HomeMy WebLinkAbout157-75 TX Renewal Bell, MichaelSlate of North Carolina _ Department of Nalural Resources and Conuuumly Development A FEDERAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED PERMIT CONTACT U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, P. b. BOX 1890 TO EXt AVA'I L ANDIOR U I I L Permit No.157-75 WILMINGTON, N. C. 284AI (Re: N.C. G.S. 113-2291 Permit Class Issued to: Nr._Michael P..Be11_ .--. lot-Renewal/Transfer Route 8, Box 760, Greenville, N. C. 27834 Iliis permit authorizes excavation and/or tilling in _ _. . HeauforSR, __ _.._ _ C'ounty, N.C. at Pamlico River (canal off of near Wichard's marina) as requested in the pernittee's application dated _ 8/14/75; incl. attached plat dated 8/13/75 _-- ... subject to the conditions set forth below. (1) That the proposed 208' long section of bulkheading to be installed along the west side of the property may not exceed 5' from mean high water line. (2) That the proposed 115' long bulkhead to be constructed across the north tip of the property be aligned so as to intersect the MHW line of the nor tip of the property. - (3) That all spoil material be placed behind the permitted bulkhead, and that cam'"' rm no unconfined spoil material may be placed below the MIN line. (4) That no spoil may be placed in Pamj.ico River. �- i a - (5) That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significan� increases in turbidity outside of the area of construction or construct' 3 related discharge (increases of,25 JTU's or less are not considered sig - _4 cant). (6) That a ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion must be planted or other- wise provided within 30 working days on spoil, fill and other disturbed areas upon which further active construction is not being undertaken. IF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS AND THE PLANS AND SPECIFIC. A'IIONS SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION (WHERE NOT IN CONI-LK7 WITH THE CONDITIONS) ARE NOT FOLLOWED PRE- CISELY, THE PERMIT -TEE IS StIBJL"•CT TO A FINE. IMPRISONMENT, OR CIVIL ACTION AS PROVID- ED IN G.S. 113-229 (K) AND 1 L ). This permit may be objected to by the penuittee within twenl) (20) days of the date of issuance. Failure to arbmit such objection shall be interpreted as an agreement of compliance with all permit conditions. This permit must be displayed :dnng wilh a copy of the application and the project plat in the cab (or pilot- house) of the equipment working on the project, or he easily accessible, on site, to Department personnel when the project is inspected. Any maintenance work or project modiiica(ion requires further Departmental approval. Subject to permit renewal, all work most cease when the permit tennim(les. This permit tenninates on __t;cytember 301 1979 Signed by the authority of the Secretary Issuing Date: November 30, 1978 EWalton ones, Deputy Secretary ilkt� rtm Natural Resources F. Community Development Form D&F-g Revised 7/77 0 October 31, 1978 Memorandum To: John Parker, Permit Coordinator From: David L. Gossett, Environmental Consultant Subject: .P. B Permit Renewal & Transfer Beaufort County I visited the proposed site on October 31, 1978 and have no objections to having permit No. 157-75 transferred and renewed to Mr. M.P. Bell. There do not appear to be any significant changes in the project from the original proposal. David L. Gossett v / W �j�7eG� DIVISION OF North Carolina Department of Natural MARINE FISHERIES '® Edward G. McCoy Resources &Community Development Director Box 769, Morehead City 28557 James B. Hun[, Jr , Gooernor Howard N. Lee, Secretary Telephone 919 726-7021 E. Lee Barham, Jr. Deputy Director Box 27687. Ralei h 27611 Telephone 919 33-3767 October 20, 1978 OCT 23 1978 MEMORANDUM r-. ;.'.-T. TO: Review Agencies FROM: John Parker ( \ i SUBJECT: Request For Permit Renewal/Transfer The D ent has received a Consi a renewal and transfer of permi #157-75 that was issued o E. E. P' tman o Greenville in October of 1975. project, a canal bul a is located off of the Pamlico River near Chocowinit\ n owner completed only a portion of the bulkhead. The new owl Mr. M. P. Bell, intends to complete the remainder immediately. No c sed. Any comment that you wish to submit on this request should be forwarded by November 3 in order that action can be taken. Enclosures An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND FUQNP,,M1 RESOURCES Box 27667 i. y,�"aiinl' Raleigh 27611 F ±,, TAMES E. HARRINGTON SECRETARY TELEPHONE AREA COPE E19-E2E-41144 MEMORANDUM TO - From Subject P 5 P73 DIV. OF M,%%`E FISKMES Jim Brown Bob Pittman App. for State permit - E. Everett Pittman - Location - Beaufort County - Pamlico River JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR. GOVERNOR Div. Marine Fisheries PO Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 September 3, 1975 8-14-75 Investigative process - Rec. App. Ral. 8-21-75; Morehead 8-27-75. Site investigated 8-29-75 Environmental setting - The project is located in Beaufort County near the end of SR 1166. The location consists of a narrow peninsula adjacent to and across a canal from Whichard's Marina. The applicant's lot, approximately 120' wide by 200' long, is lo- cated on the tip of the peninsula. A man-made canal borders the site on the west for 208', and on the north for approximately 40 . Pamlico River forms the east property tine with some 225- of shoreline. The site is cleared and grassed, and a summer cot- tage is located about midway the lot. The property contains no marshgrass. Project description - The applicant proposes to bulkhead the west shoreline of the lot along the man-made canal. The bulkhead is to be aligned at or near the MHW line and is to continue around the end of the peninsula tip for approximately 40•. The structure is to continue from the peninsula tip and will extend some 60' into Pamlico River. In effect, this 60' portion will be a freestanding jetty. A 10' long by 8' wide shoaled area which has accumulated near the mouth of the west canal is to be removed by drag - ling to a depth of 3'. The resulting spoil material, about 50 cu.yds., is to be de- posited behind the intended bulkhead along the west canal, and at the northwest end of the property. There is no alteration requested along the east or Pamlico River side of the tract. Environmental impact - The proposed bulkhead and jetty portion should act as a deterrent to shoreline erosion. For the most part, the bulkhead is to be constructed at or near the MHW line. The area to be excavated consists of a sand shoal which is presently ele- vated above MHW. The project will destroy no marshgrass. Project implementation will cause some short term minor turbidity. Bob Pittman