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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-029FROM TLL--EE -Eili 1 ': 1B From: THE P' -4J&Itti8> FAX ko. : �"46620064 Jul. 26 2011 04 : 1 BPM P 1 911384a7o113 To:70-166FLQE4 P.2/3 'loom of H,0141g`8ogc� D A2� zo„ JUL0 D TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 2011-D29 Pormit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT i; of OQUW is" by Lori itatw of Nara: Carolina, t k"$tment al• t W(ronn sod Hrturel RMUrcac and the Gw" ResourCas Camrneettatl far dayl @W oot in an isms of arMrmunenr cioncem pcxxuar* to g9c iott 11U.&W of• the Ganwat -Waal& -cwRtaI was Ma►"nn,ene Issued to Tony & Constance Blevins, authorizilg developmen', ;r the Ckean Hazard (ABG) at 691 tk an Boulevard West, in Holden Beach Urtmswicik Coti,,iri, as ie>i tir4616d in the pelrnittee's appliral~on, dated Jttrta 30,2011, This perrrct, issued on July 25, 2011, is subject t4 compliance with the appllestion and site drawing (where consistent with the pern)It), all applicable regulations " special ocndibons and notes set forth below, Any violation of these terms may suNact permittee to a fine, irnpriscnmerit of civil actin,, Or may cause the petrtlit to be null and ,told. i This permit authorizes: Constuct a 6'x20' uncovered elevated deck that will include a cargo lift and concrete pad undemseth on the street aide of the home. (1) All propaeec dow6opritni and associated oorjstructon M;At be done in acwdanoe with wo permitted wart plat drewings(s) dated MeniVed on July 1, 2011. (2) AU construciion must cottarm to the N.0 Building Cade requirements and all other kxal, Stao and Federal regulations, applicable Iocal ordinances and FEMA I" Regulations (3) Any change or changes in the puns for dovufopirent, constrtx:tien, or land use activities wilt require a reevaluation and rnt:dttcation of this parmft- (4 A copy of this permit shail be postea or avaltable on s ta. Contact thin off1w at 910-e42-f tt&0 for a final inspection at comp;etion cf wctk. I 44dditio„al Pamit Conditions This permit acliol may he appealed by 11he perrmtltee o, othaf qualiAed ptxsoos w0in twaaty X days of the iSSving date. From ilia date w ae apoai, any work oor*cted under tKS Oertnit MUSZ 0"M until lute Appeal is Cited, TN.9 penult rwift be on the pMed s to and wcmibl6 to ttip Dmmtl cfp<C g whet: this PMACt IS fnS'W ted for CMtpliaAM Any mailWax* wtxk or proiea modlica ctl not covered under this 0Axw . teeultp further wntten permit eoorovat. The m*aban date of thix peri-lt hz been ax%n*)d in a=tdarc* with Sault Law ION406. Al Afork roust cease when this permit expires on: 060-Z.15 to isS&V this pens R is agreed that ttrs projM is catsistcxlt with the focal ! And Use Plan lad 41 applicable ardinances. This pony,! may not be transtwted to a^rafher t::any wil-it the mftri apprerai of the Dvicion of Coastal Rhonda Wooten CAMA LOCA' PERMIT OFFICIAL 110 Rothschild Street � � �,H� fc�en Beach, NC 26462 PERM ITTEE ("Ngnarure requiraa it cond tfons sbove apply to permi!) AUG 0 2 2011 DCM WILMINGTON, NC FROM : FAX t=' : - !946620064 Jul. 26 2011 04 :• 18PM P2 JIJL-i'S-2011 15:10 From: TH8 PL�NUNSP 910R42 F00:; To:7e46620064 P. 3%3 Name: Tony & Constance Sievins !boron Permit # Z11.029 Date: Jelly 25, 2011 Page 2 (0) i no stritoturs must set back a agnimum of 60 fleet {rorn the firs. ll-ie Qf 61)10 n8tur� vsgeta:inn, as deternnirtad by the DCR the LPQ or other sgeigned agent of the DCM. (6) The parmirw is raqulredl to contact the Local Penr,tt ()mw 910-842.6080, Shortly b9fore, he plans to begin mnswdw to amt%o a seek rnaasureme t hat will be efttive for sixty (ba) dayz tr *g 6 major ehorelirta clWge. Consbvction twat begin within sixty (60) days of the delen ti wjon or the measurament is void and mast be nedore, z7) AJi buildings cons!rrtt.d within trio man hauM am she6 comply with the NO' Bulding Code, I;wluding t,* Co85tal and Flood Plain Constr xdon Standards of the N. C. Building Code, and the ! ocel Flood Carnage Prmtention Ordinance as required oy the WOW Road insurance Program. if eryProvisions of ire bUlding code or a flood damage pmvention ordina%e aria irconsieWt vAtn any of ha follcming AEC standards, the mmro restrictive Prnvis;pn shall corft?. (6) Ail twlid%go must be eievated on pilings with 8 diameter Q° at least 8 WtU in dinMeter if round, or $ Fiches to a side if Wam, and the first floor Oval of the siiis and joists must rmet tt.e 100 yedt' Food i8ve1 elevation. (9) Ail pltirr s strati have a tip penatratwn greater Man eight feet heIGW into ipvi%t 9r-vur d elevation under the shotura, (1t))Dune dmlurba ices will ba allowed oNy to ifhe extort nereasery for development and if the dune's protective vaiue is not weakened or reduwad. ()Wiwi dune areas wit! be immediately stabilized, (11)Ali unomolidated material resulting from assoeistW grading and landscacing shall be retained on site by etleotive sadim oration and erasion crmtml measures. DstWrbed woad shall be vegataMvely etabili ed (planted and mulched) within 14 days of constructeur, Completion. 02)Any sWoture sudtaiwd by this pernit shall be relocated ordiemartled WhW it becomes imminently threatened by changes In stioreitis configuration. The 8t'uctu:elS? Sttat!. re owttd of dinmamIrrri Whhin fwn va2m M tha Gmn 050 Upon its CaraV& QUY139Ho4P�Ut;'r, if natural shoreline rowvery or beach renourist wiv takes piece w bin two yew of IN time tho structure bmin :s immineriliy threatonod, so that the structure iS tta longer iriv nenty trre*r0d, titan It rood not W relocated o, dismantled at ttrat time. This a;ri ftom. shall not affect the permit hoklers -tht to mk arthorizmlion of ternpomry protective MOWN allowed raider CRC rules. (13y The pursed construction shalt meet all raqulwPOW of Town of Hoiden Rcacfi Code rJf ar,dinaGes. SIGNATURE: �� FERMI j ME DATE r \ Locality � V Permit Number Ocean Hazard ✓ Estuarine Shoreline ORNV Shoreline Public Trust Shoreline Other GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Name T(�nti 4-COn5�QrxCQ Q(eo", Address to 91 o Bw City. Ha 2h V>@PkC, State (For official use only) Zip.1?41a Phone '704 — 6(o7,- 0 0Io Email F x -i�— '"l I o—O `I (0—,gq aq AUTHORIZED AGENT Name L v N w S v,,-A-•h address a,SI S-1 4Qi I&Q-, GeaCh CZA City State Email 5+0'r r-,bu" lde-s C4, CO3C- • r-, C4 Zip'-"6.7- Phone ci 10" SC4 (o -;DLq 66 LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacent waterbody.) (09 1 043W DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) (p`k20` O Qg.% Z)*-c\- F-)4e,5le, 0 V% V,001d V� & e- cs4 h ow.e % r%&.t e q Cq r9 c, L'% S-4- 3--V yade-1- SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: 1square $ 9 ST feet acres PROPOSED USE: Residential E5-' (Single-family Multi -family CommerciaHndustrial Other El COMPLETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (Contact}'our Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your propert}'): (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: 10 � square feet (includes air conditioned living space, parking elevated above around level, non -conditioned space elev3.tejio'�r level but ezcludine96 non -load -bearing attic space) DCM WILMINGTON, NC (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER I1'VIP VfUS," BUILT UPON SURFACES:(�'square feet (includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks. concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach )-our calculations with the project drawing.) STATE STORININVAT R .-NLANAGE-NiENT PER,NIIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater hlana,ement Permit i sued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES NO If yes, list the total built upon area`impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel: square feet. OTHER PER ITS II:11' BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit, including, but not limited to: Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home Park Approval, Highway Connection, and othe,rs. Check with your Local Permit Officer for more information. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CANNA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as: (check one) ron4 a-Co"!Si Cq ee CSlev i nS P"an owner or record title, Title is vested in "'� , see Deed Book 2-3 od page 1 19_ in the e r%,,sw i <_k- County Registry of Deeds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet R. attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTI' OWNERS: I furthermore certif}, that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given 'ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning in,,, intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAIfA permit. (Address) Cs"I) A-)CLr., 5gne I_._' l58'0 WgMpanoga T'ra1 0S &rri,\! O It Zg 0(v (093(2) (3) (Name) (4) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I, the undersigned, acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion andlor flooding. I acknowledge that the Local Permit Officer has explained to me the particu- lar hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabiliza- tion and floodproofing techniques. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant, permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. RECEIVED L—,r VN ^ S Y-",-4-h DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 27 ' i' This the ���c day of- , 20 1 I Landowner or person authorized to act as"his'her agent f,,,lr purpose of filing a CAMA permit application This application includes: general h formation (this form), a site draiving as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the Ocean Ha_atd AEC Notice where necessary, a check for .S100.00 made pgwable to the locality, and am• information as nz;7v be provided oralh, bt• the applicant. Tile details of the application as described br lease sources nee incorporated without relerence in any pernzit which mai• he issued Deviation from these details it -ill constitute a violation oj, any permit..4nv person developing in an .4EC ivithow permit is subject to civil, criminal and administrative octi.9tz i2ffl rE FAX NO. :7046620064 Jul. 01 2011 10:01AM P1 • ��b9 AEC HAZARD NOTICE z4,- Prvjett Is in An: zoccan Er: *bls Area High Hazard F!ood Area Inlet Hazard Aran Property Owner, 7bn!A. dr C% ^slrar, ce & 4v % - a Property Address: rpgt 4iiW k►o\A"•' S&-L1' , t-1 • c- rt-ae,et ^Tu.ot _ Cali Brunswick County Gi$ for Date Lot Was Plattod: De,XQL 4 this information! 910-263-2690. Trwu► 0.w# ;•s--,t°r'� This shall be completed. This nonce it intended to make yen, fr.? apoLca: l aware cf the SPECIAL NOTE: rhip ha-2a,-d mice is required fordctieloptncni special risks asd cer:ditiom associ.a:ad aitt do _bpoteat in tyh in sreas mbjec so saddt , and:turssivesiorrns and trosion. pemuts area, � bicb 1; subject to ratiami hzxar&3uch assto.m., erosion issued for development is this ateaaxpire or,t7ect rrbz3l Of the srtd cut eats. The NatS Cf ICC Coastal Re;otl'"S ComrtisSios lbird year Collt wing the year in Nhich the permit was issued. :Vgaire%atynur+tceiveartAECH=vJ'P!otic!andsc'snox%dge Shett[}bef,retccrki+esi7;cr. hsp,eect;:!r,ttul.CC Pamir AM noti:a in writing before a permit f t t:c:t lopm n: can be: '.)facer roast be conuicto to detertuine the vegetaticr. line and r--sued. setback disumv: at your M a. lithe prapu i., hasseen little charge ik, Car *rissior,'s rules on building stasderds, c-ceanfront "nrth ti amaofperinitissuance,andthrproposedde+alcptnent can still rocct the s_ii+nck requirement, the ; p0 will inform s:ttkeu anal dune al torstior„ are designed to rninirriza, but not of iminat_, pre rr; lvS9 COt~] hazards 3 ¢-1r!,ia? p. ) permits. the you that you may begin work- Substantial progress on the project Coastal Resources Commis, tor. doe: xt the safety of most bo cmde Rithin 0 days of triis setbaex determinztion, or the setback must be mmeasured. Also, the occu n wce ofa major rh.r?cveloprrxrtan!acstr,:snoiicbiiit;forfunrrdamageto the development. Perztlts issued in *he Oscan Hzzard Area of s-lombnechar.ZeastF.ercs1!tofastormwithintie80-daypetixi £n� ironmt.-Aal Co,cern include the condition that structures be a o �Yil1 rneess+tau rcmeasutemenl of the setbs,k, it is taper pot rtiocatedofdismand:difti;twbecomeimurrimnlithratcvolby (fe'' �•OticlsitA tdr Eire-tericat the lzti:e ' pt xpiresfororlcial 1r�n-'Al to continue the worts after the hat t + t, r F : g ,, . r,: !t_nges ir_ sltOre.nt .txt..g! au'� .='e s4^a_tu,.tai rtt;t tx teiocated o; dit;mant3rd within two (?) years cf becoming permit expired ri y,iffout-atiorpilirssfavebeer?13ce3and.subs;nNai imminent y thmraNned, mnd in aa:r case open it! collapse or ` css is antinui rettrmit sear be authorized. It is r subsidtrtc viii %v rk 14permc t nla++ilr! to continue wotk aher permit expiration. he best available inforrnation, as as:spud by !ha ::os;tal Resource; Commi3sioo, ird ra'!s that t c anne3't 'long-term a4MECe octan trosior rate for the area yo!a prre,ity is iocatedis. _.>- Eta peryeat, The rate was cstablishzd by cweE,il sn;l;'s:s of orr!ai yh'.tr';mphs :•fate corst!ine taaco o.c- the past 5;'j years. Swaic, alto indicant dhitt the shore!ine ecut2 rnrve AS much as Zilff feet iotnewmi in a major srormn. Th ;'ood •ratt-s in a major stotm stc wecdicvtd do of abot:t Cot t dcto in this era, ?re Ford oceanfront protection nett as.jres are bc,,%L aaurishr::c,-a and reiOWtion of 1-hreatent:d structi .s. Rard eras",oa control stroct srei such a� bulkkads, seawalls, revet-mits. groim, it.tics and, Dwakwaters are prohib14ed. iemporitry.sabd bags may bL at41hcsrN.t,d t.odcr cc::air. conditions, TF.e appliciari.mrs-..iA tp•,+It;{?eih:s isi'c^..ationznd r:quiTIC trctrU ivy signing this cotice in the space below. Without the propel signs:ure, the apphcmien will not Fit eornpltic. \,!, For more inlarnmafan, contare: ,r Wei Permit C457-^5r fpVltd Qf XOLDW ULM* Andress ita goirrscHIiLD STREWr iiOLC> N �KACt� M.C. 74w Phona ldumt' r 10Q33ECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 2 7 2011 (�) (! 9L,---- Prop9ety etsnets Sivaturs La e _ ridQc`99i�LT:D- T6 Ni S iC,?r?3 Ii�iO::a7zl� i;1i rrA TrTZE��S 9l7i WM EIP "EL— N - CATVEi NRB " N83'09158E I MH /'0.00 X EB � SBI 30"W O x t FENCE (TIE) 5730 CLO LOT 'B' I D ed Book 2300, Pg.18 rn ( rmerly Lot 10, Map B ok 2 1 /2, Pg. 130) ,.0 7,989 SO. FT. q x^,d�t� o rT, LOT 8 I5 I .3 6.6' PORCH I LOT 12 z N m N O EXISTING 12.0' o I IHOUSE a , w I z Ln I O W V) o OI 0 Sw0 I O j N WWZ 0>0 O W J w PORCH 38.0'� ERB W (TIES 11.4' S81'3�0 Nf�B - I 49.77 21.6'� o cV IEIP �f o I � 0 I 0 rn 4.0' D I -i o r- 0 O I ABANDONED O ISTREET I Trio P I ZONE ICP �—.- A50.00' ZONE I � a11 e`^�(S83'10'00"W I I W4 w ems- I I LOT 9 I F�,CFIVED IMap Book 2 1/2, Pg• 130 I DCM WILMINGTON, NC I I JUL 2 7 !"� �� zc Iz I I C 2004 WITHERS & RAVENEL - BRUNSWICK SURVEYING , ,,Tr WITHERS RAV E I*HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED PLAT OF SURVEY IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF LAND SURVEYED AND PLATTED UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND RVEYING IN NORTH CAROLINA*z,,71b7 ``1 s 1 & EDWARD S. KILMQAI. _ /�_ SATE `e �ON1CJ J/O' a -y yQ �r VIEW BLVB WE 1 :t— SEAL OCEAN o' R/ 6w L-2661 0 % S EDGE OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT �.�� �.� roes 0 I t 1�` WM EIP "B__ N B3"O9' 5B" E CATV� NRB " 50 00' �� EB IMop Book 2 1 �2, P9. 130 TIE LINE: COMMENCING AT MONUMENT "HB 19'. (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N = 59,148.5078 AND E = 2,209,859.1850; THENCE S 8313'05"W 1,863.75 FEET TO MONUMENT "HB 13", (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N = 58,928.4128 AND E = 2,208,008.4745; THENCE S 82'43'48"W 806.53 FEET TO NRB "A"; THENCE N 83'09'58"E 50.00 FEET TO EIP "B". ALL BEARINGS ARE ORIENTED TO N.C. GRID NORTH, N.A.D. 1983. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GRID DISTANCES. SCALE FACTOR: 1.000145. ERB 0— N S2"5= "-E �I 9� I ro `V, I ZONE VE 19 v VE 20 ZONE (� 2006, WITHERS & RAVENEL - BRUNSWICK SURVEYING NOTES: WITHERS &- RAV E N E L - BRUNSWICK SURVEYING *PART OF LOTS #9&10 ARE 0 20 40 IN A FLOOD HAZARD ZONE POLY S HOME RD., SW 20 SUPPLY, NORTH CAROLINA 28462 NORTH E SCALE t" = 20 FEET F.I.R.M 3720200500 J EFFECTIVE DATE 06-02-06. TEL: 910-842-9392 FAX: 910-842-8019 WWW.WITHERSRAVENEL.COM Office: Wilmington Office: 111 MacKenan Drive 7040 Wrightsville Ave, Suite 101. Cary, NC 27511 Wilmington, NC 28403 SEERECENEE)Cary T10:1 �q��,�-y�' OW'WQ VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND: NRB 0 NEW REBAR l' " "IVIlIVl7 1 Y I• • 1 tel: 919-469-3340 tel: 910-256-9277 Plat Survey For \ EIP O EXISTING IRON PIPE O EXISTING REBAR COMPUTED POINT JUL 2 7 1t111 ACOASTAE WATf3R WAY C 1CP p TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CONSTANCE BLEVINS INIR ANUUOLLAR ❑ a SWORD- DR' CAN ❑ CABLE TELEVISION BOX MADE FROM LOTS 9&10, (691 OCEAN BOULEVARD WEST), RSN DR. BEACH, NC EB SBL ❑ ❑ ELECTRIC BOX BUILDING SETBACK LINE C.R.ROBERTS MAP, (MAP BOOK 13, PAGE 48), BRUNSWICK HOLDEN wM ❑ WATER METER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AND EXISTING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. 5 WV ❑ WATER VALVE TOWNSHIP COUNTY STATE DATE OMAN VIEW CLO 0 SEWER CLEANOUT 3 ATUNnc BLVD. wEsi OCEAN LOCK WOOD FOLLY BRUNSWICK NORTH CAROLINA 12-15-06 FIELD BOOK 702-67 FILE NO. 061515 JOB NO. 061515 Co -So_- i i Date Mo,r �anrz Li� Adjacent Property O:vner IS?0 WAw,AGnoa4 'r'RiAt_ tvtailing'Address IN;4 3 a5 S61 rr1,=4,o„ O 2i• o6 City, State, Zip Code ON (Domestic Mall Only For delivaN informati( co Certified Fee a O Return Receipt Fee p (Endorsement Required) C3 Restricted Delivery Fee r (Endorsement Required) a Total Postage & Fees $ rl a Postmark ` 1 Here 2011 Er sent to e o -- Street, pt. No; S Dear Adjacent Property: � or PO Box No. ( S430 LAJIC m P otr, oa r}'r�....... r.r.. 3O City, tale, ZIP+4 �r,, r, -k-oh (Z-A, OZg(ND This letter is to inform you that I, 'rune\,, }Curs •,cc Q IPS Form 3800, r Property Cnvner Perini', on my property at . C9 9 l 0 a W o d e� 6eac�, , N , C , in Brunswick County Property Address County. As required by CA?A.A regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project dra`rring(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at 9 10 — b 29 — (0 4 5 4 or by mail at the address listed belovr. if you wish to Applicant's Telephone iile Viritten comment-c or objections Ivith the Town of Holden Beach CA,",iA Minor Perm", Procram, you may submit them to: Rhonda Wooten Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Su eel Holden Beach, NC 28162 Sincerely, &nr--- A-,� , A g Q_n4 Pro^=31 Owner �5t5•-i � I�h Q2g�h 2c� klailino Address �0 , a. 8 4 6 '2` City, State, Zip Code RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 2 7 All ti m Ln r` _ Date Postage e $ 1\ hboA- Erg ks o� CO\7 Adjacent Property Owner Certified Fee t 3 o i P Return Receipt Fee Postmark MEE O (Endorsement Required) `i 0 1 201� Mailing Address ,, ICSSRestricted Delivery Fee Q r�•�t^O v► �2 "� a M (Endorsement Required) City, State, Zip Code Total Postage &Fees $ _28 ' ri - E, Sent To 0 o bey+ ��; k son p'�-... O Sti(, Apt eeo.�"'-3 0 �'---•�--1-----•------------------•-----------•-•---•--_._... t��rrbrOOke C c'C1B Dear:,dfacent Property: or Po Box No. �•e--------------••------ City, State, ZIP+4 � Y � ��t n'i-D n 1� This letter is to inform you that I, -L0 ny J-Cot, s4A,,c-e L.,"' August "' See Reverse for l.structiol S ave app ;e or a CAMA Minor Property C^,mer Permit on my propeit-y at (o91 Q 6W �p1da., �eae h County in Brunswick Property Address County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project draMng(s) as noti icet on of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the endose"I no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact re at q 10 - b2y •-(o 454 or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to Applicant's Telephone rile :vritteh comments cr objections vAt;n the Town of Holden Beach CAMA. Minor Permi; Program, you may submit them to: Rhonda Wooten Local Permit Clificer for Tovm of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Strut Holden Beach, NO 28162 Sincerely, Prope. y O':4nar aSt5--f 4c,(cly-, Ge2 ch 2� Mailing Address Su12 a tN , C, a194b'2- City, State, Zip Code RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 2 7 'Ail VL--Zone Application ToNvn of Holden Beach Floodplain Development Permit Application Date : (cr-30--4 Permit Number Location of Property Type of Development : Residential Construction .i Nonresidential Construction -i .addition Renovation _i Other (specifv) �!— DeckS.x�nsioh (A"KtSr� Size of Development: Q!nC r 2Ae `.jt 5b t.14MC v\-Z,, 4 FIRM Data: Nlap Panel Noc000"0 Suffix 0- `lap Panel Date Flood Zone VF (Enter zone & not v/n) Development Standards Data: 1. Base flood elevation (BFE) per FIRM at development site t I ' using NAVD SS ?. Regulatory flood protection elevation must be at or above the bottom of the lowest supporting horizontal member and all attendant utilities to include but not limited to, all heating. air conditioning and electrical equipment must be installed andcosucted using NAVD 3. V-Zone Certification is required prior to a C.O. being issued by the Building Inspector. -'.. A11 -walls constructed below base flood elevation shall be constructed break a wav walls III accordance with FEMA's technical bulletin. 5. Will garage (if applicable) be used for anv purpose other than parking vehicles, buildin_ access, or storage? If Ves. then the garage must be used in determiniil� t}le lowest floor ele�'atlo7l. ADDlicant acknov.,ledgment: 1, the Undersigned, understand that the issuance of a floodplain development permit It COntlmgent upon the above information beiP.g correct and that the plans and supporting data have been or shall be provided as required. I also understand that prior to occupancy of the structure being permitted, an elevation certificate signed by a professional engineer or registered land surve`•or must be on file with the Town of Holden Beach Building Department indicating the "as built" elevations in relation to mean sea level (1NISL). Print or Type Name of App1}cant Print or Type Name of Agent Sig*,later: of:lpi�lica�ate — r Address k felcphone Number Floodplain N•lana.*rr SI IIatU1'e of Agent &, Date Address LE Telephone Number TOW-Ni OF HOLDEN BEACH ZONING PERJMIT APPLICATION All sections must be completed, if not applicable write N/A. Section 1: Basic Data Name: 'to 'L, d- eo.-\S4'a negv, ^n Telephone 9: Holden Beach Property Address: 9i 0(3w +\_id:-, @,.-o , Q .c Lot: Subdivision: Permanent Flailing Address (print sarne if local address above applies): Street Address: I SFS 4,ect4Jh(Q,, A (—,N. City/State/Zip Code: _Moocesviila w , CI Z'S117 Contractor \Vho \Fill Perform Work: ,S+,orm aL4',(Aar% � ITN . Contact Person: L nn Telephone:t� 1� Address: SiS-I l e� 2ge�1 P.�l S�P�Iy , N, C' asq(e'L Section 2: Specific Criteria Required to Support Application Approval: Type of Structure: New: = Alteration: _'- Repair: C Relocate: D Driveway: .D Fence: Other: Property Use: Single Family:�Two Family: = Apa:iment: U Condominium: r_ Townhouse: ` Other: Ei Please describe: _Bt„ (o ` X(5r OPe� 19 otna (oYXZu' ©nc��-�e Slab Number of Bedrooms: Required Setbacks in Feet: Front: )Lb r Rear: 7 _S ' Sid . 5 r Platted Area i Square Feet: • 7 T39' Usable e n Square per v '1 3C11 n Squ� a e Area i Feet �r Survey Town Ordinance: No buildina shall exceed a maximurn height of35 feet measured from ground level to the highest point of the structure. Designated Ground Level in Feet Above IN -lean Sea Level: '-I Highest Point of Structure above \lean Sea Level: Ground Level is a measured point per the,: 1. FERIA flood area "AE-": P:leasurin, Point is minus 10 feet from the base flood elevation. ?. FENIA flood area "1'E": Mea3wing point is miss S feet fronh the base flood ele,atior . _. FEN LA flood area "AE" and " VE% wlhcre the minus 10 and S too: measurements trom the base flood ele,aaon is below undisturbed SOiI: .meaSt!i ing point is the kxxtst ori_in21 soi! under the SirOCit re er the disturbed soil has been balanced (see Town Ordinance For definition of''balanced'). 4. FENIA flood arca''X' : it 'a t b the lo: the structure a er the •1� s rir. point is o e :eSt �ri�ina� soli under undisturbed soil has been balanced. Flood Zone (AE, VE. \): Base Flood: Elevation: Type of Driveway Material: Q� Vay Q 1 Driveway Area (in square feet): Lo:vest Original Grade Elevation belo%% Building in Feet: Proposed Finished Grade in Feet as Sho,.vn on Fill Plan if Fill is to be Placed on Lot: A/� Is Fill Material Being Proposed on the Lot? Yes: No: Yes, Depth of Fill: Proposed Concrete Slab Elevation as Sho'.cn on the Stornw,aier Plan: Piling Depth Belov.• Orizinal Grade in Feet: Certiiicatlon to be Completed by, Applicant: "I certify' that alw colist ructiOn.. a lieration Or replacennent of building and/Or use of land shall be carried OUt in ac-cordance with the information and Zoning Permit criteria listed Authorized Signature Printe Nanie Date Section 3: To be Completed by To«n of Holden Beach Zoning Official CA\IF, Permit Required? Yes: j No: L Stornm ,er Permit Required? Yes: I No Zonliw,, Districi Determination for Property: Residential District (RI Zone) Residential District (R? Zone) 7, Corrunereial District (C Zone) Zoning Official .Approval Signature: This permit expire's I year fr0n1 the date of issue. Date. PRINTED BY 111E STANDARD REGISTERR COMPANY. USA ZIPSET"� CD �.NGY MAh� OMB 3067-0077 ,�2i("' �:..•�`.' CR' FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY l::tpirex: Feb. 1987 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE This form is to be used for: 1) New/Emergency Program construction in Special Flood Hazard Areas; 2) Pre -FIRM construction after September 30, 1982; 3) Post -FIRM construction; and, 4) Other buildings rated as Post -FIRM rules. 54 12Z_ IYA IQ (� 1 BUILDING OWNER'S ADDRESS NAME PROPERTY LOCATION (Lot and Block numbers and address if available) I certify that the information on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. code, Section 1001. SECTION I ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATION (Completed by Local Community Permit Official ora Registered Professional Engineer, Architect, or Surveyor) COMMUNITY NO. PANEL NO. SUFFIX DATE OF FIRM FIRM ZONE DATE OF CONSTR. BASE FLOOD ELEV. BUILDING IS (In AO Zone, use depth) ❑ New/Emergency ❑ Pr M Reg. 375352 0005D C 12-18-85 V17 3-24-87 17 ost-FIRM Reg. YES NO It is intended that the building described above will be constructed in compliance with the community's flood plain ❑ ❑ ordinance. The certifier may rely on community records. The lowest floor (including basement) will be at an elevation of ft, NGVD. Failure to construct the building at this elevation may place the building in violation of ,,th'b community's flood plain management ordinance. YE �l0 The building described above has been constructed in compliance with the community's flood plain management �' ❑ ordinance based on elevation data and visual inspection or other reasonable means. If NO is checked, attach copy of variance issued by the community. YES NO The mobile home located at the address described above has been tied down (anchored) in compliance with the ❑ ❑ community's flood plain management ordinance, or in compliance with the NFIP Specifications. MOBILE HOME MAKE MODEL YR. OF MANUFACTURE SERIAL NO. DIMENSIONS X (Community Permit Official or Registered Professional Engineer, Architect, or Surveyor) NAME Dwight E. Carroll ADDRESS 110 Rothschild St. SIGNATURE i SECTION 11 ELEV NC ,Io 28462 9-10-87 PHnNF 842-6488 CERTIFICATION (Certified by a Local Community Permit Official or a Registered Professional Engineer, Architect, or Surveyor.) FIRM ZONE Al-A30: I certify that the building at the property location described above has the lowest floor (including basement) at an elevation of feet, NGVD (mean sea level) and the average grade at the building site is at Message Conf irmation Report Name/Number 7545407 Page 1 Start Time JUL-01-2011 09:25AM FRI Elapsed Time 00,101, Mode STD ECM Results [ O. K] JUL-01-201109:25 AM FRI Fax Number . 9108427003 Name THB PLAN&INSP NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Pursuant to NCGS 1 13A-1 19(b),401_C Sn c` a d/� I , a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in Areas of Environmental Concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on 1 In 1�4�for a CAMA pennit to C'UnS� ruc-� q (9' �( ao� u CoveYe CaC 1�)r aay red, UYCeYYMih, a►id 0. my -%III: at �ql Own ! �]lr�yard �)PH The application may hP ;�,,�,., m-i st the a dress below. Public wnunents received by y d t q will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and consrde cd up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. �fo, CAM Local Permit Offic Town of Holden Beach / Address: I Q Phone:__ Ab Hl`P PLEASE PUBLISII ON: 9— 7_1 - RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 2 7 Ail LPO COMPOSITE RECORD FORM FOR MINOR PERMITS LOCALITY: Town of Holden Beach FOR QUARTER: 1st Year: 07-Oct 0 fn W •— LN ILU p� c6 � fn 7 N o N � 2 E LL i W = CO) X p C 0 C t d wt LL U v File # Applicant Name Project Address LL �; m 2 c ° Z m a c _ _ O c O w v N C O 6 N O n 0 a a' cn Q u or-� ;= Q 0 0 0 0= •— co O >, a� y—a 0 0 0 0 H Ew ~U-X ca 2011-028 Taylor -Womble Properties 127 Ocean Boulevard West 06-Jun 09-Jun 13-Junel22-june 25-Jun O 1 SFR 2011-029 Tony & Constance Blevins 691 Ocean Boulevard West 01-Jul 07-Jul 14-Jul 25-Jul O 0-uncovered deck and lift 2011-030 Gene S. Ammons 491 Ocean Boulevard West 06-Sep 08-Sep 19-Sep 23-Sept. O 0-const. a 16' x 16' foot uncovered deck Return To: Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 RECEIVED Signature: Rhonda Wooten DCM WILMINGTON, NC Date: 07-oct-11 OCT 1 1 2011 Phone Number: 910-842-6080 CAMA Minor Permit I Log 2011-2012 Holden Beach Wiro / Pg. 1 Date. Quarterly report received: 10-7-11 1 st Quarter Permit No. Applicant's Name Project Location Date RO received App. Date on App. Date RO received Permit Date of permit Decision Date App. Filed ae MU rcvId Public Notice AEC App Complete Appr. for Payment 11-028 Taylor -Womble Props 127 OBW 6/29/11 6/6/11 7/28/11 7/1/11 6/6/11 7/19/11 Y Y Y 11-029 Blevins, Tony 691 OBW 7/27/11 6/30/11 812/11 7/25/11 6/30/11 7/27/11 Y Y Y 11-030 Ammons, Gene 491 OBW 9/26/11 9/6/11 9/29/11 9/23/11 9/6/11 9/26/11 Y Y Y 11-031 Feeley, Brian 107 Schooner Dr 10/4/11 9/16/11 9/16/111 n/a carry over 11-032 Haire, Randy 261 Brunswick Ave #27 10/4/11 9/12/11 - 10/4/11 n/a carry over REQUISTION FOR PAYMENT OF CAMA MINOR PERMIT PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT Local Government: / -h ld ez) i6etf k, Period Covered: X 1" Quarter (July -Aug -Sept) FY: 2011-2012 2nd Quarter (Oct - Nov - Dec) 3rd Quarter (Jan - Feb - Mar) 4 Quarter (Apr - May - Jun) Services Rendered: OH ,3 .ES OH ES OH pZ ES 3 OH ES OH ES J Permits processed @ $55.00 each $ �rp� (Cities and towns) Permits processed @ $75.00 each $ (Counties) Fnal'Inspections @ $40.00 each Exemptions investigated @ $25.00 each Violations resolved @ $100.00 each LPO Training (not to exceed $200.00) TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED UNDER THIS REQUISITION The above information is an accurate account of activities carried out by the local government staff during the period specified above. I approve for payment. CM Regional epr s ntative Date: DATE RCVD IN WILMINGTON OFFICE: DATE SENT TO MOREHEAD CITY OFFICE: DATE TAID: LPO COMPOSITE RECORD FOR FINAL SITE INSPECTIONS LOCALITY: Town of Holden Beach 1 st quarter YEAR:11 CU T Q) L C Qi i� O p? U � L 1 O U v C O W a File # Applicant Name Project Address o (D LL O o 6 O wcn > N N _u V H �m m.0 ca rn w_ �a c c O O N V O 4- N c c 0 2 O U (n Q I.L Ui I_ L Q Y Q O � O r_ >, LL a) a) o �/, 0 H (n W 13f C) 1d >� L L L H W = co co 2010-036 Royal 144 Sailfish Drive SFR 12-Jul ES 2010-048 Haley 1348 Ocean Boulevard West SFR 28-Jul 1 2011-008 William 309 Windswept Way SFR 12-Aug H 2010-047 Sealey 126 Burlington Street SFR 07-Sep ES 2011-012 Sutton 139 Seagull Street SFR 09-Sep ES Return To: Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC 0 CT 1 1 2011 Signature: Rhonda Wooten Date: 07-Oct-11 Telephone: 910-842-6080