HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown of Duck CAMA 113-21 Modification Request 2022-10-09 Barrier Island Station COASTAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC
October 9, 2022
Heather Coats
Beach & Inlet Management Project Coordinator
North Carolina Division of Coastal Management
127 Cardinal Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Subject: Request for a Minor Permit Modification (Major CAMA Permit #113-21) – Modification of
Dunes for Construction Access at Barrier Island Station
Dear Ms. Coats:
On behalf of the Town of Duck, I am requesting a minor modification of the CAMA Major Permit #113-21 issued to
the town on September 1, 2021. As discussed during our meeting on September 28, 2022, the drawings submitted with
the permit application dated February 3, 2021 included a construction access at Barrier Island Station (south of the Field
Research Facility). The temporary construction access was shown in locations where vegetation exists, and no established
access is present. During our meeting on September 28, 2022, you noted that although the access was shown on the
drawings referenced in the permit, Condition #10 states “Land-based equipment necessary for beach nourishment work
shall be brought to the site through existing accesses. Should the work result in any damage to existing accesses, the
accesses shall be restored to pre-project conditions immediately upon project completion in that specific area.”
Furthermore, the permit notes that “The permittee is advised that any new access site would require a modification of
this permit.”
The Town of Duck is working to secure construction access easements for the proposed location at Barrier Island Station.
A description of the proposed action, plan view and cross sections are provided here for your consideration.
The proposed construction access at Barrier Island Station extends from an unpaved parking lot located to the east of
the Barrier Island Station access road, approximately 110 feet north of the timber cross over access that leads from the
pool to the bath house over the access road. In order to construct the temporary construction access, the contractor
would establish a 15-foot wide access from the unpaved parking area to the beach. The access would be slightly angled
to follow natural topography and minimize the amount of dune fill to be moved. The access would slope up from the
parking lot on a 22H:1V slope to elevation +18 ft. NAVD88 and then maintain a +18 ft. NAVD88 elevation for
approximately 40 feet. At that point the access would slope down toward the beach on a 10H:1V slope to the +10 ft.
NAVD88 contour. Following completion of the project, the contractor would restore the dune topography such that
the dune would maintain the same dune density (cubic yards/linear foot) along the cross section, however, the dune crest,
which would be constructed to +22.0 ft. NAVD88, would be established landward of its present location to allow for
vehicular access over the restored access point in the future. Figure 1 provides a plan view showing the location of the
proposed access. Figure 2 provides cross sections along the proposed access showing the existing condition (green),
modified construction access condition (purple) and the post-construction condition (red).
Figure 1. Plan view of the proposed temporary construction access at Barrier Island Station.
Location of the
Proposed Access
15’ width
Figure 2. Cross section of the proposed temporary construction access at Barrier Island Station.
The Town and the homeowners association at Barrier Island Station are also interested in pursuing a separate permit to
establish a permanent access at this site including the installation of Hatteras Ramps.
At present the contractor is proposing to begin construction in late October. Please note that per our discussion on
October 5, 2022, we are sending out certified letters to notice adjacent property owners of the permit modification request.
Please feel free to contact me anytime for further clarification or explanation of the proposed temporary accesses.
Very truly yours,
Ken Willson
Project Manager
Josh Pelletier, USACE
Sandy Cross, Town of Duck
Adam Priest, CPE
Brad Rosov, CPE