HomeMy WebLinkAbout54-75 Dees, JuliusState of North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources PERMIT Permit No. 54-75 TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL (Re: G. S. 113-229) Issued to: Ms. Marjorie E. Keller 2003 Sherwood Drive Greenville North Carolina 27834 Street Town -City State -Zip Code This permit authorizes you to excavate and/or fill in Beaufort County, N. C. at Pamlico River (off Moore's Beach Road) as requested in your application dated 11/25/74 & attached plats (4), dated rec.2/2d✓75 , su lect to the conditions set forth below. (1) That the bulkhead must not exceed 5' from the normal high water mark at any point along its alignment. (2) That all fill materials be confined behind the bulkhead, and that it b seeded, grassed, or otherwise stabilized within 4 weeks of constructio to prevent undue erosion of the fill material. (3) That all backfill material be obtained from a highland source and confined behind the.. -permitted bulkhead. (4) That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent turbidity levels in adjacent waters from exceeding 50 JTU's after reasonable opportunity for dilution and mixture. THIS PERMIT WILL BE VOIDED AND WORK STOPPED IF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS AND THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION (WHERE NOT IN CONFLICT WITH THE CONDITIONS) ARE NOT FOLLOWED PRECISELY. PERSONS FOUND GUILTY OF A VIOLATION UNDER G. S. 113-229 ARE SUBJECT TO A FINE OR IMPRISONMENT, OR BOTH. This permit, (as approved with conditions), may be objected to by the applicant or by interested State agencies within twenty days of the date of issuance by giving written notice to the issuing office. If the applicant does not submit an objection, this will be interpreted as an agreement of compliance with all permit conditions. This permit must be displayed along with a copy of the application and the project map in the cab (or pilot -house) of the vehicle working on the project, or be easily accessible on site to Department personnel when the project is inspected. Notify: Permit Section, Division of Marine Fisheries, Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27611 when the project is completed. Any maintenance work or additional work on the project subsequent to the termination of this permit requires permit renewal and/or modification. This permit shall terminate on Decesber 31, 1976 Issuing Date: April 17, 1975 Signed by the authority of the Secretary of the Department of Natural & conomic Resources G 1 Form D&F-g �rdG. y Commission Revised 10/74 n; ; ; ..r M- v;A'-"e. 2 NERNorth Carolina Department of Natural & Economic Resources JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR., GOVERNOR • JAMES E. HARRINGTON, SECRETARY Mr. James T. Brown, Chief Estuarine Studies Section Division of Marine Fisheries Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina Dear Mr. Brown: The attached copy of an application submitted by: Applicant's N Location of Project DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL AND SPORTS FISHERIES BOX 27W. RALEIGH 27611 TELEPHONE 919 829-3767 RECEIVED JAN r31975 N. C. DEPi. M MARINE FISHERIES for a state permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina is being circulated to state and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the propose wor] and return to the Division of Marine Fisheries not later than LLT:dah Sincerely, L. Leo Tilley, Assistant Director Division of Marine Fisheries (Please use reverse side for comments and signature.) ,r (A) This agency interposes no objection to the proposed work. (B) ,This agency objects to the project as proposed. The objection is based upon findings which lead to the conclusion that there will ' be one or more adverse effects as covered .in G.S. 113-229 ,(e)175. t (e)(1T (e)(1T ... that there will be significant adverse effect of the proposed dredging and filling on the use of 'th'e water by the public. a; (e)(2) ... that there will be significant adverse effect on the value and enjoyment of the property of any ripar- ian owners; (e)(3) ... that there will be significant adverse effect on public health, safety, and welfare; (e)(4) ... that there will be significant adverse effect on the conservation of public and private water supplies; (e)(5) ... that there will be significant adverse effect on wildlife or fresh water, estuarine or marine fisheries. (C) Agency findings relating to item(s) A and/or B are hereby summarized. Summary continued on attached sheet. In view of the severe erosion at this property, it is felt the project as applied for is justi- fied. No objections with following,conditionas (1) That the bulkhead must not exceed 10' from the normal high water mark at any point along its alignment...(2) thatall fill materials be confined_.behind-the-bulkhead,,. and- that-it_be_seeded,_grassed,_or_otherwise--stabslined-within . 4 weeks of constructicn--to:prevent-undue erosion- of- the :fiblamateriah..:. (3Y that -all_backfill. material_be--obtained_.from_a_highland_.sourca=and confined=behind_the=permitted_builchead.--._ ❑ (D) Comments are submitted that do not directly relate to.item B but are relevant to the public interest. (These comments will be forwarded by the Department of Natural and Economic Resources to appropriate State or Federal agencies.)' J. T. Brown Signed 3-7-75 Date STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES Box 27887 TAMES E. HARRINGTON SECRETARY TELEPHONE AREA CODE 919-829.4984 Raleigh 27611 aSS TF� i n y ' A , FAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, fft. QOVERNOR . Div. Marine Fisheries P. O.Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 MEMORANDUM TO -'Jim Brown March 7, 1975 From R. D. Nelson Subject App. for State.permit - Marjorie Keller 11-25-74 ' Location -'Beaufort County - Pamlico River 'Investigative process - App. rec.-Raleigh 1-13-75; Morehead 1-20-75. Site investigated 1- ,24-75 and plat modification requested and received 2-24-75. Environmental setting - The property is.located off Moore's Beach Road.on the Pamlico Ri- ver- The overall project site consists of a 270' wide lot fronting on the Pamlico River oinich extends some 230' inland from the river. A 60'. x 40' cottage is located some 45' Inland from the shoreline.. The lot contains several large trees and is well grassed down to the.shoreline. The shoreline exhibits considerable evidence of erosion having taken, place.recently. The near -shore bottom contains a,relatively large amount of old tires,' pilings and 'debris whicn`was.apparently placed/to retard the erosive effects of the wave action. No near -shore bottom vegetation was observed. - A-4-' high bluff is present along the edge of the lot with little or no beach area present below this bluff. Evidence -of erosive undermining of the shoreline is present along the' entire length of the concave shaped shoreline. This erosion was most likely aggravated somewhat.by the existence of bulkheads or shoreline retaining structures on either side of this,.lot. .. Project description - The applicant proposes to bulkhead and backfill the shoreline of this lot. A treated wooden bulkhead is to be constructed some 270' in length from the shoreward side of this lot at a distance (maximum) of 10' offshore. Approximately 50 cu. yds. of fill material will be required to backfill. behind the proposed bulkhead. A 6' wide pier is to be constructed some 150' out into the river and end with a 10' wide "L"' section at the furtherest point in the river. Environmental impact - If the project is constructed as proposed, some 2,160 sq. ft. of open water will be filled. It is apparent, and because of the existing.shoreline erosion, a project of this type is necessary in order t'o prevent further deterioration of the pro- perty. It is expected that during the construction phase turbidity_of surrounding waters will result from this project. Doug Nelson APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL swte of North Carolina Department of tit Army D,- urtment of Natural and Economic Resources v Corps of Engineers, lVibnington District (lie: GS 713.229) (Re: River and Harbor Act of 1399) Picric type or print and fill in all blanks. If the informatat ion requested is not a� indicate by placing N/A in the blank. TY 1. ApplicantInrurmatian: A. Name. Keller ast . a rjorie i. r u,t 6iTri- e s-EP NE" [ B Address rta 2003 Sheood Drive At. C. DEPT. OF Greenville N.C. 27834 city or Town State 'Lip Code ?hone`-_ ----- IL .. Location of Proposed Project: - It A: County Beaufort - --' a. 1.. City, town, community or iandmark'Ioora's Beach Road -West of Pamlico Bead-*%S`TK 1730) 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project Pamlico River ill. 'Description of Operation: A., 1. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work proposed bulkhead and vier a. Purpose of excavation or fill I. Access channel length width death 2. Boat basin length width / depth . 3. Fill area length 2O0' width depth, avg: Wt 4.Other length width _depth C. 1. Bulkhead dimensions 14" x 10" x ?70T:t t iv. Z Type of bulkhead construction (material) treated wood bulkhead D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards N/A 2: Type of material N/A E. Fill.materiai to be placed below MHW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards "- ` $0 T 2. Type of material sandy loam and clay Land Type, Excavated Material, and Construction Equipment: A. Does tite area to be excavated include any marshland? Yes _No x B. Goes the disposal area include any narhland? Yes —No x C.'Disposal area 1. Location" between proposed bulkhead and existing shoreline 2. Do you claim title to disposal area? yes D. Fillmaterial source if fill is to be trucked in Ralhm+en E. How will excavated material be entrapped or encased? N/A F. Type of equipment to be used bulldog - G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? (If yes, explain) no V. • Describe Intended Use.of Project Area: A. 1. Private -hulkhe ct- 2. Con:"mercial -- 3: Housing Development or Industrial 4, Other R; 1. Lot size(s) 230' }: 270' ; 2. Elevation of lot(s)mean4', above me an high water _ ISoil type or texture _sandy loam and clay-- -- --- -- ---- --- 4. Type of Building facilities or structures one private cottage on premises 5. Method of sewage disposal or treatment se9tic VI: Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed protect involve the placerncnt of fit: materials below mean high water? B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or pianned.usa orthe area following project completion? Yes —No 1c 2- Type of discharge rain water rtYnoff' I Location of discharge ditch adjacent to property VI1: Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): 5' 6'± per year Vlll, List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: N/A 1X- Length of time required for project activity: 24 months X.. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attached a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims tide.plu's writtc^ permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. (Note: Federal law requires the. applicant to'ae the owner or his designated agent). B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8%z" X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted.. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G. S. 113-229 (g) (9) and (10)): Enter date served Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below_ D. List the names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's tract- 1- `Robert L. Carr, JY. �'n_f/Lo miJSio,JFP_j/ &Z71-iCT 709 P iprrli.=f Road f-a�V,G. . Rockv P'onn , N. C. 27801 DATE �i 2 `% % 4 t�C 1�.��c ✓j c Q� � x-� L' Lu .. f/. Applican t'S Signature Send one completed copy each to: Permit Section _.- District Engineer. Division of Marine Fisheries Department of the. Army Department of Natural & Economic Resources Wilmington District Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 27687 P. O. Box 1890 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Ph. 919-829.3767 (Note: attach Corps cover letter) Ph.919-763-9971 Ext.565 MOORE'S BEACH ROAD STATE RIGHT OF WAY Ep PROPERTY OF I 'P' ' PAMLICO MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH IACCESS' IRIGHT I OF WAY I I. I i i I 1 PROPERTY OF . y' ROBERT CARR y Note: 1. All elevations refer to MHW.. 2. All soundings and ground elevations are estimates. 3. Proposed bulkhead roughly along existing pilings in water. - Prepared for: 40'—'- Mrs. Marjorie Keller 21103 Sherwood- Drive Greenville, NC 27834 Prepared by: Bill Powell E0, Development Specialist COTTAGE East Carolina University Regional Development Institute P. O. Box 2703 Greenville, NC 27834 PROPOSED -2 BULKHEAD -2 PAMLICO .3 I LAVER 1I0' I PROPOSED -2 PIER .3 SCALE: 1" - 40' -2 Sheet to PROPOSED PIER PLAN I A I SCALE. 1" — 31 i 4 9 CROSS-SECTION OF PROPOSED PIER h^4W 6'- 791 ylpll I� ii �� �I II II _�� •, II II - ref t TREATED TIMBER PILINGS - ' NOT TO SCALE VICINITY v 'l !MAP z 6' RAN;OMVILLE PUNGO RIVER- rnvjcc., —WADE PT. 1, SITE .�'- PAMLI CO RI VER INDIAN ISLAND Taken from N.C.S.H.C. County fvtap ` i1 Sheet 3 of 3 Via.'+ ••• =../' •• �- vamr. �+��. wf.M.sii�a.✓sW++ril+Z' a4t.u�'Yv - 4M.v ti�aWlLv..c.cl.fh +�^cr s+/�..iet1 � � -1� TYPICAL C,40SS-SECTIX4 Or PROPOSED BULKHEAD ,, I EXISTING '� fp' •'>'1.4X!/Yl u/Yt Vx'W TREATEO PILING FVERY 6 FEET PROPOSED' GROUND LEVEL 1"x8 VER iCALL \\ 4y 0 5OAR>=S r /a! / F I L L , } A R E A /GUY y"xS"'FUNNE RS i (PARALLEL TO' SHORE). /..',o mot- I • / ' i I.1LW -1.0'. ,i �. EXISTING GROUND . LEVEL . • ANCHOR``�� <p }}pp . 1� SCALE: • I" G V . tt r • UN • t. �` F?. Sheet 2 of 3 ;ns.e•aw� .gym—_.=-.+•.-v+.®+F+pw+.rw..ew=-vc.ms-..vs7.cwK+ae.+.. �....zmc=�z.wnaxezca.��: � `r,�5i.'.... rev. a..,—ac+sar3.�-.:e�_.e.>..�..�'....i... . • _. yam_ .,...� ` <-� . •err Y 0 � FE �Qc• ,,leg C, •4 ,tq / EAST CAROLINA UN I VERSITY February 21, 1975 EGIONAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Mr. Doug Nelson, Biologist Division of Marine Fisheries N. C. Dept. of Natural & Economic Resources P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Dear Doug, Hope you got over the flu. I am retu ing Marjorie Keller's application with the necessary modifications r re ues I am sending you a copy of the drawings. Should I send the original to the Corps? If so, how about giving me a ring. Thanks. ZSincer 1 rum Bill P 11 Development Specialist BP/sd Encls. East Carolina University is a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina — An Equal Opportunity Employer POST OFFICE BOX 2703 GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27834 A/C 919-758-6650 North Carolina Department of Natural & Economic Resources JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR., GOVERNOR Mr. Bill Powell, Dev. Spec. ECU Reg. Dev. Institute PO Box 2703 Greenville, N. C.27834 Dear Bill JAMES E. HARRINGTON, SECRETARY DIVISION OF MARINE FISHERIES EDWARD G. McCOY DIRECTOR BOX 769. MOREHEAD CITY 28557 TELEPHONE 919 726-7021 January 29, 1975 In accordance with the request by MrskMarjorie E. Keller,)I am return- ing her application to your office for i 1 you please change subject application to indicate that the maximum distance off- shore for her bulkhead will not exceed 10'. Although evidence of erosion at Mrs. Keller's property is quite exten- sive, it has been our long standing policy to limit bulkhead distance offshore in such cases to a maximum of 10'. Unfortunately, because we have required strict adherence to this policy in the past, it is now al- most impossible for us to make exceptions. I am sure Mrs. Keller under- stood our position on this. If you have any questions, or I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Cordially yours, C2. P, l\t� R. D. Nelson,'Biologist Estuarine Studies Section RDN/rt encl. CC Mrs. Marjorie E. Keller Jno. Parker, Ral. o£c.