HomeMy WebLinkAbout88473C - Liang, Ping & Songfang!VCAMA _ DREDGE & FILL A B `/ D `' Rrvious pcnuit _ � _ __ GENERAL PERMIT - ,/ Date previous pennu Issued __l� ._ c I ;New L_IModification [-]ConglleteReissue Partial Re issue As:nrthoimd by the State of Nr, I,( of kn.i o mal Qia1 ty aid the CU tl Resou,tes Conn nissio mat a,etor envirc Imu>mum al conce,11 Puts.t IU I SA NCAC �� _L��.. t... -.I. 4•. «-'-) _ —.. I I Rifles anal heJ. �C i c aI Prrudt Rulrs avtilal k ti the lollowing uk. www dcq.ne.gov(CAMArulc> A not Nanm- -v,"I7 .t(lp/.yT1 �� Y( J law AUthnrixd Agen[ (� .._ .. ..... Albess L'�'IC.L�.i.�/.�ftC ,</LJ (Cf _ _ .I / Ptojmllo<alion (County). C ty N, �LIJ L(, 1///,«<777...JQF��at]• /Vf� ZIP ��K:�1. Street AddiesslStatc Road/Lot d(s) 1:1 I 4�4t I tii au I jVq1. Phone N(_) Email —.. Subdw/l%171 CnYJUI�I`%i Alfrcted IV KCW I EW I \,EFTA AEC(s). I(_IOEA I-IIHA I_._!UW It, ES L _IPTS Adj. Wt.. Body , \ I �.'I (-\ 1 {, I�_I �t�lJ �� I ISPIMA I�I I'WS Closest Maj. Wu: body _I` ��•Uv`J ,.. /(oath mJunk) C _. Type of Project/ Activity 1 I � I Iscale: ) Shf , tin,. a ,gth ! 11� Pn� yS / GG At. s ngtb /0o _-. ___ 'ILJ Y.\ U_ Lei �s j. j/� J — I W l�)"S`� I' a ltlockl lcnF,th —._,,,_. ""� N•: �l r'J vy:( ILoxl(.� 'l) jl�kL Ito Uilc.; _. f -srd Flatfoot s , T. i (r A �Ir XJ union.I'lalfoun s J rX14 IIII/ . Finger Total Pladnrm ama--lC4�L _ __ Gram length/tl Bulkhead/Riurap length _ Avg dismnrr nikhnrr_ _ breakwater/Sill Mar distance/ leap, h Ilan, channrl _ Cubic.yards / Boat ramp_ — Uoathousdj Uoatbft� beach bulldozing %11 J< hµ" tN�f ,yL t}M� i 04V SAV ,bx u•d Mornoimill da Site Photos: Ycs Ycs YCS C k `t .._ ... _... Ripa i , W tenet Atl lnhed: A building Yre (n .__ may be required - �T— by I ,� .. (L (- _.. permit/zoning permit Per�j1alOC�t,,o1n1//d1m`loos (.t/l.l I4 Y )1 t'Z C. �JI I �-1 '%)yyjjKi� -i n ( e _ - . �)YYt II'Je �I TAR/PAM/NEk1SE/Bll(FER(urcle one) I 1l -O iegy \ o F'' CIA I t L(S 1 i -( I• LE. �iF -` l-Ct A NALl1 6 IA [ , Se n tr on hack rr Ba, fling B vrr B um role 'x.�b��ltectl ' I ( 6� °1 F) , �u—Xet t: {t c.It 3� r e I�VILaaui ._ h�ic - � 9 __ I_-] See adddirn,al nolrt(rnnd%innsbn hark (6-lew-A Lbl'I ItVJJc,.y%lQ;\fie-�_ Lt'L'.,hn I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC But ANDCONOITIONtS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. IPIP.,se luinal)� 57_V— Agent o, API Jot P at Per It Officer's PINIFO N Clvk- Stp nlure Ilea a Ica om Pllance statcnxvn [ n l ck of pcnmt Signs t n — nor-7 . 1 �� - Apphrmat[voW - �Cllecki 0.nr, Orde, ISS.n g Mae I..PlrahonU to L/CAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL N9 88473 A B 0 D G Previous permit / NERAL PERMIT Date previous permit issued _ New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Co at Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: SA NCAC ❑ Rules attached. General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.deq.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name / Authorized Agent Address Project Location (County): C City Qp at NC, zip Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) Phone # (_ ) Type of Project/ Activity Shoreline Length 3" i— Access Length 10 ,f I \ , Floating Platform(s) h&,tg Finger pier(s)1UY a Total Platform area (CKX2 Groin length/H .l Bulkhead/ Riprap length / Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill / Max distance/ length Basin, channel' Cubic yards .� Boat ramp / Beach Bulldonn'g� Other SAV observed: Moratorium: n/a Site Photos: Riparian Waiver Attached: A building permit/zoning I IAM Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name i Closest Maj. Wtr. Body TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED Officer's G I(OV3 .D ►bx % - ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back (Please Initip i } Signature "Please read compliance statement on back of permit" Application Feels) Check oney Order Signature I k I IJ fl;aD, '3I IE Issuing Date Expi lion D to jouthern E,nvirommntal Cjroup, Inc. 55 15 South College Road, Suite E_ Wilmington, NC 28412 October 19.2022 CERTIFIED MAIL -RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Reynolds Susannah Parker Trustee 631 Belhaven Drive Wilmington, NC 28411-8752 Re: Coastal Area Management Act ("CAMA") General Permit Ping and Songfang Liang Onslow County, North Carolina To whom it may concern: This is to notify you that my clients, Mr. and Mrs. Ping Liang, are applying for a Coastal Area Management Act ("CAMA") General Permit, from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management to construct the following proposed development on their property located at 41 Sailview Drive, Topsail Beach, North Carolina. The proposed development a fixed pier and platforms, with a boat lift and jet ski floating lift. The site plan, for the proposed development, has been attached. I am required to notify you of my client's proposed development. If you have any questions about my client's proposed development, please do not hesitate to contact me at (910) 228-1841 or by e-mail, at dlutheran@segi.us. If you wish to make comments on our client's proposed development, you may direct your comments to the attention of Mr. Jonathan Howell, with the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, at 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557. Sincerely yours, Dana A. Lutheran SEGi Regulatory Specialist Attachments (1) B 0- LZI lr) rTI rU R Rl a i3 C3 CO Ir CO Ln Lil iu r�- ru O d O 0 rLj w $4.00 - wivlces & rees (oneokbox, add tee'!;S'8ppkp bate) ❑ Return Receipt (hardcopy) $ I I i ❑ Return Receipt (electronic) $ r1J)$i ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ F'I-- ❑Adult Signature Required $ [f Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $'k� f,l�„'ivk Postmark Here $ Total Postage and Fees i 1 j") I/2022 $ $7 . 5 v-wd Nw ,, Sent To Street and p - N :,' or �'�Nb ! �1-' ---�-. - - _ c---: state, Z,P+� 1 m . M C a 8 �a �'"' - - Wil ❑ Return Receipt (hardcopy) $ $ I_f; II (I --I ' Return Receipt (electronic) $ []Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ `jAdult Signature Required $ ---Ik ®AduR Signature Restricted Delivery $ �} � tostage _ $il.bll (16 Postmark Here 0011110' J ��)�,�4 10i 410/2022 $-y n r: r .0:r �l5 oj-- - - - -- i�aUeri ;_ d _ lax en on a cn Fe"tl Uncovered ncavereJ PlatformCeb Error, onenlE \tt< .MIPx ia1I L� 16 x16 Fdetl Cove Wain depPsin IX......... erea Ol Melifl and kaalinR IM No deUr i e "'oxirolelY.J' \ 1NLW / I �yO 106 BOO sE Plattmm IW W W I EW VICINITY MAP W NOT TO SGLE \ 1W W W I t W W\ W W W W\\`\A LBn9% of $Aorellne:-]5' tW W "."e plaXorm Aree Bob SF p5x BI W a ProposaO PleHorm Nea:6p]&F Congoneor A-1666F mponen W WaW W v \ ComponentC-1265F Camponenl0- 2 SF N W W W &Veda Fhetl Oock CongonenlE-256SF \ vv I W W W / W yQ r\ K UN M1LL BE Er£VAiEot\ / �- XIN. O'A9OrE XKM Ai CNBB CAtl59NC (XLW M%M%. -p.Bl / / \ / MpR6X. XXW LIRE -75, .1. X ROX. C . O'Ellµo UNE "s W I PROM, ba p UNE \�a254L�pip—\ r\ W W W %N I a10]p]IBJ]BB a ee \ \ r\ \ fIUP% HELLO 6 \ \ CNSchUr,W , LWIp PLVp l YJNCFµO W4VWLW Pi Yµ0 \PINE {28]o51B2]Bo al fiVLWEW pR a\%X 120]0.510]]JS a\ \r \ \c Sheet wllmirgton, Nc SOUTHERN ENVIRONMENTAL Project: Ping & Songfang Lieng GROUP, INC. 1 41 Sablew Driver To sail Reech 531 S Sou h College Road, Suite E Scale: Nmm Sore Date: Ind; Wilmington, NC 28412 jouthern E_nvirommntal Group, Inc. 55 15 Soutk College Road, juite E Wilmington, NC 28412 October 19, 2022 CERTIFIED MAIL -RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Nello and Christina Filippini 406 Venus Court Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Coastal Area Management Act ("CAMA") General Permit Ping and Songfang Liang Onslow County, North Carolina To whom it may concern This is to notify you that my clients, Mr. and Mrs. Ping Liang, are applying for a Coastal Area Management Act ("CAMA") General Permit, from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management to construct the following proposed development on their property located at 41 Sailview Drive, Topsail Beach, North Carolina. The proposed development a fixed pier and platforms, with a boat lift and jet ski floating lift. The site plan, for the proposed development, has been attached. I am required to notify you of my client's proposed development. If you have any questions about my client's proposed development, please do not hesitate to contact me at (910) 228-1841 or by e-mail, at dlutheran@segi.us. If you wish to make comments on our client's proposed development, you may direct your comments to the attention of Mr. Jonathan Howell, with the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, at 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557. Sincerely yours, Dana A. Lutheran SEGi Regulatory Specialist Attachments (1) 5LGI Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 910.452.2711 (office) • 910.452.2899 (fax) Date: 10/24/22 To: Ms. Tina Martin Of: DCM Attached you will find:* Proposal Sketch(es) JD Package Report(s) Transmittal Letter Permit Applicatio Filin Fee Photo(s) Plans Information Request Other Copies Dated Description 1 10/5/22 41 Sailview Drive CAMA GP Filing Fee 'If noted items are NU attached, please contact our otnce. These are being delivered: For your Review/Comment For your Records Returned for Correction(s) Corrected and Returned For your Signature as Requested. Other: Required to process permit By: Hand Delivery Fed -Ex UPS S Postal Servic Other Signature and (Typed) Name: Dana �A. utheran Date: MA[1 ZZ RECEIVED OCT 28 2022 DCM-MHD CITY n y� V1NNN(n T? w HUow aavc 'cc salvo � �$0 a'a` E€o UU UU / 1 � \ / / / / / / \ j I g ffia � °'a3 0 goa m ��LL / / N o / W �'ZON ZIxx 3eisa / J f Sic o 9 U9 L '- 5E in 3 N v • v j 1 t IN � � uo 1 � R3i4Y••'��' 1 � 1� 1 , SO htzl m V 1 � 1 1 ac _Z N •».� u».t i� i , , • .Q m > O 1 k i �" "'<� a 'C �' V •gyp T7 � a y n i F • '. �s � d7 C:a �a .r.ai. •� 4v+� ".:I�• L6" '! i O • "' .. t"' cg e m .. _ • m }`,. 7." s r+ifwri%: @y{.. W CC b v � 1 F A. dl i 'a • ® q'i O. [L Lt m m C Cl)`c W O 1 C ro t»»! a m E E*9 0 :% m O 1 RS ,+ litl tr CJ Q Q .,, i • • "' of CC � U a �i (f3✓ o❑oDoa❑000❑ a° mob° � % EE�2 nnnn nhgn 020?_ 6Q55 �2�.2 ��fla Oh9D 02U.