HomeMy WebLinkAbout87954B - William Peele vr..qv..-• IJ r■•a..ao11VG Q rI6.\. IN;' 0/Y34f A t) C D -- Previous permit FSo�'9 'J 111 GENERAL PERMIT _,�#' �` `Q(Q(p Date previous permit issued 1 .- .�_�z ROC Modification Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC__D 4.14 , ti-off _ _ ElRules attached. general Permit Rules available at the following link www.deq,nc.gov/CAMArules jj r Applicant Name (kJ( 1 l�d m— ( ee te -T" �' W t c Authorized Agent r �'! ���,y Addresffs,,ll ) H y 50 Project Location(County): / 4 _ 4 City W? I!i001 SAS/ State G ZIP sZ 2' Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) Phone# �}. 7) (Q 5 t l o uJ:Cw zU Email toil �Jaal�e,rec Nf Ls, ec -, Subdivision . City ZIP 27gteS Affected Elm [ 6 [1,15; ❑ES PTS Adj.Wtr.Body ni k• �t"v.c�r ( a man/unk) AEC(s): OEAfil INA uW SPIMA PWS Closest Maj.Wtr.Body eVelf L• 2/ye. ORW:yes) PNA:yes yp • Type of Project/Activity :Cr?Sta1 Co/X J 27' p 1 c i w � 5� � at," -h 1 .-#.2, U r (Scale: N/4) Shoreline Length 7 C • �T Access Length / r Pier(dock)length � 41'.- Fixed Platform(s) 16 X 2br Floating Platform(s) /�1 \�C Finger pier(s) w" �-el ss�C Total Platform area 324:1,c}K' P'e. 11,-i1 k' q ge: ci_.& Groin length/If Bulkhead/Riprap length F�}- 0 c� _�c \ '2— 3�� _ 'ZQ'L'� Avg distance offshore c Breakwater/Sill • Max distance/length •T k/�re�-'� , nat, Basin,channel C. Cubic yards \\ f1 Boat ramp �U�v c,N� 6,-1 5 l�--�a ( Boathouse/Boatlift Beach Bulldozing , Other P� 1 • • • SAV observed: yes ��� (\ Moratorium: n/a yes A 4.11 4c. U LA.r'� l Site Photos: y — / L Riparian Waiver Attached: i(/es] no bf19 i l—e*r per}`)) 7 ` A building permit/zoning erm may be required bx:t5-i v U v . Permit ditions `., t � pl/ G.(� (circleone) fF ,• `` iiiip fr TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER I ee S note on back regarding River Basin rules LOY? ' wJ I. ,ti L.fl• 4LL a ivivAl. e. ElSee additional notes/conditions on back 1:S ARE• STATUTES CRC' LES AN I.ONDI ONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AN REVIEWED COMPLIANCEI� STATEMENT. (Please Initial) 1rS 66 at`•I Fth " Grail cr.. Aprc�mtPRIN E• :mre r P. m- 0 ..er's PRIN N�a�m�//((j�� r rIf11►�D•'f S" a r:o •PI read co pliance slat ent on back of permit•' Signature / , 1 \ ► . swo�QD o�n t 1055 ASS- l\lOv --LozZ — A ' Mtn -Z__S Application Fee(s) Check N/Money Order Issuing Date Expiration Date �/ ��-s QfaiAMu A ❑ DREDGE & FILL Zo# 1'109 Lo N9 88(099 d A 0 C D • '4. _.et"s,1 GENERAL PE!! I'.gri[IT Previousprevious permit UM Ny _ i GENERAL D6 5S (/" Date permit issued Al 14 i_New [;Modification 0 Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: 15A NCAC 0' I4• /lop Rules attached P6eneral Permit Rules available at the following link:w%swdeq.ncgov/CAMArules Applicant Name WI II iQ til -peek Authorized Agent �.0 g aturc,e, t hyA Address $ 13 I nw I 'y Gnu-kin Project Location(County):_Eta Gf Ty et Gty WI lienvAt., State NC, ZIP Ot~fSi� Street Address/State RRoa_dfLot#(s) Phone#(Z 1-(y -'4^ -- teizi 5 II1)3 Wf4o A Email 1 t4 ity31I C5 .03hig Subdivision 6leo° ��yp ,J �l City ZIP a.�tf J'�tl Affected 0 CW DiErW TA Ei ES 0P75 Adj.Wtr.Body d`lY\1c G® 2-1 J' pa nan/unk) AEC(s): fl� DEA • DIHA 0UW DSPIMA PWS Closest Maj.Wtr.Body PtAY)"\it 7 a RC-Le ORW:yeses PNA:yes ' • Type of Pr5eject/Activity. . 76 • /Z - r 'ir f td Mil.Wd. TbJ// 4- X r 51 ,, t,,� (scaletlrr-3dr t Shoreline Length ti-L -e rne- 1--f ?Are.'?Ar" ,a" Access Length ' ' PkYPIVc,. R i%$J Pier(dock)length b/X IX7` 4-- --r- trNsh,l...\ IIGm'Ac Fixed Platform(s) 2 r-4 r •e5. r.1 (bf x2.ot //€,s,.-Tnti Floating Platform(s) / FNi;erpier(s) I(j 4.-- TvL SiA 11 t AX% 5're?' ..»clot o Total Platform area Vt-el:/t\-7- 3412t'- ISfx13/ J..•-.=ar II I 't"�OYs+� Groin length/tt 3 to r4-- o Bulkhead/Moran length 4, T$W'so H Avg distance offshore • _ •+ '�'4ISk`( �/S. i 1-7 r pia," Breakwater/Sill EN •r SJ Max distance/length Basln,channel Cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/Boatlift Beach Bulldozing • Other Lob A.�cg15Fi^51 SAVobserved: yes nn•et 4 $laik4raa Moratorium: n/a yes �?�,rZ e• 7:11?" 5* Site Photos: yes 1 /V f� ke Toile Riparian Waiver Attached: -• no 1 `'T A building permh/zo1ningyp...ermi may be required by: C Permit Cp itions t-D $. t r 'se,.1 aG„C,7�', �TAR/PAM/NEUSEMLIFFER(circle one) �/441/2f CSC 7'�ei r a//a e,l.3 _ See note on back regarding River Basin rules 71IPS , , AFpJ;eah' w,J/ 4,,t,c/c_ sec See additional notes/conditions on back W Pe nr y oas W FSTATUTES, RULES A D CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT ANDREVIEWED COMPL NCE STAEMENt (Please Initial) hi, •if pli t RI D a Pe it at's PRINT�gNaaammee arst •Pleg read cogRnriiayncce�statgment on back of ermit-•ry• ', Signature / " " y Appiiration Fee(s) -~R'!f AV' (�� mot/ � /p,- ay -ton_ - / t-Moil -ton Check 0/Money Order. Issuing Date Expiration Date I.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner: William Peele Address of Property: 1103 Bay View Road,Bath NC Mailing Address of Owner: 8131 Hwy 17 South,Williamston,NC Owner's email: william@peelegraphics.com Owner's Phone#: 252-714-6575 Agent's Name: ilkrile GTI Y LA:6 Agent Phone#:i 5'd 6 7" Agent's Email: ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adjacent Property Owner) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property.The Individual applying for this permit has described to me, as showy on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A description or drawing,with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. X I DO NOT have objections to this proposal. I DO have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Dlyision of Coastal Management(DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 943 Washington Square Mail, Washington, NC 27889. DCM representatives can also be contacted at(252) 946-6481.No response 1s considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified,kiail. WAIVER SECTION understand that any proposed pier dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breal-.ater,boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments)_(If you wish to waive the setback you must sign the appropriate blank below.) i DO wish to waive some/all of the i 5'setback Signati of Adjacent Riparian Proper)/Owner -O R- I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement(initial the blank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner: 11,-----‘2PA- Typed/Printed name of ARPO: Thomas G Irons Jr Mailing Address of ARPO: 1408 Paramore Drive. Greenville, NC 27858 ARPO's email: tom.ironsQgmail.com ARPO's Phone#' 252-375-5218 Date: 12/112022 *waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature* :Revised July 2021 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner: William Peele Address of Property: 1103 Bay View Road,Bath NC Mailing Address of Owner: 8131 Hwy 17 South,Williamston,NC Owner's email: william@peelegraphics.com Owner's Phone#: 252-71c4-6575p Agent's Name: '/ ttQ/j/>i C/ `i'6,57`Li.e, Agent Phone*r.ircJ 2` /'J�,.,S— 'e77 Agent's Email: t (-'I)shil(J+rsAGt, ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adjacent Property Owner) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property.The individual applying for this permit has described to me, as shown on the attached.drawing, the development they are proposing A description or drawing, with dimensions must be provided with this letter. ✓i DO NOT have objections to this proposal. I DO have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management(DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889. 0CM representatives can also be contacted at(252) 946-6481.No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings,boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift,or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments). (If you wish to waive the setback,you must sign the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive some/all of the 15'setback • Signature of A nt Riparian Proped wner -OR- I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement(initial the blank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner: Typed/Printed name of ARPO: ,E/2-4re"S/4 • Colt/"1/ s-/(L• Mailing Address of ARS-'O:109r ARPO's email: e'"fit/CS�cvNn.c`A7 ARPO's Phone#: Date: /tV" 01"14waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature" Revised July 2021