HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuxton P02 Overall Plan_Rev30July2021Lighthouse Rd Cape Hatteras Light • O O O O + O rn Cape Hatteras National Seashore Atlantic Ocean O Old Cape Hatteras N Light Site rn \ \ \ \ S \ r >>2p, or \ \ \ 8n0(,r/S� Ito 1 m� \ \ \ \ htproleof ` \ \ A-47 J 0 2,000 Scale (Feet) Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) NC Zone 3200 Project Baseline after CSE / CZR (2013) Shoreline erosion assessment and plan for beach Restoration: Feasibility Report to Dare County Board of Commissioners, Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc. and CZR Inc. Z LU Buxton 9 12 O O 0 0 rn Dune - (3,500 If) STA 1880+50 to 1915+00 Reach 1 - Buxton (4,500 If) STA 1880+50 to 1925+50 675,000 cy (150 cy/ft) Lo tLo M ZLU Proposed Borrow Site o 0 -To Lo N rn o zw P a m l i c o S o u n d O O O aramm Zlw + + O 00 CD0 0 0+ + o 00 o co + 0 12 I CD Reach 2 - National Seashore (11,500 If) STA 1770+50 to 1880+50 525,000 cy (46 cy/ft) Proposed Project Area (15,500 If) STA 1770+50 to 1925+50 1,200,000 cy Borrow Area Coordinates Point Northing Easting U 568721.83 3049889.64 V 568516.05 3052788.54 W 565396.01 3051592.00 X 565786.15 3050865.37 y 565984.17 3049153.82 Z 566016.58 3048509.49 Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC zw Cape Hatteras National Seashore Project Baseline A-E Coordinate Chart Description Northing Easting A 588,679.534 3,041,236.832 B 578,776.557 3,039,847.210 C 568,839.562 3,038,736.306 D 566,043.964 3,038,445.962 E 560,711.538 3,036,849.925 Fill Crharlillc Reach 1 - Buxton (4,500 ft): Fill volume = 675,000 cy/ft; Average Fill Density = 150 cy/ft Berm Elevation = +7 ft NAVD Seaward Slope = 1 on 15 Dune Construction: Dune Crest Elevation = +13 ft NAVD Dune Crest Width = -20 ft Dune Seaward Slope =1:3 Reach 2 - National Seashore (11,000 ft): Fill Volume = 525,000 cy; Average Fill Density = -46 cy/ft Berm Elevation = +7 ft NAVD Seaward Slope =1 on 15 Drawing Title: OVERALL PROJECT PLAN LEGEND Approximate limits of dune fill Approximate limits of dry sand beach at placement Sloping beach fill to existing grade SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH 02 (� APPROVED BY: HI PROJECT#: 2403M