HomeMy WebLinkAbout88747C - Skinner, Sandy�°�°"°�"` ❑CAMA [I DREDGE & FILL 11 ��G('ENERAL PERMIT Ljnfevv []Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue N9 88747 A B I C) D Previous permit Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Cc tal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: ISA NCAC N-1 )-( I / oo ❑Rules attached. �/ General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.deq.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name ,X rt 6) .A S k-[ n A e ( Address 59'N LXnk iSe,fA "DO City Z0,\f.I(,�A State niC. ZIP 2�7 _ Phone # (q ) in I K - 201y3 Email SSlc�rir,�f��� L q✓'��G.I�. (oa.� Authorized Agent CX f( ( ;[-^-L 4' F i+ 1 � C r, n`i r ,+ c I Project Location (County): C_c•. I �c x Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) ! � 2. L�, F S . oc� -" Subdivision city AilcO c. Re,-C1- ZIP _/ `. 51 7 Affected ❑CW ZEW XPTA ❑ES ❑PTS Adj. Wtr. Body '9iu¢ SIA �na�`tfman/unk) AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body J f' ORW: yes/eo: PNA: yes/co) Type of Project/Activity J,-OS (Scaler Sp 1 Shoreline Length Access Length Pier (dock)length �O A1L f Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) // - j Fingerpier(s) Total Platform area r'' 1 - Groinlength/# a Bulkhead/Riprap length -• I-- Avg distance offshore - - - — — -- --- Breakwater/Sill- '— Maxdistance/length .✓ --�" "--- -?----�"--- I -- — Basin, channel "' �r I �" I —'" l��" i -" ' Cubic yards --{------ Boat ramp Boathouse/Boatlift z 1 _( (� _ Beach Bulldozing I _ `t i Other J�. 2 SAV observed: yes no Pi -'-� -- T Moratorium: n/a yes no l:.)r In — _ _iII(j_ . c� e �,• to Site Photos: yes not.' -I-- Riparian Waiver Attached: (eyes no A building permit/zoning permit may be reM`i tL 7�,gckr N Permit Conditions''' "" G'li ryaj ...$1 ,C4 ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back <, .. JAM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please initial) Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit Officer's PRINTED Name Signature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Application Fee(s) Check #/Money Order Signature Issuing Date Expiration Date ❑DREDGE & FILL N9 88747 A 13c; D GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit 3 ll Date previous permit issued New ❑Modification []Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Cc -7tal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: 15A NCAC i }-1 ,� /:�? ❑ Rules attached. nGeneral Permit Rules available at the following link: www.dec) nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name Address City State ZIP Phone # Email Affected ❑ CW 0 EW p PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑IHA ❑UW ❑$PIMA ❑PWS ORW: yes/rid PNA: yes/no' Authorized Agent Project Location (County): Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) I Subdivision - 1 City ;Vjl't ,:. i'.` ZIP Adj. Wtr. Body +^ ` -� f(na man/unk) Closest Mal. Won Body Ll,. r,} �c Type of Project/ Activity - Iwo J Ph op, , r A 0 v l? ' 1, (1 s (Scale: Access Length /" Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) __ _ - ._ I__ _. — __�_ —i (' , I I Floating Plafform(s)i. _ Finger piers) Total Platform area Groin length/q Bulkhead Riprap length L -- - ----- _ Avg distance offshore�- Breakwater/Sill — — - Maxdistance/length _x — Basin, channel Cubicyards --I l Boat ram - p -_ __ .;,• __. _—_�_.... .._.._ — I j f -- I _, Boathouse/ Boatlift� Beach Bulldozing Other + ° ' • Y er st ! I _ T _ SAV observed: {yes 70 Moratorium: n/a yes nod Site Photos: yes no)t•JtfO Riparian Waiver Attached: ;' ve, —II % i �- t Iln� uTto _ '^"}_� .•> +. •;t �. 1 A building permit/zoning permit maybe required by: Permit Conditions 1� TARIPAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name - Signature "Please read compliance statement on back of perm{it•• Application Feels) 7 Check H/�Mttoney Order Permit Officer's PRINTED Name Signature Issuing Date Expiration Date Styron, Heather M. From: sandy skinner <sskinner001 @gmail.com r Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 3:20 PM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: [External] N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Attachments: N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Hi Heather, Attached is a proposal request for boat lift installation at my property in Atlantic Beach; 202 Forest Knoll Dr. AB 28512. 1 contacted my adjacent neighbors via email to get the riparian signatures, so I hope the forms are readable. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks for you consideration and I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Sandy Skinner Sent from my iPhone N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONtWAIVER FORM C�RTIFI6D MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ar HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be `completed by owner or`their agent) Name of Prapaly (honer, IIC� y`tK irin(V i pMrfll/ l `) U1r1'Lr' Address of Property: all ruf`re� V00I �- AnntlnlIn�kf. 0f(X`k, �C, 28512- Malting Address of OwA0r: s�- q Aahl lx yLi - PCk 14 / i �iyf3'') Owneis emal: rlMt'yl rstYu� fert'1'jymor's PhonuM: I( - IS•3`t�3 Dv glq'b3`1. 185$ J [ fief fyr,M CJr1'1 Aganl's Name:_ y'Ilm CiYrrn S Agent Phorreq: 2'�]s "ati)'���i Agents Email: Okk hanks-mm i n( Ctinq—ftu d un Corn ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Qegom gained to be completed by the Adjacent Property owner) I hereby carlify that I own property adjacent to rite above referenced property. The Individual applying for this permit has described to ma, es shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A CLUCOotbn or drawl a with dimensions must be provided with Oils t u 100 NOT have objections to this proposal. _ I DO have objections to this proposal. N you have objections to what 1a being proposed you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) to writing within 10 days of rocNpt of this notice. Correspondence should be Matted to 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557, OCMropresentafives can also be contacted at (282) 808.2808. No response is considered the same as no objection N you have been nogned by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, tut, a groin must be set back a minimum dislanco of I V from my area of riparian access unless waved by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or dpmp revelments). (If you wish to waive the setback, you must Sian the appropriate btw* below.) _ i DO wish to wave somefel of the 15' setback G :-.,� Wgnafure of Adjacent R(parlifin Property Owner -OR- i do not wish to wave the 15' setback requkemeht (initial the btank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner; Typed/Prmted name of ARPO:�a Melling Address of ARPO:-/ [r//J7ctrzeal?Cy lHowN.Mb-�1769 ARPO's small: V/ t'>/'n .?4r//(aiG.,�- ARPO's PhoneN:.3t7 oI Date; l / a Q�2 Z 'walver Is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature - Revised July 2021 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM QgRTjFIED M&11 _ RETURN RE,C�EIPT REOUESTEO or NANO D LIVERY (Tap portion to be Completed by owner or their agent) Name of Prpponv Owner __f,T(U k� ,l�lltj1{Y %,){1wd L g Addtess of Property(,"it rL �izrt Mmimg Addrr s3 of Owner t)t )� tr �t%ll � tYq_?R�Q �(.I. 1 Ownaisemad u):d 11'�LL tjj(_jfJ{{{rY farb111r'5 photod' t�r , ♦ ,nrit h ''n �Ja c� ��ljCj Agent s Name '"TL jS l)_ -... Agent Phoned- Agents Era a,I_Q�{✓6^rjt'SMen—V1L,LW1S6�y'T_CxDr1l_ ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Honom Parham to be completed bV the Adjacent Properly Owner) I hereby certify that 1 own propudy adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to mo. as shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. Q d cn 1i n or drawino. wnh_dimensions, must hC Provided with this lean. 7 1 DO NOT have obieUrpna IP this proposal. __ 100 have objections 10 this proposal, if —you have objections to what Is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (OCMj in writing within 10 days of moved of this notice. Correspondence should be meUed ro 440 Commerce Avo., Morohoad City, NC 28552. DGMroprosenralfves Parr efso b000nfeefed at (252) 808&2808. No response is considered the same as no objection If you have been notified by Certified Mail, WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock. mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, fill, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of nparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or dprap revotrneMe). (if you wish to waive the setback, you must stun the appropriate blank below.) 100 man to eman some/all of the 15- setback Sgnature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner -OR- I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement (Initial the blank) 'S"V-'` Signature of Adjacent Ripalian Property Owner. C? Typed/Printed name of ARPO: Ir n, I � j. 1 Mailing Address of ARPO: �.-{: 4Ir 1 A I II BE. Ake [ h bet ar"k ARPO's email: —A: M,_ ARPO's PhoneB: aq,S,Z_7 Z,a — i . Date' S A -waive, Is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature' Revised July 2021 OUTER BANKS MARINE CONS'TRUC`T IOTA Tim Grimes. 252-240-2525 . Cell 252-241.6455 1501 First Avenue. Morehead City. NC T2opc5isp U4s 11-Z_() 4: 21Z ot; www.outerbanksmarineconstruction.com htlpv:I/mafi google.wrNmalVulgl#inbox?pmjecbr--1 III