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86971A - Sunkler, Heiko &Herron, Michelle
_X y*Q t"k XCAMA n DREDGE & FILL N 86971. s C GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit { Date previous permit issued New O Modification ❑ Complete Reissue Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina. Department of Errrironntentai Quality and Elie Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: �j,. I SA NCAC ^ _ _ S .�_. _ L Rules attached. General Permit Rules available at the following link: wrw:deq.nc.govJCAt�Arules Applicant Name �_Ja-}_ I y +1 l- ,' ' '{s Authorized Agent .._ Address ti 9I-allV��� C�l_� _ _ __- Project Location (County): City_State ZIP Street AddressiState Road/Lot #(s) (l_� Q. .._3 8 1 Phone # k - rIIA Email .._ Subdivision _ i.� 5W� City JAA._� _._._.._..._.....-- __. FS Affected �CW E W 1,;<PTA �PT5r Ad" Wtr. Body _ v._,y�,} „...._._._ __........... _(na nk) AEC(s): OEA 0 IHA UW SPIMA PWS Closest Ma;, Wtr. Body __Q V'frti�i ORW: ye. no PNA: ye na Type of Project/ Activity _12il x 12 _ a+' fA- f1Y541&'rj —�T3 (Scale: N `f-1 horeline'L�ngt�—_(! (,E Access Length �ock) length � Fix, atform s f �j x t �s • �► --ti JL'y. J91 �f�renttwit 'platfilIIIO 0 _aya. in erOAL i r ^^� atal Plat n�rm� a 21 IOWt�r.�'tn Groin length%ttI Bulkhead/Ripr 1L 1 D Avg distance of�� UA Awkvk Breakwater/Sill Max distance) }} tt Basin, channel( IJ li fL Cubic yards "'^ % Boat rump Boathouse/ 6a Beach ,Bulldozik �� —r)' n. L 9-14io ¢3`.la t... 44-% 't 1 Y+ i SAVObserved: ( no Moratorium: n/a yes no Site Photos: (� no Cl���Ain Riparian Waiver Attached yes ��.?�}�/'.}�/ �' • t" A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: iCzJ'ti' in (' f Permit Conditions _ .. _N_- -ii-i tv Iry TAR/PAM1NEtl5E16UFfER (circle one) yy_ .—• c. =1! Si — i j �._.�._ C7 ►h.iiLlt'6V See note an back regarding River Basin rules !'l r •._-_.+—'r°+"w^�r' �+2+�e�, i.'ty�V\ ` + { �'Y - t See addihonai notes/conditions an back 1 AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial} -- igent Applicant PRINT Permit Officer's PRINTED Narttca Signature "Please reb�campliance st t(., ' ermit" Signa�irc L i 3 to _5 it, _�-- 3V _..� Application Fees} Check #!Money Order issuing D ho Et P b- A b9 * 869 1-6 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR LAMA: PERMfT APPUCATim, Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit Heiko Sunkler Mailing Address: 1 z{o 2 -� e-J t" Kitty Hawk N-C_ 27949 Phone Numbm 252-202-7833 Email Address: hikeobx@gmail.com I certify that f have authorized Millstone Marine Construction Agent 1 Cant m=f b act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary "Or the 1'6110aring proposed development: Construct a New Pier at MY property located at 4029 TarMe Ridge Drive _ in Dare County. _ 1 fu ti Ormore certify that I am atAborrzed to grant, and do in fact grant pemtisston to ©ivision of Coastal f�lanagement stet; the Loaf Permit t 1f9cer and their agenfs to eate ,oerrnft application. r on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to ffre Prowerty Owner Irenrma#ion_ Signature Heiko Sung Print or Tvrse Aatne Owner __Trite T "O 1 3 1 2022 Date This certification is valid through 3 f_ 28 1 2022 ���! � Revised Mar. 20.�5 R 4 DEC U 5 1W - DCM-EC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION FORM CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Heiko Sunkler s (Name of Property Owner) property located at 4029 Tarkie Ridge Drive (Address, Lot. Block, Road, etc.) on Albemarfe Sound in Kitty Hawk N C (Waterbody) (City/Town andlor County) Agent's Name #: Millstone Marine Construction Mailing Address: 201-A Etheridge Road Agent's phone #� 252--202-2678 Manteo N-C. 27954 He/She has described to me as shown below the development he/she is proposing at that location, and I have no objections to the proposal. DESCRIPTION ANDIOR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (In d�'�` proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) Construct a New Pier If you have objections to what is being proposed you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice Contact information for DCM offices is available at www.nccoasfatmangementnet/contact dermh w or by calling 1-8884RCOAST, No response Is eonsidemd the same as no objection if you have beery notified by Certified Mail. (Property Owner Information) Signa re Heiko Sunkler rnnt or Type Name ox 1 yo29 T-acoe ZArl Dr - Mailing Address Kitty Hawk N.C_ 27949 City/Statelzip Telephone Number r (Riga ' n Property Information) Sgnature Michael Pitzer Print or Type Name 1205 East Patuxant Drive RECEIVE} Mal/M Address N O Y 0 9 2022 La Plata MD., 20646 C#y/Stata2ip ®CM -EC Teleph Number /D �3/�� Lz Date DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION FORM CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Heiko Sunkler is (Name of Property Owner) property located at 4029 Tarkle Ridge Drive (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on Albemarle Sound , in Kitty Hawk N.C. (Waterbody) (City/Town and/or County) Agent's Name #: Millstone Marine Construction Mailing Address: 201-A Etheridge Road Agent's phone #: 252-202-2678 Manteo N.C. 27954 He/She has described to me as shown below the development he/she is proposing at that location, and I have no objections to the proposal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must rill in description below or attach a site drawing) RECEIVED DEC 1 6 2022 Construct a New Pier �n �_EC !f you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management 'v' available at www.nccoastalmangementneticontact (DCM) in writing within 90 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is dcm.htm or by calling 1-88$-4RCOAST. No res onse is considered the same as no objection if you have been n tifiad hu mo—, (Property Owner information) Signature Heiko Sunkler Print or Type Name P.O. Box451 Mailing Address Kitty Hawk N.C. 27949 Caynitate2ip Telephone Number Date _ Ri arian Prope ' w e Inf Signal Michael Soriente Print or Type Name P.O. Box 132 Mailing Address Kitty Hawk N.C. 27949 049'Statelzip _ ^-� _ 5 Telephone Num er Date Division of Coastal Management Phone Call Log- Sarah Loeffler Date Time Name Phone Location County Reason for Calling Date Time Response Activity Number • Received a notification concerning a proposed docking facility at these • Left a voicemail explaining that we (301) 4029 & 4037 locations from Millstone Marine. would be in training on Tuesday and 10/24/22 11:06 AM Mike Pitzer 848-1498 Tarkle Ridge, Kitty Dare • Has questions about variences and 10/24/22 5:33 PM hopefully we can get connected on Hawk setbacks and what is needed. Wednesday. • He has concerns about the size. • Returning my call in regards to the • Called back and left a message letting 4029 & 4037 properties on Tarkle Ridge. him know that I will be in the field this (301) .They have received a request fora 10/25/22 1:10 PM Mike Pitzer Tarkle Ridge, Kitty Dare 10/26/22 10:35 AM afternoon. 848-1498 Hawk docking facility proposal. •Hopefully we can get in touch before • Please call back to discuss and asked then. what is the setback. Is it 15? • Reaching out to me again about • Discussed GP permitting & some of proposed piers in Tarkle Ridge Area. the state rules for a docking facility (301) 4029 & 4037 • Talked to Millstone Marine & got (1/4 width, 15' setback, shading, etc.) 10/31/22 1:42 PM Mike Pitzer 848-1498 Tarkle Ridge, Kitty Dare clarification that it will be 19' from 11/1/22 11:56 AM • He can send paperwork & forms to Hawk property line. me if he would like. • Please call back to discuss. • Email: mpitzer57@gmail.com • He didn't remember receiving • I called to confirm that he had notification for Mr. Sunkler & it may received the notification & to ask if he Michael (252) 4029 Tarkle Ridge have been forwarded to Idaho. Call would email me the signed form. 12/5/22 2:35 PM Soriente 202-5649 Drive, KH Dare • He asked for the info to be remailed Placed • I asked if the contractor could email & he would return form. him the information. • He declined to use his email. • I confirmed his P.O Box Address. lil,� 7c.r� 34' 18' a 16' m RECEIVE N 0 V 0 9 2022 DCM-E Pier for Hike Sunkler Tarkle Ridge Road 0 fyl n akr0 4 PT?, R � ?J(4 Ac-o- 5L. P RECEIVED NOV 09 M DCM-EC CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. P.O. Box 665, Marteo, NC 27954 (252) 473-9733 FAX (252) 473-4191 LOWLY SIEP F!NG�R OOW Y ER JOB Hjr"t: SHEET No. f OF _ CALCUi.ATE08Y__-• L.. ._....�_ LATE CHLCKED BY —._ GATE SCALE_ .._...______..._.._�. PLAN OF PIER CANAL OFF ROANOKE SOUND N --'� STEP LOWER. DOWN FINGER i n 9' x 9` CO—YE'REi• € ILA TRORM SEE S 1EET N0.3 RECEIVED DEC 1 5 2022 DCM-E¢ C-` MA. F_T. PFL.cs 0,0, c-c �. 7 11, r K j O ��`lit-t4�e CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. P.U. Box 665, Manteo, NC 27954 (252) 473-9733 FAX (252) 473-4191 ?2 `-T II `I it ll ^2" P.T. TIES NAIL rO OYER4ANG INSIDE FACE OF GIRDER AND EACH RAFTER FACE wi (3) 5d NAILS INTO EACH MEMBER 10" r3UTT DIA P.T. 11MBER PILE - 6' MIN. C-tAFEDMENT i TOP OF PIER PLATFORM; .;,la 1 I x ur n i-i. '1's'2.-Tlit SHEET NO_,_ CALCULATED By ........... .............I� - e • DATE DATE ___._. SCALF ,2 _ FAF P". ii4P TYPICAL SECTION OF COVERED PLATFORM SC:Ai_E: 61& - V-o 5/3; DIA. GA.LV. 80,7S 2 2 ATO P. r. GiRG'ER RECEIVE DEC 1 6 2022 -DCM-EC I w Loeffler, Sarah W From: Kevin Lineberger <millstonemarine@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, December 5, 2022 1:37 PM To: Loeffler, Sarah W Subject: [External] Re: 4029 Tarkle Ridge Dr, Kitty Hawk (Sunkler) - Questions & Information Attachments: Scan_0767.pdf, Scan_0768.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Agent Authorization Form (see attached): The same issue exists on this form as the form submitted for William Slovic. The agent name is listed as millstonemarinePgmail.com instead of a person or company. Please have Mr. Sunkler update the form with a company or individual's name and not an email address. Typo corrected and email address added 1 need either the returned green card or a signed form from Michael or Sandra Soriente. I guess Mr. Soriente got tired of returning letters after the Quinn application, Attached is the receipt and the tracking showing where he went to the post office and picked it up. I have not received a green card yet. Not all that unusually out of the post office these days but the tracking should suffice especially as we know the address is correct from the Quinn notification. Project Drawing Clarifications: o Are the 18'x18' platform and 5'x16' finger piers all on the same level? If so, combined they are over the allowable component size of 400 ft2 (18'x18' + 5'x16' + 5'x16' = 324 + 80 + 80 = 484 ft2). They are dropped down one step for each of the 16x5 finger piers o What do the hatched ovals shown on the main pier & finger piers represent (see attached)? Its like the squiggly lines used to indicate that there is more there than shown. I was running out of room on the page to draw it to scale. Measurements are correct o In the cross section, a third piling is shown. Is this a piling in the background? It appears to be connected to the roof structure. can you please clarify? Its because that is a generic section that I put the job name on to show that there are no walls underneath and indicate the overhang which does not matter on this one. I picked a crappy one with an extra pile to use as generic. Sorry about that o In the roofed area, the pilings appear to go through holes in the 18'x18' platform into the water bottom and the 9'x9' section indicated under the roof is not a separate raised platform. Is this understanding correct? Yes, my drawing abilities are a bit limited. I drew this in word and there is only so much you can pull off in it On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 12:54 PM Loeffler, Sarah W <Sarah.Loeffler@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Good morning Kevin, I am working on drawing out the permit request for a docking facility at 4029 Tarkle Ridge Drive in Kitty Hawk for Heiko Sunkler & Michelle Herron. Below are some questions that I have and information that is needed. Agent Authorization Form (see attached): The same issue exists on this form as the form submitted for William Slovic. The agent name is listed as millstonemarine@gmail.com instead of a person or company. Please have Mr. Sunkler update the form with a company or individual's name and not an email address. I need either the returned green card or a signed form from Michael or Sandra Soriente. Project Drawing Clarifications: m 4029 Targ 49 OrT dow Am GoogleE6rt,o 100 ft A N IT 4k 1