HomeMy WebLinkAbout88853C - Shaver, Mike & SusanEDGE & FILL PERMIT on ! Complete Reissue ! Partial Reissue Nq 88853 =_j r @o Previous permit Date previous pe rmit issued - Commission in an area ol environmental con.ern pursuant ro: Ruhr available at the lollowint link: www.deq.nc.gov/CqMAruhs As aurhorized by the Stat€ of North Carolina. Depanment of Ervj rse ncac C{*fl .. ,2po ronmental Quality and Rules attached. the Coanal Resourc f,"*",-,'r",.n Applicanr Name V ttA ost,h9-sc,": 4,,rL zn E jb.a pn"n" * P))t)?-'1;-* Email I . <*+t Project Location (County): Stree! Address6rate RDad/Lot #(s)edk Subdivision City Hr^t,vl"J,-p ZiS,l L AEc(s): Ecw Wr* ffro E5 SPIMA Adi. Wtr. Body Ntu''-2veOEA PTS PWS ORw: yes/@ IHA '@ Type of Proiect/ Activity al4"d (Scale:i zf c,l ) Shoreline LenBth Access Length -/,rr^,l.*Ada.vnS Cr**V tloating Platformls) Fingerpier{sl ctoif,lengthlg / Eulkhead/ niprap length / Avs distance ofrshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ IenSth / Basin, channel Cubic yards Eoat ramp Eoathou 3 Beach Bulld ozing Other fbz_2_st+c-s1/tt1,..p1 hoosoil 'iifcr{"i 15'r1' e.'tt;tiW. gvtl€orlr. o,-?"il?"i P?f ;"rl$Jt H br.r(n^r) 9u{ t *i0.r C\^iv (, Moratorium: n/a t] 'r I'kr q'(1,".) irJ'x 5 r 1 vvv ,,1, v (J rt^" er) tL itan.\ TARi PAII/NEUSE/BUFFE R (circle oie) See note on back reSarding Rive.gasin rules See additional notes/conditions on b6ck tit m6(>LN{, $- A buildin8 permit/zoning peftnit may be required by:kqw^ G Permat Conditions I zs', IAM AWARE OF CRC RULES AND CONOITIONS THATAPPTY TO THIS PROJECT AND If, Agent or TED Name Signature *'Please read complian€e statement on back of permir.* (Pl€ase hiti.l) qero Appllcaton Fee(s)c r/Money Order lssui Date Expiration Date Ciry Closest Maj. Wtr. Eody Pier (dockllenflh / ri".a pr",ro,.Lt 2,5.fE- 'o d Sate Photos: Riparian Waiver Attached;I I I N.C. DIVIS]ON OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM CERTIFIED [ilAI L ' RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property ownec 7v) ttcl Sv6at-., Suavet Address of Property W s<aev y i lAyr.-rJ.i [.] L 2e,S'] ? Mailing Address of Owner:.l)t 6E€d+ R.r... R^,I l-\Jfta5vr t{-lF NIL Z)3to OWner,s email: 1.y-'.5\^.o.v '-c L R- 16c\,Owneis Phone#:,- ESA- ?c->3 Agent's Name: Agent's Email: Agent Phone#:_ ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERW OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed bv the Adiacent Propertv Owner) I hereby certify that I own property adiacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described lo me, as shown on the attached drawing, the developmenl they are proposin g.A S I DO NOT have ob.iections to this proposal. _ I DO have obiections to this proposal. tf you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notw the N.C. Division of Coastat Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of rcceipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 100 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 515-5400. /Vo response is consr-dered fre sa me as no obiection if you have heen notified by Cetlified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments). (lf you wish to waive the setback, you must sion the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive some/all of the 15' setback -oR- I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement (inital the blank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner: Typed/Printed name of ARPO:o^ Mailing Address of ARPO:,t I lo*Ut, Z ?t( ARPO's email:ARPO's Phone#:o0 1 p to one year from ARPO's Slgnature' R6v,sed MqEQftItVED oEC 12 2022 DCM-MHD CITY Date:lL- <.L1,'walver is vatld for u Signature of Adjacent Riparian Propedy Owner /i]OREDGE&FILL NEB/AL PERMIT , lHodifrcadon f;Complete Reissue Partlal Reissue ,.6 authorlzcd by ttle Stete ol Mnh Car<Jina, Dopartrnena of E wironmefi and Natl,.d Ra6ource5 and lha Co6!{al Resoorces Cqmirgon in an area of e.lviro'l renlal concern pursrEnt to I tA NCAC N9 51517C fterrious permit #_ Oa" pr*l-rs pe.mt fssr"a- 2.cD Proiecr Locaion: Counry C<rf.lZn snect Addnclv satG ecrat uz * pl i fF h!*c r_!r4I D l) I 5e, Appliqrm Address Name Dr-a?&aat/ *o,e*@) State Fax#( ) .,---,Subdivision C,ty Phone # Adi-Wt aLZI?37 fuver Basin d5! <. C"t*.''i" c,*a "{"PTS :] }FlF T]IH -UBA iIHIA : lFc: t :lN Afi".."d a6w AEC(;): - oEA ' I PITJS: OWt: y* l.@ ,na r* i,1? sat x'u. yo r((t clo:est Maj' wtr 8od le-e_I y6 l- b"I 5ii) ?pe ot Pmiect/ Activiry re (S<ale:n o fie ) Rer ido(k) lenSth -0 7'* |1:5'ticw A,\.r.*t {te-eK a-n*- Fire.r pie(s) 6.dn LriSrh {* >t6'*5'li*- nal Ptarcocn^- ; (^.io C"..)8t*he4t F,hr+ lirudr __- e1g diirlc. oflatla rox dina.rc o6*ona- 8*h dl'rd -l: 1.-),- AJJ lLrFa ----------o >i5 BGrt.: u e2s!RECEiVE 8c,.h B!0&r.'g Orha. -7, lr: DEC 12 202 DCM-MHD Cl**r*.J!&-t -+- ?L ...--;' C.,\r-.ar SAv: ioi ri8! S.ndi.g3: ,roa 3u.. lrrait|!. Attaalr.dt F .,\r \i./ {i -l,r r.17 fz n..ib\€ {/\r 1 t-q A bLdldhE p€mnr r|ay be required by I regardtrlg Rivet Ba,n ttotcJ spo.iil d*Sot^,t ,1wffi- flaveiocK *o**w+{tAlArloz an r6cJ PEnriryrsisdicttm - --ffi;6De*- JVoHSM Au*$rized Agent -.+- \'..t..,\/4'ff-? fi{ li {v- 4 1; \n/-t,Anrs Lntrty_ A)J PLyirf*,.- ?s (rr./o n,r"r) 1 a' AJJ Cuw€J MtE€ I 5-:4,'' {r..a"rr: f€yrs<rlL \ PeCr-'- l)"e Arracrt€O; v,s v hrrp. o9' t'os- i nL,ciA $PLAD (G"<e+.") l]l bJA'r€e.-\^^As7 QO' RECEIVED OEC L2 ZIZT DCM.MHD CITY zd s llt w vJi))-v{v9Yt lAo' pg.p. str ! c.Eon'c"q- 1 Btoc't I?3 h/ceruewaY T R'/Zf YVa.ieit'rJA-' N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL AOJACENT RIPARI,AN PROPERW OWNER MANAGEMENT NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM T (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Na.ne Ol Property O,vnerl lvi tK( Add.ess of Property Mailirg Address ol Owner. '; .)!. , r',; r. . . AOJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OM{ER'S CERTIFICATION(Bottom portion to b€ complatsd bv thc Adiac.nt propcrtv Ownor) Lhsr:Pl ceqfy tl?t I own prop€rty adiacent to the above relerenced prcperly. The individuat applying for rhrspermil has descrd:ed to me. as shown on the_ anach€d drawrng, tire deviropment tt "v "rJ'piopi.rg. adescriotion or dratvina. with dimensions. must be orovided with ihis letlet. X r oo Nor have obiecrions to this proposar. - r Do have objections ro this proposar. Agent's Email tf you have objeclions to what is being prcposed, you must now the N.C.Division of Coasrat,lanagement (DCU) in writing within 10 days of reccipt o f this notice. Conespondence shoutct bemaited to lOO Commerce Ave-, Morehead City, NC 28557.DCIO representativos can arso Dc c ontactcdat (252) 515-51oO. No response is coDsidered the same as no objetion if you have been notified byCerlitiad Mail. WAIVER SECTION I undersland that any propos€d pier. dock, mooring pirings, boar ramp, breatwater, boathouse. rrrt, orgroin must be s€t back a mininum dislance ol 15' from rny area of riparian ac""s" ,nt"sr *"irJ oy m.(this (bes not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetrnonts). (li you wish io waive the setback, y*'-"ii "lo,the appropnate bbnk below.) I DO wish to weive someJall of the 15' setback -oR- Signaturo ol Adjacent Ripadan Propedy Owner I do not wish to waive the lS'setbacl requiremenl (inittal the blank)(- Signature of Adjacent Riparian Propertv Ownerl €- v,.B;eTypcd/Printcd namc of ARpO:f ,'{ O((*-r. \\e"- F L 3311oMailing Address of ARPO:as sE v< 7^qe\b p to one ysar from ARPO'S Signature.Dare: 3 D e< 'E ]'waiver is valid for u Revised May 2021 Agenfs Narne: Agsnt phofld: anro's emait: @Po's Phona#: };r/ianv.a r !. DBEoGE l FILL LJqENenqr PERMTTErtlew . rModifKadoo i Cqrnplore Reissue tpargal Reirsua ''s 'ldrorrzod by d,o s.'t! of N6d, carolha. ocparrrnaflr of Effiiror,rn€nr ind Nrnrc R.,o,..€5ald rt$ coalrJ ttso{tr<tl Con oitsbn !n an arei ofeovirgrmenral coflcern p,r-orai i rs,c Ncrc Ne 5t577C Previous permir # Date previorls p€rmit issued 280 SuMivision t !$*_- nvclocL ze-?5-58'Z-_ Applicanr Name Addresr Clty Phone # ArdEfizcd Age/r -. .Dr. Proi"el Loqdon: Counry C <rtV;a f3lle/ *"V"r4 &'a3t Addrsay st.te t"xt t^ *pl /;!l{ ia|"fh:-V*y bl)z'.. .i' ,. ,1 # t-__)___-I ! r/ES Co-rrs . lFns J :trraa ;ltvA FC: 6'crltH.b. yc. r,l'r/ 4.'^Phor'. # (=:;) A4, Wir. Body_ Clooest Mai- Wtc Body Rrver Basin tig ( (. lunkn) civ I efl.o"a ffi r;ErY ffifA AEC{s): c oca 1 I }}t tr lH i FIYS: O** ya t@ M y=" I /tt :') i,, r. t,- t' "jl*fdfl So ult Pr-r! IOJl.if , 5,r:r riE - I -1"l 1,--l ic,, tla, ::I Type of PrpisGV Ac$dtf r(: \.i fl.-.t- (Scale: 1l o ne 'AlO i'\ ri '.r ri>' {- '<..r- *\ /-A* Croh lrttrh 8t *h..C, R+r+ lqtdl itt ds-.o ofitho'r r!l.x dttraiot otr ,oru 86ra cirll,c l- >ti'15' I lr-"-ndJ fl^rcocn^-; (^lo n".c) aa' ,,\ 8@r.:rp AJJ Ue'( --------De-o*alG@ 1ti's: i;i' 3oach Bundo 18 O!lt,'ttC.,-r to.i o-.".,."r J!& s^t4 notjr,.! y.r Sd$.f,r mrnr. FMo"rrtrlr [h ]rPtiaadr y6r WlhrrA.idod ,a v,{ t'L' ' j ..-I \l' \IL \,/* t"i J Gro"tbl( A b'rldirt p€' ,tI( rn y bc rcq,aed by rearrdlng Notet Spocinl ', L, -17.ar St I I 5545 Ch.d.,L6e_ Pien irairitrlictt,o iAlAfloz- -,E"o*-tfdiiuaffif4 1 t .l_ \/ on<k A)) Pt*r*.* (rVo noorJ?s 9 e'i AJJ zt6 i€yrSnr/C PEre,""- 0". Arra"XErij( rlro,l l--s' v-v-9v,!!t !, Mtlc€- J fu-*. c€ t f+c.rra,r 1 Brqc,r Ct-u€J / ?3 V\/arfEenrA"r RD Itoo' fv,':a..' : ;1 J l.-7 r. .'i J r:: f,&*, i nr,,oa C.PuC"O (<^t'Ba,s) I Zl uJA'i€srw,$/ fi.o.a lcA^^'tt Cnwx \-,^-,----