HomeMy WebLinkAbout86973A - Baycliff HOA�y i CAMA , DREDGE & FILL r r e C o GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit Date previous permit issued _ New E-� Modification [I Complete Reissue LJ Partial Reissue As au hcNzed by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area offenvironmental concern pursi+ant to. 5A NCAC __ L] Rules attached. TA General P*-,* Rules available at the following link: wt+w.j :fix. v r+i s ; _ofra-,tnt Va3 tt r ` . r , �: %�" Authorized Agent —: Project location (Coup ZIP r `'c s Street AddressiState Road/Lor #(s) Subdivision P1,44 City('C�.j-tf.. Affected [.. J CW EW PTA XES 'i PT5 Ali!cks): t _f OEA [_J iHA UW SPIMA PWS C3?tW ye: n PNA: ye 4nD 7VPC Of Project/ Activity `t 4`.i�tl�^`,_„fra%%i� ��t }� O►�1,t�nl�`..� }Q G!� n _ A AE vss Length -': -r =clock) length r:rl plea""(s). 3; eakwateri So" x i t length _ I 3.wr=, channel �_ _ C,::bic yards T".ai ramp ��-<rthattse,' f3taatiifi 4 Adi. Wtr. Body Closest Maj. Wtr. Body obw,vcd: yes L J + r PhatW tcw n/ate yes no L C X irJ}t �A��%�1k�C✓ r Phn81 :flit an �d:rk�er Attachett' no 1;,;'1U­9 pet arhfioning perrrTf may be required by: _ty 1. t. r: M_,#ZF, -A r Sd L] TAR/PAWNEUSUSUFFER (circle cne) See note on back regarding River Basin rules See additional rwtes/cunditians on bao, to"= A 'ARE 0 STATUT CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPttANCE STJ�T�NIENT. )Please initial) Name ,7 0MV, I,71'kt�:;Pestse read compliance statement on back of permit** 46, ,iVf�ftation ree(si Check N/Money Order Permit Officer's PRINTED N�'e signature [ Issuing ate Ex ration Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: Baycliff Homeowners Association Mailing Address: 99 Baydiff Trail Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Phone Number: 703-932-2344 Email Address: cathydrosos@gmail.com I certify that I have authorized Emanuelson and Dad Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: construct 8'x70' vinyl bulkhead Install 9 additional 10"x24' to reinforce upper and middle retaining walls at my property located at 160 BayCliff Trail in Dare County. / furthermore certify that 1 am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: BayCliff Homeowners' Association, Inc. Craig Marks RF_CE1 v Signature NUV 2 2 2022 By: Craig Marks Print or Type Name D C ► V t Ey � v President Title 10 ! 24 / 2022 Date This certification is valid through to /--?,4_1 2023 Signature: Email: xca11163@yahoo.com CEmanuel"n a Dad 10/31 /2022 U.S. Postal Service�� CERTIFIED MAIL" RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information, visit our website at www.usps.com Certified Mall — Return Rec Shingle Landing of Colington Corp PO Box 785 Nlwot. CO 80544 Dear Shingle Landing of Colington Corp, ul M rq Ceniiled Mail Fee $4.00�454 O a f� G 5 t+7 ! •`- f` �..w�w, x�O (,tl ••••, ••_•• ty & a Services & Fees (check eoa, add Me'V IN ❑ Return Recei7t (hen:c. w ❑ R,-win Receipt i�eCironlC) ti �t'.4J4/ C3 ❑ Crtdrod Mau Restrcted DNMry i Z C3 f1 .� Ret>a1M i _, SID 00 :DAdit S>Wt. Restricted Delivery : li o v Postage $0.60 oTotal 1 /2 Tuw85 s ol- ------ --------- ----- —--------------------------------- We have been contracted by George and Cathy Drosos to do the following work at Waterfront Property at 160 Baycliff Trail. Colington: 1. Construct 8'x70' vinyl bulkhead 2. Install 9 additional 10"x24' butt piles to existing retaining walls We ask that you sign the attached Waiver Form and return it to us as soon as you can. You may scan and email, fax or simply mail. If you have any questions. please do not hesitate to contact us. Should you have any objections to the proposed work, you may contact a NC Division of Coastal Management representative at 252-264-3901. or in writing to 401 S Griffin St., Ste. 300, Elizabeth City. NC. 27909 We thank you for your cooperation in this matter ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. M A Sincerely, ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. ❑Addressee ■ Attach this card to the back oi,Me mailpiece, by (Prfraed Name) C. Date of Delivery 11411 or on the front if space permits.. ,J K 1. Article Addressed to: 6. Is delivery address different from item 1 T ❑ Yes Lorelei Zumbrunnen Emanuelson & Dad i n S1'itr, �Q, U AdAi q U I L If YES, enter delivery address below: p No CXJ V! b 7 r AVof goSq iq t coo */ 3. Service Type❑ PriorityMail ff ❑ Adult Signature ❑Registerd Mall- ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑ Rgstered Mal Restricted 0 9402 7495 2098 9609 91 firCertified "ail®RECEIa ry 0 Certified Mai! Restricted Delivery ❑ Signature ConfirmatonTMR91 N U V 2 2 2022 2. Ardde Number (Transfer from service label) ❑ Collect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation G Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 7 0 2 0 0640 0001 7135 6 413 d Mail 500) l Restricted Delivery DC p � _ E C PS Form 3811, ady 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt emanueiscn6735CaDouticok.com wvvw.emanuelsondad.com • File an Annual Report/Amend an Annual Report • Upload a PDF Filing • Order a Document Online - Add Entity to My Email Notification List • View Filings • Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form • Print an Amended a Annual Report form Business Corporation Legal Name Shingle Landing of Colington Corp Information Sosld: 0758591 Status: Current -Active O Date Formed: 12/23/2004 Citizenship: Domestic Fiscal Month: December Annual Report Due Date: April 15th CurrentgnnuaL Report Status: Registered Agent: Bramble, Toby A Addresses Principal Office 100 Shingle Landing Ln Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Mailing PO Box 785 Niwot, CO 80544-0785 Off icers Vice President Barbara J Bramble 1318 22nd Street NW Washington DC 20037 Reg Office 100 Shingle Landing Ln Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Secretary Toby A Bramble PO Box 785 Niwot CO 80544 Reg Mailing 100 Shingle Landing Ln Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Treasurer Toby A Bramble PO Box 785 Niwot CO 80544 President Willard C Bramble 345 E. 80th Apt. 31 C New York NY 10075 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner Baycliff Homeowners Association Address of Property 0 Baycliff Trail. Colington (at 160 Baycliff Trail) Ma,l,ng Address of Owner 99 Baycliff Trail, Kill Devil Hills NC 27948 Ownersemail cathyd rosos@g mail co m Agent's Name Emanuel&-)n and Dad Owners Phone# 703-932-2344 Agents Email emonuelson6705@outlook.com Agent Phone#. 252-261-2212 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adiacent Property Owner's I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property The individual applying for this permit has described to me, as shown on the attached drawing. the development they are proposing A description or drawing with dimensions must be provided with this letter I DO NOT have objections to this proposal I DO have objections to this proposal if you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 401 S. Griffin St., Ste. 300, Elizabeth City, NC, 27909. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 264-3901. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION i understand that any proposed pier, dock mooring prongs boat ramp, breakwater boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments). (If you wish to waive the setback you must sign the appropriate blank below ) I DO wish to waive some/all of the 15' setback / Srgna e of Adjacent pariah Property Owner I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement (initial the blank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner RE-CEIVE N U V 2 2 2022 Typed/Printed name of ARPO: �C�,•�TQ �V (l�u DCM—EC Mailing Address of ARPO: ii C3 Jac 33�_k :II oevj P: )Is,. a. :27 y V h v' �r' V ARPO's email: o6 Lvooct- (� VPLi oo.C, , ARPO's Phone#: Date: / % T 21.22 'waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature' _—Z7— Revised July 2021 �, Emanuetsaon � Dad Certified Mail - Return Rect 10/31/2022 George & Lynda Wood 224 Colington Ridge Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Dear George and Lynda, U.S. Postal Service' CERTIFIED MAIL"' RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery Information, visit our website at wwt; asps, Kill DCertilied Mail Fee —iu" evi'l Hills? NC 27948 Return Reoelpt (hodcepy) s o p ties m RxCe1pA ie .ci cnMa s 11110,00 ! 0 ❑Grtihod MV Reab,cted DWrwy S iG 0 ❑ Arl SPnal,re }ad f ❑ Adult Sigrmun RestrkW De!KWV i �o Posts" $0.60 Is C3 Total Poshom wid ir. 85 $ r r u 11� i ! arre¢r PCJ o.��. �.. Y. Postmark y^,\ / Mere cr +Z \JN31/2022 We have been contracted by George and Cathy Drosos to do the following work at Waterfront Property at 160 Baycliff Trail, Colington: 1. Construct 8'x70' vinyl bulkhead 2. Install 9 additional 10"x24' butt piles to existing retaining walls We ask that you sign the attached Waiver Form and return it to us as soon as you can. You may scan and email, fax or simply mail. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Should you have any objections to the proposed work. you may contact a NC Division of Coastal Management representative at 252-264-3901, or in writing to 401 S Griffin St . Ste. 300, Elizabeth City. NC. 27909 We thank you for your cooperation In this matter Sincerely, Lorelei Zumbrunnen Emanuelson & Dad N O V 2 2 ZRZ DCM► EC ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: wed UI �-• 22�4 41 I IS N� VAI1► A. Sguoure 1 ❑ Agent X _in- ddre B. NWO) C. too el D. Is delivery address different from Rem ? ❑Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: p No 3Service Type O Priority Mal Express© III IIIII IIII III I it I IIII I I III III II I I I I I IIII III C, Adult Signature C Adult Signature Restricted Delvry oR ,M G Regsered MZRestncted 9590 9402 7495 2098 9610 04 Certified Certified Mat Restricted Delivery De6Nery 0 Signature Confirmation- ❑ Collect on Delivery ❑ Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery [3Synature Confirmation Restricted Delivery 2. Article Number (Transfer from sery ce label) •ed Mail 7020 0640 0001 7113 S 6437 ssII Restricted Delivery 00) Domestic Return Receipt PS Form 3811, July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 www.ertanuelsondad.com w Tnis map is prepared from data used for the ` ti ! ► inventory of the real orooerty for tax •. PuTow Primary mformai-on sowees .uch at leco'ded deeds. p;ats, w,l:s and other pntnAfy s - �„ -- yuo!:C records should he \ runwi;ed for -w. drt.ttion nfrhe rninr"Weon contacted in th-s nw, 0 Baycllft TRL Owners. Ba cliff Homeowners Assoc - Tax District: Colington Colington NCC E I �F' E 6imary Owner Subdivision: Bay Cliff Parcel 0187JB9 Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: Common .Area Blk: Sec: Pin 987310454391 NUV 2 2 Building Value: 5351,100 Property Use: Property Owners Land Value: $898,700 Association (Improved) C Misc Value. $130,400 Budding Type: Misc Commercial DCM—G tal Value: $1,380,200 Year Built: 1989 a d This map is prepared from data used for the inventory of the real property for tax • Primary purposes. r�/j information sources such recorded deeds. plats. record i wills wills. and other primary public records should be consulted for verification of the information contained in this map. 160 Baycliff TRL Colington NC, 27948 Parcel: 018788160 Pin:987314442848 • 0 Owners: Drosos, George P Ttee - Primary Owner Drosos, Catherine L Ttee -Primary Owner Building Value: $343,700 Land Value: $176,000 Misc Value: 130,900 Total Value $550,600 Tax District: Colington Subdivision: Bay Cliff Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: 160 Blk: Sec: Property Use: Residential Building Type: Beach Contemporary Year Built: 1998 -A. III ZOO FFTF to '#Fit 96 -40 I J-7 la 114, -2 so.