HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 21-85 Spring CreekPerrhit Class Permit Num er New STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 21-85 Department of Natural Resources and Community Development 2-1-�6 and Coastal Resources Commission for[70� i Major Development in an Area of Emzronmental I ' Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 L J u --------------------- Excavation and./or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to NC Dept. of Transportation, Division of Highways, P. 0. Box 25201. Raleiah NC 27 authorizing development in Beaufort Countyat Spring Creek, SR 1901 grossing as requested in the permittee's application datedl0/31 /85 i ncI udi ng attached plats, sheets 1 & 2 of 2, dated 10/84. This permit,. issued on;D rZe'Z 8, is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject p_ rrnittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. (1) No excavated or fill material will be placed at any time in any marsh or surrounding waters outside of the alignment of the fill area indicated on sheet 2 of 2. (2) The activity will be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increases in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction - related discharge. (3) All fill material must be adequately stabilized within 30 working days of placement. NOTE: The proposed project is certified under General Water Quality Certification No. 1734 issued August 28, 1984 for bridge replacement. This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (_i0) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance, as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Departmental approval. All work must cease Nhen the permit expires on becemuer 3'. 1988 _. In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North. _ Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DNRCD and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. David W. Owens. Director Office of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee erA�7Fo OFFICE OF North Carolina Department of Natural COASTAL MANAGEMENT Resources &Community Development DavdW Owens Director ® James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor James A. Summers, Secretary Telephone919733-2293 11 January 1985 Mr. John R. Parker, Jr. Permits Coordinator Office of Coastal Management Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Mr. Parker: The attached copy of an application submitted by: N.C. Department of Transportation Applicant's Name SR 1901 at S Location of Project Creek Beaufort County X for a State permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina and for a CAMA major development permit... for a CAMA major development permit (only) ... has been reviewed by the Field Services Section and is being forwarded to you along with a Field Investigation Report for further application processing including circulation to State and Federal agencies having interest and/or jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. The recommendation of this Section is X covered on the reverse side; attached; will be forwarded later. CSJ:kh:1526 cerel UO.- 'C' Charles S. Jones, Chi f Field Services Section P O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611-7687 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer X (A) This agency interposes no objection to the proposed work. (B) Dredge and/or Fill. This agency objects to the project as proposed. The objection is based upon findings which lead to the conclusion that there will be one or more adverse effects as covered in G. S. 113-229 (e) 1-5. (e) (1) ...that there will be significant adverse effect of the proposed dredging and filling on the use of the water by the public; (e) (2) ...that there will be significant adverse effect on the value and enjoyment of the property of any riparian owners; (e) (3) ...that there will be significant adverse effect on public health, safety, and welfare; (e) (4) ...that there will be significant adverse effect on the conservation of public and private water supplies; (e) (5) that there will be significant adverse effect on wildlife or fresh water, estuarine or marine fisheries; (C) CAIIA Major Development. This agency objects to the project as proposed. The objection is based upon findings which lead to the conclusion that a violation would occur as covered in G.S. 113A-120 and/or 15 NCAC 7I. The following reference indicates the specific citation by which objections have been made. (D) Agency findings relating to item(s) A and/or B and/or C are hereby detailed. (1) No excavated or fill material will be placed at any time in any marsh or surrounding waters; outside of the alignment of the fill area indicated on the plat. (E) Comments are submitted that do not directly relate to item B and/or C but are relevant to the public - interest. (These comments will be forwarded by the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development to appropriate State or Federal agencies). signed R S 5 date OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. Applicant's name N.C. Department of Transportation 2. Location of project site Beaufort County SR 1901 at Spring Creek 3. Investigation type: Dredge & Fill X CAMA X 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 11-2-84 (B) Was applicant present No 5. Processing procedure: Application received Raleigh 12-21-84 Office Received Wash. 12-27 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan anfort County 1984 Land classification from LUP Conservation Development constraints identified in LUP None (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Estuarine shoreline Coastal wetlands Public trust waters X Estuarine waters Other (C) Water dependent: Yes No X Other (D) Intended use: Public X Private Commercial (E) Type of waste water treatment: Existing N/A Planned N/A (F) Type of structures: Existing Bridge Planned Two culverts (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion N/A Source N/A 7. Habitat description: AREA (A) Vegetated wetlands: Dredged Filled Other Spartina patens, Cladium Less than 200 sq.ft, dredged and filled total iamaicense (B) Non -vegetated wetlands: (C) Other: open water + 1,500 sq.ft. (D) Total area disturbed: ± 2,925 sq.ft. 8. Project summary The applicant is proposing to replace the bridge across Spring Creek on SR 1901 with two 103' by 71" corrugated steel pipe arches. Environmental setting Near Aurora in Beaufort County SR 1901 crosses Spring Creek. At the road crossing the creek is + 20' in width and is crossed by a low bridge which is + l' above the normal water level. The bridge presently restricts navigation. Mixed marsh is located upstream and downstream from the bridge. The marsh consists of Spartina patens, Cladium jamaicense and Juncus roemerianus. Project proposal The applicant is proposing to replace the bridge with two 103" by 71" corrugated steel pipe arches. The total fill area will be 65' long by 45' wide by 8.0' deep. This area will be mucked prior to the placement of the culverts. All mucked material will be transported to a highground disposal site. The project will not restrict navigation any more than the present bridge. Environmental impact The project as proposed will involve the excavation and/or the filling of less than 200 sq.ft. of mixed marsh dominated by Cladiun jamaicense. Some short term turbidity will exist during project activity. David L. Gossett - Washington Office - 11 January 1985 �eecc .S rA�„ ura/2s^/ 9� no� G/.cr rt�t o[! q ✓a H. s'f e.y artQ, PilEG.. ���v...;d w4-s y PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATL. „JALITY CERTIFICATION / y'1j EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAM9A PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Dcpartmcnt of Adminis"von State or None Carolina !GS l4(r L'1 Dopartmeot of Natural Rosoumc WW Community Ocvolepment - Oeoerimmt of tho Amty -- (GS 113.729, I43.215.3(a)(1), 14}_15.3(c), 113A-118 (33 CFI6209.3t6:3291 inyton District (33 CFR'26iti330=329j _ Pleate type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. Attn: Mr. T. L. Waters, P. E „ Acct. State Highway Administrator I. Applicant Information r A.Namc `�' �• Dept. Transportation - Division of Hig hways B. Address p , 0. Box , S � 6-?-t First Middle _ Street, P. 0. Box or Route Raie jg It, rt;7 t_aroina(919;;33 -5348 City o. Towr. Std:e Zip Code Phone !!. Loc-.anion of Proposed Project: �:;•tn:y Beaufort , d. i. City, tnwn, community or !andmar;,_ Spring Creek. 4. Is proposed work within city limits? 'res—No C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project Lower Spring Creek III. Descriprion of Project A. I. Nizintenanceofexisting project Z Newwork_Replacement ExistinE Bridge B. P-jrpose of excavation (K riia I. BoatAccebasin _;mgrh width—. death 2 Boat basin length width depth 3. Fill area Roadwav Fil' q S t length width 5(1 depth 8 . (1t . 4. Others'%A Iengm width depth C. 1. Bulkhead length _ N/ A Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (ma;eriai). C. Excavated mater:ai (total fpr croiect) 1. C--btc yards S30 Type of material-- ni'rt and MuC E. F:jI material to be placco below M.HW (see aiso VI. A) 1. Cubic yards 312_ Type of material Suitable ,Fill IV. Lznd Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equiamenc: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes X No -" S. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X C Disposal Area 1. Location Selected Site Above Wetlands Do you claim title to disposal area? + D. Fill material source Y Fill is to be trucked in Local Borrow Pit Above Wetlands E. How will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? v Stringent Erosion Control Method,, Type of equipment to be used numptruek g nrnaline G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to proiect site? If ym-explain , No `4 F-91 - _ . A. 1 N. 3. Housing Development or Industrial _ 4. Other Tublic Trans 9. 1. Lot sizes) NIA :._Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water 3. Soil type and texture _ N jA 4. TVPc of building facilities or <tructures a N/A S. Sewage dispcsal and/or waste water-IrezL^ ent A. Exsdng 8. Describe _Planned 6. Land Cfassifieation `circle One) DEVELOPED TRAiy51 , LONAL CONSERVATION OTHER <etlands CGMA1t,\ITY RURAL YI. "trtam.ing to Fill and Water Quality; —'Sec CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) + hues the proposed project .involve ;he placement cf Fill rharenals beiew mere. ?sigh water? Yes_�No 3• 1- .a ill ar. n:noff or discharge er.:er adjacent water, as a result of project activity a , liowieg project camoleHon? Yes es/Now_ or-1.rnod use of the area (a 2. TYPeoidixharge Storm Plater Runoff 3. Location of discharge Along Project VII. present rateofshoreline cro;ien(if known,: None Evident N VIII_ list permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army work in project area, if applicable: None Corps of Engineers or State permits for 1X Length of time required to Complete project: 2 Months X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided' claims fine to the affec A. Attach a Copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant ted property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owns then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under whirut the owner claims r of said property, ten permission from the owner to carry out the project on his lznd. title us wr B. details) an ail :rase work plat drawn to scare or, 8h X details). Note: i 1" white paper (see instruction bookie: for C. * final drawings preferrecd-only high quaiity copies accepted. cppp of [ne aOPFCadon and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowner s by registered or certified mail or by publication (G,S. 113-229 (A) Enter date served C O er 71 D. List names and complete addre pf the r` ' 1984 iparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which `Elizabeth to submit comments to agencies listed below. H. Brothers Route 2 Box 161 Halve A. BrothP,s, Route 2 Aurora, NC 27806 C. ti'. Bougham,•Route 1 BOA 36s, Aurora, NC 27 06 Boz 361, Aendell, NC 2icg1 X1. Ce h the 5Cn requirement: !certify that to the best of my knowled the ProPosed activity wi h the State of North Carolinak approved coastal man ge" p P complies manner consistent with such program. rent Pf0VM and will be conducted in a X11. Any permit issued pursuant -to this -application will allow only the development described cation and plat Applicants shoul3-there fore describe in the opment activities, including construction, excavation, rifling, and Ian, in this ave)i �- application ill and plat all anticipated d_re!- 6, d Bearing. ,ATE , D _ As s t . Applicant's Signature - State Highway Aaninistrator I SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING WcTRI!r' iI —: Li x, 1 }. iL'i v � lea*W' di TR bb ti 10 IV - Ilk, 'k, :/ p'� / ti'• 1 � � t' ,. � IS r i� F .. ,i �M1 N7Y3 � p s, tic � ' .4e ��_�'\ / �� .,�' ,'Z., � , .`•,..�$�-�.�\ It lllq io If ""'_ g, s• ��. � '} \ � ' �p � _ � /'! 3 {pB� �' I I .�$Q fir. � � �i `��\� � � c +^•t4.�•,i' '' Y; �6 �._ '. _/'± \`1 rl Q., a�. � y Y �lA��! Id js5��� �. .i .t.p r�. .�N:s'•ti`.�� �l \•i �; '.J � � # � � �ii i,t9, j9:. I/`�`� \FN rpr � 4�. �� �, ,,�Y,.: .. �� ,"�•\- }• �\ #� s•1gC^rtj't r fjjtlI �'l. �tyP;y :[{j F�1r ^� H • �r a (�7 ` n•�T_ _- _ ._ I I teA, ro All "@�Q __ I/ aCC .. ,�3 D9 I1� co m ��'r'r 7777 Eliseba if, /•i«y k mfi.er r Horva A. Bro+i. c /fir Rd 1 8ox 3bS, era m, N,G, 27806� - Aurora„ N.C. 2%806 WOODS �,.. .SFA 2.+oo P.I. 59" RT .,:` � r; ARSH , AL SR 1901 / 'VVOOD5 o�/ C.✓.Bougkar, Ri I �dn 3 (o l SCRCE 9°�� Sf�4` (� Wen I, N.C.. Z769✓ - Cl J-h0® r 2 d0® 3+00 �f00 ST/A 2490 FILL L20LOW MOW mB,10 C.Y. 2L8/03"TX 77" - TOTAL FACT L S30 CN. /00 — rig PwaFlcc =/00 t76iwL• c 4w•( � —90 solz I SECTION A -A I q° ` SCRLS 1'': S-o'HYdC%. e 4 3. :�w`r - _ —.• i xs:•. _ mac:,: 1• ...`� N.C. DEPARVERE OF TRANSPORTATIM DIVISION OF HiamAYS 'r. E .. .._ .. -�IEAik'ORT CO. -. .. { REn ACEP7ENT OF BR. NO. 29 ON SR 190I 2 of 2