HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuxton P001-15_FINAL Signed30July2021Ocracoke Island A Cape Lookout National Seash7/11 Ocracoke Inlet nlet Rodanthe m ✓� Hatteras Inlet A t l a n t i c O c e a n r Project site directions, from Nags Head, NC: Follow NC-12 S/Cape Hatteras National Park Hwy South. Continue to follow NC-12 S for 44.3 miles to Haulover public beach access parking area. North project limit is on beach side of NC-12 (National Park Service Beach) and extends 15,500 feet South toward Buxton, NC. South project limit is in the vicinity of the old Cape Hatteras Lighthouse location. Project Site Coordinates Latitude: 35' 16' 36" N Longitude: 75° 31' 00" W Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 P a m l i c o S o u n d ect e Cape Hatteras National Seashore Buxto Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Hatteras Bight Cape Point Atlantic Ocean Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC Drawing Title: Project Location & Vicinity Map 12 Proposed Fill Area Z�7 Proposed Borrow Area Site DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH O APPROVED BY: HLK PROJECT #: 2403M Lighthouse Rd Cape Hatteras Light • O O O O + O rn Cape Hatteras National Seashore Atlantic Ocean O Old Cape Hatteras N Light Site rn \ \ \ \ S \ r >>2p, or \ \ \ 8n0(,r/S� Ito 1 m� \ \ \ \ htproleof ` \ \ A-47 J 0 2,000 Scale (Feet) Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) NC Zone 3200 Project Baseline after CSE / CZR (2013) Shoreline erosion assessment and plan for beach Restoration: Feasibility Report to Dare County Board of Commissioners, Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc. and CZR Inc. Z LU Buxton 9 12 O O 0 0 rn Dune - (3,500 If) STA 1880+50 to 1915+00 Reach 1 - Buxton (4,500 If) STA 1880+50 to 1925+50 675,000 cy (150 cy/ft) Lo tLo M ZLU Proposed Borrow Site o 0 -To Lo N rn o zw P a m l i c o S o u n d O O O aramm Zlw + + O 00 CD0 0 0+ + o 00 o co + 0 12 I CD Reach 2 - National Seashore (11,500 If) STA 1770+50 to 1880+50 525,000 cy (46 cy/ft) Proposed Project Area (15,500 If) STA 1770+50 to 1925+50 1,200,000 cy Borrow Area Coordinates Point Northing Easting U 568721.83 3049889.64 V 568516.05 3052788.54 W 565396.01 3051592.00 X 565786.15 3050865.37 y 565984.17 3049153.82 Z 566016.58 3048509.49 Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC zw Cape Hatteras National Seashore Project Baseline A-E Coordinate Chart Description Northing Easting A 588,679.534 3,041,236.832 B 578,776.557 3,039,847.210 C 568,839.562 3,038,736.306 D 566,043.964 3,038,445.962 E 560,711.538 3,036,849.925 Fill Crharlillc Reach 1 - Buxton (4,500 ft): Fill volume = 675,000 cy/ft; Average Fill Density = 150 cy/ft Berm Elevation = +7 ft NAVD Seaward Slope = 1 on 15 Dune Construction: Dune Crest Elevation = +13 ft NAVD Dune Crest Width = -20 ft Dune Seaward Slope =1:3 Reach 2 - National Seashore (11,000 ft): Fill Volume = 525,000 cy; Average Fill Density = -46 cy/ft Berm Elevation = +7 ft NAVD Seaward Slope =1 on 15 Drawing Title: OVERALL PROJECT PLAN LEGEND Approximate limits of dune fill Approximate limits of dry sand beach at placement Sloping beach fill to existing grade SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH 02 (� APPROVED BY: HI PROJECT#: 2403M X C_D n N 12 7- Q l 0Z Buxton 20 Zw Lighthouse Rd Old Cape 01d `tghthouse Rd Hatteras o Light Site > CD cli Dune - (3,500 If) I _ STA 1880+50 to 1915+00 I —South Underwater Pipeline Reach 1 - Buxton (4,500 If) I Cooridor STA 1880+50 to 1925+50 675,000 cy (150 cy/ft) Note Fill design is based on the beach condition in August 2020. The actual limit of fill will be the +7 ft NAVD contour at the time of construction. The final configuration and limits of beach construction will be determined based on conditions at the time of construction and the aggregate total fill volume that can be accomplished within the available budget for the project. The indicated quantities are maximum amounts to be permitted. �To co �o �� zw Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) NC Zone 3200 Vertical: NAVD'88 (Feet) Notes: Data collected by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc via RTK GPS: Data collected: August 2020 J J e 0 O O 12 A t l a n t i c O c e a n Note The project will not fill or cover any emergency shore protection structures such as sandbags. Buffers (no work areas) alongshore will be maintained around areas of active bird nesting at the time of construction in consultation with NPS biologists. To extent practicable, the construction berm will shift seaward of Mean Low Water at sites of nests then reenter the existing beach outside of the buffer zone. MHW (+1.05 ft NAVD) MLW (-1.94 ft NAVD) Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 i� U') N co CO �() CO Z W P a m l i c o S o u n d Cape Hatteras National Seashore O O O p no" p + O V N O + CD �12� o Reach 2 - National Seashore (11,500 If) STA 1770+50 to 1880+50 525,000 cy (46 cy/ft) (No dune to be constructed) Note: A minimum of two underwater pipeline corridors will be used for transport of the sand slurry. From those points, land based pipes will run along the constructed berm. The order of beach filling alongshore will be determined in consultation with the National Park Service (NPS) biologists so as to avoid areas of active nesting by colonial water birds to the extent practicable. Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC —North Underwater Pipeline Cooridor �o U-)co zw LEGEND , Approximate limits of dune fill Approximate limits of dry sand beach at placement Sloping beach fill to existing grade DRAWING TITLE: OVERALL PROJECT PLAN 0 1,000 Scale (Feet) t" �`NCAR ", eo SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH e E7722HBBL11 _ ''�'./D�NF'�;GIN EEP.•Oy��c-� uillini��� � 03 APPROVED BY: HLK PROJECT#: 2403M Note o � � 7� �. •� .; � e •.;� Fill design is based on the beach condition in August 2020. The actual limit of fill u, v CD will be the +7 ft NAVD contour at the time of construction. m0 OF o. u The final configuration and limits of beach construction will be determined based on conditions at the time of construction and the aggregate total fill volume that ' t'! can be accomplished within the available budget for the project. The indicated ,� r quantities are maximum amounts to be permitted. o CD° The project will not fill or cover any emergency shore protection structures such as a `� mom► sandbags. Buffers (no work areas) alongshore will be maintained around areas of .. � active bird nesting at the time of construction in consultation with NPS biologists. To extent practicable, the construction berm will shift seaward of Mean Low Water at sites of nests then reenter the existing beach outside of the buffer zone. O -, O O O O .y. O i o c1. CD O n _ o war ®+Y 0 rn-Dune Crest @ +13 ft NAVD rn ' " rn rnBuxtonrn ao a _ �, , � -� � Landward Fill Limit -Landward Fill Limit e @+7 ft NAVD �m 0 L0 CV CSC W Y Cn Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) NC Zone 3200 Vertical: NAVD'88 (Feet) Notes: Data collected by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc via RTK GPS: Data collected: August 2020 Aerial Image: 07 May 2021 MHW (+1.05 ft NAVD) MLW (-1.94 ft NAVD) K t• 179 Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Reach 1 - Buxton 675,000 cy 4,500 it Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC -Slope Toe Fill Limit Elevation Varies DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN STA 1925+50 to STA 1895+00 00 Scale (Feet) SCALE: •.�oF AS SHOWN DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH • = 7�g9 Zx?.J•�I' O /� r.F APPROVED BY: HLK 'y� J .ti c •p�d��` i N EEC iyyii �IU KPGti�o`� aumm�uaa• PROJECT#: 2403M Note Fill design is based on the beach condition in August 2020. The actual limit of fill will be the +7 ft NAVD contour at the time of construction. The final configuration and limits of beach construction will be determined based on conditions at the time of construction and the aggregate total fill e + volume that can be accomplished within the available budget for the a . '`' s project. The indicated quantities are maximum amounts to be permitted. �c The project will not fill or cover any emergency shore protection k` structures such as sandbags. Buffers (no work areas) alongshore will be 12` < Ja maintained around areas of active bird nesting at the time of construction t r^ n consultation with NPS biologists. To extent practicable, the construction berm will shift seaward of Mean Low Water at sites of nests then reenter the existing beach outside of the buffer zone. Buxton'` ., t I o y �� o 0 o r C) o Y y Ca a Hatteras +o +o".. +o p 1" c i _ ' o Ys o ~Landward Fill Limit o National Seashore a. o �� �. e Crest @ +13 ft NAVD —Landward Fill Limit —Berm Fill Limit ' @+7 ft NAVD +7 ft NAVD —Slope Toe Fill Limit Elevation Varies r Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) NC Zone 3200 Vertical: NAVD'88 (Feet) Notes: Data collected by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc via RTK GPS: Data collected: August 2020 Aerial Image: 07 May 2021 / Note: _ _ LEGEND Initial dunes will be built along the Village of Buxton during — MHw (+1.05 FT NGVD) renourishment construction. The dune crest will be at +13 ft — — — — — MLw (-1.94 FT NGVD) NAVD and the typical width of the dune crest will be 20 ft.FIRST LINE OF VEGETATION The seaward slope of the dune will be at 1 on 3. The DUNE FILL CREST (+13 ft NAVD) constructed dry sand berm (@+7 ft NAVD) in front of the toe Slope @ 1 on 3 of the dune will be 200-250 ft wide. BERM FILL - DRY BEACH (+7 ft NAVD) No fill is to be placed on exposed emergency sand bags, or FILL SLOPE TO TOE under exposed walkovers and houses. Note: No dune will be constructed along Reach 2 - National Seashore. 0 200 A Reach 1 - Buxton Reach 2 -National Park Service Scale (Feet) 675,000 cy 525,000 cy 4,500If-11,000if Atlantic Ocean MHW (+1.05 ft NAVD) 1 MLW (-1.94 ft NAVD) Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN STA 1895+00 to STA 1864+00 soMM q��, `���`,•,`.�o ESA SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH E L� = • �uGL{ ��j: 'y•3O �Vl ini��� OC J APPROVED BY:HLK PROJECT* 2403M Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) NC Zone 3200 Vertical: NAVD'88 (Feet) Notes: Data collected by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc via RTK GPS: Data collected: August 2020 Aerial Image: 07 May 2021 MHW (+1.05 ft NAVD) MLW (-1.94 ft NAVD) Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN STA 1862+00 to STA 1832+00 `span ll-W ESA °09% SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH 72HgL� = ' u,C{1 'ZA-1 ' F*% mi��� �`,, O� APPROVED BY: HLK PROJECT#: 2403M _ LEGEND — — — MHW (+1.05 FT NGVD) — — — — — MLW (-1.94 FT NGVD) 0--0 0 o FIRST LINE OF VEGETATION DUNE FILL CREST (+13 ft NAVD) BERM FILL -DRY BEACH (+7 ft NAVD) 4 FILL SLOPE TO TOE v. w - r 12 _. Ci- 12 ' AY. "•sir+. 4,,. ,$ .. ,^. i ... OO - *.• a �... ri _ - J , '�. O+ t - - _ 4.., y .. .. S. r - .. . +y,., - - I o W _; —Landward Fill Limit —Berm Fill Limit f-is9 ap - @+7 ft NAVD �� @+7 ft NAVD i Note Fill design is based on the beach condition in August 2020. The actual limit of fill will be the +7 ft NAVD contour at the time of construction. The final configuration and limits of beach construction will be determined based on conditions at the time of construction and the aggregate total fill volume that can be accomplished within the available budget for the project. The indicated quantities are maximum amounts to be permitted. The project will not fill or cover any emergency shore protection structures such as sandbags. Buffers (no work areas) alongshore will be maintained around areas of active bird nesting at the time of construction in consultation with NPS biologists. To extent practicable, the construction berm will shift seaward of Mean Low Water at sites of nests then reenter the existing beach outside of the buffer zone. r Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) NC Zone 3200 Vertical: NAVD'88 (Feet) Notes: Data collected by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc via RTK GPS: Data collected: August 2020 Aerial Image: 07 May 2021 MHW (+1.05 ft NAVD) , MLW (-1.94 ft NAVD) —Slope Toe Fill Limit Elevation Varies L L= Note: No dune will be constructed along Reach 2 - National Seashore. Reach 2 - National Park Service 525,000 cy -11,000 If Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN STA 1832+00 to STA 1800+00 4 J s 11 S!77le (Feet) �`Nt"CAR�r.� eo SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH 72HgL� = • Ly{ 'y•3O �l i��ini�.� � 07 APPROVED BY: PROJECT#: 2403M LEGEND — — — — — MHW (+1.05 FT NGVD) MLW (-1.94 FT NGVD) e--•--t�� FIRST LINE OF VEGETATION BERM FILL - DRY BEACH e FILL SLOPE TO TOE 12 D `rI. C CD C ter `CD CD —Landward Fill Limit A s P v O + O 00 00 + r` 00 k —Berm Fill Limit I @+7 ft NAVD I '7 77 MW Md I r^� Haulover Beach Access Note i • q Fill design is based on the beach condition in August 2020. The actual limit of fill will be the +7 ft NAVD contour at the _,►, ' s x� time of construction. T _ - I CZ) —Slope Toe Fill Limit ti The final configuration and limits of beach construction will be determined based on conditions at the time of Elevation Varies construction and the aggregate total fill volume that can be accomplished within the available budget for the project. The N indicated quantities are maximum amounts to be permitted. Note' No dune will be constructed along Reach 2 - National Seashore. E The project will not fill or cover any emergency shore protection structures such as sandbags. Buffers (no work areas) alongshore will be maintained around areas of active bird nesting at the time of construction in consultation with NIPS biologists. To extent practicable, the construction berm will shift seaward of Mean Low Water at sites of nests then �- reenter the existing beach outside of the buffer zone. N 0 200 CL Reach 2 - National Park Service Scale (Feet) 525,000 cy -11,000 If r Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) INC Zone 3200 Vertical: NAVD'88 (Feet) Notes: Data collected by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc via RTK GPS: Data collected: August 2020 Aerial Image: 07 May 2021 MHW (+1.05 ft NAVD) , MLW (-1.94 ft NAVD) Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN STA 1800+00 to STA 1770+00 12 t"CAR���r SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH 72Hg�1 = •u,C{,{ 7�I, 'y•% �l ',,�r•�niui��ini��� �`,, 08 APPROVED BY: PROJECT#: 2403M 15 10 0 > 5 Q Z 0 0 0 -5 W -10 -15 is 10 5 Q Z 0 -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 25 15 10 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 25 National Seashore Station 1770+00 \ — — 8/15/2020 \ \ Ate♦ \ \ \ No Fill at This Station — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Distance from Baseline (ft) National Seashore Station 1785+00 — — Aug 2020 Profile —Fill Vol - ^\ MHW \ -----MLW------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 130 ft _ _ _ _ — _ — — . Fill Density 30 cy/ft 0 200 400 600 800 1000 120 Distance from Baseline (ft) National Seashore Station 1800+00 t — — Aug 2020 Profile \ —Fill Vol - \ MHW \ MLW 1 ---------------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 130 ft - Fill Density 40 cy/ft ` ♦ _ _ 0 200 400 600 800 1000 120 Distance from Baseline (ft) r Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) NC Zone 3200 Vertical: NAVD'88 (Feet) Vertical Exaggeration: 10:1 Notes: Data collected by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc via RTK GPS: Data collected: August 2020 MHW (+1.05 ft NAVD) , MLW (-1.94 ft NAVD) 15 10 5 Q Z 0 -5 0 -10 0 w -15 -20 25 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1201 Distance from Baseline (ft) 15 10 5 Q Z 0 -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 25 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1201 Distance from Baseline (ft) National Seashore Station 1775+00 \ MHW \ ----- MLW------- \ ♦ ♦ Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 25 ft Fill Density 30 cy/ft 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 0 w -15 -20 25 National Seashore Station 1790+00 Aug 2020 Profile \ — Fill Vol \ MHW \ \ ----- MLW------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 101 ft — Fill Density 40 cy/ft National Seashore Station 1805+00 \ — — Aug 2020 Profile \ — Fill Vol `� .\ \ MHW \ MLW Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD ` Berm Width 119 ft ` Fill Density 40 cy/ft ` — — — _ — — — — 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1201 Distance from Baseline (ft) Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 0 w -15 -20 National Seashore Station 1780+00 ,\ _ _ Aug 2020 Profile — Fill Vol - \ MHW \ MLW Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 28 ft Fill Density 30 cy/ft -25 0 200 400 600 800 1000 120 Distance from Baseline (ft) 15 10 0 5 Q Z 0 -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 25 15 10 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 25 National Seashore Station 1795+00 Aug 2020 Profile \ — Fill Vol - \ MHW \ -----MLW------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD _ Berm Width 122 ft Fill Density 40 cy/ft 0 200 400 600 800 1000 120 Distance from Baseline (ft) National Seashore Station 1810+00 \ — — Aug 2020 Profile — Fill Vol - \ MHW \ MLW 1 ---------------- ♦ _ ♦ Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 128 ft ` Fill Density 40 cy/ft 0 200 400 600 800 1000 120 Distance from Baseline (ft) DRAWING TITLE: PLAN FILL SECTIONS STA 1770+00 to 1810+00 Nt°CAR"-, [,�/ ° e.% SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH e THE _ •72g1 y.3p u.GfJ.f mi��� �`,, Q O V APPROVED BY: HLK PROJECT#: 2403M 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 w -15 -20 -25 0 15 10 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 25 15 10 5 Q Z 0 -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 25 0 National Seashore Station 1815+00 - - Aug 2020 Profile ` —Fill Vol - 7 _ \ MHW _ \ MLW t --------------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 126 ft ^ ` Fill Density 40 cy/ft ^ _ 200 400 600 800 1000 1201 Distance from Baseline (ft) National Seashore Station 1830+00 Aug 2020 Profile —Fill Vol - \ MHW ` MLW 1 ---------------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD ` Berm Width 117 ft Fill Density 50 cy/ft 200 400 600 800 1000 1201 Distance from Baseline (ft) National Seashore Station 1845+00 - - Aug 2020 Profile �t —Fill Vol \ MHW _ \ -----MLW------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD ` Berm Width 135 ft Fill Density 50 cy/ft IN. 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 w -15 -20 -25 0 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 25 15 10 0 5 Q Z 0 -5 0 -10 0 w -15 -20 25 0 National Seashore Station 1820+00 \ - - Aug 2020 Profile ` — Fill Vol ` MHW \ -----MLW ------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD ` Berm Width 127 ft Fill Density 40 cy/ft 200 400 600 800 1000 120( Distance from Baseline (ft) National Seashore Station 1835+00 Aug 2020 Profile IN . — Fill Vol \ MHW ` -----MLW ------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 126 ft ` Fill Density 50 cy/ft 200 400 600 800 1000 120( Distance from Baseline (ft) National Seashore Station 1850+00 IN - - Aug 2020 Profile — Fill Vol r� IN \ MHW ` MLW t---------------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 101 ft Fill Density 50 cy/ft ` 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 120( Distance from Baseline (ft) Distance from Baseline (ft) r Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) NC Zone 3200 Vertical: NAVD'88 (Feet) Vertical Exaggeration: 10:1 Notes: Data collected by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc via RTK GPS: Data collected: August 2020 MHW (+1.05 ft NAVD) , MLW (-1.94 ft NAVD) Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 w -15 -20 National Seashore Station 1825+00 IN — — Aug 2020 Profile - 'N —Fill Vol - t MHW \ -----MLW------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD — Berm Width 125 ft Fill Density 50 cy/ft ` -25 0 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 25 15 10 0 5 Q Z 0 -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 25 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1201 Distance from Baseline (ft) National Seashore Station 1840+00 Aug 2020 Profile — Fill Vol - \ MHW \ -----MLW------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 132 ft Fill Density 50 cy/ft 200 400 600 800 1000 1201 Distance from Baseline (ft) National Seashore Station 1855+00 \ - - Aug 2020 Profile Fill Vol - N. \ MHW -----MLW------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD ` Berm Width 84 ft ` Fill Density 50 cy/ft` — — — — _ 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1201 Distance from Baseline (ft) DRAWING TITLE: PLAN FILL SECTIONS STA 1815+00 to 1855+00 Nt°CARD-, ° e.% [,�/ SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH THE = •72g1 y.3p u.GfJ.f mi��� �`,, APPROVED BY: HLK PROJECT#: 2403M 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z r✓ -5 0 -10 0 w -15 -20 National Seashore Station 1860+00 - - Aug 2020 Profile —Fill Vol - \ MHW \ MLW \ ---------------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 125 ft Fill Density 50 cy/ft — -25 0 200 400 600 800 1000 120 Distance from Baseline (ft) 15 10 5 Q Z 0 -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 -25 15 10 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 -25 National Seashore Station 1875+00 \ _ Aug 2020 Profile \ —Fill Vol \ MHW 1 \ -----MLW-------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD ` Berm Width 111 ft Fill Density 85 cy/ft 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Distance from Baseline (ft) Buxton Station 1890+00 \ - - Aug 2020 Profile t \ —Fill Vol - t \ _ \ MHW -----MLW------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 256 ft Fill Density 180 cy/ft _ Typical Dune Width 20 ft — — r 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Distance from Baseline (ft) r Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) NC Zone 3200 Vertical: NAVD'88 (Feet) Vertical Exaggeration: 10:1 Notes: Data collected by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc via RTK GPS: Data collected: August 2020 MHW (+1.05 ft NAVD) , MLW (-1.94 ft NAVD) 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z r✓ -5 0 -10 0 w -15 -20 National Seashore Station 1865+00 \ - - Aug 2020 Profile \ — Fill Vol 1 MHW \ MLW \ ---------------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 51 ft Fill Density 50 cy/ft -25 0 200 400 600 800 1000 120 Distance from Baseline (ft) 15 10 0 5 Q Z 0 -5 0 -10 m Lu -15 -20 -25 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 0 w -15 -20 25 Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 239 ft Fill Density 150 cy/ft Typical Dune Width 20 ft Buxton Station 1880+00 Start Dune — — Aug 2020 Profile —Fill Vol MHW -----MLW ------- 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Distance from Baseline (ft) Buxton Station 1895+00 - - Aug 2020 Profile It —Fill Vol t►t \ MHW \ -----MLW------- t Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 249 ft Fill Density 180 cy/ft Typical Dune Width 20 ft ♦ 0 200 400 600 800 1000 12( Distance from Baseline (ft) Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 Co -10 a) w -15 -20 25 15 10 0 5 Q Z 0 -5 0 -10 a� w -15 -20 25 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 m w -15 -20 25 National Seashore Station 1870+00 Aug 2020 Profile — Fill Vol - t MHW \ MLW \--------------- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 135 ft ` Fill Density 70 cy/ft 0 200 400 600 800 1000 12( Distance from Baseline (ft) Buxton Station 1885+00 1 Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD . Berm Width 205 ft Fill Density 180 cy/ft Typical Dune Width 20 ft 0 MHW 200 400 600 800 1000 12C Distance from Baseline (ft) Buxton Station 1900+00 - - Aug 2020 Profile t — Fill Vol \ \ MHW \ -----MLW ----- Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD Berm Width 212 ft Fill Density 180 cy/ft Typical Dune Width 20 ft ` 0 200 400 600 800 1000 120 Distance from Baseline (ft) DRAWING TITLE: PLAN FILL SECTIONS STA 1860+00 to 1900+00 �'N\ CARD-, ° e.% [,�/ SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH THE = •72g1 ,y.3p u.GfJ.f mi��� �`,, APPROVED BY: PROJECT#: 2403M 15 10 0 5 Q 0 Z -5 0 -10 a) w -15 -20 Buxton Station 1905+00 End Dune i• t \ \ MHW \ ----MLW------- 1 Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD ` Berm Width 227 ft Fill Density 180 cy/ft Typical Dune Width 20 ft — Aug 2020 Profile —Fill Vol - -25 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1201 Distance from Baseline (ft) 15 Buxton Station 1920+00 Aug 2020 Profile 10 t —Fill Vol 0 5 \ > MHW �\ Z () \ ----- MLW------- 1 � c -5 -10 . W -15 Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD -20 Berm Width 132 ft ` Fill Density 75 cy/ft -25 I I — 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Distance from Baseline (ft) Note Fill design is based on the beach condition in August 2020. The actual limit of fill will be the +7 ft NAVD contour at the time of construction. The final configuration and limits of beach construction will be determined based on conditions at the time of construction and the aggregate total fill volume that can be accomplished within the available budget for the project. The indicated quantities are maximum amounts to be permitted. The project will not fill or cover any emergency shore protection structures such as sandbags. Buffers (no work areas) alongshore will be maintained around areas of active bird nesting at the time of construction in consultation with NPS biologists. To extent practicable, the construction berm will shift seaward of Mean Low Water at sites of nests then reenter the existing beach outside of the buffer zone. r Survey Datum: MHW (+1.05 ft NAVD) Horizontal: SPCS NAD'83 (Feet) NC Zone 3200 MLW (-1.94 ft NAVD) Vertical: NAVD'88 (Feet) Vertical Exaggeration: 10:1 Notes: Data collected by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc via RTK GPS: Data collected: August 2020 � J 15 10 0 5 > Q 0 Z 4✓ -5 0 -10 w -15 -20 Buxton Station 1910+00 — — Aug 2020 Profile \ — Fill Vol \ MHW \ \ -----MLW------- \ Berm Elevation +7.0 ft NAVD ` Berm Width 209 ft Fill Density 150 cy/ft Typical Dune Width 20 ft ` -25 0 95 10 0 > 5 Q Z 0 0 > -5 0 W -10 -15 -100 200 400 600 800 Distance from Baseline (ft) Buxton Station 1925+00 1000 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 Distance from Baseline (ft) Note: Initial dunes will be built along the Village of Buxton during renourishment construction. The dune crest will be at +13 ft NAVD and the typical width of the dune crest will be 20 ft. The seaward slope of the dune will be at 1 on 3. The constructed dry sand beach in front of the toe of the dune will be 200-250 ft wide. No fill is to be placed on exposed emergency sand bags, or under exposed walkovers and houses. Note: No dune will be constructed along Reach 2 - National Seashore. Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC 30 20 0 Q 10 Z c 0 0 N W -10 20 30 1s 10 0 5 Q 0 Z 5 0 -10 w 15 -20 25 Berm Elevation +7.0 it NAVD Berm Width 250 ft Fill Density 150 cy/ft Typical Dune Width 20 ft 0 Buxton Station 1915+00 — — Aug 2020 Profile — Fill Vol - MHW -- MLW - -- 200 400 600 800 1000 120 Distance from Baseline (ft) Buxton Station 1898+00 i — Aug 2020 Profile --- -w -------------------- ----±-------------- + i Proposed Fill --- 'o Constructed berm (@ +7 ft NAVD) width _________________-_____--------- to be 220 ft in front of the toe of dune `\ Fill density to be 180 cy/ft I - - --- '---------------------'---------- ' � i ______________________+__________________}--------- __— ------ __*--------- ------ ------- _--------------- }------------------------ 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Distance from Baseline (ft) DRAWING TITLE: PLAN FILL SECTIONS STA 1905+00 to 1925+00 DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH (� APPROVED BY:HLK PROJECT #: 2403M n --; rt n Core Density 200 acres Proposed Borrow Area 10 10-ft Borings - 1 core per 20 acres Proposed borrow area after cultural resource evaluation. 32'`00 3oxoo 2S'`oo 0 Bux-42 1S'`oo �\0B \` -55 ft �•`� N%`� �00 ® k-04 Sxoo ".`. u 0 B `•Bux-05 2�xOp oxo 39 Bux-38 Y o❑ ��_ _ ` 17 N% •Bux-35 C w •Bux-3 - - // • B -38 A t l a 9�Bux-33 •Bux-31 •Bux34 / •Bux-32 / / •Bux-29 � / Used in the 2017-2018 nourishment project Point Northing Easting U 568721.83 3049889.64 V 568516.05 3052788.54 W 565396.01 3051592.00 X 565786.15 3050865.37 Y 565984.17 3049153.82 Z 566016.58 3048509.49 Survey Datum: Horizontal: SPCS NAD '83 (Feet) NC Zone 3200 Vertical: NAVD '88 (Feet) Vertical Exaggeration: 20:1 Notes: Data collected by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc via RTK GPS: Bathymetric Data collected: October 2020 -30.0 10+0 SECTION 1 (0) -35.0 -40.0 -45.0 -50.0 1 -55.0 -60.0 0 SECTION 2 (15+00) -30.0 -35.0 -40.0 -45.0 -50.0 -55.0 -60.0 -30.0 -35.0 -40.0 -45.0 -50.0 -55.0 -60.0 0 0 SECTION 3 (20+00) SECTION 4 (25+00) -30.0 -35.0 tic Ocean -40.0 -45.0 N -50.0 _55.0 -60.0 Proposed Excavation of 10 ft below existing substrate -30.0 -35.0 -40.0 -45.0 -50.0 -55.0 -60.0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 DISTANCE (FEET) Proposed Excavation of 10 ft below existing substrate -30.0 -35.0 -40.0 -45.0 -50.0 -55.0 -60.0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 DISTANCE (FEET) Proposed Excavation of 10 ft below existing substrate -30.0 -35.0 -40.0 -45.0 -50.0 -55.0 -60.0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 DISTANCE (FEET) ..... .. ..... Proposed Excavation of 10 ft below existing substrate 0 800 0 500 Scale (Feet) 1000 1500 2000 DISTANCE (FEET) 2500 •'�' • Applicant: Project: DRAWING TITLE: cA , �• UDare County Beach Renourishment To Protect =� '•SE..::� 954 Marshall Collins Dr. NC Highway 12 At Buxton BORROW AREA PLAN & / 1 ':;% 7 9 Y EXCAVATION SECTIONS �,• Manteo, NC 27954 Dare County, NC -30.0 -35.0 -40.0 -45.0 -50.0 -55.0 -60.0 3000 SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 28 May 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH APPROVED BY HLK PROJECT#: 2403M 1 :11 .!1 Scale (Feet) o Bux-35 Mean STD Gravel Granules Dry Fines Shell Ra (all) Ra (vis) Mill N BUX-36 BUX-35 10 ft COMP 0.478 0.486 0.0 3.7 1.5 11.8 1.00 1.11 Bux-06 00., BUX-36 10 ft COMP 0.268 0.417 0.0 4.9 2.5 11.1 1.34 1.82 BUX-35 0.478 11. 11.8 BUX-42 0.596 12.6 11.1 4.9 BUX-43 9 0.552 22.1 7.7 � UX-37 0.512 BUX-37 BUX-38 BUX-39 BUX-40 BUX-41 10 ft COMP 10 ft COMP 10 ft COMP 10 ft COMP 10 ft COMP 0.512 0.282 2.3 15.3 1.6 22.5 1.16 1.33 0-574 0.530 0.0 3.6 0-9 11.4 1.00 1.02 0.579 0.531 0.0 3.8 0-9 15.5 1.00 1.02 0.681 0.421 0.0 12.6 0.0 16.5 1.01 1.07 0.536 0.539 0.0 3.8 0.0 15.0 1.00 1.02 0.596 0.490 0.0 10.1 0.0 12.6 1.00 1.04 BUX-41 22.5 BUX-42 10 ft COMP Bux-04 0.536 15.0 3.8 BUX-44 0.557 17.9 17.5 BUX-43 BUX-44 10 ft COMP 10 ft COMP 0.552 0.467 0.9 6.8 0.5 22.1 1.00 1.08 0.557 0.386 2.3 8.5 0-0 17.9 1.04 1.17 ALL 10 ft COMP 0.517 0.426 0.6 7.1 0.6 15.6 1.02 1.15 10.9 BUX-40 0.681 16.5 12.6 BUX-39 u Bux-05 0.579 15.5 3.8 , Buxom - _ / Bux-33 / i ox-38 d / o Bux-31 / / Previous Borrow Area (2018) Bu/34 o Bux-32 / o Bux-29 / Notes: Beach sediment samples (n=140) obtained in August 2019 and analyzed by Coastal Science & Engineering, Inc. Offshore borings obtained in April 2021 (10-ft long, 3 inch tubes). Grain size distributions ` based on dry sieving at 0.25 phi intervals. * Ra - Overfill factor. It provides a measure of how a particular sediment will perform as beach nourishment. Low Ra's are generally preferred, with ideal being eaqual to 1.0. See Appendix A for detailed geotechnical data. 0.574 11.4 3.6 Boring MGS (mm) Shell % Gravel % Granule % BUX-35 0.478 11.8 0.0 3.7 BUX-36 0.268 11.1 0.0 4.9 BUX-37 0.512 22.5 2.3 15.3 BUX-38 0.574 11.4 0.0 3.6 BUX-39 0.579 15.5 0.0 3.8 BUX-40 0.681 16.5 0.0 12.6 BUX-41 0.536 15.0 0.0 3.8 BUX-42 0.596 12.6 0.0 10.1 BUX-43 0.552 22.1 0.9 6.8 BUX-44 1 0.557 17.9 2.3 8,5 Locations, mean grain size, percent shell, and percent gravel for core composite samples to 10 ft in the proposed Buxton borrow area based on borings obtained in April 2021. Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Grain Size Distribution Grain Size (mm) 4 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.1 10016 8 -+� Borrow Area 10 ft COMP go Beach 80 - 70 .. ... .. .. ...... . 60..... o 50 40 30 .. .... ..... ... ...:.. 20 ............. 10 0 T - _ .-tip -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Grain Size (0) Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC DRAWING TITLE: BORROW AREA CORES & SEDIMENT ANALYSIS Project CSE 2403-M Location Buxton (NC) Date May 2021 BA 10 ft COMP Mean 0.517 mm BA 10 ft COMP STD 0.426 mm BA 10 ft COMP Skew-0.489 mm BA 10 ft COMP Kurt 4.107 mm BA 10 ft COMP Shell 12.3% All Beach Mean 0.321 mm All Beach STD 0.552 mm All Beach Skew -1.045 mm All Beach Kurt 5.621 mm All Beach Shell 7.2% `�panuuuuuu�. SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: 30July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH 72g1y�l` 'y•% ram` GIN EEP.•y�r` ti n�muanaa•• i* APPROVED BY: HLK PROJECT#: 2403M Typical Newly Constructed Crest @ +13 ft NAVD Beach The general sand -fencing installation guidance issued by USFWS/NCDCM states below. • All sand fencing installations will comply all current statutes and regulations as specified by the NCDCM and under the NC Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). • Sand fence will be placed in a sea turtle compatible design and be made of biodegradable material. • Sand fence will be installed on the newly constructed dune crest and not down the slope of the dune. • Sand fence will be designed and installed as follows: a maximum of ten (10) foot long spurs of sand fencing spaced at a minimum of seven (7) feet on a diagonal alignment (facing the predominate wind direction - from the south for the Avon project area) • Only one row of sand fencing will be installed in sea turtle nesting habitat. • Existing native dune vegetation will be disturbed only to the minimum extent necessary. Only native, salt tolerant plan species will be installed. ,loft, (Typical) 40 ft (Typical) A t l a n t i c O c e a n Beach Dune Crest 0 30 Scale (Feet) �o ,o ,o �o ,o ,o I� I� I� 1 Landward Dune Crest Limit I� IFn IFn1--------------------L_____----------____1___________________1-- Landward Dune Crest Limit 1 American Beachgrass Sea Oats, Bitter Panicum (North Pa Variety) or other species. Vegetation Planted 24" O.C. Fence Post (Typical) (Typical) Sand Fence (Typical) �,. U Dune Crest Dune Crest a� _C � 70 � (Shaded Area) � � � � (Shaded Area) 4. o :: •t• N 7' - 0" Apart T - 0" Apart —---------------------- — Seaward Dune Crest Limit TQ Q a Q Seaward Dune Crest Limit T • Education signs will be placed where appropriate at beach access points o 0 01 o o 0 explaining the importance of the area to sea turtles and/or the life history of sea turtle species that nest in the area. Dune Crest Plan View (Typical Newly Constructed Dune @ +13 ft NA VD) Notes: Sand fencing will only be installed along Reach 1 - Buxton. Vegetation will only be planted along Reach 1 - Buxton Applicant: Dare County 954 Marshall Collins Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 Project: Beach Renourishment To Protect NC Highway 12 At Buxton Dare County, NC DRAWING TITLE: SAND FENCING & VEGETATION SCALE: AS SHOWN C DATE: 30 July 2021 DRAWN BY: JJH 1 J APPROVED BY: HI K PROJECT#: 2403M