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HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_03-001_TaylorJHN-C4-CUUJ -X1 U4:ot rn UUUDUN IHYLUK G Jtll tot 000 Mitt r. ua .1an�24 03 03s52f, TOWN OF HOLDEN DERCH 9100429315 P•2 0 olden ml J.Sl_SYlJ ermft Number love'nment CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT '~ w authorized by the State of North Carolina, Oepenni of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for davolopment in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 at the . , 1 T 1 _ General Statutes. "CoastAll rjrea MenagelnPnt." Iyy'��UOd to Vlt(-1 In -i=11'PC,1 l� at�Cy-:�iTICK 1 OP • � 1 p _ � (A �J�nit— as requested M theP erminea's application, dated This permit issued on a ti-aCQ� is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing jwhoro consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth bolow. Any violation of those terms may subject permitter to a fine, Imprisonment or o'Ivll action, or may cause dto permit to be null and void. I ANDSCAPE, STORMWATER RETENTION AREA, INSTALL SEPTIC SYSTEM AND CONCRETE DRIVEWAY! 1 All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the approved plan. 2 Any change or changes in the plans for development, consmtction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. 3 No impermeable surfaces shall be allowed over any functional part of the septic tank system. Do not drive over, park, pave, or build any structure over the area for the septic tank system and the repair area. 4 All portion of the retention ditches shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from all �_„ located at 1 portions of the septic system. All portions of the water line srucr lir', r,nawu u, .CaS, 10 feet from all portions of the septic system. All pilings shall be located a minimum of 5 feet from all portions of the septic system. 5 All disturbed areas shall be vegetatively planted and mulched within 30 days of construction completion. 6 Pursuant to 15 NCAC, Subehapter 7J. 0406(h), this permit may not be assigned, transferred or otherwise disposed of to a third party. 7. Proposed project shall meet all of the requirements of chapter 158. and 157. located in !Holden Beach Code of Ordinances. Silt fence shall remain in place until the fill on the lot has atmbilized ^ This permit action may be appealed by the perminse or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the Issuing data. From the date of an appeal, any work candudad under this per - ink m„st cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the pro)ect site and accessible to the permR officer when the project is inspected IQ, compliance. Any makltenance work or prolect modlhcatlonz not covered O z- under this permit requires lurther wrinen permit approval. adores - All V'(p)rkk MMU31 cease when this permit explies on December , 31,1XV11-111.._ ._..,._ In lesuing thin permit it in agreed that this project Is consistent with the local Lend Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party wllhoul Parmldea the wrinen approval of the olvlslon of coastal Management. (signature required It spacial conditions a eve apply to permit) name JHN-eq-000J rKl Uq-Dt rl"I Jan' 24 03 03:53p 1iUUJUN IHI LUtt 6 JCI1 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH lot 000 UD10 9100429315 r, U4 p.3 --�iol ,�I�old�en �cl� Local Government to CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the Stale of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-1 ill of the t _ General Statutes,'Comalki"AreaManegatrt¢nt.' as requested in the permmea's application, Permit Number Thio permh, issued on J—a r% aCfl -is subject to compliance with the application and sob drawing (where consistent with the permft), all appllcabte regulations and special oondNbns and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permotsia to a line, ImprLummom or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. 8. The proposed project shall meet all of the State, Local, and Federal regulations. 9. All construction shall meet the requirements of the North Carolina State Building Code. 10. The structure must be set back 60 feet from the first line of stable natural vegetation. 11. All pilings or structures must be elevated so that the bottom of the lowest supporting horizontal member (excluding pilings or columns) is located lower than the FEMA base flood level, current FEMA Zone VE Base Flood 17. 12. Please be advised that in addition to the normal required information, the following shall be shown on the final survey that be submitted to the Building Inspections Department prior to the Certificate of Occupancy will be the following in order that we may verify that the approved stormwater plan has been followed. 1. elevation of open grass Swale areas shown on stormwaler 2. The footprint of the home including all overhangs. 13. The approved concrete slab is at an elevation of 8.4. 14. The innovative stormwater system authorized with this permit must be maintained for the life of the structure addressed. 15. Please be advised that the development on lot 33 in Point West Subdivision shall meet all conditions of the low density Subdivision Stormwater Permit #SW8 990240 that was issued by the Division of Water Quality. Lot 33 Maximum allowable coverage in accordance with this permit is 2,700 S.F. This permit action may be appealed by the permlaes or other qualified persona within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date o1 an appeal, any work conducted under this per- mit must cease until the appeal is resolved - This porma must be on the project site and acceasible to the permit officer when the project le inspected for compliance. Any malntenanco work or protect modifications not covered under this pei requires further written permit approval. LOW armh Otilcar(sgnat of I l�L1r� i�� Pvi C�c11, name address 31, All wit must ee a when this permit expires on December In iccuing this permit it is agreed that this prc>♦act is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. �l _g.r, This permit may not be transferred to another party without Permitter, The written approval of the Division of Coastal Management Islonalmo requited it special condbto a above apply to permh) s JHN-L4-L1JUJ rKl Uq;oO rn ,lan'24 03 03:53p UUMVN 1111LUK h JCtt TOWN OF HOLDEN BERCH l01 000 1.1010 r. U0 9100429315 p.4 AEC HAZARD NOTICE 1644 I lde Rld 4614" V)ea&1I nC.' Project Is in An: Ocean Erodible Area oljV DLL J High Hazard Flood Area _ Inlet Hazard Ares Date Lot Was Platted: Tlos notice is intended to make you, the applicant, aware of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area, which is subject to natural hazards such as storms, erosion and currents. The rules of the Coastal Resources Commission require that you receive an AEC I-lazard Notice and acknowledge that notice in writing before d permit for development can be issued. The Commission's rules on bLtildingstendards,oceanfront setbacks and done alteration.vedesigned to mlydmize,but not eliminate, property loss from hazards. By granting permits, the Coastal Resources Commission fines not guarantee the safety of the development and assumes no liability for future damage to the development. The best available information, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that the annual ocean erosion rate for the area where your property is located is _ feet per year. The rate was established by careful analysis of aerial photographs of the coastline taken over the past 50 years. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as much as meet landward In a major storm. The flood waters in a majorstorm are predicted to be about -a feet deep in this area. Preferred oceanfront protection measures are beach °'lime:' and relocation of miva—trneu auuCtures. Hard erosiocontrol structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revehnents, groins, jetties and breakwaters are prohibited. Temporary devices, including sand bags, may be allowed Linder certain conditions. This structure shall be relocated or dismantled within two years of becoming imminently threatened. The applicant must acknowledge this information and requirements by signing this notice in the below space. Without the proper signature, the application will not be comple Ps:Iature UJ SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is required for development in areas subject to sudden and massive storms and erosion. Permits issuediordevelo mentinthis area expire on December 31 of the third yearfollowing the year in which the permit was issued. Shortly before work begins on the project site, the Local Permit Officer will determine the vegetation line and a etback distance at your site. If the property has seen littlechangeancl theproposed development can still meet the setback requirement, the LPO will inform you that yyou may begin work. l t is impor- tant that you check with the LPO before the permit expires for official approval to continue the work after the permit has ex ired. Generally, if foundation pilings have been placedpand substantial progress is continuing, permit renewal may not be necessary. Ifmbstantial rogresshas not been made, the permit must be renewed and a new setback line established, It is unlawful to continue work after permit expiration without this approval. For more information, contact: Loclt Officer O �T` i ?C1nP .-L—OI---a " rM,M- Revised 11193 s Locality -_ a Permit Number �D GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER (ila. L ng Address ;� 6c State � Zip 7 32l Phone %Jr7' 483 -4dl4 city -i%a AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Address 131i.- i City kWie" State Zip f_lyf-& Phone LOCATION OF PROJECT (If not oceanfront, is waterbody natural or manmade?) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) CLASSIFICATION (To be filled in by the Local Permit Officer prior to completing application) Ocean Hazard _ Estuarine Shoreline _ORW Shoreline _ Other 7PRO OSED USE Residential _ Commercial/Industrial _ Other E, C-ZV�5 JAN 13 2003 11, DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGE1'.,1F SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES (such as driveways, etc.) within 75 feet of the shoreline (575 feet of an ORW shoreline) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING 1997 �1 nc l Oxer4�t.�s� SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SITE W by3 Ou OTHER PERMITS. MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit. As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits that might be required. We suggest you check over the list with your LPO to determine if Zoning, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Burning, Electrical, Plumbin a2'2 Air Conditioning, Insulation LS LS D Conservation, FIA Certificati d Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivisi ro _ 2 Mobile Home Park Approv Hie way Connection, and others. TOWN OF HOL EN BEACH 9 -a FATE OF OWNERSME n the r the owner of AEC orraiper on authorized t for act as an agent forMA minor dpurposes of ament pplying for being CAMMA minor development in omil descrthat the ibed therein. This interest landowner on this can be described application check one) significant interest in the real see Deed Book�(pQ�_, Zan owner or record title, Title is vested in County egistry o DeedL-- page BZ b 1 in the �r1iS�C an owner by virtue of inheritance. County. Applicant is an heir to the estate of — probate was in if other interest, such as written contact or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. r O n a r_ IOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS I that furthermore certify that the following persons are owner of Pinteent o deties velop tins p this property. P ty and to apply for Lave given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my CAMA permit. (Address) (Name) , FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD Ah=A-7: be susceptible to erosion and/or floodig. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the I acknowledge that the land owner isware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may na ith this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations particular hazard problems associated w concerning stabilization and floodproofing techniques. 15*-2-7 PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I furthermore -certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit pfficer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this ap plication, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $50.00 made payable to permit which may be issued. Deviato rj the locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without reference rn anY P from these details will Constitute and a violation d ationof ra an achonit. Any person developing in an AEC without 1 a per mit is subject to civil, criminalI I' JAN 13 2003 t% This the �_day ofJ 20Q7 • � DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMEI Land owner or"person authorized to act as tus agent g a CAMA permit application. for purposes of filin 7001 11320 0005 9190 4144 a O Postage 5 1 cr Certified Fee A Cr Postmark Pat. Receipt Fee Here L17 (Endorsemenl Required) O Restricted Delivery Fes Cl (EndarseTenl Required) O O Total Postage a Fees , ru rn Serf To 1Qn -�a/1yDn /e I' ////n wPO Box No. TK COL I�'•�'-- O -C/ryieieI S."JP......................... .. .. 'GtCscilaourn, IVL aril 7001 0320 0005 9190 4151 a s O Postage $ y 1 Ir tr Certified Feetr V Return Receipt Fee Poss Heree u] (Errclorsemenl Required) O O Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) O O Total Postage 6 F. mSant 12 To v�a1,1.... `( ,.a ------ -----! -� sneer. Mc . n•^� / or PD Box No. Av V /L�--.-- "&n. �--'--'-------........ o - staid( ',Hur' A ...--r'-�R._- �_ a2,1 F 7001 0320 0005 9190 4137 r IM S Postage 5 O cr Cedgisd Fee r4 S Return Receipt Fee (ErWorsement Required) Lin C3 Restricted Delivery Fes f7 IEntlorsement Requiretl) O Total Postage & Fees O FU m Senf To GjI..E.._►.. o a or FO Box Nq. �) O -Cryy Slate. LP-- 0 g Postmark Here ' 7001 0320 0005 9190 4168 m a S 0 Postage $ c ry Certified Fee n Ir Return Receipt Fee Postmark Here s// (Endorsement Requtrad) 17 O Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) O O Total Postage 6 Fee $ ` Js / Rl o Sent To p ..--------- .... /► L-ji---L-.._E of i+_------------------------ a .(I,L./ or POBox Ab ----- _!-._7je....... 7Q(! -fe/tlG wog PF17F JAN 1 3 2003 DIVISION OEP�.ENT Brunswick County Health Department Application # 1999051871 Environmental Health Section Tax Parcel #245EA064 Alternative Sewage Treatment and Disposal System System Type - 5A AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT FOR WASTEWATER COLLECTION, TREATMENT, AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM In accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of Chapter 130A, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, AND other applicable Laws and Rules PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Owner: Eastern Carolina's Construction and Development Corp. Address: 1861 Holden Beach Rd. Supply, NC 28462 Phone: (910) 842 - 4003 to construct, install a sewage treatment and disposal system as described below: To Serve: Residential-X_ *Bedrooms 4_ Max Occupancy_8_Commercial #Employees Comments, Describtion: SUBDIVISION _Pointe West LOT 33_ BLOCK SECTION ADDRESS/LOCATION: 1044 Tide Ridge Drive Holden Beach The system components consists of: Type system—IWWS-98-1-R2 Puroflo TYPE A Peat Biofilter System Design Flow.- 480 GPD 1. COLLECTION SYSTEM: CONVENTIONAL PLUMBING (MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL PLUMBING CODES) II. TANKAGE: A. SEPTIC TANKS) _1000 GALLONS CAPACITY B. PUMP TANK 1000 GALLONS CAPACITY C. GREASE TRAP GALLONS CAPACITY D. OTHER: the senfic tank shall ha o..,t....vA -4, ALL TANKS, FORCE MAINS, PRESSURE LINES TO BE LEAK TESTED AND CERTIFIED BYAPPROPREIATE PARTIES. All tanks and risers shall be tested to be watertight by a 24 hour hydrostatic leakage test conducted at the site prior to system startup. A water level change of +/_ / inch or more over 24 hours, or visual observation of leakage shall be cause for failure of the test. ACCESS RISERS REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS & SERVICE HATCHES ON TANKS. THE RISERS MUST EXTEND 4-6" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. THE RISERS MUST BE DESIGNED AND MAINTAINED TO PREVENT SURFACENVATER INFLOW. Ill. PEAT BIOFILTER: _4_#OF MODULES REQIRED TYPE °A" INSTALLATION: 1 SAMPLE CHAMBER INSTALLED AS REQUIRED FOR MODULE. W. DISPOSAL FIELD: LTAR 1.0 TRENCH BOTTOM DEPTH 8" BACKFILL: SHALL BE INSTALLED OVER THE GRAVEL BED ALONGTHE SIDES OF THE UNIT, WITH THE UNIT LID REMAINING AT LEAST TWO (2) INCHES ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. MINIMUM BACKFILL DEPTH OVER ROCK BED SHALL BE 6 INCHES. BACKFILL TO BE INSTALLED WITH A SIDE SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED A RISE TO RUN RATIO OF 1:4. A TYPE A: 1. UTILIZING A ROCK BED UNDER EACH MODULE. BED LENGTH _40-FT. WIDTH 9_FT. y� 4� DEPTH OF ROCK USED FOR BED (81N MIN.) _8_iJf 11V9 INCHES pennitaut - 1 � � - - I 5/97 �! J:'JJ3403 DIVISION OF ",A KAA nI A/ I.— — DATE: b To: tVp_tlic L¢It fTP�L6 DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property �qq 11Q11 at I a q -rkr e_ owned by NT& k' (Srw dd�) Holder Beach, NC. Ihave enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project If youhave any comments on the proposed project, please contact . Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Brach, 11DRothschild St NC 28462 -Telephone-( 910) 842-6488. Sincerely, 1Co ��Agent (Owner TELEPHONE NUMBER:,$ID f bN _ - NA 3 �? ECEH—VE , JAN 13 2003 DIVISION OF C34.771-�L DATE: ( OZ 3 To: %(,, � (Yt HOf t12fl�J�� a-5 d �• DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: Th s letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Peru on the property ,^ {, at wig Tij e. r G2 r owned by Solder Beach, NC. Ihave enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the draWin, of proposed prof ect. If you have mycommentsontheproposedproject,pleasecontact. Rothschild 5t. RhondaP-l�psryocat C aMA_ Officer, Town ofHoldenBeach llD HoldenBeach, NC 28462 - Telephone -(910) 8^2-6488. since e,; ly , n \ lA(��r.(N��''' (Owner or Agent) TELEPHONENMN ER:9A0—$42' 39 DATE. � D 3 To: c LiiIL tr�bn, �,_ DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OVTNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on`` the property owned by NQ� TC �� at wsA lt'Id R.df,o pc (:=ec zdd�) IJ HolderBeach, NC. Ihave enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. Ifyouhave anycommmtsonthe proposed project, please contact. _. j;honda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone -( 910) 842-6488. sincerely, LPi � 1 /I C�-Cr'fib^ (Owner or Agent) G MEPHONENUNIDER: Il0-�42`�l �r�3 `t JAN 13 2003 DIVISION OF CCASTAL MANAGEP�"_ s DATE: Z ToAn*xAnq D.6k�c15Dr1 ce—(41 Per, cyv,� bo�ac r� e— Z 8 4 5 1 DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is'to inform you that I have applied for a CAN1A Permit on the property owned by Aid �� ��0� at 10tuA TICK. n.c �strce[nddrrss) HolderBeach, NC. Ihave enclosed a copy ofparmit apPlieation and a copy of the drawing of proposed prof ect If you have any comments on the proposed proj rct, please contact. Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach' "D Rothschild St. NC 28462 -Telephone 4 910) 942-6488. Sincerely, ' u, e�rsQ� (owner or Agent) TELEPHONE NUMBER: qlD 'OE:vE JAN 13 2003 12/3'0/2002 MON 16:18 FAI 910 343 9604 Andrew & Kuske Engineers � 002/004 Date Design Andrew and Kuske sheet I Z .. D J,'O 902 Market St. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Wilmingt . N.C. 2W] % Of Check Job�enj f �rL-�,�� For �T 3.3 p�t Job,No. ,l? 6/ o !j T /�' ) c' /, '% `� S F Go+✓c a-c�v� P4 vac $fYS� TJ /� pc-- a Z--t< Zg I I :�, r— z 34v 5� F7— 3 04L. 2� -7 Zco e S4waa5 0-V c L-0— 14C �V^' 18 F7' t-o o j co 8 ►,' K 2 ,�, n 5, ,� = 2 PI 8 1?N 13 2003 COAS-t'k ;v,. . 12/30J2002 MON 16:18 FAI 910 343 9604 Andrew & Kuske Engineers � 003/004 Cote Design Andrew and Kuske Sheet 2 I Z gj0 0711 ��—/ 902 Market St. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Mmington, N.C. 28401 Check Job 1AIPA.rAe,9-770ti1 For LOT 5 btn Job No. Al�/�P •.'moaE. 10 r-tom r-a�s¢tc- 1aPic,Ta477arJ 7E6A-,if, OErrdtC_ IJ7'6 ,s so 1 L. L-L -L-,,. S �'t To /'/z!` WA-:5Qe0 y ,7V,J: 6fe,rrotJ A- A i I I F�� gPE I A A s al � ' 1966 , LIP to "m.J s(pl .NDN30VNVH �a C4U 13- 7 7 77 . z R' 99611 V3 5'a,M -7k 431 M 19-1-s ' 54.49' T00/tol �2 Q 60.02 A J4" s�5 I I 60.00' 60,00' S 81 `58'06" W sda0UT2ng alsng I Aadpq t096 M 016 YVA 6T:9T NOR ZOOZ/M/ZT D E(CEHVED ._ u 1 JAN 13 2003 ..r -\, �- COA-'I; i" ,,..,_ �T OEM N 81' b u1 t d az n Wld 6 2' 60.02' AO L3 Co � I � - I N 04 N cD mot- � -• cp ;i cD O O v� '71 I O H EMI one -w�i cool Z 4 ; I 1 1 1 1 60.00' 60.00' 54.49' S 81 58'06" W