HomeMy WebLinkAboutDuck CAMA 113-21 Modification Request Port Trinitie 2022-10-05 COASTAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC 4038 MASONBORO LOOP ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 910-399-1905 Page 1 of 5 October 5, 2022 Heather Coats Beach & Inlet Management Project Coordinator North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Subject: Request for Permit Modification (Major Permit 113-21) – Modification of Dunes for Construction Access at Port Trinitie Dear Ms. Coats: On behalf of the Town of Duck, I am requesting a minor modification of the CAMA Major Permit 113-21 issued September 1, 2021. As discussed during our meeting on September 28, 2022, the drawings submitted with the permit application dated February 3, 2021, included a construction access at Port Trinitie located at the end of Quarterdeck Dr. between baseline stations D-14 and D-13. The temporary construction access was shown in a location where vegetation exists, and no established access is present. During our meeting on September 28, 2022, you pointed out that although the access was shown on the drawings referenced in the permit, Condition #10 states “Land-based equipment necessary for beach nourishment work shall be brought to the site through existing accesses. Should the work result in any damage to existing accesses, the accesses shall be restored to pre-project conditions immediately upon project completion in that specific area.” Furthermore, the permit notes that “The permittee is advised that any new access site would require a modification of this permit.” The Town of Duck is working to secure a construction access easement for the proposed locations at Port Trinitie. The temporary access proposed for Port Trinitie would be restored back to pre-project conditions following the completion of the project. A description of the proposed action, plan view and cross sections are provided for your consideration. The proposed construction access at Port Trinitie runs from the approximate location of a timber fence toward the landward toe of the existing dune and runs east toward the beach. Figure 1 shows a ground photo taken October 4, 2022 of the dune and the fence. The contractor will remove the fence and establish a 15-foot wide access from the fence line to the beach. The access would be aligned perpendicular to the dune. The access would slope up from the fence line at 20H:1V slope to elevation +15 ft. NAVD88 and then maintain a +15 ft. NAVD88 elevation for approximately 20 feet. At that point the access would slope down toward the beach on a 20H:1V slope to the +10 ft. NAVD88 contour. Material cut from off the top of the dune to establish the temporary construction access will be pushed seaward and used to create the 20H:1V slope down to the existing grade. Following completion of the project, the contractor would restore the dune topography to pre-project condition and re-vegetate the dune. Figure 2 provides a plan view showing the location of the proposed access. Figure 3 provides cross sections along the proposed access showing the existing condition and modified construction access condition. Page 2 of 5 Figure 1. Digital photograph taken October 4, 2022 showing the fence to be removed parallel to the dune line, which is also the landward location of where modifications will be made to establish the temporary construction access. Page 3 of 5 Figure 2. Cross section of the proposed temporary construction access at Port Trinitie. Horizontal and vertical scale are in feet. 30 4 G a i l l e D r Co v i n g t o n , L A 7 0 4 3 3 - 9 1 2 5 DR E D G I N G - M A R I N E C O N S T R U C T I O N - M A R I N E T R A N S P O R T A T I O N WMI # Dredge DATE PROJECT NO. SHEET DRAWN BY: 1 (9 8 5 ) 8 7 5 - 2 5 0 0 RN/BE/Mag WMI SAW-2021-00567 2022.10.03 13210121 of N o r t h C a r o l i n a , I n c Da r e C o u n t y Co a s t a l P r o t e c t i o n E n g i n e e r i n g Be a c h N o u r i s h m e n t SCALE: 1" = 15' 16" corridor field grade @ ~20/1 1 6 " Section of fence to be removed Existing vegetation will be removed and replaced after restoration Live electrical stub-up Waterline S l o p e l i m i t Side slopes will be dressed out during grading, will be kept as steep as possible to limit vegetation damage. Figure 3. Plan view map showing proposed location of temporary construction access at Port Trinitie. Page 5 of 5 At present the contractor is proposing to begin construction in late October. Please feel free to contact me anytime for further clarification or explanation of the proposed temporary accesses. Very truly yours, COASTAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Ken Willson Project Manager CC: Josh Pelletier, USACE Sandy Cross, Town of Duck Adam Priest, CPE Brad Rosov, CPE