HomeMy WebLinkAbout84-96 TX Whitaker Point Properties LLCdki. NFShx,.i r x r•. _ , ,Y ti.., y NYr�..S 4.• LYY 4 ��" C.� / t a i } . v 1't ' ' .✓ i T'� - AT 4 • . t,, xO+O*O+Ax.OMO)xOrOMpMNO,xO�"�' � v, r i-' '• ti tirr " Fr .+' Y }=c r; i xl i Z y -x -f tj �:. si1 i < Permit Class ` , ` Permit Number ti e `TRANSFER x, s ,� 84-96. s ' nE� m ' STATE -OF NORTH CAROL nWAL _� t . , Department of Envrronrrtent and Natural Resources e .. pr1 4`.. Y'• ,� ,, r -t .. f .and � r f i 1 > c z { - �... i . i i fi��, i.C'�bp..r 1 $h 't � ,� r • 3 r sn -5� n� i5 � , i r Resources Commii si* '•• ,n { 'ct fury' r 2 r ,+ a r n�.lt sxy, •. x, Y ,� 'r' - rr' i, r !�. <�tt �'/1`" y7../ Y.ei ,,.�'S°�,•�.r k f! ii r r�a< ,1 %, x .1 ! r t't; J 'S .� X �- s, h z!'7 } �`'f��.i �q '� k^s. �r�" , 7�/� fit, .fig < _lllllls �f`( Tk<.r •ems crsl ,s T? t.,s'l� R� r, � Y-r C` }'kF vjt 1 s r� y ..4 "s"r MaJor Development m an Atea of Envtronmental Concern ,fir !� - spursirantto NCGS 113A 118� r ? „ • 3° � ,,, `. ` � a vS- ''/. !R ys itplYx C"ti '� A1" >>z L Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113 229 ` r ` �'; tWhitaker PotntProper ttes; LLC; P.O. Box 218; Bayboro;NC 28515 ' Issued to d Neuse River -off SR 1349'and Shorey Dnve m E Pamlico . „< eant}io '"m development m County at- Onental �-2/9/96 mcludm attached a =+r= � '`x ;.as requested m the permittee s"apphcaUon;dateds � g a' workplan drawings; 4 dated 2/8/96; and request letters dated 8/31/99 and 9/7/99 This permit issued op _ �' �'/ .y / ' : is subject to comphance.with the application (where consistent _with Vhe peimmt), all'apphcable regulations, special condmons and notes'set forth below. Any violadori of these terms may be subJect to a fine', impnsorunent or civil action; or may cause the peimit to be null and void: ' f !nraQ tty 1) Along the 1,390 feet of natural shoreline, the nprap shallnotextend waterwazd more thanthree feet from the itohnal water level at any poinf along its alignment: , 2) • Along the 192 feet of shoreline in the area of the existing bulkhead, the riprap shall not `extend 1 waterward of the base'of the existing bulkhead.-: 3) The au_thonzed'alignment of the proposed bulkhead must be staked by a representative. of the i Division of Coastal Management within a maximum of.30 days prior to the start of construction. i i Failure to initiate construction within 30 days, or -erosion of the shoreline by adverse.weather S conditions, will require the alignment to be restaked by DCM within a maximum of 30 days prior i to the new expected start of construction. - (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) i This pernijaction may be appealed by the permittee' or - Signed authority of the Secretaryof DENR and the S other, qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. issuing date. 'An appeal requires resolution prior to work f initiation or continuance, as the case maybe. i This permif must be accessible one to Department' f� personnel when the project is inspected for compliance.D6fti An maintenance work or project modification not a D,Moffitt,Director f Y P J Division o f Coastal Management S 'cov_eredhereunder requires further Departmental approval. All work 9YIkM%IY!rfIWffftu# expires on This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. f In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project rs consistent -with the North Carolina ' Coastal Management Program a: Signature of Permittee Z ILI y; Whitaker Point Properties, Permit #84-96 I I "I V Page 2'of 2­ __ ZZ ,io DITI o must be, e� from loose sufficient r L. f to prevent its nerivirom. the site b ----- -materials---c material must consist of clean r& or masonry not d to .. ........ concrete r4 constructed pill bdbkfillingabtivities: from a,highground source confined behind the r a., material8) The fill of 5; except in trace quantities. Metal any pollutants t ganic materials, or unsightly debris will not be uied.- t, 7 ne'ral-, t; 9) No vegetated,lwetlands,will be excavated filled. 10) 3 Thejeifiliorary'placeirLent'loir d handling of excavated or . fill materials within waters o r vegetat6dwetlands' is not authorized.*"' NOTE: Th6 N.C. Division of Water Quality' authol the'Proposed project under General Water Quality Certification 3025 (D - WQ . Project ill 960345) which was issued on 5/17/96. .-:NOTE: The permittee is advised to contact the NC Division of Water Quality at (919 733-1786 to determine whethertheplacement of riprap along an additional 550 linear feet of shoreline authorized by the 2/5/99 minor modification will require . a modification to the existing beneia]­Water Quality Certification (DWQ Project No. 960345). NOTE .The U.S. Axi1q'C6 Is of Engineers has assigned the proposed project ct COE Action Id. N6:199601561.j on s but -. , I , . " �'., �au rizdevelopmentin"- 2�/ ji)�*ittee's pli�a�on requested the W56 including attached ne r6 q dated _6 1 dated d.. 9/ M`driwi workplaodriwi r quest letters d 2 819 d s ate 8/31/99 iffid 7/99. This permit issued on - is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent.:: with the ppimit),alfapplicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may. be subiect to a fine, imDri-sonment or civil action: or mawcause the Definit to he null and vnid- 11112rap 1)-I- Along the 1,390 feet of natural -shoreline, the rip . rap shall not extend'wat'e'rw'a-r�d'i'i'i"bre"than.ztlir'e-e -. feet from tfie normal water level at any point along its alignment. 2) Along the 1,91, feet of shoreline in the area of the existing bulkhead, the riprap shall not extend - waterw , ard'of the base of the existing bulkhead. The authorized alignment of the proposed bulkhead must be staked by a representative of the Division of Coastal Management within a maximum of 30 days prior to the start of construction. Failure to initiate construction within 30 days, or erosion of the shoreline by.adverse weather - conditions, will require the aligrunent to be restaked by DCM within a maximum of 30 days prior: to the new expected start of construction. (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) This permilLaction maybe appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty' (20) days of the issuing date: An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance, as the case may be. This permit must b6 accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered heieunder requires further Departmental approval. All work J&Trmit expires on In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is cbhsist6nt with the North Carolina Coastal Management Pro Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DE NR aiid the, Chairman of the Coastal ResourcesiComm-is-sion . Wfina D.Moffitt, Director Division of Coastal Management 'This re hereby e y accepted. permit and its cond-iti are --' Signature of Permittee 42, q, Jy .... ... ... 7' "41 granite Iv ramte 6fibi6kehic-o' h­kfilli ' prapmust-beconstructed priortor Uuy- ac mg-a�'btivities. -.7 fill ,material lughground source and confined behind the ed'hpria'p.` V, jw.- .7 8) The II material *i e e free opollutants - -. - f ... . " '­­ —_except ui trace.qRdntities'. -Metal ._w_ " products, organic. materials; or unsightly e n debris *11 no e- used. i K k)) No Vegetated,'*e., or ed.- I era] fland 0) .The temporary placementor double 0 handling 6flexcavated br fill materials within waters or ­­vegetatedwetlands is not authoA*ze"d.-­z --NOTE- Divisi6i�of Water Quality project N . C. has authorii6d tb6 proposed proj under General Water' Quality Certification 3025 (DWQPicj66tNo.960345) whi6hwas issued on' 5/17/96. ' The permi4ee is advised to contact the NC Division of Water Quality at (9I?). 733-1786 to determine wh I ether th6 placement , of riprap along an additional 5 . 50 Im*ear feet of shoreline authorized by the 2/5/99 minor modihi6ation will require7amodification to the z exis General Water QualliYbertificition (D* W'Q Project No'.960345). The U.S. Army 'Corps biEng ineers has assigned the proposed Prcj ect COE,,,k6ti&n Id. No. 199601561,"' "Ms penult; . iss&d'on­. IV - the VI; C Er 3.1. kin -five ."T consistent �t,.. terms may-_- 1) Along the 1,396'1eei 6f natural shoreliiie; the riprdp shall fi6t extend -WateriNazd'mote 'than- "three -at'- feef fforn th& normal water level any pomt'along its aligiuu�nt. 7' ,,-Along the192 f6et of shoreline in the -area of the existing bulkhead, the riprap'shhll.not extend'_." 'wat&rwaid'of the base of the existing bulkhead �N 3) The authorizedmust be siakedb-y-a'repies6ntati�ve6fthe alignment of the proposed bulkhead -'.Division of Coastal Management within a maximum of 30 days prior to'the "start of construction.*, Failure to initiate construction Within 30.d4y's, bi�erosion of the shokelifid 16y4dV6rse Weather I conditions, will require -the aligfim6tto be iestakedby bCM-Witbifi iiinaxiinturiof30 daysprior to the . i new expected start of construction (See iftachid: sheet for Additioda- Ttus permit action may be appealed by the perride-e" Signed by'the authority of the Secr6iirybf JDENR and the: �other, qualified persons within twenty: (20) days` 6f:the -.'-. - Chairman of the Uistal kesources'Commissi on...- issuingdaiE�'Ari-appeal'reqm'-F'sresoi-utio'npn" to_,worki or initiation or continuance; as the case may be.-*, ,Z'- Zi This permit must be iccEssible on -site to Department*UY personnel when iti6'projeciisinspected 'forcompEan6e.. D6?ina D.MoffittDirector, Any maintenancework or project- inodification not Division bf Coastal Managenf6iii: covered he reuhdeirequires hirherD&parfiidntalappro"val.'f- All work nvao kffunit expires on. Thispe'mt and its con ditions are 'hereby accepted. issuing this permit; the State of North Carolina agrees., that yourprojec is:consistent con sistent wish the'North Carolina-,- Coastal Management Pr6gram. Signa ture of Permittee- Z h Z, KII I �:1 I Nol 121 1 '1 114h I !o 1: :1 1, RI lb.'At Al ;tWhitaker,iromt Propertic Permit #84-96 - Page 2'of 2 " ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS u .......... . I Xt 11_�, 'material""" dirt must b6fre'6fr6iii loose or any pollutant It must be of a. size sufficient' ...... t from the bywave'dr cuff6ndf t prap:matenalmust ,66jisisibf6l6ainiirockoirmasonry ' fliffifted to 17, ...... gramt eofbroken *concrete .",,. Iy , . ... ... prap'must -be constructedpnor7i ac ac tivities will.be'obtained, source'and confined behind the.: -dj: 1'- 8)'The fill matenal will be lean and fr66 o pollutants except ui cc quantities.,. Metal organicmaterials;orsigh debris will e t J General o vegetated,Wetlhho'-" filled. N wetlands will'be' r 0_3 .-IO)z�."'.,.Ilid-teihporary-pla-deiia6ilt'or'd.oiibl6 handling of excavated or fill materials within' -waters or ---7'vegetat&d' wetlands wetlands"s not authorized. "NOTE: The N C - Div'i sio'n, of Water Quality has authoriz�d the proposed project under General _' . -3025 ity'. er erQuality Wilt ,C�rtification 3 025 (DWQ Project No 960345) which was issued on: 5/17/96. ­1" - NOTE: The permittee is advised to -66ntact the NC Division' of Water Quality at (91 - 9) M-1786 deternu*n6 whether thed-placement of i . iprap along an additioiialf550 linear feet of shoreline authorized by the 2/5/99 minor modifi cation will require a -modification to the existing General Water Quality Certification (DWQ Project No: 960345). NOTE:-., -The U.S. ArmyI - Corps of Engineers has assigned the proposed project COE-Action Id. No. 199601561. i any 'ftbm ex p z unsightly be used. :, x` � �r �" , "'� � a'� Pamlico {, s �' �4 ; ' �'r5�� Neuse;River, off SR 1349 and Shorey Drive in E wE authonzmg`development m _ '^ C011llty at' � "" �' y �''` +' + = ^+xi x* :• •i' .-- wOlKpidR urawmgsumeu ana request.icuers uaieu a/_ i/yy ana K. s Thrs permit rssued on r'l �`/- is subject to o nphance with the application (where consistent With the permit), all applicable:rd&lations; special conditions and notes set forth below Any violation of these terms inay. be sto a fine; impnsomnent or civil action or may cause the permit to be null and void ` Y ,1) r_. Along the 1,390 feet of natural_shorelme, the nprap shall not extend waterwazd more than thfee feet from the normal "water level at any point;along its alignment- , 2) Along the 192 feet of sho elme m the azea of the existing bulkhead, the riprap"shall not extend waterward of the base of the existing bulkhead x; 3) The authorized -alignment of the proposed bulkhead must be staked by a representative of they. Division of Coastal Management within a maximum of 30 days prior to the start, of construction. Failure to initiate construction within 30, days; or_erosion�of the"shoreline liy adverse.weather conditions, will require the alignment to be Yestaked by DCM within a niaxunum"of 30 days prior to the new e9cpected siarf'of construction (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) This pernni:action maybe appealed by the permittee or Signed• b`y the authority of the'Secretary of DENR and the other. qualified persons within, twenty, (20)' days 'of the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work h initiation or continuance, as the case may be t This permit must be accessible on site to Department personnel �vlien the project is inspected -for compliance D611na D.Moffitt Director Any maintenance 'work' pro ject_modification not Division of Coastal Management covered hereunderrequrms further Departmental approval _ All work -r ydj eejyi�ejti ermtt expires on Ties permit and its conditons are hereby accepted . -� - s In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees ' ♦ v [; s tfiaf'your, projecCis consistentwith they North Carolina Coastal Management Program . ' _ s Signature of Permittee - Whitaker Point Properties LLC': Permit #84-96 Pagi 2'of 24,,:, ADDITIONAL -'CONDITIONS" — must be free from loose di�iof,afi`y pollutdrit.It must be of a size sufficient �. c to prevent its movement 'from the 'sl by wave or current action... IV111,f, 11 -W must consist of clean rock orlmasonry -,materials such as but not limited toe,-, -concrete .. ? ........ rap must be constructed 'nor to any b:' kfilling c activities: c ii matetamedfrom 6 high ground source and confined behind , the- ra r 8) The fill material clean and free of any pollutants except in trace 'qu"an"ti-ties. 'Metal products; oanic materials, or.upsightly debris Will not beuse�rg d Geii6raL egetked wetlands will 14, be excavated or filled. te*mporary pac I ement or double handling-6f excavated or fill materials within waters or' t6d wetlands is not authorized. :NOTE:' The N.C. Division of Water Quality has authorizedthe proposed project under General -Water Quality Certification 3025 (DWQPrcjectNo. 960345) which was issued on: 5/17/96. NOTE: The permittee is advised to contact the NC Division of Water Quality at (919) 733-1786 to determine whether the placement of riprap along an additional 5.50 linear feet of shoreline authorized by the 2/5/99 minor modijffc - ation will require a modification to the existing General Water Quality Certification (DWQ Project No. 960345). Corps 1�d NOTE:-.. `,The U.S.ArmyCo s of Engineers has assigned the proposed project COR Action Id. No. 199601561.- 7RAn/Jf£R I.REA/EM/41- Bit -94 Division of Coastal Management S'c HAFG6.e Application Processing Notes Applicant: M/L.-.r .S'/ioREY /// iwol,rArsR a- /,Jew. LLC Deadline: Date/Time: Message: X6:Z L/ErT /S 70 ii�-^I£a✓ �7Z4A1rf£R &ir- Ojv�Y RcvD Cr/ECK �c W i�� Z>.SC. Ss c41n+ 5co7 %s Arffz j-/UgK,CA ✓E FLOYD'r VISIT. (21x1199 TALKED Wiru Sea» TwEr Ne Witte aE SEiJb/AI r- S16CwY COV6K MEMO Fo.L -T+/E 'ZEr/EWAL H," 7W4r / L41" Wa T u.in � so is WCIF- ia/ m ousE AAA) ACnoi./S. 7/-;09 Yf,J,Cw4L- R£Qviarl- RCv D. to/G/99 REKEW4cllrt4,V9979 D1241 �o J LAMA 25 2Jaa & September 20, 1999 TO: Doug Huggett THROUGH: Ted Tyndall J u FROM: Scott Jones SUBJECT: Request to Extend Major Permit #84-96 Miles Shorey III to the Whitaker Creek Properties LLC Pamlico County Please find enclosed a request from Mr. Ben Hollowell with Whitaker Creek Properties LLC to extend CAMA Major Permit 484-96. Whitaker Creek LLC acquired the property from Mr. Miles Shorey in June 1999. A request to transfer the permit to the new owners has already been forwarded to you (September 7, 1999). To date 1,012 linear feet of shoreline has been stabilized with rock rip rap. A permit modification was processed in December 1998 to stabilize an additional 550 linear feet of shoreline with rock. This portion will not be completed prior to the permit expiration. This extension request meets the criteria established in T15A: 07J .0404. Therefore, it is recommended that CAMA Major Permit 484-96 be extended. cc: Charles Jones, NCDCM Raleigh Bland, USACE � �N� ,7?clre�" a cG!i slard, cdEW A"-J ) North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources James B. Hunt Jc, Goi Division of Coastal Management Donna D. Moffitt, Dire Morehead City Office • 151-B Hwy. 24 / Hestron Plaza 11 Morehead City, NC 2855 September 7, 1999 Mr. Scott Jones N.C. Division of Coastal Management Hestor Plaza #2 151-B Hwy. 24 Morehead City, NC 28557 Re: Miles Shorey/Whittaker Point Properties, LLC Dear Scott: Pursuant to your request, I am enclosing my check for the additional $50 fee. Sorry for any inconvenience. Sincerely, BBHjr:ljj Enclosure Dwell, Jr. September 7, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: Doug Huggett THROUGH: Ted Tyndall FROM: Scott Jones SUBJECT: Request to Transfer Major Permit #84-96 Milcs Shorey III to the Whitaker Creek Properties LLC Pamlico County Please find enclosed a request from Mr. Ben Hollowell with Whitaker Creek Properties LLC to transfer CAMA Major Permit #84-96 from Miles Shorey III to the LLC. Whitaker Creek LLC acquired the property from Mr. Shorey in June 1999. This transfer meets the criteria established in T15A: 07J .0406. Therefore, it is recommended that CAMA Major Permit 484-96 be transferred to Whitaker Creek Properties LLC. cc: Charles Jones, NCDCM Raleigh Bland, USACE North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources James B. HuntJr., Governor Division of Coastal Management Donna D. Moffitt, Director Morehead City Office • 151-B Hwy. 24 / Hestron Plaza 11 Morehead City, NC 28557 Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Phone 252-808-2808 BERNARD B. HOLLOWELL, JR. STEVEN E. HOLLOWELL BERNARD B. HOLLOWELL OF COUNSEL S Mr. Ted Tyndall N.C. Division of Hestor Plaza #2 151-B Hwy. 24 Hollowell eyHolloorneys waell 203 MAIN STREET POST OFFICE Box 218 BAYBoRo, NORTH CAROLINA 28515 August 31, 1999 Coastal Management Morehead City, NC 28557 Dear Ted: TELEPHONE 252-745.5115 FAcsmu 252.745.5917 lawyers@Pamlico.net Re: Miles Shorey/Whittaker Point Properties, LLC This letter is to request that the permit (Number 84-96) is to Miles C. Shorey, a copy of which is attached, be transferred to our LLC. We closed our purchase of the property in June and are now the owner. In addition, we would like to request an extension since it is now obvious work will not be completed by December 31, 1999. I am enclosing our check for $50 for the transfer fee. If you have any questions in connection with this, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 3. Hollowell, Jr. BBHjr:ljj Enclosure cc: Henry Frazer Miles Shorey MEMORANDUM TO: Doug }hra¢ett THROUGH: Ted T FROM: Scott SUBJECT: Requc Prope Pamli Please find enclosed a CAMA Major Permit property from Mr. Sh This transfer meets th Major Permit 484-96 cc: Charles Jone Raleigh Blar J CAMA -25 September 7, 1999 On a Positive Note... S� p �iCZ.�S M's 0•,1 ,0 %�r� % /nnsjf� � SU O Q�i.•(� The Department of Environment and Natural Resources believes in Recognizing Excellence ,reek to transfer fired the d that CAMA 3EDEIVED SEP 10 1999 WASTAL MANAGEMENT North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources James B. Hunt Jr, Governor • Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Division of Coastal Management Donna D. Moffitt, Director Morehead City Office • 151-B Hwy. 24 / Hestmn Plaza 11 Morehead City, NC 28557 • Phone 252-808-2808 Hollowell &Holloorneys weell BERNARD B. HOLLOWELL, JR. STEVEN E. HOLLOWELL 203 MAIN STREET POST OFFICE Box 218 TELEPHONE 252-745-51 15 BERNARD B. HOLLOWELL BAYBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 28515 FACSIMILE 252-745-5917 OF COUNSEL lawyers@pamlico.ne} August 31, 1999 Mr. Ted Tyndall N.C. Division of Coastal Management Hestor Plaza #2 151-B Hwy. 24 Morehead City, NC 28557 Re: Miles Shorey/Whittaker Point Properties, LLC Dear Ted: This letter is to request that the permit (Number 84-96) is to Miles C. Shorey, a copy of which is attached, be transferred to our LLC. We closed our purchase of the property in June and are now the owner. In addition, we would like to request an extension since it is now obvious work will not be completed by December 31, 1999. I am enclosing our check for $50 for the transfer fee. If you have any questions in connection with this, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 3. Hollowell, Jr. BBHjr:ljj Enclosure CC: Henry Frazer Miles Shorey Hollowell&Hollowell ID:2527455917 SEP 07'99 15:45 No.010 P.01 �Hbl�0 ell �&Ho 11 w0e Bernard B. I-iollowcll, Jr. Steven E, Hollowell Bernard B. Iollowell of Counsel AtimeYs at law Pose Office Box 218 Bayboro, NC 2615 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWTmc »nrum mn. NAME LOCX __.. REFERENCE NO.: DATE: TIME: Telephone 252-745-5115 FacsiAc 252-745.5917 203 Main Sercet TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING COVER LETTER: r TF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES OR HAVE ANY PROBLEM WITH THE TRANSMITTING, PLEASE CALL (252) 745-5115 AND ASK FOR: COMMENTS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT November 2, 1999 Whitaker Point Properties, LLC P. O. Box 218 Bayboro, NC 28515 Dear Sir: The enclosed permitconstitutes authorization underthe Coastal Area ManagementAct, and where applicable, the State Dredge and Fill Law, for you to proceed with your project proposal. The original (buff -colored form) is retained by you and it must be available on site when the project is inspected for compliance. Please sign bath the original and the copy and return the copy to this office in the enclosed envelope. Signing the permit and proceeding means you have waived your right of appeal described below. Ifyou object to the permit or any ofthe conditions, you may request a hearing pursuant to NCGS 113A-121.1 or 113-229. Your petition for a hearing must be filed in accordance with NCGS Chapter 150B with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 11666, Raleigh, NC 27611, (919) 733-2698 within twenty (20) days ofthis decision on your permit. You should also be aware that if another qualified party submits a valid objection to the issuance ofthis permit within twenty (20) days, the mattermust be resolved priorto work initiation. The Coastal Resources Commission makes the final decision on any appeal. The projectplan is subject to those conditions appearing on the permit form. Otherwise, all work must be carried out in accordance with your application. Modifications, time extensions, and future maintenance require additional approval. Please read your permit carefully prior to starting work and review all project plans, as approved. If you are having the work done by a contractor, it would be to your benefit to be sure that he fully understands all permit requirements. From time to time, Department personnel will visit the project site. To facilitate this review, we request that you complete and mail the enclosed Notice Card just prior to work initiation. However, if questions arise conceming permit conditions, envirorunental safeguards, orproblem areas, you may contact Department personnel at any time for assistance. By working in accordance with the permit, you will be helping to protect our vitally important coastal resources. Very sincerely, Douglas Huggett Major Permits/Consistency Manager DH/amw Enclosure P.O. BOX 27687, RALEICH, NO 27611-7687 /2728 CAPITAL BLVD., RALEIGH, NC 27604 PHONE 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER -50% RECYCLED/10% POST -CONSUMER PAPER Hollowell&Hollowell ID:2527455917 SEP 07199 15:46 No.010 P.03 Book Paco 0349 0462 And grantors, for themselves, Lheir executors and administrators, covenant with grantee and its successors, heirs and assigns, that they are seized of said premises in fee; that they have a perfect right to convey the same in fee simple; that the same are free and clear of all encumbrances whatsoever, except those hereinabove stated; and that they will warrant and defend the title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, grantors have hereunto set their hands and adopted as their seals the typewritten word "SEAL" appearing beside each name,, the day and year first above written. SEAL) SEAL) NORTH CAROLINA PAMLICO COUNTY 1, Teresa Faye Lane , a Notary Public in and for said county and state, do hereby certify that MILES C. SHOREY, III and wife, JANICE S. SHOREY, each personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal/stamp, this 29 day of June , 1999.5�5A inlf'++++e My commission expires: June 9, 2003 r" U Q�-' J NORTH CAROLINA PAMLICO COUNTY The foregoing certificate of TERESA FAYE LANE , a Notary Public in and for Pamlico County, North Carolina is certified to be correct. URrolster ot Deeds BY: Ass�gis er. f Deeds RUNUP Dr aa I IOIIOWIII. & Iialzma / 7 alOWMANAW MYDOW, NC 28515 Hollowell&Hollowell ID:2527455917 SEP 07199 15:46 No.010 P.02 n PRPPARID OY Hcn.pwi3L & Howwrn. Al IORNIYS AP TAW mY1x1RR NC 28515 NORTH CAROLINA PAMLICO COUNTY Book e 0345 0461 FILED PAMLICO COUNTY AO 06/20/1000 409 PH 40YCB N. CARANAN Register Of Deeds THIS DEED, made and entered into this 29t'h day of June, 1999, by and between MILES C. SHOREY, III and wife, JANICE S. SHOREY, hereinafter called "grantors", and WHITTAKER POINT PROPERTIES, LLC, Post Office Box 218, Bayboro, North Carolina 28515, hereinafter called "grantee"; W I T N E S S E T II: That grantors, for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars and other good and valuable considerations to them in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold, and by these presents do bargain, sell and convey to the said Whittaker Point Properties, LLC, its successors heirs and assigns, a certain tract or parcel of land in Number Two (2) township, Pamlico County, North Carolina, particularly described as follows: On the north side of Neuse River and oast side of Whittaker. Creek, and being that tract- of land containing 32.74 acres as shown on that map entitled WHITTAKER POINT SUBDIVISION by Matthews & B]izzard Surveying PLLC, dated May 5, 1999, which snap is recorded in Plat: Cabinet A, Slide Mr Pamlico county Registry, and is incorporated erein by reference. Grantors also convey herewith the following perpetual, non-exclusive easements: EASEMENT ONE: .A strip of land sixty (60) feet in widths for ingress, egress and regress, and the installation and maintenance of utilities from the western terminus of Parsons Road to the eastern line of the above - described 32.•74 acre tract over that area designated on said map as "60' EASEMENT". EASEMENT TWO: A strip of land seventy-five (75) feet in width for ingress, egress and regress, vehicular parking, and the installation and maintenance of utilities over and along that area designated as 1175' ACCESS EASEMENT" as shown on the above -referenced map. IN ADDITION, grantors hereby withdraw any dedication of easements, if any, created by the recording of that map entitled "A SURVEY FOR LOUISE MARSAALL SHOREY ROGERS", by A. Hugh Harris, Jr., PE-RLS, dated August 27, 1.904, recorded in Plat Cabinet A, Slide 12-5, Pamlico County Registry. TO RAVE AND TO BOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of lurid, together with all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the said Whittaker Point Properties, LLC, and its successors, heirs, and assigns, in fee simple forever. 06/29/1299 PAMLICO COUNTY NC 1 $1200.00 RYnTE (1QIp �Q, Real Estate ��^� 4 Excise Tax