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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNTB_05-32_Fowler0)""& J*Ja-w "Vea-ck ri June 13,2005 Mr. Gary Fowler 609 Green Path Drive Clayton, NC 27520 NTBEX 05/32 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) EXEMPTION MAINTENANCE REPAIR/REPLACEMENT 15A NCAC 7K.0209 (163 Topsail Road) I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessity of filing an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. The activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet those conditions please contact me before proceeding. MAINTENANCE/REPAMJREPLACEMENT 1. Place (3) new 8 x 8 piles and shore up existing 6 x 6 pilings for third deck (uncovered). - 2. The development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels. 3. The development must not alter the land form or vegetation of frontal dunes. 4. The development must not be within 30 feet of normal water level or normal high water 5. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal, or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from date of issuance. Sinc y' RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC Sue McLaughlin CAMA, LPO JUN 2 1 2005 (910)-328-1349 rI w A 2008 LOGGERHEAD COURT NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH, NC 28460 PHONE (910) 328-1349 FAX (910) 328-4508 J LUS 28 (TYP) EACH END OF 2x8 JOIST DE o \ M 2><1D PT DECK BAND ATTACHED w/ i" GALVANIZED IETAIL) THRU BOLTS @19.2- O/C 2x8PT DECK JOISTS - �T JOISTS @ 16'OIC D 14' ILE w/ MIN 2s8 PT DECK JOISTS @ 16- O/C w/ LUS 28 HANGER EE (TYP) 200 PT DECK BAND ATTACHED w/ 5' GALVANIZED THRU BOLTS @19.T O/C a 'SEAL DECK ADDITION CROSS-SECTION RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUN 2 1 70,P9 RAIL POST DETAIL E 3 'I yI1111l1611i1\\ Engineers seal does not include construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures or safety precaution. ' Any deviations or discrepancles on plans are to be brought to the Immediate attention of Tyndall Engineering 3 Design. Failure to do so will void Tyndall Engineering d Design liability. Masse ravlew these documents carefully. Tyndall Engineering 6 Design will Interpret that all dimensions, recommendations, etc. presented In these documents were doomed acceptable once construction begins. 8 Vn 4 iao aJ r -POT 100 Professional CourL Suite 105 Gamer, North Carolina V529 Moe: (919) 77312DD F.: (919) 7738658 E-mail: W > L aJ U Q N C O J m 2 m m L-LN a U a F 0 Cr. Z ~ o v Sheet Name: CROSS-SECTION Sheet#: SL of 2