HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_03-027_HicksMar OS 03 08:23p a Appraisal Service 7045359279 p.l Mar 05 03 07e13p TO OF HOLDEN BEACH 9109429315 p. 2 2eft6) a003o3-7 qL. k �nl d"� Penn Humber Le rmme CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by It. State of North Garotte, Depamnem of Envkormtent and Natual Aeaourom and the Coastal etaeourc a ComMvun brdevelopment in Unarm of environmental raeYrn punuam ro Sedbn 113A-118 due, I • . / CAOafal 51eateq'C W/r Ar Manegan eY.' as requeaed in the pvr m-'s application, dated Thhpmnk, head on k aubjae to compliance with the eppecation and site drawirry(Where contlUem wxh thapermlt), ap apploabbrpulatiorc eM epeeWl condkoneaM nmasentorth babes, Any vblmon of1haealeon't aY mbjact pashom to afke, Impnsonmatt or cot action, or may cause the pvnut c a nail ant void. —This permit is for the construction of a 8' z 10' uncovered deck only! This project is being permitted Under section 15A NCAC 07H .0309(a) USE STANDARD FOR OCEAN HAZARD AREAS: EXCEPTIONS 1. There ism existing uncovered deck located within the 60 foot setback. The proposed tmcovered decking and the existing deciding shall net exceed 80 square feet The uncovered deck shall be placed on its own pilings and shall not be attached to the residence in arty area_ 3. This development shall be located landward of the vegetation line, lm hvwd of the fimtal dung is net essential to the eamintred existence or use of an associated principal development 4. Shall meet all regulations of action chapter 94 locate l in the Town of Holden Beach Code of Ordinances. Section 94 (2xa)(6) states that no structure other than a fom foot walkway shall be located south of the landward toe of the frontal dune. This applies to decks etc. S. Replacamem of the uncovered deck if destroyed by nahore dements, w normal deterioration is considered development and will require a CAMA ptardt The proposed work will be considered replacement if the costa£ the proposed work exceed 50 percent of the physical value of the structure. Replacement of the stmcnae will be allowed only ifit is fond to be oatsistent with current CRC rues. 6. No ®peoreabe surfaces shall be allowed over the ftmetion al part of the septic lank system. ThkposeeWer acion my be appealed pam(ape or Dyer othe uW p berry (p) days hWide dale. 5'y` du:l Faro the dale of an appeal, my sok wrtduamd Wide` race Pat - the we .c n aPi Lacal ,A m,.a caasa unik the appeal a remlwd. _ I a Th¢ pamdt must ba on the project ate ant weembla b 1W T A)n peak othow siren the Project a intpemad far eoreakeece. n Airy I.immanca wok or Project-milkalb" rw oovemd undertow panne m4tim fuMe srilm Peall appovaL 1---� wt Alisokmua. 1vlAerythls paned axsve on Dacemb rt { 31 (agreed In bsurg the pemit his thLL this project is mreMaat wdh toe beat Land the Plan and all appinatrla ordatecea. Th2 pema may not be tra .wed canother paaY vdthout the wraen eppovd el the Divater of Coasal Managemytt\�, no2�!°bnauS re{uked ilspeeial aondabns above apply So PE Her 05 03 08:24p is Appraisal Service 70453SS279 Her OS 03 07:13p TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 2100425315 T�.a�1.�Olden��ch Lomi rmmsM CAM A MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT es authorized by the stale 01 ROM Cambm,Depenmam of Ein kaninent and Natalia Aeeoimsa andthe CoasW RescunaaCommaebnlor devebpmmd in mine of eminnmentaf mama pansaantio Sedbn 113M116 of the . z 0enordstatutes, 'Coacjpj&ap llanmaepwc, requested In the permnoe'c appl'vamn, p. 2 p.3 aoo3o�-7 Permu Nue� This perint. ieawd on ���0 iv aubjsdto otenplumm whh Woappleelbn avl ste drewirg lwhara annsbteM vNhlhaporma),ap pp6cahla ragubtlone antlrpedeltondlYonsalitlndea6611onhbelow. AnyvbWl0n0fthsaelaansmayvubleY permdtae toe trite, Mp�nmentor rldl edbn ormayrause Ile panmkm be mil end void. 7. lie paimitte is teguhed to cot»md the Local Prdmit Offittr shortly bcfine heplans m begin eommucdon to armage a eethack measmiclent which will be effective for sixty (60) days baling a major shoreline ebmge. Coesbue4on most begin wilhia sixty (60) days of the deer minetion or the meatnmemeat is void and most be redone. (call for Local p itOfficer to verify the veadatiou line before consWcNon bold & any slmctmo aodwrized by this permit shall be telocatedor dismantled whae it becomes imminently threatened by chanties m shoreline nonfrgoration 1110 structure shall be allocated or dismanded with'vt two (2) years of the 11= vhm it becomes imminentlytbteshe" and in I ey rase, upon its collapse or subsidence. 9. nw imuchae shall comply with the Nord, Camtme.SwUing Code, including the Coastal and Flood Plain Coostnlcf on Standards. Chapter 37, Volume 1 oe Chapter 41, Volume 7, and *a LOW FloodDainage plane tip Ordinance as requited by the Neficnel Flood bisuranceProgram, if any provisions of the boilding code or a flood damage prevention imbnmece is mwasistem with and of the following AEC sthmdaeds, the move resnictiva provision shall control. The perms actlen a ayle a)ppsledbythu Pendtle®wdhar quairipd permns within basely (21)) days dthe ins irpdde. Form thedate d m apped, airy woktoNudad under this par- namust tosse untll the appeal is Melvaci This pamt madba anam IlrojM atoand aeees*W"Iba permh Wrcarwhmrthe popct a tepededfw wapfanee. My ma6aeeanm wmlt or paniad mediheatona ndawaod adaihb parts mqukes lunherwMen Pont apprevel- Al wok meal maspDQ rn nntespires he Doaamhm 3f 4 in kaukg tNs Permit k is rblreedthel this pmlaa a tonalities whh are localLand Use Flan and all apphuWa adinarens. Thh pmmt may nadba baefprad to awthsr Party wlmoul Ihawdtm aMwvalof "w 1lh bs m of Ccasnd Wan?9saw ,fg Mar 05 03 08:24p s Appraisal Service 7045359279 p.3 Mar OS OH 07113p TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH GICS429216 p.4 Of aoo3o�'? m bet CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT os authorbd by the Staleof Abrtb o"na. Dep°bnent Of ErwkmmaM ead Ma"ad Aaaprpbs and the Coal al Aemnnbs Commk5bt tor dwoepmam In an ati of xtaaxrmanw mnom P..Kwd TTO..S�eoc� iw 11131 118 Of 1 O l .. � (aanora131aluWs. TVi ., i� � -- ac reWwmad in the PeOBfest apPButlOn�dateO - ThN peonil, kawdon l �— LLpubjeetb COaplhlI��aMthe appeal and fie dravdng lwtwm mnaulem wah Nepxma). as applinwbbraauleWrsand swildcoMflons and nmassetfuM below. AMvbMion Ol aroanlemtsnmY subject permawem w ive, Mpreonmx9or C" %.Om% an may rauee No pemd m be mdl and void 19. All development mist be wmistent with all applicable Federal, State and Local stwdards. 11. All proposed develoPmeflt alld associated Construction mist be done in swordance with the permitted wwkplat drawings) as Ong-maIIy wbmitfed. AnY change or changes in the plate for deyelopmatt, wnsnlaaion or land» activities will mgldre a reevaluxtku and modificetiou of this Permit. may not be assigned. Panlsmt to 15 NCAC, Subchapter 71. 0406ft this permit uansferred, sold m othcw disposed of to a third -party. TNs parma acdnn may be appealed by the parmatae w olher l l _ _ / aue1S'ad Krmrn waNn tw"(M) days Of thonds edata. ZZ< V1`7U�rn\lr/Y lam-`. Fmm Ile "a w an ap;,94 any woar wMueled undxtlile Par- ps can (vy ��na-30M ns.at e eat lee wooed onaeolvad. mi bas --mw T,i,patmc mustbeonthe bnlousks A--ebm to parma ORcer waon tho project x tr l rs Any mmtmnwtea wade or pmjaN modlao%ona not mvend 1 under ark perndl mal4ta5 t,". wrMan perms appm'KL e M work mtatset�ae v.�iOnlrk permY, oroe m Decanihx 311 In iauine 1h¢ pima a is aanaad to this projast's an4dara with the bW land tlu plan and all app1ba0lo OflI hO nPae Pr Thk pemdl may wt be berofartad m � pwryahot wa a raaulmd M epdd mndhim. wawa aPPly b am Diakion Of Caaetd Menagen the wnnan approval Of r, y t `lr- Mar 05 03 09:24p s Rppraisal Servioe 7045359279 Mar 05 03 07:14p TOWN OF HOLDEN BERCH 910042331E 1-7q ©ems r-BI l(jr U) eT AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project la In An -,Ocean Erodible Area_ High Hazard Food Area _inlet Hazard Area Dam Lot Was Matted: Thisner ica isintended tomake you, theappliant, sw2ne of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area, which is subject to natural hers tds such as staams, emsion and curtents The nila of the Coastal Resources Commission require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice and acknowledge that notice in writing beforea permitfordevelopmentmn be issued. TbeCanvr sul m'srdesonbuildingstmtdards otwn6mu setbadsanddunealterationaredeagnedmmkdnd but loss from hazards. B gf8ntin np��is, talethe , PmPQ Resources Con d.'si. nes not pruenamee thessfetyof the mentandassumesto hebilityforr future damage to thedevelopment. The bestavailableinformation, as accepted by theCoastal Resource, Commission indicates that the animal ocean emsionzate for the area where yourpropertylslacated is _ feet Per year - The rate was established by careful analysis of aerml pbotographs ofthe coastline takenover the pastfi0 years Studies ggh.�E�hWicate that the shoreline maid move as much asSsf 1 feet landward in a major storm. Th oodwatersinamajurstumt arepredictedmbeabout if feet deepin this area Preferred oceanfrout protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of threatened stmcbUaL Hard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, ppro1u�bihxL emT porary, revetments, evkm.iiu jetties and be allowed undercanaimmMdttrons Tidsatructure shallberelomtedordismmtledwiDdntwo years ofbecomingimminently threatened. NOTE- This hazard notice 13 required It in areas subleet to sudden and mas For aInformatiommn L lOfiicef awed and a new to continue work Revised I IM l t1 U 3 — CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 113-119(b), the muni- cipality of Town of Bolden Beach, a locali- ty authorized to issue CAMA permits in the areas of environmental concern, here- by gives NOTICE that on February 13, 2003, applicant Nadine Bicks, applied for a LA- MA comor development permit to add SxlO sundeck at 179 Ocean Blvd. West The application may be inspected at the below address. Public comments received by Feb. 29, 2o03, will be considered. later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided up- on written request Rhonda Phillips Local CAMA Permit Officer STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Carolyn H. Sweatt who, being first duly swom, deposes and says: that she is Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to matte this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that she is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Bnunswick Beacon on the following date(s): February 20,2003 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qual- ifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 20th day of February, 2003. :,, OMSIC?N OF COAST ,_ N�AivAG"--ME ... 6a (Signs of person making affidavit) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of February, 2003. ... BL L YN Y otary Public) ... �"I CK COvNet•' My commission expires: December 29, 2004.