HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 38-74 Maria CreekPERMIT TO DREDGE OR FILL Permit Nu. 38-74 State of North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development page 1 of 2 r j n 5 O. Department of Transportation, Division of Highways �..t 00 Name W N 4 Post Office Box 25201 A Street Address Raleigh Town - City e Carteret North Carolina 27611 County -Project location State This permit authorizes you to dredge and/or fill at Maria Creek as requested in your permit application dated November 30, 1973 subject to the conditions in the block below. * See attached sheet for conditions. THIS PERMIT IS VOID IF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE NOT PRECISELY FOLLOWED_ Notification of project completion must be given this office. This permit must be displayed with a copy of the application and the project map in the cab or pilot -house of the vehicle working on the project, whichever is applicable, or be easily accessible on site to Department of Conservation and Development personnel. . This permit is terminated on December 31, 1975 Any additional work or maintenance work on the project subsequent to the termination of this permit requires a new permit. The permit, (as approved with conditions), may be objected to by the applicant or by interested State agencies within twenty days of the date of issuance by giving written notice to the Department of Conservation and Development. The applicant is advised of the requirement under G. S. 146-6.1 that power -operated earth - moving equipment operating or to be operated in or on publicly owned tidelands, publicly owned beaches, publicly owned marshlands, or navigable waters within the State must be registered by the owner of the equipment with the Department of Water and Air Resources. Edward G. McCoy, Commissioner March 7, 1974 Division of Commercial $ Sports Fisheries c T �J . STA - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES '� a Box 27687 TAMES E. MARkINGTON SECRETARY TEtEP ONE AREA CODE 919-949-49A4 MEMORANDUM TO - From Subject 1•j�,QJ mar Raleigh 27611 -3'J / �A/ SE R, IR. GO' ANOR NC Div. Marine Fisheries PO Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 October 17, 1975 John Parker Bob Pittman Req. for modificatiory= DOT permit 38E%4 = Maria Creek Bridge, (\ Carteret Count We have reviewed the DOT modified plat dated October 1975 which illustrates the proposed widening of an existing canal off Maria Creek. I have inspected the site on several occasions. The proposed excavation and subsequent spoil place- ment will occur within the alignment of an existing spoil area which now paral- lels a mosquito control canal. Spoil area is dominated by black needlerush (Juncus) as is the property on either side of the canal. I believe the proposed work can be accomplished as indicated (i.e., no marsh to be excavated or filled at the site.) The permit, however, should be conditioned to this effect. Mr. Charlie Edgerton should also be cautioned to be sure and instruct the contrac- tor that no marshland (Juncus) is to be excavated or filled at the site. The con- tractor should be further warned that should the disposal area appear to be too narrow to contain the intended spoil material, that the amount of excavation is to be lessened. We have no objection to the intended modification with the following conditions: 1. That all excavation be contained within the existing canal alignment and to the southeast side of the canal. 2. That all excavated materials be confined above MHW and landward of regularly or.irregularly flooded marshlands. 3. That at any time spoil material becomes deposited on marshland outside the alignment of the existing spoil area, that work immediately cease, the Divi- sion of Marine Fisheries be notified, and that the marsh area covered be restored as directed by the Division of Marine Fisheries. Bob Pittman I 70 t , 012 A 1 q3 o lu Cy � � V � 13 (� •j `l � s �- ti Al RECEIVED fit, N. C. DEFT NEE "1AF�IN��� FIti+lcRIES ....... ... N ao A17 Ntv, 'R J;kc; i� V, IIf 11 4; IA" INI 4rr yT.17 p 9991 -f I, " t wI C -J� It I It tj w If. tm 41� 11�,- A it If i :, "Al I.. �.T Ji 4, -,Jg tip, n Ail —N N r A � 41- --E o '�-I` r Lai11", Y If ko zs I it 11. 14 V "A 0 -jV tp ;01,i, j Is}, 15 flt�� JW I 1� TY) Ir. , ir "W I7 "Lt ...... 77 --- 7 --- "ov 0 1, 0 4 =I- I't �R Io ' i'1111Vhi J,0 i t c 01 1 11 North Carolina Department of Natural & Economic Resources JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR., GOVERNOR Mr. C. R. Edgerton Manager of Tech. Services Dept. of Transportation Division of Highways Raleigh, N. C. 27611_,�" Dear Charlie: JAMES E. HARRINGTON, SECRETARY Subjeelt: DOT Permit 38- DIVISI:IN OF MARINE FISHERIES EDWARD G. McCOY DIRECTOR BOX 76% MOREHEAD CITY 28557 TELEPHONE 919 7?5-7021 September 29, 1975 Cart. County I am enclosing a sketch of the'E'rv­in— her property at Stacy near Maria Creek bridge. As you are aware, the subject canal was widened approximately two years ago by the County Mosquito Control agency. An on -site meeting with federal bio- logists revealed that they would not oppose the project if the work can be done with no marshgrass destruction. I have taken measurements of the canal and associated spoil area this date. I was accompanied by Lloyd Fulcher. Mr. Fulcher stated that he and those fisher- men who will use the canal will need a minimum of 15' wide by 5' deep. For the most part, the canal appears to be near 15' wide or wider over most of the alignment except for the northeasternmost 150'. In this area, the width varies from 9-10' wide. The canal now varies from about 3.5' to 4.5' deep. I would suggest that you utilize the enclosed sketch to prepare another plat for various State and federal agencies. You should forward the new plat to John Parker and Charles Hollis for circulation to their respective people. Due to the limited width of the proposed disposal area, I would suggest that the dragline operator be cautioned against spoil placement on the adjacent marshland. This caution should stress that no spil is to be placed on the adjacent marsh- land even at the expense of not achieving the desired 15' width and 5' depth. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me. Cordially yours, Q RP/rt Robert Pittman, Biologist encl. Estuarine Studies Section CC John Parker Charles Hollis �Uo7'rS: oX-v Mn"34 'f� Q Gy:siS"ls Uca, v.'CS -:dam 4 5':d�eo 3 ? Y isf,,-Jt- I '10 w'Ai r 0 'fO f Cut) GVT (V a�i tS � �; t 0 Q �tjO y d �k 4+`w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES MEMORANDUM From: John Parker DATE: TO: SUBJECT: AA JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR. GOVERNOR J. F. ALEXANDER SECRETARY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA GE? P. 2 P75 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY SAFETY RALEIGH 27611 DIV. OF P4RIP,E FIS4F21ES September 18, 1975 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. John Parker, NER FROM: C. R. Edgerton, 'PE �e Manager of Technical Services PROJECT: 8.1201202 - Carteret County �V��. SEP ;; � 1975 �, C. DEPZN RVCS ppE.RINE DESCRIPTION: Replacement of Bridge over Maria Cr This is to request a modification in the Divis°A-0Trof Highways' Permit No. 38-74 which covers the replacement of subject bridge. The requested modification is in accordance with my August 4, 1975 memorandum, same subject. You will note that the originally proposed 20' base canal to be constructed in the marsh fringe is to be eliminated and substi- tuted therefor is the minimum improvements to the mosquito control ditch which are considered necessary for acceptability for boat access. You will further note that it is planned to reshape the existing spoil banks in order to contain the new spoil in the same physical area now occupied by the existing spoil insofar as is possible. Your expeditious handling of this request is appreciated and if there are any questions, please contact this office. CRE:t att. cc: Mr. D. W. Patrick Mr. C. W. Snell Mr. M. S. Howell YS sieiL MMT t Le_e� �7t/JT/N6 SPd/L •��—e? Eris/.vc r�W4T. o /e 20 30 }e Se Le TYP/S.Ac 5EC7-10.v �[_ DENOTES MARsy SvPPC1rM�vT.eG SHEET / cF 2 /rMsa5 TO WN o0, L o 1 z 3 t F Vic/iv/ rr /"/AP F7 ,4p,O,PDX. Cxcgvgr/ON BOOCUY05. C'i9RTERET G'Ov/✓Ty P.PO✓. NO. 8 /ZolZo 2 _ P.PO/OSEOSMRLL Bo/IT G'f/AivvEG AT M.P.t/�I C'lEl�t IThr ��a, 513. 4✓.c, c. SE/T/9 �S NAscWrawm V A° srr�y J5 TI.o R PI.�4Y VOtaT of G� - 'MufS �V/C'/.VI TY M9i0 e _w •,J l � E Ne DEPA.eJ"ME.v7 ofres vs�+a •� �•• �- OfNO TCS Mq,PJy Sv'Opze " wr'*G SHEET 2 O F Z pll//S/ON OF 1Yl/6Ht✓.4YS C'ARTE.PET G'OU.✓T y PP0//USEO SMvc[ 6O/7T GHA ✓DEL v r MAF/q f PEEK $'00M1TrEO 6Y'-�.•�,�`'c`''' y% ' L(ICC, SEPT /9 9S C,Yu Je--) I Department of Transportation - Maria Creek Permit No. 38-74 March 7, 1974 Page 2 of 2 CONDITIONS * That erosion be controlled on all spoil and disturbed areas during project activity and after its completion. * That all temporary detour fill materials be removed and the original grade restored after the new bridge has been completed. * That no uncontained fill material be placed below the MHW line at any time. * NOTE: Maria Creek is an extremely important estuary, particularly in shrimp production. Any construction during the months of April through October will present a hazard to local shrimp populations if uncontained sediments are allowed to reach the adjacent waters. Edward G. McCoy, Commissioner Division of Commercial and Sports Fisheries W00r.n1 S;MTI 16V NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES Box 27687 TAMES E. HARRINGTON SECRETARY TELEPHONE AREA CODE 919-829-4994 Raleigh 27611 AT Mr. James T. Brown, Chief Estuarine Studies Section Division of Commercial and Sports Fisheries Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina Dear Mr. Brown: The attached copy of anarpl-ication by s Name DAD r TAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR. GOVERNOR Lo t- on of Project County for a state permi to perform exca tion and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina is being circulat d to State ederal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter whi mi affected by the project. Please indicate below your viewpoint on the proposed work anq retu n to the Division of Commercial and Sports Fisheries not later than NOTE: Recommend issuance of permit with conditions ac noted in Pittman's report. Sincerely, L. eo Tilley, Assistpllt Commissioner Division of Commercial & Sports Fisheries REPLY: D This Department has no objection to the proposed work. Comments concerning this application are attached. Signed T T Brnrrtl Date 1-23-74 i Form D&F - Fl Rev. 9/73 • r . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES BOX 27687 JAMES E. HARRINGTON SECRETARY TELEPHONE AREA CODE 919-829.498e MEMORANDUM TO - From Subject Raleigh 27611 +S &R4111 :s. JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER• JR. GOVERNOR Div. Commercial and Sports Fisheries P. O.Box 769 Morehead City, N. C. 28557 January 23, 1974 Jim Brown Bob Pittman App. for State permit - NC Div. of Highway - Nov. 30, 1973 Location - Carteret County - Maria Creek Investigative process - Rec. app. Raleigh 12-4-73; in Morehead 12-17-73. Met with Highway representative Charlie Edgerton on site 1-11-74. Environmental setting - The project site is located at Maria Creek approximately 25. miles east of Beaufort - Carteret County. The site is characterized by.a 50' long highway bridge US 70 which spans Maria Creek. The wooden structure is relatively nar- row and in need of repair. The west approach to the bridge is.bordered by drainage canals on both the north and south sides. These canals are in turn bordered by black needlerush (Juncus). The east approach to the bridge ;is also bordered by drainage canals on either side which are in turn bordered by black needlerush (Juncus). Project description - The N. C. Highway Commission proposes to replace the existing bridge with a modern concrete structure. The new bridge is to be positioned -in the same location as the existing structure. A temporary detour bridge is to be con- structed on the north side of the present roadway. The detour and associated approach - ways are to be removed to the original grade upon completion of the new bridge. Tem- porary drainage canals will be excavated and will adjoin the existing drainage canals in order to promote continued drainage. The abutment at either end of the new struc- ture is to be bulkheaded with concrete sheeting in order to prevent erosion of the ap- proach -ways. Environmental impact - Some minor detriment will occur to marine fisheries due to -short term turbidity and marsh (Juncus) displacement during initial construction. Upon stabilization and grade restoration, the adjacent estuary will most likely return to conditions approximating its original state. Some permanent detriment to marine fish- eries species will occur due to filling at either abutment. However, this filling ap- pears unavoidable and quite necessary. If this permit is granted, I recommend the fol- lowing conditions: 1. That all temporary detour fill material be removed after the.new bridge is com- pleted and the original grade restored. 2. That no uncontained fill material be placed below the MHW line at any time. 3. The Highway Com. is also cautioned that Maria Creek is an extremely important estuary, particularly in shrimp production. Any construction during the months of April through October will present a hazard to local shrimp populations if un- contained sediments are allowed to reach the adjacent waters. IfIf the abo condttio g re incorporated, I foresee no major detriment the project may upon �ie marine nYia a ery resources. Bob Pittman APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE OR FILL i (,�1 t ,'>, LJ 51 State of \orth Carolina Deparinsrnt of Consenal.nsn and Development tutA Please typo rx hint and I ill in all blanks. If the information requested is DEC 41973 not applicable, so uidicate by placing \'A in the blank. 1. Applicant Information: DIVIolUN OF COMMERCIAL A. Name of applicant Department of Transportation (Divislo~51ftWFAE9 %) Last First Middle B. Address of applicant P • 0. Box 25201 Street, P. O. Box or Route Raleigh _ N. C. 27611 829-3058 City or Town - State Zip Code Phone If. Location of Intended Operation: A. Name of county Carteret B. 1. Name of city, town, community or landmark: Maria Creek 2. Is proposed work within city limits? "Yes No x C. Name of nearest creek, river, sound, bay, or state-owned lake. Note: Prior to completion of project temporary III. Description of Operation: detour fill will be removed to original A. Purpose of excavation or fill marsh elevation. 1. Access channel length, width depth 2. Boat basin length width depth 3. Fill area length 1400 width 110 depth 7.0 Detour -3.5 t Roadway 4. Other, vatQtal length 1960 width Ll t -20 depth 2 t _1 (Note: If channel, give reason for needs of dimensions listed above.) Necessary for proper drainage and boat access B. 1. If bulkhead, give dimensions 4801 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) Concrete sheeting C. Excavated materia 1. Cubic yards �37 2. Type of material Muck D. Fill material to be place below MOW. 'Sand 1. Cubic yards t -5 2. Type of material IV. Lend Type, Spoil, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland? Yes x No B. Does the disposal area contain any marshland? Yea No x C. Location of disposal area Above MHW D. flow will spoil be entrapped or encased? Necessary earth berms and dikes will _ be provided to contain material I:. `.Ytx• of equipment to be rsed Dragline (Note. Such equipment must be registered with the Department of Water & Air Resources) F . Will wurshland lee crossed in t-ansperting equipment to project site? (If yes, explain) ...No V. ..-Tended Use of Project. Describe: A. 1. lX Replacement of existing bridge 2. (bmnrrcial N/A :1. Iluumng dovelopnient or Industrial N/A D&i'-Bl Rz V . 5/7:5 r I;. I Lill %i.o (.) . N/A ..._ ._ Maria Creek 2 I;IevaiiQn o; lut(s) abOve nx•an high %UWr -_XZi :1. Soil typ or texture _N1A_ 4. Tylw of building facititie, ur structures N�A ---- 5. Method of sewage disposal or treatment N/A VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: -- --- _--- A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials i;clow mean hig:e water? %'vs. X \o _ 11. 1. Will any run off or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use the area following project completion? Yes No x 2. Type of discharge N/A — .3. Location of discharge _- N/A _ VI I. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known) Unknown Vill. Will proposed facilities be accessible to the public or maintained for private use? A. Public _. x D. Private C. Commercial IX. List Permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: , N/A X. Length of time required for project activity: 3 Sears XI. In addition to the completed application, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or otht•r instrument under which applicant claims title to the tidelands, marshlands, or other properties adjoining Ilk- w%aters in question. ON If applicant is not claiming to be the: owner of said property, then a copy of the deed or other insuurnent under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the ovine. to carry oat th- project on his - land. (Note: Federal law requires the applicant to he the owner or his designated agent) . B. Attach a copy of a map (drawn on plain white paper, 8h" x 11 ", see instruction pampnlet page 5) of the area in which the proposed work will take place and on which the proposed work, spoil disposal area, etc., is shown. C. Has a copy of the application been served upon the: adjacent riparian landowners in the manner required by G. S. 113-229(g) (9) and (10)? Enter date served S`ee Eelow D. List the names and addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's trnci. Division of Highways Right of Way Department Representatives, contact all adjoining property owners relative to the proposed construction_ of this project. DATE 7-a _✓ _ 'Gura� --- Applieane•s S,gnature --- ---- -- Send one completed copy each to: Perti`i' Districthri„ine.er Ih•: v.toa of Comnx•rcial & Spurts Fisheries De•partauem of tk• Uin.% Irp.inna•nu of ('oaservai ion aid Development Wi)minZo:: Di aricl Corps of :iaguk:ers Ho:, 27iiA7 P. n. Box lwk) I:ah ugh. \.xth Carolina 27611 Wilmington. X'rth Carolin., •+.I(i Ph. 919-829-3767 lNute: enuwl; ( orp.. eta,•r IL'ttec; �MR�r�Qp?/ M�RSFi . off' AREACE 4EwiS a VICINITY MgP -PROPOSED BRIDGE s1rE ' � MASon rOWK �9 qi y srk y c S� 1 O n 0 y 3 A SCALE /N MILES lP- �-% to `q- \9 4 \% 5ey SysCl<- EX/STiyG F1 S0Lfo11PE0 -f'IPoPr�sFO� CG.9vOF k/HE9TG �y N,C. DFr"T OF TRANSPORTi?T/0N DIVISION OP H/c11k/AyS C,4R7'ERET COUNTY PROD• 41,9 6. 803¢ IO P&POSEP FILL AND STROcr&&ES A T 44,4 R/A CREEP( SHEET / ar 3 JF.P. OcT 1173 NcPh'PT of TRANSPORTAT/ON Dlv/S/ON DP H/Gf/[WAYS CAR7-6RET COUNTY PR&T- NO S•803,W 'RDPDSED F/LG AND S7441c7WRES AT MARAf CREEK SyfET 2 of 3 J FP OCT. /979 TYP/cyz- SKT/oN 9 PETaurZtil TE wp A./' PROP Lwr p mw 0"91SHED` SO&,/D f Zae, � 1 it{ ezv RRWA ILL 'L PRoI? Ur. PITCH /YlHW EG t/-o 8L9c,-- Ex/sT/NG AJE'D _ P�aPc�sFo q a