HomeMy WebLinkAboutBarfield, Jerry 84231Ctrf]CAMA EDREDGE&FILL GENERAL PERMIT D New E Modification ! Complete Reissue ! Panial Reissue As althorized by the Stat! o, Nordr C.rolina DcpartrrEnt of Environntental Quality and the Coap/ilcsources Commission in an area o{ erwironme al conaem Frsuant to f] Ccrrer-"f n".r"i n rfes a/..ihbh at dE rolowirg lhk www.dq.nc.tov/Cll\,tArule. Nq 84231 ./,,, A B 'c\ D Prwious permit y'- Date previous permit issued l5A NcAc ! rurs attacnea Applicant Nari€ Addre.s Phone#(-) Email Subdivision P Affected IEC(s): EW IHA PTA UW ES SPIMA PTS PWS Closest M4. Wtr Body ndman/unk) Type of Project/ Activity (Scale: ) Shoreline LenSth 4FloatinS Platform{s)FFFFT Finger pi€r(s)o T SAV observed: Moratorium: n/a Site Photos: Riparian Waiver Attached A buildinB permit/roninS permit may be required by Permit Conditions TAFUPA|4/NEUSE/EUFFER (cinle one) See note on back regarding River Easin rules see additional notes/conditions on back A8ent or Applicant PRINTED Name SiSnature "Please read compliance statement on back of permitt' Application Fee(s)€xpiration Date City _ Stare _ ZtP _ Ardorized &eft ' 'r I Proiect Location (County): _ Str€et Addrcs{St te Road/Lot #(s) _ C'itl !cw Eo* Access Length _ Pier (dock) length _ Fixed Platform{s) _ Total Platform area -_- Groin lengthfi ' Bulkhead/ Riprap length Avg dinance of{shore _ Brea kwater/Sill _ Max distance/ length - Basin, channel_ Cubic fards _ Boat ramp _ Boathouse/ Eoatlifl - Beach Bulldoling _ other- r---1--1--1-r- IAM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RUI-ES AND COI{DITIONS THAT APPI-Y TO THIS PROItCT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMEI{T. (Please Initial) Permit Officer's PRINTED Name SiEnature check t/Money Order lssr.ring Date Marshline -10'-20' from shoreline Proposed New Dock -64' 10' -3'Water depth @MLW Not to scale 12' :f_$ffii:;:;: ,Ei:,ai,Eift', ,Jei,.9tii:liiI.iii:2 24', 16', I T TtIIIIIIIIfi i! I $ II EE II Ripairian Line -15 off Ripairian Line Distance to Atlantic lntracoastal WateMay is -675LF 1z'. Pergula dimensions -10'x18'with 12" spacing -lnstall 4 additional piles for supports -cJ c)(-, - tl,(5-:29o3: E-O_ > o.=E-EPtr i- Lr: ;*orrr! E''o ,.-J ) k .E (, EEo.= o. -Y<t>-o<6ou) t' co oooJ .taI o =oz <zZ, l--F- \./ tsoo!)t t I \K \ /4?r[) )I j t : llHiENIEITTTiIJJ ?1lr tr I7-t' i r; rr; i f.i I !F-.- !!i .t I{,t \- \q h l l-o I-IJ o o)ooo 4rys I otr (EJ EEE= 8E E oroEs =E-9+&,F< SE'=.=o-r o-k<'tr =8otr , CERTIFIED MAIL . RETURN RECEI REQUESTED oT HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner:Jerry Barfield Address of Property:111 Wind Dance Lane Swansboro, North Carolina 28584 Mailing Address of Owner:Same as Above Owne/s email: jbarfield@bmroof ngcontractors.com owne/s phone#: 252-567 -1314 Agent's Name Carolina Marine Works Agent Phone#:910-548-2322 Agent's Email ethanm@carolinautilitiesnc.com ATUACENT RIPARIAN PROPERW OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom Dortion to be complsted by tho Adiacont Property Owne.) I hereby certify that I orvn property adjacent to the above referenced property. The indiMdual applying forthis permit has described to me, as shown on the attached drarving, the development lhey are paoposing. A descriDtion or drawinq, with dimensions, must be provid€d with this letter. L t OO NOT have objections to this proposal. - I DO have objections to this proposal ll you have oblections to whd E being proposed, you must notw the N.C. Division of Co*tal llanagement (DCl,) in wdting within 10 days of r*eipt ot this noace, Concspondence should be mallad to 127 Carufinal Dfive ACf , Vyilmington, NC 28/n5. DC tqrcsqrtafves can also bacont,c{€d dt (91q 79e7215. iro r€sporse is cozsrUered lr,e seme as no oblec1.ion if you have D€,en notlfied by Cefilled lla . WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments). (lf you wish to waive the setback, you @ls1g the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to \Maive some/all of the 15' setback Sianatura of Adjacent Riparian Prcpefiy Owner (ARPO) -oR- I do not wish to waive lhe 15' setback requirement (initialthe blank)SBK ,&- Signature of Adiacent Riparian Property Owner: Typod/Printod name of ARPO . Sarah Kendrick Iuailing Address of ARPO: ARPO's email 1572 Hammocks Beach Rd, Swansboro NC 28584 . sarah.kendrick@ncparks. govagpg,"p1on64.910-326-4881 p to one yoar from ARPO'S Signaturo'Date . 12t16122 'waivor is valid for u Revised May 2021 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Property Shoreline -'l 00LF 17'Boat Lifl 12'Boat Lift -3'Water depth @MLW Not to scale @@ tr o o @@ \JI Distance to Atlantic lntracoastal Watenvay is ^675LF Marshline -10'-20' from shoreline N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERW OWNER NOTIFICATIONAVAIVER FORi' CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED o' HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name o, Prop€rty Owner:Jerry Barlield Address ot Pmp€rty 1 1 1 Wind Dance Lane Swansboro. Norlh Carolina 28584 Marlng Address ol o*n", Same as Above Ownor,s arnatl: iblrnau@b.rrlo0rr9cortracb'rco.i owners phonef 252-567-131 4 Ag€nt s Nams Carolina Marine Works ADJACEIIT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OW|IIER'S CERNFICATION (Bottom portion lo be compbt d bv th. Adl.ccnt Proo.rly Owne.) I hereby cartrfy that I own properly adlacent to tho abovo referenced property The rndrvldual applyrng for lhrs permrt has descnbed to me. as shovm on th€ attachod drswlng, lhg dsvelopmant lhsy are prof)osrng A descnotron or diawr no wrlh dimcn . must be orovded wrth thrs letter \, ' I OO NOT have oblectbns lo this propGal _ I OO hava obreclrons to thrs proposal you haya oDjectiorrs to what is proposod, you mutl nolry ah. N-C.ol Coastal n.naeemenl (DC ) ln wdting wllhln 10 d.ys ol r.cclpl ol ,hls notlca. Corr.sFndcnc. should bo maited ,o 127 Catdinst Driw gt, ltry'/tmlngloa, NC 2UO5. OCn tryas3,,/,.ltv.s c.n tlso b con',ctEd at (91q 79A72l5.IVo ,rsporEe is consrdarsd the s.me .s no oblcc,lon ll you haye Dp,en no,lliod by Cerlttie.l tt.it. WAIVER SECTION I understrand that any poposed pier, dock, mooring pihngs, boat ramp, brgakwater, boathouse, ldt, or grorn must be set back a minrmum drstanc€ of 15'ftom my ar€a of nparian accass unless waived by me (thrs does not apply to bulkheads or riprap r6vet nents) (lf you wish to ruaue the s€tbad. you rylElg thg appropnale blank below ) I DO wsh to warve some/all of the 15' selback -oR- I do not wish lo waiv6 the 15 sstback r€quitamont (inithl tho bbnk) TypodrPrint.d ntmo of ARPO:-4r ?. Mailing Addrass of ARPO;7"uy 7Jo ARPO's emaili /(1o.,( sn'1,'!c,-1ro v, *r SARpo'. Phon t:7 ) ?7b */& Data: --ltvaivat i3 Yalld tor uP lo ona yaat trom ARPo'r Slgnature' Revised May 2021 Agent Phono#: 910-548-2322 Agents Emait: slhanm@carolinautilitiasnc.com Srgnature of Ad,acent Rrpanen Property Own€r N AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR C AMA PE RMIT APPLICATION Phone Number: Email Address: I certify that I have authorized ,bartield @bmrooftngconlraclors.com 252-567-1314 Carolina Marine Works Co. LLC Agent / Conlraclor to act on my behalf, for lhe purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed developmentl Foolprint ol new dock/boat litts to remain the same. See Attachment. 111 Wind Dance Lane Swansboro, North Carohna 28584at my property located at 1n Onslow Cou nty. x X I luflherntore cedily lhal I am aulhoized lo gnnl, and do in fact grant pennission lo Dtvtsion of Coaslal Management statr, the Local Pemit Officer and their agents to enler on lhe alorementioned leds in connection wilh evalualing informatpn relaled lo this pemit application. Proporty Ownor lnrormetion : ure ypc 6avrzr Tlllo -L tGt-ze Dale c Thrs cerlrfrcation rs vahd through N/A I N/A / N/A Name ol Properly o,vner Requesling Permil. Jerry Barlield Maaling Address: 1 1 I Wind Dancs Lane Swansboro, North Carolina 28584 Hammocks Beach State Park '109 Wind Dance Lane 1 1) t a a'{ \ \ ---_::._ I.'=t ,l rit/)-\7 t ;lfT4 t t--L 'lr.,? \I *:r F t I I\ d I \',l Lrs Iq s ,EE \: 't ,I II --.1I -- 111 Wind Dance Lane Dock location (to be replace in kind) EI ffiEE' I .1. L{ cit---vI t'lLc cl - I.rbu I..t I aI I t -,.tt". -rrI..I.-* E*- ---o'--4--- ii l Ei 3! El I Esffi@I s€ffiD2-@sec - a!fi \ A &ffio2.ftre860@ h-l tT-i Z,TEWflAC T t.{c,r t: i rrp'rerd\sl Ioqs\?uec\:s uuod uollBzFoqlnv luaSv sJelp'J Jau \o {uodord uEuedlu 00zt'HZo cvcN vsl s8ul^leJq eldups 'usr^ ous-uo ue eEueUD ot 9lzl-96l-0 t6 lB pelBcol sr elrs qcrq \ ul &unoc roJ .deu plarJ llec asBeld assc rlcq^\ ur 'qcDeg lle rsBJ ro ./qlJlns .qrBag lrcsdoJ 'N .qrsag llBsdoJ ul s! lcelord ss.fm 'r!UO uo6ulull^\ aql ol uoltBuuoJul lpur ION o(I 'tluuod eqlJo suolttpuoc lle pue Bulr{r?rp palllurgns eqt qlr^r ,cuEllduroc ornsss ol rold poqsluu aql lcedsul nr^\ tocuJo ttuuod vl^lvJ oqJ 'potJad rurll srql ult{ll^l uorprulsuoc eql r]elduoc touuec no{ uosgeJ ouos JoJ JI retUJO lruuod VIAIVC rno{ lrulqoc-s,(up 671 ro; prlua ,(1uo sr uorluzrJor{lne s!r{J t1u.ted 3u1p11nq e uqqo ol.ropadsur Eurplpq.rno{ o1 1r elel lluued Jno,( a,rracer no,( uaq71 'lsanbar moI alenpla pue fuadord eql uo no,( lasu o1 luorulurodde ue eEueuu pue :acrgo lru:ad yryy3 rno,( lceluoc plnoqs no,( uolleuuoJur srql s,req no,( ecu6 sulloreJ qUoN'uo1Eupup4g 'enuo,ry uolEurl:Bg 69 .errgo gculsrq sreaurEug ;o sd.ro3 XuuV Sn oql lB sdeul i(sn:ns yeuueqc aql Euhrel^a! ,(q paurelqo aq uec uollBurroJur s1q1 .s1quc11dde g1 'leuuuqc peuplupur,(lJerspo; {uu ol rerd oqlgo pue eql uo{ eJrrBlsrc :erd pesodo:d eqlJo pua aqt te 'eprl ^\ol lE qldep rage4 :poqcBllv o,*1 aEeg $erd JoJ lruuad IBJeueD n C , D ({poqrale,r eql Jo epls reqlo eql uo ssaE r{srEu oql;o e8pa p:uan:e1u,rn eqt o1,(poqregum aql.;o eprs mo,( uo sse:B qsmur eqt.;o oEpe prB {Jel8,r\ aql uro{ oiuslslp parnseou orll sr sp{l) Ipoq:e1em rql Jo rllpll\ AGENT AU]!IONIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name ol Property Owner Requesltng Permit Jorry Barfield Marhng Address 1 1 I Wrnd Dance Lane Swansboro. Norlh Caro[na 28584 Phone Number: Ematl Address: I cerltfy lhat I have authorized lbarlield @bmroof rngconlraclors. com 252.fi7-1314 Carolina Marine Works Co. LLC Agenl / Conlraclot to act on my behalf, ,or the purpose of applying for and obtaining att CAMA permrts necessary for the following proposed developmenl: Foolprint of new dock/boat lilts lo remain lhe same. See Attachmenl .J I lu,lharmore cedify lhal I am aulhoized to gnnl and do in facl granl Wm,ssron lo Dtvtston of Coaslal Manegemonl slaff, the L@al Pemit Olficer and lher agenls to enler on ll]€ aloremenlioned lands in connoclion with evalualing inlomalon relaled to lhts petmtl application. ;n Onslow County Propedy Owner lnformation: ( w Typo Name Oov*t Tllc -Lt(3 tzot> t).ki Thrs cerlrfrcatron rs vahd lhrough N/A I N/A , N/A at my properly located at 1I1 Wnd Dance Lane Swansboro' North Carolina 28584, t i _-\, \ f "..I _. .+- ' l. ,'' 1r' \ +)t-t4