HomeMy WebLinkAbout103-73 Dixon, EdwardRev. W727 PERMIT TO DREDGE OR PILL Permit No. 103-73 State of North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development Edward S. Dixon Name Route 2, Box 195—C Street Address __9Glhiuer►, Town -City Beaufort North C'arnl i na County - project location State RECEIVED .1UL 3 Reed Div, of CI- --------------------- SnortsR & D This permit authorizes you to dredge and/or fill at Canal off wr_ ii ht 15 as requested in your permit application dated April 16, 1973, subject tom below. *Bulkheading of the basin is recommended to reduce need for future maint- enance. THIS PERMIT IS VOID IF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE NOT PRECISELY FOLLOWED. Notification of project completion must be given this office. This permit must be displayed with a copy of the application and the project map in the cab or pilot -house of the vehicle working on the project, whichever is applicable, or be easily accessible on site to Department of Conservation and Development personnel. This permit is terminated on December 31, 1974 Any additional work or maintenance work on the project subsequent to the termination of this permit requires a new permit. The permit, (as approved with conditions), may be objected to by the applicant or by interested State agencies within twenty days of the date of issuance by giving written notice to the Department of Conservation and Development. The applicant is advised of the requirement under G. S. 146-6.1 that power -operated earth - moving equipment operating or to be operated in or on publicly owned tidelands, publicly owned beaches, publicly owned marshlands, or navigable waters within the State must be registered by the owner of the equipment with the Department of Water and Air Rescurces. Thomas L. Linton, Commissioner June 29, 1973 Division of Commercial & Sports Fisheries ,STATF. OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES lin, _ W17 I AM ES I. HARRINL ION SEORETAHY 1FL I PHONI nIIFA COOF 9w 0. " 1961 Mr. James T. Brown, Chief Estuarine Studies Sectioa Division of Commercial and Sports Fisheries Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina Dear Mr. Brown: The attached copy of an applica Applicant's Project Raleigh 276 11 TAMES E. HOISHOOSIFR, IR. GOVERNOR DATt a Oo�FY'� tips oq r�'r 0o'v 91a-4895 . 1 , for a state permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate below your viewpoint on the proposed work and return to the Division of Commercial and Sports Fisheries not later than n Sincerely, NOTE: RECOHMND ISMANCE JTB Thomas L. Linton Commissioner REPLY: This Department has no objection to the proposed work. nComments concerning this application are attached. Signed J.T.Brovn Date 5-7-73 Form D&F - F1 Rev. 3/73 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES BOX 27687 1AMES E. HARRINGTON SECRETARY TELEPHONE AREA COOS 919.929-4994 MEMORANDUM TO - Jim Brown From Bob Pittman Subject App. for permit - E. S. Dixon Raleigh 27611 TAMES E. HOISHOUSER, IR. OOVERNOR Div. Commercial and Sports Fisheries P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, N. C. 28557 May 7, 1973 Location Near Wright Creek, a tributary of Pungo River (Beaufort County). The site may be reached by taking SR 1725 from Winsteadville to the Wright Creek area. Investigative process - Application received in Raleigh office 4-16-73; in More- head office 4-19-73; investigated with applicant on 4-20-73. Environmental setting - The Dixon property is located at the "head" or terminal end of a man-made canal. The canal is some 20' wide by approximately 300' long and connects to Wright Creek. The applicant's tract, about 80' wide by 150' deep, is bordered by the canal on the south, access roads on both the north and east sides, and a wooded lot to the west. The property has not been clared and is covered with pines and undergrowth. There is no marsh grass at the site. Project description - The applicant is requesting to excavate a boat basin at the site. The basin is to be located approximately midway the lot and will be con- tinuous with the existing canal. The finished dimensions are to be 45' long by 30' wide with a 6' depth. The work is to be done by dragline with the resulting spoil to be placed adjacent to the basin on high ground. The spoil material will involve some 300 cu. yds. An earthern dike is to be constructed around the inland sides of the basin in order to better contain the spoil. Environmental impact - Neither the area to be excavated nor the proposed spoil area contains any marsh grass. I foresee no major detriment to the marine fish- eries resources if this project is completed as proposed. Bob Pittman Y • • , l\a V. i/ rij A?r*LICATION F B ?=.2mlT TO DREDGE OR FILL State of North Carolina Departm.:nt of Conservation and Development Please'¢ypo or print and fill in all blanks. if the information requested is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in the blank. I. Applicant Information: A. Name of applicant DIXON EDWARD SANFORD Last First Middle B. Address of applicant Route 2, Box 195-C Street, P. 0. Box or Rout. Belhaven North Carolina 27810 964-7785 City or Town State Zip Code Phone 11. Location of Intended Operation: A. Name of county Beaufort B. 1. Name of city Pamlico Beach 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No X C. Name of nearest creek, river, sound, bay, or state-owned lake. Wright's Creek -- West side of Pun_o River Ht'fli 119/3 6 _ III. Description of Operation: A. Purpose of excavation or fill DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL 1. Access channel length width depth & SPORTS FISHERIES 2. Boat basin length 45' width 30' depth 6' 3. Fill area length 50' width 80, depth 2' t 4. Omer, N/A length width depth _ (Note: If channel, give reason for needs of dimensions listed above.) B. I. If bulkhead, give dimensions N/A 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) N/A C. Excavated material 1. Cubic yards 300 ± cu. vds 2. Type of material Black dirt and riny IV. Land Type, Spoil, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland? Yes No X B. Does the disposal area contain any marshland? Yes No X_ C. Location of disposal area Low aroma adiaren to pronnc A ha,Sin above 114HW D. How will spoil be entrapped or encased? Behind earthen dike _ E. Type of equipment to be used Dragline or backhoe (Note: Such equipment roust be registered with the Department of Water& Air Resources) F. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? (If yes, explain) V. Intended Use of Project, Describe: A. 1. Private Private basin for commercial fishing vessels 2. Commercial 3• Housing development or Industrial 1?—.7'x 7R8 x $' B. L Lot size (s) 6' x 132'9" ' — -. 2. a. ovation of 1Gt(s) above mean higli water - Approx. ?- . 3. Soil type, or texture Dirt and clay jj 4. Type of building facilities o; structures N/A Method of sewage disposal or treatment N/A €' VI Pertainin to Fill and Water Quali ° . g ty. A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes_ Now B. 1. Will any run off or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project construction or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes No X 2. Type of discharge N/A 3• Location of discharge N/A ' V;I. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known) Unknown Vlii: Will proposed facilities be. accessible to the public or maintained for private.use? A. Public B. Private X C. Commercial IX. Permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work j in project area, if applicable: N/A - X. Anticipated .time of construction activity:. From Date of permit To .=six,(6) manthc / _ XI. In addition to the completed application, the following items must be provided;, A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims •�j,-. j title to _the tidelands, marshlands, or other properties adjoining the waters imquestion. - _ OR ,. If applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then a copy of the deed or other instrument ,I . under which the owner claims title. plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his ..f land. (tote: Federal law requires the applicant'to be the owner, or lessee.) B. .Attach a copy of a map of the area in which the proposed work will take place and on which the proposed , . work, spoil disposal area, etc., is shown. i. -- C. Has a copy of theapplication been served upon the adjacent riparian landowners in the manner provided �. . by G. S. 113-229(g) (9) and (10)? If yes, enter date served. Yes X No D. List the names and addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's tract. , Henry E. Moore S I R Kirby Drivp, Raleigh N C. 27600 •, Brownie N. 'yleekins Highway 264 Fast Washington N-' C 9 7RR9 . I DATE: - ,Applicant's signature Send one completed cop$°each to: Permit Section - - Divi-sion of Commercial S Sports Fisheries Department of Conservation and Development P. 0. Box 27687 H;:leigh, North Carolina 27611' District Engineer - Departn:ent of the, Army Wilmington District Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (Note: attach Corps cover letter) - r c 1' SCALE: 1" = 40' �\ TO WgIGH S CqE`� �/ PREPAREDI'O'�—`- CAN` B A S N 1 EDWARD S. DIXON. ROUTE 2, BOX 195-C BELHAVLN, N. C. 27810 / Q / PREPARED BY: ROBE.RT D. AIE_\I'BORN O / DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST 2 EAST CAROLINA UNIVLRSITY / REGIONAL llEVELOP\IENT INSTITUTE - w GREENVILLE, N. C. 27834. / POAO IVoP�ed1 PROPERTY OF: BROWNIE N. MEEKINS WASHINGTON, N. C. PROPERTY OF: HENRY E. MOORE KIRBY DRIVE RALEIGH, N. C. Y g5 PROPERTY OF: EDWARD S. DIXON ROUTE2, BOX 195-C BELHAVEN, N. C. EXISTING CANAL PROPERTY OF: HENRY E. MOORE KIRBY DRIVE RALEIGH, N. C. •4t u TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION Itarthcn Dike Top of Fill A I 31 Existing Ground Line Existing Ground PROPOSED 13ASIN Existing Canal 6- 300 cu Y�. 1413Y 30 —20 KExistin Bottom SCALE: 1" = 30' PREPARED FOR: EDW.NRD S. DIXON ROL-rL 2, BOX 195-C BELHAVEN, N. C. 27810 PREPARED i;y: ROBERT D. MEWBORN DEVELOP%!ENT SPECIALIST iAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE C;IU ENVILLE. N. C. 27834 L-�- - I Beaufort County 0 Ransomville, F'OM N.C. S.H.C. COUNTY NIAV VICINITY \MAP Woods'lo Pt. IV Avoc Grassy Pt.\ Pt. Division of Commercial and Sports Fisheries Department of Conservation and Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 i Dear Sir: This letter is to acknowledge that I have asked 'obobert D. Mewborn, Development Specialist, East Carolina University Region=eve oi'pmeni� Institute, to fill out and prepare for me a Permit to Dredge or Fill. He has completed the application according to my specifications and desires. We appreciate all considerations in the approval of this permit. Sincerely, ?109-)a1j18 �- Edward S. Dixon +%:r �J C