HomeMy WebLinkAboutNHC 22-69 DOMECKfi Fa w. t& x e': l.xr t}"f'. ?" K iS dt Yy' i �.,• t�l>..fi7lifY�t1 Cd111"T'. f a "`. jYN© L �`;JMINt?R DEVELOPMENT +�,} , x— r a r �xF a ......� , .a �..w,� >^-'`..r"i,,>y• L;BCtGin7dhls"1P37i9ftnQ��� fL � 'Q }���� i 3-. � ����t�� t 'as"» °W" ,y t +vF-F J, +.'{, s r 4 x 1 ty Fd J I '�Fx r T is . � � - n , � � as authorCYed by'i�e North mroUne Depattinent ofEAvirs¢nmentnl9Quatl�y Stis7ee ot; r,, j allorth Cae�ll�a, and the Coastal Resources,C�nmission for deval meat, y " F rrt nrr 4 of e(ronmen�ncemurs�+enEtni;Sectun�l3Aaxi af. } `� i, %'�.. c�; �•s, a:r,, .'�� .>. �01'i�ii ,:J tcr� .-c_, .- � � d}s��ti��s } w`sued toyDebra A Domedt authonzin eve al meat rri file (nlet4Naz."M' ea (AEC 4and f±shfanne Shorellne,f SORW ' ( 1� is ga x.. a t r - ,I „ r, 'sal (A yat� b34 )36, N' inri�VilirnR�ton, �G, as requested the pemnt(eq's appiIcatron; datetl Oc%becr25i 2022� Thrs �. perm; ,issued on N6Qftiber 18,' 2022; i r�sabject to ci3mpl ancet+�rith ifie appfrcafiona ands srt drawrng,�wher. consrstenf 5 , with the permdj,,alt applicable regulatronssandtspecraf coridrbons acid notes set forth below. Anyx v1olaaon ofKthese terms 4 may stibjt pemt%e to a fi%e; rrl`p�rsonment orcivrt actiol, ormaycause t#e` permit to tie Holt and cord , :� ,yt!_ 1, 4J x S MThis permtiauthonzes ,New Stitlg(e,amriy'Residertce0k, Pooi and f)m+eway .. �r ,� rr z � Y I t t t v4+" Tt'=r� }} %, 1 1 � tr, -� ✓� }���^, Alt E propaseeri development ,and associated nstntctrort must; bbA6he inj"a= anee wtih the magi work - at Y n x.. Y F dtv+mgs{s)sdafed recenred.on Qctober25 2022 `' a, (2) All cortstn chop must cOnfoim m tite N C Building, Code requl _ements,aN, air otherFtocai, ,Slate artd Federal regulafrons r " applfcable_local ordtrtamissand FEt+lt FIo�1,.R ulafians I (3) AtOy�cK 9'e or changes trr he plans for devefopmenf construction, or land use a�vtGes: nll requr �a n eva(uaaon;and ratldicaon of this permii -� z {4) �A copy of this per`ntt shall'be posted' or`avaitable ort'stte Contact 1hrS of�ce,at g10 79&Z521 fo% a final'tnsn at 4r. e r4�ds,, a d } e -r 'a t iA ,-:H ur i 6.1 t tc0mplehon of Wort L� f amoun%of im{ ery. 64�sudace suit nQt exceed 25°�d of the tot area' nnth�n 5 feet ofrtVormal'High Wa0er (�Fstusnnek ' -, S,ttoreGtte - O,RW lea of Envrtorimental Cone r�)y i1i,[t tswcase,*Q25, total squara_�feet is authorfzecfi . �'hni7 (Additional Permtt;Contlttictts on Page 2)� 4� _ _ r hx H ThlS jS@tiRlr'2diQti Rl8jfr appealed O �rrtt8 p�rmJltee�`r 4t et qu8lirie� persons _ ' Y F a g r wT twlh(n h�enty{?lj} days Ure suing dale �.rfirs peim�(must beon the pt E Silk 811d f 2tS(tJiB t6 true pemat Offioar' when Ih9 project reinspected %f °�i CiflanCB' nlaiRt;nC@ WOtK Or pfE4 ttVOfiRQ1EQtF nOt.flEet Ut4tjef t Andres AE3aenau a x� thFeturthymttenpernutap�tCnr AlttaaCmustcea�ewhenthis s Cpj��, Lapp PERMIT OFFICIAL all C LL + 230 Govemment Center�Dnve# rte 110 t oEc"_F�eerttF2o2s ;,� ; i 4, 1. Wifmngto is if It � geed etat thrs pr�jeck Cs`�t xnlh tlut local Laird � r � '� ' _ � r ' � � � tr$8 Flat► andfa At'Ysnofyb8 transferred",ta Ott aorher party rnihou the t written approtiial $ of Ute �Qiuision or Colaf , v Maeagement it PERMtTTEE 4 s {Signature_ reuired:tf condihrsns above i-e.�. ,. 1 ,. �. � .� x,-.«.'�'� ".; r.^�a .,ri. rr+� r�,`",�,`;' i.-z_- tr?"�u.s."� +' F , � •,G...�,�..Lt"� � "��a t r:.�'x"nt"�i