HomeMy WebLinkAbout87928B - Larry Gwaltney 5414 *cm% AMA t i DREDGE & FILL V� K-,permit NSA �C o ENERAL PERMIT o�P per^i( d eW ❑MOdifICdLlon jCompkft'Rl issue i P.1 L1I Reissue t :• . ::W ces Conwesuon n an area of er.r+a^^`rw�concern how,*so As.wthonn�. 'Sa/te d NonhlG,r'olxu Oep�rtlnw°(E^"'r'" •,:.,I�i.,I:,and the ;. I SA NCAC -.74__�Zu J -_---. -__ C1 Rules attathad [X Gene,al Pemr Pages&dab*at the lalowal leg. sewe Appbc.ant Name ..�. R I r Protect Locxbn ICouay, h Addrlu a2 r � M AC Fn. _ _ G✓ir. Cqy-Qdl.e-. Sam NC ZIP Z7 i!- Stmt.(Address State Road Lot atsl F^as `--- --- y p -l_ z!P s$ ►��� ca — ee cot xrw 30TA ❑Es �- /i5 Ado Wu body _ .--- —— s/wA i_ Closes u wtr Bodr l_4-.. 4 _ OEA 1tHA UW n r1TS tM - ._ _- ORIN .r.C) PIA rr'• ,0 _.� I a �fJ�A � fnD f ,�-fir_.. -�7 (SLi 4 I•SO Type of Project/Activity iv-\ Sno•! Re yrth 0 off—4roeoe.-°���a��..!! /�5 1� A(ye55 tl,+;th ��Q,r(� �r 1l•h/ ``) ic+� I• J Piet(dock I WW1', i.qd PtiNw'^Isl �� I: --� s? -- ------- ---- .JFt.\ Twatq..4OU.aI P 17�,' L.. 14 lrra•:eas :v+P MrKI" A.R 0.r1.woe olhnore _-- er,aaWater• 11 __-___ -- Ma.d,siarue%resell ..— Sawn thereof C Ant sods 1441 ee•^P---- --- Rytno,wei Boattm •-- - RexA e./Idoa'"f_________________ 63 ...to trae.,+ed ,",� M ba �! f '� Co � 1Nulw �KMd .'II __ 11 lARPhry US OFFER 1cncle one, ^ it: t n Ir a'^"d,'r` Rear Bn-w tines retweR WdsCB Ot+ t/tv+�16 9"'•"' Og Set note on hat►regwd t __--- Cta�*Ow' - 0 Set add'h0.9 riamsimeisa w:M,.r.k ._.... itOIS INAT APPLY TO TNK patios CT ANO RIN rPUANi L tAT(Akt Nl`/fWaM1 Initu+r e --- — (piSTAFUTES.CIK SAIOCOI01 Am - 3f Zo?3 marrw+^t 0.,to �+Pe ^.,.: : OCR r!r Z-— � •( v Da yybs Srf.x�•e"P✓a .�Oft' - ROY COOPER torn, MICHAEL S.REGAN taro-, Coastal Management BRAXTON DAVIS oa•wn OirS uw:,rr Din® BUFFER AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE FOR PIER AND DOCKING FACILITIES ACCESS WAY A riparian buffer authorization is required for pier and docking facilities access ways through the Tar-Pamlico& Nouse River Riparian buffer per Division of Water Resources(DWR)regulations 15A NCAC 028.0233&.0259.The Division of Coastal Management(DCM),through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Division of Water Resources(DWR)has reviewed your project proposal and has determined that the project as proposed complies with the aforementioned regulations. Those activities covered by your Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA)permit have received Buffer Authorization provided the project is constructed in a manner that continues to meet all of the conditions listed below.Failure to comply with this Buffer Authorization may subject the property owner and the.party(contractor)performing the construction and/or land clearing to a civil penalty by DWR of up to 525,000 per day per violation. t Crossing is Perpendicular. Pier and docking facility access way must cross the 50 ft.riparian buffer perpendicularly(which Is defined as between 75 and 105 degrees)unless otherwise approved by DCM.The alignment shall minimize the removal of woody vegetation to the greatest extent practicable. Pervious Materials:All reasonable measures shall be taken to ensure the access way is made of pervious materials like open-slatted wood or composite,mulch,or grass to meet the intent of the rules to the maximum extent practicable. a Access Width:The(width of the pier or docking facility access way shall be limited to six(6)feet. e Project Drawing:The drawing on the CAMA General Permit is considered the project drawing of your property Indicating the relative location of the pier or docking facility and any requested access way.This drawing will be used to aid in complianceia and monitoring efforts. • Pre-project site conditions:110 f S By your signature below you agree to be held responsible for meeting all of the conditions listed aba• a verify that all information provided is complete and accurate. rQ p C t ) t or Appli E P inte Name Permit Biter's Signatu gent or Applicant Signature IssueD e • -g7g 2g CAMA GENERAL PERK IT d: VYOnlorgI Nru I Cmtrmrm VA.N,A oN l c !C uWY^M nereV aNvgGnWe I'wcat. lk%4✓itW Wnlcz3.0 helot no aw Th5 i x tra/C T044.1 OOC T etaw tni(ay t 18NSI Ae A8110 Ma l.mela.Md(ar 4C ixSSr I tS1rWl,teOa• ) • 4 From: Suzanne Gwaltney sgwaltney@saillofirealty.com Subject: Re: Extra Pilings Date: October 24.2022 at 11:09 AM To: Brandi Robertson brandiprobertson@gmail.com Cc: Larry Gwaltney larry.gwaltney@sailloftrealty.com Yes, please proceed. Best regards, Suzanne Gwaltne Suzanne Gwaltney, CRS, SRES Realtor/Associate Broker 4^' M 252.670 3797 ce & j+7 B 252.249.1787 swaltney@saiNoftrealty.com I•. www_SailloftReaity.com W WWREA-Sellers WWREA-Buyers On Mon,Oct 24,2022 at 11:01 AM Brandi Robertson<brandiprobertson@gmail.com>wrote: Dear Larry&Suzanne, I hope you all are doing well. Bobby had talked to me about adding couple of poles to make putting your boat on the lift a little easier when the river is not cooperating. Adding the two poles will require a permit. I have notified your neighbors and am ready to get the permit from CAMA. Please respond to this email to confirm that I have permission to act as your Authorized Agent. This will allow me to obtain the permit on your behalf. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. Brandi Prescott Robertson B Prescott Martine Construction, LLC BrandipRobertson@gmail.com 252.249.0149 1 From: Henry Frazer henry@orientalyachtsales.com g Subject: Re:Gwaltney Project Date: October 17,2022 at 4:00 PM To: Brandi Robertson brandiprobertson@gmail.com Good by me Sent from my iPhone On Oct 17,2022,at 2:12 PM, Brandi Robertson<brandiprobertson@gmail.com>wrote: Dear Henry, Larry Gwaltney would like to install two pilings to act as a guide to entering his existing boat lift.This development requires a CAMA permit and requires that Adjacent Property Owners are notified about any proposed projects. Please respond to this email confirming that you have been notified about the project. I have attached a drawing of the proposal. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the project. If you have any objections please call Kent Vaughan at 252 948.3853. Sincerely, Brandi Prescott Robertson (41 Pro. cc+ • girual-itta \ Mc1 Picp'j Thied c FrayK- for4-7 __. eos-viti Eica4 144- 0\ V o �--- y�D �� i WO 0 ,4r iina t Pi k hgr NeUSetive'2.., I I Sent from my iPhone From: Rob McDonald mcdonald-rob@outlook.com Subject: He:Gwaltney Project Date: August 26,2022 at 1:51 PM To: Brandi Robertson brandiprobertson@gmail.com Hi Brandt. I confirm the notification of the proposed project as shown below and take no issue with the improvements -hanks very much, Rob McDonald 892-363-6119 On Aug 26,2022,at 1:43 PM, Brandt Robertson<brandiprobertson@gmail.com>wrote: Dear Mr. McDonald, We hope you are enjoying your dock this summer. Your neighbor, Mr. Gwaltney would like to install two pilings to act as a guide to entering his existing boat lift. This development requires a CAMA permit and requires that Adjacent Property Owners are notified about any proposed projects. Please respond to this email confirming that you have been notified about the project. I have attached a drawing of the proposal. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the project. If you have any objects please call Kent Vaughan at 252. 948.3853. Sincerely. Brandi Prescott Robertson Sent from my iPhone Livuoti_i j____P(0. CC+ : .\ SA0-1-rul McbcruY 1)ifedi �\ L o M 1t c b \ , \ --.. _ ._- - 44g ---\\ a?cJJ