HomeMy WebLinkAbout96-78 Dale, Roland^� r::an is NEQUIREO
IA'T tl. .'r'.FMV5650S OF
Rox Zoo
X 606
State of North Carolimf�
Department of Natural Resources and C'umny,
(Re: N.C. G.S. 113-229)
Mr. Roland Dale
Isstr , to: — —.__—
P. 0. Box 95, Engelhard, North Carolina 27824
'rhi: r rmit authorizes excavation and/or filling in
R t 1 ak C 1 ff f
%6 Nail"
County, N.C.
at _ _..__ . a esn a ana (o o SR 1108) as requested in the permittee's
3/17/78; incl. attached plats, 3, dated rec. 3/20/78
appi _ation dated — -- __ subject to
the, -nditions set forth below.
0) That no excavated or fill material be placed at any time in
any marsh or waters of the state.
(2) That in order to protect juvenile shrimp populations, no
excavation or filling will be permitted between the dates
of April 1 through September 30 of any year without the
prior approval of the Division of Marine Fisheries.
to -)TB! Since the spoil retention area consists of more than one acre, an
erosion and sedimentation control plan will Lc required for this
project. The plan shall include what measures and techniques
(berms, seeding applications, etc.) will be utilized to control
erosion where spoil material is to be placed. This plan must be
filed at least 30 days prior to beginning any land disturbing
activity. Submit this plan to the Department of Natural Resources
and Community Development, Land Quality section, 1502 North Market
— Street, Washington, N. C. 27689. ---_
ED N G.S. 113-229 (K) AND (L).
Thi. I rmit may be objected to by the permittee within twenty (20) days of the date of issuance. Failure
to s 'omit such objection shall be interpreted as an agreement of compliance with all permit conditions.
l hi- pectnit must be displayed along with a copy of the application and the project plat in the cab (or pilot-
hou c ) of the equipment working on the project, or be easily accessible, on site, to Department personnel
whc „he ) roject isinspected.
And msinienance work or project modification requires further Departmental approval. Subject to permit
rem .;,:1, a;l work must cease when the permit terminates.
December 31, 1980
hi ;� rmi': terminates on Signed by the authority of the Secretary
June 20, 1978
Issu tg Data: (...,,,,/
For i O&F-g
Rev e(' '1; 77
David A. Adams
Assistant Secretary for
Resource Management
State of North Carolina Department of the Ar yr 7
Department of Natural and Economic Resources Corps of Engineers, Wilmington tact
(R;;: _GS 113.229) (Re: River and Harbor Act of 18 9) co
Pleasc type or print and fill in all blanks. If the information requested is not applicable, so ;n.•
indicate by placing N/A in the blank.
Applicant Information, -
A. Name -�
S. Address P. 0. Box 95 �
treei, P.O. B-ox�orr Route
11. Location of Proposed Project:
A. CountyHvde
B. 1. City, town, community or landmark
2. Is proposed work within city limits?
Yes No
C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of waterf--
Pamlico Sound
111. Description of Operation:
AA. Maintenance of existing project
2. New work
boat basin and pier
B. Purpose of excavation or fill
1. Access channel
2. Boat basin _length
width t125'
depth +6
3. Fill area—
length t900'
width t250'
depth tl'
•1.Other. W/AEA' EXISCnvAA
length I'loo'
_width /o'.rrAx _depth
C, 1. Bulkhead dimensions N/A
2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) N/A
D. Excavated material (total for project)
1. Cubic yards *-6040 2. Type of material sandy loam sand and Play
E. Fill material to be placed below MHW (see also VI. A)
1. Cubic yards. N/A 2. Type of material
IV. Land Type, Excavated Material, and Construction Equipment:
A. Dons the area to be excavated include any marshland? Yes _No x
B. Does the disposal area include any marshland? YesNo X
C. Disposal area 1. Location disposal area is east of proposed boat ba=in
_ 2. Do you claim title to disposal area? _ Yes
D. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in N/A
E. How will excavated material be entrapped or encased? earthen dikes will be constructed to
prevent spoil runoff into existing canal
F. Type of equipment to be used dragline or dredge
G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? (If -yes, explain) no
V. Describe Intended Use of Project Area:
A. 1. Private
2. Commercial
3.HousingDevelopmentorIndustrial project will provide property owners with (1) acres
to existing canal and Pamlico Sound and (2) bnar
�, Other docking facilities
8.1. Lot size(s)_minftntm 1_9t10,0-00 square feet____ -
2. Elevation of loi(s) above mean high water
3. Soil type or texture_ sandy loam,_ sand and clay _
4. Type of building facilities or structures recreation hotpe —�
5. Method of sewage disposal or treatment state approved lagoon..syseam
✓}. Peruining to Fill and Water Quality:
A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes —No x
B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the
area following project completion? Yes _ No x
2. Type, of discharge N/A
3. Location of discharge N/A
\ ;I. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): unknown
Y ;i. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for
work in project area, if applicable: _—
XK Length of time required for project activity: 12 months
X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided:
A. Attached a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant
claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property,
then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written
permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. (Note: Federal law requires the
applicant to be the owner or his designated agent).
B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8%," X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for
details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted.
C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or
certified mail or by publication (G. S. 113.229 (g) (9) and (10)). Enter date served 3-17- 2 y
Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below.
D. List the names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's
e -IAGof /-
1 U,� z11 ,v r 4 T t9 R U r .S N t---
DATE 7—/ 7- %.Y
Send one completed copy each to:
Permit Section
Division or Marine Fisheries
Department of Natural & Economic Resources
P. O. Box 27687
Raleigh, North Carolina 27611
Ph. 919-829-3767
Applicant's Signature
District Engineer
Department of the Army
Wilmington District Corps of Engineers
P. O. Box 1890
Wilmington, North Carolina 28401
(Note: attach Corps cover letter)
Ph.919-763.9971 Ext.565
D ,.F B2
R v. 3,74
Property of: A0. 2).0.7. Tyrrell Co.
Sn nn —
_ r
Pmpcny of: ,
Rolgstd Da10 94
P. O. Box 95airfir
Engelhard, NC
MAR 2.ID 478 .
f\oat Mattamuskeet
Itas'\ Lake Il
Spoil N
Area Swan Quarter Project
P a m l i c o
N.C.S.H.C. S o H n J
Approved Lagoon NOTES:
ISite // gu 1. Minimum lot size - 10,000 sq. ft.
�:e / r 2. All lots to be served by county water system.
/ 3. All lots to be served by project lagoon system
approved by all necessary agencies.
iH 4. Project area to be drained continuously by dra
Agricultural Pump LocatioW
n canals and pump.
Drainage Canals / s� 5. ALL roads to be privately maintained.
Planted Pines d
P.QOPos[-'p CxcAvslY/ot/
(Future Property of:
WAy* A. JAlepu
Development) �]• i �,��� NAk.D, A/.0 - 2782Y
o Prepared by:
v John Staley
F3 Development Specialist
oEast Carolina University
Regional Development Institute
°c Greenville, NC 27834
/ Marsh
. pygperi.i of
.7' Existing Canal ,7'
20' S \ \
\ .\ • \ \ \�.� S
� I
lo'+to� - 30'--}-20 20' 5 30•---}-zo
• 2 \ W
• • •\ A
y -6'
•._ \ +3.5
\• \ \ 20'
Al \ •�• F
Boat \ \ Bas n
Proposed Spoil Area
Agricultural Drainage Canal Property of:
..��. Roland Dale
���'�•� P. O. Box 95, Engelhard, NC 27824
I Typical Boat Basin and Pier I Section
l �-- 5'{— 20'30' -t 20'—}- 5'}-- 20'30 —}— 20 5
"A sting 1y I I I I \ Dike 2'
:round Lime Above Ground Level
+3j' \v 6\
^renared by: s '
ohn Stay
,eealopmenl Speciaut
` asi Carolina University
t.egional Development :.»titu•e
i:re,,nville, NC 27834
All tides are wind tides.
Tides vary 1Y MWL.
- 125'
to be
ea to �b, Dredged
Detail of Proposed
Docking Facilities
1. All tides we wind tides t MWL.
2. All timber will be I
1AAR 2 01978
PM Yi "MR-E ffi[JERJE,�
Detail of Stringers
North Carolina Department of Natural
Resources &Community Development
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
June 19, 1978
M . Joe Swindell
R)ute 1, Box 36-2A
E-gelhard, N.C. 27824
D,ar Mr. Swindell:
JUN '90
Secretary Howard Lee has asked that I respond to your- ee\T
i, which you expressed concern over certain happenings invol
m rshland in the White Plains area of Hyde County.
As I interpret your letter, you are concerned over three basic
i%sues, one of which appears to be a question of land ownership.
T'e other two involve marshland alteration by fire or fill. As
to the ownership question, you should understand that the Department,
by policy of longstanding, does not become involved in ownership
disputes of the type which you have described. Such matters must
bo resolved by the parties involved in a civil action, if a mutually
s;t.isfactory solution is not reached.
In reviewing permit files on projects in the Rattlesnake Canal
area and discussing the matter with other Department personnel I
can find no evidence of excavation or fill work not covered by a
pa,rmit. While the results of some of the work may not be pleasing
tc the eye, there is apparently no violation of law.
As to the fire of this past spring, Department records confirm
a marsh fire set by parties unknown and surpressed by State Forestry
personnel. The plowed fire line which you photographed was apparently
dr,termined to be necessary by the forester and/or ranger on duty.
Hcwever, we would not wish to see any unnecessary plowing because
M ere exists the potential for lowering the watertable of a given
wetland area, as you so aptly pointed out. Plowing or discing
marshland except as is absolutely necessary for fire fighting is
p:.ohibited by dredge and fill regulations unless, of course, a
pr,rmit is issued.
On behalf of the Secretary, I want to express our appreciation
fir your sincere interest in this matter. I trust my explanation
has enabled you to better understand the situation from a standpoint
o Departmental responsibility.
Should there be any questions or if you have other pertinent
information on the matter, do not hesitate to contact this office.
ry sincerely,
n R. Frarker, Jr
Pe its Coordinator
J]tP ;i.r : sh
c<: Secretary Howard Lee
R. C. Winkworth
Doug Nelson P.O. Box, 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611
An Equal Opportunity A7lirmulioe Action Lrnployer
A611h North Carolina Department of Natural
IRW Resources &Community Development
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary
April 3, 1978
Mr. James T. Brown, Chief
Estuarine Studies Section
Division of Marine Fisheries
Box 769
Morehead City, North Carolina 28557
Dear Mr. Brown:
The attached copy of an application submitted by:
Applicant's Na
Rattlesnake Canal Hyde County
Location of Project County
for a state permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North
Carolina is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction
over the subject matter which might be affected by the project.
Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the
proposed work and return to the Division of Marine Fisheries not later than
JOHN: You apparently sent us your entire
TI-te• It in reCurned zTerewith.
NOTE: These permits were consolidatedincerely,
for review purposes and should r
be issued as one permit.
Doug Nelson
Lee Barham, Deputy Director
Division of Marine Fisheries
(Please use reverse side for comments and signature.)
P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North L.00lina 27611
An Gvue/ opporlunity AIlinnulwe Action Cmployer
- 2 -
Ef(A) This agency interposes no objection to the proposed work.
❑ (B) This agency objects to the project as proposed. The objection is
based upon findings which lead to the conclusion that there will
be one
or more
adverse effects as covered in G. S. 113-229 (e) 1-5.
... that there will be significant adverse effect
of the proposed dredging and filling on the use of
the water by the public;
... that there will be significant adverse effect
on the value and enjoyment of the property of any
riparian owners;
... that there will be significant adverse effect
on public health, safety, and welfare;
... that there will be significant adverse effect
on the conservation of public and private water
... that there will be significant adverse effect
on wildlife or fresh water, estuarine or marine
(C) Agency
relating to Item(s) A and/or B are hereby detailed.
comments continued on attached sheet.
(D) Comments are submitted that do not directly relate to item B but
are relevant to the public interest. (These comments will be for-
warded by the Department of Natural and Economic Resources to
appropriate State or Federal agencies.)
3" r
Div. Marine Fisheries
PO Box 769
Morehead City, NC 28557
April 3, 1978
From R. D. Nelson
Subject App. for State permit - Roland W. Dale 3-17-78
Location - Hyde County, Rattlesnake Canal, off SR 1108, approximately 4 1/2 miles south
of Engelhard.
Investigative process - App. req. modification and transfer of Permit 170-76 (n/o Thad
Selby) rec. Raleigh 2-28-78. Req. for additional information from Raleigh 3-7-78; re-
ceived in Raleigh 3-20-78 together with new app. for additional work. Both apps. re-
ceived Morehead 3-23-78. On -site investigation made 3-21-78. Request for modification
of Permit 170-76, combined with new app. dated 3-17-78, app. and plats changed to re-
flect consolidation of both requests.
Environmental setting - The proposed project is located in an agricultural field adja-
cent to the west side of Rattlesnake Canal off SR 1108. The specific site lies imme-
diately adjacent to the canal in an area recently used for farming. In addition, the
area incorporates a small pine plantation wood lot containing young pines and a hog
pen lot. The elevation of the area averages about 3', with black organic soil being
the principal type in evidence. Rattlesnake canal was recently maintained under State
Permit 170-76, and a boat launching ramp was constructed adjacent to the proposed basin
site under the same permit.
Project description - The applicant proposes to excavate a boat basin measuring some
155' long by 125' wide to a depth of 6'. Approximately 6,000 cu.yds, of spoil material
will be placed on the highland adjacent to the proposed canal to a depth of 1'. The
canal will be widened a maximum of 10' for a length of 1400' down the west bank of the
canal. Thus, the canal will be approximately 50' wide in the vicinity of the proposed
boat basin. This will provide additional navigating room for boat traffic utilizing
the canal, and provide spoil to raise the surrounding elevation of the property approxi-
mately 1'. Widening of the canal was required by farmers draining through Rattlesnake
Canal so that the proposed new excavation would not interfere with the recently main-
tained canal. The basin and canal widening work is proposed prior to developing 34
lots as shown on the applicant's plat.
Environmental impact - If the project is completed as proposed, impact on the existing
canal should be minimal. It is expected that some short term turbidity will result
from the excavation. The overall canal system should return to normal productivity in
a relatively short period of time.
CkMA REVIEW - Env. Impact- The overall effects of the project on the canal per se will
be minimal. The waters of the Pamlico Sound lying in the vicinity of Rattlesnake Canal
have a potential as a shellfish area. Development of the property adjacent to Rattle-
snake Canal without proper safeguards may have an adverse effect on water quality. Ac-
cording to the plat, approximately 34 lots are platted for development with an addi-
tional area designated for future development.
R. D. Nelson
Div. Marine Fisheries
PO Box 769
Morehead City, NC 28557
April 3, 1978
Re: App. for State Permit
Roland W. Dale
FOR CAMA PERMIT - No objections with the following conditions
1. That the applicant agrees that no lot can be sold unless the purchaser has
direct and immediate access to a central sewage disposal system approved
by the Dept. of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of
Environmental Management..
2. That if a central sewage disposal system, as called for in Condition No. 1,
is not available, lot sizes will be limited to a minimum of one acre each
unless the applicant can show that there will be no adverse environmental
effect as a result of installation of septic tank.
3. That no excavated or fill material be placed at any time in any marsh or
waters of the state.
4. That in order to protect juvenile shrimp populations, no excavation or fill-
ing will be permitted between the dates of April 1 through September 30 of
any year without the prior approval of the Div. of Marine Fisheries.
FOR DREDGE & FILL PERMIT - No objections with the following condition:
1. That no excavated or fill material be placed at any time in any marsh or
waters of the state.
2. That in order to protect juvenile shrimp populations, no excavation or fill-
ing will be permitted between the dates of April 1 through September 30 of
any year without the_prior approval of the Civ. of Marine Fisheries.
R. D. Nelson
Permit Section
Division of Marine Fisheries
Department of Natural Resources
and Community Development
P. 0. Box 27687
Raleigh, North Carolina 27611
Dear Sirs:
March 20, 1978
I:;:!r,' : U 1118
In accordance with guidelines regarding Department of the Army
permits for boat basins and piers, I am enclosing the necessary data
to process my application. The boat basin and piers will allow
future property owners in the development access to the existing
canal and Pamlico Sound as well as providing docking facilities.
Roland Dale
P. 0. Box 95
Englehard, North Carolina
Phone (919) 925-4001
State of North Carolina Department of the Army Y
Department of Natural and Economic Resources Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District
(Re: GS 113.229) (Re: River and Harbor Act of 18Q9)
Please type or pprint and fill in all blanks. If the information requested is not applicable, so
indicate by plaang N/A in the blank.
I. Applicant Information:
A. Name Dale
asa us aud
t — --
B. Address P. 0. Bo -----
trees, P-ox or Route
An lehard 27824 92�4-�Ont _
rtv or own tact ip odt hfbi9�
11. Location of Proposed Project: �4 %:ZFj7X,
A. County Hvde
B. 1. City, town, community or landmark
2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No x
C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to Kee; ct V
Pamlico Sound
Description of Operation:
A. I. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work boat basin and pier B. Purpose of excavation or fill
1. Access channel length width depth -----
2. Boat basin g
len th +155' width ±125' depth ±6'
3. Fill area length ±900' width ±250' depth +1 1
d.Other k=v Ei9FVA69 CAVA� length f/Yo0' width /o'/ _depth
C. 1. Bulkhead dimensions N/A --
2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) N/A -----
D. Excavated material (total for project)
1. Cubic yards '6040— 2. Type of material sandy loag, s ^_Land rl av ___—_—
E. F11 material to be placed below MHW (see also Vi. A)
1. Cubic yards N/A2. Type of material _•. __. __
IV. Land Type, Exuva.ed Material, and Construction Equipment:
A- Dees the area to be excavated include any marshland? Yes _No x
B. Does the disposal area include any marshland? YesNo x
C. Disposal area 1. Location disposal area is east of proposed boat basin _.—_-
2. Do you claim title to disposal area? yes ---- - D. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in N/A
E. How will excavated material be entrapped or encased.
earthen dikes will be constructed to
prevent spoil runoff into existing canal F. Type of equipment to be used dragline or dredge —._—
G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? (If yes, explain) no —_____
V. Describe Intended Use of Project Area:
A. 1. Private ---- -_
2. Commercial
3. Housing Development or Industrial Project will provide property owners with
4. Other
to existing canal and Pamlico Sound and (2)
dockinu facilities
• B. 1: t-ol sects
--irdOrrum_l-Qt-1Q.D00 square feet------ ------------------- - • t- , O
2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water t4r
3. Soil type or texture —. sandy loam;_ sand and clay
4. Type of building facilities or structures recreation_ hotpp,-
S. Method of sewage disposal or treatment state ayprov_ed lagoon- syBf pm
VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality:
A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes —No x
B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the
area following project completion? Yes —No x
2. Type of discharge N/A
3. Location of discharge N/A _
VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): unknown
Vill. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for
work in project area, if applicable:
IX. Length of time required for project activity: 12 months
X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided:
A. Attached a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant
claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property,
then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus,written
permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. (Note: Federal law requires the
applicant to be the owner or his designated agent).
B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8%" X I I" white paper (see instruction booklet for
details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted.
C. A copy of the application and plat must be served u06n adjacent riparian landowners by registered or
certified mail or by publication (G. S. 113-229 (g) (9) and (10)). Enter date served 3
Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below.
D. List the names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's
DATE ,-?—/ 7-
Send one completed copy each to:
Permit Section
Divi.ion of Marine Fisheries
Department of Natural & Economic Ifesourees
P. O. Box 27687
Ra:cigh, North Carolina 27611
Ph. 919-829-3767
A. L — _2?_E-=� —
Applicant's Signature
District Engineer
Department of the Army
Wilmington District Corps of Enginrcrs
P. O. Box 1890
Wilmington, North Carolina 25401
(Note: attach Corps cover letter)
Ph.919.763-9971 Ext.565
Rev. 3,74
.._Property of:
Property of:
Roland Dale
P. O. Box 95
Engelhard, NC
Approled Lagoon
Drainage Canals
Pump Location
Pla- Icd Pines // 7
T,rrcll Co. I
r \ t s �Iyde Co.
94 264
Swan Quarter
0pnp uv
P a in l/ c o
S o u n d
1. Minimum lot size - 10,000 sq. ft.
2. All lots to be served by county water system.
3. All lots to be served by project lagoon:syslem
approved by all necessary agcncics.
4. Project area to be drained continuously by drainjZ-
canals and pump.
5. All roads to be privately maintained.
SCAAk': /'�-- 3Oor
Property of:
RP c:
Prepared by: -
John Staley
Development Specialist
East Carolina Untie Sip'
Regional Development Institute
Greenville, NC 27, E34
Existing Canal _7-
o —
\ ,\ \• \ 5 \ \. 2S
o•�-lo•+-- so•--� —zo� zo• \� 30•—}-_20•
\ �•
• A2
ProposedBoat Basin
155' 1
Proposed Spoil Area / /
Agricultural Drain
Property of: �e Canal
RoLnd Dale
P. O. Box 95, Encell;ud, NC 27524
.. f T%pi_O Boat ^Basin and Pierl Se;lion
1 r— 5'20'—r— 30'—t 20'—{— 5'I 20'--}--- 30205•J
Ground Line
Prepared by: s '
John Staley
Development Speci2hst
East Carcl:na L'r.ivetsity
Regions' C..e;opment Institute
Greenrille, NC 27634
Dile 2'
Above Ground Level
AO tides are wind tides.
Tides vary 1.3 MWL.
— 125'—
Area to be Dredged
L --d
—5- t
Area to be Dredged
it n
Detail of Proposed
Docking Facilities
1. All tides we wind tides ± MWL.
2. AM timber will be treated, using galvanized hardware.
Detail of Stringers
5, 1
OKI 1 \91%
Mr. Roland Dale
PO Box 95
Engelhard, NC 27324
Dear Mr. Dale:
April 1978
On 19 April 1978, Mr. Steve brown of my staff, accompanied by
representatives of the NC Division of Marine Fisheries, made an onsite
inspection of your recently constructed bulkhead at the mouth of
Rattlesnake Canal near Engelhard, Hyde County, North Carolina.
Construction of a bulkhead within 1 to 2 feet of an eroding shoreline
when no marsh or other wetland vegetation is present does not normally
require a Department of the Army permit. Therefore, your bulkhead wort:
would probably not have required prior authorization from this office.
We are concerned, however, that material excavated during the previous
maintenance of Rattlesnake Canal apparently has been spread in the area
of your bulkhead and now appears to encroach into the adjacent wetlands.
This work in a wetland area without prior authorization may constitute a
violation of Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
Amendments of 1972. If comparison aerial photographs of this area
reveal significant expansion into wetlands you may be required to
restore the area to its pre -project condition. Any further work under-
taken in a wetland area without the necessary permits will result in
referral of this matter to the US Attorney.
If you have questions, please contact Mr. Brown at telephone (919) 763-
9971, extension 564 o4 565. Effective 8 flay 1978, the telephone number
will be (919) 343-4632.
Sincerely yours,
Chief, Regulatory Functions Branch
Mr. D. L. Parker Mr. Preston Pate
Route 1, PO Box 98 NC Division of Marine Fisheries
Engelhard, NC 27824 PO Box 769
Morehead City, 14C 28557
VP \y .
Fire Report
Fairfield, N.C. ti
April 5, 1970
7i't7l=CTs Wildfirt Occurring on Property of Roland Dale
Attached you will find a MPY of the fire: report and v map showing the location
of a fire set on the property of Roland Gal ,Highway Patrolman, i,yde County.
Coauity an jer i'.ack Caravtan respor to fire won receiving report of it and
planed the line as shown an the nap.
R. C. ` okworth, Director
Jet-= A. `.faith, 'District Forestar
Althoujh the fire report shows that 20 acres of ca-fn.rcial forevt land was turned,
it is (#ouhtful that Luis ;ieainnation is correct. The area burneC is primarily
marsh containing little or no timber.
James A. tf�
District Forester
JA 189
ect Darryl ;.alden
Doug Nelson, Morehjad Oity, N.C. a/
"JA &eJ
John Parker
Doug Nelson
Req. for trans. & mod. #170-76
Div. Marine Fisheries
PO Box 769
Morehead City, NC 28557
March 15, 1978
We have no objection to transfer and modification provided that all work
be in conjunction with a valid navigation/water dependent project. De-
lete Conditions 1-3. (Add the above as a condition).
Doug Nelson