HomeMy WebLinkAbout87429D,HOLDEN�o1+drokr4l FIgCAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL G�U C I%7S N9 87429 A B C a- 41 GENERAL PERMIT if)l v 0`� Previous permit Date previous permit issued New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC to J:J � ` Di7 ❑ Rules attached. General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.dpg.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name Address `) Z J 1' - /C •� City ^.9i State N ZIPg Phone # Email Authorized Agent Project Location (County): Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) Subdivision City y'(' 1'� ZIP Affected REA vim W ElEW ti PTA ❑ ES PTS Adj. Wtc Body f� 1� �� na;lman/unk) AEC(s): ❑ IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body , ` ORW: yes/hol/ PNA: yes/ASV Type of Project/ Activity [,, � r--. C I V, -C —> Ch—lina 1 —th l i n I 11 dS (Scaler/ ( S ) I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. _ (Please Initial) y Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit Officer's' PRINTED Name j nl/ Signatur **Please reatl�com liance statement on bakpf permit** Signature g�.------ Uzi 2j,� Applica on Feels) Check #/Money Order Issuing Date ' Expiration Date ft F � � 1 14' �I -- Covcre d 12� 3�1 #A J061 -E- w cj), � 2. Se0. Y, 5 ko. �t�• NOV To N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner. Address of Property: �Q� S°(l Ur1�� (� Q(_ ��Lt �� Mailing Address of Owner: Owner's email: ' Ma(l t`G(rOwner's Phone#: 9tC-L1y--a3(,q Agent's Name: ` A g �� 1� Agent Phone#: Agent's Email: ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adjacent Property Owner) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me, as shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. X I DO NOT have objections to this proposal. I DO have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 127 Cardinal Drive EXT, Wilmington, NC 28405. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (910) 796-7215. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift. or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments). (If you wish to waive the setback, you must sign the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive some/all of the 15' setback r Signa uie bf Adjacent Riparian Prop wner (ARPO) -OR- I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement (initial the blank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Properly Owner: &/��4� Typed/Printed name of ARPO: Mailing Address of ARPO: -ZY',�y }, ARPO's email:`'� * 8 �Q�f ` %�RPO's Phone#: 5'/�' - %�y• 7_i 5 Date: 'waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature` Revised May 2021 DowSign Envelope ID: EDOBAD5D-19DC-4EC1-95A7-2CACS4025E32 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Property Owner Address of Property: Mailing Address of OwLwner: J%q2 dbfl y, T -1 tolgen /fit. Sunnis Jai, a8102 Owner's email: .ITn1414 @ grnail . CM Owner's Phonet 910--44'3-g 30qt- Agent's Name: Zg1r= Agent Phone#: Agent's Email: ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (Bottom portion to be completed by the Adjacent Property Owner) I hereby certify, that 1 own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me, as shown on the attached drawing,_ the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. I DO NOT have objections to this proposal. I DO have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 127 Cardinal Drive M Wilmington, NC 28405 DCM representatives can also be contacted at (910) 796-7216 No response is considered the same as no objection N you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or riprap revetments). (if you wish to waive the setback, you must slap the appropriate blank below.) D=uS*ed br. I DO wish to waive somelall of the 15' s4i—MW—W"At ow Vt^f,0 -OR- Riparian Property Owner (ARPO) I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement (initial the blank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Ownerhw ut.I &,a Typed/Printed name of ARPO: Ron Demcko 6B0MEFD88 WD... Mailing Address of ARPO: ARPO's email ,,11bq@gmai 1. com ARPO's Phone#: Date: 8/17/2022 *waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signature" Revised May 2021 MOSM-09INI I Illlllll Bay 7 IIIBrenda M. CleMons PROP CQ�o=unlyl egi er of Doe" page I of 4 Br Brenda M. CI ns Register of Eleeds @8-05-2M 14:56:0$ -087 BrLmwick CountY, NC NC REV&" STAPP: $789-119 (#837720) Rptum ---- -- !�jpe Fl&v %, Int. I—S A—F Ck$ Ck ft jc,-ash !Cash d call, Finance — prtions o'Fdocument are illegible due to condition P-31sveriffed )Volig'113k :,,-.,.,,7ibereproduccdo.-coPl;,:-J- NORTH CAROUNA. GENERAL WARRANTY DEED NOOPINION &TITLE REQUESTED OR RENDERED TaXWN0. Excise Tax: $7SQ.0 PalvelMentifierNq..L23 NB �15�NBQ�101 Maafter rwonftto RIcbW— F. QM AM= at IAw— 2999 Holft Bm& R& SW HbLft B=kWC 2M2 This houment was prepared by eons.- it Daft Fgaft P.Q.-Ba IQM &jdbM NC 28461. Left" taxes. if anv to be_ raid u+y closing aitrnnev to the BrunswictxTax Collector ulnon disbursement of RI-0 M, =rod& Brief description for the We=' LOTS 6 & 7 Sea.-Vilew SubdWon THIS DEED made this 2022 by and between 7 -Z - TZ-7 19 D ! GRANTOR CL9T0RDSEAWZLLSHARPS, Arm WffEp BRENDA IL SHAME AND HAL C. SHARPE9 AKA HAL COURTNEY SHARPEAND WIFE, OLGA G. SHARPE 120PFMCAROLLAM SommmPINES, NC 47137 GRANTEE RONALD S. DEMCKO AND WE MARY F. DEMCKO AND JOHNNY T. HOLDEN, JR. AM WMEp JUUW, A. HOLDEN '0197— Z-ChnT Od&n -Alaa Qk) aAf fly ) M 2"qq(eg- M designadon anmw and Grantee as sod herein shall include said croft thew lam swces=4 and assign and shaft hWh&ksbWj&W, phm4 w=dhM fww*xorneweras regained by comma WrIN ESSETH, that the Chantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grante,,- the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by tese presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or pm=1 of land situated in the Lockwood Folly Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, and more particularly descnlW as follows: TRACT 1: ALL OF LOT SIX (6) of the Sea -View Subdivision of W.E. Bellamy, Sr., surveyed and mapped by Harold L. WIIfi% Jr. R. L. S., in August 19.% a map of which Data Received Date Deaostted Check From(Name) Name of Pamlt Holder Vendor Check number Check amount Permit Number/Comments Recelot or Refund/Reallocated Column! Co1umn2 Coumn3 Column4 Columns Wells Fargo Columns 6103 Co1umn7 $ 200.00 Columns GP #87612D Co1umn9 Tmac rct. 17802 9/1/2022 Pippin Marine Construction LLC Perry UMB Bank, NA 4500 $ 200.00 GP #876081) Tmac rot. 19349 9/1/2022 9/1/2022 Craig Miller Toni Hardin same same State Employees CU 4255 $ 200.00 GP #87674D JD rct. 17826 9/1/2022 Johnny Holden Construction, LLC same Truist 4584 $ 200.00 GP #87429D BB rct. 17938 9/1/2022 RHC Southeastern Inc. Babson First Bank 1002 $ 400.00 GP #87424D BB rct. 17930 9/1/2022 Lighthouse Marine Construction Inc Hill Coastal Bank and Trust 4384 $ 600.00 GP #87778D JD rct. 17689 9/1/2022 Lighthouse Marine Construction Inc Uzzell Coastal Bank and Trust 4383 $ 200.00 GP #87779D IJID rct. 17690