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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNTB_05-18_CucinoJd�01AC, t lk�*j " WXe�� D . 0.3,17.3 y APR 2 5 2005 COAV DJL MAIVA(OEri�c NTB05/18 'QN ,r April 20, 2005 Mr Dan Cuemo 407 Topsail Road North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) ACCESSORY USES 15A NCAC 07K .0209 (407 TOPSAIL ROAD) I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessity of filing an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. The activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet those conditions please contact me before proceeding. (Structure value: $) ACCESSORY USES 1. The development must not disturb a land area of greater than 200 square feet on a slope of greater than 10 percent 2. Construct uncovered 3' X 10' uncovered deck. 3. The development must not be within 30 feet of normal water level; and 4. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal, or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from date of issuance. Sincerely,� Sue McLaughlin CAMA, LPO (910)-328-1349 2008 LOGGERHEAD COURT NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH, NC 28460 PHONE (910) 328-1349 FAX (910) 328-4508 www. north-t0DSaII-beach.orq BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION O� North Topsail Beach 4� 2008 Loggerhead Court North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 CO 910-328-3186 9 O S 44S This permit is in accordance with the North Topsail Beach Flood Damage Prevention eeIP �QkT Please Fill out Form COMPLETELY Permit 'n Number �` / � i Owner Name Mailing Address Signature General Contractor N.C. License Number Local Privilege License Signature Square Footage Estimated cost of Project Description of Work For Office use OnlY Additional Comments Building Inspector Date approved Receipt Number Project wnk� Address yo `/ 7oos4d RL�' 4'C.6M'e / Telephone Number S,2 d 0 t i iJ FA Heated QIl06 Expiration Date Contact Number Date Unheated r AJS/Gti Building Permit Fee Zoning Permit Fee Additional Fees TOTAL RECEIVED ZONING APPLICATION NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH 2008 Loggerhead Court North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 Telephone: (910) 328-3186 Please Fill out Completely Owners' Name: 1 .� Mailing Address: Project Address:® �d �2honeNo.: le Signature/Date � � C.� TeP `"�� Project Use: Tax Parcel ID No.:�� (D / Foot Print of Structure: No. of Units: No. of Floors: Heated Sq. Ft: 13 00 i Garage / Storage Sq. Ft.: B Description of Work: ' ) /"l F—%, -feoo`gfO' Attachments: This form must be accompanied by a current plot plan showing all structures/development on lot ( proposed or existing ) All distances from property lines must be shown. FOR OFFICIAL USE LAMA Permit no.: b/� / OCEAN Hazard Area: ,J✓ Zoning District: Setbacks: Front c;20 Side Comments: AEC: N� COBRA Zo�_ INLET Hazard Area: : Yljq Rear !o Corner Lot Approved By �ff L Date: 6 � , +stSY'i •a•n•s t�o_oti-7 7, = •J gZb4 -Sib ° b INnW d71b - bH!'l�zlaJ nylon yNl��'Zlb� t+�aN T2A 'T IQ IQt ar21 o /kzjn� 4Nv I A se, d v°� Iroy�gl Lai��f 0 = 'ON B, ya f w I N (I d ZfbNit J v0 A. ; w Hraag raAVH W,h 4o dr0 #1'L "'Of3s e Md yruyl yrlrAoHy N?1a�h }�dniwnaaa (3�ty 7Jn5 1�vN�5•v) - I tt 4\910 ,00'0.1� M .Lvlo.9J z;, S 1"IaAA1 Va4 Y NVaW �/°9y p'$i 0 yal-WI11{1 e 1Tia%OIQb JHY iN1119Md j4 iy9WaW n 1°l3Mo'I .+G Not1VAall WnN+NiW 'd w •Wnloa •Yy•�•N o r9 4-ayyQ `•ly°LLVA91a ,yod§ y •14Aa1 bay H•aw an40v54 "•8 y) 1H4!VH I40%41>'VW •g <96 • 12-1 di.4cn) 9 a 100 4 dbW •b•W•ay 213d .z+ o•?t �10 Nollb/13y 8yV9 wnWiNIW b 5b yvH H71nM „�-/1 ,. h'8?Jb Ayv7VH aoo•Isl NI djo"o9 101 IWZIVi1 'Y :�loN I _ — yz1 g 101 — G O I O O z s W N �t4111� MA O w a yrus1�13: o = 08 �/ •o�b4 a8 No 11bAa1a lodb %I+LLyi+�= a�o� ti10 ,IyM �11Hb17f =M/il __... bxlyrW >tanao,,Uilad� sr•jls„y _o dNayal z wb 100'G� ,Od , Lo o0!a N I I L11 t 101 — I I 3' 6X6 PT PILE NOTES1 0 F- n 0:)� a x�r. Lo N O Z Y x N W —) � Ld W I N A OLJW 0- 3- 2X12 PT N RECOMMENDED 2-2X12 PT 3'-2„j I9'-5„ 6X6 PT I PILE MINIMUM 8X8 PT RECOMMENDED 71CATIONS ARE LIMITED TO THIS SITE 8'-0, NOTEt 8'X8' PT PILES WITH LOWER TIPS SET AS SPECIFIED BY THE NCSBC RESIDIENTIAL, 2002 EDITION, THE FINAL DEPTH OF THE PILE REQUIRED IS TO BE DRIVEN MECHANICALLY, SUCH THAT A 500 LB TO 800 LB WEIGHT HAMMER BLOW DELIVERED FROM 2' TO 3' RESPECTIVELY, DRIVES THE PILE DOWNWARD NO MORE FHAN 3i4'' TYPICAL OF ALL PILES UNLESS 'PECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE, 3'-0' 3d V /� u 6 /� � R�p� p