HomeMy WebLinkAbout87574D-MILLIGAN�.w.q�aj�c}rr�r'iia'+�`^�nrr. :tr`'sy,�'*enn h' �,'?Wf "4'. „'p-. �-,;,_y"`^-a+"�,J,",is;�n�r""'q'0.�y •'P'.r'Tar_,�._,�\. ..�aF'.. _ _ .. .,r�c�,-cTx-�c+.." 'oadtour�NEICAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL il(/,,, },. No 87574 ( A B _GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit . 412 1 , �' to pr vious permit issued New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue I // p�, ? //� �� l� As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in/ n ar o environmental concer pu ant to: Rules attached. General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.deq.nc.gov/CAMArules /411 Applicant Name Authorized Agent Address lc:: - S Project Location (County): . - i 5 � r City ` �x , _ State ZIP 5 °" Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) Phone # ) t� Email F J `- Subdivision City ZIP Affected T JCW ❑ EW ❑ PTA H ES ❑ PTS Adj. Wtr. Body 4 w,-,J i, (nat/rnan/unk) AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body ORW: yes/no PNAcyes/no Total Platform area 'lac 1 I 7 i s Groin length/# IRE Bulkhead/ Riprap length ce offshore Avg d stan .-- t �.. . Breakwater/Sill v.00 Max distance/ length , r Basin, channel G U Cubic yards r i__ v ._._. _.. Boat ramp 4 c Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Bulldozing — Other t F_.. _. _. - ! 1, r SAV observed: yes n o Moratorium: n/a yes } o Site Photos: Riparian Waiver Attached: ye: o s A building permit/zoning.pern,d may be required by: Permit Conditions t X r+,, ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) <� d Oi u 4 ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules G C c ),L 3 T,a r i „ ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit O cerffi 'sfRTNTED'Name, Signature **Plea/s�e//r}e�/add com p liance statement on back of permit** Signature 3 Application�ee(s) Check #/Money Order Issuing Date) Expiration Date Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application and permit conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that: 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement from the adjacent riparian property owner(s) has been obtained, or proof of delivery of certified mail notification of the adjacent riparian property owner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: 1-1 Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules 1-1 Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215). Notes/Additional Permit Conditions: Please ensure all debris associated with the removal or construction of the permitted development is contained within the authorized project area and disposed of in an appropriate upland location. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ 1-888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven — south of the Neuse River, Onslow Counties) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 (Serves: Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Craven — north of the Neuse River, Hyde, Pamlico, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 6/01/2021 M,W,' i LAMA DREoeE d FILL �j,,,r..b./ N9 87574 M a n +GENE �.. PERMIT p.eIAbumow OMB+ DC« Ohnw Reissue tea s, #o sem ei v ow cw u k o gmw�mK.tE�Mvrwmael Qi+b:rd eAe a �..i.a. camwden A m um e+t.wN.n d come" wrvim OW 15ArxAc_dW UW e M 1 nn �wru. .a e«��wm*rum rAftwoa*0 Awk /donee . 'i I'fe�,� ' Am*wi d*vm Vick,v Jw.es ` ;,� ti.pa t�oeww (4_a�.wrk ! ��-► 1 r Its sue. J_ PASO a OO) t _ C SerbdkMim uvr nr # A�d �nr ntw Cjm Ign ern Clef [��► ew► O%w ❑vem Qrws tLeea► 4vft l.* TVM of ft*)W/ AC*ft Simi kale teeg% LLB PALM P-IsKubma n,wq"Wvmm 3x a l'f A • f" -wad qr, wed- C�Sc l h uwpftdwm&mAS �4,,,,. tULN MUK Arj �e �6Nw ei.. Muise►ee�s Cb&WM Cubg e*•w en.t a� orti. wwwrrw. AA e� Pn� s.. rerec R..w wewe+alodiot "Mmo - � M llt�c- fa t dc-l .�(y t' 1 S1. s 3 taw'w's ❑ see MW on bwk m mdlne Rka, a "ftl e � � d'�'� ►emu c 1t� tm.�o eeeMar,t m►►ad of rr+�+7`• - — ° �i zuti3 �.� tti'LZ �ry t CAeeti u/eeor„y Owe+ MeeMt OMo Ceotr Scanned with CarnScanner AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: Craven Demette Milligan Mailing Address: 1776 Waterway Dr. OIB, NC 28469 Phone Number: 1-910-540-3575 Email Address: treymilligan@gmail.com I certify that I have authorized Richard D. Duvall, Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: Adding a retaining wall on the rear property boundary line. Also adding a walkway 4' x 22' of of the share pier head leading to a new 13,000 boat lift. at my property located at 1776 Waterway Dr. OIB, NC 28469 in Brunswick County. I furthermore certify that / am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: Ct4hAl Craven Milligan di (Jul 28, 202216:19 EDTi Signature Craven Milligan III Print or Type Name mr Title 07/2$/22 / Date This certification is valid through 12/31/2022 agent authorization Final Audit Report Created: 2022-07-28 By: Richard D Duvall(bigbearlumbercompany@gmail.com) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAImwFs7N6GQCtBQJlxolpCzAIZWM792Jk "agent authorization" History Document created by Richard D Duvall (bigbearlumbercompany@gmail.com) 2022-07-28 - 0:16:03 AM GMT C'w Document emailed to treymilligan@gmail.com for signature 2022-07-28 - 0:17:40 AM GMT Email viewed by treymilligan@gmail.com 2022-07-28 - 8:18:17 PM GMT r% Signer treymilligan@gmail.com entered name at signing as Craven Milligan iii 2022-07-28 - 8:19:52 PM GMT 6e Document e-signed by Craven Milligan iii (treymilligan@gmail.com) Signature Date: 2022-07-28 - 8:19:54 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2022-07-28 - 8:19:54 PM GMT Q Adobe Acrobat Sign 2022-07-28 1� EIR�Ol'47"E 12439' TEL ILOU N'0oL❑T 30 o OR, WATERWAY DRIVE SW CO6RW -H r g °56'00uE99,86' PP S 86°04'20'E 100,03, 1/2' EIR U 0.' • - BRICK WALK 12.4' ti O� s (] NI d W lD � 3 a N� 0 LOT 32 MI co 0 Z o I I EIR SURVEYOR K \ gPaRo 9MoTE HWLW 102 21 YO 10,20' <r �JATERWAY R/ W � ,IIII 1LL \� 3,- / HIG 2' EIP \J INTRAC�ASTA\- \� �I1 111 Nit �f ( �� �1 Li u Z 1 Z. 0 Z Q H fk a Q d T � ' I W W W W O � W Ca I °98.79, 15'W S g0 80' SETBACK FROHANNEL INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY Project Title: TREY MILLIGAN WALL & LIFT CENTER�-1NE OF Project Location:1776 WATERWAY DR. OIB, NC 28469 Revisions Date Initials Applicant — TREY MILLIGAN EXISTING Date: 07 24 2022 Scale: 1 " = 50' TMS # Sheet 2 of 7 1/2' EIR S 86°.. .vveyl UKIVE `9w GO, �Ol'47.E 124,99' PP PINCH T g `56'OO-E99,86' Rw TEL P PP S 86'04'20-E 100,03' 1/2' EIR P u BRICK WALK 12.4' � ra (U G� nj S M kp N (U (U M (U W cr W O 11.9' (U 0� o 00 (u LOT 30 0 C M L❑T 32 0l z Cu z M o I I 1/2' EIR ' EIR SURVEY N PpcK \1 10,20' •�,w, \Il ` Ol '2 W121' R/W \� BIG 2' EIP z o \� \1 J I z H TE `WL pPPRGy, W W r A o � W .P . A I W S g0o15,16"W98,79 GK FRAM WATERWAY gW SETBA �F CHANNEL INTRAGOASTAL rrENTERLINE Project Title: TREY MILLIGAN WALL & LIFT Project Location:1776 WATERWAY DR. OIB, NC 28469 ' Revisions Date Initials Applicant — TREY MILLIGAN PROPOSED Date: 07 24 2022 Scale: 1 " = 50' TMS # Sheet 3 of 7 MHW MLW TREX CAP NEW 4.25 VINYL SHEET—, PENETRATION (2)—TREATED 4" x 6" N WALERS 0 N SOILS/FILL �-(2)-3/4" X 12' HDG TIEBACK NEW 8" X 8" ROD 8" BUTT- 2.5 TREATED CONTINUOUS DRAG PILE (MIN) 5' PILE PENITRATION 8' 8" BUTT X 10' (MAX) O.C. DEADMAN PILE @ EACH EXISTING PILE LOCATION (TYPE) . SECTION @ WALL. SECTION @ WALL SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" NOTE: TREATED LUMBER CONNECTIONS — ALL NAILS, BOLTS, SCREWS, AND CONNECTORS THAT MAY COME INTO CONTACT WITH TREATED LUMBER WILL BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED (HDG), STAINLESS STEEL (SS), OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIALS TO MINIMIZE CORROSION CAUSED BY ACQ TREATMENT CHEMICALS I Project Title: TREY MILLIGAN WALL & LIFT roject Location:1776 WATERWAY DR. OIB, NC 28469 MILLS R. EDWARDS JR. Revisions Licensed Professional Engineer Date Initials Applicant — TREY MILLIGAN 413 Caspian Dr Date: 07 24 2022 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29588 Scale: 1/ 4'' = 1' SECTIONS Phone:843-855-4767 TMS # Sheet 4 of 7 10 W J U M 3'-0" CLEAR GRAB RAIL 2x8 OR 2x6 CAP 2x4 TOP RAIL 2x2 PICKETS @ 4" D.C.- PT. POST (SEE PLAN) 2 x 6 DECKING 2x4 BOTTOM RAIL DECKING (2)-1/2" GALV. THRU BOLT \_2 x 8 JOIST ON OUTSIDE 1- 2 x 1 D PILE CAP BOTH SIDES OF POST G 6" x 6" TREATED POST V O.C. 2" x B" JOIST @ 16" O.C. 6 (MAX.) L� SIMPSON H2.5 HDG (JOIST TO PILECAP) - TYP. oWOOD BLOCKING - TYP. 2)-1/2" GALV. THRU BOLTS -TYP. TYPICAL RAMP SECTION NOTE: CROSS BRACE ONLY REQUIRED IF RAMP IS 4' OR MORE ABOVE GRADE TYPICAL WALKWAY PLAN VIEW NOTE: CROSS BRACE ONLY REQUIRED IF RAMP IS 4' OR MORE ABOVE GRADE Project Title: TREY MILLIGAN WALL &. LIFT roject Location:1776 WATERWAY DR. OIB, NC 28469 MILLS R. EDWARDS JR. Revisions Licensed Professional Engineer Date Initials Applicant —TREY MILLIGAN 413 Caspian Dr Date: 07 24 2022 SECTIONS Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29588 Scale: 1 /4" = 1' Phone:843-855-4767 TMS # Sheet 5 of 7 General Notes 1. All nails, bolts, screws, connectors, or other hardware that may come into contact with treated lumber shall be hot —dipped galvanized (HDG), stainless steel (SS), or other approved materials to minimize corrosion caused by ACQ treatment chemicals. 2. The contractor must divert all storm water runoff from the landscaping, the back yard, and the side yards of the residence away from the retaining wall. Storm water runoff must not collect behind the wall. Structural Notes 3. The Contractor shall verity all dimensions with the plans prior to construction. 4. Residential projects are designed to meet the requirements of 2018 International Building Code and ASCE 7-16 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings. The design parameters are as follows: a. 15Omph Basic Wind Speed (3—second gust at 33 'above ground) b. Exposure ' B ' C. Seismic Design Category DI Piling Design Notes 1. Pile Specifications a. Provide Standard Class B southern pine clean —peeled piles conforming to ASTM D 25. Piles shall be in one piece —splices are not permitted. •b. Minimum tip diameter shall be 7 inches and minimum butt diameter shall be 12 inches (measured 3 feet from the butt). 2. Pile Treatment a. Each treated pile shall be branded by the producer, in accordance with AWPA M6. Preservative treatment to be applied using the Full —Cell Pressure Process in accordance with AWPA Cl and AWPA C3 for marine piling. _ b. Treat piles to a retention rate of 2.5 lbs/ft3 using waterborne preservative for marine piles (ACA, ACZA, CCA). 3. Quality Control Inspection a. The Engineer reserves the right to perform plant inspection of the treating process. b. Provide the Engineer with a minimum of 3—week advance notice, indicating location of the initial preservative treatment. C. Allow the Engineer with unlimited access to the plant and inspection privileges for each facet of the treating process. 4. Pile Execution a. Inspect the piles when delivered and when in the leads immediately before driving. b. Cut piles at elevation by sawing. Cutoff elevation for piles shall be a minimum of 5 feet above mean high water level (MHW). C. Piles for wall shall be spaced as per the plan view. 5. Pile Driving a. Select driving equipment with a hammer of sufficient weight and -energy to install the specified pile without damage into the soils expected to be encountered. b. Operate hammer at manufacturer 's rated speed, and drive pile without interruption to the indicated elevation. C. Piles shall be driven to refusal (less than 1 "advancement per 4 blows using a 5,000—pound pile driver or approved equivalent). d. Place driving helmet or cap —and —cushion block combination (block) between the top of the piles and the ram to prevent damage to the head of the pile. e. If block is damaged, split, highly compressed, charred, burned, or has become spongy or deteriorated, then replace it with a new block. Helmet or block shall uniformly transmit energy to the pile with a minimum loss of energy. 6. Driven Pile Tolerances a. At cutoff elevation, the butt shall be within 4 inches of the design location indicated on the plan view. b. Manipulation to move piles into position shall be permitted only within the aforementioned tolerance to return the pile to the design location. C. A variation of not more than Y2 "per foot of pile length from required angle for batter piles will be permitted. d. Driven piles that are damaged, misplaced beyond tolerance, driven below design cutoff, or driven out of alignment shall be removed and replaced with a new pile. e. Water jetting of .piles will be permitted. Discontinue jetting when pile tip is approximately 5 feet above the indicated pile tip elevation. Drive piles the final 5 feet of penetration. f. Jetting method and equipment shall be approved by the ,engineer prior to commencing jetting operations. 7. Protection of Piles While Driving a. Square the heads and tips of the piles to the driving axis. b. Laterally support the piles during driving, but do not unduly restrain the piles from rotation in the heads. C. Where pile orientation is essential, take precautionary measure to maintain the orientation during driving. d. Driven batter piles of,sufficient unsupported length to cause a measurable deflection, shall have free ends secured until piles are fixed in the structure to prevent, excessive bending stresses. e. Handle, protect, and field —treat piles in accordance with AWPA M4. 8. Field Quality Control Inspections a. When inspections result in product rejection, the contractor shall promptly segregate and remove rejected material from the premises. b. The owner may also charge the contractor an additional cost of inspection or Lest when prior rejection makes re —inspection or retest necessary. SECTI❑NS Project Title: TREY MILLIGAN WALL & LIFT roject Location:1776 WATERWAY DR. OIB, NC 28469 MILLS R. EDWARDS JR. Revisions Licensed Professional Engineer Date Initials Applicant — TREY MILLIGAN 413 Caspian Dr Date: 07 24 2022 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29588 Scale: NTS Phone:843-855-4767 1 ITMS # I Sheet 6 of 7 Friday • Sep 9, 2022 • 2:08 PM Adjust IMG_9431 Apple iPhone 13 Wide Camera — 26 mm f1.6 12 MP • 3024 x 4032 • 750 KB ISO 50 131 mm 0 ev f1.6 1/1212 s Add a location... Show in All Photos U 12 Fc) S T-) C� 0 r..-,.• 1p� Gi�cM�CQr,4TA Fpq/ 2q' lF 7 �,o AMo�h,22�wN sco 022 0410 0001 3178 5566 �...- J8.0 9 70 r0i D:_IveRAts__ AS yZ:_ _ ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: A V- O ci U-AA, � 7ssz W-T�E�wAy ��'11� A. Signature Agent �A" ❑ Addressee B ec ived by ri ed Name) C. D[Iryof D live e� iA. b �Z D. Is delivery address different from item 1? WO s If YES, enter delivery address below: S. Service Type ❑ Priority Mail Express® ❑ Adult Signature ❑ Registered MailT i ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑ Registered Mail Restricted 0 Certified MaW Delivery 9590 9402 7358 2028 8957 06 ❑ Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑ Signature ConfirmationTm ❑ Collect on Delivery ❑ Signature Confirmation n.�+�.•�c nip �mh�r �TrAnsfer from service label) 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 7022 0 410 0001 3178 5 '� 'nsured Mail 7 3 isured Mail Restricted Delivery Iver $500) PS Form 3811, July 2020 PSN 7630-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt PIER; cc `,- 'Rlli'llRaturkl x �A AA)d n 0 iv of by (Painted Nan-) C oat, D. is delivery addr-ecs ditf arenj tmm item 1? C If YES, enter dalivery address below. j 3. San►ice Ty Pe 0 Adult Signature O Adult Signature RCstrictCd Doto, Cry 0 Cartifled Mailo C] Certjfiad Mail Restricted Delivery L3 Collact on Delivery Aect on Delivery Restricted Delivery 5ured Mail _.,3lired Mall Restricted DOli`ery -� - "It YOUr flame a ar�O_SOU we can net -Li rate s Card to the back: of the m a i 1 p i ece, n 1he Imnt if _Space perm its, r r ! �:c, " C', 9402 7661 2122 6912 67 190 011nO 2111 5536 July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 12/9/22, 10:51 AM usps tracking - Google Search 66-�16 usps tracking X i, r J k 't All Q Images Q Shopping Q. Videos Q Books i Mot Tools About 21,400,000 results (0.39 seconds) Track your package Data provided by LISPS Tracking number 70200090000021115536 Delivered C/; December 06, 10:56AM Shallotte, NC View details on USPS Call 1-800-275-8777 W Track another package https.//tools.usps.com . 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Related searches ups tracking usps customer service live usps tracking usps tracking sign in usps tracking international usps tracking number customer service fedex tracking usps tracking destination address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Neyt 29440, South Carolina - Based on your places (Home) - Update location Help Send feedback Privacy Terms https:/Iwww.google.com/search?q=usps+tracking&riz=1 C1 ASUM_enUS1006US1006&oq=&aqs=chrome.0.35i39i362j46i39i 175i 199i362j35i39i362j46i... 2/2 -� XCAMA / DREDGE & FILL No. 74237 A B C <�D GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # _ XNew Modification Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCACD-7817,00 Rules coached. Applicant Name _/4ARR jE:r_ Aw NPSOA/ Project Location: County Sgkoysw l" Address 519 1 S afzAGN DR. S' W Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) 1770 & 1171k City SNALtanr F State ZIP 21470 i JATC9J4AX. !>gy>I� SW Phone # 510) 209 — A E-Mail MiChael_61eunfinto.c4orn Subdivision_ -- A/A Authorized Agent__ M IOAE9- KOLCWY City Ocskm -- st.a Zk AC ZIP 284(tq Affected XCW YEW PTA CIEs OITs AEC(s): `-' 0EA HHF lH :1 USA 0 WA ❑ PWS: Agent or Arw-kranr Printed Name _ S. ieture *'Please reau cornpnai ILc bLdLement on back of permit ** 0200 Application Fee(s) Check # Phone # (79)'SV 3 — D p(o &- River Basin l—"µfEw- Adj. Wtr. Body -A I W W Permit Officer's nyftd Name do V Signature — — Issuing Date Expiration Date Date Received Def. Deooelted Cheek Fran Neme Name of Permff Holder Vendor Checknumber Check amount Pamlt Numbe#Comments Reeelota Relund/Reelloeefed Cdumnl Co/umn2 Cdumn3 Cdu-4 Cclumn6 Ce1umn6 Column? Calumn6 Co1umn9 12/20/2022 Rhonda McCall Smith Bank of America 1145 $ 200.00 GP #87577D BB rct. 19851 12/20/2022 Richard Duvall Milligan South State Bank 2043 $ 600.00 GP #87574D BB rct. 17919 12/20/2022 Sea Dog Marine Construction, LLC Allyn Living Trust First Bank 1967 $ 400.00 GP #85848D BB rct. 17917 12/20/2022 Lane Legacy LLC Howard UMB Bank, NA 1018 $ 400.00 GP #65839D KB rct. 17897 12/20/2022 Coastal Marine Construction Baker FamilyHoldings Wells Faro 24705 $ 200.00 GP #85841 D KB rct. 17896 12/20/2022 Backwater Marine of NC LLC Carroll Truist 2551 $ 400.00 GP #85844D BB rct. 18697 12/20/2022 H5 Construction Services, LLC Fleischhuauer Truist 1040 $ 200.00 GP #85849D BB rct. 17818 12/20/2022 Carolina Bluewater Construction Inc. Lao BB&T 25819 $ 400.00 GP #85851 D BB rct. 17921