HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI 12-09-EVERSi Oak Island 0112-09 Local Government Permit Numbor CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT i as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Mary Beth & Dar, in theOcean_Hazard _QA_E_C­)at -6,0_2 E."-Beach Dr., in Oak Island, as requested in the permittee's application, dated 2123/2012. 1'his permit, issued on 311612012, is subject to compliance with ffie application and site drawing (where consistent with the peermit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these ternis may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause tie permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: a new single family residence with associated development, (1) All proposed develocalen't and assiociated construction must be dorve 'in accordance with the permitted W,* plat drawings(s) dated received on 212301.2. (2) AH consnction bust Conform to the N,C, Buildk Cixile requirerits and all other r -Slate and de r ia - 4. iegu tions, applicable and FEMA Flwd Requlafions� (31 Any chxige or changes in the plans for development, constructiop. or :and nd use ;xf1vitips will req4uire. a re-evalliatiof i and kat of this permit. (4) A copy of this piemiit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at (910)278-5024 for a final inspeewn at oxnp�fbn of w(�rk, (Additional Perrnft Conditions on Page 21 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAR 16 2612 I his permit action M-;-:Y be appealed by the permitted or ollwar qualifted persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work ,conducted under this penii, must cease Ling the appeal is resolved, This permit must be on U pfolect site and accessible to the permit officer when the projac[ is ins bed for oxnpliance. Any maintepance work or project modftation not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. X4 worn, muq1,,*.ss wfien this permit expires on: DECEMBER31,2015 in issuing this pem, it it is agreed that this project is omsistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another pmfty without the written approvd, d the 91vision, of Coastal Management, Donne F. Coleman CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 4601 E. Caw' Isla d 10 11 ur, Oak Island, )5>416 PERMITTEE required if corriditions above apply to permit) Name, Mary Beth & Dan Evers Minor Permit # Of 12.09 Date: 311612012 Page 2 (5) The structure must —set back -a minimum -0-f-6-0-feet T'V11 the first line of stable natural vegetation, as det ermirie-d--by the DCM, the LPO, or other assigned agent of the DCM. (6) The permittee is required to contact the Local Permit Officer (910)201-8047, shortly before he playas to begin constrwtilon to arrange a setback rreasurement that will be effective for sixty (60) days barring a major shoreline change. Construction must begin within sixty (60) days of the determination or the measurement is void and must be redone. 7 All buildings constructed within the ocean hazard area shall uomply with the NC wilding Code, including the Coastal and Flood Plain Construction Standards of the N. C. Building Code, and the Local Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance as required by the National Flood Insurance Program. If any provisions of the building code or a flood damage prevention ordinance are inconsistent with any of the following AEC standards, the more restrictive provision shall control, (8) All buildings must be -elevated on pilings with a diameter of at least 8 inches in diameter If round, or 8 inches to a side #square; ", the first floor level of the sills and joists must meet the IOG-year flood level elevation. (9) All pilings shall have a tip penetration greater than eight feet Wow the lowest ground elevation under the structure. O)Dune disturbances will be allowed only to the extent necessary for development and if the dune's protective value is not weakened or reduced. Disturbed dune area; 411 he immediately stabilized, (II)Ali unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained an site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Disturbed areas shall be vegetatatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion, 02)Any structure authorized by this permit shall be relocated or dismantled when it becomes imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration, The structure(s) shall be _relocated or dismantled within two Years of the time when it becornes; irritninently threatened, and in any case goon its calla me or subsidence. However, if natural shoreline recovery or beach renourishment takes place within two years of the time the structure becomes imminently threatened, so that the stricture is no longer imminently thireatened, then it need not be relocated or dismantled at that time. This condition shall not affect the permit Wder's right to seek authorization of temporary protective measures allowed under CRC rules. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAR 1 6 1012 SiGNATURE'. DATF PERMI-1 , --E C)cean Hazard �- Estuarine Shoreline-- ORW Shoreline Public Trust Shoreline— Other (For qffic;al rise on.110 GENEfLAALLNFORIN N' LAND OWNER rune K. Addre-Ss bo 01 ?A4t k iL; e-, V e qjj • �0-- 3qC110 Chaped Z-" 4 731 Rhone City_— State 1, AUTHORIZED AGENT Narne Ke At -�K Address 13 q NE 3`1 44 3+. C'itv On C jq ri state rk zipA84 6 6 phone q140 - 5,74- 0633 LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address,we--t imme and/or directions to site. If riot adiacent waterbody.) 10 0 o? E - '-8 e-A C Et 7b e * v e. Oprk T DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT, (Li�tall proposal construction and land disturbance.) CO R. U (- t-, n 14 0� nmt#) #nr% ita'- SIZE OFLOT/P,kRCEI,: acres what is the name of the Ne, .25465 PROPOSED USE. Residentiall ComiTiercial/ladustrial Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVIRON- MENTAL CONCERN (AEQ: -qt-'7-2 —quare feet fit)cludes all floors and roof cover decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER EVIIIERVIOUS OR RUILT-UPON SURYACES IN THE COASTALSHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONC-LRN (AEC): Agk%—___Squarereet (CRICUlatiOUS irC[Udes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildiags, driveways, covered decks. conci-ete of masortry pados. etc., that zurc within he apj)iicablz AEC-Alttacb your calt.,itiations, with the project, drw.A-itiiz Ch,iose the AFC ama that applies to your property. (1) within 75 feet of Nomialfl.. ighWater �er Levci fibl- ttie EstuarintShOlel ine A.E"--' (2) within 575 feet ofNormalHigh Water/Norinal Water Levt!l for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC,. adjacent to Outstanding Resource 'Waters (3) withili. 30 feet of Mornial'High Water/' Normal. Water Level for the Public'11 ust Shoreline A, RE C E I V E D ((-.ontact yotul-ooaj Pennit Officer if you are not sure -which AEC appfies to your property.QCM WILMINGTON, NC STATE STORMNVATER MANAGENIETA TPERMIT, Is the project located in an area subject to a Nianagement Pei it issued by the NC Divisionof Water Quality? YES If yes,, fist the total built upon area"Upperi;mus Surface allowed br Your lot or Parcel: 3qI'lare feet,, OTHER PER MITSIKAYBE REQUIRED: The activity you are playatint;may require, p;=-its other than the CAM A. minor develop- ment permit. As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits that might be required. 'We suggest you check over the list with your LPO to determine if any of these apply to your Project. Zoning, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or othersanitary waste 1-0 treatment systems), Buihfing, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, [nsuiation and Enef,-,v Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune. Sediment Control, Subdivfsicanikpproval. Pdobile liorn� e Park Approval, Highway Connection, and others. > STATEMENT OF OWNERS.RiPt 0 1, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAM Trainor development permit, being -,ither the owner of property in ail AEC or a persou authorized to act as an agent for purposes of app lying fox - a CAMA.rainor development permit. ceil' 1f�' tbat the person listed as lay Sigdowneran this application has a.s wficant interest in the rivet property described therein. This interest c3;1 be des<;ribed as: (check one) ..................... an owner or record title, 'I'itte is vested n; JV5ePh 'M �Je_].SoN -Ice Deed Book page _V_4�i in the —S" ft a W: C k— County Registry of Deeds, ... . .... . . . .......... an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is art heir to the estate of probate was in . . . .... . .. . . . .............. . .. County, if other interest, such as wriftn contract or lease, explain below or use aseparate sheet & attach to this a'plication. '4"j 41C,6'� (kaaak rMAA4&Ad_ � M810, rZ NOTIFICATfON OF ADJAtENT PROPERTY OWN ERS: I furthermore certify that the following persons are owner-, of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning TOY intOnt to develop tbiS property and to apply. For a CAMA permit, (Naive) (Address) -BeA ch 1P I�C c2 (2) (3) ............. (4) FOR DEVEIA)PERSIN OCEAJN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: I acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed developritent is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and Or floodinva. I acknowledge that the local pennit officerhas e&plained to ire thkj;rEte� f%gLrzaroblems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concernMk43WjL'MM' "��Iofing techniques. MARI PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: I furthermore certify that I am -,njthk-)rized to g-wm and do in fact grant pei-mission to the local permit officer and his agellt',' to ente-r on the aforementioned landk in connection with evaluating infoi-mation. related to this pun -nit applicatiop. This application includcs: (0ijifonn)' asite d1'awin9,sdescdb-d on the b, J, of rhiF apptica aouthe ownership statement, the AEC hazard Dodee where necessary, a check for `tit 00,00 niade payable to. the i0catity, and any, information as may be provided orally by the applicant, The details of aie application a4 des-ribed by these so-urces are, incorporated without refe-FenCe in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will tonstitute, a violation of any pennit. Any person developin-e inaaAEC without permilit is sUbject to ci-01, criminel arid adininistrative action. This thc: c94 davol" 20 Landowner or person avalvarizod toact as his agent fir purpose Off ling a CAIVIL-k pe,-xitit application. Project is in are: Ocean Erodible Area High Hazard Flood Area Inlet Hazard Area a Property Owner: ELLac Property Address: ff Hate Lot Was Platted: This notice is intended to make you. the applicant, aware of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area., which is subiect to natural hazards such as storms, erosion and currents. The rules of the Coastal Resources Commission require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice and acknoww-[edge that notice iu writing be0ore a permit for development can be issued. The Commission's rules on bUildin=g standards, oceanfront setbacks and dune alterations are designed to minimize, but not eliminate, property loss Frain hazards, By granting permits, the Coastal Resources Commission ci{_;es not guarantee the safety of the development and assumes no liability for future damage to the development. Permits issued in the Ocean Hazard Area of Environmental Concern include the condition that structures be relocated or dismantled if then become imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration, The structure{,sl must be relocatcd or dismantled wwithin two (2) years of becoming iniminent1v threatened, and in any case upon its collapse or subsidence, The best available information, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, 'indicates that the annual long-term average ocean erosion rate for the area where your property is located is — _, feet per year. The rate was established by careful analysis of aerial photographs of the coastline taken over the past SO years. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as Much as feet landward in a major storm. The flood waters in a major storm are predicted Li be. about _I (* feet deep in this area. Preferred oceanfront protection measures tire beach nourishment and relocation of threatened structures. Hard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties and breakwaters are prohibited. Temporary sand bags may be authorized tinder certain conditions, The applicant must acknoww ledge this information and requirements by signing this notice in the space below. Without tho-ptopgr s}. nature, the application will not be complete. Signature Date SPECIAL NOTE. This hazard notice is required for development in areas subject to sudden and massive storms and erosion. Permits issued for development in this area expire on December 31 of the third year following the year in which the permit was issued_ Shortly before work begins on the project site, the .Local merit Officer must be contacted to determine the vegetation line and setback distance at your site. If the property has seen tittle change since the tirne of permit issuance, and the proposed development can still meet the setback requirement, the LPO will inform you that you may begin work, Substantial progress on the project must be made within tit) days of this setback determination, or the setback first be remeasured. Also, the occurrence of a major shoreline change as the result of a storm within the Eft -day period will necessitate remeasurement of the setback. It is important that you check with the 1_,110 before the permit expires for official approval to continue the work after the permit has expired. Generally. if foundation pilings have been placed and substantial progress is continuing, permit renewal can be authorized. It is unlawful to continue work after permit expiration. riGtr4 rrafcrrmat>i€err, contact.• Local Permit Officer Address c- Locality ` 1 -- `' Phone Number WECEIVED MAR I ( A i' Revisers May 2010 OFFER TOPURCHASE AN]) CONTRACT - VACANT LOT/LAND (Consult "Guidelines" (form 12G) for guidance in completing this form) NOTE: 'INS contract is intended for unimproved real properly that Buyer will p immediate plans to subdivide. It should tro"chase only for personal use and does not have properly approval and recorded with the regit be used to sell property tbat is being subdivided unless the property has been platted, the constnuction of a new single family dwelster of deeds as of the date of the contract. If Seller is Buyer's .builder and the sale involves ling prior to ciosiltg, use the standard Offer to Purchase and Contract —New Construction (Form 800 T) or, if the construction is completed, use the rJffer to Purchase and Contract (Form 2-T) with the Nev, Construction Addendum {Form 2A3-T), For valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of wldch are hereby acknowledged, Buyer offers to purchase and Seiler upon acceptance agrees to sell and convey the Property on the terms and conditions of this Offer To Purchase and Contract and any addendum or modification made in accordance with its tests (together the "Contract"). I. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS; The terms listed bei(nv sha11 teerm. have the respective meaning given them as set forth adjacent to each (a) "Seller°: Re R Ccyieman Nan2y D Cal.ernan (b) "Buyer Mart Beth Evers (c) "Property": The Property h 11 improvements located thereon. Street Address 602 East 13 City: Oak Island County: Brunswick (NOTE: Governmental authnri s a roclude all that real rslate described below together with all appurtenances thereto including the each Dr over taxes, zoning, school distrct5, ntititin, and mail+delivery may differ front address shown.} Legal Description: (Complere,4LL applicable) Plat Reference: Lot/Unit , Block/Section _._. , Subdivision/Condominium The as PTItIPID or afher iderttificatian number Other descriptiannfthe Property is; 2shOWJ 0 n 01 Plat Book/SlidePage( _ at s ) : Z-S.a 8-55 I8 BIAT 7 gg Some or all of the I'raperty may be described in Drert R��t• `- , e'(d) "Purchase Price" at Page 408 b% L5. _ paid i i U.S. Dollars upon the, tbliowing term;: $ BY DUE DILIGENCE FEE made payable to Seller by the Effective Date, 500,00 BY TNITIAL EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT made payable to Escrow Agent named R ECII E I Dn Paragraph 10) Q with thisoffer OR M delivered within five (5) days of the pC;M WILMINGTONtVeDateofthisContractby []cash []personatclteck El official bank check $ 9re transfer. BY (ADDITIONAL) EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT made payable to Escrow Agent MAR 1 6 2W named in Paragraph 1(9 by cash or immediately available funds such as official bank check or wire transfer to be delivered to Escrow Agent no later than regardtosaiddate. TI1 EB'EI112COFTHEF-SSEACBwith BY ASSUMPTION of the unpaid s of Seller existing loan(s) secured by a deed of trust ton the Property, inal balance and tacccordance with the On the attached $ an Assumption Addendum (Standard Form 2A6-T). Y SELLER I'INANCING in accordance with the attached Seller Financing Addendum $Immisfiais= (Standard Forin 2AS-T). ---- BALANCE of the Purchase Price in cash at Settlement (some or all of which may be paid 00 with the proceeds of a new loan)_ l)c.hould $uyer fail to deliver either the Due Diligence Fee or any Initial Ettrnest Money Deposit by their due dates, or should any check or other funds paid by Buyer be dishonored, for any reason, by tltc institution upon which the payment is drawn, Buyer shall have one (1) banding day after written notice to deliver good Rinds to the payee. In the funds, Seller shall have the right to terminate this Contract upon written no,icc to Buyer. event Buyer does not timely deliver goad This form jointly approved by: Page 1 of 9 North Carolina �ssoclation _ STANDARD FORM 12-T arAtTO;z*N'orth Caroli sjajrIation of REALTORSO, Inc. y c Revised 7j72011 err 6- j , .s rrr�arr Q 7/2011 Buyer initials Seller initials V!?yi'—�tkAtsv;i,tesiE}3 Qro!Pa each M S:e i D&C>'i' Qv,�, NC 2k, 12-----•••.�._,. .�,-„—,T y�xrs t"ra:r {9 iG}232-6?3# hr (E(,6)H5-3e39 Prod"z.e�1 vr¢h ztsf'cvnw9 by zfLcvix 7�1J70 FM.ez� 0.6b Rwr3. Fn3sc:, t:JU�n ACO2d � h�'i' (it1.5 ews a Joseph R, 9roahure, PLS - 1759, Ceritfy thai In. plot NOTES: MIDDLETON ROAD w*s droon under my supwvtsen from en ocival survey mode unde, my supsrvlston flan information shown n ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE dead books referenced an map and mop books referent* HORIZONTAL GROUND DIS, Yd PI SE on mop; That any Ines not artua@y s veyed oppew os broken IM,es and .roe plotted from information as poled on the piaL• That the rote of precis- as cWcul.teo Is THAT THIS SURVEY IS OF AN ZZ �+ better thou 1:10,000, that the area is Computed byD EXISTINC PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND. eth PI SE coor�ele malhad.witness my wigind signature, revstration G nunew and seal this the 20rd day of Ffe- A.O. 2012. PROPERTY ADDRESS: ioiiipi R; fire* L- 602 E. BEACH DRIVE Prof,""', Lard Surveyor OAK ISLAND, N.C. 28465 ur1 91h Pi SC PARCEL N 235PCO2401 LOT AREA: 7,500 SF +/- -- CA EA - LEGEND _.. ST DOLPHIN IRS IRON ROAD FOUND DRY VE SET MNF MAG NAIRON L FOUND _ 60' R `"�-- -_ MNS MAC NAIL SET BOO BACK OF CURB r 1 or rwn R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY C/L CENTERLINE EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT R/W { I GROUND ELEVATION m CATV PEDESTAL ® ELECTRICAL PEDEST,. M m TELEPHONE PEDEST) ,2`ix-<s asuc ® SEWER VALVE " O 0 WATER METER HVAC Is. GRINDER PUMP Q <m LPG TANK Lj 0 PINE TREE +/- 5' f (1 ® CONCRETE LLJ �t V 4, ZONE VE wzo s0•D � L 24)(0. 50'D eta "^* M / 57 STONE -c 1 57 STON CENTERED ON DRIP EDGE �- UCENTERED DRWEDGE EXISTING w4.re.ewu� RESIDENTIAL DWELLING iU ZONE VE t IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS e 1 t TOTAL LOT SIZE - 7,500 SF y c'wx I TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA: HOUSE DRIB - - i 582 SF TOTAL: 2.295 SF tf fl TOTAL % OF IMPERVIOUS AREA - .30% ' R/W FLOOD STATEMENT: FIRM: 370202 PANEL: 02056 PREFix "S ZONED "VE"16 ��� `Qr `R/_- EFFECTIVE OATE:6-2-06 REFERENCES EAST- BEACH DRI r DC Don & Mary Beth Evers LOT 15, BLOCK 55 - LONG BEACH VE PLAT-007 PC. 0058 PRLUWNARY: "NOT FOR RECORDAT04 CONVEYANCES OR SAtES' SETBACKS SITE PLAN FRONT - 25' FOR - 20' STRSIDEEET 8 SfRfE7 SIDE 10' KEN KI SER 602 E. BEACH DRIVE td�tfd OAK ISLAND, N.0 Si+rbya4 ktc, P.A. Land S—eyes-Piannws SMITHVILLE TWSP, - BRUNS T10X 427 Womble $1. P Ook )stand, N.C. 28465 DATE: 02/20112 SCAL tv Phone: 910-250-9192 t ! a '� GRAPHIC SC Rovioertalt a Co«tite Pins mm er) Sib1 ,� Lot swve ys, n..enoa Creosotes wwv.igpn.00n, m w T *eras: islondawveyorsOgm ai.Co t n rser) ,0v,,���, i Ibck + 30 fL ECEIVED NILMINGTON, NC AR 1 6 2012 4.a - Right Side RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAR 1 6 'M2 COASTAL DESIGNS Custom Cottage Plan, a Derivative of s "`" �$��� `���> `;`�� x ff,,��� �=�r��,•��.�:�r� Doe: I,-M•aa Dennis K.Mercer, Designer The"Wrightsville 1792-5/190$-5" for:.aw..,.� awrt52++g. ant: airaio'xs,t.: mxa�n,.swxa�sx,, 4 Y3{e JYa Ji ypeA['6aw W6 bYNj &t P". 02-20-12 PO Box 379, htsville Beach NC 28460 Custom Island Homes, by Ken K. Kisero' a a ,• «n v a T � a ar ,, Rev, R8" o�Yce:910-509-3',,40. fax„gi wo www.cuasIsUesigns.com for: 602 E. Beach Dr., Oak island, NC 2M65 'Yrawr sm t4 of e 4"G^:.'M W �' bk b.zi+s C'fYgR ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR LAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to H 1511;1��, (Name of Property Owner) property located at jj Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on _4�C, -� ` t"n , in s Ac3i+d N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He has described to me as shown in the attached application and project drawing(s), the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED 64� Signature Print or Type Name �ttC�l Telep��honjje Number DDate`I I "F--EiVED '"_MINGTON, NC MAR 1 6 26i2 ADJACENT' RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMY-A MINOR PERMITS - - — . ...... . .. ........ I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to M rt it &+A v eAs (Name of Property Owner) property 60cated at (004 l3 V_.) ()tT lq,(, .21214S— . ....... . ........ . .. . . .... ................ . Address, Lot, Block, Road, otc.) on P+11110-;, OC&-Ad 3 " tJ 5 0 i Ck- Cot? ..... Y ......—, . ....... (Waterbody) in N.C.(Town and/or County}' He has described to me as shown in the attached application and project drawing(s), the development he is Proposing at that location., and, I have no objections to his proposal, (A—PPL!QA—T1QtL-AN—DDBA-YYLNG OF PKEOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) .......... . . . ........ --- . ........... . ...... �Y�Sign lure ?Pie, Lee, Prirrt' or Type Name Telephone Number RECEIVED Date DCM WILMINGTON, NC MAR 1 62012 N NOTICE OF FILING OFAPPLICAUON FOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Pursuant to NCGS 113 -A- I 19(b), Town of Oak Island, a locality authorized to issue CA-MApermits, hereby gives NOTICE that the follovAng applications for CAMA Minor Development Permit(s) have been received: The applications may be inspected at the address below. Later comments will be accepted and considered tip to time of permit decision. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. Number Narrie Address Development Comments through 01 12-08 Chad Mords 1404 W. Yacht Dr. cfearingliandscaping March 16,2012 0112-09 Dan Evers 602 E. each Dr, single farnily residence March 16, 2012 Donna Coleman CANIA Local Permit Officer Town of Oak Island 4601 E. Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 Phone: (910) 278-50224 PLEASE PUBLISVI ON: February 29,2012 Billing information for this ad: Cathy Robbins Town of Oak Island V_�'ECFIVED 4601 E. Oak Island Drive DCM WILMINGTON, NC Oak Island, NC 28465 MAR 1 6 2UM CAMA Minor Permit Log 2011-2012 Oak Island Wiro / Pg. 1 Date Quarterly report received: 4-23-12 3rd Quarter Permit No. Applicant's Name Project Location Date RO received App. Date on App. Date RO received Permit Date of permit Decision Date App. Filed Date RO rcv'd Public Notice AEC App Complete Appr. for Payment 11-41 Newton, Johnny 6602 E Yacht Dr 1/9/12 11/10/11 1/9/12 1/6/12 12/15/11 1/9/12 n/a Y Y 11-42 Flanders, Chris. 1904 E Dolphin Dr 1/9/12 12/20/11 1/9/12 1/13/12 12/22/11 1/9/12 Y Y Y 11-43 Odell, W H 5103 W Beach Dr 1/9/12 12/29/11 1/9/12 1/13/12 12/29/11 1/9/12 Y Y Y 12-01 Davenport, John 6020 W Beach Dr 2/2/12 1/4/12 2/9/12 1/27/12 1/5/12 2/2/12 Y Y Y 12-02 Hodges, Larry 1130 E Dolphin Dr 1/27/12 1/6/12 2/9112 2/3/12 1/10/12 1/27/12 Y Y Y 12-03 Pennington, Mary 1426 E Beach Dr 1127/12 1/12/12 2/9/12 2/10/12 1/19112 1/27/12 Y Y Y 12-04 Surratt, Todd 1110 E Dolphin Dr 1/27/12 1/20/12 2/9/12 2/10/12 1/20/12 1/27/12 Y Y Y 12-05 Brewer, Gary 5908 E Yacht Dr 1/27/12 1/14/12 2/9/12 2/6/12 1/20/12 1/27/12 n/a Y Y 12-06 Brannon, George 3307 W Beach Dr 3/16/12 2/6/12 3/16/12 312/12 2/8/12 3/16/12 Y Y Y 12-07 Newton, Johnny 6602 E Yacht Dr 3/16/12 2/22/12 3/16/12 2/27/12 2/8/12 3/16/12 n/a Y Y 12-08 Morris, Chad 1404 E Yacht Dr 3/16/12 2/21/12 3/16/12 3/16/12 2/27/12 3/16/12 n/a Y Y 12-09 Evers, Marybeth 602 E Beach Dr 3/16/12 2/22/12 3/16/12 3/16/12 2/23/12 3/16/12 Y Y Y 12-10 Clift, John 2618 E Beach Dr 4/20/12 2/28/12 4/20/12 3/23/12 2/29/12 4/20/12 Y Y Y 12-11 Richards/Audette 123 SE 67th St 4/23/12 3/7/12 4/23/12 3/23/12 3/8/12 4/20/12 Y Y Y 12-12 Keese, Brian 5524 E Beach Dr - 3/16/12 3/7/12 4/23/12 3/23/12 3/8/12 3/16/12 Y Y Y 12-13 OI Elks Lodge2769 106 E Dolphin Dr 3/16/12 3/8/12 4/23/12 3/21/12 3/8/12 3/16/12 Y Y Y 12-14 Milby, William 6910 W Beach Dr 4/23/12 8/3/12 - 4/23/12 3/30/12 3/9/12 4/23/12 Y Y Y 12-15 Haywood III, Edgan 717 Country Club Dr 4/23/12 3/22/12 4/23/12 3/30/12 3/22/12 4/23/12 Y Y Y LOCALITY: Oak Island FOR QUARTER: 3rd-- Year: 2012 cc 0 6 0) = - LU U) rn in E 2 2 LL File # Applicant Name Project Address 0 jg E CL o z .0 0 (0 (UX 0 F4 1.- 0- 2 M 0 > - 1LLj 1 0 < cs E E (D 10 10 M 0111-41 Johnny Newton 6602 E. Yacht Dr. 12/15/2011 :12/2112011 12/19/2011, 1/612012 ES 0- demolition 0111-42 Christopher Flanders 1904 E. Dolphin Dr, 12/22/2011 1/4/2012 11612012 1/1312012 OE SFR 0111-43 WH Odell 5103 W. Beach Dr. 12115/2011 12121/2011 12/1912011 11612012 OE 0 - Driveway 0112-01 John Davenport Jr. 6020 W. Beach Dr, 115/2012, 1/11/2012 1/612012 112712012,OE,CS 0 - Addition 0112-02 Larry & Chichi Hodges 1130 E. Dolphin Dr- 1/10/2012 1118/2012 1/24/2012 21312012 OE 0- Retain wall 01 12-03 Mary Pennington 1426 E. Beach Dr. 1/19/2012 1125/2012 1/2412012 2110/2012 OE 0- landscaping 01 12-04 Todd Surratt 1110 E, Dolphin Dr. 1120/2012 1/25/2012 1/2412012 2/10/2012 OE 0 - Clear/Fill 0112-05 Gary Brewer 5908 E. Yacht Dr_ 1120/2012, 1/2512012 1/2412012 2/112012,N C3 SFR 0112-06 George Brannon 3307 W. Beach Dr. 218/2012 2/1512012 2/9/2012 3/212012 OE SFR 01 12-07 Johnny Newton 6602 E. Yacht Dr. 2J812012 2115/2012 219/2012 212712012 CS SFR 0112-08 Chad Morris 1404 W_ Yacht Dr- 2127/2012 2/2912012 31112012 3116/2012 CS 0 - landscaping 0112-09 Mary Beth & Dan Evers 602 E. Beach Dr. 2123/2012, 2129/2012 3/1/2012 3/16/2012,OE SFR 0112-10 John Clift 2618 E. Beach Dr, 2129/2012 3/14/2012 3/112012 3123/2012 OE 0 -enclose deck 0112-11 Richards/Audette 123 SE 67th St 317/2012 3/1412012 31912012 3130/2012 OE 0- driveway 0112-12 Brian Keesee 5524 E. Beach Dr, 3/8/2012 3/14/2012 3/912012 3/3012012 OE demolition/fill 0112-13 10 Elks #2769 106 E. Dolphin Dr. 318/2012 3114/2012 31912012 3130/2012 OE 0 - ice machine 0112-14 William Milby 6910 W. Beach Dr. 3/9/2012 3/14/2012 31912012 3130/2012 0E,HH,lH 0 -pool/fence 0112-15 Edgar Haywood 717 Country Club Dr, 3112/2012 3/14/2012, 319/2012 3/3012012 OE 0 - deck Return To: Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardnial Dr. Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 Signatur Date: 4/2212012 Phone Number: ii = Z4','-1a04r1 R Ew C E IV ED APR 2 3 2012 WILMINGTON, NC REQUISTION FOR PAYMENT OF CAMA MINOR PERMIT PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT Local Government: 6.1 �b Period Covered: lit Quarter (July - Aug - Sept) FY: 2011-2012 2nd Quarter (Oct - Nov - Dec) X 3rd Quarter (Jan - Feb - Mar) 4th Quarter (Apr - May - Jun) Services Rendered: OH 14 ES _ Permits processed @ $55.00 each $ 9,I G . (Cities and towns) OH ES = Permits processed @ $75.00 each $ (Counties) OH A ES 3 = S� Final Inspections @ $40.00 each $ r;2y� OH21 ES_3 _ Exemptions investigated @ $25.00 each $ OH ES = Violations resolved @ $100.00 each $ 00 LPO Training (not to exceed $200.00) $ TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED UNDER THIS REQUISITION The above information is an accurate account of activities carried out by the local government staff during the period specified above. I approve for pa ent. DCM Regional 'presentative Date: 4—d-3 DATE RCVD IN WILMINGTON OFFICE: 4,,2 3 -/� DATE SENT TO MOREHEAD CITY OFFICE: DATE PAID: