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07 - Buxton - AppA-Attachment 3D
APPENDIX A ATTACHMENT 3 D Grain Size Distributions (GSDs) Composite Samples - Upper 10 ft of Section by Core Coastal Science & Engineering [2403M-Task 2-Appendix A] Geotechnical Data Analysis Buxton, Dare County, North Carolina - THISPAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK - Grain Size Distribution Grain Size Distribution 1 -3 -Z -1 u 1 Z 3 4 Grain Size (�) Project 2403-M Location Buxton, NC Date Apr 06 2021 Station BUX-35 Sample 10 ft COMP Mean 0.478 mm STD 0.486 mm Skewness 0.395 USCS Wentworth SP Medium Sand Medium Sand Poorly Sorted Poorly Graded Symmetrical Leptokur6c Total weight (gram) 103.80 % finer than 0.0625 mm (dry) 1.51 % gravel (dry) 0.00 % granule (dry) 3.67 CaCO3 11.8 Class Limits Mid Point Weight Weight% Cumm.Wt% Percentiles Moment Measures (phi) (mm) (0 (0) (gram) 1 -1.615 Mean 1.066 0.478 -0 A 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 -0.850 Standard Deviation 1.041 0.486 -3 -3.5 0.0o o.00 0.00 Skewness 0.395 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -1.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 0.135 Kurtosis 3.970 -1 -1.25 3.81 3.67 3.67 y5 0.425 Dispersion -0.75 -0.875 1.15 1.11 4.78 50 0.425 Standard Deviation -0.5 -0.625 2.18 2.10 6.87 75 1.445 Deviation from Normal -0.25 -0.375 1.99 1.91 8.79 84 1.900 0 0.25 -0.125 0.125 3.41 3.82 3.29 3.68 12.08 1535 95 2.810 0.5 0.375 6.88 6.63 22.38 99 4.000 0.75 0.625 14.21 13.69 36.08 Graphic Phi Parameters Inman Folk & Ward 1 0.875 16.Ss 15.98 52.os 1125 1.125 14.30 13.78 65.83 1952 1957 1.5 1.375 8.62 "0 74.13 1.75 1.625 3.21 3.09 77.23 Mean 1.017 0.960 2 2.25 1.875 2.125 6.59 4.52 6.35 4.36 83.58 8. 794 Standard Deviation 0.883 0.996 2.5 2.375 3.97 3.83 91.76 Skewness (1) 0.195 0.135 2.75 2.625 2.77 2.67 94.43 Skewness (2) 0.153 3 2.875 0.79 0.76 95.20 Kurtosis 1.074 1.471 3.25 3.125 0.97 0.94 96.13 3.5 3.375 1.20 1.15 57.28 3.75 3.625 0.80 0.77 98.05 4 3.875 0.46 0.44 98.49 >4.0 4.25 1.57 1.51 100.00 Grain Size Distribution Grain Size (mm) 1. -3 -Z -1 u 1 Z 3 4 Grain Size (0) Project 2403-M Location Buxton, NC Date Apr 06 2021 Station BUX-36 Sample 10 ft COMP Mean 0.268 mm STD 0.417 mm Skewness -0.898 USCS Wentworth SP Medium Sand Fine Sand Poorly Sorted Poorly Graded Coarse Skewed Mesokurtic Total weight (gram) 100.46 % finer than 0.0625 mm (dry) 2.54 % gravel (dry) 0.00 % granule (dry) 4.92 CaCO3 11.1 Class Limits Mid Point Weight Weight% Cumm.Wt% Percentiles Moment Measures (phi) (mm) (0 (0) (gram) + -1.650 Mean 1.899 0.268 -0 A 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 -1.225 Standard Deviation 1.898 0.417 a -3.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 Skewness -0.898 -2 -1.1 -2.5 -1.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 16 Kurtosis 3.358 -1 -1.25 4.94 4,g2 qgp 11s9 25 1.155 Dispersion -0.75 -0.875 1.18 1.17 6.09 50 2.100 Standard Deviation -0.5 -0.625 1.68 1.67 7.16 75 2.660 Deviation from Normal -0.25 -0.375 1.29 1.28 9.05 84 2.810 0 0.25 -0.125 0.125 1.72 1.42 1.71 1.41 10.76 12.17 95 3.190 0.5 0.375 1.58 1.57 13.75 99 4.000 0.75 0.625 2.63 2.62 16.36 Graphic Phi Parameters Inman Folk & Ward 1 0.875 3.19 3.18 19.54 1125 1.125 4.57 4.55 24.09 1952 1957 1.5 1.375 7.07 7.04 31.13 1.75 1.625 4.66 4.64 35.77 Mean 1.700 1.833 2 L875 s.5s 45.32 Standard Deviation 1.110 1.224 2..5 2.5 2.375 2.375 5.26 5.55 5.55 5.52 5.52 50.56 56.08 Skewness (1) -0.360 -0.433 2.75 2.625 16.83 16.75 72.83 Skewness (2) -1.007 3 2.875 15.30 15.23 88.06 Kurtosis 0.989 1.202 3.25 3.125 6.58 6.55 94.61 3.5 3.375 1.53 1.52 56.14 3.75 3.625 0.71 0.71 96.84 4 3.875 0.62 0 62 97.46 >4.0 4.25 2.55 2.54 100.00 1 -3 -Z -1 u 1 Z 3 4 Grain Size (0) Project 2403-M Location Buxton, NC Date Apr 06 2021 Station BUX-37 Sample 10 ftCOMP Mean 0.512 mm STD 0.282 mm Skewness -0.665 USCS Wentworth SP Coarse Sand Medium Sand Poorly Sorted Poorly Graded Coarse Skewed Mesokurtic Total weight (gram) 96.89 % finer than 0.0625 mm (dry) 1.65 % gravel (dry) 2.25 % granule (dry) 15.28 CaCO3 22.5 Class Limits Mid Point Weight Weight% Cumm.Wt% Percentiles Moment Measures (phi) (mm) (0 (0) (gram) 1 4.055 Mean 0.966 0.512 -0 -0.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 -3.125 Standard Deviation 1.827 0.282 -3 -1.5 2.18 2.25 2.25 Skewness -0.665 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -1.25 2.76 7.30 2.13 2.40 12.53 16 -1.400 Kurtosis 2.599 -1 -1.25 4.97 4.97 5.13 17.53 y5 -0.535 Dispersion -0.75 -0.875 2.90 2.99 20.52 50 1.415 Standard Deviation -0.5 -0.625 3.47 3.58 24.10 75 2.125 Deviation from Normal -0.25 -0.375 2.35 2.43 26.53 84 2.425 0 0.25 -0.125 0.125 2.54 1.73 2.62 1.78 29.15 30.93 95 3.305 0.5 0.375 1.92 1.98 32.91 99 4.000 0.75 0.625 2.83 2.92 35.82 Graphic Phi Parameters Inman Folk & Ward 1 0.57s 3.14 3.24 3s.os 1.25 1.125 4.13 4.26 43.32 1952 1957 1.5 1.375 5.75 5.93 49.25 1.75 1.625 4.66 4.81 54.06 Mean 0.512 0.813 2 11.36 11.72 Standard Deviation 1.912 1.930 2..5 2.5 2.125 2.375 2.375 7.34 7.34 7.57 7.57 75.08 82.65 82.fi5 Skewness (1) -0.472 -0.442 2.75 2.625 6.45 6.66 89.31 Skewness (2) -0.693 3 2.875 3.20 3.30 92.61 Kurtosis 0.681 0.991 3.25 3.125 1.44 1.48 94.10 3.5 3.375 1.23 1.27 95.36 3.75 3.625 1.49 1.54 96.90 4 3.875 1.41 1.45 98.35 >4.0 4.25 1.60 1.65 100.00 Grain Size Distribution Grain Size (mm) V -3 -Z -1 u .1 Z 3 4 Grain Size (0) Project 2403-M Location Buxton, NC Date Apr 06 2021 Station BUX-38 Sample 10 ftCOMP Mean 0.574 mm STD 0.530 mm Skewness 0.822 USCS Wentworth SP Coarse Sand Medium Sand Moderately Sorted Poorly Graded Fine Skewed Leptokur6c Total weight (gram) 101.68 % finer than 0.0625 mm (dry) 0.90 % gravel (dry) 0.00 % granule (dry) 3.62 CaCO3 11.4 Class Limits Mid Point Weight Weight% Cumm.Wt% Percentiles Moment Measures (phi) (mm) (0 (0) (gram) 1 -1.610 Mean 0.801 0.574 -0 -0.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 -0.880 Standard Deviation 0.915 0.530 a J.5 0.00 o.00 0.00 Skewness 0.822 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -1.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 i6 -0.015 Kurtosis &957 -1 -1.25 3.68 3.62 3.62 y5 0.320 Dispersion -0.75 -0.875 1.42 1.40 5.02 50 0.670 Standard Deviation -0.5 -0.625 2 2.53 7.54 75 0.995 Deviation from Normal -0.25 -0.375 2.33.57 2.29 9.83 84 1.155 0 0.25 -0.125 0.125 4.19 4.64 4.12 4.56 13.96 18.52 95 2.535 0.5 0.375 8.55 8.41 26.93 99 3.815 0.75 0.625 19.43 19.11 46.04 Graphic Phi Parameters Inman Folk & Ward 1 o.87s 21.65 21.29 67.33 75 1.125 16.08 15.81 83.14 1952 1957 5 1.375 6.94 6.83 89.97 1.75 1.625 1.126 1.14 91.11 Mean 0.570 0.603 2 2.23 93.30 Standard Deviation 0.585 0.810 2.25 2.5 2.5 2.125 2125 2.375 0.68 0.63 0.17 o.67 o.s2 53.97 :1 Skewness (1) -0.171 .0.039 2.75 2.625 0.66 0.65 95.24 Skewness (2) 0.269 3 2.875 0.42 0.41 96.65 Kurtosis 1.919 2.073 3.25 3.125 1.02 1.00 96.66 3.5 3.375 1.22 1.20 57.86 3.75 3.625 0.87 0.86 98.71 4 3.875 0.39 0.38 99.10 >4.0 4.25 0.92 0.90 100.00 Grain Size Distribution Grain Size Distribution V -3 -Z -1 u 1 Z 3 4 Grain Size (�) Project 2403-M Location Buxton, NC Date Apr 06 2021 Station BUX-39 Sample 10 ft COMP Mean 0.579 mm STD 0.531 mm Skewness 0.771 USCS Wentworth SP Coarse Sand Medium Sand Moderately Sorted Poorly Graded Fine Skewed Leptokur6c Total weight (gram) 105.50 % finer than 0.0625 mm (dry) 0.94 % gravel (dry) 0.00 % granule (dry) 3.84 CaCO3 15.5 Class Limits Mid Point Weight Weight% Cumm.Wt% Percentiles Moment Measures (phi) (mm) (0 (0) (gram) 1 -1.620 Mean 0.788 0.579 -0 -0.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 .935 Standard Deviation 0.912 0.531 a -3.5 0.00 tloo 0.00 Skewness 0.771 2 -1.5 2.5 -1.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.00 15 -0.oas Kurtosis 5.963 -1 -1.25 4.05 3.84 3.84 3.84 25 0.290 Dispersion -0.75 -0.875 1.45 1.37 5.21 50 0.675 Standard Deviation -0.5 -0.625 2.83 2.68 7.90 75 1.000 Deviation from Normal -0.25 -0.375 2.54 2.41 10.30 84 1.140 0 0.25 -0.125 0.125 4.39 5.10 4.16 4.83 14.46 19.30 95 2.405 0.5 0.375 9.01 8.54 27.84 99 3.840 0.75 0.625 19.03 18.04 45.88 Graphic Phi Parameters Inman Folk & Ward 1 0.875 21.49 20.37 6s.25 1125 1.125 18.37 17.41 83.66 1952 1957 1.5 1.375 6.94 6.58 90.24 1.75 1.625 1.2s 1.22 91.46 Mean 0.548 0.590 2 2.25 s3.59 Standard Deviation 0.593 0.802 2..5 2.5 2.875 2.125 2.375 0.87 0.55 0.12 0.52 0.52 94.94 94.94 Skewness (1) -0.215 -0.090 2.75 2.625 0.59 0.56 95.50 Skewness (2) 0.101 3 2.875 0.50 0.47 96.97 Kurtosis 1.819 1.928 3.25 3.125 1.08 1.02 97.00 3.5 3.375 1.04 0.99 97.98 3.75 3.625 0.69 0 65 98.:4 4 3.875 0.45 0.43 99.06 >4.0 4.25 0.99 0.94 100.00 Grain Size Distribution Grain Size (mm) 1. -3 -Z -1 u 1 Z 3 4 Grain Size (0) Project 2403-M Location Buxton, NC Date Apr 06 2021 Station BUX-40 Sample 10 ft COMP Mean 0.681 mm STD 0.421 mm Skewness 0.200 USCS Wentworth SW Coarse Sand Medium Sand Poorly Sorted Well Graded Symmetrical Very Platykurtic Total weight (gram) 70.35 % finer than 0.0625 mm (dry) -2.15 % gravel (dry) 0.00 % granule (dry) 12.57 CaCO3 16.5 Class Limits Mid Point Weight Weight% Cumm.Wt% Percentiles Moment Measures (phi) (mm) (0 (0) (gram) 1 -1.710 Mean 0.554 0.681 -0 -3 -0.5 -3.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 -1.545 Standard Deviation 1.249 0.421 -2 -2.5 000 0.00 0.00 15 -0.970 Skewness 0.200 -1.5 -1.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 y5 -0.615 Kurtosis 1.645 -1 -1.25 8.84 12.57 12.57 Dispersion -0.75 -0.875 3.58 5.09 17.65 so 0.615 Standard Deviation -0.5 -0.625 5.40 7.s8 25.33 75 1.27o Deviation from Normal -0.25 -0.375 4.27 6.08 31.41 84 2.205 0 0.25 -0.125 0.125 4.49 4.44 6.38 6.31 37.79 44.10 95 2.930 0.5 0.375 2.90 4.12 48.22 99 3.525 0.75 0.625 5.91 8.41 56.63 Graphic Phi Parameters Inman Folk & Ward 1 0.875 6.27 8.92 65.55 1.25 1.125 5.49 7.80 73.34 1952 1957 1.5 1.375 3.98 5.66 79.01 1.75 1.625 1.74 2.47 81.48 Mean 0.618 0.565 2 2..5 2.125 2.375 1.06 1.63 1.50 2.32 62.98 85.04 Standard Deviation 1.587 1.472 2.5 2.375 1.63 2.32 87.3fi Skewness (1) 0.099 0.102 2.75 2.625 3.58 5.09 92.45 Skewness (2) 0.146 3 2.875 2.78 3.96 96.41 Kurtosis 0.409 0.973 3.25 3.125 2.08 2.96 99.36 3.5 3.375 0.74 1.06 100.42 3.75 3.625 0.83 1.18 lot 60 4 3.875 0.39 0.55 102.15 >4.0 4.25 -1.51 -2.15 100.00 1 -3 -Z -1 u 1 Z 3 4 Grain Size (0) Project 2403-M Location Buxton, NC Date Apr 06 2021 Station BUX-41 Sample 10 ftCOMP Mean 0.536 mm STD 0.539 mm Skewness -0.132 USCS Wentworth SP Coarse Sand Medium Sand Moderately Sorted Poorly Graded Symmetrical Mesokurtic Total weight (gram) 103.13 % finer than 0.0625 mm (dry) -0.77 % gravel (dry) 0.00 % granule (dry) 3.79 CaCO3 15.0 Class Limits Mid Point Weight Weight% Cumm.Wt% Percentiles Moment Measures (phi) (mm) (0 (0) (gram) 1 -1.615 Mean 0.900 0.536 -0 -0.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 -0.92o Standard Deviation 0.892 0.539 a J.5 0.00 o.00 0.00 Skewness -0.132 -2 -1.5 -2.s -1.75 o.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 o.a4o Kurtosis 3.169 -1 -1.25 3.91 3.79 3.79 25 0.375 Dispersion -0.75 -0.875 1.47 1.43 5.22 50 0.375 Standard Deviation -0.5 -0.625 2.65 2.57 7.79 75 1.210 Deviation from Normal -0.25 -0.375 1.82 1.77 9.56 84 1.660 0 0.25 -0.125 0.125 3.75 4.52 3.64 4.38 13.19 17.58 95 2.470 0.5 0.375 7.81 7.57 25.15 99 3.350 0.75 0.625 15.39 14.92 40.07 Graphic Phi Parameters Inman Folk & Ward 1 o.87s 17.31 is.7a 56a 1.25 1.125 16.39 15.89 72.75 1952 1957 1.5 1.375 8.53 8.27 81.02 1.75 1.625 3.04 2.95 83.96 Mean 0.850 0.827 2 .5 5.16 5.60 88.9s Standard Deviation 0.810 0.919 2. 2.5 2.5 2.31275 5 3.33 2.73 3. 2.65 92.19 94.85 Skewness (1) 0.086 0.042 2.75 2.625 2.36 2.28 97.13 Skewness (2) -0.006 3 2.875 0.78 0.76 97.89 Kurtosis 1.093 1.664 3.25 3.125 0.91 0.88 98.77 3.5 3.375 1.14 1.11 99.88 3.75 3.625 0.59 0.57 100.45 4 3.875 0.34 0.32 100.77 >4.0 4.25 -0.80 -0.77 100.00 Grain Size Distribution Grain Size (mm) 1. -3 -Z -1 u .1 Z 3 4 Grain Size (0) Project 2403-M Location Buxton, NC Date Apr 06 2021 Station BUX-42 Sample 10 ftCOMP Mean 0.596 mm STD 0.490 mm Skewness -1.554 USCS Wentworth SP Coarse Sand Medium Sand Poorly Sorted Poorly Graded Strongly Coarse Skewed Leptokur6c Total weight (gram) 106.42 % finer than 0.0625 mm (dry) 0.04 % gravel (dry) 0.00 % granule (dry) 10.13 CaCO3 12.6 Class Limits Mid Point Weight Weight% Cumm.Wt% Percentiles Moment Measures (phi) (mm) (0 (0) (gram) 1 -3.215 Mean 0.746 0.596 -0 -0.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 -2.011 Standard Deviation 1.028 0.490 -3 J.5 0.00 0.o0 0.00 Skewness -1.554 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -1.25 3.42 3.28 2.34 5.79 15 Kurtosis 5.470 -1 -1.25 4.42 4.62 4.34 10.13 0.13 25 0.460 0.460 Dispersion -0.75 -0.875 0.75 0.70 10.83 50 0.915 Standard Deviation -0.5 -0.625 1.55 1.46 12.29 75 1.210 Deviation from Normal -0.25 -0.375 1.33 1.25 13.53 84 1.315 0 0.25 -0.125 0.125 2.01 2.48 1.89 2.33 15.42 17.75 95 1.680 0.5 0.375 4.16 3.91 21.67 99 2.325 0.75 0.625 10.25 9.63 31.29 Graphic Phi Parameters Inman Folk & Ward 1 0.875 16.21 15.24 46.53 1.25 1.125 22.79 21.41 67.94 1952 1957 1.5 1.375 22.38 21.03 88.98 1.75 1.625 5.55 5.22 94.20 Mean 0.625 0.722 2 1.875 3.7s 3.56 s7.76 Standard Deviation 0.690 0.904 2.25 2.5 2.125 2.375 0.93 0.49 0.87 0.46 98.63 s9.10 Skewness (1) -0.420 -0.503 2.75 2.625 0.34 0.32 99.42 Skewness (2) -1.565 3 2.875 0.19 0.18 99.60 Kurtosis 1.674 2.016 3.25 3.125 0.17 0.16 99.76 3.5 3.375 0.12 0.11 99.86 3.75 3.625 0.06 0.06 99.92 4 3.875 0.04 0.04 99.96 >4.0 4.25 0.04 0.04 100.00 Grain Size Distribution Grain Size Distribution -3 -Z -1 U 1 Z 3 a Grain Size (r ) Project 2403-M Location Buxton, NC Date Apr 06 2021 Station BUX-43 Sample 10 ft COMP Mean 0.552 mm STD 0.467 mm Skewness -1.130 USCS Wentworth SP Coarse Sand Medium Sand Poorly Sorted Poorly Graded Coarse Skewed Leptokur6c Total weight (gram) 103.90 % finer than 0.0625 mm (dry) 0.49 % gravel (dry) 0.91 % granule (dry) 6.78 CaCO3 22.1 Class Limits Mid Point Weight Weight% Cumm.Wt% Percentiles Moment Measures (phi) (mm) (0 (0) (gram) 1 -3.440 Mean 0.858 0.552 A a.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 -1.575 Standard Deviation 1.100 0.467 -3 -3.5 0.85 0.91 0.91 Skewness -1.130 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -1.25 1.24 1.33 1.42 3.33 16 -0.160 Kurtosis 5.552 -1 -1.25 a.aa 4.20 4.17 7.70 7.70 25 0.315 Dispersion -0.75 -0.875 1.44 1.39 9.09 50 o.sso Standard Deviation -0.5 -0.625 2.29 2.20 113.29 75 1.400 Deviation from Normal -0.25 -0.375 2.08 2.01 13.30 84 1.645 0 0.25 -0.125 0.125 3.29 4.05 3.16 3.90 16.46 20.36 95 1.980 0.5 0.375 6.38 6.14 26.49 99 2.970 0.75 0.625 10.04 9.66 36.18 Graphic Phi Parameters Inman Folk & Ward 1 0.875 0.07 s.6s 45s5 1.25 1.125 12.53 12.06 57.90 1952 1957 1.5 1.375 16.83 16.19 74.10 1.75 1.625 9.49 9.13 83.23 Mean 0.742 0.815 2 2.25 1.875 2.125 10.69 3.63 t0.29 3.50 93.52 97.01 Standard Deviation 0.903 0.990 2.5 2.375 1.03 0.99 s8.00 Skewness (1) -0.241 -0.334 2.75 2.625 0.63 0.61 98.812 Skewness (2) -0.839 3 2.875 0.32 0.30 98.s2 Kurtosis 0.970 1.343 3.25 3.125 0.23 0.22 89.14 3.5 3.375 0.19 0.18 98.32 3.75 3.625 0.11 0.10 as.42 4 3.875 0.09 0.08 99.51 >4.0 4.25 0.51 0.49 100.00 Grain Size Distribution Grain Size (mm) -3 -Z -1 u .1 Z 3 4 Grain Size (0) Project 2403-M Location Buxton, NC Date Apr 06 2021 Station BUX-44 Sample 10 ft COMP Mean 0.557 mm STD 0.386 mm Skewness -1.374 USCS Wentworth SP Coarse Sand Medium Sand Poorly Sorted Poorly Graded Strongly Coarse Skewed Leptokur6c Total weight (gram) 108.94 % finer than 0.0625 mm (dry) 0.00 % gravel (dry) 2.34 % granule (dry) 8.54 CaCO3 17.9 Class Limits Mid Point Weight Weight% Cumm.Wt% Percentiles Moment Measures (phi) (mm) (0 (0) (gram) 1 1.075 Mean 0.843 0.557 -0 -0.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 .2.865 Standard Deviation 1.375 0.386 -3 -3.5 2.55 2.34 2.1 Skewness -1.374 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -1.75 4.56 2.88 2.14 2.71 6.53 9.17 16 -0.350 Kurtosis 4.586 -1 -1.25 1.86 1.71 10.88 25 0.260 Dispersion -0.75 -0.875 1.22 1.12 12.00 50 1.W5 Standard Deviation -0.5 -0.625 2.21 2.03 14.03 75 1.685 Deviation from Normal -0.25 -0.375 1.85 1.70 15.72 84 1.845 0 0.25 -0.125 0.125 3.31 3.79 3.04 3.48 18.76 22.24 95 2.265 0.5 0.375 5.53 5.08 27.32 99 2.595 0.75 0.625 8.62 7.91 35.23 Graphic Phi Parameters Inman Folk & Ward 1 0.875 8.59 7.89 43.12 1.25 1.125 9.47 8.69 51.81 1952 1957 1.5 1.375 12.52 11.49 63.30 1.75 1.625 9.16 8.41 7171 Mean 0.748 0.857 2 17.63 1 85.59 Standard Deviation 1.097 1.326 2..5 2.5 2.125 2.375 2.375 4.70 4.70 7.00 ' 4.31 82.59 96.91 Skewness (1) -0.298 -0.417 2.75 2.625 2.58 2.37 99.27 Skewness (2) -1.253 3 2.875 0.49 0.45 99.72 Kurtosis 1.337 1.475 3.25 3.125 0.17 0.16 99.88 3.5 3.375 0.08 0.07 99.95 3.75 3.625 0.05 0.05 100.00 4 3.875 0.00 0.00 100.00 >4.0 4.25 0.00 0.00 100.00 -3 -Z -1 U 1 Z 3 a Grain Size (0) Project 2403-M Location Buxton, NC Date Apr 06 2021 Station ALL Sample 10 ftCOMP Mean 0.517 mm STD 0.426 mm Skewness -0.489 USCS Wentworth SP Coarse Sand Medium Sand Poorly Sorted Poorly Graded Coarse Skewed Leptokur6c Total weight (gram) 100.11 % finer than 0.0625 mm (dry) 0.59 % gravel (dry) 0.57 % granule (dry) 7.11 CaCO3 15.6 Class Limits Mid Point Weight Weight% Cumm.Wt% Percentiles Moment Measures (phi) (mm) (0 (0) (gram) 1 -3.245 Mean 0.951 0.517 -0 -0.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 -1.550 Standard Deviation 1.232 0.426 -3 -1.5 0.57 0.57 0.57 Skewness -0.489 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -1.75 1.68 0.93 i.68 0.93 2.25 3.18 16 -0.240 Kurtosis 4.107 -1 -1.25 4.50 4.50 7.68 25 0.305 Dispersion -0.75 -0.875 1.66 1.65 9.33 so 0.880 Standard Deviation -0.5 -0.625 2.68 2.68 12.01 75 1.535 Deviation from Normal -0.25 -0.375 2.19 2.18 14.19 84 1.920 0 0.25 -0.125 0.125 3.31 3.60 3.31 3.59 17.50 21.09 95 2.765 0.5 0.375 5.47 5.47 26.56 99 3.625 0.75 0.625 10.83 10.82 37.38 Graphic Phi Parameters Inman Folk & Ward 1 0.875 12.45 12.44 49.82 1.25 1.125 12.41 12.40 62.22 1952 1957 1.5 1.375 9.96 9.94 72.16 1.75 1.625 4.40 4.39 76.55 Mean 0.840 0.853 2 2.25 1.875 2.125 6.78 3.73 6.78 3.73 83.33 87.06 Standard Deviation 1.080 1.194 2.5 2.375 2.86 2.86 Ss.92 Skewness (1) -0.037 -0.082 2.75 2.625 3.68 3.68 93.59 Skewness (2) -0.252 3 2.875 2.48 2.47 96.07 Kurtosis 0.998 1.438 3.25 3.125 1.46 1.46 97.53 3.5 3.375 0.85 0.85 98.38 3.75 3.625 0.62 O.62 99.00 4 3.875 0.42 0.42 99.41 >4.0 4.25 0.. 0.59 100.00