HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuxton P08 Plan Aerial PhotoRev30July2021LEGEND — — — — — MHW (+1.05 FT NGVD) MLW (-1.94 FT NGVD) e--•--t�� FIRST LINE OF VEGETATION BERM FILL - DRY BEACH e FILL SLOPE TO TOE 12 D `rI. C CD C ter `CD CD —Landward Fill Limit A s P v O + O 00 00 + r` 00 k —Berm Fill Limit I @+7 ft NAVD I '7 77 MW Md I r^� Haulover Beach Access Note i • q Fill design is based on the beach condition in August 2020. The actual limit of fill will be the +7 ft NAVD contour at the _,►, ' s x� time of construction. T _ - I CZ) —Slope Toe Fill Limit ti The final configuration and limits of beach construction will be determined based on conditions at the time of Elevation Varies construction and the aggregate total fill volume that can be accomplished within the available budget for the project. The N indicated quantities are maximum amounts to be permitted. Note' No dune will be constructed along Reach 2 - National Seashore. E The project will not fill or cover any emergency shore protection structures such as sandbags. Buffers (no work areas) alongshore will be maintained around areas of active bird nesting at the time of construction in consultation with NIPS biologists. To extent practicable, the construction berm will shift seaward of Mean Low Water at sites of nests then �- reenter the existing beach outside of the buffer zone. N 0 200 CL Reach 2 - National Park Service Scale (Feet) 525,000 cy -11,000 If r Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) INC Zone 3200 Vertical: NAVD'88 (Feet) Notes: Data collected by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc via RTK GPS: Data collected: August 2020 Aerial Image: 07 May 2021 MHW (+1.05 ft NAVD) , MLW (-1.94 ft NAVD) Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN STA 1800+00 to STA 1770+00 12 t"CAR���r SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH 72Hg�1 = •u,C{,{ 7�I, 'y•% �l ',,�r•�niui��ini��� �`,, 08 APPROVED BY: PROJECT#: 2403M