HomeMy WebLinkAboutNHC 22-69-DOMECKLocality 0' inile' ,,GENERAL INFORMATION. LAND OWNER - MAILING ADDRESS I I A Qb QRWlidielrne 777��Pqiffi1`-TN rds'ShoF61h6 "�O' th For VfPt 6ficiaI iseAT oET 2'5 202 Name — Address 29-51YWaPreserve-,Drive NEW HANOVER COUNly t�fitPubac�b I A Wn I ISE City Chapel Hill State, NC Zip _27617- -Phone 2167470-530121�5470-2597' Email _-d-dornpc%grnail.corn.. .......... AUTHORIZED AGENT LOCATION OFTROtECT:.'(Ad&es§, street name and/or directions to site; name oklid-adjacent Waterbody..) 534 Beach Road North, Figure Eight Island, NC 28411 ..... . . .. .. DESCOPTION OF PROJECT: (Li stall 1proposiedi construction, and'Whd distuirbdrite.) Rerhove existing single familyi house and:const'ruct new single"family house, decks, pool,, driveway SIZE OFLOTIPARCEL:— square feet acres PROPO4:1) U'8-t: Residential Rfl, (Single-family [E] Multi-fanlily E] ) Comme cial/Industria - 1 .1 - r - , � I J'-E] Other COWLETE CITFUE'R (D OR (2) BELOW, (04tav ur Local Perinit Officer if you are not sur�! which AEC 010 - applies toyour property' ): 2,887 SF- House Impervious Cqye .1 jpge 1,138 SF- Drivb Impervious Covefage (1) OC EA-N-- HAZARD AEC9: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: _ squarei feet! (inclu&g air, coqditioned livingspace, parking elevated ground level but qbqve -roundlevelinon-condition d space elevated V- - d above gf,( excluding non -load -bearing attic space) (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AM: SIZE OF BUILDING-TOOTMINT AND --OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUICT, UPON SURFACES: square feet (includes the -.area, of the foundation of buildings, driveways, covered decks; t2 concrele:or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the Project drawing.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the projectilocated in an area subject to a State StorMwater Management Permit issued byJ-he NC DiVisioh of Enefgy, Mineral. and Land Resoutc6s-.(D.EMLR)? - YES— NO-X, If yes, list ilietotail built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your, lot or parcel: square feet. 9 — (?'! 1H 'R I'ERI�!!I zti1AY BE B.EQTjIRFD Th, j actr ifv ,,vou are.ptatiui nb may Jecluire perrnats other thatt the C A, minor iic Velapini rat patrt7�it; incluciing� but -d6t 1united to: Drinking Water �3:ei1 Septic Ta►ik=(or other satutatx waste, fiti atment, syst6 ), iiuildiii,g, Electpeal, ;l?lumbingg Headrt ,and �l r Conditionm ,Insulation and ncrgq serration, riA C ertitcatioa;, SandI7une; Sediment LonttUl? Subd'ivrsiott; App1 oua,ltilQiiile Iiotn p, , < jlr,�t.JCo>7nectton, and ithcrs. C1tec1. with your 1 ocal:,PeizittttTtiiccr ;'ot more informatidit - TgiaT carTN>v><P CTl 2' 5 20 1, �llz a cterstl r pd, tin applicant foe a GAMY , mina; devetopmerit pert;tit, Being ettliex i ie owner of nrAperty to an 4FC or`a : ?per tiit aiithori�ed to at t a5 an agent for purposes, of applying For w AivIA ntnieridevglopment permit, cer%mtwtlzan e>sc�ri listed as iandawner ott_ this apli4ation-has a signiGcantlinfcrest �n.,the real �roe4 PtiN ' st • be. tl; c hied as: (che6k one) , Debra A. Uomeck a n� ,an ownerior:reuord-.A th; Turtle is vested inE nat e o New Hanovet County Itegistry,ef Deeds. -- 4811$4 _ �n e s�e.Dt dI3o�Il ..s5t�, _ _.. Y- an owtier_tiy7ttue_of inherttatrce. APplicant is anheif to fife eta ofi —_- r`obatc gas Itt�_ � .Count . iEm6thd int icGti such us written coniaac,t or l�,aye, ex�'LgiA-boluw`or use rs aratr slieet,�i attach to this application. �IO;TIT:ICATIUIN 99 AD3'ACE1\t`GRII°AlftN p-#qp It k1c::OJ�':elEI2$. ::ad;joiinthpop 11 urthermore:cerfy thathe toowing persons: re ojnetsofprnpertes �erty.Taffrm ilid Ii,giver. ()T,-ICE to eahiLhI conceting�tnyintnt tod%lop lis,propel. andfoapplr,fotC�1VA permit. C;AI—` (dame)= (Addres4) Fi = Seft andiD'aYid Sammons -'536-Beach`Road_Nodh Wilmtn9ton-NC 2W1 n 1333�Queens Road' Unit D'; Charlotte NC 28267 BarbaraerBuson = _.,... O Y—_ - i, the uttdtrsiitned, ackttor� Isdge `i6at the land"finer is aware thatntlie propotied-atvetoPtnent-is_l�lanned fur an area which play be st�seeptiblc ti�,•eroston anchor flooding` I acknq�i Iedgc.that the`Local.Pezrntt Officer has explained to me ilte gaiticii,- Lr.hazard°prahletus>associixed wath tk►is ,lot 'k h;s explanation has. accotnpaitied by recotitiitendatYozs cattceta»ng staliiliza- C6n_a6(L#oodproofi38g:itechniyues. s I ittrjhetanoxe certi[y that T, a"tn a ttltorized to grant, andWdo to fact grant„ c ri permissiomto Divtstof l Management staff; Coasta the Loci Petxiuta cera anil heti agents to enter ott:,thc aforeriienfioned lands in connccuort with e�atuafing�information related to this- appli:AOn. This the 24th day of October. 20 22 phis dpplicaticrn includes: getzer:al-it:jorman (:thi's•fvtm), n,sat•e drawing as des rtbed on the,Uark,of'tiiis appitcurir�n; the' r�titiraerrhip star ntent, the Ocean Hazard AEC .NiAce i�tiherc *( essaq, a check br v 1'fltl DO-riearfePtr};able totke localt), and 4»v for mnt ora as niay, be �»'Q�rcaecf tir ally Uu the capplicani. Tice e.et4ils of the appTicat ara as• scrihec7 l�} these satsrces are r ittraryr2r.ar�aatrahese details 4ad'eonshtuca v�_ion ae -jM? ()[ te !?thottit�fereacr y qj -tn pnrxntt. rry. p rcprt deve oping in;!art, EC.t+lithnut Perris t G .sulijgt.fo ct`v crina vial ar1a, {tzimtni;rtratiue action. a 14- A.1 ca 1'114- 1" All r C, Q zt, C4 Lu ----------- m E UI R-EicEIVE1,31 OCT 2 5 Nd .......NEW..... --.- -HAt4QVER COUNTY PLANNING & LAMP U "r7 11 j-70#tJ A HOW"ROff C' : SP 0 t 4'(i i i; �c 0,I -pro pe Z8444- P�p"�er 1 .4622 M&L-dt-Wa 'IR ,AGEt4t-AUT.HORiZATION FOfP�CAMA.PER�IiT:A-APP i f AWN Marne of F?toperty owner Requestiriq Permit; Qebra,A. Pq eck ivlailmg Address: A lystra-Rreserve.Drive: Gbapef,Hflf, NC 27517 11 70hong fV'umer j-21647d-5308i2 6447d-2§, Ern I Add'r_ess: dd6meckQgiiiaiVcom-j .1 certif}r that !Have=auttiarizec .. Dayid Cfsle Contra;Ctor to,act on my, behaifffon the<purpose of applying for and obtaining ali'.CAIIA_permits, necessary, for the following proposed -development., Ddrno existing, house and':coh uct new single family house. ai m:' roe iacafeci at 534 Reach Road North Figure Eight Island, NC 287411 Y P P .... -. _. _ _ ins New Hanover; fl-,I ty. t"Nithe more certify (hat 1 arrr anti arrzed :ta, grant„ and', do; in fact grant permrssi "n, fo:� 'bivisiowof-Gaastat Management staff, fire LocaiPermit-00,icer� anl, th ir,a' nfs fa, eater, on! the; aforementidned'.Iarii t in connection with i?valuatih-g irifrjririatidna relaited to, this' permit 'a p plicatidn Properly dwaer-lnformation: Signature Debra A. Domeek., Printit or type-1 gort Owner' ` Date This certification is valid through,: 1a=0.1-2023 .P. 1�r a " 0-CT 2 5 2021 NEw HANG, VER COUNTY PANNIN6 u l-AND USE 0q'i,066t -274, 20221 BErrjrgnd bAVIC(SAM MONS, 536-BEA-CH.-ROAD, NO_ Pl, W I L M I N;5 Tl Q N - NC 28421 Qear Adjoining P.rQperty Owne-r: Thit fetter, is to inform you thaf-I have appliedat 534 for alCAM-A,peefnitloh the prdp-erty 1,3,eqch _pd North, Figure Eight Islands, ,NC 284111., 1 fiaveieficlb�ied a copy oftfie perm,,ft- -go Beach application 6-fid'slftia pion fojr osed roWt. Le�prop tfyou-havd a6' 'lbj§d'-c-,orit;�c-t Coastal ta .V comments on tbig-p,�opospj project, p —a 5 �l Representative listqd]belwtj. No Respons.e-WitWh--t9n days is the .sam e -as mo jec iQ Whgn? y qu Have been notified bycertifigd�rnq 1. Sin A dUsle; , AIA YIP Lisle Archjtjecture,& Dpsigp- Inc. qp" !�#Ofdsefttative QLT-istine Bouffard, :230 Govjetpment Cgritiar Dr., Sufte, 1-lU Wilmington, NC 2840:5. (9l0)'7$8`::7118&il-! REC MAV-91j, .0.6T 2 5, 2022 NEW HANOVER COUUSENTY �- -& LAND PLANNIM6 61:4Market St, Wilftiirigtclt N.C. 2840i 1,910,763.6053 F I °chteet�xr-_ Design,.�nc.. October, 241, 2022 �BARBARAiFERGUSONi 1333:,QUEENS RD U K `05 CHARLOT FE, NC 28207' :Dear Adjoining PropeitY.OWher: This le'iter:is do ti;nfarm you that Vn ha.Oe applied for a, CAIVIA permit on the property at 534 Beach Road.'Nortih, Figure Eight Island, W2841 . I have enclosed a copy of`#fe permit a;ppliction and site plarrfor the proposed project. If'yott have any sorriments on the proposed project, please. -contact the Coastal, Romentatiye listed below: No Response within, -ten days is the same as no objection when=you have been notified I;y certified mail. QavidmLisle, AIA Lisle Architecture & Design, Inc. :C—AIVIX Repceserotative €pristine 8ouff. ard 230;GovernmentjCenter Dr., Suite=110 Wilmington, NC 28403 (91Q) 798=7118 Q. OCT 2 5 2022 NEW HANOV>ER COUt!=�``( PLANNING & LAND USE 614 Market St, Wilmington;:N.C. 28401`1 91M763.6053 20? -2 NEW HANG,; ER COUNTY PLAM,6N,D & USE