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HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-14 Letter of RefinementLFWA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management 16 October 2014 Jarvis Consulting, Inc. Mr. Sam Jarvis 212 South Main Street Bath, NC 27808 Dear Mr. Jarvis: John E. Skvarla, III Secretary This letter of refinement is in reference to your 15 October 2014 letter on behalf of the Town of Windsor, requesting a modification of Major CAMA Permit Number 83-14. Major CAMA Permit No. 83- 14 was issued to the Town of Windsor on 22 September 2014 for the construction of a handicap accessible kayak launch and fishing pier at an existing gravel parking lot. The property is located north of the Town of Windsor, on Hoggard Mill Road (SR 1303) adjacent the Cashie River in Bertie County, North Carolina. You have requested to decrease the amount of permitted dock from 1,300 ftz to 632 ft. You have also requested a change in the access pier from 4.75' wide to 5.75' wide, as well as the addition of a second paved handicapped space over existing gravel. Your requests for the aforementioned changes are hereby authorized. All work must be carried out in accordance with your revised plats (3) all dated 23 September 2014 (see attached). All permit conditions still apply and remain unchanged. The expiration date of this permit is 31 December 2017. Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me in the Washington Regional Office at 252-948-3852. Sincerely, cz�e-�Lu �w-pc� David W. Moye District Manager Washington Regional Office ATTACHMENTS cc: Daniel Govoni - Assistant Majors Permits Coordinator, DCM Kevin Hart - Environmental Senior Specialist, DCM David May - Regional Supervisor, Division of Water Resources Raleigh Bland - U. S. Army Corps of Engineers W Washington Square Mail, Washington, NC 27889 Phone: 252-946-6481 1 FAX: 252-948-0478 Internet RECEIVED OCT 20 1014 DCM-MHD CITY An Equal Opportunity \ ARrmalne Action Employer HOGGARD MILL ROAD KAYAK LAUNCH FACILITY Windsor, North Carolina EXISTING CAMA PERM17F NUMBER 83-14 Bids were received for this project recently and the budget amount was exceeded. The scoping meeting brought out some suggested modifications that were incorporated into a revision to the original concept. The original plans were to construct only one handicap space. Additionally, we used a sixteen feet long kayak as our prototype model for testing the amount of angle that could be used on the access piers to the launch facility. Many kayaks are longer than sixteen feet and only one person using a dolly is often the situation. We have always preferred the concrete slats to be five feet in width rather than four feet. The five feet slats were not being constructed to meet the ADA requirements in that the non slip surface was not being applied and the slat opening were too wide and could not be used by people in wheelchairs. Fortunately, the manufacturers have begun producing the slats to meet the ADA requirements and we will change our standard to that width for kayak launch facilities. The additional width lessens the adverse impacts with one person/dolly access to the facility. We have also reduced the bend angles for the walkway and pier leading to the facility. We had some lingering concern that mixing the kayak and fishing structures may cause some friction between the uses but accepted the fact the uses would not often conflict. In order to get to the budget, we separated the uses and reduced the surface area over the Public Trust waters from 1300sf to 632sf. There was the necessity to add an additional handicap space. We also widened all the walkways and piers to five feet slats. The impacts have been reduced in the Public Trust Waters. The area within the AEC increased from 314sf to 383sf due to the increased width of the slats. We feel the revised plans are more in tune with spirit of the scoping meeting and will serve the intended users in a way that potentially mitigates possible conflicts. Sawyer's Marine has the contract to construct the facility and is in the process of obtaining materials and required contract documents. We ask that you review the planned revisions and determine if you can approve the plans as a Letter of Refinement or as a Minor Modification. This request is being made by the Town of Windsor by us under the authority given by them to act as their agent. Sam Jarvis, PE, PLS RECEIVED OCT 20 1014 DCM-MHD CITV D M STANLEY OMPSON D B. ]J]; P.G SJB / / I ` 1 \\ I % I 5 NG j;A% SAPE:DEIHfA. I �z.sNu�sW / o nw'1`ra m m xoc or..a w ..Ec ixEnD xNVM,w: , s) rnmosEo LMLK,E rc ) _.� // •.o s,Au Al.. � � � • 20' � - � �. wao a.. ,r'd�w. o NMT /, m .sEmwus �/ / ixEw, . orsouca Pn � AREk J DFLNu1Nlx TOWN OF WNDSOR os�. AgS4 \ • I I / �j a. naPako CCIIfAE2 ,c \ \ s, Acass Amu - � �_ _ �. I,("`sa` `� � • \ sy'..aEl ] s r�o-.r-s• �ax xcN . DnaAvcc HDD SR 1303 \\ \ DARD M1 so RIL n ROAD 7 m,>.,. nWiMc PuliptN Mn, r.3 E1 lA fOR CE7 1Ar: E 9EEl J N.S J \ • 2�WAR z TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREAS: UPLAND AREA 9.092 SF AREA WITHIN THE AEC: 383 SF AREA OVER OPEN WATERS: 632 SF ,D o o / F / U Z Lem# i Q°=off 20 va / ' Z .V o:°yd . a —�1 U Iliillllll z IIIIII I � 1= cn a II Wz c) Fes« Kz < �gD N m \ Q \ \ 1 I 1 J N 1 Z o 1 io 1 F Q x a z o Z OE y / z ISSUE DAIS: / DRAWN BY: OW / CHK'D BY: M / JOB NO. IM17 DWG. NAME: SCALE: 1' - 10' / I HORIZ: N/A RECEIVED `/ERT. N/A DWG NO / OCT 20409 2 mow/ ACM ••P" fi SHEET 2 OF 4 ***CAUTION*** N.C. ONE CALL: UTILITY LOCATOR SERVILE 3 DAYS BEFORE DIGGING CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-632-4949 A ME CALL SYSMIN PIER N11 W Al SB SYETY. r GAVRN e M 111 UR116 91J1N XF.N 61H {pGlm E Ps. EEW 'ABILY NigOV.1KN AVID ERSINW LM'ANp4 UlRI1EY BYMIV COPNE ALL 9N]I Th. THE VN.IIEt N� HOER A SFRN6 M ABNIXMD. M 9AMTI1 M111q E BE BEE NNN.VIL THAT M VIXMROM U HE 91r NE N M MR LC Md A eBIC/ATm. KMIM.W IRE LYAS I}111fY MAT MY AE Lu ME As AWNAmr AS ro59BE FRNH TIED THE H AVARA9E M MNLEKR WS 1pi WYBLYLY IGCARO M IAW40.M0 VR11i3 CONSTRUCTION 1. Construct the silt tmtt of NandmU strength Or extra NmgN sM(bik Bitter fd,Ace. 2. LmsWct Me filter barrio han o mtinuous MR rot to the length of the boob to avid p'm4 Man pinle are essay, eeowelr'osten the Bitter MIT only at a support Past with o erl¢ to Me next past. 3. Support standard strength filter fabric by wire medl faet.N securely to the Pmcai Nds of Me pa uNng badly duty Wine stoplee at Ie 1 Y1M Long Or tin wines ENeM Me wire meth support to Me bottom of the trench. 1. N11N, a wine mash Support fence is used. space Poste moxYnum of 8 Tart apm1. Support pHs Nlwltl be din n —My Into Me ground to a mininum of 2 fact 5. Exr aben9M filter fabric with 6 fart poet gaingtlaes not regains Nina mM Npput (once. St ©le Knee Per wire the FNw fabric directly to p®4 OPERATION l asyed sit forces at least once a w«K and after aoM r Nbl. MP my rpuirad repair M MWIOWK Should the Mark of sediment bon ollapee, tear, deean,. Or .cmm ineffective. replace 11 promptly. Rrnow setlmort ME as n a e a,y to p,.Ntle aaea.ab Nmaa Mum fair � then t am an to educe p q e Me fan.. Tote to owlJ unde ring the fence during claan.L REMOVAL Bfien tfutK, dMimaw ge mass hbeen pommy, atoblfl. a gram and nHiillze the area aburbea by sIH fen. men mil nmil and cbmup" :Gli Mo. A WyMWNR M ENVJF➢ 9.dP6 NMM 15 wONNL Eery M To GVOYM DAYSENN.P lT'EwoAorcL�cR FMai ALLhdwwErRM GE YS All .. 1.Wce NCq . DAYS M to e CA'ErN. DAYS (WMELiR R SpRIER) rOLaNXo OHMEIBN a LLMa'AVC. LR DE., NLTBNCa All 91NL E mA➢FD NO SQO.. SHOUL BE WMGIT M Ap CESMY. PIAMNIaS ME xoi TO E N3INLFB HNn P/LNI' MO 5 R fdMER. 1AMrY.YE cpNRACRR SXNL M1E As al ro MpF MMA ENMA.TRH HO raaetlML SEEDING RM YM[ NO LLMaMY BOApD6 pgNE RAR 9s%N ffiMD a.RP � Mears FEIWApv MAY 1. READE HA eA (xdb 1 t1) Ex.,x ONASAI NIE-JAY Au E(UN EA as I p harects ANApi P, 25 III. (9:iMBEL ,nNN1 m es a (-mxH[sl NloleT-.R IL, RUDE 1st be : mRI:NNNrRA) ...R —.1 L AA . 1A Env (ETI I'Dirl Allaw ANRA) WAN M%.B fOLLA. f4LTHE ) E1� ASUP EARS WIRE SFIDxI: KATE Re AOR wmL-;PRYBEp De OUP DS AADm' DACTHMI ♦ma (EAC .s CUvuW1 .. 1. is, D«.Ms a� �w �• EM� .IIY� ,E M�IF � SIDW DATES SFR 1NE E[aK perz m A= APRn-SEnaMNx OFIHREE z A,. E a e. l[ Snihcrl DCTaem-M.xuE cwmErc 2 n. MR NWtx EIEV 1 O.Stl TOP LAOIOI R ID ROW ELEVATION $ TRIP LOM& TER ELEVATION idt 10M BFE (124] ] 1.V TOP AO SEASONAL UP WATER EIEVRMN toM ROCO�BS1' E- (Lw -) 8 CL CF DaN s' sEPARAnOx ELEl/ (-)OfDr FROM DUTTOM 6 Pre.. YIN SR-1}' .IA MARINE PNINC EMEODEC 25' N & WEI AT O RANGE ETM£TN 1.OY M BLIPS ME S CNRE MAY REMAIN IN RACE UP M ME 1W TEAR BE AND RETAIN SMUCNRAL NIECIP NOIENR. ME WATER VELMITY MAY REQUIRE REMOVAL E UUNGN µD RAMP. TOW Or NNOSgR TCr Phil S1E M ESTABLRII ME MAINTENANCE PARAMETERS 1.125' oEPTH U•.WOI SUBMERGED 1.5 B B A'zlo' BEIE� A•L BRiI[0 46Q5 11NU RIME .. i. 4. i.✓. i. ..lei ii. GROUND 01 MARNE EMBEDDED 25' KAYAK LAUNCH DETAIL HOT TO SALE 12 GwR ER 2'KA' RP NxE II dP Arta MFMMEO PIUNELS ON VET& Poi ON FASTENED TO CLEAR Ol wUW POs9 w/M B STAPLES. u1M ME56IA41 (EACx) mein EARNED M EpNv&ExT SEARED To MRE wMET& CUES OR NRE AT E' OFF RIOTER. 4gMExl S.A. I£hl reei VAX" 4F. WIENT WN Pay Li IS ENURED B aL. AS AS RECTm BY COIYMAINM — NmoECTON. I [LOw ro mONGcRMATI,DE EM.YGE Or M 9LTY FENCE. ITISILS GMERAUR zxEET ceAmAa LEFLY) ADVESAB1i TO 010 A SEDIMENT PIT IN FRMI OFYOUR 9L7 FENCE 'NIEVEKR PoS59E. NANR& GRAPE cumin APPRaw 12' OF EASED Bro m .. Ol 11 III a TAMP RCxEIu. L EN l S- 0' WIRE Ixro TRExOL IEIAL.O OF A"%A' THEAMID wass PINES AT HE OLD At ..e a RCm worm SHOULD BEY x DEEP N NOTES: DETAIL OF SILT FENCE 1. TOTAL ..I. AEA TOAi iF110E WAY NOT EXCEED LCEO I ALRE. HOT TILL SCALE 2, SILT MINES 9HaW NOT BE USED AT RE WLM O1 N AREAS IY LmCENMARD MATERIALS ' Use. W,YOTi.E1:+. N. w.,.....r1 m�iba'AV H. W MJ^.Np ROwA1nYe BEMIBOIQ� NHwwP Rmlw.y was (Two.) NN (eEwl Small4n ..A. MA how)- E. 9 i rR.F ti RAM as gIM MNA (DIN) Synthetic tits fork POP camce ulbwblel rar MWitan and NaYzr to ploMds a MMMum at 6 months of mMNletl usode conzbuctim His a Mmperalwc range of 6'mt2n F. z EnrMe that pots for at farces w In ro/1Nea Mat etas DIM a mwmUM length of + fact. SteN p.t arm haw ,M)kaa ctto fixiilMle fuWFg the IWrk. 3. For rskbcmmt of standard strength Rtw faaril Tr winne with a mirmufim 14 BwM pe oa mmYnurn mM .iq a 6 Nahew #57 STONE TRENCH DISCHARGE POINTS NOT TO SCALE WN ARITHENDR 1. L. GENERAL STATUTE NE) i AL SALT MEATE) MATERIALS TO BE C£RTRED FOR USE W NAIER AND GROBABO. ALL NLNG TO BE DWYEN TO NEAR ME REWIRED DEPTH TO ACWEL£ ME HUBSIED ELFVAROM AT ME TOP OF ME PUNGL ME PRE[ERRm BLOW GIANT IS 1E BLOBS PER LANEµ FOOT OF DERMA ME C MACH SMALL DRIVE ME RUNGS 10 NEAR ME REWIRED DEPTH AND MAY ZEST M BLON CdINT AFTER THREE DAIS OF SETRFYENT " STµILRAnW. PRE[ERABLY ME SLON COUNT TEST 'ML Alli TIME RUNGS TO ME DE91ED TOP RELATION. ME FLOATING R.ATFDRM STALL BE A UGH R¢ow OTATCH SYSTEM WM LESS M. M wi:l R ME HATER LEHL. IT STALL BE MADE N REMOVABLE PANELS MIR YSASSFMBLY pMNO EIUREIE REAMER NNOMKONS ME SURFACE AREA OF ME CECI( PLI.1Fd1Y SHALL BE NO MESS THAN 'TO SQUARE I'll ME SI E GMAMII MATH ME MINIMUM Sill E DETERMINED BY ME MANUFACTURERS MATERIAL Sf S ME PLATFORM SHALL HAVE HUNG BRMJ(ETB (FOUR) FOR NEAW DUTY RUNGS OF 12 UPON NWMK pAYE1ER. BRACKETS ARE TO MEINSTALLED MR ME YANUFACNRERS SMORCAnONS AND ME BUYING NSTALLAMRN SHALL E LOCATED TO ALLOW THE PROPER BRACKET LCC ROM TH ME PLATFORM. ME MR EM AND ALL EQUIPMENT SEP E NRN@IED BY ME MAMMAL SIPPJER AS A LAT SYSTEM AND ALFRNAM EWIPLENT SEP NOT E 51e5 MM, ME WOK RA STALL NAME A Sf W CIMB ALMO ME ENTIRE PENMEIER AS NRNISHW BY ME MµUFAC1VER MM A WMM LT LBO AW ONE NAIf Iati (2 iN IN NEWNT. NOT g OKV 120 OR A UM GLEITS (5) WALL E FORM AND ONSTAM I ED PER MER��1 OMNERS INSIDBUDIW LOCATION ON ME DOCK NATORII. ,E MERE SHALL E NRNISIW µD INSTALLED A NANSUP MµEr. MIFORY (ScREPS) TclRM1l� SAFE 1 .g4 FROM A MNEELCNAIR To THELAUNCH AREA ME TRANSIpR N AFCIW �E , SECURELY YONNFD IN A PERMANENT LMAI AN ALUMINUM AS9ST Bµ SHALL, E STALLED TO A REST ALL USERS SUPPORT N Metal ACCESS TO ME LAU AREAL (HANp MIL)SHALL BE OF ME SAME SEE AIp MM M MATERIALS N.IWM E G _ 0 RAIL ASSEYBUFS i (o O TINE SMIFLBE IT Syf ' UR IS11, M PRONEED BY ME WFANL SUP MEftE aF MS.I')�HIIjF, Gµ ERTI lE KIT IMMI F ME lRµY AN TO F ME BMY:EN A'x1D' AT ME END B�NG.y1D x.LEOB FOR LSTa11CK gOTA1gX E lE CINCY/AY AND FLOATING DGIX. ,L WGt ATTACHMENT END O[ THE CJNGMY To PROYBHE IKM1OIENT OF ONE NAFORY AND GMNIMLAS NEPEHENT BTRUC l vv'I -- MALAOSIa OF ME AMiIiAfOUCAM wiHH p9i AND XS A�DY SHIP BE PROOTHER S MODIFIED TIME MEET THE uTE4s1�I�A,) M MATERIALS. EW IPMExT. D:VGEE :NSTALUTIOI FCHNIWES 91ALL E N ACCIKOAHCE YIN W.WIY M MAN lP. ALL CDli tUC1, 41ALL BEPLACED IN SERVICE BY ME CONTRACTOR APPURTENANCESNIO AAPPURTENCES SHALL BE NRNUNED TO PRONDE FOR A COMPLETE AND FUNCTIONAL SKIry. ME Eg NT STALL MEET MIli ME SPECIFICATIONS O E2 DDOL RIND ACPIDWR SYSTEMS ME MATERIALS ARE NOT ILMIFD TO ME REFEENCW SK1FMs WT MUST E EMAL DR 1E11ER N tin —I M.WTY. PERFORMµCE AND WARRANTIES, ® v SEAL MOLES B' NIM COGREIE 1 1/Y CMWNR 2-F] BM25 YRNLTY PENALTY SIO) VAN -7q 1/r mA RODS Itt4.SSBIF —1 2•_D• LMP SECTION HANDICAP PARKING SIGN —DETAIL NOT TO SCALE �amn—TOPIT mc"cuxww9 WHEEL BUMPER DETAIL HOT TO SCALE 20'-0" 3,600 PSI CONCRETE WITH d d , 51Ed5 WELDED WIRE FABRIC d d CONCRETE HANDICAP PARKING STALL & ACCESS AISLE DCM-MHD CITY Nor TO SCALE J RN U SE E, W Q Q J Q F Q Y U' a 9 z = Y 0o DRAW BY CHIP BY: JOB NO. - DNO. NO k, C BOLT THRU AT Po 3/4•.10' GAL,. SO BOLTS WITH 3/4 .43_ DIPPED G, LA. WA. S G 3 ri 5'-0• MGS WM IM XEM 1151Td ApA APPgOKO HOG SUT CdlLNEIE OEp(ING 1/4' IMIT [7­x ENS M. 0 O ii u"i �4•.Y � aE si WSAIED GWmEWS ry K¢ Ki S€qq 3s 6'-r O/C PILING SPACING STNNlE55 STEEL RUNG %uNGSGS BOLT HOG SLAT TO 6•4• TREATED BEAM WITH 3/4-Ar GALA. ROUND HEAD BOLT WM 3/4 AI3•xt/4• HOT DIPPED GALV. WASHERS, M. 6 FER HOG SLAT 57.10• TREATED SIDE BEAM, M. 8.A. THE m BEAM. M. TGROER BOLTED TNRu Wm 3/4- .1B• GA-V. TMBEt BOLTS AND 3;eZ-a/4' NOT DIPPED GALV. WAYCRS M. W-S' O/C RUNG SPADING _yam ��NWWI ,,N`NN :If?,- J Q .`v,eWW� O 4aP 'w�6s WWW n q 0 En" � U! lV u: ze \II IIIIII IIII v NDTE. ' TYPICAL E DDIUNM�ODIN; YE LENGTHNAWNi'il�� ' li IJI-Y R� MMA iARC A - -� �- IIII IIII Z PIER/BOARDWALK tNDUmimUYY STANDARD HAMMER TO 15 BLOWS/FOOT IIII CROSS—SECTION IIIIII %LING £XGM IN ME MA. MAY VART AW 30' NOT TO SCALE MINIMUM ON OUTER MOST EDGE OF PIER TO 40' DEPENDING ON DEPTH AND BLOW GOUNT, RANG 1�-/ Z LENGTH OKR ME LAND IS APWiOMMATELY IV. AT A MINIMUM, FOR EVERT 1' OF RUING LENGTH ABOVE I 1 __ _ __ _ __ L I gg 5$ I^ GROUND MERE SHALL BE t' OF %DING EMBEDMENT. _____________ -I' IIAB rT� �- ? 1'pp$ N4_3 p'w r ZIA€�tv NNLn 0 8n U F av= > m a td-r O/C RUNG s ACNG. M. ME SHEET ] OF 4 FOR nARREY S1FEL RLWG BRACMG VAWAMCNS CAP. M. ALL PLN6 eOLT THRU AT MUNGS Wm ri FxTxIW ADA MP WD HO 314; OILV. RaHM IRAD SI CONCRETE CECRNc mTH ears WTI SH'.eT•.t/4• IWT 57.10 TREATED ME UFAMs DPPED c.LLY. WASOM M. T T -r B0.T VAG` To 6w Wm aRDLA BCITFD Tq0 Wm - II15• (RE 3/4•.tr G.A.,TIIIBFIt S/4•.te• Wlv. TYBEA BtlTs 4•.p• 60.T5 MA 3/YIl3 Ale AM S/4•.IY.1 /4• IXIT )FPEp __ _� TREATED OPPED GUY. WASEB. OTT DILV. WA9HLAS M. tt33F FRAVIS v �g i sg 4 a€q TYPICAL PIER/BOARDWALK SECTION SIDE VIEW NOT TO SCALE I TYPICAL PIER/BOARDWALK TOP VIEW NOT TO SCALE J U L) O J z o F Q t 0 Q 0 Y 0 �0 2 N c DRAW BY:SBL_ (7BCD BY: M_ JOB NO. nn) DWG NAME:_ SCALE: MS RECEIVED HOII MIA VERT N/A ONG. NO OCT 20 2014 DCM-MHDCIrY 4 SHEET 4 OF 4