HomeMy WebLinkAbout86975A - Wright, Arthur & Mary Joe '>- WAMA 0 DREDGE & FILL V� 86975 B C D Previous permit — GENERAL PERMIT Date previous permit issued affifINNew ElModification E] Complete Reissue []Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant w H iUlb Rules attached. General Permit Rules available at the following link: vKww I SA NCAC X Applicant Name i" Wi(111'wdr Authorized Agent Address Project Location (County): city S.. zip 307, Street Address/State Road/Lot Vi eAA/ Phone # (M) V-V it q e5w—A C 14 Email gjy,- Subdivision — '(CJ'U City --CCU jq1:►°T� 0-13 Affected [- V7Y ]CW )<EW V PTA PTS AEC(s): OEA 1 IKA tj UW SPIMA PWS GRW: Vec.. PNA� ye l no "s Type of Project) Activity (*A1AeiJ--& W t+- Ck, i3`A - 1. 1 ..- -- - -1.1 . It Access Length _ Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s). Floating Platform(s) finger pier(s) Total Platform area Groin length/# Bulkhead/ Riprap length Avg distance offshore Hreakwatet/Siil .___ Max distance/ length Basin, channel Cubic yards Boat ramp 14— Brandon WA*Ovi�W-A —�MWA t*P, �'A^ -0A Beach Bulldozing CP"-V-TA 1, 1, SAV observed, yes Moratorium; C./D es no Site Photos: Riparian Waiver Attached: yes A building permalzoning permit may be required, equired by - Permit Conditions - ..61414- t� 11 4 MAVOWTA AFFORK d1!1',T (Scale: EI TAR/PAMINEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) 1:1 See note on back regarding River Basin rules ElSee additional notes/conclitiont, on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES , CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) Mi.trhpl I - AaAA .ax-andon AY Applicant PRINTEDINarne Permit officer's PRINTED Signature *'Please read compliance statement on back of permit'* Signature GUA100 04 111`6115V 112-1 a I &) LIZ x-tilb i 40 Application feels) Check #/Money Order . Issuing Wit Expir.Aion Dite p# 3 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CA AA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: -g - j mailing Address 1 Phone Number: i Email Address: 3-7 PC) 5Na,�0(d C� r. I certify that I have authorized _�- _'g Qua "^"LAG atJL, Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: _j o K b Dar 1 4— al my property located at yU D '"arbo'Qr in 0 O_x -t County. l furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to 0i"sion of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. F'oP'-My Owner Inf `11ftit°by; 71 uip ECA144A6A077404 Signoure - RECEIVEDArthur Wright F.,r,r r If 1Y/,& t4fit1w - N U V 2 9 2022 toile DCM-EC l�Otl J t [�a�g 1 11�� G&rtyf�CAhOn i5 valid throuytc i N.C. UIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATiONIWAIVER FORM C: Ej11_tU;N1A,'L 12klUllnitt:(:11t'liZ�QUt:;il:UaNANUULUVWY (Top (potiiion to i}t, CUtltt)It cc.1, byt3 mi'mi tit their atle lti) X im cos of t'i opet ly: LALAD 06vt C17� 1 A r.�.ti'tas Acirtrctss o� t tt7r. i rs:nc+ s cn�:ai:�UGKt�Nhtg O.�nrt's t'imnc#:L{ • 3y7.505 Age::tfs Naiad gyw-m Agciit t'hnnr,/f: %Otl u_14� $lv(07 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERMICATiON (Bottom portion to be coo t�6eted by the Adjacent PrWk tr Owned ehy cot bly that ! txln p10!)CI ty aojat;fll11 10 Me .lbuw: Telel unc-mi p) o}>ta }y. t hr, il)iUwh%at �}i}i4Yt,x} iOl ties pem:it has rtascrib rt to me. as shotjn oft tftr attar:hert ttiawiny. the rletmtopntent trmy ate pronositut. cie�crOb n or ctravAm with dimensions. must he -provided }pith IN,; !otter. _ ! t1n NO f have objections to this twollosal_ t llU have c>f)jeet+on:; to t!lis nrcusosrt; iYU4t a h u have is - objections to what hebrg proposed, you must notify the N.C.NDivision of Coastal INanagement (OC;titj in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Ccwrespondence should be mailed to 401 S. Griffin St, Ste. 30Q Elisabeth City, NC, 27909. DCA1 reprtesentabyes can also be contacted at f252j 2661-3901. No response is considered the some as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail, WAIVER SECTIOU u ;dustanci that any ptoposect pier. dock. mommg pillmis, boat MOP. NORkWat.:+. bnciti+au. I+f rr Naar owst be setback a minimum distance of 16 from my area of riparian access wiloss t:nived by me (thus does not apply to fudkheads or tiprap ►evoAments). (if you \'Ash to waive the setback. you must sigt} Lim jipprop: iatc blank below.) + DO sash k) s•.aive soniclell of the: 15' setback Srgnafuie of Adjacent Riparian Property 0! mer -OR- t do not t+sh to .wive the 15' sdback 1equitement (irtitial the blank) - _ .-RECEIVED NUV 2 9 zon DCM-EC TypeWPrinted name of ARPO: Mailing Address of ARPO: uL %� ARPO.s smalf:0.0lr�e50.va�Cio� ARPo's Phorteil: a52 -_?4 5S _j23to p DAte ��� 5I _ 'waivw is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature' f kewsed Jut-y WQf -t -c�• ofa.� { We f+-d 324 9""°' •te,nn i� wC. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONtWAIVER FORM CE141 It ILL) 10AIL, &I UkN RECUIP'l RLUUESTLD of HAND;)LLIVLI\'Y A_,A..Nqa -fly, 06vt c4n 12- SLA 65 A'�Jcllt Pholtc# —/Cq LA �q) 5kv (c 7 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION qd b akeent Pronettv Owner _y the AdL Iq reltljy i1131 i (xvill pinpeilyardinur"ll lotheab-1vo lolintilux-fl) plopelly, "hir lluilv'Atskit appiplit) wt has dr-srribcd to me, as %hovin oil tilt> attaclu"d diawiiq, the developil'"It thir-Y arc PIMOSON it "tion 01 (iraviiji(I with (linlensions. mu%t bp provitleri with 11111; 100W ltrotsersYai I DO liam I!bl—Tons to 1;11S pmpr;%'­ i 110 No Leave obinrtiolls tO IN% It YoU have Objectiolis to what I's being propo I secl, yall mlist notily the AfC. novision of Coasfal Management (DICU) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Curfespondf.-nf:e should b(,, maned to 401 S, Gtiffirt St, Ste. 300. Elizabeth City, NC, 17909. DCM representatives cilt; also hr contacted of (252) 264-3901. No response is considered the some as no ohicrtlan It YMI have tA­.' notified by Certified Mail, WAIVER SECTION : 'ElLlitalv: thai ally p4opesud pict. docK 1110WIllu I)I10tv", brwl fal:lp. hivekt.-.'a11s . ! i5'how my area otlipalian access by twr (tbis (joes not apply to hulkhead% or liprap levtItmalts), (it you vAsh to%vaive. the setback. You Must NELD tile nonrolli'late blank bdn; .'J.) . 11. 1 00 vitsh to waive ,%oil itifall of tale 16' RECEIVED -OR A' d-1-a-ceirt Rillatiall PlaPett I V Qtvner D E C 1 6 2922 do not visli to waive tht! 15'sutbaCk IeQuilelfl('Ilt (India] the blaitk DCM-EC TypedlPf inted name of ARPO: Mailing Address of ARPO: VOU IN. 3 �-q � I I ARPO's email, . ... .. ARPO's Phone#: .-waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature* Hevised July 2021 -k--( -*- - - k \/,j4C Sj-e% �%-Ck d 32Ck 4AVA.104 I -CtM S, 4 -III - -7 " REC E iVTEED ci �j N U V 2 9 2022 DCM-EC • , x 4 u IN* "- 440 Harbour View Do�. 44 ' • 1 �r i •i. ._ k 1 .lay gle Earth ; . 80 ft �... �, f 4 � ' ad".