HomeMy WebLinkAbout64-74 Davis, Alma• State of North Carolina Department of Conservation and PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND / (Re: G. S. 113-22 Issued to: Ms. Alma Lee Davis P. 0. Box 262 Swan Quarter Street Town -City at C� s Development _59mit o. 64-74 ApR This permit authorizes you to excavate and/or fill in DSQ' application dated February 15, 1974 subje¢ Ic-the * That all excavated material be confined on high ground landward of any regularly or irregularly flooded marsh. y, N. C. in your below. * That a 40' wide marsh plug be left between the inland canal and the creek finger until excavation landward of the plug is completed. To prevent unnecessary sediments from reaching adjacent waters, a 24-hour period of - time be allowed to elapse prior to removal of the plug. This is to protect developing fishes -in the Slade Creek area. * That the disturbed areas be seeded, grassed or otherwise stabilized within four weeks of canal excavation to prevent undue erosion of the canal and roadbed with resultant solid materials entering adjacent marsh or water. THIS PERMIT WILL BE VOIDED AND WORK STOPPED IF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS AND THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION (WHERE NOT IN CONFLICT WITH THE CONDITIONS) ARE NOT FOLLOWED PRECISELY. PERSONS FOUND GUILTY OF A VIOLATION UNDER G. S. 113-229 ARE SUBJECT TO A FINE OR IMPRISONMENT, OR BOTH. Notify: Permit Section, Division of Commercial and Sports Fisheries, Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27611 when the project is completed. This permit must be displayed along with a copy of the application and the project map in the cab (or pilot -house) of the vehicle working on the project, or be easily accessible on site to Department personnel when the project is inspected. This permit shall terminate on December 31, 1975 Any maintenance work or additional work on the project subsequent to the termination of this permit requires permit renewal and/or a new permit. This permit, (as approved with conditions), may be objected to by the applicant or by interested State agencies within twenty days of the date of issuance by giving written notice to the issuing office. If the applicant does not submit an objection, this will be interpreted as an agreement of compliance with all permit conditions. Issuing Date: April 19, 1974 Form D&F-g Revised 2/74 C / Edward G. McCoy, ommissioner Division of Commercial & Sports Fisheries STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA -DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES Box 27667 TAMES E. HARRINGTON SECRETARY TELEPHONE AREA CODE 919-829-4984 Mr. James T. Brown, Chief Estuarine Studies Section Division of Commercial and Sports Fisheries Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina Dear Mr. Brown: The attached by Raleigh 27611 I DAT TAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, IR. GOVERNOR for a state permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate below your viewpoint on the proposed work a d ret n to the Division of Commercial and Sports Fisheries not later than NOTE: Recommend issuance of permit with conditions as noted in Yelverton's report. NOTE: Rev. app. and plat attached. Sincerely, 'n L. eo Tilley, Assistpit Commissioner Division of Commercial & Sports Fisheries REPLY: ❑ This Department has no objection to the proposed work. RComments concerning this application are attached. Signed J. T. Brown Date 3-1-74 Form D&F - F1 Rev. 9/73 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES Box 27687 JAMES E. HARRINGTON SECRETARY TELEPHONE AREA CODE 919-Sn-4988 MEMORANDUM TO From Subject Raleigh 27611 ON-1 JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR. GOVERNOR Div. Commercial and Sports Fisheries P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, N. C. 28557 March 1, 1974 - Jim Brown Frank Yelverton App. for State permit - Mrs. Alma Lee C. Davis - 2-15-74 Location - Hyde County - Slade Creek Investigative process - App. rec. Raleigh appx. 1-28-74; Morehead 1-29-74; site in- vestigated with app. 2-5-74; revised app, and plat req. 2-13-74; revised plat and app. rec. 2-20-74 Environmental setting - The project site is on a 400' long x 60' wide creek finger that exists on the west side of a 300' wide creek that drains southward into Slade Creek. The finger is some 1500' from Slade Creek. The finger has a 40-60' wide bor- der of black needlerush marsh (Juncus roemerianus) on the north and west sides. In addition, two 50-100' wide and 300' long marsh sloughs, approximately 200' apart, ex- tend west from the finger. Wooded highland borders the upper extent of the marsh. The south side of the finger contains no marsh and is bordered by wooded highland. The applieant's property extends some 1350' NW from the finger to his cultivated land. No submergent vegetation or shellfish were observed at the site. Slade Creek is an important nursery area for spots, croaker, flounder, blue crab and other marine fish- eries. Project description - The applicant proposes to excavate with a dragline a 1350' x 12' x S' drainage ditch from his cultivated land to the creek finger. The resultant spoil is to be used for a proposed 1320' x 20' road bed east of the proposed ditch. A 12, wide x 40' long area of needlerush marsh is to be excavated between the highland and open water of the finger. No marsh is to be filled. The marsh sloughs are not to be altered. The proposed ditch is to drain the applicant's agricultural land and to be used as a fire lane if necessary. Environmental impact - If the project is completed as proposed, there should be little impact on marine fisheries. The applicant does propose to excavate some 500 sq. ft. of black needlerush marsh. However, the applicant only proposes to excavate the marsh in order to drain his cultivated land. I have no objections to the issuance of a permit if the following conditions are included: (1) that all excavated material be confined on high ground landward of any regularly or irregularly flooded marsh; (2) that a 40' wide marsh plug be left between the inland canal and the creek finger until excavation landward of the plug is completed. To prevent unnecessary sediments from reaching ad- jacent waters, a 24-hour period of time be allowed to elapse prior to removal of the plug. This is to protect developing fishes in the Slade Creek area; (3) that the dis- turbed areas be seeded, grassed or otherwise stabilized within four weeks of canal ex- cavation to prevent undue erosion of the canal and roadbed with resultant solid materials entering adjacent marsh or water. Frank Yelverton APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE OR FILL State of North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If the information requested is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in the blank. 1. Applicant Information: A. Name of applicant B. Address of applicant Swan Que City or er own Location of Intended Operation: A. Name of county Hyde V B. 1. Name of city, town, community or landmark: Montgomery Section, Curr ituek Township 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No 0 C. Name of nearest creek, river, sound, bay, or state-owned lake. Slade Creek vl.s Alma Lee Lost First 0. Box 262 Street, P. 0. Box or Route North Carolina 27885 tote ip Code III. Description of Operation: A. P of exca n fill "ltiO6raeinage ii 1. f4ceesse+gmnrtel- wo h 195wdthg 12i� h 51 all other proposed k -chi es n d�c e�- 2. Boat basin length width depth 3• Fill area length width depth 4• Other, length width depth (Note: If channel, give reason for needs of dimensions listed above.) Drainage ditch and road for fire protection and logging operations B'. 1. If bulkhead, give dimensions Not nppl inn hl n 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) Not applicable C. Excavated material 1. Cubic yards 2. Type of material D. Fill material to be place below MHW. 1. Cubic yards 2. Type of material iV. Land Type, Spoil, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland? Yes Yes Nor ((-O tx 12 r B. Does the disposal area contain any marshland? Yes No o C. Location of disposal area Northeast bank of new construction with about a '1 n r ihc'rm D. How will spoil be entrapped or encased? Will not be entrapped or encased E. Type of equipment t be used dragline on canal. Bulldozer in clearing; right of wg ani (Note: Such equtpment cmoutrregcisE4rnea wirtpa s Department of Water & Air Resources) F. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? (If yes, explain) Yes, from water's edge to high ground about LLO to 50 feet V. Intended Use of Project. Describe: A. 1. Private drainage ditch, access road and fire lane 2• Commercial 3. Housing development or Industrial D&F-I31 REV. 5/73 B. 1. Lotsize(s) 97 Acres in entire tract, 30 acres of which is being cultivated. - - 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water unknown 3• Soil type or texture sandy and gritty 4. Type of building facilities or structures drainage ditch, access road and fire lane. 5• Method of sewage disposal or treatment Not applicable VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes_ No No B. 1. Will any run off or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use the area following project. completion? Yes No No 2. Type of discharge __Natural -Flow- 3. Location of discharge _ rg' l ditch into lade Greek. VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known) Unknown Vill. Will proposed facilities be accessible to the public or maintained for private use? A. Public B. Private Use C. Commercial IX. List Permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: Norte. Known X. Len th f time required for o'se active • Approximately 12 months or as soon as egqu�pment is avai�btle wh which o construct project. A. In addition to the completed application, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the tidelands, marshlands, or other properties adjoining the waters in question. OR If applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then a copy of the deed or other instrument wrier which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. (Note: Federal law requires the applicant to be the owner or his designated agent) . B. Attach a copy of a map (drawn on plain white paper, 8'/z" x 11", see instruction pamphlet page S) of the area in which the proposed work will take place and on which the proposed work, spoil disposal area, etc., is shown. - C. Has a copy of the application been served upon the adjacent riparian landowners in the manner required by G_.S. 113-229(g) (9) and (10)? Enter date served Yes , 1 12 7 , ,1/14/74, & 1/18/74 D. List the names and addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's tract. Weyerhaeuser Co., Plymouth, North Carolina Chancy Junior Sawyer, Scranton, North Carolina 0. F. Warner, Box 806, Rt. 4, Franklin, North Carolina 28104 DATE 2/15/7 Applicant's Signature Send one completed copy each to: Permit Section District Engineer Division of Commercial & Sports Fisheries Department of the Army Department of Conservation and Development Wilmington District Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 27687 P. O. Box 1890 Raleigh, North Carolina_ 27611 Wilmington. North Carolina 2,401 Ph. 919-829-3767 (Note: attach Corp: cover letter) ro:4 NW 1350 Qsed` Dltnx 12r Iw S1 outs oof+ e� �c G N° zln a° Alma Lee 'C. Davis Hyde County, Montgomery S3ectIb,>n._., Currituck Township February 15, 197L- Scale: 1" = 660i ca ti 1320rsed Road x 2or W$ter vet ( 4oad des �a Proposed Fill Cross -Section A At (Edo scale).E�cisting Ground (IUL) r ProposeAcallati 82 x Ill Section of) cou ty Potap. 0 V 6 X • ' J IdP f Y 4 BELL BAY A � M L t C O R V E .� . COVE 33*20, ai �� A, Q` 1 4 �� � Go�60Gw�o9 \�4 4;t,0�p0'' : PN Box 262 Swan Quarter, North Carolina Zf February 27, 1974 Natural and Economic Resources ercial and Sports Fisheries 769 City, North Carolina 28557 Attention of Mr. Frank Yelverton, Biologist Estuarine Studies Section Dear Mr. Yelverton; 27885 After talking with you yesterday morning, I discussed with my husband the idea of cutting the ditch as far as the marsh and at times of high water letting the water overflow on the marsh. We feel that the ditch should go all the way out to the water's edge. We hope it does not take three months to get a permit, but if it does, we will wait. I appreciate your interest and your cooperation in this matter and I feel that you will expedite the project as quickly as possible. With my very best wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Mrs. Geo. T. Davis W _ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES Box 27687 i AMES E. HARRINGTON SECRETARY TELEPHONE AREA LADE 919-829-E994 Mrs. Lee Davis P. 0. B x 262 Swan ter, N. Dear Mrs. Davis: Raleigh 27611 DAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR. GOVERNOR Div. Commercial and Sports Fisheries P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, N. C. 28557 February 13, 1974 This letter is to confirm the on -site meeting I had with you and Mr. Davis on February 5, 1974, at your property on Slade Creek. I returned to the site on February 11 by plane in order to better inspect it. The creek finger to which you propose to connect your drainage ditch contains two marsh sloughs 50-1001 wide and approximately 3001 long. They extend west- ward into your property. The remainder of the creek has a 30-401 border of marsh. I recommend, therefore, that you make the following changes in your plat and ap- plication to enhance your chances of getting a permit: 1. Do not excavate or fill in the marsh sloughs (see attached copy of aerial photo); 2. Do not fill any marsh (for example, no road bed). 3. Indicate the position of the ditch and fill as shown on the attached "example" plat. 4. Indicate the mean water line. 5. Show cross -sectional drawing and crosshatch in opposite directiors the areas to be dredged and filled. 6. Change the application form as follows IV (A) --- "yesir 401 x 12, VI (A) --- "no" VI (B) --- "no" 7. Submit a vicinity map (for example, a 8-2,xll section of a county road mai. 8. Indicate direction of ebb and flood tides. 9. Title on plat - including location, applicant, date and "scale." An "example" plat is enclosed together with your application for revision (blank forms included). Your file is being placed in our pending file, and processing will be resumed upon receipt of the requested revisions. Please address to my attention at the above Morehead City address, and if I may be of further assist- ance, do not hesitate to call on me. FY/rt encl. CC Raleigh office Certf. Mail - Ret. Rec. Req. Cordially yours, Frank Yelv93rton, Biologist Estuarine Studies Section e J�, .Vy♦^' �l J �'Ytf Vjii fi'�p! 4ye i,th 't} ,ir 1� h1n l-11F fi, \mil '�'j`. 1 ti�_',ti''. "iJV• � 1 , 1it�x, {l1..n iit� 1 Yx1��fq 1 r y'r<y •', iF'�;4dLrtl� t11t �fG � i�\�� Ilti + 1 iVa• �'4i l`4 {t nfi'aUiISL �I�..r�`�\n�111 q t INN � bl�tyvyH^y�l�v/ae��i r4_ i' � �'S�{. \� i •V �, i' 1 'i ♦ ' r\., ayA t :. A aSy \r,y?t l�`..((,�\ `a'�-',ei; I �`•�Ir Jf rw� �t � �R ft S}r�4f `f, AV �F�\�,��'�,�... t�d •''} *1, Y,` �it rl,l dkx '�'I txrlir�;�f^�) `I���x�� 1\fir 't , '-� t. 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'J li /� J \ t�•, 4''f. i I•. 5d: i �4t r �1 ta{ .� �r; r�ir 1 1 ';i �/ , % f l i'Ci 44. vr` .fr'1 r1 "hS ^y tipif. i1} 11"1� �1 4_ r� �(('l�.(1 l t , ii r 11 t •F: {� .� V ,f � > li`f 11 � 1 1 � r `�R t,. �,to +t � ' u 1 1' I A • 1 1 rt iF t'+ t � ' 1'�«''-y�.-a r ii 1 1 tj (, i ' V��� � + .�4 �, ' !� j t ly f y t �` 1 ell ,rr rrt f :'q� i 1i`\r .(�. r. 4 • h ,� pxf� {Jh�+V r ? cVT} 4tT�4;Ty�'$j11 o f'#� ., � �� IJ G. v, (5 // F A Box 262 Swan Quarter, North Carolina February 15, 1974 N. C . Department of Natural and Economic Resour Div. Commercial and Sports Fisheries P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-"�� r Attention of Mr. Franl�Yelvert)eelcti Bi Estuarino Studie. Cear Mr. Yelverton: g�C�jv�a s FEg2,��eC ComIDeT�lis 6 D1 S4o D Sao tio4 R ogist_,. o' This will acknowledge receipt of your l�tt ed February 14, 1974, with enclosures. I have re -drawn the map and amended the application which I hope are now in satisfactory order. By copy of this letter I am sending a copy of the map and a copy of the application to the Corps of Engineers. Since both of you have a copy of the deed under which I hold title to the land involved, I am not enclosing another copy of that deed. Anything you can do to expedite this project will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, 611 // �'?Xea-e'7 Mrs. Geo. T. Davis aled Enclosures Copy to Department of the Army Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Attention of Mr. Charles W. Hollis, Chief Permits and Statistics Branch P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, E300 Postmark of Delivering OfHm Davis SENDER INSTRUCTIONS it in the space below your name, address. Including ZIP Code. • If special services are desired. check blockls) on other side. • Moisten gummed ends and attach to back of article. NC Div. and Sports Fisheries FO Box 769 Morehead City, N. C. 28557 Seam Be MM to follow Bmhwf = on other Bide PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Adds *UW ChWWM rpotrsd for theca saolcee) date and addnm Received the CFRi1FlED NO. 133921 INSURED ta. Deliver ONLY to addreseee described below RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL-30(+ (plus postage) . SENT TO POSTMARK Mrs. Alma Lee Davis OR DATE STREET AND NO. iQ0 PO Box 262 N P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE jA Swan Quarter N. C. 2788T OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL(10 FEES RETURN t• Shows to whom m! date 881iYm80 ......... 151 7 i RECEIPT With delivery to addressee only .......... 650 m S. Sheave to whom, date and where delivers 35 SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ..........- C DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... 50d SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra fee required) ................................... Pc•e PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— (Sea other side) Apr. 1971 3000 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL oGm:... 2 O -eeaT, STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER POSTAGE (first class or airmail), CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES. (see front) 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub on the left-pofSMn Df the address side of the article, leaving the receipt attached, and present the article aT post of ide,service window or hand it to your rural carrier. (no extra charge) 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummeQ stub o444ieft ports n of the address side of the article, date. detach and retain the receipt, and W the arose. 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified -mail number a d your n;mod address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the back of he artic y means of the gummed ends. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUE ED. 4. If you want the article delivered only to the addressee, endorse it the front 1VER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY. Place the same endorsement in line 2 of the return card if that sgrvice is requested. 5. Save this ieceipt and present it if you make inquiry.