HomeMy WebLinkAbout86619A - Hamilton, Walterl�OCAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT V C� W 86619 GB C D Previous permit Date previous permit issued [V�Nevv []Modification ❑ Complete Reissue [:]Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC H z E? O - b ❑ Rules attached. V-6eneral Permit Rules ava able at the followinlink: wvr .deq.nc.golCAMArules Applicant Name W d I4.-�¢ t- 14 ot. tit t 1/4-,o ri Authorized Agent _ '— Y S M ot Address t/ � . Project Location (County): D a-(—,*— City - Q M I r\ State _ zip 0 9 Z 2 Z Street Address/State Road/Lot ##(s) 5 �,t� 0 4(r Phone # A�) 7 a �O amp ri. ��r u r/Tint o C� J`F 1/ 2 II Email r� 4 JT� �aM`o �"�9nB �tS�Zorf./1e.7� / Subdivisions /,(0.f'S 2Q-5 L� T�� /5ill'?Q.1741Q City // / an 944 0 zip Z-% 9 SY� Affected ❑ CW �fW �fTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Adj. Wtr. Body 0- ,p 7(> uL.r' o ff (nat/Fn unk) AEC s : OEA () ❑ IHA UW SPIMA ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ PWS qti o`'� Closest Maj. Wtr. Body it e O.•/) - g a% \l �.�e. � K ..an ORW: yes/ io PNA: yesAo Type of Project/ (Activity _1�" s 11 ! D ; Shoreline Length �/ O u O Access Length \ Pier(dock)length Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) Total Platform area — Groinlength/q Bulkhead/ Riprap length ` Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length Basin, channel Cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatiift Beach BuIldc, ng Other SAV observed: yes no Moratorium: n/a yes no Site Photos: es no Riparian Waiver Attached: yes no #- y A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: vJ 1 ci �y4:Q Permit Conditions TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, SRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initiai) Agent or Appicant P,AI�Z E8�rte ` LL Permit Officer's PRINTED Name Signs re —Please read compliance stater?,; t on back of permit" Sign e/ Application Fee(s) Check it/Money Order Issuing Da a Expiration Date 6 5 14� 3 2 1 O� T 9-8� I�C 16 1� 10 �. W 11 �' PUMPOUT 2S0 281 282 283 2g4 285 286 STATION 12 276 277 278 279 13 14 319 318 317 316 315 314 313 312 N 326 m N 15 N 5K os �5K US \ P_Cc y� PROPOSED DeS%yn-COn3frUC!%On SLIP # 4 MARSHES LIGHT MARINA Project Manayemenf O y �N NZ�m Nf~7 113 Ba1/as/Ro(k Or \ N WALTER HAMILTON 151.491-s6�P�51"f�a56�,, www.IynsmeR.com M-1-eNo. 19760 Lyn Small Inc, Marine Construction AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: Walter Hamilton Mailing Address: 38 Maple Ave Flemington, lid-08822 - ---- -- --- Phone Number: 201-410-6290 Email Address: walterhamilton@verizon.net I certify that I have authorized Lyn Small Inc Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development. at my property located at Slip #4 Marshes Light Marina in Dare County. C E d V a V MAR 3 1 2022 DCM-EC l furthermore certify that l am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: G')aAe� yila'Itl Signature Walter Hamilton Print or Type Name Owner Title 02 / 21 / 2022 This certification is valid through 02 / 21 / 2022 Date This certification is valid through 02 / 21 j2023 '13 /,11/ ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. e Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: l (AKI N 16, (L- IV-i s CPZNTAQ kkLL V,*)Evit, �,.1��,s tic '-X-Aq 9590 9403 0415 5163 4497 60 7020 2450 0000 6216 Ob PS FIXM 3811. AP1112015 PSN 7530-02-ODO-9053 A. Signature X "DL Z, MAR 3 1 2022 Agent B. Received by (Printed Name) I C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery address different from item 17 ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ Priority Mail Expresse ❑ Adult Signature ❑ Registered Mail- ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑ Registered Mail Restricted ❑ Certified Mail® Delivery ❑ Certified Mal Restricted Delivery ❑ Return Receipt for ❑ Collect on Delivery Merchandise ❑ Collect on DAlivery Restricted Delivery ID Signature Confirmation^^ L) Insured Mail Q Signature Confirmation ❑ Insured MaU Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery Domestic Return Receipt Postal CERTIFIED MAIL'a RECEIPT [�-Domestic Mail • nly IT, u7 For delivery Information visit our website at www.usps.com, r-3 rU Certified M,' ee - g —0 1 Extra services a Fees (.-heck box, edd .:l: [IReturn Re ;har:on1c Ste[]—�i— 0 r-3 ';: ❑ Rerxo Race o: (.:.ctm� a S Postmark v/!! 0 ❑Cedir;ed ).!.'I Rmtemed N::rery • Hare I:3 ❑AdUt signatu-e R-au red i ❑Adult slgnatu-e R:sl_'.:ed Dgth ewy • p Postage t17 S -I- ry Total PosWs Frs C3 Sent To nwe u,�c. � _L_m�,� - ----- 3 i.Lu-r I---- �I�iIiBD�vi;� --5----C.P.t.O'P►rAN_ -w ------ -3D r,,- LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ANNUAL REPORT C 116120-12 NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: ML Marina, LLC SECRETARY OF STATE ID NUMBER: 1560398 STATE OF FORMATION: NE REPORT FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR: 2022 SECTION A: REGISTERED AGENT'S INFORMATION 1. NAME OF REGISTERED AGENT: Gupta, Prem 2. SIGNATURE OF THE NEW REGISTERED AGENT: E - Filed Annual Report 1560398 CA202208910183 3/30/2022 04:00 Changes SIGNATURE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE APPOINTMENT 3. REGISTERED AGENT OFFICE STREET ADDRESS & COUNTY 4. REGISTERED AGENT OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 1314 S. Croatan Hwy., Suite 301 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Dare County SECTION B: PRINCIPAL OFFICE INFORMATION 1314 S. Croatan Hwy., Suite 301 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 1. DESCRIPTION OF NATURE OF BUSINESS: Real Estate Investment 2. PRINCIPAL OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: (252) 441-9003 4. PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS 1314 S. Croatan Hwy,, Suite 301 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 3. PRINCIPAL OFFICE EMAIL: Privacy Redaction 5. PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS •� :. 01 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 6. Select one of the following if applicable. (Optional see instructions) ❑ The company is a veteran -owned small business ❑ The company is a service -disabled veteran -owned small business SECTION C: COMPANY OFFICIALS (Enter additional company officials in Section E.) NAME: OMMG Holdings, LLC TITLE: Member ADDRESS: P.O. Box 90 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: SECTION D: CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT. Section D must be completed in its entirety by a person/business entity. OMMG Holdings, LLC, by Prem Gupta CFO 3/30/2022 SIGNATURE DATE Form must be signed by a Company Official listed under Section C of This form. OMMG Holdings, LLC, by Prem Gupta CFO Member Print or Type Name of Company Official Print or Type Title of Company Official This Annual Report has been filed electronically. MAIL TO: Secretary of State, Business Registration Division, Post Office Box 29525. Raleigh. NC 27626-0525 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ANNUAL REPORT 1111120-12 NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: ML Master, LLC SECRETARY OF STATE ID NUMBER: 1556557 STATE OF FORMATION: NC REPORT FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR: 2022 SECTION A: REGISTERED AGENT'S INFORMATION 1. NAME OF REGISTERED AGENT: Gupta, Prem 2. SIGNATURE OF THE NEW REGISTERED AGENT: E - Filed Annual Report 1556557 CA202208910380 3/30/2022 04:30 Changes SIGNATURE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE APPOINTMENT 3. REGISTERED AGENT OFFICE STREET ADDRESS & COUNTY 4. REGISTERED AGENT OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 1314 S. Croatan Hwy Suite 301 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Dare County SECTION B: PRINCIPAL OFFICE INFORMATION 1314 S. Croatan Hwy Suite 301 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 1. DESCRIPTION OF NATURE OF BUSINESS: Real Estate Investments 2. PRINCIPAL OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: (252) 441-9003 3. PRINCIPAL OFFICE EMAIL: Privacy Redaction 4. PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS 1314 S. Croatan Hwy Suite 301 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 5. PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS •0 :. •E Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 6. Select one of the following if applicable. (Optional see instructions) ❑ The company is a veteran -owned small business ❑ The company is a service -disabled veteran -owned small business SECTION C: COMPANY OFFICIALS (Enter additional company officials in Section E.) NAME: OMMG Holdings, LLC NAME: TITLE: Member TITLE: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: P.O. Box 90 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: SECTION D: CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT. Section D must be completed in its entirety by a person/business entity. OMMG Holdings, LLC, by Prem Gupta CFo SIGNATURE Form must be signed by a Company Official listed under Section C of This form 3/30/2022 DATE OMMG Holdings, LLC, by Prem Gupta CFo Member Print or Type Name of Company Official Print or Type Title of Company Official This Annual Report has been filed electronicallv. MAIL TO: Secretary of State. Business Registration Division, Post Office Box 29525. Raleigh. NC 27626-0525 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERFn MAR 3 t 2022 Name of Property Owner Walter Hamilton Address of Property. 202 C Dartmoor Ave Manteo 27954 Marshes Light Marina Slip #4 (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County) Agent's Name #: Lyn Small Inc. _ Mailing Address: 113 Ballast Rock Drive Agent's phone #- 252-491-8562 Powell's Point, NC 27966 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A' description or drawing with dimensions must be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. _ , T have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 401 S. Griffin St., Ste 300, Elizabeth City, NC, 27909. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 264-3901. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, must be set back a minimum distance ffl5fromomy area of riparian acbcesshouseunl ss'ftwaiv dr by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must sign the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) Signature Walter Hamilton Print or Type Neme 38 Maple Ave Marling Address Flemington NJ 08822 CltylStatelZip elephone Number/Email Address Date *Valid for one calendar year after signature* (Adjac*nt Property Owner Information) Signature 4 John Agnew Print or Type Name 217 Compton St Mailing Address _ Manteo: NC 27954 City/state2ip G j I A C, A-7- Telephone Number/Email Address -_i 7`V 2C 2 2 bare- -- -- Revised 2017 1 1 I P Ilht 1 �� ,y i1Ty',Illt�F���