HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinor App. OIB 06-23u •o � c L u g -c c � c > r •I n `m r`�' 3 v _ c v c T q v- E a c o vv E u EIr o D T❑ C< u 'T y 'v G C n V .� o cJ O C a❑ -C i .c c � •a u 'v o � n "�c `o e u � o c = oG � v � c ` y �C �• C jF ti f7 E G v,15 u 'E •p 'a �t C C i ' 3 O •o •o u J a v z0 .0 cU^• C .2 v -. o% v�..se .-0'o .a r ` o ,F u 0 •..� � F n u�� o. a � 3 a F C£5Vo q a_v v I I L�< 1 0 u E Z J .9 3 < U v. ❑ U C, Y1 o "I Q' • O 7 V El .. a rSr V] rn 'a U '. •y+J LC 23 � �' o L � U ti ❑ G LA '• a � •U .� uT U o £�- v O 6 p [J % F AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: r 1�1Vil�l V 6k- L(, la.-- Mailing Address: ' NIC Phone Number: ci Email Address: I certify that I have authorized �CU �1 ri. C A- Age t / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: .:LhSf-CLWJ-tbn Of -Tresfow\d V\Okycltst-s�'i ' � UA wl C.(,yu re,(e- d/- v - , at my property located at �� 1 ��� ��l c cb S �- (� f P C�. � fit'_ (-)-' ccJ-L , in it' U-M. V'-) k.(, !c County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: Pd94-1L Signature O'WW\y" a Print or Typb Name Title J_IQ—f ? z Date This certification is valid through l / ( (% 1 1 1a a3 Vert6t5�OV5i , Adjacent Prope y Owner �tG n tlrcJ, SI S Ib� cling Address - - t.+rr� Tm nip a� a City, State, Zip Code Receipts for Certified Mai! (Staple Here) Dear Adjacent Property: \' This letter is to inform you that I, ��Y �t LWO Ol. have applied for a CAMA Minor Property Owner Permit on my property at a o� V\i F% r by S�TO=T6f & h NC in COUNTY Property Address County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at §Q)-165-(041 l or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to Applicant's Telephone file written comments or objections with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: LPO NAME Local Permit Officer for LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE Sincerely, Property Owner o as l W FL r5k5+, oc MB 4_ &001 Mailing Address 0cean1-_Ste &tom _ O.C. P1gg09 City, State, Zip Code N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION (MINOR PERMIT) CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERED Val ki-4 S�- oib u-C, Name of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner an � Address cxsk ,r, DSO '�)A3, N C. DKgo City, State Zip To Whom It May Concern: 1 Ilala3 T—I Date This correspondence is to notify you as a riparian property owner that I am applying for a CAMA Minor permit to Ibmrl \l&ctS:JCA on m,,��y propertyat aA\ \j\) � lCc=>>k' St DCQW �rS�2 . eC b IQC rR R40 in rU R,Uick County, which is adjacent to your property. A copy of the application and project drawing is attached/enclosed for your review. If you have no objections to the proposed activity, please mark the appropriate statement below and return to me as soon as possible. If no comments are received within 10 days of receipt of this notice, it will be considered that you have no comments or objections regarding this project. If you have objections or comments, please mark the appropriate statement below and send your correspondence to: (LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER, NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE) If you have any questions about the project, please do not hesitate to contact me at my address/number listed below, or contact (LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER) at (PHONE NUMBER), or by email at: (LPO EMAIL). Sincerely, Property Owner's Ngne Address I have no objection to the projc I have objection(s) to the proje Adjacent Riparian Signature Print or Type Name Address Cllu��1��-Loyl.l Telephone Number 0;+- C11— . Zip V/ soeo- k ate ul�-�2.�t.u�h `ln SIB-rYLpe� Zip Revised Ally 2021 P.O• Box 2327 Shallotte, NC 29459 L&LAN®®P7 m un a r z �i r UW--fled Mail Fee $4 . LiLl 1����` � S - Extra Servicee. t4 Fees (d 1=kbm6 a& fe��� •� CJ ! O Return Rerelpt(hardcopY) $�-- _- c? Postmark C3 CI O Refum Receipt (elecUnnic) ❑ Certified Mail Pombiced Delivery $ $ _ r R _ -r" ;�;A= Here { O C3 OAdult %nature Requced $ � '• ✓ r7 [3Adrit SlgnaLrra Restricted Delivery$ t- _ �,'�� p Postage IN .3� �. CSC `•` 1 ,�t F-q -I- Total Postageand esugru r U Sent To ru lieet and ApG No•, or PCJ Hax No. I r— ------------ —----------- �...-..__._._�.�...._ pCAa pay-tes.Tt7c. (-P'q9 Sacnt John ls'1 chur-la-#e, 10-7ozo 5 - v QD Z S � The.S 92�.V 0000 OTh2 220E N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION (MINOR PERMTI) CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIFT REQUESTED tx HAND DELIVERED MM-4ft.X5kC City, Stage Zip To Whoa It May Coamm Thu oorrespoederre is to notify you as a riprisn property owwa that 1 m applying fora CAMA Minor pennh to O(' pAinW�ot�: �, 4 VnQN=gAa,a on my property at —A%M ta_r1t9_*, WC b9 inB�Vck_ CZY. Mich is adlaael to )tr,r properly. A em" of tie appBcatLa gad prsjett . dMwiKIs aturkdkntload for year rerirr. If)— have no objecimm to the proposed activity. p1m, ark tfe aPPmprime ummeni below and retrrtt to age as som as possible. If no comments are received wi&a 10 days of receipt *(this notice. a will be cemidered tint you have o0 ooatmem or o*uiom regarding this pa*cL If you hoe ob)"M or c«muenm pi W mark dr approlriatc sta.emera below and sand y,, correVood,,g to (LOCAL PERMIT OFF1CCK NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMEYT, MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE. ZIP CODE) If you have any questions abod the project, pkase do nor hMWC to ooataa age 9 my ad JmWr ranba listed below. or arruaa (LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER) al (PHONE NUMBER), or by coud It (LPO EMAIL). >Sincerely. qID l _(,t�l i - Ca,elt,� e►e�irte Property 0%inef's NaMe Telcphoru Nmber Address City State �p I have no ebjcction to dle project described in this oaresporI&M. I have ohjeaior(s) to the project dewibcd in ItIb cmespordrntt. X icp i roe Qrtc Print or Type name Telephone Number nc-ay Address City Sure Zip Revised July 2021 AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project Is In An: N/ Ocean Erodible Area Property Owner: .High Hazard Flood Area Inlet Hazard Area Property Address: _�Z.\ �_}J ����1 ���CCtfl _�S�e_ 'C�C'I�, NC, asC`A�o A Date Lot Was Platted: 12- / 3 / 9.5S 9 This notice is intended to make you, the applicant, aware of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area, which is subject to natural hazards such as storms, erosion and currents. The riles of the Coastal Resources Commission requue that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice and acknowledge that notice in writing before a permit for development can be issued. The Commission's rules on building standards, oceanfront setbacks and dune alterations are designed to minimize, but not eliminate, property loss from hazards. By granting permits, the Coastal Resources Commission (toes not guarantee the safety of the development and assumes no liability for future damage to the development. Permits issued in the Ocean Hazard Area of Environmental Concern include the condition that structures be relocated or dismantled if tlicy become immincntly th eatcned by changes in shoreline configuration. The structures) must be relocated or dismantled within two (2) years of becoming inuninently threatened, and in any case upon its collapse or subsidence. The best available information, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that the annual long-term average ocean erosion rate for the area where your property is located is Z fect per year. The rate was established by careful analysis of aerial photographs oflhe coastline taken over the past 50 years. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as much as g0 feet landward in a major storm. The flood waters in a major storm are predicted to be about feet deep in this area. Prcferred oceanfront protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of threatened structures. Flard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties and breakwaters are prohibited. 'Temporary sand bags may be authorized under cerizii • ditions. I'heapplicantmu cknowle gethisinformationandrequucmeuts by signing this ne tice in t c space b ° it tit the proper signature, the il p cation omplctc. Applicant Sicdnatjrro I / / Date SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is required for development in areas subject to sudden and massivestorms and erosion. Permuts issued for development in this area expire on December 31 of the third year following the year in which the permit was issued. Shortly before work begins on the project site, the Local Permit Officer must be contacted to determine the vegetation line and setback distance at your site. If the property has seen little change since the time of permit issuance, and the proposed development can still meet the setback requirement, the LPO will inform you that you may begin work. Substantial progress on the project must be made within 60 days of this setback determination, or the setback must be remeasured, Also, the occurrence of a major shoreline change as the result of storm within the 60-day period will necessitate remeasurement of the setback. It is important that you check with the LPO before the permit expires for official approval to continue the work after the permit has expired. Generally, if foundation pilings have been placed and substantial progress is continuing, permit renewal can be authorized. it is unlawful to continue work after permit expiration. For more intbrmation, confactr Local Permit Officor 111 K-14uSe eA Addro ss C3c�C� Locality epo — s'V-7,9 10 q Phone Number Revised 2107 i i e(L u'u)SVC POOL SITE PLAN POOL DECK LAYOUT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE 1" =10' -------------------� II I I � I I I I I I II I I , I II ' I I I II I I 1 TOE OF FRONTAL DUNE I ; --------------- 16.50 STAKE WITH 10.50I PINK TAPE I� "11 i ._, .. FIELD LOCATED YI , DUSTIN 1'QQI.DkT.1C 9. ' A�JO 0s>7>Jx 691 GROUND LEVEL `\ \ �" lP'il I WOOD DECK\\\\ 7ENCL.11.0 1 II d r I /EXISTING DWELLING FENCE LAYOUT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE 1" =10' I i I I I ; I I I I I I I ; I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ��TOE OF FRONTAL DUNE I 0� I 37,92 PROPOSED [37'-ll'1POOLDECK Y 11.1; I1 s1 ^ GROUND LEVEL \� WOOD DECK `\ Rml GROUND. T I `STAKE WITH I PINK TAPE FIELD LOCATED 19.09 [19-1' "I""" t Al TO ATLANTIC OCEAN _`L 1 r 1 49.44 POOL DECK TO PROPERI ITY LINE 149'-51/4'1 50.49 WATER'S EDGE TOIPROPERTY LINE I I -- 49.63'— J r[50-57/8"1 ---^ FROM VEGETATION LINE F----------------------I--- I I I I ; 1 1 POOL DECK'I O PROPERTY LINE 2829 [28'-3 3/8"I.y WATER'S EDGE TO PROPERTY LINE 29.26 [29'-3 1/8"1 r r I I POOL EQUIPMENT TO PROPERTY LINE 2.54 [2'-6 1/ KOCHO PROPERTIES INC ETALS DB 3652 PG 100 PB 9 PB 45 I I I I I I WOOD WALKWAY NEW FENCE GROUND LEVEL \\ WOOD DECK ENCLOSED GROUND LEVEL = HVACAC I ELEVATED � PLATFORM /EXISTING DWELLING 1 / I I DECK _1___ I i 50.00' W. FIRST ST. DECK I I BEACH ACCESS OF FRONTAL DUNE PROPOSED POOL DECK STAKE WITH PINK TAPE FIELD LOCATED s.m POOL DECK TO PROPERTY LINE 3''0111 II s.00 WATER'S EDGE TO PROPERTY LINE FIBERGLASS POOL DIG PLAN SEE DIG PLAN BY MANUFACTURER JANZ77-71 1: `�� I - VVN OF OCEAN !S.� ...,'�vs!r- F: 11"'CC- NOTES POOL DECK CALCULATIONS POOL DECK +POOL SURFACE AREA =173 Sq It POOL SURFACE AREA = 81 Sq It POOL DECK = 92 Sq !t APPROXIMATE EXISTING IMPERVIOUS: 1,661 Sq It PROPOSED ADD'L IMPERVIOUS: 92 sq It TOTAL IMPERVIOUS (EXISTING + PROPOSED) =1,753 Sq It TOTAL PARCEL AREA = 0.17 ac (7,405.2 Sq It) BASE MAP REFERENCE: BOUNDARY PLAN OF 221 W. FIRST ST. SEALED BY: GEORGE L. HART INC PLS L-5390) DATED: 07/01/2022 POOL PLACEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE 1" =10' I I I 1 I I I I I I I EXISTING WOOD WALKWAY PALOMA 12'6"X P'6" I 81 Sq ft , r I TOE OF FRONTAL DUNE ----- 15.12 GROUND LEVEL WOOD DECK � ❑ -q I 1 I I W,, I POOL EQUIPMENT I I HVAC I ON d ELEVATED I , I PLATFORM I EXISTING DWELLING I 1 I r I 1 I EXISTING Dj WELLING/ 0 10 20 30 feet I SCALE: 1" = 10' , z I N ilN p r v A - r f N o A W F1RSi STREET SUBJECT PROPERTY GPS CONTROL NOTES. I. GPS CONTROL USED FOR THIS PROJECT RASED OFF OF THE FOLLOWING DATA 2. CLASS OF SUAiVEY, B J. POSITIONAL ACCURACY = +- OJO' 4. TYPE OF FIELD PROCEDURE, VRS 5. DATE OF SURVEY: 04/24/2022 & GEOID MODEL:128 7. UNITS: US SURVEY FEET IIRF 8. SCALE FACTOR. IDOOOOO / Y 1, GEORGE LHART, CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED UNDER MY SUPERVISON FROM AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY OF DESCRIPTIONS! AS RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 4668 PAGE 1222 AND MAP BOOK 5 PAGE 141 THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY INDICATED AS SUCH AND WERE PLOTTED FROM INFORMATION AS REFERENCED HEREON. THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED WAS 1:I0A00+. I FURTHER CERTIFY THIS 1S A SURVEY OF AN EXISTING PARCEL OR PAREES OF OF LAND WITHIN THE AREA OF A COUNTY OR MUNICIPALITY THAT HAS AN ORDINANCE THAT REGULATES PARCELS OF LAND: AND THAT THIS MAP MEETS THE REOUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROLINA (21 NCAC 56.1600J WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS IST DAY OF JULY,2022 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR L-5390 C A R oj' --- l • SEAL L-5390, i �j • �•••......• •• ,,,� GENERAL NOTES: I. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND. 2. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD. 3. THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHT OF WAY OF RECORD. 4. NON -CONFORMING STRUCTURES HAVE NOT BEEN CREATED BY THIS SURVEY. 5. THIS SURVEY IS SUBJECT TO ANY FACTS DISCLOSED BY A FULL AND ACCURATE TITLE SEARCH. 6. THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN A FEMA FLOOD HAZARD AREA AE/VE (PANEL 372010640OK EFFICTIVE 08/28/2018). 7. LOT IS ZONED RESIDENTIAL RI B. UTILITIES WERE NOT LOCATED WITH THIS SURVEY. MM/MO IM/MCO MNF(:�, �N S6 � 2q- F� 6ptRl� POSSIBLE AREA FOR POOL TOE OF FRONTAL �5 � 2•32 �5• W A9 63 90' FROM VEGETATION LINE I r IKM NC GRID NAD 83 NA 2011 LEGEND CP COMPUTED POINT MNF MAG NAIL FOUND D8 DEED BOOK MB MAP BOOK IRF IRON ROD FOUND IRS IRON ROD SET MNS MAG NAIL SET PIF PINCHED IRON FOUND IPF IRON PIPE FOUND ECM EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT TIE LINE SURVEYED BOUNDARY LINE NON -SURVEYED LINES FROM DEEDS OR PLATS —X X- FENCE 6/ 90 ■■■■■■■■■■