HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 28-79 Clark's Mill CreekStale of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Comnttrnity Development A FEDERAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED PERMIT CONTACT U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. P. 0. BOX 1890 TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL Permit No. 28-79 WILMINGTON. N. C. 28401 tRe: N.C. G.S. 113-229► Permit Class Ismiedto: _ N. C. Department of Transportation, Division of Highways New P. O. Boa 25201, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 I his permit authurizes excavation and/or filling in . _ Hyde — County, N.C. Clark's Mill Creek :u _--�--- as requested in the permittee's ap lication dated _ 3/28/78_incl. attached plats, 2, dated 2/78 subject to i he conditions set forth below. i (1) That work authorized under this permit applies only to Clark Mill Creek as described on the attached plats labeled Site "B". I _ (2) That the work be conducted in such a manner as to prevent si.gnifi increases in turbidity outside of the area of construction (incre of 25 JTU's or less are not considered significant). T J W n 01 <.6 11 TIIE ABOVE CONDITIONS AND THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION (WHERE NOT IN CONFLICT WITH THE CONDITIONS) ARE NOT FOLLOWED PRE- CISEM THE PERMTTTEE IS SUBJECT TO A FINE, IMPRISONMENT, OR CIVIL 4CT'ION AS PROVID- I:1) IN G.S. 113-229 (K) AND (L). I tits permit may h objected to by the pennittee within twenty (20) days of the date of issuance. Failure tt- submit such objection shall be interpreted as an agreement of compliance with all permit conditions. I !.,, permit must be displayed along with a copy of the application and the project plat in the cab (or pilot- ncuse) of the equipment working on the project, or be easily accessible, on site, to Department personnel when the project isinepected. Ina maintenance work or project modification requires further Departmental approval. Subject to permit wnewal, all work must ocase when the permit terminates. I I -is h•nnd terminates on _.__.--December 31, 1981----_--------- Issuing Date:----- March 15, 1979 I mt D&F-g t2ccr.ad 717, Signed by the authority of the Secretary E. Walton Jo ea, Deputy Secretary Department o atural Resources & Community Development Permit Number 28-79 j State of North Carolina j Coastal Resources Commission 3permit, j FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT IN AN AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL j (Re: N.C.G.S. 113A-118) Issued to Nu ueparrmenc ot: wranspor� This permit authorizes development in. at Clark's Mill Creek.'% application dated 3/28/ 8 r subject to the conditions sett ytj✓below,r^1t, (1) That (2) NOTE. ,aut]{orised t7tlde 4a1 gvibed or 'Zh ti rdc�!x lif6$xotact`; siicailti& it lyltf i}cement; pe'isom �w kij t to turbidity 10� a is a measurs, of- su9 ., d Xti0hstwill `be made li�+ ape etermin4 if adequate Avsi teohdiques are'.being .(}t li Class, y Mom- i yCERN ✓ County, N. C., requested in the permittee! yr •.,� v I it applies only to' la;11�,kj 1 In plats label 31te 8 t) ro {� lityr rttaoEtr ` m thQ s , t' a 1t bidity )br , spy �g� sed to 1 d�tesffinekan in aeh 'a�`si fj x e 25-44 bon Jc�ity Un t , ,��1(1' sphnelrom the T.aatt�dc nnd WAImentatic i ; t Ltxtt41 mea4 47. IF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS AND THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS (WHERE NOT IN CONFLICT WITH THE CONDITIONS) ARE NOT FOLLOi TO A FINE, IMPRISONMENT"OR CIVIL ACTION AS PROVIP�kffi-G.S. 1 I ., •f. ,a This permit must be displayed along fi acopy orf thep FdI iRo NJV: plat in the cab (or pilothouse) of the eclOpment working on the project, or be easily accessible, on site, 1pYT) ment personnel when the project is inspected,"�'�� Any maintenance work or project modification requires further Departmental approval. All work must cease when the permit expires, unless the permit is renewed. Permit expires on December 31, 1982 Issuing date March 15, 1979 Commission. ON APPLICATION BE IS SUBJECT of the Chairman of the Coastal Kenneth D. Stewart, Director Office of Coastal Management i Signature of Applicant v OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ��,A North Carolina Department of Natural Kenneth D. Stewart qW Resources &Communit Develo ment Director Y p Box 27587, Raleigh, N.C. 27611 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary Telephone 919/733-2293 March 5, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: Pres Pate FROM: Geoffrey Willett RE:( DOT Application for Shallop's & Clark Mill Creeks RECEIVED MAR g ;gig Di'✓. 1h1'. fi54. DREDGE 4 FILL MGL /IN As per our conversation, I have completed steps to split the CAMA permit consistent with the action taken by John and will issue Clark's Creek permit upon receipt of the $10.00 fee from D.O.T.. On the Shallop's Creek portion, you are aware that a 401 Water Quality Certification is required and even though the fill is in wooden swamp, I am uncertain if it is exempt from CAMA Major permit requirements as this area could fit the defi- nition of Public Trust. Please let me know your opinion so that I may clear the issue with D.O.T.. Thank you /%® ���ia /WW /,C_ 0 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 0 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer AIIIA North Carolina Department of Natural VqW Resources &Community Development James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary _ April 4, 197RO Date Mr. James T. Brown, Chief Estuarine Studies Section Division of Marine Fisheries Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Dear Mr. Brown: The attached copy of an application submitted by: Dept. Transportation —Div. of Highways Applicants Name Shallop's & Clark Mill Creeks Hyde Location of Project County for a state permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the proposed work and return to the Division of Marine Fisheries not later than LB:sh April 25, 1978 Sincerely, n v Lee Barham, Deputy Director Division of Marine Fisheries (Please use reverse side for comments and signature.) P. O. But 2766' ke111 1 Noah l..rc nand 27611 4o 1 quu/ OPPm l vnile -I •: nrt 1� LmP/I)Ycr - 2 - ❑ (A) This agency interposes no objection to the proposed work. ❑ (B) This agency objects to the project as proposed. The objection is based upon findings which lead to the conclusion that there will be one or more adverse effects as covered in G. S. 113-229 (e) 1-5. ❑ (e)(1) ... that there will be significant adverse effect of the proposed dredging and filling on the use of the water by the public; ❑ (e)(2) ... that there will be significant adverse effect on the value and enjoyment of the property of any riparian owners; ❑ (e)(3) ... that there will be significant adverse effect on public health, safety, and welfare; ❑ (e)(4) ... that there will be significant adverse effect on the conservation of public and private water supplies; ❑ (e)(5) ... that there will be significant adverse effect on wildlife or fresh water, estuarine or marine fisheries. ❑ (C) Agency findings relating to item(s) A and/or B are hereby detailed. ❑ Detailed comments continued on attached sheet. ❑ (D) Comments are submitted that do not directly relate to item B but are relevant to the public interest. (These comments will be for- warded by the Department of Natural and Economic Resources to appropriate State or Federal agencies.) R. D. Nelson Signed 8-3-78 Da .e 5 Div. Marine Fisheries PO Bx 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 August 3, 1978 MEMORANDUM TO - John Parker From Preston Pate Subject App. for State permit - NC DOT 3-28-78 Location - Hyde County near Ponzer on Shallop's & Clark's Mill Creeks Investigative process - App. rec. Raleigh 4-3-78; Morehead 4-6-78. Site visited 4-19- 78; revised plans req. 5-1-78 and rec. 7-26-78. Environmental setting - ShalloOs & Clark Mill Creeks are two small tributaries of Pungo River above the US 264 bridge. Each drains through wooded wetland areas and have narrow discontinuous borders of marsh vegetation. Since they are basically fresh- water streams, they provide habitat for species common to coastal, freshwater streams in North Carolina. Project proposal - The project proposed by DOT involves the relocation of SR 1300 between US 64 and NC 99. This will also require construction of two new bridges at the points where Shal- lop's & Clark Mill Creeks are crossed. Site "A" on the work plan shows the revised location of the crossing on Shallop's Creek. At this point, SR 1300 will be rerouted to eliminate a sharp curve. The proposed new route will require crossing an area of wooded swam approximately 700' wide. Canopy vegetation in the swamp is predominantly large cypress, red maple, and black gum. Understory vegetation is predominantly small white cedar, red maple, and various species of ferns. The forest floor is saturated and covered with litter from the above vegetation. At this point, Shallop's Creek is approximately 40' wide, 3-4' deep and slow moving. Site "B" on the work plan shows the proposed crossing of Clark Mill Creek by the re- located road. This operation will require the construction of a new bridge and a temporary detour. The proposed new route is near the existing road and in an area vegetated with small pines, wax myrtle, red maple, sawgrass and ferns. There are no large canopy trees along this route, nor is there any wooded swamp such as found at Site "A". The sawgrass at the site exists as a 20' wide, 100' long strip along the creek and scattered patches in the area to be filled on the south side of the creek. The proposed detour will involve part of the existing right-of-way as well as filling additional areas vegetated with pines, maples and a small amount of sawgrass. Crossing the wetlands areas described herein will require removal of all muck and or- ganic materials to varying depths, and building a new fill causeway of sand and clay. The material removed from the right-of-way will be placed on two upland sites near Shallop's Creek (1.7 acres and 1.1 acres) and two sites (approximately one acre each) near Clark Mill Creek. The centers of the Clark Mill Creek sites are approximately 400' from -the creek. The total material to be removed is approximately 12,700 cu.yds. Approximately 34,700 cu.yds. of material will be needed to build both causeways. Environmental impact Site A - Constructing the new causeway will require the alteration of approximately 36,000 sq.ft. of standing water cypress/gum/juniper swamp. These areas have been shown - 2- to provide valuable wildlife habitat, help maintain high levels of water quality in adjacent waters, contribute detrital material to adjacent and downstream waters, and allow floodplains to serve their natural function of dissipating flood waters and energy. All of these values will be diminished by the proposed project. Site B - Road construction at site "B" will result in the loss of approximately 2500 sq.ft. of sawgrass along the creek and within the proposed righ-of-way. A small area of transitional wetlands on the north side of the creek will be altered. Loss of the sawgrass should not have any significant effects on fishery resources. Turbidity at both sites, as a result of using new fill and disposing of muck, could cause siltation in both creeks unless adequate sedimentation controls are incorporated into the plans and maintained until the new roadways are stabilized. CAMA Review - The review for the dredge and fill permit is considered to be suffi- cient for purposes of evaluating permit under CAMA guidelines. Preston Pate North Carolina Departn'ient of Natural Resources &Community Development James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Hov:ard N. Lee, Secretary Div. Marine Fisheries -� PO Bone 769 Morehead City, NO 28557 919 726-7021 May 1, 1978 Mr. C. R. Edgerton <� - eyt of Trans. Div. Hwy i PO Box 25201 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Dear Mr. Edgerton: Our Raleigh office has forwarded to me your recent application for a State dredge and fill permit to reroute SR 1300 at two locations in Hyde County. I visited the proposed work sites on April 19 with a representative of the Corps of Engineers to gather information neces- sary to process your request. We found during that visit that the pro- posed work at site "All on Shallops Creek will involve relocation of a portion of the creel: and filling a large area of wooded swamp. The effects of this portion of the project appear to impact significantly on habitat available to wildlife and freshwater fish in the Shallops Creek area. I have discussed this application and the potential impacts of the pro- ject with Mr. Frank Barick of the NO Wildlife Resources Commission. Mr. Barick indicated that he would like to meet with personnel from your of- fice to discuss the project and any possible alternatives. Mr. Barick has said that he will contact the appropriate people and arrange the meeting. I suggest that our office and the Corps of Engineers be informed of any revisions in the project which might occur. Your application is being placed in our pending file pursuant to Subchap- ter 3D.0100' of Yar_ne Fisheries Regulations. Processing will resume when revisions are received. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you feel I may be of any assistance in this matter. PPP/rt CC: Corps of Eng. Frank Barick i.Parker ordially yours,,�' kXPreIte ' P. Pgte, Jr. 1 Environmental Consultant P.O. Box 27687 R,�eiFr, North Carolina 27611 v ¢T o L.c Y' Dos H o r.w ri 'Ge C.. Jr, 0-, i aAu G/iti rft u c � osr� 4L 7�. '�/ .rr tse i : r• � �yf Jr r c i ICI I—r �I vf7c i cv "00- 4F o� ;pyiCv o �t i S a s N OG/YO 3 _:- 4 . • Often of Assistant 9sofetlfj State of North Carolina rgg Department of the Army Departmeht of Natural and Economic Resources ArR " J NIB Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (Re: GS 113.229) N. O. DEFT. Or NATYEAt (Re: River and Harbor Act of 1899) NEsouaOEa & COMMUNE" Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If tha information recuested is not : pplicab'e, so indicate by placing N, A io tim blank. II IV Applicant Information: A. Name N_ C. Dept. of Transportation - Division of Highways Cast------`Fi7st B. Address '— 100 S. Wilmington St. - P. 0. Box 25201 ___--------- -- -- •-- - --------Sueet,l'.6�ox o� Route - -- Raleigh, N. C. 27611 733-3524 Location of Proposed Project: A. County Hyde B. 1. City, town, community or landmark 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No X C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project 's and Clark Mill Creeks Description of Operation: A. I. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work RePlaeittg bridges B. Purpose of excavation or fill _ 1. Access channel length width depth 2. Boat basin length width depth 3. Fill area length_ width depth 4. Other Muck removal length1700' width 36' _depth 6.6' C. 1. Bulkhead dimensions_ NA _ 2- Type of bulkhead construction (material) NA Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards 9.653 CY 2. Type of material Muck and sand E. Fill material to be placed below MHW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards-. 13,515 2. Type of material Sand and Sand —clay Land Type, Excavated Material, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland? Yes X No_ B. Does the disposal area include any marshland? Yes --No X C. Disposal area 1. Location AlartZ existing xdwy. outside mush botmdaries 2- Do you claim title to disposal area? No D. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in Borrow pit in Hyde County E. How will excavated material be entrapped or encased? Strir eni erosion control treasures F. Type of equipment to be used_ Drag1Lm ooi dI'Ott and, dump tMugkq_ G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? (If yes, explain) No V. Describe Intended Use of Project Area: A. I. Private _---------_----- 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development ur Industrial 4. Other__ Public roads DS 1--B I Rcv. 3'74 ,F 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water _ NA 3. Soil type or texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures Replacement of timber bridge with timber and concrete structure 5. Method of sewage disposal or treatment VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes x No_ B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes_ No x 2. Type of discharge NA 3. Location of discharge NA VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): _ NA VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: None IX. Length of time required for project activity: 1 Year X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attached a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. (Note: Federal law requires the applicant to be the owner or his designated agent). 8. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on SY:" X 11 " white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G. S. 113-229 (g) (9) and (10)). Enter date served Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. D. List the names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's tract. Lena Lowe, Rt. 1, Box 111, Belhaven, N. C. 27810 Florence Lowe, Rt. 1, Box 112, Belhaven, N. C. 27810 Marcus Beiler, Rt. 1, Box 14=A1 Pantego, N. C. 27860 Weyerhaeuser Co., Plymouth, N. C. DATE -3r28 - 78 Send one completed copy each to: Permit Section Division of Marine Fisheries Department of Natural & Economic Resources P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Ph. 919-829-3767 Signature District Engineer Department of the Army Wilmington District Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (Note: attach Corps cover letter) Ph.919-763-9971 Ext.565 D& F•62 Rev. 3/74 TOE sc � k ��«3''• LENS LOWE r I 1 VICIN/TY A9P B h ,X 6 IROM NCD.D.T. COUNTY MAP 1 i CPRNNEL CHANGE i PPOP. 3&30 CONC. B.PIDGE WRTEP.5 ED6E SCAL E: l /00� RORENCE LOWE /'; ' BOX UNDf2CUT f,POM SNl D,�. PNT TO SNLD�P PNT .3W,9MP SITE A • � `!� � L�NOTES F/LL BE'L0�'V Q H.GY EL1SE \ j' pOp ZO B5. T 9117116 5NL DR5. rjgRCU6 BE/LER ,.i roE of F1LI- N C, DEPT OF TePN5PDR7AT101V D/l//S/ON 0F11/6Nw/�Y5 NYDE COUNTY. Proj.# 8.223050t ,PEL OCNTION OF SR /300 BET`v£EN NC 99 RND US Z6 4 SCOZ E 45 ,5P6 W/✓ FEBRUARY 1978 SHEE T / OF 4 WEYER14PE11.3ER CO. BOX UNDERCUT FROM ��o,�� P�Yi TD �rlv�Prvr WEYE.VHREU.?EFZ CQ �� u 5 i TE B Ilr�lr_16 I��,,ll.�.l OOI/INr1 q /01 WarEMs EDG 1 TOE lof iCyj I r0E I Pkl�P DETOUR 04 I h� WFYERNPEVIER CO. 3933'CONC. 9RID6E - ie r> AIM -DIV. OFN/GNWRYS NYDE COUNTY 6.2230501 ,PROCR 7/ON OF SR BOO BE- T`VEEN IVC 99 AND 0S,U64 FEBRUPRY 1976 611F,cr a 01,4 JAMES B. HUNT, J R. GOVERNOR THOMAS W. BRADSHAW, JR. SECRETARY STATE OF NORTH Cl DEPARTMENT OF TRANSF RALEIGH 27E July 14, 19 RECS IIJ 26 191B W ROLANX '" T JV "01978 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. John Parker Division of Marine Fisheries Dept. of Natural Resources and Community Development I, FROM: C. R. Edgerton, PE Manager of Technical Services FISHERIES DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS In reply refer to: Project 8.2230501 - Hyde County SUBJECT: Revised Application Drawings - Relocation of SR 1300 between NC 99 and US 264 We are submitting herewith the revised application drawings for the proposed new bridge crossing at Shallop's Creek. The revised sheets are numbers 1 and 2 of 4 for Site A of the original submittal. Please note that we have revised the alignment in accordance with the suggestion from the Corps office to reduce the adverse effects on wetlands. I am also sending a copy of the plan sheet for further clarification of the relocated alignment. If you have any questions or need additional information for processing, please contact this office. CRE:t att. cc: Mr. A. L. Hankins, Jr. i 1 i N �11 ",►III ��?j 1�� �'� r • ����I�IIi111 f� • ��i1, • �• 111� j11,,1/10�11�; EDGE OF • III �IIIje%111� p'�i�i IIIIIII"IIu1I1 � �I1 1111"i'dr'iii4"" � � 11�LIf�111�Q�i�,1i Tort OF FILL I"1" 11�I7 fVd11 '1"y�1"I'ti�ib '♦ i i Ii!rli4��� M.9P DGE OC WATER poW. 1 —TOE OF FILL 94X lAWeCW-AMMSf1CD1P.1 TO SHCO2 PNT PROP X *i1F1KENTW1111 B SNLDe,5. Si rE "A REVI SED eOC.vrioN N.C. DEPT OF TeRNSPORTi9T/ON DIV15ION 0F11/6HlNAYS HYDE COUNTY PPOT. xrc6ZZ3050/ ,PEL6CA7/01VOFS2/3GYI ljF. - 7NtEN NC 99 AN O U5 Z64 6C9C E 95 SHOWN FEBWORR V Mg SHEET iUO. i OF 4 NMFS SERO FIELD INVESTICATION REPORT I. Investigation Type: Section 10 404 ✓ A. Public, Notice No. Date�Agency/.'/a�/ar r� s/'e S Date Received 7 aS-7 Extension To B. Pre Application Activity on-<,fe v,t,' Date Y/9 Agencyle-, u FljliC.ri�s C. Post Application Activity Date Agency II. Applicant's Name & Address: V C, D r o J /.0. 4 x as'ad X, J' /t!C a 7 III. Water Body& Location of Work (City, Count State): s{`a// // / 94 _ Y> Y, /J// S e/ er c IV. Purpose of Work (Describe, e.g., water co:itrol, hurricane protection, etc.): A. Water Dependent: Yes --�No Both. B. Intended Use: L��Public Private _Both / r V. Description of Project (Append schematic of plans):, 11C Z247 A. fill or Spoli Area: 1. Dimensions: r,` e i� — �5'/% + lr7 S, A "d - l77 ,r 730 2. To.tal Area:fi' 45;,q 0 We tl and)// , W[9on-Wetland) a: Area Vegetated Wetlands: S tc A 36,000 gs (Submergent) (Emergent) 3sOOs3% , b. Area non -vegetated wetlands: (Submergent) (Emergent) r j �i'h,t� Aa vp � Q .�is'v�� j D� ;/, //r✓'� d�>'(,u /7n/ r 1-7 InLL, Jv COI'/Jj)ti �LIV07 �ShZ✓b l�/��I �/ 3M ��' iq 0/pa//rA y /�'Y/a ���0✓ �/�,na uA sanwr�� G/lv //iS ti72 Z7,J_/S a / 2 3. Method(s) to retain materials: S.'// 7 enGPt 4. Me.thood(s) to prevent erosion: _ seezl lH s% 5. Intended use of fill area: Ile- '0 Zee , B. Dredge or Borrow Area: 1 1. Dimensions (Length, width, depth): 2. Total Area: (Wetland) (Non -wetland) a. Area Vegetated Wetlands: 3. (Subme rgen t) (Emergent) Quantity of materials to be excavated (cu. yds.) Polluted: Yes No Unknown Pollutants (Apparent Source) 4. Kinds of materials to be excavated (e.g. silt): 5. Intended use -of excavated 6,;; Methods of excavation: 7. Will borrow area be backfilled: Yes No If yes, with what type material and where will it be obtained? C. Description of property adjacent to project site and in area of project influence (e.g., residential, industrial, etc., and extent of development): 61 2✓�(402 / a�1 ���U f., `_ J /�o F'✓1 lOJ/ // YJrP✓fs//� %(/f✓ �/ O / � f', �rvt>r/SaJ '�'jO; `'a% /��/r/1 }'7✓dam .✓J �J ✓JJ�/9 ./{��dS/(` ����� /a G ✓ / 3 D.. Project operation (if applicable): VI. Habitat Description of Project Site and/or Area of Pr/o�i'ect Influe/�1ce (Append Map and 'Annotated Photos):.If o�y irJpTru �emQn / Area 1 �T A. Vegetated Wetlands Dredged Filled Other2 1. Predominant // Emergent Species G f L ct t n, i t 3 0 0 0 U Snr / nn S r �J'L /'cc� L Myr�/t'�� Srno-� n�itCf 2. Preded4Yant+ Submerged Species B. Non —Vegetated Wetlands 1/ Source of data (i.e., planimeter, estimate, etc.) 2/ Define (e.g., vegetation to be affected by impoundment or water level manipulation) i f/^^ ��%.r: b/ram,✓y✓ m"'�n�' SG'J>"�/ �Y✓��dJ d i /5 SJ,�!/a,[ !/�S !L� �r,/rN/ til/j/ r>✓� a' a a l d a r/� ~�✓� �,o� Xo.✓�� ��J�,/�7 /��-/ �„(./^� PDT( Xooi na✓ v an �/ �aa✓7' f� �?�s /f �@t y//o l b 7✓ .o N J� N/ y a a✓ J m/ a � /.S �J'�t' / N� I lam/ /aa✓J./%-A��Q �o✓� / Crd_f'.-X0✓dr/n. ✓'�ria� //'.,., •�(.iddo✓l/ d�/�,,,�✓��ot 5a✓Jb / % IT ,!' �T7✓� �(// Lyc�y-,'C��J�,ir/nsm�/ ✓ P�a/u ail /.7r o0„s^ � n � � .Y(J✓�J7�v J �./ �/�i O,� �)t m vQA ��J ,-r.�,jf jh �v �✓.flpl%s�-� ?/ //.m /n/✓D-,(7'u/ �j'vNw a(/i • 'y'a�G y> ("o�✓�'�/ �y�'XI b b vA0✓�.. sgn//J 2�a�/[/C/ / �4 �/S 0 C. Fish and shellfish resources (list predominant species and identify their primary use of area, /je.g., designation of /primary nursery by a state): hzh�( e�`ir/Ile, /'elO,-t I ere- /`, no //,n / r '/v. -4[/!�',..S�— Source of information (i.e., personal observation, literature, etc.): D. Endangered, protected or threatened marine mammal, turtle, or fish species (list species source of information and note use of habitat as to M-migration, F-feeding, S-spawn ing/b reeding): E. Biological 'significance of area (describe briefly the importance or relationship of proposed work area to fishery resources in area of project. influence, e.g.,, source/of detritus, etc.): / nrrne_ f�CG/�r//�lI <JI/e.t4S cPee /iC.S4t? er T�c// 'r�✓/a/&CA'eG�swY�� �T S, j� ,¢(/ 0. .50. (�cc ne C eIrr, ��S� Tor /'ercre/. Je— (�9wn -5-'Ir1CA Yh waler' -' AXX /r,f c(�JS' / � ,/ nS hK7`K .!'�' S `/v iT/c GI�CQ CR ec rLRS rj 5 Potential direct.and indirect effect of environmental alteration on fishery resources and/or their use (Brief Summary): i �C r< Js Qi` VIII. Project-alternitives that could prevent or reduce impact on fishery resources' - A. Held in abeyance (summarize reasons, e.g., not enough information in Public Notice or pending EIS): B. Modifications 1. Design (summarize, e.g., reduced length, width, depth; select different spoildisposalsites, etc.): ACC//OH r"/ x /" 'W-. 2. Operation (summarize, e.g., maximize tidal flushing, water levels, monitoring, etc.): 0 6 3. Location (e.g., alternative site): 0 IX. Other Comments (i.e.', project was discussed with applicant, etc.): / o / X. Field Reconnaissance Data: A. Investigator(s) Name B. Date of Investigation Agency/Firm /1! (' Ina /i yr E A-, e f e rs JUL. /Jy DEPARTMENT DY THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 SAWC078-N-048-000240• 27_ uly- 97�"-�' Ya PUBLIC NOTICE CA The NORTii ROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, LIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, PO Box 25201, Raleigh, North Carolina 6YT,'tC1±^Spg1T2d-f6krrDartmflrtt-of-they permit TO CONSTRUCT A FILL CAUSEWAY IN WETLANDS ADJACENT TO SHALLOPS CREEK A'ND•Cfa1RK MILL CREEK ➢URING THE RELOCATION -OF STATE ROAD 1300 BETWEEN NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY 99 AND US HIGHWAY 264 NEAR FONZER, Hyde County, North Carolina. Ll �r v The following description of the. proposed work is taken from data submitted by the applicant and observations made j during an onsite visit by a representative of the Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show the relocation of State Road 1300 and the replacement of existing bridges crossing Shallops and Clark Hill Creeks. This S relocation will require the construction of a new fill, causeway through wetlands adjacent to both creek crossings. v The Clark Hill crossing will require the removal of unsuitable materials through an area of primarily transitional K wetlands rid —replacement by approximately 7,7QQ cubic yards of send and clay. A totalof approximately 16,500 cubic yards of material will be utilized for construction of the fill causeway. At the Shallops Creek crossing, unsuitable materials will be removed from standing water cypress/gum/juniper swamp and replaced by approximately 5,000 cubic yards of sand and clay. A total of approximately 18,200 cubic yards of material will be required to construct this ' fill causeway. The purpose of this proposed work is public road improvement. Plans showing the proposed work are included.with this public notice. Applicant has applied to the NO Department of Natural Resources and Community Development for a permit to excavate and -.fill and any necessary easement to fill. No Department of the Army permit will be issued until II the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a 'u Department of the Army permit be issued until the NC Office of Environmental Management has determined the C, applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. The District Engineer has made a preliminary determination that an Environmental Impact Statement under Qp Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental_Policy Act of 1969 is not required. This determination,will be reviewed considering facts submitted in response to this public notice. C 1 This application is being considered pursuant to Section 404 (b) of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any \�Q person may request, in writing within the comment pe" r%d uftcffied in the notice, that a public hearing be beld. to consider this application.. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a publichearing. y The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion A d therein, and this worksite is not included as registered g property or constitutes thelisted extent as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the errant of cultural resource_ � investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of Ouch resources. Presently unknown archaeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work to be accomplished under the requested permit. \ J The District Engineer has determined, based on a review of data furnished by the applicant and onei[e observe- � tions, that the proposed activity will not affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. C F r V The decision whether to issue a permitwill be based upon evaluation of the probable impact of the proposed y. activity on the public interest and will include application of the guidelines promulgated by the Administrator, �" \ Environmental Protection Agency, under authority of Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act. That decision w-_ �S [ reflect thenational concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which 3 reasonably may be' expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable m detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered; among those are conserve- n Z Lion, economics, esthetics, general environmental concerns, historic values, fish and wildlife values, flood damage prevention, land use, navigation, recreation, water supply, water quality, energy needs, safety, food \ v production,and in general, the needs and welfare of the people. No permit will be granted unless its issuance \ is found to be in the public interest. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, ATTN: Mr. Steve Brown, until�4:45 p.m.., 28{�A7ugust 1978. �l A. A.A. A. KOC Major, Corps of Engineers Acting District Engineer fl /.? ceC PCf Aa/N can 41/wf(� n- p¢ifi/'. QeptA Ff y,'/� 7`f aceff 7f •'P :, 'ni f, •iC w.% �C_ v,.�r7 +�/ T4,5 OF 33 S WAM�A� 34 ' l/lk-,u9 BEILER < 65 LE^!A To& oF� '1 FILL �v 3 c; a� 3 \ \. EDGE OF 5WAMP. ki 51TE Iq 1� 1' Fes- 7oE of F/GG EDGE OF 5WAMP FLC/ZENCE LOWS CONC. s �N VICINITY MW F.PD/W 1YCL20T. MUNTYMAP OGE OF WATER —TOE OF FILL BOX UNDE.PCUT F,Pow SIlme 1 TO SHgza? P/VT. PPOP 20P. WYNTW/Tf/O SNLD,PS,. SATE .A ,. REV/5E0 G�scvT/oN M DLOT OF TPg1y5PORT1q7/ON DIVISION OF N/G;qINAYS HYDE COUNTY... `- AeDT, # & 2.230501: HL0697/01vOF,:,e.1200.6F- TNEEN NC 99 AND 6.5* 264 6CBL Ic 95.5HOW& FEB ORR Y 1976 SHEET NO. .. I wEVERNREU_5ER CD. I WEYERIMEUSER CO. �O B. T. GY/TH B Sf✓IORS I BOX UNDERCUT F�POM s/lCDk'. PU V 1511zl-) PNT I TOE I�-OF LILL ' I I I I y wEVEKHBEU3ER Co. I s;TE DENOTES F/CL 8 OW OH.W . I I rTOE I. OF i pLL �I I I� ti N.C.D-0T, DI DFN/GHWI9YS NYDE COUNTY 6.z,23D50/ &rZ'OCA7/0N OFSR1300 BE- TWEEN MC 94 AND US z64 FEBRU,QRY M76 6HFFr 3 OT 4 BR/ASE 7t Z GR Q a9\`� ��SjEEL I BE'Mj E C-OcOWIE T/MSM NAL�OQ5 J /5P4'v e 30' �J urLTiw /55-50 N J f to J'� •'rs•s •�-,. �i � FiEF2 � � E � � t. Lo EN ' tl Z�. t? 08 * 03.16 " "�. o * 50' ol 1 7 O OI OI i Oi rl 5v I O 'PIN- -3 O "E --- --- — - of z M E T 00 - Oi . 1. of oI OI -r i �I Nf c Y Y a T t N t + �, , 72 . � 1 J o ol lbLn _` 1 + ` I. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28402 IN REPLY REFER TO SAWC078-N-048-000240 Mr. C. R. Ed etgn �t epartment of Transports- 0T7SL Raleigh, NC 27611 RECEIVED JUL 271979 DI,/. MAR. FISH. DREDGE 6 FILL MI C" < July 1979 Dear Mr. Edgerton: In accordance with the wr n request of March 1978 and the ensuing administrative record, ere is inclosed a rmit to place fill materials in wetlands adjacent to hallops and Clar 11 Creeks to effect improve- ments to NC Highway SR 13 in Hyde County, North Carolina. If any change in the authorized work is required because of unforeseen or altered conditions or for any other reason, plans revised to show the change must be sent promptly to this office. Such action is necessary as revised plans must be reviewed and the permit modified. Please carefully read your permit. The general and special conditions are important. Your failure to comply with these conditions could result in a violation of Federal law. Certain significant general conditions require that: 1. You must begin your work on or before 31 July 1980 and complete construction before 31 December 1982. 2. You must notify this office in advance as to when you intend to commence and complete work. 3. You must allow representatives from this office to make periodic visits to your worksite as deemed necessary to assure compliance with permit plans and conditions. The inclosed Notice of Authorization, ENG Form 4336, must be conspicu- ously displayed at your worksite. 2 Incl 1. Permit 2. ENG Form 4336 Sincerely yours, A. A. KOPCSAK Major, Corps of Engineers Acting District Engineer .2 r SAWC078-N-048-000240 Mr. C. R. Edgerton BCF w/Incl 1: Director, Atlantic Marine Center National Ocean Survey, NOAA ATTN: CAM04, 439 W. York Street Norfolk, VA 23510 2 25 July 1979 BCF w/Sp. Cond. and Plan: Mr. R. D. Nelson NC Division of Marine Fisheries PO Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 o. That if the activity authorized herein is not started on or before 31st day of .1111 Y 19 80 , " 'forte year from the date of issuance of this permit unless otherwise specified) and is not completed on or before _31St— day c f December, l9 82 , (three years from the date of issuance of this permit unless otherwise specified) this permit, if not previously revoked or specifically extended, shall automatically expire. p. That this permit does not authorize or approve the construction of particular structures, the authorization or approval of which may require authorization by the Congress or other agencies of the Federal Government. q. That it and when the permittee desires to abandon the activity authorized herein, unless such abandonment is part of a transfer procedure by which the permittee is transferring his interests herein to a third party pursuant to General Condition t hereof, he must restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the District Engineer. r. That if the recording of this permit is possible under applicable State or local law, the permittee shall take such action as may be necessary to record this permit with the Register of Deeds or other appropriate official charged with the responsibility for maintaining records of title to and interests in real property. s. That there shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the existence or use of the activity authorized herein. t. That this permit may not be transferred to a third party without prior written notice to the District Engineer, either by the transferee's written agreement to comply with all terms and conditions of this permit or by the transferee subscribing to this permit in the space provided below and thereby agreeing to comply with all terms and conditions of this permit. In addition, it the permittee transfers the interests authorized herein by conveyance of realty, the deed shall reference this permit and the terms and conditions specified herein and this permit shall be recorded along with the deed with the Register of Deeds or other appropriate official. II. Special Conditions: (Here list conditions relating specifically to the proposed structure or work authorized by this permit): 1. Bridge length at Site A, Shallops Creek, must be increased from 90 feet to 130 feet. 2. All discontinued causeways and temporary detours through wetlands be restored to preexisting elevations in order that wetland vegetation may reestablish itself. 3. Four 42-inch diameter pipe culverts will be installed through the fill causeways at Site A, Shallops Creek, in areas indicated on sheets 2 and 3 of 8 attached. 4. Disposal of unsuitable material be limited to upland areas outside any wetlands under 404 jurisdiction. (The Regulatory Functions staff is available to assist in such determinations.) 5. Road alignment at Site A, Shallops Creek, follow that shown on sheets 5 and 6 of construction plans prepared by J. A. Parker on 21 June 1978 and shown in part on sheets 2, 3 and 4 of 8 attached. 72 3 H I NII G T O N I O PUNGO NATIONAL�� / V� % WIIDUFE REFUGE Mll 0 _,o -`c U N T I 1�Sy I 1 KA IFL err sn-c ME NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS -PLANNING AND RESEARCH BRANCH uyLiC C..0I,I„ :y til: l:i(lq LL NN'\ - 57-,ffL z D674145 Cff0507-,5 7-11-13se 15P4)v e 50' 30 57' NNN e� 14 A 6557 <, -,N 24/ '� PF-)(Dp PANT . . . . . . . . . . FyFE =\-J� t. CT- 1-. .................... p p LD co \ - \ a(IF OF #IhN ` � I •, %�� drq�K o �� \1; ?+- \1 ., -✓ S ; 1. i") S- `/\\ ���� • f -A��lzoX t7N OF 2-42"DIA. PIPF E'v ✓eeTs \, ZB }3kZ2.10 \\ �i 130'\ 5 h %� �'��� '�'�:• tx ,�" MINI vNNN� lR/ �4 ` n .f V 1�� � SY'J� Sf. 11• NEWFILL 40� (�,quS�fA� � `� ` • ,c f 1 r \ 1 `J J u IJii f 1 r l Ul VN -., y,-1—p__. ._.._ 1... _ —_ o-r • > _ ___. U� -im �U; Joe; 1 s ' �F l J ; I �'� • •t. V� fi`fNf �Y� 3 p ili•_ Cl i 9ja P-iaai �\ b 6 WE )'E RNgEU3 t K CO. J/5 Wl7TEK5 ED6 1 PROP 0.cro u4 r5-roett WEYE R N9EU6ER CO. �0 f.,7 %' !N/Th' I BOX lINDi-f-k-COT F,POM �Ts ZDA.'. PU 7J 411 U,PPNT c I TOE LIGL I I I I WEyEKHF3EU3ER CO, I „ j/TE 8 �1$.I� d?4?O oasiii�i�i?o u,o/ouQ .0 No R A w Ds To'au sT U 70 ?P-&PeDzp� - ELPM;1p1g5 N0D07, DI OFN/Gf1✓✓,9)5 HYDE COONTY 6.2230.501 ,PECOC19710.ti OF 521.300 BE- TWEEN NC 99 AND 01,26 4 FEBRuF1RY 1976 5f[EETT" 67 ®F 8 r TaWAMP I -II LION ,ICI LIMIT /f� - CLAYTpN IA il x, HINTON L. CLAYTpN ."ONSTRUC7/0N U/M/T/00 5 —Y rr2. 5 'OPOSED F! PIPE wESLCY L. TAMES »x I 3W4MPI.-dl SCAU ji. it l 1. V/C/N%TY MAP ,caw NCDOT COUNTY MFgP SUPPLEMENTAL .SHEET WOODS WESLEV L. Jf1ME5 WST,PUC 0N70M/TS TEMPOAfdPY J611 CDNC. P/PE f y.�z�ry � nENOTES PfRMA/✓r"NT DENO7E5 7E9POR'191FY �\\\\\\\\\\\ r/LL 3ELOW QH. h! -- TO BE IPEMOVED WFMP LIMIT N.C. DEFT OF T,QANSPORT,9TION DIVISION OF1//6HN14i NYDE CO. 6.223050I REL OCT1 T/O/1/ OF 5,P /300 BE - WE E/V NC 99 I9ND U5 26 4 SCAL E: l SU , AUGUST /978 Sll uz�T 7 OF 8 PROPOSED 61,2F9DE N.G. —0 O. H. w. MUCK TO HERE — -/0 - /0 0- DENOTES PE,PMA1ffA1, NT FILL BELOW 0//1Y DENOTES TEMPO P/7 PY F/L L BELOW Q 91I! F/LC 31-CL0w D.N.W. = 2300 C.Y 70T,9L /C //✓ IMEA= -3, 0o(0 C.Y. s IrE "C AIC LSPT Dc TP,12NSFORT9T1o1Y D1VI.510n/ OF/1,16//i'MY5 HYLLL Co 8,2230501 lef-L O(f/1 T/ON OF 5P /3 00 BE- TWEEN 11C Fy /)/v0 05 2' r SCALE /6 O gUGUSi /q7g