HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 2-81 John Day Ditchl vt.p._ W Pcunit Number I Permit Class 2-81 S7'ATFi OF NORTII CAROLINA __NEW Deparhnent of Natural Resources and Community Development and Coastal Resources Conitnission1.101VED permit JAN 16 for L�l Major Development in an Area of Fnviro nncnlal I Conccin pursuant to NCGS 11JA•I IS 1 ❑ Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113.229 Issued to ._ Depnrtment of Transportation, Division of_Illghways P. 0. Box 25201, Raleigh, NC 27611 .lolm Day Difeli (near West Say) Carteret aulhunringJcvclupnuntin__..._._ -._ _ Co. at_ -- _as requested in the perniuee's application dated 8/15/80; including at t ;n hed pial's, Sheets 1&2 of 2 dated 8/80 subject fo the condilionssei forth below (1) That all backfill material be obtained from a highland source. (2) That no excavated or fill water -.al be placed at any time. In any marsh or waters of the State. (3) That no marsh grass may be excavated and/or filled. (4) That in order to protect water quality, runoff from the construction area must not visibly increase the amount of suspended sediments to adjacent waters. NOTE: Enforcement personnel will determine ,in Increase its significant If the measured level of Suspended sediments is increased by 25 National. Turbidity Units. NOTEI: A Seet lon 401 Water tluall fly Cerl lficatfon is rrqulred fill thh; project. t'ro- CUSsing has been Initiated and proposed Cert-11IVa1.1011 will be acted upon nil or after February 10, 1981. NOTE: In issuing; this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that. your proioct Is consistent wl lh Lhe North Carol Ina Cons al. Manag;emenL I'rnP,rrlor. IFTHE AItOVE CONDITIONS AND Till; PLANS AND SPI-XiFICATIONS SUBMI'I`TED AS I'AR'1' 01''Il1E AI'1'I,I(,A'I'ION (WHERE NOT IN CON],LICT WI'1'lI THE CONDITIONS) ARE NOF FOLLOWED PRECISELY, THE PERMTI'I'Ell IS SUBJECT' TO A FINE, IMPRISONMENT, OR CIVIL ACTION AS PROVIDED IN G. S. 113A-126 AND G. S. 113-229 (K) AND (L). This permit nest be accessible, on site, to Departnnent personnel when the project is inspected. This pcnuit action may be objected to by the pernlittee or other (luali0ed persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing; dale. A valid appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance, as the case may be. Siguiug this than and proceeding with the work binds the applicanl to compliance will) all permit conditions. Any maintenance work or project nwditicalinn nuI covered here under requires Iiafhcr Ikpatrnnenial approval. All work must eerie when the penuit expires. Pennitexpires oil December 31 1994 Signed by the authority of the Secretary F. Walton ones, I)eputy Secretary Signed by the authority of file Chairman of the Coastal Resources Conunissiur Keunelh 1). Stewart, Director Office of Coaslal Mallageolent Issuing date ___ 'Ianiwry_121 1981 _._._.. _.--Signalurc of 1'cr mil ar 4i December 16, 1980 MEMO TO: Russel Talley Permits and Engineering FROM: A. Preston Howard, Jr. Environmental Enginee iv✓ SUBJECT: Dred dill Ap 1' Departure ransportation John itch near West Bay teret County Members of the staff of the Wilmington Regional Office have reviewed the sub- ject application. The applicant proposes to replace the existing open pile bridge at Highway 70, crossing John Day Ditch. The project will require the removal of the existing bridge supports and the installation of approximately 16 steel pilings into the creek bottom. Each of the new piles will be jacketed with a concrete collar of 24" in di- ameter. Since construction activities are proposed within classified waters, this office suggests that a 401 certification be required. The certification should require that cement forms be dewatered before cement is poured. The certification should also require that sediment control measures be provided so that, during construction, the turbidity level down- stream of the site does not exceed 25 NTUs above background turbidity. Subject to the above conditions, it is recommended that the 401 certification be issued. If you have any questions, please so advise. APH:kd cc: Jim Mercer ✓ OFFICE OF Ak North Carolina Department of Natural COASTAL MANAGEMENT Kenneth D. StewartResources &Community Development Director Box 27667, Raleigh, N.C. 27611 AW James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary Telephone 919/733 2293 �L ,iuyyuat [i. 1980 REC3.'4J E Mr. Kenneth D. Stewart, Director AV,i Office of Coastal Management Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Crv. DRED6'E u FILL A'G�i. Dear Mr. Stewart: -- ---- The attached copy of an_agp�mitted by: s Tt•!-." "-.a '.tea• hest IIap --r ation of Projec County for a State permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina and for a CAMA major development permit... for a CAMA major development permit (only)... ... is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the proposed work and return it to me not later than JRP:ap:812 Sincerely, o R. ParkJr�/ Per it Coordinator An Equal Opportunity A!/irmotive Action Employer x (A) This agency interposes no objection to the proposed work. (B) Dredge and/or Fill. This agency objects to the, project as proposed. The objection is•'based,upon findings which lead to the conclusion that,there will.be one or more adverse effects as covered in.G: S. 113-229 (e)-"1-5., t (e) (1) ...that there will be significant adverse effect of the proposed dredging and filling on the use of the water by the public; (e) (2) ...that there will be significant adverse effect on the value and enjoyment,of the property of any riparian owners;. (e) (3) ..that there will be significant adverse effect on public health, safety, and welfare; (e) (4) ...that there will be significant adverse effect on the conservation of public and private water supplies; (e) (5) that there will be significant adverse effect on wildlife or fresh water, estuarine or marine fisheries; (C) CAMA Major Development. 'Thi"s agency objects to the project as proposed. The objection is based upon findings which lead to the conclusion that a violation would occur as covered in G.S. 113A-120_and•/or 15 NCAC 7I. The following reference indicates the specific citation by which objections have been made. (D) Agency findings relating to item(s) A and/or B and/or C are hereby detailed. See attached (E) Comments are submitted that do not directly relate to item B and/or C but are relevant to the public interest. (These comments will be forwarded by the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development to appropriate State or Federal agencies). Jim Mercer signed Nov. 21, 1980 date OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT I. Applicant's name N. C. Dept. Transportation II. Location of project site Cedar Island - Carteret Countv Rt. 70 over John Day ditch near West Bay III. Investigation type:. Dredge & Fill E CANIA X IV. Investigative procedure: A. Date(s) of site visit '8-25-80 9-16-80 B. Was applicant present Nn 37PC V. Processing procedure: Application received Aug. 22, 1980 Office_MorPhead City VI. Site description: A. Local Land Use Plan Carteret County I. Land classification from LUP Conservation 2.Development constraints identified in LUP No applicable constraints relative to the proposed Project B. AEC(s) involved: Ocean hazard Ccastland wetlands Estuarine waters X C. Water dependent: Yes' X NO_ D. Intended use: Public X Priva E. Type of waste treatment: Existing_ N/A Estuarine shoreline Public trust waters Other Other Commercia Planned N/ A F. Type of structures:. Existing open -pile bridge Planned open -pile bridge G. Estimated annual erosion rate none Source site visit VII. Habitat description A. Vegetated wetlands: B. Non -vegetated wetlands: John Day ditch channel bottom C. Other: Dredged Filled Other 16 19"x19" crpPi piles D. Total area disturbed Apnx 200 cg fr- VIII. Project Summary The applicant proposes to replace the existing open -pile bridge Rt. 70 L6 steel pilings into the creek bottom ____ IX X Narrative description As proposed, the installation of the new bridge will have little impact on the re- sources of the John Day ditch. One lane of vehicular traffic will be maintained while the other side is under construction. The original support piles will be removed and new ones added. Each of the new 16 piles will be jacketed with a concrete collar of 24" in diameter. These collars will protect the pilings as the tide and. water levels fluctuate. The existing shoreline around the approach causeways will not be disturbed. The old bulkheads which abut the bridge will be left in place. New upland bulkheads will be installed for additional strength to the new bridge span. Anticipated impacts If the project is conducted as proposed, this office anticipates not significant impacts. Submitted by Jim Mercer Date Office Mr -Ahead—G* fNC Field Services OCM PO Box 769 Morehead City, NC November 21, 1980 MEMORANDUM - Re State app. - NC DOT -John Day Ditch near West Bay Carteret County I have no objection to the issuance of permit with the following conditions: 1. That all backfill material be obtained from a highland source. 2. That no excavated or fill material material be placed at any time in any marsh or waters of the state. 3. That no marsh grass may be excavated and/or filled. Jim Mercer JAMES B. HUNT, JR. GOVERNOR THOMASW. BRADSHAW, JR. SECRETARY w STAV. W a M STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RALEIGH 27611 September 5, 1980 Mr. Jim Mercer N. C. Division of Marine Fisheries P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, N. C. 28557 DIV. 1d�.S. f'SFI. DRiDG4 & f'ILL MG1. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Subject: Proposed Replacement of. Bridge No. 17 - Carteret County - SR 1331 over Gillikin Creek Dear Mr. Mercer: In accordance with our telephone conversation, I am furnishing you, herewith, a copy of the hydrologic and hydraulic data for the replacement of subject bridge with the three lines of 117" x 79" corrugated metal pipe arch. You will note that based on this data, the maximum velocities through the pipes will be approximately 21 per second with a head loss of less than .2 of one foot. This means'that there will be no adverse effect on the tidal basin above the crossing by re- placing the bridge with pipes. If you have any questions concerning this data, please contact this office. Yours very truly, C. R. Edg ;rt�1on, PE Manager of -Technical Services CRE:t att. cc: Mr. John Parker Mr. Jimmy Lee Mr. A. L. Hankins, Jr. It! C ro ,-,:/ cc'. Z9 2;� l GV GD i I I - /,� / I /. 7:' r 79'" re�u,rNvA J1c tke 6C3HOVVl elQv�--h�o�► %o �s o<•►��.l con�cw 5v'�cz he u� 5 C�awn.• si2ea.�. C��•-� No be eXcr�utl�e �� -Nn e gArmI¢ ik p-r-oo� ct-L(,e4 �A 6ACL , 40 C .A. L11 lee. 50 q*A �J I, - 16n I API'LICAT ION I FOR 'I PERNil l 10 EXCAVAI L AND/OR F ILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION I I:ASI:MI:N I IN LANDS COVERLD BY WAFER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Department of ?Administration Mate of North Carolina (GS 1.16.12) Department or Natural Resources and Community Development ton Dis (GS I I}229, 14J-215.3(a)l I), 143-2153(c), 113A•I18 .4', • .3 - AUG 9 Im Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A In blin. COASTAL RESOURCES COMM. I. Applic.un Inlunn.uiun Att•'Iti.isrtl: !!t•. t:. R. Edl',`t'ton, PE, I•:arlal,,,,or of' :�erdices A. Name j!. t'. I-"partm,nt, of'11ann1%ort'at.i.un-D.iv:i:;.i.on of !1idiwav7, Last First Middle B. address 11. '1. HOY. 21;201 Street, P. O. Box or Route HLO.c•ir;'l, North Carol'i.na 27A11 (919) 733-3'01 City or I own St.rle Zip Code Phone II. Location of Proposed Project: A Counly Carteret B. I. City, town, community or landmark John Day Ditch 2. Is proposed work within city limits? YesNo x C. Creek, rivt•i, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named hotly of water to projec, John Da.v Ditch near West Bav III Ill. Description of Project A. 1, Nlainten,mcenlexistiogptojt•ct 2. Newwork-Replacement of EXistinF, BridFre 13. Purpose of excavation or Jill li. I. Acccs%%h,n net Ienglh width depth 2. Boat ba%in longlh width Idepth i. 1 ill,net Rdl•N. Aporoach fi111ength. 10' width Sur depth 1.0r . 4. Other length width depth C. 1. Bulkhead length NA Average distance waterward of MIAV (shoreline) 2. '1 ype of bulkhead t:onslruction (material) NA D. 1 x%,rvaied m.nerial (total for project) I. (:uhtc y.r,d% None 2, Type of material I.. I ill m,nend .b, lie placed below N11I%V (see ahn V I. A) I. Cubic Yards None 2- 'F'ype of material IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Consuuetion Equipment: A. Dnen Iho arr.t to be oscac,ucd includelally m,u%Idand, swamps or other weila'nil? Yes NA No B. Does the dr%po%.lI .ore ins lode .ms n1.u%hlual, %%vamps or other Welland? YcJ I NA No C. Ui,posal Area NA Ii '1II j l I. I_ucaliun 2. Do you claim title lu disposal argil? NA 11 . i D, I ill nlalrtl.d ,ow.u• it Jill i%Iq fit, bushes) in Local 'I L. HOW %%dl osc.nah'd m.nrr i,d he cnu.q+ped and elusion con Dulled? By stringent l erosion iC ' , 4J I . I %pc nl equq+nlpnl I.r hr u,ed Dump truck I G. Will marshland be uosud ul 11.unpanlin.� cquipnunt to project %ite? df yes,. explain . No H US r-01 �Rev. IU/]& ' i1"`1(li. Ill 11. ..... . I Il ",1 •,i ' . I I ..l. � _ - �) 1 ., V. Intended Use of, Project Area (Describe) " �' ') •t' I n. 1. rriwaie j'Gr j i 2. Commercial 1 1 II j 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4'. Other Public transportation I I' B. I. Lot size(s) NA t' j 2. Elevation of lots) above mean high water NA 3. Soil type and texture NA I 1 I 4. Type of building facilities or structures NA 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing Iwt I' Planned B. Describe NA t. G. Land Classification (circle one) DEVLLOPL'D TRANSI I IONAL I COMMUN11:Y. II IRURAL I CONSERVATION OTHER (Sec CAMAI Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: 1 I, 1 A. Does the proposed project involve the laeemcnl o fill materials below " P P 11 p J rtieanhighwatcr?I Yci_No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the i h 'I area following R project completion? Yes No_ q II 2. Type of discharge Stonn water runoff I i 3. Location of discharge Along project � I VIi. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): None ` VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of 'Army Corps of Eingh cers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: None I IX. Length of tirne required to complete project: 2. tnonthS X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provir)eal 11 I III I, A. Attach .i s.,pylof the deed (with State application only) or biller instrumdnllundcr whiihiapplilt claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to he lhe�owner of'saldlp(Inperry, Ill ,I 11 II , Ihon forward a copy of the deed orother instrument under whicli thauwner Sims title lus,w'rijlen ; pernimion Irom the owner to carry otil_ the project on�his land,,p'� B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on V X 11"whist paper (sel���lkstructlon bolpklet (br details). Note: Original drawings prcfcrr'sd �- only high r uallly'wpics Steepled, y ", III I, I jl I I C. A copy of the application anJ plat mustt be served upon a Jj,�ccnl riparian laI,Indgwncrs„ by rcgistcrcd'or centric) mail nr by publication (G:S. 1113.229 (d))Enter dale served I IId1:' I I I '' ! Ill lII. D. List names and complete addresses of Ilielripbrian landuwnerjs with properly adloihinglappliean'sl• I I Such uwnets I rvc 30 days in which to sub'tit'wntmcnts tu;igencles listed bel,w. I I I ' 1 National Wildlife, Refute I D1' I 'r,, ' I 11, 1 ' i 11 Ill II•, ' ,I ILlr III LN j t �ll XI. Certification requirement: I certify that to the besvof my knowledge, the p,1 with the State of North Carolinas approved coagtali'inanagement program It manner consistent with such program: I "I XII. Any permit issued 6ursuL to this app'lic:liL will allow only the developm cation and plat. Applicants should thereforeldesc'ribe ih the application and opmeni activities, ineludi g construction, excas'alion, filling, and land clear! I j 1 'I I' edactivlylcjomlllps, 'i' 116e conduclt A ill a., 1, I I e'isi)lbed,linl if appli. �_15_8D - Dnlr: III 1�1 I. l II ppill icanl' l I' t S-t ulaLtsrl f IPech Dar-u+ SEE ItEVLRSE SIDE FOR NAILING INSTRUOTIONS Rev. 10178 u never• - ' I IIII' I nitl ha1 °�° I c;11 ct,y1ces 1. 111i I' I III { I ,I I' I 1 II I I l wesllN p R ' I 5 \Cj is JOHN DAY slre 1-1 ��� e� LooSDln par 7CALR o I f ) E XRp FROM n-<dr. Ocovvey MAP I vnn: Weu 9RY CW ISb 10 W, EDA e000,o+ c 15 AIIMIicS�TE Drum /NvE $fE1R%RI SIu F�JVJ J2�s . E SCALE OE NILEf - OX[IXCN EQUALS XRRO% II MILES f/ToM nccnar S70gTE rM NC Department of Transportation Mvision of highways Carteret County Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 12 — 16 — 20 on NC 12 over John Day Ditch kigust 1980 Sheet 1 of 2 1-7,9Y,Std M 7,lOB Et G 3 i i N Cx �I -,cx 4% C , CARANCE; o . PAdA: 64 ARJINCE; ' 00. y 1V a Y CANAL 7FEk/ aQ wB t —4t—OO 7-6grcyNTic le PROP Bye G*00 -r0 ROE pltOP• BRIOLE WLE LA NAL WE . �0 NC Department of Transportation Division of iighways �. Carteret County QProposed Replacement of Bridge No. 12 — 16 — 20 on NC 12 over John Day Ditch 0 August 1980 Sheet 2 of 2 North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary Carteret News Times Morehead City, NC 28557 Gentlemen: OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Kenneth D. Stewart Director Box 27687, Raleigh, NX. 27611 Telephone 919f733-2293 Field Services, PO Box769 Morehead City, NC 28557 919 726-7021 November 21, 1980 Please publish the attached two Notices in your November 24, 1980, issue of the News Times. Send us bill in duplicate and Affidavits of Publication as soon as possible. Co dially yours, 3 m Mercer eld Consultant JM/rt encls: NC DOT - G' kin k NC DO John Dt An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development hereby gives public notice that -an application for a development permit in an.Area of Environmental Concern. as designated under the CAMA was received on September 22, 1980 According to said ap- plication N. C. Department of Transportation proposes to repace existing bridge at Rt. 70 crossing of John Day Ditch near Cedar Island, Carteret County. A copy of the entire application may be examined or copied at the site or at Jim Mercer the office of EKK*U Mfi)W� Division of Marine Fisheries Office in Morehead City after this date during normal business hours. Comments mailed to Mr. Kenneth Stewart, Executive Secretary; Office of Coastal Management, P. 0.-Box 27687, Raleigh, N. C. 27611 prior. to Dec.-1, 1980 will be con- sidered. _ Publish on November 24, 1980 rA SAWC080-N-016-000326 Mr. C. R. Edgerton Division of Highways A\� N.C. Department of Transportation PO Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Mr. Edgerton: 29 June 1981 In accordance with the written cQqueat of 15 A gust 1980 and the ensuing administrative record, . c osed is a permit to place fill materials in wetlands adjacent John Day D:;E a�_Si o replace bridge 4o.12-16-20 on N.C. Highway 12 on Cedar Island, Carteret County, North Carolina. If any change in the authorized work is required because of unforeseen or altered conditions or for any other reason, the plans revised to show the change must be sent promptly to this office. Such action is necessary as revised plans must be reviewed and the permit modified. Please carefully read your permit. The general and special conditions are important. Your failure to comply with these conditions could result in a violation of Federal law. Certain significant general conditions require that: 1. You must begin your work on or before 31 July 1982 and complete construction before 31 December 1984. 2. You must notify this office in advance as to when you intend to commence and complete work. 3. You must allow representatives from this office to make periodic visits to your worksite as deemed necessary to assure compliance with permit plans and conditions. Jx*, Pf,.Oj. :-4, A 44 o. That if the activity authorized herein is not started on or before _ 31 day of 7n1y , 19 82 , lone year from -the date of issuance of this permit unless otherwise specified) and is not completed on or before 31st day of nare,.,be 19 96 , (three years from the date of issuance of this permit unless otherwise specified) this permit, if not previously revoked or specifically extended, shall automatically expire. . p. That this permit does not authorize or approve the construction of particular structures, the authorization or approval of which may require authorization by the Congress or other agencies of the Federal Government. q. That if and when the permittee desires to abandon the activity authorized herein, unless such abandonment is part of a transfer procedure by which the permittee is transferring his interests herein to a third party pursuant to General Condition t hereof, he must restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the District Engineer. r. That if the recording of this permit is possible under applicable State or local law, the permittee shall take such action as may be necessary to record this permit with the Register of Deeds or other appropriate official charged with the responsibility for maintaining records of title to and interests in real property. s: That there shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the existence or use of the activity authorized herein. I. That ,this permit may not be transferred to a third party without prior written notice to the District Engineer, either by the transferee's written agreement to comply with all terms and conditions of this permit or by the transferee subscribing to this permit in the space provided below and thereby agreeing to comply with all terms and conditions of this permit. In addition, if the permittee transfers the interests authorized herein by conveyance of realty, the deed shall reference this permit and the terms and conditions specified herein and this permit shall be recorded along with the deed with the Register of Deeds or other appropriate official. H. Special Conditions: lHere.list conditions relating specifically to the proposed structure or work authorized by this permit): 1. All fill material must be obtained from a highland source. 2. No excavated or fill materials will be placed at any time in any marshes or waters of the State. 3 ^;k;�y� Ej:�v�p.'•..�i��y .�L y. ��;ylJ ;^.f:�r!��a..oi.;:l.ac"''w ,J+a�"�•yE'4 r^�.t1:<.F-y .�� r.=A-":..-A:Y i:�.�'� � . rtF:,yt j �'�.':-Z+ �..,. I % env p a ISIAIO� .CNE d9 L �M I$l.Wp I w Bey SCAEE 0 ; MILES FROM N,CO,QT. QOU.vTY 1-7i9P fLa�y� Pods Weal a., A / M boy lola SwaaA ,V CEOAe �ES ! A11mI-C ap/TE v 3 S Sealevel Drum Lut" St.,, a r a t � u o m m SCALE Of MILES - ONE INCH EQUALS APPPDX Il MILES FA PO M iVC.O- qT. 57A7—,E A*4 NC Department of Transportation Division of Highways Carteret County Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 12 — 16 — 20 on NC 12 over John Day Ditch August 1980 Sheet 1 of 2 i MAY sra EX/ST. G N Cr 0a 7/06 E[ _ 6-3� — PRov, Q3o'SPp.++ PRu asap GR EX lST. C EARANCE ; EL.; 9.0 ' PRaP. CL .ARANCE. 4. 0 0 I 6 00 -20.0 __j a y W� GRNa� a@ we _woo. TO Tic PROP BR io Rae �4,Tr/N_ 'PROP. 8R1136E WE GA NA. L WE NC Department of Transportation Mvision of Highways �. Carteret County QProposed Replacement of Bridge No. 12 — 16 — 20 on NC 12 over John Day Ditch August 1980 Sheet 2 of 2