HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 114-02 Leopard Creek- Pesiriit Number NEW STATE OF NORTH CAROx,M4 1- 1— 4-02 Department of EVironment and Natural Itt i3o=es and Coastal Resources Commission r or x Major L]cvelopatent in an Area of Environmental Concern Pursuant to N'CGS 113A-11 S . . $ Bxcavation and/or filling pursuant to NCG5 113.229 Issuedto N.C. Ilanaet..,.,.,r Authorizing development in : ret -- �L�' +�L A/ism Carte County at Sad' N�Teopard Creek ]3ndae rJo, 1$ on �rOW N;li Rna 1�� , as requested is the pertrtittae's application afteclted Wor Ian tits«' dated �P s LL2 dated 5/9 � dated as ce, ed 5 151V This permit, issued on'/ with the t to till. all aPP"c4ble regulations. Special conditions is subject d notes set foliane,5 with ale rth be ow. Any application olation of (where seterms mo t be subject to fines, irnprisonmeot er civil acdosl; or may cause the ermit to be Y P mr11 atrdvoid, N OTE'e Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp is an important cptnntuni existence for approximately 25 years, The t5 asset that has beed to work wthn in local community residents tp identify and develop aesuitable teplacerrrentencoura�community boat the mp on I-eopard Creek or the canal adjacent to SR 1333, Installation o Gtuardradl and Shn a Stabili7atio t dyes not authorize any excavation, ff any excavation is be necessary. required, a modification of this 2) No fill material will be placed at any time in any vegetated wetlands or surrounding waters outside e£ fire alignment of the till area indicated on the workpIan drawing(s).. (See attached sheet far Additional Condltlons) Tbia Permit action may be appealed by the permiuee or other goEvied persons widdn twenty (20) days of Qua issuing data' An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or eootitntance as the caft may be, This permit must be accesnble on•site to Departa=r personnel when the project is Inspected for compliance. Any maunensnce work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Divisiatt approval. Ap work must Cease wiiau the permit expires on December 31, 2005 In issuing this permit, the State tit' NoNt Carolina agerxs that your project IS eonsiatout with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DSNR and the Chairman of the Coural Resources Commission a D. Moffitt, Director Division of Coastal Mattagetuent This permit and its conditions arc hereby accepted. Signature of Pertnittee tit FAX TNANSMITT'AI: Jerry Lawrence General Controcfor Inc. PO Box 598 -1416 Live Ook Street Beoutort. NC 28516 Phone:252-728-3625 Fax:252-728-1410 Email: jlowrencegc@gbinefwork,com Send to: �TL\iD- (�(1 fYT From Attention: . Dafe: Office Location: Office Location: Fox Number: Phone Number: Urgent ❑ Reply ASAP 0 Please comment U Please Review Q For your Information `�c r FA Jerry. La PO B -Fo J�ssec:ct.l9-� �� JnqAeS Jerry E. Lawrence Jr. R,r ' 8z. 183 Tha M81s 4ane PO Box 598 Beaufort, Nd 28518 Phooe 252-728-3025 Fax 252-726-1410 email: jlvwrencegc@gbirietwork,rom August 30, 2.002 AUG 4UU� Dor}na Moffatt (, Director ' Division of Coastal, Management Subject: Crow Hill Road Bridge Replacement, Straits Township of Otway PERMIT # 1.14-02 I am asking for an appeal on the permit granted to the DOT.for.co.nstruction of bridge and demolition of ramp located on Crow Hill Road, Otway, NC. Original permit by DOT(CAMA called for bridge not to. ;impede on existing boat ramp. The following evidence can be submitted to support my appeal Aerial phatvs:documentinguse of ramp Permits documenting authorization of ramp 'Document ifrom other state agencies stating enti:lee to use of public wavers Current ,ground photos- Ayidavits, rom lodo il`citlzens documentirt$,histofical and current use Doc vmecitSsupppltingbullding ofstruCtures around the ramp Geri Statute `.775A.07M.0208 Sincerely, Jerry E. Lawrence Jr, President, "Save the Ramp Committee Ctway, NC CC: Attorney General's Office Charles Jones., y. nuu-su-�uuz `rrcl Ub Ui AM NO'D.iv OF COASTAL MORT FAX NO:4 CT RTIFICATE.OP SERVICE R 6 N.C. Depahtnent of Transportation permit #114.02 Page 2 of 2 ADDITIONAL. CONDITION'S 3) The temporary placement or double handling of fill materials within waters or vegetated wetlands is not authorized, 4) Placement of riprap shall be limi`fed to the areas as depicted on the attached workplan drawings. The riprap and associated fill material must be clean and free from loose dirt or any pollutant except, in trace quantities. It must be of a size sufficient to prevent its movement fmm the sib- by wave or current action, The riprap material must consist of clean rock or masonry materials such as, but not limited to, granite or broken concrete. 5) The riprap shall not extend waterward more than 10 feet from the normal water level at any point along its alignment at the time of construction, 6) All bnokfill material will be obtained from a high ground source. No unconfined backfgl may be discharged into estuarine or public trust waters. The fill material will be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. 7) Any materials resulting front the removal of the concrete pad must be disposed of at an approved high groumd disposal area. Sedimentation and Erosion„ Control 8) This project is to a High Quality Water Zone and must comply with the Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds, I SA NCAC 413 .0124. 9) All tnstream construction shall be contained by,turbidity curtains. 10) In order toprotec[ water quality, runoff from construction must not visibly increase die amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. 11) Appropriate sedimentation and erosion control devices, measures or structures must be implemented to ensure that eroded materials do not enter adjacent wetlands, watereolirses and property (e,g, silt fence, diversion swales or bermsi sand fence, etc,), 12) All disturbed areas shall be properly graded and provided a ground cover suffioient to restrain erosion within thirty days of project completion, General 13) This permit does not eliminate the need to obtrin any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals Or authorizations that may be required, NQMThe N.C. Division of Water Quality has assigned the proposod project DWQ Project No. 02. 1089. lyOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has assigned the proposed project COP. Action Id. No. 200201204. M Roy COOPIER Al-I'OHNEY GENERAL Jerry E. Lawrence, Jr. P.O. Box 598 Beaufort, NC 28516 State of North Carolina Department of justice P. 0. Box (i2n RALEIGH 27(io2-0629 September 16, 2002 REPLY To: James P. Longest Environmental Division rlongest@mail.juS.state.nc.us Telephone: 919n 16-6600 Fax: 919n 16.6767 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Re: Third party Hearing Request for Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Permit Dear Mr. Lawrence: The Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission has decided to deny the hearing request which you submitted. Attached is a copy of the order, signed by the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission, denying your request. The permit is no longer suspended and the permitee is allowed to proceed insofar as it concerns CAMA. You may appeal the Chairman's decision by filing a petition for judicial review in superior court of Carteret County within thirty days after receiving the order. A copy of the judicial review petition must also be served on the Coastal Resources Commission's agent for service of process at the following address: Dan Oakley, General Counsel Dept. Of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N. C. 27699-1601 Sincerely, James P. Longest, Jr. Special Deputy Attorney General cc: Dave Heeter Charles Jones Donna Moffitt Dwayne Alligood M STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CARTERET IN THE MATTER OF THE THIRD PARTY HEARING REQUEST BY JERRY E. LAWRENCE, JR. BEFORE THE CHAIRMAN COASTAL RESOURCES COMMISSION CMT 2000-08 FINAL ORDER I. INTRODUCTION Petitioner, Jerry E. Lawrence, Jr., has filed a third party hearing request seeking a hearing on Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Development Permit No.114-02 issued to the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Permit No. 114-02 authorizes the NCDOT to install guard rails on a bridge approach and demolish an adjacent community boat ramp on Crow Hill Road, Otway, Carteret County. II. STANDARD OF REVIEW Under the CAMA, a third party may file a contested case hearing petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) to challenge the issuance of a permit to someone else only if the Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) first determines that a contested case hearing is appropriate. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b) provides that the determination of whether a hearing is appropriate should be based upon a consideration of whether the petitioner: 1. Has alleged that the decision is contrary to a statute or rule; 2. Is directly affected by the decision; and Has alleged facts or made legal arguments that demonstrate that the hearing request is not frivolous. The CRC has delegated the authority to its Chairman to determine whether a third party hearing request should be granted or denied. Rule 15A N.C. Administrative Code (NCAC) 7H .0301(b). A third party whose hearing request is granted may file a petition with the OAH. A third party whose hearing request is denied may seek judicial review. III. FINDINGS OF FACT A. In February, 2002, the NCDOT replaced the Crow Hill Road (State Road 1333) bridge over North Leopard Creek in the community of Otway in Carteret County. B. The NCDOT undertook the bridge replacement under CAMA General Permit No. 28197 issued by the Division of Coastal Management (DCM). C. General Permit No. 28197 was issued upon the condition that the bridge replacement would not affect the Leopard Creek community boat ramp within the right-of-way of State Road 1333. D. Some 25 years ago, the residents of the area built the Leopard Creek community boat ramp with the permission of the NCDOT and have used it ever since. E. However, after the bridge was replaced in 2002, it encroached approximately five feet closer to the boat ramp. F. The NCDOT determined that this created a safety hazard and that the bridge would therefore require guardrails. G. To install guardrails, the NCDOT began removing the community boat ramp. (Attachment 1 is a copy of a photograph after part of the ramp was removed.) H. The DCM stopped the work and required the NCDOT to apply for a CAMA major development permit to complete the work necessary to install guardrails, including the removal of the remainder of the boat ramp and the installation of rip rap along the shoreline. (Attachment 2 is a copy of a detail map showing the additional work proposed by NCDOT.) Many of the residents of the Otway community signed a Petition opposing the removal of the boat ramp, and the Division of Marine Fisheries objected to the project because of the loss of the boat ramp. On August 29, 2002, the DCM issued CAMA Major Development Permit No. 114-02 to the NCDOT for the proposed work. (Attachment 3 is a copy of CAMA Major Development Permit No. 114-02.) K. The DCM concluded that the NCDOT could withdraw its permission to locate the boat ramp within the highway right-of-way but included a Note within Permit No. 114-02 encouraging NCDOT to work with the community to develop a suitable replacement ramp. L. CAMA Major Development Permit No. 114-02 was issued on August29, 2002, and Mr. Lawrence's hearing request was timely filed on August 30, 2002. M. Mr. Lawrence identified himself as "President" of" Save the Ramp Committee." IV. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Petitioner has alleged that the decision to issue Permit No. 114-02 is contrary to "Gen. Statute 775A.07H.0208". Rule 15A NCAC 7H .0208 which sets forth the various use standards for development within the estuarine system areas of environmental concern. Petitioner does not allege the violation of any specific standard. Thus it cannot be determined which rule or rules he believes were violated by the issuance of Permit No. 114-02. 2. The Petitioner stated that he owns real property in the vicinity of the property to be developed and that he can demonstrate a history of substantial use of public resources in the area affected by the development. For purposes of this Hearing Request, the Chairman finds that the Petitioner has demonstrated that he is directly affected by construction authorized to be In undertaken by the Department of Transportation under Permit No. 114-02. 3. The question of whether the proposed development interferes with rights of the Petitioner or his group is not the basis for permit denial of Permit No. 114-02. It is beyond the jurisdiction of the Coastal Resources Commission, the Division of Coastal Management, or the Office of Administrative Hearings to resolve property ownership disputes between competing claimants. The Petitioner does not address this issue in his Petition. Whether the Petitioner has a property interest or not, the purported interest is not a basis under statute or rule to deny Permit No. 114-02. A contested case hearing is appropriate when an agency has allegedly exceeded its authority, acted erroneously, failed to use proper procedure, acted arbitrarily or capriciously, or failed to act as requires by law or rule. N.C. Gen. Stat. §113A-121.1(b)3. If a project meets the applicable rules and guidelines, CAMA requires that the permit shall be granted. N.C. G en. Stat. § 113A-120(b). Since Petitioner has failed to show that the permit could have been denied for any reason put forward by Petitioner, the request does not meet the standard for third party hearing requests. V. ORDER For the above reasons, -the Division of Coastal Management recommends that the third party hearing request by Jerry Lawrence, Jr., be DENIED. This the 6 day of September, 20Tn Gene Tomlinson, Chairman U N.C. Coastal Resources Commission 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that I have served a copy of the attached Final Order upon the Petitioner by causing a copy thereof to be placed in the U.S. Postal Service bearing sufficient postage for delivery by first class mail and addressed as follows: Jerry E. Lawrence, Jr. P.O. Box 598 Beaufort, NC 28516 This the & — day of September, 2002. a:: t 24 2 4-0 es P. Longest, J . Special Deputy Attorney General. N.C. Department of Justice P.O. Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 (919) 716-6954 .N w NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Donna D. Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary September 3, 2002 Mr. Dwayne H. Alligood, PE ' I S NC Department of Transportation, Division Two f ( `P 1 6 200? Post Office Box 1587 J Greenville, NC 27835 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Suspension of Work / Appeal of CAMA Permit Decision Dear Mr. Alligood: The Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission, Eugene Tomlinson, has received a request for an administrative hearing to challenge CAMA Major Permit 114-02. The Third Party Hearing Request was filed on behalf of petitioner on August 30, 2002. Under N.C.G.S. §113A-121.1 (the Coastal Area Management Act), your LAMA permit is automatically suspended upon receipt of a hearing request and will remain suspended until either. (1) the Chairman denies the hearing request (under standards set out in the statute); or (2) there is a final Coastal Resources Commission decision on the permit appeal. You may not undertake any development under the permit decision until further notice after Chairman Tomlinson issues his decision. The Division of Coastal Management will prepare a recommendation for the Chairman on whether to grant or deny the hearing request. The Chairman must make a decision within 15 days after receipt of the hearing request, in this case no later than September 13, 2002. If you wish to submit any materials for the Chairman's consideration in ruling on the request for contested case hearing, please send them to me as soon as possible. Sincerely, Donna D. Moffitt�zlz cc: Chairman Gene Tomlinson Ryke Longest Jessica Gill Charles Jones Merrie Jo Alcoke Terry Moore Steve Trowel] 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-2293 \ FAX: 919-733-1495 \ Internet: www.nccoastaimanagement.net An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer —50%Recycled \ 10°k Post consumer Paper Permit Class Permit Number NEW 114-02 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Coastal Resources Commission Vermit ] for SEP 04 p002 + X Major Development in an Area of Envirortme Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 cOAST.4 NIANAGE MOREHEFlD MENT X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to N.C. Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1587, Greenville, NC 27835 Authorizing development in Carteret County at adj. N. Leopard Creek, Bridge No. 18 on R 1 (Crow Hill Road), Otwav , as requested in the permittee's application dated 4/26/02. including the attached workplan drawings (4): 2 dated 5/9/02; 2 dated as received 5/15/02 This permit, issued on 8/29/02 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may De subject to noes, tmpnsonment or ctvu action; or may cause me permit to oe nuu ana voia. NOTE: The Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp is an important community asset that has been in existence for approximately 25 years. The permittee is strongly encouraged to work with the local community residents to identify and develop a suitable replacement community boat ramp on Leopard Creek or the canal adjacent to SR 1333. Fill, Installation of Guardrail and Shoreline Stabilization 1) This permit does not authorize any excavation. If any excavation is required, a modification of this permit will be necessary. 2) No fill material will be placed at any time in any vegetated wetlands or surrounding waters outside of the alignment of the fill area indicated on the workplan drawing(s). (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on December 31, 2005 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DENR and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. v Lgdna D. Moffitt, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee N.C. Department U Ti ansportation Permit #114-02 Page 2 of 2 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 3) The temporary placement or double handling of fill materials within waters or vegetated wetlands is not authorized. 4) Placement of riprap shall be limited to the areas as depicted on the attached workplan drawings. The riprap and associated fill material must be clean and free from loose dirt or any pollutant except in trace quantities. It must be of a size sufficient to prevent its movement from the site by wave or current action. The riprap material must consist of clean rock or masonry materials such as, but not limited to, granite or broken concrete. 5) The riprap shall not extend waterward more than 10 feet from the normal water level at any point along its alignment at the time of construction. 6) All backfill material will be obtained from a high ground source. No unconfined backfill may be discharged into estuarine or public trust waters. The fill material will be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. 7) Any materials resulting from the removal of the concrete pad must be disposed of at an approved high ground disposal area. Sedimentation and Erosion Control 8) This project is in a High Quality Water Zone and must comply with the Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds, 15A NCAC 4B .0124. 9) All instream construction shall be contained by turbidity curtains. 10) In order to protect water quality, runoff from construction must not visibly increase the amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. 11) Appropriate sedimentation and erosion control devices, measures or structures must be implemented to ensure that eroded materials do not enter adjacent wetlands, watercourses and property (e.g. silt fence, diversion swales or berms, sand fence, etc.). 12) All disturbed areas shall be properly graded and provided a ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion within thirty days of project completion. General 13) This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Quality has assigned the proposed project DWQ Project No. 02- 1089. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has assigned the proposed project COE Action Id. No. 200201204. or✓ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Govemor Donna D. Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary August 29, 2002 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED OG Mr. Levi C. Beveridge, Jr. Ol; 320 Channel Rock Road �' \ Beaufort, NC 28516 Dear Mr. Beveridge: Thank you for your July 16, 2002 letter and the enclosed petition concerning the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Development Permit application submitted by the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT). This application requests authorization to facilitate the installation of guardrail by expanding the approach and trailing road shoulders of the southbound lane of Bridge #18 on SR 1333 (Crow Hill Road) in Otway, Carteret County, North Carolina. The proposal would close the Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp by removing a portion of the existing ramp and filling the remainder of the ramp with riprap. The N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) appreciates your concerns about the proposed project. We have looked very closely at the issues raised in your letter and the enclosed petition signed by approximately 175 people disagreeing with the destruction and removal by NCDOT of the community boat ramp. The CAMA permit review process involves a coordinated state and federal review of each permit application. All comments received from review agencies, the public and adjacent riparian property owners are considered by DCM before final action is taken on a permit application. In this case, DCM has determined in coordination with the State of North Carolina Attorney General's office that the proposed project is not inconsistent with the Rules of the Coastal Resources Commission, as well as those of other State regulatory agencies. Consequently, DCM issued a permit for the proposed activity on 8/29/02. A copy of the permit is being provided to you for your information. The decision to issue a CAMA permit for this project is based on the fact that the community boat ramp is an existing percussive use within the NCDOT Right -of -Way. Because NCDOT allowed the local community permission to build the boat ramp, within its Right -of -Way, NCDOT has the authority to withdraw its permission to use the boat ramp within its Right -of - Way. DCM deeply regrets the loss of the community boat ramp that will result from this project. The CAMA permit contains a note strongly encouraging NCDOT to work with the local 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh; North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-2293 \ FAX: 919-733-1495 \ Internet: http://dcm2.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity \ Affiniative Action Employer— 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper community residents to identify and develop a suitable replacement community boat ramp on Leopard Creek or the canal adjacent to SR 1333. If you wish to object to the issuance of the permit, you may request an appeal of this decision within twenty (20) days of the permit decision. §113A-121.1(b). If you would like copies of the appropriate appeal forms or should you like to discuss the specifics of the process, please contact me by telephone at (919) 733-2293 x238 or by email at Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net. Sincerely, Cathy Briham Transportation Project Coordinator cc: Bill Arrington - DCM DCM, Morehead City w NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Donna D. Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary August 29, 2002 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Gerald Sullivan 4901 Old Elizabeth Road Raleigh, NC 27616 Dear Mr. Sullivan: Thank you for your May 14, 2002 letter concerning the Coastal Area Management Act (LAMA) Major Development Permit application submitted by the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT). This application requests authorization to facilitate the installation of guardrail by expanding the approach and trailing road shoulders of the southbound lane of Bridge #18 on SR 1333 (Crow Hill Road) in Otway, Carteret County, North Carolina. The proposal would close the Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp by removing a portion of the existing ramp and filling the remainder of the ramp with riprap. The N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) appreciates your concerns about the proposed project. We have looked very closely at the issues raised in your letter. The CAMA permit review process involves a coordinated state and federal review of each permit application. All comments received from review agencies, the public and adjacent riparian property owners are considered by DCM before final action is taken on a permit application. In this case, DCM has determined in coordination with the State of North Carolina Attorney General's office that the proposed project is not inconsistent with the Rules of the Coastal Resources Commission, as well as those of other State regulatory agencies. Consequently, DCM issued a permit for the proposed activity on 8/29/02. A copy of the permit is being provided to you for your information. The decision to issue a CAMA permit for this project is based on the fact that. the community boat ramp is an existing permissive use within the NCDOT Right -of -Way. Because NCDOT allowed the local community permission to build the boat ramp within its Right -of -Way, NCDOT has the authority to withdraw its permission to use the boat ramp within its Right -of - Way. DCM deeply regrets the loss of the community boat ramp that will result from this project. The CAMA permit contains a note strongly encouraging NCDOT to work with the local community residents to identify and develop a suitable replacement community boat ramp on Leopard Creek or the canal adjacent to SR 1333. 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-2293 \ FAX: 919-733-1495 \ Internet: http://dcm2.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper If you wish to object to the issuance of the permit, you may request an appeal of this decision within twenty (20) days of the permit decision. §113A-121.1(b). If you would like copies of the appropriate appeal forms or should you like to discuss the specifics of the process, please contact me by telephone at (919) 733-2293 x238 or by email at Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net. --&ncerely, Cathy Brit am Transportation Project Coordinator cc: Bill Arrington - DCM DCM, Morehead City DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT APPLICATION TRANSMITTAL AND PROCESSING RECORD 1) APPLICANT: NC Department of Transportation County: Carteret LOCATION OF PROJECT: Bridge # 18 on SR 1333 (Crow Hill Road) at the crossing of N. Leopard Creek, approximately 2 miles south of US Highway 70 in the community of Otway. DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED COMPLETE BY FIELD: 06/10/02 FIELD RECOMMENDATION: Attached: No To Be Forwarded: Yes CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION: Attached: NO To Be Forwarded: YES FIELD REPRESENTATIVE: Bill Arrington DISTRICT OFFICE: Morehead\ DISTRICT MANAGER REVIEW: . I r,\ B) DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED IN RALEIGH: FEE REC'D:$ 40 PUBLIC NOTICE REC'D: r11rA3'— — END OF NOTICE DATE: 9 �r) AnI RTP PR()P NOTICES REC'D: DEED REC'D: APPLICATION ASSIGNED TO: C) 75 DAY DEADLINE: MAIL OUT DATE: FEDERAL DUE DATE: ON: 150 DAY DEADLINE: STATE DUE DA' FED COMMENTS REC'D: PERMIT FINAL ACTION: ISSUE DENY. DRAFT ON AGENCY D k I L( O MENTS RUI R]ED OBJECTIONS: YFS NO NOTES Coastal Management - Regional Representative Coastal Management - LUP Consistency Division of Community Assistance Land Quality Section Division of Water Quality Storm Water Management (DWQ) State Property Office Division of Archives & History Division of Environmental Health Division of Highways Wildlife Resources Commission Division. of Water Resources Division of Marine Fisheries Submerged Lands (DMF) fft ARA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Donna D. Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary TO: DOUG HUGGETT FROM: BILL ARRINGTON SUBJECT: COMMENTS & RECOMMENDATIONS - CAMA MAJOR PERMIT - Bridge #18 on SR 1333 (Crow Hill Road) Shoulder expansion at the crossing of North Leopard Creek, south of Otway, in Carteret County DATE: August 22, 2002 The following are my comments and recommendations regarding the above -mentioned proposal. The project consists of expanding the approach and trailing road shoulders of Carteret Bridge #18 on SR 1333 to facilitate the installation of guardrail. This project would include installation of a 40- foot bulkhead shoulder section parallel to and extending approximately 5 feet into the Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp (LCCBR) with riprap reinforcement extending the remaining distance across the public access ramp. The applicant also proposes to reinforce a 50-foot by 5-foot section of the approach shoulder for the southbound lane to facilitate the installation of guardrail. General Permit #28197 was issued July 27, 2001, for the replacement of Carteret Bridge #18 after receiving assurances from NCDOT Division II Bridge Engineer there would be no impacts to the Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp. In 1978 a Renewal/Modification to the CAMA Major Permit #185- 74 for widening the adjacent canal was issued for improvements to the existing Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp after receiving a "NO OBJECTION" from C.R. Edgerton, P.E., with NCDOT. The bridge was replaced in February 2002, and encroached approximately 5 feet closer to the public boat ramp. Due to the replacement of the bridge encroaching closer to the existing Leopard Community Boat Ramp, NCDOT considers the situation a "safety hazard" and requests a permit to build the road shoulder over the public ramp, permanently closing this public access. NCDOT has reduced the estuarine system fill impacts associated with this proposal by installing the bulkhead above NHW, and installing the rip rap reinforcement for the bulkhead at a 1.5:1 slope. North Leopard Creek is estuarine water. 151-B Hwy. 24, Hestron Plaza II, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-2808 \ FAX: 252-247-3330 \ Internet: www.nccoastaimanagement.net An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consurrsr Paper It is my understanding that DOT originally gave permission to representatives of the community to construct the ramp in the 1970's and has allowed the community to use its right-of-way for the launching and retrieving of boats since that time. DOT now wishes to withdraw its permission and remove the ramp to facilitate the installation of a guardrail. The ramp is clearly within DOT right- of-way. Since it appears that DOT has the right to rescind its permission to use this area, I can not object to the issuance of a permit. I do however feel we should strongly suggest to DOT that they assist the community in identifying and developing another boat ramp site on Leopard Creek or the canal adjacent to SR 1333. While DOT may have the legal authority to prohibit the public from using this area because of bridge safety concerns, they have taken away an important community asset that has been in existence for nearly 30 years. Standard erosion control BMP's should be incorporated into the project. Cc: Charles Jones Ted Tyndall -',�> f& ATFRQG Mic F. Ealey, Governor Willie Ross, Jr., Secretary y North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources r Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office 23, 2002 Mr. Jay Johnson North Carolina Department of Transportation Div. 2 PO Box 1587 Greenville, NC 27835 Subject: EXEMPTION Stormwater Project No. SW8020707 Bridge #18 Carteret Co. Carteret County Dear Mr. Johnson: The Wilmington Regional Office received a copy of a CAMA Major Permit Application to install sheet piles at the boat ramp for guard rail installation, Carteret Co. on July 5, 2002. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the development activities proposed at this time will not pose a threat to surface water quality from stormwater runoff. The Director has determined that projects that are reviewed and approved by the Division as not posing a water quality threat from stormwater runoff should not be subject to the stormwater management permitting requirements of 15A NCAC 211.1000. By copy of this letter, we are informing you that your project will not require a stormwater management permit. If the subject project disturbs five acres or more and has a point source discharge of stormwater runoff, then it is also subject to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater discharge requirements. You are required to have an NPDES permit for stormwater discharge from projects meeting these criteria. The stormwater rules require the Division to permit the common plan of development, therefore, any future development on the property, regardless of whether a CAMA Major permit is also required, will require a Stormwater Management Permit application and permit issuance from the Division of Water Quality prior to any construction. If you have any questions or need additional information concerning this matter please contact Ms. Linda Lewis at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional Supervisor RSS/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\CAMA\020707.July cc: CAMA (Morehead), DCM Katrina Marshall, Carteret County Inspections Doug Huggett, DCM Wilmington Regional Office Central Files wr MUM N.C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405 (910) 395-3900 Fax (910) 350.2004 Customer Service 800-623-7748 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Donna D. Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary July 9, 2002 Mr. Gerald Sullivan 4901 Old Elizabeth Road Raleigh, NC 27616 Dear Mr. Sullivan: Thank you for your May 14, 2002, letter concerning the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Development Permit application submitted by the N.C. Department of Transportation, in which authorization was requested to facilitate the installation of guardrail by expanding the approach and trailing road shoulders of the southbound lane of Bridge #18 on SR 1333 (Crow Hill Road) in Otway, Carteret County, North Carolina. The proposal would close the Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp by removing a portion, of the existing ramp and filling the remainder of the ramp with riprap. As you may be aware, the Division of Coastal Management is coordinating a multi -agency state and federal review of the proposal. I can assure you that your comments will be examined and taken into consideration prior to the Division taking final action on this permit application, and you will be informed of this final action. The Division appreciates you taking the time to comment on this application, and your letter will be added to the official permit application file for this project. Please feel free to contact me at (919) 733-2293, extension 238, or email me at Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net, if you should have any additional concerns relating to this project. Sincerely, CA �N� Zy�n am Cathy gh Transportation Project Coordinator cc: Bill Arrington - DCM, Morehead City 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733.2293 \ FAX: 919-733-1495 \ Internet: http://www.nocoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer— 50°% Recycled \ 100 Post Consumer Paper (; \ v4 � July 16, 2002 J Levi C. Beveridge, Jr. 320 Channel Rock Road _- -- Beaufort, NC 28516 Ms. Donna D. Moffitt Director, Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 Dear Ms Moffitt: JUL 2 2 2002 Please Find enclosed what appears to be unanimous support AGAINST allowing the Dept. of Transportation a Permit to completely destroy the Otway Community Boat Ramp. We, the people, are all bewildered as to how they could have done anything without the PERMIT and or the consideration of the Community, in the first place. In our opinion they should be required to restore what they have carelessly destroyed as any other citizen would be required to do. Thank you for your attention to the views of the People. Sincerely Levi C. Beveridge, Jr. (252)504-2196 1�4 � w"ma's•'-/_ July 8, 2002 Donna D. Moffitt Director Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1638 We the undersigned, disagree with the destruction anal removal by the State Department of Transportation of the community boat ramp which was located on SR 1333 at the crossing of Leopards Creek in Otway, N.C. As a recent news article stated, this ramp was paid for by local residents to provide them with access to Wards Creek. During the times of storms aand hurricanes it was a sheltered access that allowed people opportunity to remove and protect their boats. Keeping in mind, the budget crisis currently existing, it seems arrogant for the state to even consider destroying a preexisting access. Sincerely, GIIU - r r s , A+[04)jjc� i320�j -7 -OF 02- 1 - 0- aX. zy &t>G/ 7oc--U, v&1& -/ f j - /6-0a �3T- ��.C.�. S A1( -6- 7� �-,'- . V7��--l-----2 077�7 TT v%� q r�- -------------------- ------ Z.p- .5 - Q—jc�- L'� �ry%,I p o-b-L, 33 0 J------------ - ------ F/771, 27 797 EI.LVQ mwx Q (k-v ZZ - -�----------------------------------`-re�g-`Yer ---- way y 4� ak 7 0 2 0Tw" -7 I LI a z C -hf ollwov e- d 2, +X 4A 0' -49 z -.1 57 -7 t b NAME DATE ADDRESS al -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------___------------______----------- E- rf G_ "VC b July 8, 2002 Donna D. Moffitt Director Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1638 We the undersigned, disagree with the destruction anad removal by the State Department of Transportation of the community boat ramp which was located on SR 1333 at the crossing of Leopards Creek in Otway, N.C. .+ " As a recent news article stated, this ramp was paid for by local residents to provide them with access to Wards Creek. During the times of storms aand hurricanes it was a sheltered access that allowed people opportunity to remove and protect their boats. Keeping in mind, the budget crisis currently existing, it seems arrogant for the state to even consider destroying a pre-existing access. Sincerely. ✓V� 6r."ArS di��'n!'lSlc� �Qo do e y fzme�r �y C. �dSt,6 36 z 14, T. RAC July 8, 2002 Donna D. Moffitt Director Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1638 We the undersigned, disagree with the destruction anad removal by the State Department of Transportation of the community boat ramp which was located on SR 1333 at the crossing of Leopards Creek in Otway, N.C. As a recent news article stated, this ramp was paid for by local residents to provide them with access to Wards Creek. During the times of storms aand hurricanes it was a sheltered access that allowed people opportunity to remove and protect their boats. Keeping in mind, the budget crisis currently existing, it seems arrogant for the state to even consider destroying a pre-existing access. Since i 'y,, ✓vim ,t!% e AO AO R s s- Ju�vli�a-- /�ussel 2,3.71�ge YrZe; 6 ��r�a AiG a8577 �Izn ��7V/� L T/- /- IS G '.D19N)l=I..S '7_ 1 L/h 7 I'� /' >-/71-NI,l(7=L July s, 2002 Donna D. Moffitt Director Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1638 We the undersigned, disagree with the destruction anad removal by the State Department of Transportation of the community boat ramp which was located on SR 1333 at the crossing of Leopards Creek in Otway, N.C. As a recent news article stated, this ramp was paid for by local residents to provide them with access to Wards Creek. During the times of storms aand hurricanes it was a sheltered access that allowed people opportunity to remove and protect their boats. Keeping in mind, the budget crisis currently existing, it seems arrogant for the state to even consider destroying a pre-existing access. Sincerely, • vY July 8, 2002 Donna D. Moffitt Director Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C.-27699-1638 We the undersigned, disagree with the destruction anad removal by the State Department of Transportation of the community boat ramp which was located on SR 1333 at the crossing of Leopards Creek in thway; N.C. As a recent news article stated, this ramp was paid for by local residents to provide them with access to Wards Creek During the times of storms nand hurricanes it was a sheltered access that allowed people opportunity to remove and protect their boats. Keeping in mind, the budget crisis currently existing, it seems arrogant for the date to even consider destroying a pre-existing access. Sincerely. rzo 7 /y-L(Z, - t� !I rc '\ �� j?y 6�Y/L 155 A&VY -0 %?ML�.��- II 11 ��- July 8, 2002 Donna D. Moffitt Director Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Senice Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1638 We the undersigned, disagree with the destruction anad removal by the State Department of Transportation of the community boat ramp which was located on SR 1333 at the crossing of Leopards Creek in Otway, N.C. As a recent news article stated, this ramp was paid for by local residents to provide them with access to Wards Creek During the times of storms aand hurricanes it was a sheltered access that allowed people opportunity to remove and protect their boats. Keeping in mind, the budget crisis currently existing, it seems arrogant for the state to even consider destroying a preexisting access. Sincerely, 6 e -j-7-6-' - — R-02 1.0-0�2- . 7-9-0a- �-/3 -o.2, -'- is- © - 7_ /7_ DZ �90 76 0?4wQr, IL Cio6VV �� 20. 3 e,,�7 Zho7 I - 64k AvY70 B7%/k ,eAvA AT IV July 8, 2002 - Donna D_ Moffitt Director Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1638 We the undersigned, disagree with the destruction anal removal by the State Department of Transportation of the community boat ramp which was located on SR 1333 at the crossing of Leopards Creek in Otway, N.C. As a recent news article stated, this ramp was paid for by local residents to provide them with access to Wards Creek. During the times of storms aand hurricanes it was a sheltered access that allowed people opportunity to remove and protect their boats. Keeping in mind, the budget crisis currently existing, it seems arrogant for the state to even consider destroying a pre-existing access. Sincerely, r/- 1?--6 ;L- i> l�q i\,f v2.5- � Jr Pfl"4,�u DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT WDENK Nor CJAG.IW OkPMMFNf O EWRONMO mo Nuuww. R¢sou m 151-B HWY. 24, HESTRON BUILDING MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 TELEPHONE: (252) 808-2808 FAX: (252) 247-3330 TO: OFFICE: �IAG 8&/�,2T/SIsll S -e77OW TELEPHONE #: FROM: J-I L L Ae-,4(W47Z) V OFFICE: m DATE SENT: 67- 0 / -O Z FAX #: f 1 7�6 -llJ/ TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES ININ COVER SHUT: NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Donna D. Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary July 1, 2002 Carteret County News Times Legal Advertisement Section P.O. Box 1679 Morehead City, NC 28557 Re: Public Notice - Carteret County Dear Sir: Please publish the attached Notice in the Sunday, July 7, 2002, issue of the Carteret County News Times. The State Office of Budget and Management requires an original Affidavit of Publication prior to payment for newspaper advertising. Please send the affidavit, an original copy of the published notice, and an original invoice to Jaye Poole, NC Division of Coastal Management, 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699- 1638, Telephone (919) 733-2293. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you should have any questions, please contact me at our Morehead City office (252) 808-2808. Sincerely, Bill Arrington D.O.T. Field Representative wla Enclosure cc: Ted Tyndall, District Manager Doug Huggett 151-B Hwy. 24, Hestron Plaza II, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-28081 FAX: 252-247-33301 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity \Affirmative Action Employer —50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The Department of Environment and Natural Resources hereby gives public notice as required by NCGS 113A-119(b) that application for a development permit in an Area of Environmental Concern as designated under the CAMA was received on June 10, 2002. According to said application, the North Carolina Department of Transportation is requesting to expand the road shoulders of the southbound lane of SR 1333 at the crossing of North Leopard Creek, closing the Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp, 2 miles south of Otway, in Carteret County. A copy of the entire application may be examined or copied at the office of Bill Arrington, NC Division of Coastal Management, located at 151-B Hwy. 24, Hestron Plaza Il, Morehead City, NC, (252) 808-2808 during normal business hours. Comments mailed to Donna D. Moffitt, Director, Division of Coastal Management, 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1638, prior to July 27, 2002, will be considered in making the permit decision. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modification may occur based on review and comment by the public and state and federal agencies. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. PUBLISHED ON: Please publish on July 7, 2002 P. 01 TRANSACTION REPORT JUL-01-2002 MON 10:40 AM DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP JUL-01 10:39 AM 97266018 50" 3 SEND OK 244 Development Type Fee DCM% DWQ% (14300 16014351000931625 62531 f24300 1602 435100095 23411 I. Private, non-commercial development that does not involve S250 100%(S250) 0%($0) the filling or excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: II. Public or commercial development that does not involve the filling or S400 100%(S40O) 0%(50) excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: III. For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and/or open water areas, determine if A 0, C. or D below applies:, III(A). For Private, non-commercial development, If General water Quality S250 100% (S250) - 0% (S0 ) Certification No.3301 (see attached) can be applied: III(9): Forpubficorcommercial development, if General water Quality S400 100%(S400) 0%(SO) Certification No.3301 (see attached) can be applied: III(C). If General Water Quality Certification No. 3301 (see attached) could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additional review and S400 60% (S240) 40 % (Sl60) written DWQ concurrence is needed bemuse of concems related to water quality or aquatic life: III(D). If General Water Quality r Certification No. 3301 (see attached) S400 60% (S240) 40% (5160) can not be applied: , ' IV. For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of more S475 6095 (5265) 40 % (5190) than one acre of wetlands and/or open water areas: DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT APPLICANT'S NAME: North Carolina Department of Transportation 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Bridge No. 18 on SR 1333 (Crow Hill Rd.) at the crossing of N. Leopard Creek, approximately 2 miles south of US Highway 70 in the community of Otway, in Carteret County Photo Index - 2000:photo 52-624 T-3, 1995: photo 52-606 S-15 State Plane Coordinates: x: 2732500 y: 377000 G PS: Rover File # L061220A INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA/D&F INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 6/7/2002 Was Agent Present - No PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received as Complete - 6/10/2002 Office - Morehead City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Carteret County Land Classification from LUP - Rural and Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: PTA, EW, CW and CS (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Public (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - N/A Planned - N/A (F) Type of Structures: Existing - Bridge, Roadway and Guardrail Planned -Additional Guardrail, Sheet Pile Bulkhead and Rip Rap (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source: N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] Excavated Filled Other (A) Coastal Wetlands - Soartina patens, Distichlis s ip cats. Spartinina alterniflora 250 sq. ft. (B) Public Trust Area - Shallow Bottom 200 sq. ft. (C) Other - High Ground in the Coastal Shoreline AEC 600 sq. ft. (D) Total CAMA AEC Disturbed: 1050 square feet (800 sq. ft. Previously disturbed) (E) Total area disturbed by project: 1050 sq. ft., or 0.02 acres (F) Primary Nursery Area: Yes (G) Water Classification: SA, HQW (H) Open for Shellfishing: Yes 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The N.C. Department of Transportation is proposing to expand the approach and trailing road shoulders of the southbound lane of Carteret Bridge #18 on SR 1333 to facilitate the installation of guardrail. The proposal would close the Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp by removing a portion of the existing ramp and filling the remainder of the ra mp with rip rap. FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT NC DOT — Bridge 18, Carteret County PAGE 2 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The site of this proposal is Bridge #18 on SR 1333 (Crow Hill Rd.), at the crossing of North Leopard Creek (a tributary of Wards Creek), approximately 2 miles south of U.S. Highway 70 in the community of Otway, in Carteret County. The general purpose of the project is to expand and reinforce the approach and trailing road shoulders of the south bound lane of SR 1333 to provide adequate area for the installation of guardrails. The bridged crossing at North Leopard Creek is flanked with coastal wetlands, pine wetlands and residential lawns. This area is primarily residential. The bridge, replaced in February 2002 under CAMA General Permit #28197, crosses a 40-foot wide estuarine tidal creek and was issued contingent upon and with assurances by the NCDOT no impacts would occur to the Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp. The new bridge encroached approximately 5 feet towards the existing ramp, which the application cover letter submitted by NCDOT states, is now a "safety hazard". NCDOT began removing the boat ramp to facilitate the installation of guardrail, but was stopped pending the ability to receive a CAMA permit to remove it. A 40-foot wide canal parallel to SR 1333 joins Leopard Creek 20 feet west of the bridge from the south shoreline. In the canal upstream of the ramp there are approximately 12 docks maintained by various individuals. A 12- foot wide concrete boat ramp with concrete wing walls extends into N. Leopard Creek between the bridge and the canal. An existing boat ramp was permitted for expansion under a 1978 renewal/modification of CAMA Major Permit #185-74 for the widening of the canal after DCM received a "NO OBJECTION" from C.R. Edgerton, PE, with the NCDOT. This ramp was consequently expanded, by the community and has been in continual use since. The coastal wetland area consists of Spartina alterniflora. Juncus roemerianus. Spartina patens. Distichlis s icn ata. and Salicomia spp.. The pine wetland area including a spoil pile west of the canal consists primarily of Pond Pine, Red Cedar and Myrtle. The adjacent uplands are vegetated primarily with various pines, oaks and grasses. Soils on this property are classified as Hobucken Muck by the NC Soil Conservation Service. Approximate elevations on the.parcel range between minus 2 feet and 4.5 feet above NWL. No evidence of shellfish or SAV beds in the project area was noted. The waters of North Leopard Creek are classified as SA, HQW at the project site by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. North Leopard Creek is designated as Primary Nursery Area by the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries. The Carteret County Land Use Plan designates the project area as Rural, with all CAMA Areas of Environmental Concern designated as Conservation. The proposal is to remove a 5-foot wide section of concrete from the existing Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp parallel to SR 1333 and install a 40-foot long sheet pile bulkhead approximately 10 feet from the edge of the existing pavement. Rip rap reinforcement would be installed waterward of the bulkhead at an approximate 1.5:1 slope to fill the remainder of the boat ramp. Backfill behind the sheet pile would provide adequate shoulder for 75 feet of guardrail on the trailing side of the newly installed bridge southbound lane. The applicant also proposes to reinforce a 50-foot long by 5-foot wide section of road shoulder on the approach side of the bridge south bound lane with rip rap and backfill to provide adequate shoulder for guard rai 1 installation. FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT NC DOT — Bridge 18, Carteret County PAGE 3 10. ' ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: As proposed, the construction of the bulkhead shoulder, reinforced with rip rap, would result in the permanent closing of the North Leopard Creek Community Boat Ramp, eliminating the public use and access as well as potentially adversely affecting those individuals docking along the canal. The proposal would result in the filling approximately 200 square feet of shallow estuarine bottom and disturbing of approximately 600 square feet of Coastal Shoreline AEC (both areas were previously filled by the existing boat ramp). Reinforcement of 50 feet of the approach road shoulder on the southbound lane would result in the filling of approximately 250 square feet of Coastal wetlands. NC DOT has reduced the Estuarine Water AEC and Coastal Shoreline AEC fill impacts associated with this proposed road shoulder expansion by installing the bulkhead above NHW and installing the rip rap at a 1.5:1 slope. There is probability of turbidity expected during the construction of the bulkhead and shoulder expansion. Standard NC DOT BMP's are proposed to minimize these impacts. The primary use of SR 1333 is for ingress and egress of local residents. The proposed shoulder expansion, reinforcement and installation of guardrails are intended to improve safety of traffic movement and comply with state safety standards for secondary roads. The collective disturbance area for the project is 0.02 acres. Bill Arrington July 1, 2002 Morehead City Form DCM-MP-I APPLICATION (To be completed by all applicants) 1. APPLICANT a. Landowner: Name N. C. Department of Transportation Address P.O. Box 1587 City Greenville, State N.C. Zip 27835 Day Phone (252) 830-3490 Fax (252) 830-3352 b. Authorized Agent: Name. Jay Johnson, -NCDOT Div. 2 Address P.O. Box 1587 City Greenville, State N.C. Zip 27835 Day Phone (252) 830-3490 Fax (252) 830-3352 c. Project name (if any) Bridge #18Carteret Co. NOTE: Permit will be issued in name of landowner(s), and'or project name. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. County Carteret b. City, town, community or landmark Otway c. Street address or secondary road number d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? _Yes X No e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, creek, sound, bay) North Leffers Creek 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, 'and excavation and/or filling activities. Drive sheet Diles at boat rams for guard rail installation and backfill with rip ran. Place rip rap for shore line and sheet vile protection on existing boat ramp. Finish installing guardrail on bridge. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? Both c. Will the project be for public, private or commercial use? Public Transportation d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, -please attach additional pages. Purpose: To upgrade existing Bridge to improve the safety of traffic movement and to comply with State safetv standards for secondary road bridge crossings. METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION: Standard roadway and bridge construction methods: DAILY OPERATIONS: Conveyance of vehicular traffic (Bridge is currently closed to non local traffic) Revised 03195 Form DCM-MP-1 4. LAND AND WATER n. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary CHARACTERISTICS 1. r, i ,-,,wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges.) Surface Runoff a. Size of entire tract N/A o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Hobucken Muck e. Vegetation on tract Juncus roemeranus, Distichlis - spicata Snartina alterniflora Snartina patens f. Man-made features now on tract Existing concrete bridge asphalt road and concrete boat ramp. g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan land -classification of the site? (Consedt the local land use plan.) _ Conservation _Transitional Developed _ Community ` X Rural Other Undeveloped h. ,How is the tract zoned by local government? i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? —Yes —No N/A (Attach zoning compliance certificate, ifapplicab/e) j. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? _Yes X No If yes, by whom? k. Is the project located in a National, Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? Yes X No 1. Are there wetlands on the site? X Yes _ No Coastal (marsh) X Other X If yes, has a delineation been conducted? No (Attach documentation. ifavai/able) m. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to the completed application form„ the following items must be submitted: • A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy,of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission. from the owner to carry out the project. • An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross -sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 1/2" by 1 I" white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue -line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. *A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. •A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Form DCM-MP-1 Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name John Thomas Wells Address 1746 River Drive Morehead City, NC 28557 Name Mvra E. Lawrence Address 231 Crow Hill Road Beaufort, NC 28516 Name Ricky Gillikin Address 168 Crow Hill Road Beaufort, N.C. 28516 Name Gerald etux Sullivan Address 4901 Old Elizabeth Road RaleiEh, NC 27616 • A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. • A check for $400 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the application. • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. • A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S.113A - 1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will, be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. This is the 26th day of April 2002 . Print Name Jav Johnson Signature ✓ La ;w or Authorized Agent Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. X DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information X DCM MP-3 Upland Development _ DCM MP-4 Structures Information _ DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE: Please sigie and date each attachment in the space provided at the bottom of each form. Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-2 EXCAVATION AND FILL _. (Except bridges and culverts) Attach this; form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation or fill activities. All values to be given in feet. -- Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Canal Boat basin Boat Ramp Rock groin Rock breakwater Other - Guardrail (Excluding shoreline stabilization) Average Final Existing Project Length Width Depth Depth N/A N/A 550' i ' 111"j 1. EXCAVATION a. Amount of material to be excavated from below MHW orNWL in cubic yards 0 b. Type of material to be excavated N/A c. Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands (marsh), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs) or other wetlands? _ Yes X No d. High ground excavation in cubic yards 0 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL a. Location of disposal area NCDOT Maintenance upland disposal site b. Dimensions of disposal area Approx. 2 Acres c. Do you claim title to disposal area? X Yes _ No If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. d. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? X Yes —No If yes, where? Same Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-2 e. Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? _ Yes X No f. Does the disposal include any area in the water? Yes X No 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION N/A a. Type of shoreline stabilization X Bulkhead X -Riprap b. Length c. Average distance waterward of MHW orNWL d. Maximum distance waterward of MHW orNWL e. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months (Source ofinjormation) Field survey f. Type of bulkhead or riprap material Sheet pile & class 2 granite g. Amount of fill in cubic yards to be, placed below water level (1) Riprap 29 (15'xl3x4) (2) Bulkhead backfill N/A h. Type of fill material class 2 granite i. Source of fill material Fountain Ouarry 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a. Will fill material be brought to site? X Yes _ No (1) Amount of material to be placed in the water 5'x 50'=250 so ft. (2) Dimensions of fill area Refer to plat (5' x (3) Purpose of fill Backfill sheetpile to snort installation of guardrail b. Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? X Yes No If yes, (1) Dimensions of fill area 5' max X 50' (2) Purpose of fill To stabilize slope at approach to bridge on northeast side of bridge. 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? Sediment curtain and silt fence b. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Standard road and bridge construction equipment c. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? _ Yes X No If yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen environmental impacts. NCDOT Bridge 18 SR 1333 Carteret Applicant or P lect Name 0 Signature If yes, Revised 03195 Form DCM-MP-3 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT (Construction and/or land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major If yes, date submitted Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this i. Describe proposed method of sewage disposal. proposed project. N/A a. 'Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures proposed 550' guardrail b. Number of lots or parcels N/A c. Density (give the number of residential units and the units per acre) N/A d. Size of area to be graded, filled or disturbed including roads, ditches, etc. approx. 10' wide by 50' long e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? Yes X No If yes, date submitted f. List the materials (such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for paved surfaces. g. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of MHW or NWL, or within 575 feet in the case of an Outstanding Resource Water, to be covered by impervious and/or built -upon surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. N/A h. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit may also require a Stormwater Certification. Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of Environmental Management for review? Yes X. No j. Have the facilities described in Item i. above received state or local approval? N/A (Attach appropriate documentation) k. Describe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industriallcommercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges). Surface runoff from roadway I. Describe proposed drinking water supply source (e.g. well, community, public system, etc.) m. Will water be impounded? _ Yes X No If yes, how many acres? n. If the project is a oceanfront development, when was the lot(s) platted and recorded? N/A NCDOT Bridge IS SR 1333 Carteret Applicant or Pro je Signature Date Revised 03/95 57 14 10 Ily I SR "� •'� �" IISA 88 �3 P� P81 65 IIY Y �e NE P,T CsmLeal Cowj7y _ 1 ERiD C•'8 ko • 0/8 39 33 y` 38— i 15 , 35 37 IA 1Rf 31 1 32:a R 6 I� CD /\/ Ip ZRY9 I • Im �_ POP. ]_853 �` aV � rN•e sraars o � �F�(�O �D SJ' 8'QCx y oo Q SHACKtffpRO B y o `e bo e4N D V 0 E IONT NOTE: MAP INCLUOES ONLY STATE MAINTAINED ROADS OR IMPORTAgT NON -SYSTEM ROADS. MILEAGE NOT SHORN ON FRONTAGE ROADS. m � Sl q/oZ CARTEe1c� G=l:urY 6RLDGE No.016 SR. No. Cc_re..l 0.I1 RJ.) Lb¢.ATtcN : o. I Mi. S. J CT . SR-\33\ SCFALE: rz 56 HCiiLZ. 3'cHr1 THGMAS L r-_L.L % 1'74(a RXVER DIZLJE MCReRaS%D CITY, 1`I,C 28 SS-7 C252.) "121, • 3,1 89 FCo7 / 3 of ramp 7C SR J3S5 (© `oSS6D CORED SLAB civ` SKELI.i r<„Cwd%j �a 5'dXpkSy�� `gyp-S.Mf i /Pn,P Rapes APP'° F S LePP �R?srl RICKY A. G.-LLI:I nl i la8 CgcW WN L RD. I+ �_Y� SEAuFORT, rl.C. 265Ib :5-14 enct7 .V, r W T�L2 y w .,. (zsz) �2 Y r<C y w f/ -r.r �..r—► -V'—w ...meµ-•y�-•-Y--f4--/- .-f�—i +�I Sa•13�3 Tc SR1331-+ 'L� Appreaw _ � +--s -•--• -v-J• +r-.• +.-r• �-. ry h I C-.:.Raul) ETu% SulTQAN F25j /o/'y"yoLo eL.LLaeTcI:-L"!'IA RSfI F1 Lt.l C.'i IV .. 'LA("6 O'��9544-C121 enADR7i CRCuw LiJt.L Rom) CRcA�FC'RT, N.0 2SS14:� rZ2-44eb �r ER5 ' F'l.Cyj •1� /� 1 /� 1 I approdAtS aNd y $tGf•enS. 1.J a-jr.. h acca .pl:sL &;,. Y•,i SQGc.: h�ts1%onir Zoe et' C-a�aa..�A2a.:( MLuyi b'e in5�n' I ,mi,ll �% GrvSS 1L /R:p �`Q i'e S"Qt�e..l rec.6..1ey 0.n 1 (( S%.tC! •I< dr:.Jtn ana 'r^� ra+ ? Uwtr� W:i'f` 7 v teen trc�:.. ;-4-. FF%ST%...f Bee. row. m..S'F :taut S�rYI /'r 'I ,,,:}I, el�ss S k:p P.ap used :F.xetssa-y f pre�<n} SiJw..lde s CARTERET C&sAMTY $RID68 1J-0. oi8 SR.Nib, l 3(Cro. t-Ij loCffTjluJ: a. l MI.S. J'GT, SIL-I331 SCALE: f`= 10' CA Al AL TEE �rj uUP.Ya �C.IL df —Tb SR-13,39 Gvty LeMevs CvetV- 5 cu I m C Exisf:1ny Coxrcft / Zoo FT �cj1ty �oa7 ..,p .m V& �' oP CLo55 L -',*pRzp 2S � tc 5L•`Qpo.T1TZoodw" p0oo00'�D oo i l cl 0 o�d � � a l Lvicek o � a o 0 3 00 D o 0 0 � D X IJWL BRID6E No. ol$ ro Sz SR RO. 1333 1331 ' R&Q' ! 1411t RD. CARTE7t6-d'CoueurX BA�pGg yid, t$ lomrroN: o.! m . S. XcT. SR-1331 &iVvt IArjFckS ik6Ek SCAM ; t" = jot Rf a o5-09•02. SM4"BYA Gndr V SS L( S 70 .5 7o-z xvrd US70 a -- I ' SXso ---� �•�de �r3` d 000a` ayc yp oocoe OQOpO 00 dpd rdtwab O�OAbOpO Q� STYE12rTs b�� ZGi _1Te war sin R'p Rap ;_yob bL-; ad o,.t s)tiou�a�r in or�Q,Y fo in5�4f� [>4ArY1Ysi� F iia r kri ! 51ctm� w 40 1 E !! 9 8=JJWop �[is7in SR 1333 Crow 4i:11 Kew CAT iff4 C-04n�A B��e B ff I Zo 5C41GicnriP�+lf4f 10 Stn i! 11�teAl v;ew leek;" 9 WAMIn 7A E 5-9•- Da _. '� ��-�:--- - �i` _ •.:erg 1 1 V �Q � 1 S�9�v � 6.. .. - � , _ ' _�_ ^' . u ni Form DCM-MP-1 APPLICATION (To be completed by all applicants) 1. APPLICANT a. Landowner: Name N. C. Department of Transportation Address P.O. Box 1587 City Greenville, State N.C. Zip 27835 Day Phone (252) 830-3490 Fax (252)830-3352 b. Authorized Agent: Name. Jay Johnson, -NCDOT Div. 2 Address P.O. Box 1587 City Greenville, State N.C. Zip 27835 Day Phone (252) 830-3490 Fax (252)830-3352 c. Project name (if any) Bridge #18Carteret Co. NOTE: Permit will be issued in name of landowner(s), and'or project name. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. County Carteret b. City, town, community or landmark Ot%vay c. Street address or secondary road number SR 1333 d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? Yes X No e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, creek, sound, bay) North Leffers Creek 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and excavation and/or filling activities. Drive sheet piles at boat ramp for guard rail installation and backfill with rip rap. Place rip rap for shore line and sheet pile protection on existing boat ramp. Finish installing guardrail on bridge. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? Both c, Will the project be for public, private or commercial use? Public Transportation d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. Purpose: To upgrade existine Bridge to improve the safetv of traffic movement and to comply with State safetv standards for secondary road bridge crossings. METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION: Standard roadway and bridge construction methods: DAILY OPERATIONS: Conveyance of vehicular traffic_ Bridge is currently closed to non local traffic) Revised 03195 Form DCM-MP-1 4. LAND AND WATER n. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary CHARACTERISTICS :„� 7 u2 wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash 1 down" and residential discharges.) Surface Runoff a. Size of entire tract N/A o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A N/A c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Hobucken Muck e. Vegetation on tract Juncus roemeranus, Distichlis spicata, Spartina alterniflora Spartina patens f. Man-made features now on tract Existing concrete bridge , asphalt road, and concrete boat ramp. g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan land classification of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) _ Conservation ,Transitional Developed _ Community X Rural __Other Undeveloped h. How is the tract zoned by local government? i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? _Yes _No N/A (Attach zoning compliance certificate, it -applicable) j. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? _Yes X No If yes, by whom? k. Is the project located in a National. Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? Yes X No 1. Are there wetlands on the site? X Yes _ No Coastal (marsh) X Other X If yes, has a delineation been conducted? No Ouach documentation, ifavailable) m. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: • A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project. • An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross -sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 1/2" by I V white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue -line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. •A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. •A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Form DCM-MP-1 Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name John Thomas Wells Address 1746 River Drive Morehead City, NC 28557 Name Myra E. Lawrence Address 231 Crow Hill Road Beaufort, NC 28516 Name Rickv Gillikin Address 168 Crow Hill Road Beaufort, N.C. 28516 Name Gerald etux Sullivan Address 4901 Old Elizabeth Road Raleigh, NC 27616 the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant i • • t permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. • A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. N/A • A check for $400 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the application. • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. • A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A -1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. This is the 26th day of April 12002 . Print Name Jay Johnson Signature ✓ La vi or Audiori=edAgent Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. X DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information X DCM MP-3 Upland Development _ DCM MP4 Structures Information _ DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE. Please sign and date each attachment in the space provided at the bottom of each form. Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-2 EXCAVATION AND FILL (Except bridges and culverts) Attach this -.form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation or fill activities. All values to be given in feet. Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Canal Boat basin Boat Ramp Rock groin Rock breakwater Other - Guardrail (Excluding shoreline stabilization) Average Final Existing Project Length Width Depth Depth 550, N/A I N/A a jut 1. EXCAVATION a. Amount of material to be excavated from below MHW orNWL in cubic yards 0 b. Type of material to be excavated N/A c. Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands (marsh), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs) or other wetlands? _ Yes X No d. High ground excavation in cubic yards 0 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL a. Location of disposal area NCDOT Maintenance upland disposal site b. Dimensions of disposal area Annrox. 2 Acres c. Do you claim title to disposal area? X Yes _ No If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. d. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? X Yes _ No If yes, where? Same Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-2 e. Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? _ Yes X No f. Does the disposal include any area in the water? _ Yes X No 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION N/A a. Type of shoreline stabilization X Bulkhead X -Riprap b. Length c. Average distance waterward ofMHW orNWL 5' d. Maximum distance waterward of MHW or NWL 10, e. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months 0 (Source ojinjormation) Field survey f. Type of bulkhead or riprap material Sheet pile & class 2 granite g. Amount of fill in cubic yards to be placed below water level (1) Riprap _29 (15'x13x4) (2) Bulkhead backfill N/A h. Type of fill material class 2 granite i. Source of fill material Fountain Ouarry 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a. Will fill material be brought to site? X Yes —No (1) Amount of material to be placed in the water 51x 50'=250 sq ft. (2) Dimensions of fill area Refer to plat (5' x 50') (3) Purpose of fill Backfill sheetpile to support installation of guardrail b. Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? X Yes No If yes, (1) Dimensions of fill area 5' max X 50' (2) Purpose of fill To stabilize slope at approach to bridge on northeast side of bridge. 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? Sediment curtain and silt fence b. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Standard road and bridge construction equipment c. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? _Yes X No If yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen environmental impacts. NCDOT Bridge 18 SR 1333 Carteret Applicant or P ject Name I Signature If yes, Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-3 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT (Construction and/or land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Pennit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures proposed 550' guardrail b. Number of lots or parcels N/A c. Density (give the number of residential units and the units per acre) N/A d. Size of area to be graded, filled or disturbed including roads, ditches, etc. approx. 10' wide by 50' long e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the .Division of Land Resources? Yes X No If yes, date submitted f. List the materials (such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for paved surfaces. N/A g. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of MHW or NWL, or within 575 feet in the case of an Outstanding Resource Water, to be covered by impervious and/or built -upon surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. N/A h. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Pen -nit may also require a Stormwater Certification. Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of Environmental Management for review? Yes X No If yes, date submitted Describe proposed method of sewage disposal. N/A j. Have the facilities described in Item i. above received state or local approval? N/A (Attach appropriate documentation) k. Describe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, .'wash down" and residential discharges). Surface runoff from roadway I. Describe proposed drinking water supply source (e.g. well, community, public system, etc.) N/A m. Will water be impounded? —Yes X No If yes, how many acres? n. If the project is a oceanfront development, when was the lot(s) platted and recorded? N/A NCDOT Bridee 18 SR 1333 Carteret Applicant orProje lame t.Rvl Signature Date Revised 03/95 CpR-IEeZtT G:u+ ry BR1DGfi. No. 018 SR. No. l]35CC.r.wM-11Rd.) LOGATIoN: 0,1 C11.S. CT. SR-�331 SCALE: I'= 6D HcA17_. (© �C' I'ic5i n'S5SeD CORE-0 SLAB qp` SKE1.0 SCHN Ttir-MA5 wr-LiS 1?410 R%vF-Q DRIJE MC1REREAD CITY, N,C 2S55? CZ.S2) '171,-3459 1 FLOW a�f ea It+t �• )? TE�� e iC sg 13gy o.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'ApFeat _ - •dra:l-w ' -- � •� hIYRgE.UAWREIACE fiD 251 CRCw HILL Rcao SERvFC'RT N.0 255\ C252.) iZ8-4406 U) Ro-p � APPr° S Lo?, MRRsrl RICKY A. GILLIKI N l/ r :( O,PUFCRT, N.C. 2bSib Y li V'YT= i► yi (252) 9? - - �C ql 3i' �•- - - - -•--+^ -•-• -+--•- � ---SA'IS53-- - - - - -- Tc SA 13311 � •-4/ 49C 1 oLD EL\L�'.E�14 RD• C5i9) 554 - C1zi NrRT�CReEK ��rFeRS a roaches end �afa ra:�:n $etl:o nt. l� ewaew h eccan pl:sL T�•.:t, 'P,e {� Speer ee�:ont, 200' e� ��arJau LMusl be ins+'n1 ��f 9 p? I 1 55 SL �:p �p �e s GPe-f r-J u�Y 4na / 1 S:iCtI p:l< Jr;uen a� A-C romp Ce�1 /t�.wj W:'1':, 7 (� a• 5 �.. +" Ma.S�• ?y us .t rX CtSSaw`l fo pr[vtn+ $ilouldt�'S iw..n CrD .� e Gyaw� �ia.: I. 5%+o.aldews Wall i+t ra. seCl SI:91,}lye w�+I. class B)'i? P CA JRET Co &OX Y BRIDGE Na. 668 SR• n[o, 1333(C►o... t-1: i I �e41 �C lChl; 6.l Mi.S.:'t-T. `IL-1131 CA,vAL TEE 'iS�Gu�:rd �c.1L 2 Y _ f--lb SR-1339 ooev Le�evs Cver� co��rcf/ Zoo FT-?- t 1p cLass i 1e;p1?gp 25 �0 5a peo.7 /`eodw" x—_ i_R ��ijGncl Cal a. d ro.t 1 K �c F111 000 oo ppoo0 pia oo it T ti-�f�?^' ma's oq 000• o o a ��. w� vS -r- To 0 0 l cck 0 o a F o 3 'oo O 2 X • I 1 ' O O'0 O^ I — r o fl 9 .� _ D p X Q 0 D l4' /!W L SM 06 No. o t 8 ro Se 5ktdo. 1331� 1331 <Ro .4 MI u RD. �1 / j CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED :. �uu2 5/3/02 Gerald etux Sullivan 4901 Old Elizabeth Road Raleigh, N.C. 27616 Dear Mr. Sullivan: This correspondence is to notify you as an adjacent riparian landowner that the North Carolina Department of Transportation plans to add guardrail to a recently constructed bridge (Bridge # 18) onsite of his/her property located on _SR 1333 in _Carteret County. The sketch attached accurately depicts the proposed construction. The proposed action will eliminate the access/use of an existing concrete boat ramp located within NCDOT R/W on the northwest side of the bridge. Should you have objections to the proposed construction, please check the appropriate statement below, sign, date, and return as soon as possible to: Mr. Bill Arrington N.C. Dept of Environment and Natural Resources Morehead City District Division of Coastal Management 151-B Hwy 24 Hestron Plaza II Morehead City,'N.C. 28557 Written comments must be received by the Division of Coastal Management within 30 days of receipt of this notice. NO RESPONSE WITHIN 30 DAYS of receipt of the correspondence will be INTERPRETED AS NO OBJECTION. Sincerely, I have no objection to the proposed project as described in this correspondence. 1 have objection to the project as presently proposed and have enclosed comments. ✓r dat 4 (Signature) (Date) GERALD SULLIVAN DANA SULLIVAN 4901 Old Elizabeth Rd u�2 Raleigh, NC 27616 (919) 954-0121 May 14, 2002 Mr. Bill Arrington NC Dept of Environmental and Natural Resources Morehead City District Division of Coastal Management 151-B Hwy 24 Hestron Plaza II Morehead City, NC 28557 I have, strong objections to the proposed project of installing guardrails on each, side of Crow Hill Rd for the following reasons: 1. Guardrails were not proposed with the original bridge project 2. Removing the boat ramp was not part of the original bridge project 3. I agreed to the original bridge project as proposed 4. 1 would not have agreed if the boat ramp was removed, or guardrails installed. 5. I purchased my property (177 Crow Hill Rd) because the boat ramp was there. 6. The guardrails are unsightly 7. 1 know of no vehicle accidents and no information was provided concerning vehicle accidents that have occurred within 200 feet of the bridge 8. 1 suspect the new bridge was larger (wider) than originally planned which has caused a problem with the boat ramp and guardrails. 9. Lowering the posted speed limit to 35 mph would eliminate the need for guardrails and would be less costly. When will we know when and what decisions will be made? Regards, erald ullivan� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Donna D. Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary July 1, 2002 Dwayne H. Alligood, P.E. Division Maintenance Engineer NC Department of Transportation P.O. box 1587 Greenville, N.C. 27835 Dear Mr. Alligood, The NC Division of Coastal Management hereby acknowledges receipt of your application for State approval for the proposed road shoulder expansion and guardrail installation on SR 1333 at the crossing of North Leopard Creek in Carteret County. It was received as complete on June 10, 2002, and appears to be adequate for processing at this time. The projected deadline for making a decision is August 22, 2002. An additional 75-day review period is provided by law when such time is necessary to complete the review. If you have not been notified of a final action by the initial deadline stated above, you should consider the review period extended. Under those circumstances, this letter will serve as your notice of an extended review. However, an additional letter will be provided on or about the 75th day. NCGS 113A-119(b) requires that Notice of an application be posted at the location of the proposed development. Enclosed you will find a "Notice of Permit Filing" postcard which must be posted at the proposed development. You should post this notice at a conspicuous point along the roadway where it can be observed from the road. An example would be: nailing the notice card to a telephone pole or tree along the road right-of-way near the project. Failure to post this notice could result in an incomplete application. An onsite inspection will be made, and if additional information is required, you will be contacted by the appropriate State or Federal agency. Please contact me if you have any questions and notify me in writing if you wish to receive a copy of my field report and/or comments from reviewing agencies. Sincerer, Bill Arrington D.O.T. Field WLA Enclosure cc: Charles Jones Doug Huggett Ted Tyndall, District Manager 151-B Hwy. 24, Hestron Plaza II, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-2808 \ FAX: 252-247-3330 \ Internet: www.nccoastaimanagement.net An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper CAMA PERMIT APPLIES FOR RetvvAo v C2-f boo.+ I?ctrAo 06104 - ;A S44- 1 (dk PR il EjtT*. lk LAdLA CtYJ Skate- liftC S4%Amih-cd9+#%a^ ON -SIR 1335 Co of Al, i COMMENTS ACCEPTED THROUGH APPLICANT: NC. Do—r FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT THE LOCAL iPERMIT,OFFICER BELOW: Ed/ rr 151-13 A/ Y�;-q-Aiiwm 24 Cii)i , AM 7� 1 o .STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR }� SECRETARY May 10, 2002 Mr. Bill Arrington Division of Coastal Management 2002 151-B Hwy 24 Hestron Plaza 11 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Dear Mr. Arrington: I am transmitting a copy of completed form DCM-MP-Ifor the replacement of bridge number 18 located on SR 1333 in Carteret County as required by the Division of Coastal Management. This bridge replacement was originally permitted by general permit number 28197 with the condition that "sheet pile will be used in the southwest quadrant to prevent impacts to the concrete pad." After replacement of the bridge it became apparent that the drop-off created by the concrete pad was a safety hazard and prevented proper installation of guardrail to protect the bridge railing. Due to the impacts to the concrete pad, the Division of Coastal Management required the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to go through the major permit process due to the impacts to the concrete pad which is used as a boat ramp. Bridge number 18 was originally built in 1952 by the Bridge Maintenance Unit of the NCDOT. The Division of Coastal Management issued a CAMA permit for construction of a boat ramp in this vicinity in 197NCDOT records indicate that a second application for relocation of the boat ramp was submitted in 1977 and the Department objected to the location of the boat ramp at the base of the_bridge. NCDOT proposed that the boat ramp be located at the end of the canal and entirely outside of highway right of way. The Department does not have any record in our files of how this issue was resolved at that time but the boat ramp was relocated to the base of the bridge. North Carolina General Statute 1-45 states that "No person or corporation shall ever acquire any exclusive right to any part of a public road, street, lane, alley, square or public way of any kind by reason of any occupancy thereof or by encroaching upon or obstructing the same in any way, and in all actions, whether civil or criminal, against any person or corporation on account of an encroachment upon or obstruction or occupancy of any public way it shall not be competent for a court fo hold that such action is barred by any statute of limitations." The right of way at this location is not "signed right of way" but has been maintained,by-the.hCDOT since atleast 1952 when the previous bridge was constructed. Div[stoNTwo* P.O. Box 1587 • GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835 PHONE (252) 830-3490 • FAx (252) 830-3352 As a result this right of way, has been acquired by the NCDOT by prescription and in accordance with GS 1-45 it may not then be acquired by any person or corporation through adverse possession. Thank you for your assistance in this matter and please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dwayif(e H. Alligood, P Division Maintenance Engineer attachments ("i 5 ?U1J2 cc: Mr. C. E. Lassiter, Jr., PE, Division Engineer -wd: [Fwd: Bridge # 18, Carteret]] Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Bridge #18, Carteret]] Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 17:52:15 -0400 From: Jay Johnson <jbjohnson@dot.state.nc.us> Organization: North Carolina Department of Transportation To: Bill Arrington <bill.arrington@ncmail.net> Bill, I hope this helps. I will forward any information Dwayne gives me onto you. Thanks Jay. Subject: Re: f Fwd: Bridge #18, Carteret] Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 15:05:25 -0400 From: "Dwayne Alligood" <dlligood@dot.state.ne.us> Organization: North Carolina Department of Transportation To: Jay Johnson <jbjohnson@dot.state.nc.us> CC: Neil Lassiter <nlassiter@dot.state.nc.us> Jay: Right of way by prescription is acquired after NCDOT maintains a section of roadway for greater than 20 years. The original bridge was constructed in 1952 and the first boat ramp was permitted in 1974. Therefore, right of way by prescription exists and existed in 1972 at the latest based on when the original bridge was constructed. According to documentation received from the Division of Coastal Management, the permit for the original boat ramp (185-74) was issued on November 18, 1974 and the permit was renewed, modified, and reissued on January 16, 1978. NCDOT does not have records indicating when, after issuance of the permits, the ramp was first built or used. I have a copy of the sketch referenced in C.R. Edgerton's letter dated 1 I-10-77. 1 will place a copy in your box and I will also include a letter from Lex Kelly to Edgerton describing the sketch. Dwayne Jay Johnson wrote: Neil/Dwayne, I need some assistance on Bill's questions regarding Carteret 18. Thanks, Jay Subject: Bridge #18, Carteret Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 11:46:57 -0400 From: Bill Arrington <Bill.Arrington@ncmail.net> Organization: NC DENR DCM To: "JBJohnson@DOT.state.nc.us" <JBJohnson@DOT.state.nc.us> CC: "Brittingham, \"Cathy" <Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net> Hi Jay, I hope you are doing well. I'm trying to tie up a few loose end before vacation. r2 [Fwd: [Fwd: Bridge #18, Carteret]] I sent 2 GP's to you yesterday. I was working on Bridge 18 in Carteret and would appreciate a bit more information on the following: Your letter states that DOT does not have a signed ROW but rather has ROW by prescription. Could you explain this and give the date DOT actually received legal ROW? Does DOT have documentation as to when the ramp was first built or used, or when it was paved? We have a letter from C.R. Edgerton, dated l 1/10/77, objecting to the modification of the existing boat ramp. It refers to a sketch prepared by DOH showing an alternate proposed location for the boat ramp. Do you have a copy of that sketch? I'll be on vacation next week. Let me know if you have any questions. Bill JAMES B. R. GOVERNOR ROLINA )RTATI ON New Bern, N. C. Nov. 4, 1977 Ag: Ji.1r{ i 4 7002 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS THOMAS W. ERAC•SHAW, JR. SECR`TARY V. � � � ✓� `• �' cb� Subject: Boat Ramp Off SR 1333 - Carteret County MEMORANDUM TO M.R.. C. R. ED ERTON: For your information attached is a plat w nic h shows ar. existing man trace canal that parallels subject road which presently has an existing paved ramp that leads from the canal to the roadway pavement. Per your request I have talked with Mr. Danny Gillixin, telephone No. 728-5120, and he advises that he would like to change this ramp's location, as shown by cross hatched area indicating "proposed paved ramp At As noted t: s area would :.e inside of the R/W of this road. I would recommend that Mr. Gillikin build a ra..p as denoted on the sketch by a cross hatched area entitled "Paved ramp #1." This would elL-.i-ate the use of our R;W as a loadin.7 ramp. If further information is needed, please advise. County map attached indicates location. Kindest regards, , Lex A. Kelly,:' E- DISTRICT El,C-1 EER LAK:hb Attac'mmerts 4,9�o-: Mr. C. W. Snell 09 I e Ix 6, I -�r 1XIcerfifled ❑ Insured ❑ CAD 7. Dale of Delivery 5. Received By: (Print Name) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if re, Zvi 141� 4 and fee is paid) 6. Signature: ddressee or Ag ) X Zk%lam'-� .9 PS Fo 38. . 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