759+63 7268 1777+68 N/A 7257 7.5 9.0 - 1790+63 8.0 9.6 - 1792+44 7248 819 9.0 10.8 8,845 1800+63 493 9.0 10.8 5,620 1805+56 7240 507 10.0 12.0 6,084 1810+63 1,121 10.0 12.0 13,788 1821+84 N/A 879 10.5 12.6 10,812 1830+63 1,000 10.0 12.0 12,000 1840+63 1,000 10.0 12.0 11,700 1850+63 7208 1,000 9.5 11.4 11,400 1860+63 667 9.5 11.4 7,204 1867+30 7198 333 8.5 10.2 3,297 1870+63 N/A 1,000 8.0 9.6 9,300 1880+63 143 7.5 9.0 1,244 1882+06 7189 857 7.0 8.4 6,942 1890+63 1,000 6.5 7.8 7,500 1900+63 112 6.0 7.2 739 1901+75 7177 888 5.0 6.0 5,328 1910+63 N/A 1,000 5.0 6.0 5,400 1920+63 748 4.0 4.8 1,795 1928+11 7161 At Terminal Groin 1940+63 1950+63 1960+63 1970+63 N/A 1983+77 (1792+44 to 1928+11) 13,567 9.5 128,998 Totals (1805+56 to 1920+63) 11,507 10.2 114,533 Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 28 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina The northernmost boundary is -8,750 ft north of Buxton, and the southernmost boundary is situated at the old Hatteras Lighthouse site. Average annual volumetric erosion rates for these two reaches are estimated to be-114,500 cy/yr and-129,000 cy/yr (respectively) (see Table 2.4). The average annual unitvolume erosion rates are 10.2 cy/ft/yr for the most critically eroding reach and 9.5 cy/ft/yr for the expanded reach. In the Buxton area, the highest erosion rate is along CH NS near station 1821+84, -5,800 ft north of the Village of Buxton, whereas the greatest profile deficit is in the Village of Buxton. For final design and planning purposes, CSE is evaluating a slightly longer shoreline to improve project longevity and provide extended taper lengths for nourishment. The initial nourishment plan called for a maximum project length of 15,500 linear feet in the Buxton area, and the average annual erosion rate was adopted to be 114,500 cy/yr (ie - 9,542 cy per month). Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 29 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 2.5 Volume Analysis During and After the 2017-2018 Nourishment 2.5.1 Overview of the 2017-2018 Nourishment Construction The proposed renourishment project is a maintenance activity following the completion of the 2017-2018 Buxton nourishment project. Therefore, some project information is included in this report to provide a background of Dare County's sediment management framework in this area. Project Sponsor The beach restoration project was sponsored by Dare County, North Carolina, and Dare County served as project owner and administrator. Construction funding for the federal Dare County hurricane protection and beach erosion control project has not yet been appropriated. Therefore, Dare County used local funding for the 2017-2018 project without imposing additional costs to the state of North Carolina or the US Government to address the urgent problem of erosion in the project area. Project Setting Dare County encompasses -89 miles of ocean shoreline from the Town of Duck to Hatteras Inlet. The northern 30 miles (on Bodie Island) includes the towns of Duck, Southern Shores, Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills, and Nags Head (from north to south). There is a 5-mile undeveloped portion of Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Seashore) at the southern end of Bodie Island. The southern -53 miles on Hatteras Island encompass Cape Hatteras National Seashore and the communities of Rodanthe, Waves, Salvo, Avon, Buxton, Frisco, and Hatteras (Fig 2.16). Approximately 16 miles are developed, and 38 miles are undeveloped along the oceanfront. In total, 50 percent of Dare County's ocean shoreline is developed, and 50 percent is undeveloped and held in permanenttrust by the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. The Buxton project area encompasses -3-miles (15,500 linear feet) of Hatteras Island in the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, including -2.2 miles (11,000 linearfeet) of natural oceanfront and -0.8 mile (4,500 linear feet) in front of the developed Village of Buxton. Figure 2.17 shows the project limits, total nourishment volume, and the proposed offshore borrow area. Background, Purpose, and Need The location of the 2017-2018 project area is on Hatteras Island in the Village of Buxton in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. One of the largest preserved parcels of the Outer Banks, the Seashore offers beachcombing, birding, fishing, camping, wind -surfing, and kite -boarding to beachgoers and road trippers each year. The area is known for its abundant recreational, natural, and cultural resources, including such historic locations as the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, the Chicamacomico Life Saving Station, the Wright Brothers National Memorial, and the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 30 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Alharmarle Sound n Hags Head n m N m ¢ Q� Orag�aa lalef � m tulttPy Paint Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge + Rodanthe Is 12 Cape HaNeras National Seashore a Avon Pamlico Sound Buxton -am- PROJECT SITE N 35 o 16' 36" Hatteras W 75 ° 31' 00" J� i kafferas 1a1at Ocracoke Island Cape Lookout w A t r r) t i c O c e a n National Seashore Ocracoke lalef FIGURE 2.16. Location of Buxton and Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Dare County, North Carolina. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M—Appendix D] 31 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina N: 590760 I N 591 M E' 3032750 Mile 58 6 t E' W51780 J 4 3.000 r7 Seal 4 Mile 59. n a � o` a r m G 4 � Mile 50 o U rt Q r x m � iA fl rQ� y'] + 4 p R FL6T MM614 ? �' a r 9laboqg � �pp `r `" 4- 572760 4 $n7w E: 3032760 _ a < E: W61780 04 Mile 62 ON Gape Haderas Light Site. Cape Halleras light r � r • 1� wr • r� • �r Q Revised Borrow Area 8,400 ft x 1,700 ft (-300 ac} r--� No Work Area (-28 ac) • Sediment Borings N:554760 1_ 1 N:554760 E:3012M E WS1750 Cape Nattaras Datum: SKS NAo'M (Feet) NG7_ane 3200 FIGURE 2.17. Map illustrating the fill schedule and project limits of the 2017-2018 Buxton nourishment project. The sand source is an offshore borrow area situated about 9,000 feet from the former site of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. No Work Area is marked on the map to avoid possible culture resources. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix DI 32 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina NC 12 is the only highway linking all the Seashore islands and villages along the ocean. Before NC 12 was built, islanders drove on the beach to access homes and businesses. Seven villages — Hatteras, Frisco, Buxton, Avon, Salvo, Waves, and Rodanthe (from south to north) —occupy Hatteras Island, which includes a year-round population of - 4,300 people (2010 Census). Buxton is the largest of the villages, known for world -class surf fishing and the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. The Hatteras Lighthouse is a registered National Historic Landmark and a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark since its relocation inland in 1999 (Booher & Ezell 2001). Portions of the island, such as Waves, Salvo, and south Buxton, enjoy wide and stable beaches, which have been accumulating sand. Other areas are narrow and have sustained extensive erosion along the oceanfront, notably around Rodanthe and East Buxton (NCDENR 2012). Shoreline change rates along the Outer Banks oceanfront are variously reported to average 2.6 feet per year (Everts et al. 1983) to 4.5 feet per year (NCDENR 2012). At several localities, including south Nags Head, Pea Island, Mirlo Beach, and the Buxton Canadian Hole just north of the village, erosion rates have exceeded 10 feet per year over the past 50 years (NCDENR 2012). Coincidentally, these sites have experienced chronic dune breaching, overwash onto NC 12, or the formation of temporary breach inlets. Hatteras Island plays a vital economic role in the state and local economy. During peak tourist season, the Island receives up to 50,000 visitors daily, which has stimulated notable growth in rental properties and businesses in recentyears. Astudyforthe Outer Banks Visitors Bureau (Lane 2013) found that Hatteras Island's tourism expenditures totaled $204 million in 2011, with a state tax contribution of $10.3 million and $9.4 million in local taxes. Also, in 2011, island real estate generated >$9 million annually in Dare County property taxes and $2.1 million in occupancy tax collections. However, that same year, it was estimated that $2 million was lost in annual occupancy rates dueto a two -month (Septemberand October) closure of NC 12fordune rebuilding and road repairs. In response to erosion, NC 12 has been realigned at some localities, including the proposed project area north of Buxton Village. The highwaywas washed out by a breach inlet in 1962 and was severely overwashed during other storms between 1962 and 1973 (Fisher 1967, Everts et al. 1983). After the 1960s storms, a realignment of NC 12 shifted the road as close as practicable to Pamlico Sound (NPS 1980). Beach nourishment between 1966 and 1973 reportedly helped mitigate breach events for over 20 years (Lighthouse View Motel, J. Hooper, former Dare County commissioner, pers. comm., April 2014). However, continued loss of sand along the Buxton Canadian Hole has resulted in more frequent road repairs by NCDOT due to foredune breaches. The most recent major repairs were in response to Hurricane Irene (August 2011) and Hurricane Sandy (October 2012). Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 33 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Maintenance of NC 12 has been an issue for decades and remains the subject of intensive study by NCDOT. NCDOT developed a feasibility study for NC 12 in the Buxton area to consider alternatives for interim (5-year) protection and longer -term (50-year) protection (NCDOT 2015). Any improvements or modifications to NC 12 are subject to existing Easements and agreements between the National Park Service and NCDOT. While NCDOT studies were underway, Dare County reviewed the options for protecting NC 12, infrastructure, and maintenance of the beach under coastal zone management (CZM) rules and regulations. Dare County determined that a wider beach was needed in the Buxton area to restore the sand deficit, protect the foredune and infrastructure, and maintain access via NC 12 in the project area with minimum disruption to the economy and the environment. Erosion around 2015 had undermined 51 houses and motel units alongthe Eastern shore of Buxton Village, leading to emergency measures. These include sand -bagging to protect structures along -1,500 linear feet of oceanfront at the south end of the proposed project area. Sand bags eliminated a recreational beach and related habitats along -10% of the beach in the project area. The County commissioned a feasibility study to evaluate erosion and beach restoration alternatives (CSE 2013). Detailed surveys into deep water documented that erosion over several decades has left a significant sand deficit in the Buxton area relative to adjacent sections of the beach. Dune -breach events have generally occurred in the areas of Hatteras Island where dunes are low, the beach is narrowest, and there is less sand seaward of buildings and infrastructure compared to a normal stable beach. The breaches at Pea Island and Mirlo Beach during Hurricane Irene (2011) are examples. The County decided to place 2.6 million cubic yards of beach -quality sand along a 3-mile length of Hatteras Island in the Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Seashore), including -0.8 mile in front of the Village of Buxton, and the project was completed between June 2017 and February 2018. The 2017-2018 project served the following purposes according to the County: 1) Provided a wider beach and buffer storm waves along a critically eroding section of Hatteras Island. 2) Reduced the frequency of storm damages to North Carolina Highway 12 (NC 12) and existing community infrastructure. 3) Replaced erosion losses and augment the regional supply of beach sand by using a non -littoral borrow source of compatible sediments from an offshore borrow area. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 34 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Permitting Dare County obtained permits under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the state Coastal Area ManagementAct (CAMA) permitting process, including preparation of comprehensive Environmental Assessment and its seven appendices (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). The environmental documentation was necessitated by the need to accomplish the work during the summer months. The principal environmental issues at the National Seashore were impacts to sensitive beach -nesting birds and sea -turtle species duringthe breedingseason through noise and physical disruption, increased sand compaction and hardness, and changes in moisture content and beach slope. As part of the Southeast Region, the project area is subject to the same turtle - protection measures and "take statements" as Florida, where most nests are located (NMFS 1997). Virginia Beach (VA), 100 miles north of Buxton, is situated along the same bight but is under the Northeast (USA) environmental protection rules, where turtle nesting is of less concern. Sea turtles, while present in low numbers in some Northeast Region waters, are not subject to the Southeast Region "take statements," which severely limit the use of hopper dredges. Buxton Village (east shore) had no sea turtle nest in the years before the 2017 project due to the narrow dry beach and frequent overwash to the toe of the dune. The average nest density in the OBX (north of Oregon Inlet) is <0.2 nests per mile per year (source: NCWRC database). By comparison, South Carolina beaches average upward of 15 nests per mile peryear (NMFS 1998). As mitigation for summer dredging, the project was required to provide turtle monitoring on the beach each night during construction and endangered species monitoring onboard the dredges. Open -net turtle trawling ahead of the dredge was also required if hopper dredging was used for purposes of turtle safety. Dare County, serving as the Owner of the project, procured the following state and federal permits and certification: 1. North Carolina Department of Environment Quality 401 Water Quality Certification (DWR #15-1087) - Issued on 23 November 2015. 2. North Carolina Department of Environment Quality Major CAMA Permit (#136-15) - Issued on 15 December 2015. 3. National Park Service Special Use Permit (GOV16-5700-014) -Issued on 11 March 2016 and revised on 27 November 2017 for an extension. 4. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Department of the Army Permit (#SAW 2015-01612) - Issued on 24 March 2016. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 35 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Project Bids CSE prepared a final design, plans, specifications, and bid documents, and made them available to contractors on 15 March 2016 following review by County officials. Bids were received and opened at 2 pm on 7 April 2016. Because work involved excavations offshore, ocean -certified dredges were required under US Coast Guard regulations. Therefore, only five US dredging firms are qualified to perform this work. Four (out of five) firms, having ocean -certified equipment, bid on the project: Dutra Group (Dutra), Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company (GLDD), Manson Construction, and Weeks Marine. The County's reserved construction budget (limit) was $22,963,175. Bids were requested for mobilization and pumping of a base quantity of 2.2 million cubic yards over the length of the project and an alternate (supplementary) quantity of up to 400,000 cubic yards. Bidders were requested to submit two bids, Bid A for 2016 construction and Bid B for 2017 construction. Details of the bids received from the four responding bidders are listed in Table 2.5. Two out of the four bidders (ie - Dutra and Weeks) submitted bids for Bid A, but both bids to complete the maximum permitted work were nearly 50 percent more than the County's budget (Dutra proposed $33,980,000, and Weeks Marine proposed $34,150,00). All four bidders submitted bids for Bid B, and Weeks Marine offered the lowest bid, equating to $22,150,000 (including mobilization/demobilization and pumping) for 2.6 million cubic yards (maximum volume allowed under the permits). The net price equated to (-)$8.52 per cubic yard (in -place volume based on measurements on the beach). The total construction price for Bid B was -$12 million lower than Bid A, and $813,175 below the County's budget. The remaining funds could be used for post -project monitoring, sand fencing, legal, administration, contingencies, and future renourishment study. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 36 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina TABLE 2.5. Bid tabulation for beach restoration at Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina. BID TABULATION Beach Restoration at Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 2 PM April 7, 2016 Bidder 1 Bidder 2 Bidder 3 Bidder 4 Name Dutra Group 2350 Kerner Blvd. San Rafael, CA 94901 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. 2122 York Roak Oakbrook, Illinois 60523 Manson Construction 5985 Richard Street Jacksonville, Florida 32216 Weeks Marine Inc. 304 Gaille Drive Innwoods Business Park Covingon, LA 70433 Addendum Acknowledged 1 1/ 1 1I 1 1I 1 l Bid Items Base Bid Al - Mob/Demob 4,600,000 No Bid No Bid 4,850,000 Base Bid A2 - Dredging and Placement of 2.2 MCY 24,860,000 No Bid No Bid 25,300,000 Alt Bid A3 - unit price of 400,000 CY 11.30 No Bid No Bid 10.00 Total Price = Al+A2+A3*400,000 33,980,000 No Bid No Bid 34,150,000 Base Bid B1 - Mob/Demob 4,400,000 8,190,000 9,750,000 4,350,000 Base Bid B2 - Dredging and Placement of 2.2 MCY 21,560,000 19,910,000 33,000,000 15,400,000 Alt Bid B3 - unit price of 400,000 CY 9.80 9.05 15.00 6.00 Total Price = Bi+B2+B3*400,000 29,880,000 31,720,000 48,750,000 22,150,000 Document List Bid Form C-410 Noncollusion Affidavit C-420 1I Bid Bond C-430 1I List of Subcontractors C-440 Equipment List C-450 Hopper 1 Cutterhead C Hopper 2 Cutterhead 0 Hopper 1 Cutterhead 0 Hopper 2 Cutterhead 1 Iran Divestment Act Certification Business License Number 61566 67410 63823 Other Supporting Documents Owner Representatives Opening Bids: Dustin Peele David Clawson Wally Overman Dorothy Hester Gary Gross Engineer Representatives Opening Bids: Tim Kana (PG 1752) Haiciina Kaczkowski (PE 37281) Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 37 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Construction Construction was completed between 21 June 2017 and 27 February 2018, and approximately 2,600,000 cubic yards of beach quality sand was placed along the 15,500-foot project area according to the design (Figure 2.17). It is the largest beach nourishment project ever completed near Cape Hatteras, and the primary purpose of the project was to protect NC Highway 12. Summer dredging was permitted forth is particular project because of inclement wave conditions in the winter months (Figure 2.18). The Contractor (Weeks Marine) elected to use a cutterhead dredge (CRMcCaskill) to start the nourishment on 21 June 2017. Production of construction lagged due primarily to rough sea conditions that frequently curtailed operations and led to mechanical breakdowns. As of 22 August 2017, -1.1 million cy of sand (-42 percent of the total contract volume) was placed on the beach by the cutterhead dredge. FIGURE 2.18. Graph showing the monthly average wave climate from 2003-2020 at NDBC Wave Buoy Station 41025 at Diamond Shoals (NC) near Buxton (Source: NDBC). The criteria for safe dredging apply to hopper -dredge operations using ocean -certified equipment. Suction-cutterhead dredges generally cannot operate safely in waves greater than 3 feet (USACE 2010). The graph shows that average monthly wave height exceeds 5 feet from September to April in the Buxton project area. Calmest conditions occur in June and July when average wave heights are -3.7 feet. The bars at the bottom of the graph show approximate range of dates when certain protected species may be present in or near the project area. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 38 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina In September2017, four named hurricanes (Irma, Jose, Katia, and Maria) impacted the project area, and wave heights were significantly higher than the required safe operating conditions for a cutterhead dredge. Construction had to cease for over 50 days until 11 Oct when the Contractor started to use a hopper dredge (RN Weeks). Despite the intermittent work schedule, construction moved forward. As of 22 December 2017, nourishment in front of the narrow isthmus of NC Highway 12 was completed, and the highly vulnerable section of the road was protected. Weeks Marine's newly constructed hopper dredge, Magdalen, passed sea trials and obtained the operation certificate just in time in January 2018, when the project was -80 percent completed. With twice the capacity of the RN Weeks, the Magdalen finished the last -0.5 million cy of work and delivered her last load at 1:30 pm on 27 February 2018, almost five months later than the Contractor's original estimate. The three dredges that the Contractor used are listed in Figure 2.19. The Contractor's production rates relative to the offshore wave heights are shown in Figure 2.20 and Figure 2.21. Construction Delays and Contract Time Extension The contract time of the agreement between Dare County and the Contractor, Weeks Marine, required construction to be completed by December 15, 2017. In light of the Contractor's multiple delays, Weeks Marine submitted a request for a contract time extension on 6 December 2017. In the request, Weeks Marine analyzed the wave data at the NOAA Station 41025 at Diamond Shoals (NC) and determined there have been a total of 54 days from 15 June to 31October 2017 when the wave heights exceeded the average records of the previous six years (2011-2016) at this station. Therefore, Weeks Marine requested that 54 calendar days be added to the contract time and that the project completion date be moved from 15 December 2017 to 7 February 2018. CSE analyzed the wave data provided by StormGeo (headquartered in Bergen, Norway) for the Buxton borrow area over the same period of time (ie - the 138 days from 15 June to 31 October 2017). If a 5-foot (ft) wave is considered the threshold of safe operation condition for a cutterhead dredge (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015), the dredge must shut down when the peak wave heights exceed that threshold. [Note: Peak wave heights are defined as occasional individual wave heights over a 1-hour period.] As summarized in Table 2.6, StormGeo wave data show there were a total of 60 more days than the historical records at Diamond Shoals when peakwave heights exceeded the operational threshold. These higher -than -average wave conditions curtailed dredging operations for extended periods and contributed to mechanical breakdowns. High waves and shoaling also prevented routine maintenance dredging at Oregon Inlet and precluded inlet access at various times, further adding to delays for Weeks Marine's support vessels. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 39 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina The project team assumed the project would be completed by 7 February (as proposed by the Contractor in their time extension request) and the weather over the final two months would follow this higher -than -average pattern, with additional delays. Therefore, the total weather days could be as high as 80 days. TABLE 2.6. CSE wave analyses using data provided by StormGeo." *The following quotes are from an email from StormGeo explaining the methodology used in their wave forecast for the Buxton project (c/o McLean Barnett, MarineWatch Manager of StormGeo, 2 August 2017). "Regarding the buoy data for the forecast, we use several tools to generate each forecast. Our forecasters use many global, regional and ensemble models to generate data for a site, and then `ground truth' the data with observations in the vicinity. For your site at Buxton Beach, we utilize the offshore buoy data from Diamond Shoals (Station 41025) for typical offshore and upstream wind and sea information, and then use the wind and pressure data from the USCGC Station in Hatteras for a close coastal comparison. The additional buoys to the north are also utilized if the information from those sources is suspect." Period Days Occurrence of Waves Higher than 5 ft Resulting Weather Days Historical Records at Diamond Shoals (NOAA 41025) (%) StormGeo Peak Wave Height at the Buxton Borrow Area (%) Difference June 15-AG 15 0.15 0.58 0.42 6 July 31 0.17 0.64 0.47 15 August 31 0.14 0.56 0.42 13 September 30 0.48 0.98 0.40 12 October 31 0.41 027 0.46 14 Total 60 After reviewing Weeks Marine's request and also after considering the fact that the Contractor should have already built in some weather delays in their original work plan, CSE determined that a request for a time extension of 54 calendar days (out of 80 potential days of weather delays for the entire project execution time period) had merit. Therefore, CSE recommended that Dare County accept Weeks Marine's request and extended the project's final completion date to 7 February 2018 without any adjustment to the price of the contract. Despite all the delays, the project was completed without any sea turtle takes or other environmental incidents. Collaborations among the Owner (Dare County), regulatory agencies (USACE, NPS, and NCDEQ), and the Contractor remained excellent during the course of construction. The newly nourished beach withstood a series of nor'easters in March 2018 without interruption of the passage of NC Highway 12 or any damage to the Buxton oceanfront properties. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 40 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 2.19a. Week's Marine's 30-inch Cutter suction dredge CR McCaskill with dimensions of 230'x62'x14' and 17,400 total horsepower (Thp) [Source: weeksmarine.com/equipment]. It was onsite from 21 June to 23 August 2017 and completed approximately 1 million cubic yards of work during the 2017-2018 Buxton beach nourishment project. FIGURE 2.19b. Week's Marine's 4,000 cy trailing suction hopper dredge RN Weeks with dimensions of 282.5'x54.1'x22.2' and 9,530 Thp [Source: weeksmarine.com/equipment]. It was onsite from 11 October 2017 to 28 January 2018 and completed approximately 1 million cubic yards of work during the 2017-2018 Buxton beach nourishment project. FIGURE 2.19c. Week's Marine's 8,550 cy trailing suction hopper dredge Magdalen with dimensions of 363'x79.5'x27.3' and 14,003 Thp [Source: weeksmarine.com/equipment]. It was onsite from 9 January to 27 February 2018 and completed approximately 600,000 cy of work during the 2017-2018 Buxton beach nourishment project. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 41 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Weeks Marine Production Rates versus Wave Heights Peak Wave Height (ft) • CR McCaskill • RN Weeks • Magdalen 30 70,000 • • CR McCaskill Worked 37 days 25 ra RN Weeks Worked 71 days 60,000 • Magdalen Worked 34 days t • • • • 50,000 41 20 • • • f6 U _ • a • • N Y 40,000 0 — 15 • M '^ o -1 • • JL ` 30,000 0 10 • • • • I • • • �+• • • % 20,000 • to dL• • • O 5 r ti • 10,000 • • �• • Dredging threshold* • • • j r 0 0�i 0 ••reams• •• 0 6/21 7/21 8/20 9/19 10/19 11/18 12/18 1/17 2/16 Date FIGURE 2.20. Daily production rates of the three dredges in relation to the offshore wave climate at Diamond Shoals (NDBC wave buoy Station 41025) during construction for the 2017-2018 Buxton beach nourishment project. Weeks Marine Cumulative Production versus Peak Wave Heights Peak Wave Height (ft) —Cumulative Volume (cy) 30 3,000,000 CR McCaskill Completed -1 million cy $ 25 RN Weeks Completed -1 million cy 2,500,000 Magdalen Completed-600,000 cy T s ra = 20 2,000,000 E � f6 0 > 15 ------ - [ ----------- Y - ----- --- 1,500,000 O th 0 Y S p 10 ------------- ! - - 1,000,000 u 5 500,000 Dredgingthreshold 0 0 6/21 7/21 8/20 9/19 10/19 11/18 12/18 1/17 2/16 Date FIGURE 2.21. Cumulative production rates of the three dredges in relation to the offshore wave climate at Diamond Shoals (NDBC wave buoy Station 41025) during construction for the 2017-2018 Buxton beach nourishment project. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix DI 42 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 2.5.2 Year 1 (2018) Post -Project Volume Analysis Post -Project Monitoring Requirements To qualify for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assistance, FEMA requires the Project Ownerto establish a maintenance program involving post -project beach condition surveys and periodic renourishment with imported sand to preserve the original design of an engineered beach. The purpose of the post -project monitoring is to track the physical condition of the beach after nourishment, quantify sand volume changes, and determine whether a maintenance renourishment is needed to increase the life of the project. Another vital purpose of annual beach monitoring is to evaluate whether the project area qualifies for FEMA's post -storm beach restoration funding following declared disasters. The state and federal permits also required specific physical condition monitoring after project completion, such as beach compaction tests prior to turtle nesting season. The following tasks summarize the post -project monitoring work that the Owner (Dare County) has been doing since the completion of the 2017-2018 nourishment project. • Beach compaction tests for two years (2018 and 2019) before the start of turtle nesting season. • Beach and inshore profiles at minimum 500-ft spacing at USACE/CSE stations (including upcoast and downcoast areas) to track the project condition and the spread of nourishment sand to adjacent areas. • Data analysis to determine nourishment volumes remaining by reach and volumes remaining relative to the quantity placed during construction. • Sediment sample collection and analysis for monitoring the as -built quality of sand on the visible beach every year. • Aerial photography to document the general conditions of the shoreline each year and periodic controlled vertical photography approximately once every three years. Based on the above -stated monitoring requirements, beach compaction measurements were made in February for Year 1 (2018) after the project. The methodology and results of the 2018 compaction tests are included in Attachment 3-A. The first annual profile surveys were performed in June 2018 (forYear 1). The June survey provided pre -storm condition data and served as the annual baseline for comparison with post -storm condition surveys. In addition to the yearly pre -storm surveys, one post -storm survey was conducted in October 2018 after Hurricane Florence. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 43 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Volume losses caused by Florence are discussed in this section, and the volume changes relative to the pre -project condition and nourishment sand remaining will be discussed in detail in Section 2.5.5. Hurricane Florence (September 2018) Hurricane Florence was a powerful and long-lived Cape Verde hurricane that caused severe damage in the Carolinas in September 2018. As Florence approached the Buxton project area, a wave buoy at Diamond Shoals (NOAA NDBC Station 41025), -17 miles southeast of Buxton, recorded the maximum wave height as high as -30 ft at 8:40 pm on 13 September (Figure 2.22). A FEMA Major Disaster Declaration was announced on 7 Octoberfor North Carolina (DR-4393), which included Dare County. Research Facility at Duck Pier (8651370) 5 Predicted 4 Measured —Surge 3 2 r h A A 6 . v cu v 1 �Y cu � o -1 -2 Max Wave Height —30 ft Occured at Diamond Shoals at 8:40 pm on 13 Sept -3 8-Sep 10-Sep 12-Sep 14-Sep 16-Sep 18-Sep 20-Sep 22-Sep Date FIGURE 2.22. Predicted and measured water level at the USACE Field Research Facility at Duck Pier (8651370) during Hurricane Florence in September 2018. Pre- and Post -Storm Survey Results Pursuant to Dare County's request, CSE conducted a comprehensive beach condition survey from 22-24 October 2018 to determine the sand volume within the calculated limits between the foredune and the depth of closure at -24 ft NAVD. These calculation limits have been adopted to design and track project performance in the Environmental Assessment by the USACE and the NPS (USACE- USD01-NPS 2015). CSE used the volumes from June 2018 (ie - Year 1 post -project beach condition survey) as the baseline condition and subtracted them from the results of the October survey (post - Florence). This yields the volume change compared to conditions before the hurricane season. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 44 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Figure 2.23 shows unit volumes in cubic yards per foot (cy/ft) of shoreline station by station comparing June 2018 (pre -hurricane season) and October 2018 (post -Florence). Nearly all stations lost sand in October 2018. There are several sections of the beach where the October lines are above the June lines (ie - stations 1795+00 to 1805+00, and stations 1815+00 to 1825+00), meaning those localities had more sand after the hurricane. Such differences are caused mainly by sand migration alongshore during the storm. Figure 2.24 provides total volume changes by reach relative to the pre -hurricane season condition. Ali reaches lost a significant amount of sand after Florence. The Buxton project area lost a total of 341,900 cubic yards of sand along the 15,500-foot project area (measured between the foredune and the depth of closure at -24 ft NAVD). This loss represents -13 percent of the total nourishment volume placed in the original 2017-2018 project. To isolate incident -related damage, these losses were adjusted for background erosion that was predicted to occur during the period between the pre -storm (June 2018) and post -storm (October 2018) surveys. The annual background erosion was estimated to be 114,500 cy per year (cy/yr) (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). This is equal to 9,542 cy per month. During the four months between the pre- and post - storm surveys, background erosion was estimated to be 38,168 cy. Therefore, the net sand volume loss due to Hurricane Florence is 303,732 cy along the 15,500-foot project area between the foredune and the FEMA depth limit. Unit Volumes before and after Hurricane Florence (From foredune to -24 ft NAVD) 1400 1200 Reach 2 - National Seashore i Reach 1- Buxton 600 400 1 1770+00 1790+00 1810+00 1830+00 1850+00 1870+00 1890+00 1910+00 1930+00 Station FIGURE 2.23. Comparison of unit volumes by station along the Buxton project area between the foredune and the depth of closure at-24 ft NAVD before and after Hurricane Florence during Year 1 (2018) after project completion. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix DI 45 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Buxton Volume Changes by Reach from Foredune to -24 FT NAVD (Oct 2018 Minus Jun 2018) 0 U V � LA U � Ol -100,000 N O M Ln Inl � U N n ei v E o-200,000 (p U N O H N. O -300,000 O1 v m -400,000 R2 (National Seashore) RI (Buxton) Total (11,000 feet) (4,500 feet) (15,500 feet) FIGURE 2.24. Beach volume changes in October 2018 (after Florence) along Buxton's engineered beach (NC) by reach relative to the June 2018 survey (before Florence) from the face of the dune to the depth of closure at -24 ft NAVD. 2.5.3 Year 2 (2019) Post -Project Volume Analysis Beach Monitoring Based on the monitoring requirements listed in Section for Year 2 (2019) after the project, beach compaction measurements were obtained in March. The methodology and results of the 2019 compaction tests are included in Attachment 3-B. There was no need to conduct sediment compaction tests after Year 2, but profile surveys in subsequent years continued to be performed annually in summer (weather permitting). The Year 2 annual profile surveys were performed in June 2019. The June survey provides pre -storm condition data and serves as the annual baseline for comparison with post -storm condition surveys. In addition to the yearly pre -storm surveys, one post -storm survey was conducted in November 2019 after Hurricane Dorian. Volume losses caused by Dorian are discussed in this section. Additionally, volume changes relative to the pre -project condition and nourishment sand remaining will be discussed in detail in Section 2.5.5 together with Years 1 and 3 results. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 46 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Hurricane Dorian (September 2019) Hurricane Dorian was the first major hurricane of the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season and impacted the Outer Banks on 6 September 2019. Dorian approached Dare County in early September, where the Buxton project and the wave buoy at Diamond Shoals (NOAA NDBC Station 41025) are located (-17 miles southeast of Buxton and -15 miles offshore of Cape Hatteras in -160 ft of water). The buoy recorded the maximum wave height as high as -27 ft at 11:40 am on 6 September during high tide (Figure 2.25). The surge level reached its first peak of -4 ft at 9:54 am and its second peak of 3.6 ft at 2:42 pm on the same day based on tidal gauge records at the USACE Field Research Facility at Duck (Station 8651370) (Figure 2.26). On 4 October 2019, FEMA made a Major Disaster Declaration for North Carolina (DR-4465-NC NR 002). Diamond Shoals Wave Buoy NOAA 41425 30 25 0 K o0 t 20 0 = c n 15 o 10 in a`� .a ceS 5 0 0 9/1/19 9/3/19 9/5119 9/7/19 9/9119 9/11119 9/13/19 Date FIGURE 2.25. Significant wave heights measured by a wave buoy at Diamond Shoals (Station 41025) during Hurricane Dorian in September 2019. Pre- and Post -Storm Survey Results USACE Research Facility at Duck (Sta 8651370) 6 Predicted Tides 5—Mea5ured rides —Surge Level 4 3 y 2 v 1 0 -1 -2 Max Wavc Height -27 tt at Diamond Shea is -3 Occurred at 1L40 am on S Sept 2D19 09/01/19 09/03/19 09/05/19 09/07/19 09/09/19 09/11/19 09/13/19 Date FIGURE 2.26. Predicted and measured water levels at the USACE Field Research Facility at Duck (Station 8651370) during Hurricane Dorian in September 2019. At Dare County's request, CSE conducted a comprehensive beach condition survey from 24-27 November 2019 to determine the sand volume within the calculated limits between the foredune and the depth of closure at-24 ft NAVD. These calculation limits are consistent with the ones used in the volume loss estimates after Hurricane Florence. CSE used the volumes from June 2019 (ie - Year 2 post -project beach condition survey) as the baseline condition and subtracted them from the results of the November survey (post -Dorian). This yields the volume change between these two surveys. Background erosion between June and November was subtracted from the volume change to isolate incident -related damages due to Hurricane Dorian. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 47 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Figure 2.27 shows unit volumes in cubic yards per foot of shoreline (cy/ft) station along the project area comparing June 2019 (pre -hurricane season) and November 2019 (post -Dorian). Nearly all stations lost sand in November 2019. There were several sections of the beach where the November lines are above the June lines (ie - stations 1815+00, 1845+00, 1865+00, and 1925+00), meaning those particular localities had more sand after the storm. Such differences were caused mainly by sand migration alongshore during the storm, which was also observed after Hurricane Florence. 1400 Unit Volumes before and after Hurricane Dorian (From foredune to -24 ft NAVD) 1200 Reach 2 - National Seashore Reach 1 - Buxton l —Pre Dorian (Jun 2019) T —Post-Dorian (Nov 2019) 1000 w E a +� 800 C 600 400 1770+00 1790+00 1810+00 1830+00 1850+00 1870+00 1990+00 1910+00 1930+00 Station FIGURE 2.27. Comparison of unit volumes by station along the Buxton project area between the foredune and the depth of closure at -24 ft NAVD before and after Hurricane Dorian. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix DI 48 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Figure 2.28 provides total volume results by reach relative to the June 2019 condition. Both reaches lost a significant amount of sand after Dorian. The Buxton project area lost a total of 212,400 cubic yards of sand along the 15,500-foot project area (measured between the foredune and the depth of closure at -24 ft NAVD). This loss represents -8 percent of the total nourishment volume placed in the original 2017-2018 project. To isolate incident -related damage, these losses were adjusted for background erosion that was predicted to occur during the period between the pre -storm (June 2019) and post -storm (November 2019) surveys. The annual background erosion was estimated to be 114,500 cy peryear (cy/yr) or 9,542 cy per month (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). During the five months between the pre - and post -storm surveys, background erosion was estimated to be 47,710 cy. Therefore, the net sand volume loss due to Hurricane Dorian is 164,690 cy along the 15,500-foot project area between the foredune and the FEMA depth limit. Reach 1 - Buxton lost-90,100 cy (20 cy/ft), while Reach 2 - Seashore lost-122,300 cy (11 cy/ft) due to Hurricane Dorian. Volume Changes by Reach from Foredune to -24 FT NAVD (Post -Dorian in Nov 2019 minus Pre -Dorian in June 2019) 100,000 r 0 a U � O U rl Q cu m � E w -100,000 N m o 0 a N a -I -200,000 N -300,000 R2 (National Seashore) R1 (Buxton) Total (11,000 feet) (4,500 feet) (13,500 feet) FIGURE 2.28. Beach volume changes in November 2019 (after Dorian) along Buxton's engineered beach (NC) by reach relative to June 2019 survey (before Dorian) from the face of the dune to the depth of closure at -24 ft NAVD. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D) 49 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 2.5.4 Year 3 (2020) Post -Project Volume Analysis Beach Monitoring Efforts The Year 3 annual profile surveys were performed in August 2020. The August survey provides pre - storm condition data and serves as the annual baseline for comparison with post -storm condition surveys. No declared hurricane directly impacted the Buxton area; therefore, no post -storm survey was needed in 2020. Years 1-3 Dune Volume Analysis (Lens 1) As illustrated in Figure 2.9, Lens 1 represents the volume in the backshore and dune area. The nourishment berm elevation was set to +7 ft NAVD in the 2017-2018 project (ie - little nourishment sand was initially placed above the +7 ft contour in this lens). Unit volumes of Lens 1 from properties* to +7 ft NAVD by station along the Buxton project area are shown in Figure 2.29. For graphic clarity, unit volumes for the pre -project condition (May 2017) and the most recent condition (August 2020) are plotted with thicker lines (red and black lines in the graphic, respectively), and the rest of the survey dates are plotted with thinner lines. *[Landward limit of this lens was originally determined of the properties of the time of project planning and design (CSE 2013). It remains the some for most stations unless there are significant changes landward of o station (eg - structure or fencing) thotprevent data collection. If the landward limit ofo station is changed, volumes at this station will be re -calculated for oil survey dotes, so volume comparisons will be hosed on the some portion of the beach.] As expected, the widened dry -sand beach served as a feeder for dune growth after nourishment. However, with the beach along Reach 1 (Buxton) becoming narrower after hurricanes Florence (September 2018) and Dorian (September 2019), dune growth reversed. As of August 2020, unit volumes in Lens 1 have dropped below the pre -project condition, indicating that the dune and backshore condition has deteriorated and became worse than in May 2017. Aerial photos and ground photos in Figure 2.30 (taken on 15 April 2021) show that there was little dry -sand beach in front of Buxton, and old sandbags (once were buried after the 2017-2018 nourishment project) were re -exposed, and new sandbags were installed as a temporary shoreline protection measure. NC Highway 12 was once again vulnerable to flooding and breaching. Unit volumes along Reach 2 (National Seashore) have been steadily growing since project completion. As of August 2020, the average unit volume along the Seashore was -6.8 cy/ft higher than the pre -project condition of May 2017, equivalent to an increase of -2 cy/ft/yr. Profile volumes will continue to be discussed in Section Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 50 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 2.29. Comparison of unit volumes along the Buxton project area from properties to +7 ft NAVD before nourishment (May 2017) and after nourishment (Year 1 - June and October 2018, Year 2 - June and November 2019, and Year 3 - August 2020). Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix DI 51 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 2.30a. Ground and aerial images taken 15 April 2020 - looking south. The Village of Buxton north limit is located approximately at the end of the northernmost building showing near the bottom of the photo. Threeyearsafter the initial2017-2018 beach restoration project, almost all nourishment sand shifted outside of the project limits beyond the depth of closure. There was little dry -sand beach in front of the oceanfront, and sandbags were installed as a temporary shoreline protection measure. NC Highway 12 was once again vulnerable to flooding and breaching. M FIGURE 2.30b. Ground and aerial images taken 15 April 2020 - from the Village of Buxton looking north into the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 52 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Years 1-3 Beach Volume Analysis (Lens 2) Lens 2 in Figure 2.9 represents the active portion of the beach to low -tide wading depth (from +7 ft to -6 ft NAVD). The majority of wave -breaking, uprush and backrush, and energy dissipation occur over this zone. Unit volumes of this lens by station along the project area are shown in Figure 2.31. The thicker red line represents the pre -project condition of May 2017, the thicker black line represents the most recent survey results of August 2020, and the thinner brownish lines represent the surveys in Year 1 (2018) and Year 2 (2019) after nourishment. The results in Figure 2.31 show that the 2017-2018 project added sand in this portion of the beach, as confirmed by the post -project survey in June 2018. The project area lost sand rapidly overtime, particularly along Reach 1 - Buxton. The beach condition of Buxton has become worse than the pre -project condition three years after project completion as of August 2020. The erosion rate between May 2017 and August 2020 is -15 cy/ft (-5 cy/ft/yr) along Buxton. However, most stations along Reach 2 - Seashore retained some nourishment sand. Compared to the pre -project condition in May 2017, the Seashore gained -19 cy/ft (or -6.3 cy/ft/yr) as of August 2020. Years 1-3 Underwater Volume Analysis (Lens 3) Lens 3 in Figure 2.9 represents the underwater portion of the beach extending seaward of the bar to the depth of closure, or the normal seaward limit of bottom change at this setting (from -6 ft to -24 ft NAVD). It is the area over which waves of all sizes begin to break and to measurably redistribute sediment. It includes the breakpoint of longshore bars, which trigger wave -breaking in storms, and troughs between bars. The results in Figure 2.32 show that the 2017-2018 project added sand in this portion of the beach (mainly through profile adjustment after construction) as confirmed by the post -project survey in June 2018. The project area lost sand rapidly over time, particularly along Reach 1 - Buxton. Although most stations retained some nourishment sand, there are some stations in both Reaches 1 and 2 where volumes in August 2020 were less than volume in May 2017. As of August 2020, the average unit volume along the Seashore and Buxton was -25 cy/ft higher than the pre -project condition in May 2017, indicating some remaining nourishment sand from the 2017-2018 project. Years 1-3 Cumulative Volume Analysis (Lenses 1-3) Figure 2.33 shows the cumulated unit volumes along the beach from Lens 1 to Lens 3 (ie - from properties to -24 ft NAVD — depth of closure and FEMA reference depth). The overall increase in unit volume after the 2017-2018 nourishment is evident by comparing the graphic's red and dark brown lines. The designed average fill density was -200 cy/ft for Reach 1 - Buxton and 155 cy/ft for Reach 2 - Seashore. The red line in Figure 2.33 represents the pre -nourishment condition in May 2017, and the black line represents the most recent condition in August 2020. Measuring from the foredune to the Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 53 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina depth of closure, most stations along the Seashore retained some nourishment sand, as shown by comparing the black line and the red line in Figure 2.33. The section of beach where the black line overlaps with the red line or below the red line (ie - stations 1885+00 to 1930+00 in the Village of Buxton) means there was less sand volume along that section in 2020 than in 2017. Nourishment sand retained along the Seashore was -53 cy/ft, equivalent to an accretion of -17 cy/ft/yr between May 2017 and August 2020. Unit Volumes Comparisons Along the Entire Project Area (From +7 to -6 ft NAVD) 300 4 200 U u W O M 100 0 1770+00 1790+00 North Reach 2 - National Seashore Reach 1 - Buxton 1810+00 1830+00 1850+00 1870+00 1890+00 1910+00 1930+00 Station south FIGURE 2.31. Comparison of unit volumes along the Buxton project area from +7 ft to -6 ft NAVD (Lens 3) before nourishment (May 2017) and after nourishment (Year 1- June and October2018, Year2 - June and November2019, and Year 3 - August 2020). Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix Di 54 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 1000 04 800 u j 700 O 7) 600 500 Unit Volumes Comparisons Along the Entire Project Area (From -6 to -24 ft NAVD) Reach 2 - National Seashore I Reach 1- Buxton v —Pre-Project (May 2017) —Yr1-Pre Florence (Jun 2018) Yr1-Post-Florence (Oct 2018) Yr2-Pre Dorian (Jun 2019) Yr2-Post Dorian (Nov 2019) —Yr3 (Aug 2020) 400 L ' 1770+00 1790+00 1810+00 1830+00 1850+00 1870+00 1890+00 1910+00 1930+00 North Station South FIGURE 2.32. Comparison of unit volumes along the Buxton project area from -6 ft to -24 ft NAVD (Lens 2) before nourishment (May 2017) and after nourishment (Year 1 - June and October 2018, Year 2 - June and November 2019, and Year 3 - August 2020). 1400 1200 a 1000 v E 0 800 600 Unit Volumes Comparisons Along the Entire Project Area (From foreclune to -24 ft NAVD) Reach 2 - National Seashore i Reach 1 - Buxton —Pre-Project (May 2017) —Yr1-Pre Florence (Jun 2018) —Yr1-Post-Florence (Oct 2018) Yr2-Pre Dorian (Jun 2019) Yr2-Post Dorian (Nov 2019) —Yr3 (Aue 2020) 400 ' 1770+00 1790+00 1810+00 1830+00 1850+00 1870+00 1890+00 1910+00 1930+00 North Station South FIGURE 2.33. Comparison of the cumulative unit volumes along the Buxton project area from the properties to -24 ft NAVD (Lenses 1 to 3) before nourishment (May 2017) and after nourishment (Year 1- June and October 2018, Year 2 -June and November 2019, and Year 3 -August 2020). Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix DI 55 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 2.5.5 Updated Erosion Rate after the Initial 2017-2018 Nourishment (2018-2020) By the most recent beach condition survey in August 2020, as shown in Figure 2.34, approximately 634,925 cy of the 2.6 million cubic yard nourishment sand remained in the project area, which is equivalent to -25% of the volume placed during the 2017-2018 project (the orange bar on the right in Figure 2.34). Sand loss along the Village of Buxton was greater than along the National Seashore. Ninety-seven percent (97%) of nourishment sand placed along the Village of Buxton was lost (represented by the first group of bars in Figure 2.34). In comparison, the project lost 65 percent and retained 35 percent of the sand volume placed along the National Seashore. Volume Changes by Reach from Foredune to -24 FT NAVD (Relative to Pre -Nourishment Condition of May 2017) 2017-2018 Nourishment 2,500,000 Year 1 Pre -Florence (June 2018) Year 1 Post -Florence (October 2018) Year 2 Pre -Dorian (June 2019) 2,000,000 1 Year 2 Post -Dorian (November 2019) Year 3 (August 2020) a U E 1,500,000 — 00 � o 0 0 0 ~ 1,000,000 0 `^ N O 0 O T 500,000 O O Ln Ln Ln LA co W OLn O u'1 N Ln Ln N M N N O N V � n O� � nj N c-i �O O1 Q1 en R O .m-I l0 to Ln M N N 00 rn tD c00 O R1 (Buxton) R2 (National Seashore) Total (4,500 ft) (11,000 ft) (15,500 ft) FIGURE 2.34. Cumulative total volume along the Buxton project area after the completion of the 2017-2018 beach restoration project relative to the pre -project condition in May 2017. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 56 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Based on the survey results between May 2017 and August 2020, the average annual erosion rate was between 650,000 and 700,000 cy/yr over the past three years. This number is several times higher than the historical erosion rate estimated for the design of the 2017-2018 project (114,500 cy/yr or 7.4 cy/ft/yr as discussed in Section 2.4). Surveys of the-5,000-ft downcoast area (Cape Point east shoreline) since nourishment indicate that as much as 480,000 cy (or -50 percent) of the Buxton sand losses have accreted to (built-up) the undeveloped beach of the National Seashore. This is equivalent to an accretion of 96 cy/ft (or -38 cy/ft/yr). A higher than normal erosion rate has also been measured at Nags Head (Dare County) in recent years. Nags Head is located -60 miles northeast of Buxton in the northern Outer Banks. CSE's beach condition surveys show that the average annual erosion rate at Nags Head has been over45 cy/ft/yr between November2017 and April 2019 (CSE 2019). That is much higherthan the historical erosion rate of 5.2 cy/ft/yr along Nags Head. Several factors caused the much -higher -than -normal erosion rate along the Buxton project area, listed as follows. (1) Normal nourishment sand spreading at the project boundaries (ie -End Loss) (Dean 2002). (2) Four named hurricanes (Irmo, Jose, Kotio, and Maria) impacted the project area in September 2017 during construction, increasing the sand deficit relative to pre -construction conditions. (3) A series of nor'easters impacted the project area in March 2018, soon after project completion. (4) Hurricanes Florence (September 2018) and Dorian (September 2019) impacted after project completion. (5) Sand shifted offshore beyond -24 ft NAVD due to the existence of a nearshore deep trough (see Figure 2.4). (6) Deterioration of sand -retaining structures (ie - groins) at the south end of the project which lessen sand trapping. The loss of function of the existing groins was discussed in the Environmental Assessment for the project (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). It was not evaluated further because new groins are not allowed along the northern Outer Banks under NC state Coastal Zone Management rules and regulations. Due to the rapid loss of nourishment volume in recent years, CSE recommended in 2019 that the groin conditions should be studied in greater detail while planning the renourishment project. The initial inspection conducted by CSE in July 2019 showed that if the landward underground portion is not included in the equation, less than 50 percent of the existing groin structure remained on the site. Therefore, the repair or restoration work of the groins would be considered as construction of a "new groin," and not permitted. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 57 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - Coastal Science & Engineering [2403M-Appendix D] Littoral Processes 58 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 3.0 COASTAL PROCESSES Buxton is subject to coastal processes (winds, waves, tides, and currents) typical of the northern North Carolina coast. The Outer Banks in this area is exposed to ocean -swell waves originating from the southeast and storm waves associated with nor'easters. The highest waves are generally associated with tropical storms and may occur along with hurricane surges. Hurricane waves can approach from all onshore directions as the storms track through the area. The spring tide range is -3.5 ft (NOAA-NOS 1983), and tides are semi -diurnal. Previous studies and geomorphic evidence suggest that net longshore transport (ie - sand movement in the littoral zone) is predominantly southerly (Inman & Dolan 1989). Athorough coastal processes study was conducted for the 2017- 2018 Buxton nourishment project (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015 -Appendix A- Littoral Processes). This section updates the results and findings of littoral processes affecting the proposed project area and addresses specific questions regarding the potential impact of the proposed project on these processes (CERC 1984, Dean 2002). The use of an offshore borrow area can influence waves, thereby modifying local sand transport rates. Depending on the geometry of the borrow area, the excavation may effectively reduce wave heights in part of the affected area and cause wave heights to increase elsewhere. To quantify the changes in waves due to the borrow area and potential impact on sediment transport, wave height over the potential borrow site was analyzed to compare pre -dredge conditions with anticipated post -dredge conditions. Sediment transport was examined to determine how local increases in wave energy density due to the presence of the borrow area might affect the regional sand - transport potential. The placement of nourishment sand on the beach may potentially impact sediment transport along other strategic locations. Closure depth (the approximate limit of measurable bottom change over particular time scales) was examined in the Buxton area for the 2017-2018 project because it is an important consideration in locating the borrow site (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). It is beneficial for borrow sites to be located offshore of the depth of closure location so that they will be independent of the littoral system at decadal time scales for planning. Borrow site locations shoreward of the closure depth position may simply shift sediment within the littoral zone and have minimal impact on the net sand volume change. The steady-state spectral wave model (STWAVE) was used in the previous study for the 2017-2018 project, and was used in this study as well to evaluate the changes of wave patterns before and after dredging of the proposed borrow area. The generalized model for simulating shoreline change (GENESIS) was used in the previous study to evaluate the impact on sediment transport caused by the placement of nourishment sand, and an updated shoreline evolution model (GenCade) was used in this study. The GenCade model is a next -generation combination of previous long-term planform evolution of beach models: GENESIS (GENEralized Model for Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 59 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Simulating Shoreline) and Cascade. GenCade is a regional model for calculating coastal sediment transport, morphology change, and sand bypassing at inlets and engineered structures. Both models are developed and approved by the USACE and have been widely used by coastal engineers and community planners in predicting the behavior of shorelines and sediment transport. Information on each model is available in USACE (2001), Hanson and Kraus (1989), Larson et al (2006), and Frey et al (2012). 3.1 Wave Climate Offshore wave information is typically obtained from a wave gauge or a global/regional scale wave hindcast or forecast. Nearshore wave information is required for littoral processes analysis and for the design of almost all coastal engineering projects. Waves drive sediment transport and nearshore currents, induce wave setup and runup, excite harbor oscillations, and impact coastal structures. The longshore and cross -shore gradients in wave height and direction can be as important as the magnitude of these parameters for some coastal design criteria. Two types of wave stations are available offshore of the study area. One is a real-time wave buoy at Diamond Shoals located -17 miles offshore of Buxton with 18 years of wave records from 2003 to 2020, and the other is a hindcast wave station located -10.5 miles offshore with 40 years of records from 1980 to 2019. 3.1.1 Real -Time Wave Buoy -Station 41025 Station 41025 at Diamond Shoals (NC), owned and maintained by the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), appears to be the closest real-time wave buoy to the Buxton project site. The station is located at 35.010 N 75.454 W, -15 miles southeast of Cape Hatteras (Fig 3.1). The water depth at the station is -160 ft, and the watch circle radius is 122 yards. This station has recorded wind and wave data since 2003; however, there were no wave direction records until 2012. Desiring 8760 hourly records for a typical year, there are four years (ie - 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2019) when actual records are less than 65 percent of expected records. In addition, for 2011, March, April, and June have nearly full records; for 2012 and 2013, no month has nearly full records; and for 2019, July and August have nearly full records. Detailed description of the station and the collected data are located at NDBC's website (https://www.ndbc.n000.govlodcp_doto.php?station=41025). The wave height, dominant period, and direction analyses based on available data are listed in Table 3.1. It shows that June, July, and August have the lowest wave heights compared to other months. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 60 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.1. Station 41025 at Diamond Shoals (NC), owned and maintained by the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), appears to be the closest real-time wave buoy to the Buxton project site. The station is located at 35.010' N 75.454' W, -15 miles directly offshore of Cape Hatteras (NC) and -17 miles from Buxton in water depth of -160 ft. The hindcast wave station from the USACE's Wave Information Studies (WIS) Station 63230 is located at 35.35° N and 75.33' W, -10.5 miles due east of Buxton in water depth of -60 ft. TABLE 3.1. Monthly average wave climate from 2003 through 2020 at NDBC wave buoy station 41025 at Diamond Shoals (NC). [Source: NDBC] Wave direction uses meteorological convention. A direction of 0° corresponds to a wave arriving from True North. Similarly, a direction of 90' corresponds to a wave from due east. Wave direction records are available only for the period after2012 at this station. Four years (2011, 2012, 2013, and 2019) have less than 65%of expected records. 18-Year Record (2003-2020) at Diamond Shoals Wave Height (ft) Dominant Wave Period (s) Wave Direction (°) January 5.91 7.96 119 February 6.00 7.93 127 March 6.27 8.59 121 April 5.74 8.04 113 May 4.82 7.60 130 June 3.94 7.27 145 July 3.94 7.05 155 August 3.58 7.75 135 September 5.54 9.19 104 October 5.15 8.45 100 November 5.64 8.28 102 December 1 5.68 1 8.03 1 116 Average 5.18 8.01 122 Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 61 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.2. The monthly average wave climate from 2003-2020 at NDBC Wave Buoy Station 41025 at Diamond Shoals (NC) near Buxton compared with the wave climate at the USACE Field Research Facility at Duck (NC). The criteria for safe dredging apply to hopper -dredge and suction-cutterhead dredge operations are generally in waves less than 5 feet per guidance by dredging contractors and CSE's project experience (USACE 2010). The graph shows that average monthly wave height exceeds 5 feet from September to April in the proposed project area. Calmest conditions occur in June and July when average wave heights are less than 4 feet. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix DI fi2 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 3.1.2 Wave Information Studies - Station 63230 The Wave Information Studies (WIS) is a project sponsored by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) that generates consistent, hourly, long-term (20+ years) wave climatology along all US coastlines, including the Great Lakes and US island territories. Unlike a forecast, a wave hindcast predicts past wave conditions using a computer model and observed wind fields. By using value- added wind fields, which combine ground and satellite wind observations, hindcasted wave information is generally of higher accuracy than forecast wave conditions and is often representative of observed wave conditions. Hindcast data available from each site include hourly wind speed, wind direction, bulk wave parameters (significant wave height, period, and direction), as well as discrete directional wave spectra at 1- to 3-hour intervals. WIS wave direction uses meteorological convention: a direction of 0° corresponds to a wave arriving from true north. Similarly, a direction of 90' corresponds to a wave from due east. The closest WIS station to the project site is station 63230. It is located -10.5 miles due east of Buxton at 35.25' N and-75.33° W in water depth of -60 ft (see Fig 3.1 for location). This station has hindcast data for40 years between 1980 and 2019. Figure 3.3 is a polar histogram of the frequency of occurrence of wave heights and directions based on the 40-year record. The shoreline azimuth is 8° due north, marked by a solid black line in Figure 3.3. Table 3.2 lists the percentage of occurrence of wave height and period by direction. Most waves (79.8 percent) are from the northeast to the south (45°-180°), but the northerly waves are generally larger than those from other directions. Waves coming from the 45' band from the east-northeast, east, east-southeast to the southeast (ie - 67.50 to 1350 band) occur 45.9 percent of the time, and waves coming from east-northeast and southeast have the highest occurrence of 12.4 percent and 12.1 percent (respectively) compared to the other directions. The series of graphics in Figure 3.4 shows the monthly polar histograms of wave directions and wave heights. In late spring and summer months between May and August, waves are mainly from the southeast with most wave heights smaller than 1 m (-3 ft), and the rest of the year waves are mainly from northeast to east with most wave heights between 1 and 2 m (-3 and -6 ft). Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 63 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.3. Wave rose of WIS station 63230 showingthe occurrence frequency of wave direction and wave height based on the 40-year record between 1980 and 2019. Buxton shoreline azimuth is -8° from the north as marked by the black solid line in the figure. TABLE 3.2. Percentage of occurrence of wave directions in 16 bands with 22.5° increment, associated wave heights (in feet), and wave periods (seconds). Note: The shoreline azimuth of the Buxton project area is -8° from true north. ["Wave direction uses meteorological convention. A direction of 0° corresponds to a wave arriving from true north. Similarly, a direction of 90' corresponds to a wave from due east.] Direction 40-Year Record (1980-2019) at WIS 63230 from °True Percentage of Occurrence N Mean Wave Height (ft) Mean Wave Period (s) 0 ± 11.25 2.4 5.05 5.4 22.5 ± 11.25 6.7 5.25 5.9 45 ± 11.25 10.9 5.41 6.4 67.5 ± 11.25 12.4 5.02 6.9 90 ± 11.25 10.7 4.10 7.0 112.5 ± 11.25 10.7 3.58 6.9 135 ± 11.25 12.1 3.64 6.7 157 ± 11.25 11.7 4.04 6.0 180 ± 11.25 11.2 4.36 5.6 202.5 ± 11.25 6.8 4.69 5.4 225 ± 11.25 1.7 4.63 5.2 247.5 ± 11.25 0.5 4.63 5.2 270 ± 11.25 0.4 4.69 5.2 292.5 ± 11.25 0.4 4.82 5.2 315 ± 11.25 0.5 4.89 5.1 337.5 ± 11.25 1 0.9 1 5.09 1 5.2 All Directions 1 100 4.62 5.8 Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 64 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.4a. January to April — Monthly wave roses of WIS station 63230 showing the frequency of occurrence of wave direction and wave height each month based on the 40-year record between 1980 and 2019. Buxton shoreline azimuth is -8° from the north as marked by the black solid line in the figures. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 65 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.4b. May to August — Monthly wave roses of WIS station 63230 showing the frequency of occurrence of wave direction and wave height each month based on the 40-year record between 1980 and 2019. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 66 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina FIGURE 3.4c. September to December — Monthly wave roses of WIS station 63230 showing the frequency of occurrence of wave direction and wave height each month based on the 40-year record between 1980 and 2019. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 67 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 3.2 Wave Modeling 3.2.1 Model Capabilities The purpose of applying nearshore wave transformation models is to quantitatively describe the change in wave parameters (wave height, period, direction, and spectral shape) between the offshore and the nearshore (typically depths of 40 meters (120 ft) or less. In relatively deep water, the wave field is relatively homogeneous on the scale of kilometers. However, in the nearshore, where waves are strongly influenced by variations in bathymetry, water level, and currents, wave parameters may vary significantly on a scale of tens of feet. STWAVE is an easy -to -apply, flexible, robust, half -plane model for nearshore wind/wave growth and propagation (USACE 2001). STWAVE simulates depth -induced wave refraction and shoaling, current -induced refraction and shoaling, depth- and steepness -induced wave breaking, and diffraction. It also replicates parametric wave growth (due to wind input and wave -wave interaction) and white capping that redistribute and dissipate energy in a growing wave field. A wave spectrum is a statistical representation of a wave field. Conceptually, a spectrum is a linear superposition of monochromatic waves that describes wave energy distribution as a function of frequency (one-dimensional spectrum) or frequency and direction (two-dimensional spectrum). The peak period of the spectrum is the reciprocal of the frequency of the peak of the spectrum. The wave height (significant or zero -moment) is equal to four times the square root of the area under the spectrum. STWAVE is based on the assumption that the relative phases of the spectral components are random, and thus phase information is not tracked (ie - it is a phase -averaged model). In practical applications, wave -phase information throughout a model domain is rarely known accurately enough to initiate a phase -resolving model. Typically, wave -phase information is only required to resolve wave -height variations near coastal structures for detailed, near -field reflection and diffraction patterns. Thus, for these situations, a phase -resolving model should be applied. For the proposed Buxton renourishment plan (ie - comparison of pre- and post - dredging wave patterns and determination of relative impacts of the proposed project), STWAVE has proven sufficient (Ekphisutsuntorn et al 2010, Kuang 2010, Kaczkowski & Kana 2012, USACE- USDOI-NPS 2015). Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 68 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 3.2.2 Model Assumptions The typical assumptions made in the STWAVE model are: a) Mild bottom slope and negligible wave reflection. STWAVE is a half -plane model, meaning that wave energy can propagate only from the offshore toward the nearshore (±87.5° from the x-axis of the grid, which is typically the approximate shore -normal direction). Waves reflected from the shoreline or steep bottom features travel in directions outside this half plane and are thus neglected. Forward -scattered waves (eg - waves reflected off a structure but traveling in the +x direction) are also ignored. b) Spatially homogeneous offshore wave conditions. The variation in the wave spectrum along the offshore boundary of a modeling domain is rarely known, and for domains on the order of tens of kilometers, it is expected to be small. Thus, the input spectrum in STWAVE is constant along the offshore boundary. c) Steady-state waves, currents, and winds. STWAVE is formulated as a steady-state model. A steady-state formulation reduces computation time and is appropriate for wave conditions that vary more slowly than the time it takes for waves to transit the computational grid. For wave generation, the steady-state assumption means that the winds have remained steady sufficiently longforthe waves to attain fetch -limited orfully developed conditions (the duration of the winds does not limit waves). d) Linear refraction and shoaling. STWAVE incorporates only linear wave refraction and shoaling, thus does not represent wave asymmetry. Model accuracy is therefore reduced (wave heights are underestimated) at large Ursell numbers. e) Depth -uniform current. The wave -current interaction in the model is based on a current that is constant through the water column. If strong vertical gradients in the current occur, their modification of refraction and shoaling is not represented in the model. For most applications, three-dimensional current fields are not available. f) Bottom friction is neglected. The significance of bottom friction on wave dissipation has been a topic of debate in wave -modeling literature. Bottom friction has often been applied as a tuning coefficientto bring model results into alignmentwith measurements. Although bottom friction is easy to apply in a wave model, determining the proper friction coefficients is difficult. Also, propagation distances in a nearshore model are relatively short (tens of kilometers), so that the cumulative bottom friction dissipation is negligible. For these reasons, bottom friction is neglected in STWAVE. g) Linearradiation stress. Radiation stress is calculated based on linear wave theory. The governing equations and other aspects of the model can be found in the USACE's (2001) technical report. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 69 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 3.3 Shoreline Evolution Modeling GenCade was used in this study to evaluate longshore sediment transport during various stages of the design life following the proposed beach renourishment project. Results were used to evaluate the impact of the proposed renourishment and borrow -area dredging on longshore transport at the beach. GenCade combines the engineering power of GENESIS and the regional processes capability of the Cascade model. It calculates shoreline change, wave -induced longshore sand transport, and morphology change at inlets on a local to regional scale and can be applied as a planning or engineering tool. Both STWAVE and GenCade are operated within the Surface -water Modeling System (SMS) interface, bringing the functionality of a georeferenced environment together with accessibility to other USACE numerical models. It provides a rapid assessment of multiple engineering alternatives in a robust, self-contained operating platform. As such, it serves as an economically viable application for shoreline change analysis. Predicting long-term shoreline change plays a vital role in planning and managing coastal zones and regional sediment management. Shoreline change is driven not only by natural processes such as wave- and current -induced sediment transport but by engineering activities such as beach nourishment and the placement of coastal structures. GenCade calculates shoreline change, wave -induced longshore sand transport, and morphology change along open coasts and at inlets on a local to regional scale. The key module used in GenCade for this study is GENESIS. GENESIS is designed to simulate long-term shoreline changes at coastal engineering sites resulting from spatial and temporal differences in longshore sediment transport (Hanson & Kraus 1989). The longshore extent of the modeled reach can range from <1 mile to 50 miles, and simulation periods can range from 1 month to 10 years. The shoreline evolution portion of the numerical modeling system is based on one -line theory, which assumes that the beach profile shape remains unchanged. This allows shoreline change to be described uniquely in terms of translating a single point on the profile. The 0 ft NAVD contour was used as the shoreline for this study. The structure of GENESIS was originally developed by Hanson (1987) in a joint research effort between the University of Lund (Sweden) and the Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC), US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES). It has been tested, revised, and upgraded since it was developed and is widely used by coastal engineering and planning communities for predicting the behavior of shorelines and longshore transport. Project sites include stretches of coast in the United States such as Alaska, California, Louisiana, New Jersey, Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 70 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina New York, Texas, Florida, and the Carolinas. Additionally, there are applications along the coastlines outside of the United States in countries such as Sweden, Japan, Thailand, and China (Horikawa & Hattori 1987, Hanson et al 1989, Beumel & Beachler 1994, Bodge et al 1996, Ebersole et al 1996, ERDC 2005, Ravens & Sitanggang 2007, ACRE 2008, Juh 2008, Ekphisutsuntorn et al 2010, Kuang 2010, Kaczkowski & Kana 2012, USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). The GENESIS model (Hanson & Kraus 1989) is the primary numerical model of beach nourishment planform evolution and was introduced by Dr. Robert Dean of the University of Florida in his textbook, Beach Nourishment, Theory and Practice (2002). It has been described as "a must for nourishment designers and a starting point for coastal scientists interested in nourishment performance" (reviewed by Marcel Stive, Chair of Coastal Engineering, Delft University of Technology). Several project examples using this model are analyzed in this book. As concluded by Dean (2002) and also addressed in numerous articles in the coastal engineering literature, several key factors should be taken into consideration to have a successful application of the model. They are listed below. • Representative wave data or reliable hindcasts are available. • Historical shoreline position and the longshore distribution of volume changes for substantial periods are available. • Proper calibration and verification of the model. • Appropriate model setup, including domain coverage, grid size, and actual bathymetry. • An external wave transformation model capable of transforming the wave data from offshore to the reference point as required by the GENESIS model. When the GENESIS model was used for the proposed Buxton project, the above -listed key factors were satisfied. The model was calibrated and verified during the previous study for the 2017- 2018 Buxton nourishment project. Historic annual erosion rates were used to calibrate the sediment -transport model. The model results were used to evaluate the relative impact of the 2017-2018 project on longshore sediment transport (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). The internal wave -transformation model within GENESIS was used in this study to mathematically simulate wave propagation from the reference point to the breaking point and to the beach. This internal model determined the breaking wave characteristics used to calculate the actual longshore sediment transport. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 71 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina In the following sections, the details of model setup, applications for beach nourishment design templates, and the impact of the proposed dredging and nourishment will be discussed. The conclusions of the engineering study will be provided after the discussion. A brief outline of each section is listed below: • Section 3.4) STWAVE and GenCade model setup, including wave climate analysis, model domain setup, bathymetry application, and determination of model parameters • Section 3.5) STWAVE model results of pre- and post- dredging scenarios • Section 3.6) GenCade model calibration and evaluation on sediment transport rates Section 3.7) GenCade model results to evaluate the impact of proposed renourishment and borrow area dredging on longshore transport at the beach • Section 3.8) Conclusions 3.4 Model Setup The task of model setup includes determining the computational domain, building up the model grid, designating model parameters, and generating input data files. Input data of a typical STWAVE model and a GenCade model include the wave field at the offshore boundary (wave height, period, and direction), bathymetry over the model domain, initial shoreline position, measured shoreline position and sediment transport rates for calibration purposes (if applicable), and coastal engineering activities (coastal structure positions or beach fill characteristics if applicable). The STWAVE model output includes the wave field over the computational domain, and the GenCade model output includes the shoreline position and longshore transport rates at user - specified time steps. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 72 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 3.4.1 STWAVE Mode! Grid As discussed in previous sections, the proposed project area starts from station 1770+50 and extends southward to station 1925+50, covering -2.94 miles (15,500 ft) from north to south. An STWAVE grid extends about 1.5 miles beyond the north boundary and 2 miles beyond the south boundary of the project site. Extensions of the model domain beyond the project area ensure that possible edge effects from the model boundary do not influence results in the area of interest. Model sensitivity testing in the previous study has determined that such extents ensure proper model function without edge effects (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). The STWAVE model grid was also extended seaward from the shoreline to a distance of about 3 miles. The seaward boundary is parallel to the general shoreline trend with an azimuth of 8° from due north (Fig 3.5). This seaward boundary is defined as the y-axis of the STWAVE model, and the axis perpendicular to the y-axis pointing in the shoreline direction is denoted as the x-axis. The two axes are shown as black lines in Figure 3.5. The south and onshore boundaries are marked with red lines in the same graphic. The grid encompasses both the project area and the identified borrow area. STWAVE operated within the Surface -water Modeling System (SMS) interface requires the model to be set up in metric units. For this study, the grid origin is at 932000 meters (m) East and 178600 m North in North American Datum 1983 State Plane (NAD'83) North Carolina Zone 3200, and the grid dimensions are 5,000 by 10,000 m in the x and y directions (respectively). The cell size is 100 m in both directions. 3.4.2 GenCade Mode! Grid The GenCade model boundary is parallel to they -axis of the STWAVE grid and is denoted by a green line with an arrow pointing from north to south in Figure 3.5. The grid origin is at 3041000 ft East and 586200 ft North (NAD'83), and the grid length is 25,000 ft. Ideally, the GenCade model boundary should not only cover the project area, but should also extend some distance beyond the north and south ends of the project to eliminate any possible boundary effects and to evaluate the shoreline performance of adjacent beaches. CSE surveyed -1 mile north and south of the project limits in August 2020, and the data provide sufficient coverage for the model application in this study. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 73 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 3.4.3 Mode! Grid Size Generally speaking, if the grid cell size is smaller, the shoreline simulation model results are more detailed. However, reducing the grid size increases the STWAVE computation time. Model sensitivity tests in the previous study with different spatial resolutions ranging from 50 ft to 500 ft have been conducted (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015), and the optimum grid size determined for this study is 100 m for STWAVE and 100 ft for GenCade models. [Note: STWAVE requires all numbers in metric, and GenCade requires in feet.] 3.4.4 Mode! Bathymetry The setup of the STWAVE and GenCade models requires applying offshore and nearshore data to develop the bathymetry and topography in the model domain. Relative elevations on different vertical datums published by NOAA's National Ocean Service Tides and Currents at an adjacent site at Cape Hatteras Fishing Pier are illustrated in Figure 2.2. A detailed description of CSE's bathymetric data collection methods and data analyses is presented in Section 2. The scatter data used in this study and shown in Figure 3.6 include: (1) CSE's beach condition survey from the foredunes to deep water beyond -30 ft NAVD at 500-ft intervals in August 2020. (2) CSE's bathymetric survey in an offshore sand search area in August 2020. (3) CSE's bathymetric survey in the proposed borrow area in October 2020. (4) NOAA navigation chart 11555 dated March 2012 shown as nearly continuous offshore contours seaward of CSE's survey areas. The shoreline used in this study is defined as the 0-m contour line relative to the NAVD'88 datum extracted from the August 2020 beach condition survey. Figure 3.7 shows the bathymetry across the grid after interpolating the scatter data to the model domain before dredging. The proposed excavation depth is 10 ft below the existing grade in the offshore borrow area. Figure 3.8 shows the assumed after -dredging scatter data (ie - the scatter points within the proposed borrow area are expected to be excavated to 10 ft below the existing grade). Figure 3.9 shows the bathymetry across the grid after interpolating the after -dredging scatter data to the model domain. This is a conservative scenario for impact analysis because it represents over 3.3 million cubic yards of sand excavated, whereas the proposed project will only involve -1.2 million cubic yards. Grid origin and dimensions of the before -dredging and after - dredging scenarios are the same and are represented in Figure 3.5. Water depth along the seaward boundary increases from -13 m at the south to -16 m in the middle and slightly increases to 17-18 m to the north. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 75 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Bottom Elevation (ft NAVD) 20 10 �;.� '••'� f 0 •' ' -10 -20 -30 i -40 M -50 �a:x::. • X 1.i•'•=•'�.• y. -60 •, tip'• � t;�.�,; �•f� . ,� S s � • S�•9► w e�a�cse- •�9-' • •i• jam'•••~ r •i. e,.-"cos •.�A S •�'. � ����,, r .�a• • .••,,w ! "� + '.,'"'� 'w•:, ...,even a: � � �' ,.• Nei?•.. ��. �,F '�• ,� � �:',��d `'.�„a, 4 FIGURE 3.6. Combined bathymetric data collected by CSE in August and October 2020 and the offshore contours digitized from NOAA navigation chart 11555 (dated March 2012). See Figure 3.5 for model origins,'Y' and "y" axes, and coverage. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 76 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Bottom Elevation (m NAVD) 4 2 f - 2 J 4 -6 -60 . -12 1� I -14 -16-18 G -20 a �C Mild, aD l { G d a c o C O � l 4 � � IIVLLLrIIIIIIJ FIGURE 3.7. Model coverage and interpolated bathymetry using the scatter data in Figure 3.6 for the before dredging condition. See Figure 3.5 for model origins,'Y' and "y" axes, and coverage. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 77 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Bottom Elevation (ft NAVD) 20 10 - 0 -10 --20 -30 - -40 50 -60 W • �� ••;S� r a. • •. •.� . a tif.•�F:�tY. �. • �Mr '••,• s �. FIGURE 3.8. Combined bathymetric data collected by CSE in August and October 2020 and the offshore contours digitized from NOAA navigation chart 11555 (dated March 2012). The elevations in the offshore borrow area reflect the after -dredging condition after the 10-ft excavation before the existing grade. See Figure 3.5 for model origins,'Y' and "y" axes, and coverage. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 78 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina Bottom Elevation (m NAVD) 4 2 �r { 0 d o -8 f -10 / -12 fl�� -14 �1 i -16 Q -18 _ -20 G 0 a �o e� �a rc � I I 1 r 11 1 FIGURE 3.9. Model coverage and interpolated bathymetry using the scatter data in Figure 3.8 for the after dredging condition. See Figure 3.5 for model origins, "x" and "y" axes, and coverage. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 79 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 3.4.5 Wave Climate Analysis Obtaining satisfactory wave data is a necessary and crucial task in preparing and executing wave and shoreline -evolution models. There are no site -specific, long-term wave records for the Buxton project area, but there are at least two wave data sources in the vicinity of the site as discussed in the previous sections (ie - NDBC wave buoy 41025 and the WIS station 63230; see Fig 3.1 for their locations). Although the NDBC wave buoy has real-time measurements, this station was not used because it is located -17 miles from Buxton to the southeast. The WIS station 63230 is located -10.5 miles directly east of Buxton and has 40 years of hindcast data between 1980 and 2019. This station was chosen because of the long-term wave records, and the net transport generated under the wave climate of this station agreed with historical observations (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). 3.4.6 Model Parameters The parameters used in the GENESIS model include sand and beach data and longshore sand transport calibration coefficients. The sand and beach data are determined from the analysis in the geotechnical study (CSE 2021) and are listed below: • Effective grain size = 0.321 mm • Average berm height = 7 ft NAVD • Closure depth = -24 ft NAVD Volumetric erosion studies at the project area show that average annual erosion rates are estimated to be between-650,000 and 700,000 cy/yroverthe pastthreeyears afterthe completion of the 2017-2018 nourishment project. The transport parameters Kl and K2 required in the model were adjusted within the recommended range to obtain the best fit of simulated volumetric transport rate with historical data. 3.5 STWAVE Model Results The borrow area for this project has an average depth of -40 ft NAVD and a total area of -200 acres. It is located considerably outside the depth limits of significant sediment motion of the active surf zone. Sediment removal from the borrow sites will result in offshore depressions, possibly 10 ft below the present bottom. To determine if the total removal of the sediment from the borrow sites would impact the concentration of longshore wave energy and littoral sediment transport potential, STWAVE was used to simulate wave transformation over the borrow sites by comparing conditions before and after dredging. The STWAVE model results for the before -dredging and after -dredging scenarios are shown in Figures 3.10 and 3.11 for comparison. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 80 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina I ff �'�9 �1 uu� _{ 'd r'- :�;}' r ,� � r R 41 5 '. � �� To evaluate wave pattern changes before and after dredging, 20 horizontal cross -sections were chosen over the computational domain, as illustrated in Figure 3.10. These cross -sections effectively cover the study area, including the designated borrow area. Wave heights across horizontal cross -sections are plotted in a series of graphics in Figure 3.12. Some key coordinates, dimensions, and relative distance to the model origins are listed below. 0 STWAVE Model Origin: xo = 932000 m, yo=178600 m • STWAVE Grid Length in "x" Direction equals: 5,000 m 0 STWAVE Grid Length in "y" Direction equals: 10,000 m 0 Project Northernmost Limit to STWAVE Origin: y = -2,000 m • Project Southernmost Limit to STWAVE Origin: y = -6,700 m • Borrow Area to Model Origin: 5,000 to 6,000 m in the "y" direction and 800-1,800 m in the "x" direction In Figure 3.12, the left side of the x-axis represents onshore, and the right side of the x-axis represents offshore. The first four and the last five plots in this graphic (ie - y-distance to origin = 100 to 3,000 m and 6,600 to 9,900 m) show almost no difference in wave height before and after dredging. The intermediate eleven plots (ie - y-distance to origin = 3,500 to 6,400 m) show minor differences in wave height between these two scenarios. Since the project area "y" distance to origin is between 2,000 and 6,700 m, the results indicate that borrow -area dredging has no or negligible impact on the wave field in the offshore area. Wave height between the two scenarios became more noticeable where the borrow area is located (ie - y-distance to origin = 5,000 to 6,000 m), but the greatest difference was less than 10 percent of the height. In addition, the wave height difference diminishes toward the shore. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 83 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 1.2 Y-Distance to Origin = 100 m 1.0 0.8 = 0.6 0.4 Before Dredging --- After Dredging 0.2 0.0 X-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 1000 m 0.8 = 0.6 m ' 0.4 Before Dredging --- After Dredging 0.2 0.0 a a o o 0 Lon Ln 11 Q m m m m m N N N N N X-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 1.0 Y-Distanceto Origin = 2000 m 0.8 = d 0.6 n 0.4 r —Before Dredging --- After Dredging 0.2 00 8$§ $§ 8$$§ 8$$§ �o Sc o§ 8 $ � m rl X-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 10 Y-Distanceto Origin = 3000 m 0.8 - 0.6 > 0.4 — Before Dredging --- After Dredging 0.2 0.0 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ o ff,8 Uh - 'q 'q m m m m m N N N N N con0 .--I rl .--I .m-I rl X-Distance to Origin (m) FIGURE 3.12. STWAVE simulated wave height comparisons at different horizontal cross -sections parallel to the'Y' axis (ie -with constant distance to the origin in the "y" direction) as illustrated in Figure 3.10. " 0" is the offshore model boundary and shoreline is at the left side of the graph where waves break and diminish. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D) 84 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 1.2 � 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 3500 m 0.8 = 0.6 m —Before Dr edging 04 --- After Dredging 0.2 0.0 — Q O O Q Q n Q Q in O O Q Q m Q O Q O Q Q Q Q Q m O O O O Q Q Q n u4 m Q Q Q Q Q R O Q Q O O O O O Q Q Q Qm en O Q ,-i u� 'It It ��� -1R m m M m m m N N N N ,-i N�� -1 -1 1--1 -1 x-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 � 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 40M m - = 0.6 —Before Dredging 04 --- After Dr edging 0.2 0.0 — O O -1 O 0 O O O O O 0 O O O O O O b 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O uni V V V V V cn m m m M cn c l N rc+i CN ci q_1 t �-1-1 -1 4� X-distance to Origin (m) 1.2 E 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 4500 m = m 0.6 04 —Before Dredging --- After Dredging 0.2 0.0 a a Q a O h a Q a v O a a O a a a Ot.S O a a a o O O a o Q 0 Q I� o O v v o p vp a oa O O 0 O r1 Ln u7 Q t'A m m m m m M N N N ri N -I ri ri m ri t+ M -1 -1 ri X-distance to Origin (m) 1.2 E 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = M m 0.8 ---------- m 0.6 —Before Dredging 0.4 ---After Dredging 0.2 0.0 Q o O Q O a O o 0 mf 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 o Oi m Q p Q O a OLn a Q o p op Q o a 0a m O 0 M d d d d d M m tQri m m m N N N N IN ri ri ri OS M ri ri X-Distance to Origin (m) FIGURE 3.12(continued). STWAVE simulated wave height comparisons at different horizontal cross - sections parallel to the'Y' axis (ie - with constant distance to the origin in the "y" direction) as illustrated in Figure 3.10. "0" is the offshore model boundary and shoreline is at the left side of the graph where waves break and diminish. Coastal Science & Engineering [2403M-Appendix D] Littoral Processes 85 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 1.2 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 54.00 m = m 0.6 —Before Dredging 04 ---After Dredging 0.2 0.0 o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 r o o o o 0 0 0 o o Ln m m Ln cno m m m N N N N f N rl rl Ln rl M rl rl x-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 � 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 56W m 0.8 = 0.6 m —Before Dredging 04 ---After Dredging 0.2 0.0 — Q O I O C R O n Li] O C m O O O O O R O O O n G O If] m O O C O O m m O O C 4 C R O Ln 4 O O O O 4 m O G m O C Ln In � � � � r-I � m m M m m m N M N N N r-I N rl rl -1 rl -1 rl rl x-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 � 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 58W m 0.$ = 0.6 m — Before Dredging 0 ---After Dredging 0.2 0.0 O pOp p4p pO p4p O p4 O pO p4 O p4 d o4 tO� 4 O 4 O 4 O pO p4 pO p4 d Ln 4 4 tt m m en m en N N N N N 1-1 1--1-11--1-1 x-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 � 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 59W m 0.9 = 0.6 —Before Dredging 0.4 ---After Dredging 0.2 0.0 O O O 4 0 O 0 4 m O O 4 O O O 4 O O 4 d O 4 O Ln 0 4 O 0 O O O Ln 4 O O 4o oOp 4 m d Ln 4 Ln m m n M m m N N e ry cN ni ,1 -1�-1 x-Distance to Origin (m) FIGURE 3.12(continued). STWAVE simulated wave height comparisons at different horizontal cross - sections parallel to the "x" axis (ie - with constant distance to the origin in the "y" direction) as illustrated in Figure 3.10. "0" is the offshore model boundary and shoreline is at the left side of the graph where waves hreak and diminish. Coastal Science & Engineering [2403M-Appendix D] Littoral Processes 86 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 1.2 � 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 6000 m 0.8 = 0.6 —Before Dredging 04 ---After dredging 0.2 0.0 O v,O O O O O v v v O v O O O v v v v 0 v v v O O O O v O v v v O O O O O v t7 O v v O v Ln m m M Mm M N N N N -1 71 ri r-i -1 ri x-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 � 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 6200 m � 0.8 = 0.6 m —Before Dredging 04 ---After Dredging 0.2 0.0 - -- - v � Op O O O v O� v v rn v en Q v Q O M v v Q O m v O a � v O v v v O O v O v O 4 m O O ul d d 't d d d m m M m M N N N N N ri rl Ln rl M rl rl X-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 � 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 6400 m 0.8 = m 0.6 —Before Dredging 04 ---After Dredging 0.2 0.0 v v v v o o 0 v 0 v 0 v cn v o v v v o v o v v v v c.4 o 0 o v v v v o v v v v v v v v o o o 0 0 o 0 Ul m m m m M N N [V N N ri rl rl rl rl X-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 � 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 6600 m 0.8 = m 0.6 —Before Dredging 04 --- After Dredging 0,2 0.0 0 O o v 0 n v 0 in a v m v v o a 0 a v v C v v Cn m v v v v v O m R CN m v v v v G R v v v v v v v v v v O O v m n in m v 0 � LA LA � � � � ,--i � m m m m m m N N N N C- j N rl rl 1 rl -1 rl rl X-Distance to Origin (m) FIGURE 3.12(continued). STWAVE simulated wave height comparisons at different horizontal cross - sections parallel to the "x" axis (ie - with constant distance to the origin in the "y" direction) as illustrated in Figure 3.10. "0" is the offshore model boundary and shoreline is at the left side of the graph where waves break and diminish. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 87 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 1.2 � 1A Y-Distanoe to Origin =70D0 m 0.8 0.6 —Before Dredging 04 ---After Dredging 0.2 0.0 a a O a O a a a s a a a a O a a a a a p a a a a m a p a O a a a m-1 a p o o ao O a[] p op 0 Lnd d d d m m Ln m m m N N [v N tli N ri ri ) ri ri M1 Lri, [YI ri x-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 � 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 8000 m 0.8 0.6 04 —Before Dredging --- After Dredging 0.2 0.0 Ln 'n cn cn cn rn C4 N N N N rl -1 -1 -1 -1 X-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 � 1A Y-Distance to Origin =90DO m 0.8 0.6 —Before Dredging 04 --- After Dredging 0.2 0.0 o p a O oo a p ap a a a o O a a a a a a a O a a a m a a a a O a a a m a o a o o a O a O LA qT M1 1,'Q r� d _t M M Ln n7 M M N N N N N ri ri Ln -1 ri -1 x-Distance to Origin (m) 1.2 � 1.0 Y-Distance to Origin = 99M m 0.8 = 0.6 —Before Dredging 04 ---After Dredging 0.2 L 0.0 a o 0 o a a a o 0 0 0 o a a a o 0 o a a o 0 0 0 0 0 Ln d d d d m m m m m N N N N N -1 ri -1 _1 1--I X-Distance to Origin (m) FIGURE 3.12(continued). STWAVE simulated wave height comparisons at different horizontal cross - sections parallel to the'Y' axis (ie - with constant distance to the origin in the "y" direction) as illustrated in Figure 3.10. "0" is the offshore model boundary and shoreline is at the left side of the graph where waves break and diminish. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 88 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina In conclusion, the STWAVE model results indicate that borrow -area dredging will not impact the wave patterns along the project beach; the impact will be concentrated in the dredged area and its immediately adjacent area. The most significant increase will be -10 percent of the local wave height (expected to occur in the center of the borrow area). The pre -project depth in the borrow area is 10-35 ft deeper than the estimated DOC (ie -24 ft NAVD), and the results show that the proposed maximum excavation of 10 ft will not significantly alterwave patterns at the shore and will only locally modify waves within the immediate borrow area. The results also show that the location of the borrow area will not significantly alter sand transport processes and rates over the excavation area, and will not impede or modify normal onshore sand transport. 3.6 GenCade Model Calibration Proper application of GenCade requires calibration by adjusting the various model parameters until it can reasonably reproduce historical shoreline change or longshore sediment transport rates over a given time interval. The key module of GenCade is GENESIS which was calibrated and verified in the previous study for the 2017-2018 Buxton nourishment project. In that study, the simulated rates fortotal volumetric erosion and net longshore sediment transport were compared with historical erosion rates (USACE-USDOI-NPS 2015). Three years after the 2017-2018 Buxton nourishment project, as of August 2020, approximately only 25 percent of the 2.6 million cubic yard nourishment sand remained in the project area. The average annual erosion rate was-655,000 cy per year (cy/yr). This number is several times higher than the historical erosion rate estimated in the past, as discussed in Section 2. In light of this higher -than -normal erosion rate over the past few years, the model parameters were adjusted. Figure 3.13 shows calculated average annual net longshore sediment transport rates along the modeled shoreline over a specific 3-year period between 2017 and 2019. Moving from left to right along the horizontal axis represents the shoreline from north to south, and positive transport rates denote net sand movement to the south. Some key reference distances are listed below: Project Northernmost Limit (sta 1770+50) to GenCade Origin: -5,000 ft Project Southernmost Limit (sta 1925+50) to GenCade Origin:-20,500 ft Figure 3.13 shows that the sediment transport rate varies along the shoreline, increases from north to south, and is southerly, which is consistent with the historical trend of sediment movement and spit accretion in this area. Transport rates increase markedly along the Village of Buxton, and reach the highest near the south boundary of Buxton. The increasing transport rate explains the higher erosion observed at Buxton. The simulated average annual net transport rate for the Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 89 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina project area was-700,000 cy. This average annual rate is consistent with the measured net annual erosion rates over the past three years. FIGURE 3.13. Average annual longshore net sediment transport rates over 3-year period after completion of the 2017-2018 nourishment project. Positive rates denote net sand movement to the cni ith The series of images in Figure 3.14 illustrates the shoreline position over a three-year period after completion of the 2017-2018 nourishment project. Red lines represent the initial shoreline before nourishment, and green lines represent the shoreline positions at specific times after the project, as indicated on the images. Atthe end of the three-year period, the shoreline returned to the initial 2017-2018 pre -project position, indicating that most of the nourishment sand placed along that section of oceanfront has been lost. This is consistent with observations in that area. In conclusion, the net longshore sediment transport rate predicted by the GenCade model can capture the higher -than -normal volumetric loss rates of-655,000 cy/yr over the past three years if the WIS hindcast wave data between 2017 and 2019 is used. Shoreline evolution after the 2017- 2018 nourishment project agrees well with observations. Because the model will be primarily used to evaluate the impact of the proposed nourishment and offshore borrow area dredging on sediment transport rates, shoreline position was not expected to be evaluated in greater detail. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix D] 90 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina T = 0 Days T = 98 Days Before Nourishment End of Nourishment T = 365 Days Vr 1 Pnct_Prninrt T = 730 Days Yr 2 Post -Project T =1,095 Days Yr 3 Post -Project FIGURE 3.14. Shoreline position at Oft NAVD contour before nourishment (red) and its evolution (green) over a three-year period after a 2.6 million cubic yard nourishment project. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix DI 91 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 3.7 GenCade Model Results The proposed project calls for pumping a maximum of 1.2 million cubic yards of beach quality sand from the designated offshore borrow area onto 15,500 linear feet of ocean beach. The designed berm height is 7 ft NAVD, and the average fill density is -77 cy/ft. Fill densities will vary from north to south according to the historical erosion rates, with the center of the project receiving the highest fill density upward of -150 cy/ft. GenCade was used to determine if nourishment on the beach and the removal of the sediment from the proposed borrow sites would impact longshore sediment transport potential. These results were compared for pre- and post -project conditions. Net sediment transport rate before and after the project are plotted in Figure 3.15. The average annual net transport rate before the project for the shoreline segment between stations 1770+50 and 1920+00 (or a distance to GenCade origin between -5,000 ft and-20,000 ft) was-866,000 cy/yr; the rate was-858,000 cy/yr after the project. These rates are -8,000 cy different before and after the project. It indicates that renourishment and borrow area dredging will cause negligible changes in the net longshore sediment transport rate. The rates will change locally where the beach fill is conducted, but there will be no changes approximately 0.5 mile north or south of the project area. a 1,000,000 Y L Q tA LL 800,000 r Y v E 600,000 v Ln w L ❑ 400,000 t nn J w 200,000 z 0 With Nourishment —Without Nourishment Seashore (11,500 ft) Buxton (4,500 ftj Proposed Project Area (15,500 ft) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o a o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 CL CL CL CL C CL 0 ri N M Ln l0 ^ cc a] 0 r1 N M Ln l0 r' 00 01 O r-1 N M �t Ln r-1 r-I r-1 r-I r-1 r-I r-1 r-I r-1 r-I N N N N N N Distance to GenCade Origin (ft) FIGURE 3.15. Comparison of annual net longshore sediment transport rates before and after the proposed renourishment project. Coastal Science & Engineering Littoral Processes [2403M-Appendix DI 92 Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina 3.8 Conclusions STWAVE and GenCade have been widely applied in coastal engineering and planning projects to predict wave field and longshore transport behavior. They were used in this study to simulate wave patterns and longshore sediment transport rates before and after the proposed renourishment project. Results were used to evaluate the impact of borrow area dredging and beach fill on wave height and longshore transport rates along the study area at the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, which includes a developed section in front of the Village of Buxton. The STWAVE model results indicate that borrow area dredging will not cause any measurable wave pattern changes in the project area, and the impact will be concentrated within the dredged area and its immediately adjacent ocean bottom. The most significant wave height increase will be no greater than 10 percent of the local wave height and is expected to occur in the borrow area. The pre -project depth in the borrow area is 10-30 ft deeper than the estimated DOC in this setting, and therefore well beyond any expected zone of normal exchange of sediment with the beach. The STWAVE model results show that the proposed excavations up to 10 ft will have only a minor local impact on waves in the immediate borrow area and negligible impact on waves at the beach. The results also show that sand transport will not be significantly modified over the borrow area and that normal onshore sand transport will continue uninterrupted. The GenCade model was calibrated using erosion rates of 655,000 cy/yr over the recent years after completion of the 2017-2018 project. The calibrated model results yielded-700,000 cy/yr annual net sediment transport rates, which are in close agreement with the measured rates. The calibration results show that the model can capture the overall sediment transport pattern and can be used to evaluate the relative changes of sediment transport rates before and after nourishment and offshore borrow -area dredging. The model simulation for potential after -project longshore transport along two shoreline segments resulted in only minor changes compared to the before -project condition (of the order of thousands of cubic yards). The model results indicate that nourishment and borrow area dredging will cause negligible changes in the longshore sediment transport rate. The rate will change locally where beach fill is conducted, but there will be no changes -0.5 mile north or south of the fill area. 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