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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNTB_05-20_Wileejas,�ovo�i�� i APR 15 2005 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT NTB05/20 April 20, 2005 Mr. Steve Wiley 4150 Island Drive North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) ACCESSORY USES 15A NCAC 07K .0209 (4150 ISLAND DRIVE) I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessity of filing an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. The activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet those conditions please contact me before proceeding. (Structure value: $) ACCESSORY USES 1. The development must not disturb a land area of greater than 200 square feet on a slope of greater than 10 percent 2. Construct uncovered 8' X 12' uncovered deck. 3. The development must not be within 30 feet of normal water level; and 4. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal, or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from date of issuance. Sincerely, �Q Sue McLaughlin CAMA, LPO (910)-328-1349 2008 LOGGERHEAD COURT NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH, NC 28460 PHONE (910) 328-1349 FAX (910) 328-4508 w BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION North Topsail Beach C ,yam 2008 Loggerhead Court () North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 910-328-3186 This permit is in accordance with the North Topsail Beach Flood Damage Prevention Ordinanc Please Fill out Form COMPLETELY �FiJj T Permit _ Project Number Sa c5 Address Owner Name Mailing Address Signature W Telephone Number Z/ 2,EP �-- 15 t Z— General Contractor N.C. License Number �/ (� —7 Expiration Date Local Privilege License Signature Square Footage Heated Estimated cost of Project For Office use Only Additional Comments Building Inspector Date approved Receipt Number Contact Number ZL- 3-�5—' 19 f--- Date ' /' 1 Unheated Building Permit Fee Zoning Permit Fee Additional Fees TOTAL RECEIVED NUds PL ZONING APPLICATION NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH 2008 Loggerhead Court North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 Telephone: (910) 328-3186 Please Fill out Owners' Name: LOt('e[n Mailing Address: Project Address: Signature/Date: Project Use: Foot Print of Structure: Heated Sq. Telephone No.: Tax Parcel ID No.: -A0 R A `5�— No. of Units: No. of Floors: Garage / Storage Sq. Ft.: Description of Work: D Z) ti t.JCC F- o [ t r h s{rucrt- fi-a s�,A�[lr hof ikh Attachments: This form must be accompanied by a current plot plan showing all structures/development on lot ( proposed or existing) All distances from property lines must be shown. FOR OFFICIAL USE CANIA Permit no.: OS AEC: A" COBRA Zone:- OCEAN Hazard Area: '� INLET Hazard Area: Zoning District: ez�� Set backs: Front 0 Side IRS,_ Rear 10 Corner Lot Comments: Approved By: Date: c�C� D Town of North Topsail Beach, 1YInsp ns �'�� 910-328-1349 f a Fax � IYiYPY r 910-328-4506 2008 Loggerhead Court Cp �S f` North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 �STq �I�js� IGSS APPLICATION CERTIFICATION OF ZONING, REZONING,VAIRANCES, FLOODPLAIN, CONDITIONAL USE * Zoning Compliance Zoning Variance Rezoning and Development Denial Rezoning Compliance Conditional Use Floodplain Exempt Issued Date: 04202005 Permit Number: 050145 PARCEL INFORMATION LRK: 768A-55 Parcel # Physical Address: 4150 ISLAND DR NORTH TOPSAIL 2754D City: BEACH 01 APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant: WILEY STEPHEN R & KEVIN ADKINS Attn/Bus : WILEY STEPHEN R & KEVIN ADKINS 4905 SUN LAKE CT HOLLY SPRINGS NC 27540 Telephone: OWNER INFORMATION Owner: WILEY STEPHEN R & KEVIN ADKINS 4905 SUN LAKE CT HOLLY SPRINGS NC 27540 Telephone: Use Requested Zoning District Setbacks: Front: Watershed : Flood Map #: Firm Zone: REMARKS: PERMIT INFORMATION ADDITIONS R-5 Lot Size: 20 ft Side: 8 Min. From Street: 0 ft Watershed Classification: Date of Map: Census Tract: .00 Acr. It Rear: 10 ft Min. From Side Street: 0 ft Historic District 0/00/00 Special Use Conditional Use: Permit Fee .00 Check # I hereby certify that I, the undersigned, am the owner of the subject property or I am making application with the full authority of the owner(s), and the statements herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Applicant: Date Approved: 4120/05 Please be aware that private covenants and restrictions may apply to this property. Applicant must comply with all private covenants and restrictions for this property. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 -------------------------------------------------------------- CERTIFICATE OF ZONING NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH, NC. This is to certify that application number 050145 in the name of WILEY STEPHEN R & KEVIN ADKINS meet the requirements of the Town of North Topsail Beach Zoning. In evidence thereof, this Certificate is hereby granted. Zoning Permits shall be void after six (6) months from the date of issue unless substantial progress on the project has been made by that time. It is also subject to revocation if at any time any of the conditions of the certificate relating to the property have been changed without prior approval or have not been met. This Certificate is not authorization for any improvements to be done to or on the property until all proper permits have been issued by the Code Enforcement Division. �� �C-27" —, , Date Approved: Planning / Zoning Director Date Approved: Town Manager Date ADDroved: Town Engineer 1. Plan Review Fees Paid (Planning Dept., Erosion Control, Engineer) 2. Applicant Contact Information 3. Owner Contact Information 4. Notarized Signature from Applicant and Property Owners 5. Project Information 6. Project Location (County Tax Parcel ID Included) 7. Plan shows compliance with all applicable Town Development and Zoning Regulations and Conditions of Zoning Approval. 8. Approval from Dept. of Transportation or Co. Road Dept. ( Applicable for curb cuts onto State Hwy or Major Co. Roads and any construction work undertaken in the State or Co. ROW) 9. Approval from the County Fire Marshall 10. Approval from the County Health Dept. ( If site is served by septic tank ) 11. Approval from the Soil and Water Conservation Commission* ( *if applicable: To be Obtained by the Town of North Topsail Beach. ) 12. Approval from the NC. Environmental Protection Div. - Water and Sewer* ( *if applicable: To be Obtained by the Town of North Topsail Beach. ) 13. Plan approval from the Town Engineer 14. Sewer allocation from the Town of North Topsail Beach. 15. Signature of the Town Manager, Town Engineer, and Planning / Zoning Director* ( *To be provided on the actual Development Permit once all other requirements have been met. ) 71 ATLANTIC OCEAN 6.02' N 66'23'41" E z w W N 8926.915 SO. FT. TOTAL LOT AREA N J > N � m 3 C LOT 16 �6 BOD ME 25 PG 26 N TOD z 1 Se CAMA STAKE FR`" C�' LINE LOT 17 ME 25 PG 214 , E N 475.73' FLOOD NOTES THIS AREA IS LOCATED IN A COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCE AREA DESIGNATED 10/1/83. FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE. m uS h n i7 N 2 OHEL z SITE 1 VICINITY MAP NO SCALE 1 FLOOD ZONE Vb (1Y) 0 �v< FLOOD ZONE VE (1 7346 lis SIS 5 61'38'34" W SET NAIL IN POWER POLEAT 16' MSL u FLOOD ZONE VE (16') FLOOD ZONE VE (15') FLOOD ZONE VE (14') :/L OF HWY 210 RRS HIGHWAY 210 '"' ISLAND DRIVE V 2x10 PT JOISTS 16" OC } EXISTIN2 BAN2xlD EXISTING 6x6 PILE GpP , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.��� I I I I I I I I I I I I II (2) PT 2x12's ..I 6 I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T° P 2x1 's 1 425 GAL. HOT TUB I I ' (2) PT 2x12's 9'4' i I ) P2x1 's 4 SHT 1 (2) PT 2x12's F 6'-0" SHT 1 RAILINGS AND STAIRS BY CONTRACTOR 12'-0" 30'-0" 2x10PTJOIST 12"Oc Lk FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = i'-0" OVERLAP JOISTS ONTO EXISTING GIRDER 1 ADD PT 2x12 SEI DETAIL "D" ri C