HomeMy WebLinkAboutNHC 22-65-WANNERSITE DRAWING/APPLICAT-IONrCHECKLIST Please make surd.your site drawing•includes the4ollowing information required for a CAMA minor development permit. The Local Perrrtiit Off�tcer wlll help.you ifregoested. PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS _+Label roads Label highways right.of--ways Labellocalsetback lines Label any'and allstiuctures and driveways currently'existing on property _,Label adjacent water6�dy PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS _ Draw and label normal high waterline (contact LPO for assistance) Draw location of On -site wastewater system if you will be workingin the ocean haiard area; +Draw and label dune ridges (include spot -elevations) DrdW and.label_toe:Ofdunes _,Identify and=locate first=line of stable=vegetation{contact•LPO for --assistance)' _-Draw,and label erosion setback line (contact LPO-for assistance) _Draw__and ebel topographictil features. (opts-onap: Ifyotr willbe-working in a coastal shoreline area: Show the roof overhaiig?as a dotied Line around'the sttiicture Draw and label landward limit of AEC _ Draw and label all wetland lines (contact LPO forassistance). Draw and label the 30-foot.buffer.linc DEVELOPMENTTLANS _ Dram, and Iabel all proposed structures _Draw and label areas that will be disturbed and/or• lanilscapcd -Note size of piling and depthto be,placed in:ground _ Draw and label all areas to -be paved or graveled Show all areas -to --be disturbed Show landscaping NOTE TO APPLICANT Have you: • completed all -blanks and/or-indicated.if not. applicable? • notified and listed adjacent property owners? • included=your--site drawing?. • signed and dated the application? • enclosed the $100.Q0.fee' • eotnpleted amAEC Hazard -Notice, if-necessary?-(Mustbe,sigped by the property owner) a b V r APPLICATION FOR a CAMA MINOR z CoasTa! Martagerrtent DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL 4AUpLI7V PERMIT In 1974, the.North:Carolisia General Assembly passed; the•CoastalcArea,ManagementAct (CAMA),end set the stage=forgiiiding.devclopment Im fragile and prodtictive jitsis•that' border tthe siate's,sopnds sad oc-eatifronL Aloag'wtth'rgquiring�speclal care by; those who build and: develop, the•General Assembly -dbiected.the.Coastal Resourcea:Commisslon (CRC) to implemenkelear regulatioas1M minimize the burden art thelapplicant. This application fora minor development.permibunder,CAMA Wpart of the Gomm s3ion's effo`rGto meet the sphit and intent of the GeneralAseem6ly. It has ircen ne designed to.dcststra gl Horward and-milulie no.more time -or effort than sees iary from, tb6sipphcant�Rlease go,ever tbis;folder with theLocal-Permit Oiieer_(LP.0) for tlic locallty;i'n which you plan to butltl to6e artgin.thpt you at)derstan0'whgt,nfortnatioa he p .or, sheneeds:before,you:apply. y t� Under CA i egulati4t s; this inihor petmtt is to be issued""within 25 days once a complete.applies on is in.hand Ofteo.less tlme1s seeded lithe project "Imple. The process generally takes about 18 dayss; You leas speed that pi'edvarel wingettiexts caking} certain that our t cam lets and red t4it o y aPP.licahgn ;p__ ._g —.e specifications: given inside and that your applic$tion.feeis.attacbed. 4 Other„perinits:ate sospeHmgS rcqulred for development is tLc coastal area [W,hile ltiese j. are not.CAMA-related, we urge yowto checkmith the Local Permit Offlcerao determine which of [k you may Qeed. A leads included on page two oftbis folder. We appreciate -your cooperation with, the North-Caretina Coastal Management Program and your ai➢Ingness to btiilbd m`a wpy tliat:protects tfte tesources of onr tieautifdl�and 3 I a produetNecoaat Coae�ta[-Res`ourees'Caminissioa, l Division of Coastal Management RECEIVES NEW HANOVER COUNTY zed ° =j in PLANNING'8t-LAND-USE . DCM ForinE11195Z=?,015f]16ised -•a ,GENERALINFORMATION LAND OWNER -MA ^'INGAS' Name Jamie Wanner Address..89� Cobble Ridge Dive Wilmington State 11 phone,glp- 34.-.04 City - - ------- - ------ - Email hdqt��"90CFgmail.com ,L - --- - ----- . . ......... ... . ..... . . ....... ..... ....... . .. ....... ... . . . . . . . . . ...... ............. ... AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Michael 'Brandon Capps .......... .......... . .... Address. 105 Red Fox Road Ci State NC zip 28409 910-612-3769 ly�,.1 - I - V=�. � - — _ - - I Email fW!J�cinbftnillxom LOCAT C-TION OF-PRQJE,. (Adq*, sheet q ircAild/ordir,ceti6fis toisite'. dame of1th&adjacent waf&b DESCWffiOMQfl'kOJECT. (List all pibposcd,qonsiruction and land d0*b-anQeJ P mopqg� to -Wild house SIZE 0FJOT/PARCEL: ---,squardfeet 426_ acres; PROPOSED USE: ResWential..(Z (Single family,® Mullti-fimily E]), Comincrcial/indusiriiii El *jq-:r I'Q COMPLETE EITHER 0) OR Q) BELOW-(foj�tactyauqfal,-Perm!it C%Rcir V-yLware'iLo(s#re *h1ehAECgp1L&J to yourpirpyfty); (1) OCKAKELAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OKFR&O§kl) S^TRUCTURE: tsquare.feet (includes air 'conditioned i '-'a4;rpitik'tng,'cldvati'd5b6veground-levtl.hon-conditibn�d�o sp aqd elevated above ground ltvel but excluding nona-, ) 2 COASTAL SHORELINE AEC9-. SIZEOF BUILDING FOOTPRINT ANDOTHtk lh&ERN40US OR BUILT Upbi4--URFACES; 1676-Square fee (includes ibewdTda 6ftb� founo S _1oloisil'bifildings, drivi�454, covereddecks,' e applicable AEC. A' project drawing.) concrete oil ib I � �- Attach, 4.yAqr,, qatculsitipps With, the d awmg.) STATE STORMWATER-MANAGEMEWPERMIT: Is the project locatedIn awarea subject to a,State Stormw6t6i MaiiigemintTermit i§sui4by the -NC Division 'of-inir$y,'�Miiici�j snd.LRndRotources (DEMLR.)? YE�--' N' 117yes, list�the.total bui I . tmpon.areAmpervious surflice.allowed foryour lot or.parcel: isquare fecL minor RECEIVED 0 CT 1 2022 planningThe activity you;grg ftfiy_requi more information; andi STATEMENT OF -OWNERSHIP: h6 iV can,pp1ican,_1q aCAdtdiang..!ptuposes of applynng for a CAMA minor development permit, certify tbet the pgrsan ht:—id plit� described as: (check ono) an owner -or-mcord.tille, hle.is vested.in,name of Jiinnjo A Wsinndr 'New,Ha66,vF= L-7C 'IT ownerby.%iFtue.cf.inheritance . Applicant is'an heir to the estate of. -------- - -- if,other interest, such tiswritten ;contract brle C(ac e as explain a separate sheet &.attach whis application: NUTIFICATION-OFADJACiNT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNERS; of rtbatmore certify that the following persons are owners oF.properties adjoining .thjs property laffirmthat lb,,ave given apply lo,_ ACTUAL NOT -ICE to iibh oftheno concernin qiy.,i!1tkntjo&v6 p this property; .end to rLa A�.ermii. - - - _ _._ — _g .. Isp - (N—) (Address) AdENOWLEDGEMkNTS., 1, the undersigned, 'LacknowledgeLtbat the lan&owncr is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which ihat'th'. Local ion andt6r f1bMing. I tic". AY& _,11 Mini Offi.Lr li,;k6p q A& maiy,b��tk.q��jibie toerosiont larliazard problems associatrd.with this louiii; explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning subiliza- tkivand floddpmofiggtecb�hLqjes. I 'filrthermora certify,thatl am authorized to grant:and doJin factgrant, permission to Division of the LooahParmit OtFcerand their agents fo enter on"the sfoiementioned lends in 31k .)i . f I related to this permit,app, icahou. y.foct6ber 2022, Michael Brarid.ruCtipP& This qfiP#c0d*i# includes ,general information (thisfiorm). a site drawing as described on the back qf�lhls- application, the rd0C&Ilce L) )V, -w&-aLnOc Ot;4100.00hiadep� 'Notg1kel liojvWd f -, Y4_ any information astntqv:hejpv1ded-ora11Y by the applicant. The details ofthe applicarion,asidescribed by thesesources.-mv, I .-hau — - irl c6i -6, frefieff-nee,ln"�ah� permit which may be issued Deviall6n.-ftom these deia - ils4 . hsfifilrZ - i4olqdi�r a Spy permit. utperkritissu cttoch4l. itaidedki;tkaily p #!�AEC M19 b' cilhd6l all i7ON MAP LOr81R jEf_ _CZ__L d7-.1U�'. 42.U8'._ F?t 41;6lF7 ql S-44"SU-23 E u 1, FIR WANNER TOTAL F- ,C6 or rri� -ww-,m)imv!obm* ;kw"-&Ao1b" 51 OR VEWAY SF HOUSE FOOTPRINT AND PORCHES 2493 SF SITE ADDRESS.- TOTAL LOT AREA 'IN 75' BUFFER � 6945 SF 326 WINDCHASE LANE WILMINGTki"NC '26409 6945 X 25i -v 17,36144P. ALLOWED - IMPERWOUS(AREA SHOWN BELOW 751, BUFFER Dead, Book 6536 pcga,Zw LOT % rl 7678 SF {Mop qqok, ib Age 58­-59 VVINDCHASE IKQ p Book; Page 78-79 M928PG79 IN Cl 7pl, 0 L9 OT, -1) r v CgF l?j%o! 5SID A Aw .Ao o PROPOSED TVVO STORY FRAME 014PIUNGS X6.51 PORCH, -LOT7 WINDCHASE) R MB:28^PG179i LOTiR 0.2dA J. '41- 2022, X, . NOVER COUNTY PROPERTYLINEIS HipttWATEF LINE NG &LAND YS�E CARp S s ...... ... SEAL --o_ S 31'39'1 li" W+ 19.65' AA ,326� WINDQHASE__LANE . CITYOFiILm_WbT6N,­CID '370171 NEWI HANOVER COUNTY, NC FIRM 3720314 - 500K DATED- 08/28/2018 VVHJSkEY CREEK FLOOD3 ZONE 'Vi-f'4' wlNocHASE LAT: 34.15897 MB 28. PG 79 LONG: -77.85407 BUILDER: FRANK WILLIAMS BUILDING c6mi3ANy, INC. 1.01 SCOVS HILL LOOP WILMINGTON„ NC 284131 910-471-6178 I CdiTiFY THAT THIS MAP14A§ DRAIVN -UNDER MY SUPdftlO* FROM AWACTUAL SURVEY MADE; UNDER�*.. SUPERV004- (DEED..DESCRIPTION RECORDED IMBOOK PAGEL-499q, OTYER�REFER�NCE. �PVRCE� 111 P* 20-791 1: THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED, ARE WDICATED AS � DRAWN FROM, INFORMATION I BOOK' ,PACE y 3O'__ 1$,.'­___0__ -JQ' OR 07HER REFERENCE 50 THE RATIO OF'PREOSION OR POSITION4L.ACCURACY IS -W MEETS THE REOUIREMENIS 0 7HE STANDAJW.OF'PltACTICE FOR LAND SURVEnNG-111i NORTH WOUNA (21-.4C F,- - ) 5.1. THIS,6007 DAY OF_� 2022. SCALE IN FEET MICHAEI'J. LAWRENCE I INCH i - 30 FEET NO TES. THIS MAP ISiNOT FOR RECORDATION 1. AREA; COMPUTED BY COORDINATE, METHOD 2.� ALL DISTANCES, -ARE, HORIZONTA L 4 3. FOR REFERENCE SEE AS NOTED 4. SURVEY DATE (PLOT PLAN ONLY, NO SURVEY TO DATE) 5. ADDVONAL INFORMATION PROVIDED BY AARON MOORE, PLS AND SOUTHERN_-ENlqRONMEN7AL GROUPI­JNC. LEGEND: ERB = EXISTING REEAR E.I.P. e'EXIST`ING IRON PIPE x 7 a aw APPROX. SPOT ELEVATIONS, (COUNTY TOPO) HANOVER DESIGN SERVJCES,..P.A. LAND SURVEYORS ENGINEERS de; LAND' PLANNERS 1123 FLORAL, PARKWAY WILMINGTON,_N.d. 28403 PHONE. (910),343-8002 FAX. (970),443-,9941 FIRM ,CE RTIF(CATE Ci 0697 _. _EF1R E KAiJ1US -- Lt -IH 'FiVKU VI LIYVKV^:.tl rob N WINDCHASE 73 1Q,oD , E LOCATION MAP = C a b _34.0 SO 50 i —: 4 0 i�LQT BR ! _ t o_„ ! m� — a2 os; —(-Na"0 SCALE T i`;.. 90N80R030UNDf ian I : WANNER 7>7TAL -IMP /S 4414 SFi II. arc OF ri ura�at rNNMe11 wiiaY' riomx uliaiwl. DRI"AY 1921 SF I l a OIT JIAY TJ772 'S.a .. f�,� �,� o,�,�_wm, \ \ HOUSE FOOTPRINT'AND PORCHES 2493 SF if SITE ADDRESS W y I 326 WINDCHASE L!iNE \ TOTAL LOT AREA IN, 75 WFFER 6945 SF�, WILM1NG70N NC 213409 `� r 6945d X 2SX1.-1 1736 IMP: ALLOWED LyUv 1 J16f 6WOUS AREA SHOWN BdbW, 75' BUFFV , !i I 'Peed.Book 65361 Page 2649; 1071101 - 1678 SF SI:T j Map Book 26 Pog& 58-59a YIlINDCHASE- 'Mop Book, 28 Page 78,-791 MB 28 PG179 \ 0NAp. % \ c� N H i0l LOT 9 16 � D PROPOSED a ' TWO STORY -FRAME ONPILINGB} �\ xe:s \ j PORCH,�- 1077 WINDCHASE :MB:28PG79.01 _ � • ���( � y �AREAf � - 39-11= W 19:65" V,r' _ OOPS. I 326=WI N DC HASE--.LANE Q/+T ` I '! �� CITY OF WILMINGTON CID 370171 1, / NEW HANOVER COUNTf NC PROPER7YLINEIS -FIRMi 37203.1.4500K DATED,-.08/28/2018 HIGH:WATERLINE NEW HAN 'VER COUNTY / WHISKEY_CREEK FLOOD ZONE NE-14" PLANNIN & LAND USE X. WINDCHASE LONG: - 98 5 M8;28PG79 LONG: -77..85407 "1 i /� f �pluliilHl�/� BUILDER: \A, CARD ��i�FRANK WILLIAMS � BUILDING COMPANY, INC. 9�7, - 101 SCOTTS HILL LOOP SEAL I= WILMINGTON, NC 28411 910-471-6178 r' Ii i�'S,9�C ���` 1 CERTIFY THAT 7HIS-MAP, WAS DRAWN UNDER AIT' SUP6INSIONdFROkrAN ACTUAL+ _ Il I�II'.IPAGE !$OR OTHER REFEREM RC(E:.2aEn�c-RlaP-n-R�REN�T�THE,BOU✓vDARES-NOT ' SURVEYED ARE, WYCA7ED, AS -DRAWN FROM`WEORMATION"IIJ BOOK —NV-,PACE- Nu 3Q_ L5_ Q _... _ �_3O' OR; OTHER: REFERENCE SOUIiICE -++u THAT: THE RA'DO OF PRECISIONI OR POWTIONLL ACCURACY IS, aaaoo+ AND'THAT THLS M/P MEETS. THE REQUIREMENTS OF 7HE{ SIANWRDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING 1N-NORTH CAROLINA (21NG1C niis_� PAY OF 44'y- 122 SCALE IN•FEET -r .. ^^- - � ' 1 INCH = 80 FEET NOTES: THJS' MAP IS'NOTF.OR'RECORDATION! I; 1. AREA COMPUTED 8Y COORDINATE MEfHODi --- - - -- - --- 12. 'ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL 3. FOR REFERENCE SEE AS NOTED HANO VER! DESIGN_ SERVICES; P.A. 4: SURVEY =DATE (PLOT' PLAN ONLY; NO ;SURVEY TO,, DATE) I 1 i ;LAND. SURVEYORS' 'ENGINEERS & LAND"PLANNERS 5! ADDTIONAL INFORMATION PROVIDED 'BY'AARONJ MOORE PLS AND SOUTHERN -ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP, INC. 112, FLORAL PARKWAY LEGEND: 'AHM GTON, N.0 28403 PHONE (9T0) 343_8002 I ERB = EXISTING, REEAR FAX: (970)�343-9941 E.LP. =EXISTING fRON' PIPE ! FIRM CERTIFICATE C-0597t X7.01 APPROX' SPOT ELEVA71ONS (COUNTY TOPO) __, __ __ . - 0_� R4,1 VISION OF COA$TAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWN ER NOTIFICATIO:N-(MIN.OR' PERMIT) CERTIFIED MAILRETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND,DELIVERED Vivek Ashley Sikka. Name of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner _322 W�ndchase Lane Address Wilmington NC 28409 City, State Zip. To Whom It May Concern: 10/10/2022 Date RECEIVED OCT 11 1 20-22 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & LAND USE This correspondence is to notify, you as a riparian property owner that I am applying for a=LAMA 1Vlirior,permit to Construct a new residential home on my property at 326 Wmd'chase Lane Wiirnington WC 28409 in New. Hanover .,_Coiiity, which is adjacent to your property. A copy of the application and project drawing is attached/enclosed foriyour review. If you have no objections to the proposed activity, please mark the appropriate statement below and return to me as soon as possible: If no comments are received within 10 days of receipt of this notice, it will belconsidered that -you have no comments or objections regarding this project. if you have objections or comments,, please mark the appropriate statement below and send your correspondence to: (LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER, NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE) I=f you have any quesiions;aboutthe project, please do not hesitate to contact -.me at my address/number fisted below, or, contact (LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER) at (PHONE NUMBER),; or by email at: (LPO EMAIL). Sincerely, Michael3Btand"on Capps -Agent - --- Property Owner's Name Address City 91-0.-612-37691 Telephone -Number State I have no objection to the project described in -this correspondence. have objection(s) to the project described in this correspondence. Adjacent Riparian Signature Print or Type Name Date Telephone Number Zip Address City State Zip Revised July 2021 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL;�MANAGEMENT; ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROI'ER'TY� O.WNER� NOTIFICATION �(•MINORR PERMIT), -CER-TIF:IED=:MAIL,R-ET.O.RNt.RECEIPT_REQUES-TEQ_mHAN.Q.DEL=REUI 1Ntndchase HOA c/o Ashley Sikka Rresident Name of Adjacent Ripaiann Property Owner 322 Windr-hase Lane Address Wilmindto6:14t 28409 -City; State Zip 1'0/10/2022 Date RECE iVEID 0 C T 1 1 2022 To Whom It May Concern.- IVEW HAN4VER COUNTY PLANNING-& LAND' USE This:correspondence is.to notify you as a riparian propei�tj,, owner that IF atn-_applying-foria+.LAMA-Mfiof permit fo, Construction of new tesidentiaf home on my property at 326 Windchase Lane Wlmiftgt O_NC 28409 in New Hanover County, which is adjacent to your property. A copy of the applicatlowand project drawing is attached/enclosed fof your review. If you have no objections -to the ,proposed!actiuity,.Please mark the appfopriate statement below and return -to me as soon as possible.`If notcomments are received within 10-days, of receipt of this notice, it will be considered tfiaf you have no comments or objections=regarding this project. If you have objections or comments, pleasemaik the appropriate statement below and send your correspondence to: ;(LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER, NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, MAILING ADDRESS CITY, SPATE, ZIP CODE) If you have any questions about.the project, please do not besitateito contact me at my, address/number""listed below,& contact (LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER) at (PHONE NUMBER), or by email at: (LPO EMAIL). Sincerely, Michael -Brandon 'Capps Property Owner's Name; Address City 9 tO-61-2-3i769 Telephone Nurilber State I have no objection to the project described ii this correspondence. I have objection(s)4o the pfojecfdescfibed in this correspondence. Adjacent Riparian Signature Print or Type Name Date Telephone Number - Zip Address City State Zip Revised July 2021 RECEIVED 0 CT 1' 1 2022 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & LAND -USE A-z j7-03111 Uzx I a g. r9i .2's, I ER 1A V owfi*,Z ph 5i.5 Vq i M! 25 i W l�. JamietyVanner I--..,,-...----.--.--..- do;herebygiye=Lar--y Franklin Williamsand Michael Bandon Capps permissions to act as authorized agents on my behalf during the construction of the residence at 326 Windchaselane_Wilmington-IG_28409 for the purposes:associated With this property,. This,will expire after the certificate of occupancy'has beemissued for project., Name Jamie Wwner Sigh ature #oTd- anner(augz biz UY361EEMii DECEIVED Date , Aug.2, 202-2 :a-- 0 CT 1 1 2022 'NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING & LAND USE 9