HomeMy WebLinkAbout28-22 HB_Minor Permit_20220615Tomb ch Laced *d LAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ���tnmwuof� �� „aA.,,taat.o.serta�erttrt.,iAne �• co"rothfarlopmenr ANY oft"I"TA& WWI%, issued fo11m om P+saoeiul BOOM Ffth , LLC auth t ft ae a *nW In the Ooean Hazard Area (AEC) at 1103 Ooeen ®oWW W VlW In I'iolden Beads NC 2M, as nMuoiM In die pelmittee's q*ftdm, daled n meiv+ed June 15. 2022. 7M ptcmiit was hmW on July S. 2W b su* d to =*= woi the g0judw and ob dmwMg Wme ccnmister i wNh ft pe". as appocmb IVA@b" and special mdbo and notes set brth bebw. Any wb1ofgrl of thm Wm nrey St*d PWnk ee to atine, bmptbmment ordvl adbn, or may cause the pod to be nuq and w K This pod se o due- REMOVE EaOSTiNQi POOL AND ALL DECKING LOCATED LANDWARD OF THE TOE OF THE FRONTAL DUNE. INSTALL A NEW IN GROUND POOL WITH A YA=UKM OF M SQUARE FEET OF GROUND LEVEL WODD DECKING. (1) Al pmPW dmmbpmt and modood art roust be done In e000ldenoe with nee pemil#ded walk pal dradogsf DATED l+eoewed June 15, 2MZ dpW by Gmy signed by Met' 12, 2021. (2) AN oohs vdm must condone b fie N.G. BuftM Cade mqWmwffb and d o ar local, Stele and Federal tept applicableImel f Oil oeswrd FBMAFbcd Regubdions. (3) Any dwp or rl 1 Ion I In th plans for devok mend, Dods uftn, or land use activllms wi mqAg a mevauation and (4) A shd be posted or evaisble an ab. CwW his Oft at OINU24M for a anal I ispecdon at Wkgbond PondtCondMm on Pena a 7* permit 8Cft mar tie appealed dr sr& PaA err dw mated paw Wft WM raj d of ere lmft ftip. I* peredt mud be an eq P*d rdb and =Ndb b th& p.mel Am Iron the poject Is ter oft kx aorreianoa. Am mho& work a projeui rnodtrr�+ aot aowarad aster thle pwA re*sidwwft pmd eppro - Nwmk musimm wham# womomom s,,20M b Oi pemdl k b d tlgl lib projectb w0 t wbxl Lead lie& Pisa m d 0,ppicobie r1 i l oeo ?hie permit amy aot to l m i lean b m oilier pert' wSW the wdlea sppndral d th& OMsica d CmW WnwaftlL CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 110 Road Suet ter+ Beach NC M& PERMME i� U condltloas ebtws w * b pm* MM:1103 OBW PUCAd BMW fnbhj LLC Ming Pan B 202M 6ke:.luly 5 Mn (6) AU oo whcdlon shdl meat the Whw wb of sedorh 16NCAC 07H. 0306, (6) This dembpwrt is In the ores hazwd area dd be set bads on a mWmw of OD fed from the first In of stable natzW wWWM. as dotmined by the DCM. Ilse LPO, or amber sutned agent of the DCM. (7) The lwlkM Is repined to contact the Local Pwrdt Officer 910.842.8080, dw* bobs he ptens b begin wnsbucdon to aminge a setbadt maaeRrmment that wUl be eMx6o for sbdy (q days baring a ma x shame change. Cordon must begin wlthln sbdy (OM days of the delemhinaaon or the rnessrmmd is void and must be redone. (9) A0 buUngs =Wnxbd wft 6he ooem hazard area sfrall on* wfah are NC &Oft Code. kwWft the CoasW and Rood PWn Cars6udbn tandaala of fhe N. C. Buildirhg Cale, and the Lori Food Damage Rww tbn Ordinance as ffl*ed by the Nadwd Flood Insurenoe Program. N any p w*bw of tocode ba ngg more orb s � damage pmo Om are inoorent wf6r any a# twing h ACC sbrod ds, the (9) Dune distwbanoes wB not be a0owed bomm the dune's Probcft value could be weakened orreduced. AN dl kobed areas A be fnurreda* dtabilbd. (10)A0 i nom MSUI hg from aes abed grading and WrdscspbV slfl be retained on site by etTedive sadbhhwhbbion and erosion axrtrot meawuss. Disturbed areas shad be vegetal%* stabfOZsd (ponied and mWched) within 14 days of oorhstnrdion oarNkhan, (II)Any slnrobw►e sufah ad by ads pa wk shall be mbo d or dWnWW when k becomee bhmiwnay ft8dwW by dwQn In shoreline cwfiPr9bL The ems) *A be relocated or dlemsod wfh two years of are tone WWn ft bKww imminw* hwbied, and In any case upon ibs ooilapse or subsidwroe. Ho v%w, N natural shoreline mwmy or beach rwourbhmerd taws place withbh two years of the blme Ere sbufte bwww km*w* 6reatened, so Ghat the Wuctrme is no bW imn*w* a mimed. 6ren a need nA be rlebcaded or dle-nanled at OW time. This corrdfdon shad not aft the pww holder's right to seek abo&dw of temporary protective messcmes akwW under CRC ruses. (12) The pool shdl be a kWwW pool, are dw tng shag be paced on the existing end shad shd dow water to run m10 dm ground. The pool pump shag not be b=W MM any I= wbx;ks. Nwse:1103 OBW Peaceful BMq Faethn LLC Enor Pan ff 2022-M Dade: July S 2M (13) The egdftW seaward toe of designated frontal dune was boded on 03-18-2021 by the LPQ. Thb same deUradbn AM be shown on the as bulk sumW by the surveys so that h can be veilfied that this deive4xnent was done in scarderroe with wctbDn 94M ( C XG) tarrrrd In the holden beach code of ordRUnoes. (14) Any pool or Pod dew =Mmcted adjacent b a ooasW bMing must be WucWrdy independent of the WMV and its fo and t n. The deolhg steal be placed on the eAt paid and a maximum of 970 square feet of woW pool decking. Shall be hrsialed In the same location as Wmtbd an approved she plan 1 survey signed by Gary GuWwm signed May 12, 2021. (15) An at — grade pool adjacent to a coastal b Aing is allowed only if the pod wll not ad as an obWn4m that w® resdt in damage to the budding or nears holdings. (10) An as bulk survey showing the pod, Pad pump, deddng location with the square tootage of the deci ft prior b apply N ibr a final irqedion is r+eWW so M focal, sbte and federal mqc wwb can be ver ed. The Pool Pump is not dowed WM the sloe yard setback. 7-1 7/U 0.41-.1 Lac:ality Permit Number " 0a Batu rim Shoreline. ORW Shoreline _ Public Trw Shoreline Other ��- (For o,pcdaI an only) LAND OWNER - MAILING ADDRESS Name )) Q b Atuhr A ' City �f ff (a 1_ TQ State ZPhone AUTHORIZED AGENT ftt'�"tVi/Es ,:T/I!��i qIU v 111111111111111100 MAA� • AV 47 LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address. sbW name and/or directions to site; name of the adjacent wa%rbody.) 0 DRSGREMON OF PROJECT. (Lint all proposed construction and laral diRurluim,) 1-6L, 6,\ Af>bl dip-c'-L- �-, erm a e SM OF LOWPARCRU — sgaere feet across PROPOSED USE: Residential E (side- mily 50 Mult" mily D) ❑ 00m C3 COMPLETE EITHER(l) OR M BELOW (Cep yow Lwd P&m& Of cer ff you ow not sane Wkk* ABC gppUm g0y0Ur): /} (1) OCEAN HAZABD ABCs: TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF PROPOSED firMUCTURgi ?,2D— mars hat (nchules air con& oned living vam leg elevated above grotmd Lev4 teon-conclitioned space elevated above ground 1eve1 but excluding non-u attic spaae) M COASTAL SHORBLINZ AECs: SITE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT A14D OTHEat RIPBRVIO UPON SURFACES-ALO , xpm feet (Wudes do area of the foundation of ap building �„eways. G Q d 0ot amm or masonry patios. etc, that are within do appl cWt ABC. Attach your oalaafatioas3 with the ) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERKM. is the project located in an area sWed to a juN 1 5 2022 StosmWater Man eat Permit ia$ued by the NC Division of EmV. Miaetal aced Land Resounm (D YES NO_)L If yea, list the total bdk upon mea%Wwvious surface allowed fat, ym lot or pares): TOWN OF HOLDEN � OTHM PZRbIIT8 MAY BB ROWMED: The ac$vity you 4mpk=dmg=ynqWmpmujte odwr titan the CAMA mkw deeeIoptr M i=lt bobft but not hmftd to:116kiog WMer VAA Sq* Mmk (or outer Saitpy waste tleaftow syaeemN . Pltrmbb & Hag andAir Con ing, Insulation aW BMV Cm=mNdO% nA C7wdfioaftm Sod Dane. Sedbaant C ODUOL Subdivfehm Approvok MobHO Homo Park App wmL Hf 0W Cow. and odwm Cfmck wig your local Pmk Offer 1br m m khnm*m STATBMBNT OF OWNp; I, the ubhn4pW, an applicant for a CANIA minor develapmemt Permit, bdM dit ttto oowW Of'p opody in in ABC ctr a pm m mdtmimd toad managm for p-peros of applying fora CAMA mtnaz dmkgmapt p that dw t armn listed as Isudoa M an this applbadon has a significant intamat in dive rest paropctty daubed tom. 7% isttdnat can be described as: (oheok one) -1en owner or -man ** Tithe b vested in mane of i.) ! j' see Deed Book q +pie in the CauntY RO&Y of Deeds, _.��_ m owner by vista of inbw t=L Applicant is an hdr to the eaft of • probate was in Cy*, if 06r 11a1e1e21 amdt as written oo1ez or INN explain below or om a der ohm dt vMmh b this appHOWIn. NOTnCATION OFAWACSNT EPARIAN MIPM TY OWLS: I Mdommm cmft drat On fhllawing petacat ammum of ptapedie= a�ai�g thb prop�y, I ag= Mgf bm given ACTUAL NOMR to each of dram 00=41ftS MY hOw to dm * NO ptq MW sed to apply A* a CAMA pets & (I) (2) (3) (4) Ir the wd"4104 GdnxdWp &d tip Ind owner is aware that to wqgmd 6mbpmw is phumWfbr an pea which may be M=qW ble to mWo saftr Boa ft I wbvwb* dw the Loaf Permit Of kw has ;eViefted m as the pa dea. I� � � qss thb lot. This was acacmdpa by - I tzftmm oertWY drat I am aalmrimd to smd. amil do in firer gmv, pmttdaim to Divisica Of Ooa i MMW=mt the Looal Pbrmit OfSoer and their agaats to eater on the a& � In ooaa�fn wig � m slated to this p m* appf�tSon. This the � *YOfU�.ZO,PA sutho�ed 1Q set as hblher tit fhr parpaMe � a CAbtA rat � 7A* 1'Ormwm m*jw=J, 0,6*e &mft apt dwrow oa do bmk offt qp*aam day O mraw&* MOOMA dtr Oman HawdAFCA►adlae > mcamwX a ofm& jbr SIMW mmi#PqWa go &r kmft and 90Y6#Sma*xmMWbeP VWWMmilyby*6gWft9ant 27mdddkefdwgpbc madogA edby Am ww= am bwonwmd MAMW dh &VP~ WkO MOY bs hnvA Awwaa ftm dims dsawg wo comsub w► a vhga*n of dBYPONA AnyPmm &WkOW to ant AS C ***Wp~ 19 =4WO dWL Oft>W mied adnkkvudw a dbL Lr1o, Postal Service" TIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT tic Mail Qn1y eryinfom7aw l�. visit ourtfelAw-, ar 9ei 'Y I i Y f3.715 0462 rl RO l�fi F531 Gl�a.n�i+ic�mon�eacaddii. 6/3/2022 a Date oPool G OrdAftr.6mn _ Sea Marie Inc 0ft481Q1M'Mft*1"dD&N $ tea+ 0 Adjacent Property Owner Ln Ir 06/07/2022 t7 3$ PO Box 536 r-J Mailing Address ru S", -- 7 4�? e?�C` L 7 .. ..._....._._... P_ LhY :%C Shallotte. NC 28459 LN) 0. Cr City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property Owner: This letter is to inform you that I, Peter Corbett have applied for a CAMA Property Owner Minor Permit on my property at 1103 Ocean Blvd W in Brunswick County. Property Address As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at 404 290 7517 or by mail at the address listed below. Applicants Telephone if you wish to file written comments or objections with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Rhonda Wooten Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Hoiden Beach, NC 28462 Sincerely, Peter Corbett Property Owner 5071 Greenaine Dr Mailing Address Atlanta. GA 30342 City, State, Zip Code LISPS Tracking® F"Q$ Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70210950000081140709 Remove x Your item was picked up at the post office at 1:11 pm on June 9, 2022 in SHALLOTTE, NC 28470. USPS Tracking Plus® Available v G Delivered, Individual Picked Up at Post Office - June 9, 2022 at 1:11 pm Cr SHALLOTTE, NC 28470 Get Updates v Text S Email Updates Tracking History USPS Tracking Plus® Product Information See Less /\ Can't find what you're looking for? v v v Postal Service QTIFIFD MAIL° F LLAA Domestic Mail Only ' ror ikAivoky inimmiallpn. Misil pkv 5aehsitn irl r " , a F0- $.75 0462 06 ❑w�.nll�.at1-dowh `pia. 6/3/2022 o Date C I.i. °OwwMdAWft D0MY i�� PnSM* "we Rick B & Marianne L Meeker o 0A*A "0*did • 0— Adjacent Property Owner o�� i m ti�,58 06/07/2022 $7.38 Ir 121 Boothe Hill Rd o Mailing Address A Swd 76ru as Chanel Hill, NC 27517 N fd-- c..----..__..:...........5...-----• City, State, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Property Owner: This letter is to inform you that I, Peter Corbett have applied for a CAMA Property Owner Minor Permit on my property at 1103 Ocean Blyd W in Brunswick County. Property Address As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing(s) as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at _, 4Q4 290 7517 1 or by mail at the address listed below. Applicants Telephone If you wish to file written comments or objections with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Rhonda Wooten Local Permit Officer for Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 Sincerely, Peter Corbett Property Owner 5071 Greennine Dr Mailing Address Atlanta, GA 30342 City, State, Zip Code LISPS Tracking® Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70210950000081140693 FAQs > Remove X Your item was delivered to an individual at the address at 12:15 pm on June 14, 2022 in CHAPEL HILL, NC 27517. USPS racking Plus® Available V In OV Delivered, Left with Individual Q June 14, 2022 at 12:15 pm CHAPEL HILL, NC 27517 Get Updates V Text S Email Updates Tracking History USPS Tracking Pius® Product Information See Less ^ M U V N/ OCEAN HAZARD AEC NOTICE Pro)oct is in an: ,... Octran &odibb Arne Irdd Haltard Anew Property owner: n �y 0 Pr Address. ,_, 1�.. _ Dt W was Plateed:.. 611921 C411 eruil+soldc This notice is intended to make you, the ttppiit:ant, aware of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area, which is subject to natural hazards such as stoners, cromon and currents. The rules of the Coastal Resources Commission ralunrc that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice acid acknowicdge that mice in writing before a permit for development can be issued. The Commission's rules on building sumdards, oceanfront setbacks and dwtc alterations are designed to mmimrze, but not eliminate. property Ioas rtom hazards. Fly granting permits, the Coastal Resources Commission dtma not guaranwa the stray of the development and assumes no tea Iny for future damage to the dcvClapMCnt. Permits issued in the Mean Hazard Area or EnVirmmenial Content include the condition that structures be relocated or dismantled if they become imminently threatened by changes in shoreline confiigtrratim. The articuut(s) moat be relocated or dismantled widde two (2) years of becoming imminently threatened, and in any cast upon its collapse or subsidence. The best available informattott. as accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that ehe annual loos -term average cc erosion me for the area where your property is located is fact per year. The rate was established by careful analysis ofaerial photoMphs of the coastline taken over the past 54 years. Studies also indicate that the shorehne could move as much as feet landward in a major storm. waters in a major storm arc predicted to be about feet deep in this area. Preferred oeeanfrurt protection measures are beech uaurWiment and relocation of threatened stmctarm Red a+osion control structures such as bulkheads. seawalls revehreatta, grouts, jew" and breakwaters are prohlbitA Tanporary sand bags teeny be authorized under certain condkioas. The applicant must acknewledge this infotmaim and requirements by signing this notice in tits space below Without the proper signature, the epplicatim wiR not be complete Z-o �-e &IaJaa Pr+o owner Signditre D11* SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice a rcgwmd for development in area subject to sudden and massive storms and erosion. Permits issued for dcvakgn em in this area expire on December 31 of the third year fnllow-ing the your in which the permit was issued. Shortly bdfim+e a-ork begins an the project site. the Local PtMR Off% must be contacted to determine the vegetation litre and wreck dike at your site. I(die property has seen little cl angc since the time of permit issuance. and the proposed devek9mem an shill mm the setback MquirtatWAL the LPO will htform you that you may begin work. Substantial progress on the project must be made within 60 days of this setback determination. or the setback mast be rc-meastmad Also, the occurrence afa major shoreline change as the result of storm within the 60-day period will necessitate re•nicasuretrient of the setback. It is important that you dreck with the I.PO before the permit expires for official approval to enntintie the worst after the permit has expired Generally. if foundation pilings have been placed and substantial progress is continuing. permit renewal can be authorized. It is unlawf)tl to continue work after permit expiration For Now Infollowk% L10UTAUP. kknac),a Ltxsf Plarrng Offer Address 4-1 je*n z-ea ck goo'sLa- ReNssd fitly 2oto @11MIJIFA111#1 PM I* 's. b••d• P"M ! M 2 Relurr, to TOW Rev Ir InL tir caeh s—Cfths—� 6j due so �onefUa � �?�9 seals ver;Ne� by that c�;not be nep,p�p�y a oop{�, This instrument prepared by BaxleySmithwick PLLC, licensed North Carolina Attorneys. Delinquent tries, if aay, to be paid by the closing a xney to the Brunswick County Tax Collector upon ditsbursement of closing proceeds. NORTH CARDLINA PANTY DR= Parcel #245FA00204 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK THIS DEED, made this the , 4��day of September, 2020, by and between PETER J. CORBSTT and w e, ELILAB$TR T CORMTT of 3071 Greenpine Drive, Atlanta, GA 30342, parties of the first part, hereinafter referred to as Grantors, and 1103 ORN Bggagy F=1.1X, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liabilit CTRAC UM y of' 5071 Greenpine Drive, Atlanta, GA 30342, party of the second part, hereinafter referred to as Grantee; W I T N E S S E T H: THAT the Grantors, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto th`e Grantee, its successors and assigns, in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Lockwood Folly Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BZ'VQ all of Let Number four (4) as more particularly described in a survey plat dated 27 June 1974 entitled "Map of Davenport Subdivision" prepared by Jan ]K. Dale, R.L.S., and recorded in Map Sock 15 at Page 19 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County, North Carolina to which said plat reference is hereby made and which is incorporated herein for greatiek certainty of description. For back reference see Deed Book 2922, Page 1369 of the Brunswick County Registry. in adcordance with NC= Section 105-317.2, the mailing addreases of Grantors and Grantee are as stated above. The propertY hexein conveyed does not include the primary residence of grantors. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. R�Zef Z� or AND the Grantors do hereby covenant with Grantee that Grantors are se}zed of the premises in fee simple, that they have the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrvves, and that Grantors will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons, whomsoever, subject to the following exceptions: -Utility easemehis of record and road and street right -of -rays. -R estriative covenants of record. -2020 ad valorem property taxes. :'i-1:1 ya bzSC4''ft c: ,K.'sLS 13 :teINt<WITNESS WHEREOF ;- the .tGrantors,�have- caused rthi:s iristrumentT_torlee duly executed, the day and year first above written. Z41ZAbOth T. CorMMC �. «. •.1 �' aSG:.,n:7ti�FTF �f ,5 > ` y; � i e' RTU'�AS-I-:fa r' ±)rs 'T'Pu`JF,-'' ;1 'd."i`T''-. r 8'1'I1TE Or'I 1: i G.f1fL:.V. H'` ert:f?f7S:3Y; XIMVi coull�mor'- A(it - '.S t7'+» - I, Notary Public, certify that the following persons pers-Onally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that they voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purposes stated therein and in the capacity indicated: PZTXR J. CMMTT and wife, BLIZA88TH T. CORS$TT Date:,6'tl 14-167& I !r Notary P c Notary's Printed Name: 1 i' A., MyvCommission :Expiresn d [ j �... � •tS i. !: { a,?5.;? J 1E _.. ... �: .'t aLi � � , f: .fit_'. -. � � .._ ' ' � -Xp4t ,,avr,{i. "J.1F." 1 �•.� ��;, �c�"!'l7sY., f. ". - � 3y: , Z <;2+�C.v7+ �w TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION All seciieus must be Holdesi Beajh Property Adbnm: t I b ?S Q. e, Lot: V Subdivision: Pemanad Meiling Address (prW same if local addre Street Address: 5&t!l City/$U t %ip Code: Contractor Who ill P ore Conw Person: d Address: Ce c spptieable write MA. Telephone #: 10,750 above Section 2: Sped is Criteria Requb ad to SuRmn Appif aMoa Approval: Type of Structure:: n G f a—n.► Padl LA (6.f6l- d I eVC- l wbk kl' . bed—'k- New: N( Ahendm: Repair. Relocate: Driveway: Fence: 1^Pl1 oVtff tf Od=: UO(. Property Use: Single Fanrily:)e Two Family: Apartment: Condominium: Townhouse: Other: �1 Total Gyms Floor Area of Structwv: Q � I V Required Setbacks in Feet: Front: 5-- Rear: _� D Side: Platted Area in Sgtsarc Feet: Usable Area im Square Feet per Survey Design Flood Elevation DFE: Highest Point of Structure above Mean Sea Level: Flood Zone (AE, VE, X): Base Flood: V,6 Elevation: ' Type of Dfiveway Material: I Driveway Area in feet)- • rti� LOVAM Original CkWo EkmWou below BtuiWimg in Feet. Pwposed FmLftd Grade in feet as shown an Fill if Fin is to be placed on lot: Is Fill Material Being Proposed on the Lot? Yes: ,,,_,_ No:.�Jf Yes, Depth of Fill: Proposed Concxete Slab Elevation ss shown on the Stomrwater Plan: fvl Proposed Concrete Slab Elevation as Shown on ConstraWon Plans: Cerd icaiion to be Comphted by Applidmb "I certify that any coon sniction, alteration or replacement of Wlkhn and/or use of land shall be carried out in a000itarce with the information and Zoning Permit criteria listed above." A' jA 3igture Printed Nanme Date Seedop I. Ta 6b Cad h7 To" ofEkddm Z i CAMA Pw=1t Required? Yes: No: StormVer Permit RoodYes No: Zones Rak%MW Dhkift (Itl Zayre) x Residua! Distract (R2 Zane) CommooW District (C Zme) n, Zoning OfiFuaiai Apps+ava! Sigeeaturo,,se h= I Yew tuna 60 dame of iame COM&OOMleis Wort begs. 7j& fam l /D3 0 6 u-' P9?0e-9 (;#-)Q f F40 11 n Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: e- e- <r f be-� "C Mailing address, 6,71 C- r Phone Number: 0 1 D 17 i certify than i have authorizedraF)-e each h`C � 1� ? 5 to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying and obtaining an CAMA permits necessary for the proposed development of �C f QLA Asa b 6,ror\,4 l e v ed LOV, at my property located at ,�„�D (� LJ In -�'.JfU V15.W k County. _~ This ce McMn is valid through 6j oaw (Property Owner Information) J8 (a2,-.?,j p2el %A U� OLv n Ta X "? / 2 ;, Data qb14 4b O}5f7 Pftm Number mom N1NitNNIylINp1OAROLE4A Cou',,,• L GAR! L p/A(r7 TINS PLAT IM OMM 00M Ny 5OPF11Y610Nr MADE UNDER MY 91iPE NIMO . E7BNOR THAT THE OF RER IS 1/ IDAQQ: 1HAT NOT UMN AS 111RdiE1N ERNES. PE,OM THAT 110 PLAT WAS N SRO N 4r-V AS AUD OE0. WITNESS INY DqM.� 1 0N1 !P— AND A0, 20, I- ,p J CAW L •P ,0 SEAL OR STAR __ r S 81-43*36' W TE LNE: COLMENC00 Al ApallENr Imm RLY, INC CRO COGR NAlm N _ SS.702.12 Alb E . ;192A aa): THENCE S ar36'35iT 2-1,5LOO FEET TO IEONU1ENf 'tW4 PW. (NO GM 00oaDmi s: N . 7E,31W.S613 AND E • 2.IN7.b3B.t3} THl" N 0W12Vn SM70 FEET TO A COTTON SPNE; TNI NLE S55W33'25'F 7444 FEET T7 NP A: TIED N 61'43'4a'E 3&73 FEET 70 EN V ALL WJf& S ARE ORBITED f0 NC ORID NORTH. NM. 1903. ALL OISTANCES ARE HCA=WAL GROUND D6fANCEa. OCR R VD. )NW EDGE OF PA ZONE AE (EL 12) 55.75' - _ 7P 1 B 228 14. I 1 I ZONE AE I CONCRETE �1B (EL 12) ELEVATION: a V N 5 LOT 3 LOT 2 m LOT i i IN --- c1ouN0 POOL__ GROUND WODEN i DECK (380 SF) U 1 ZONE VE DAVENPORT (EL 13) SUBDIVISION �' MAP BOOK 15, PAGE 19 1 I L--------- �- p op,= - - - - - - --- N GROUND POOL WON GROUND LEVEL WOODEN DECK (970 S77 POOL t 08=4 CANNOT EXCEED 33' FROM TOE OF DUNE OCEAN SIDE NOTES: *LOT 4 IS IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE 'VE-. BASE ELEVA11ON 13 FEET a ZONE "AE" BASE ELEVATION 12 FEET BASED ON F.i.R.M. 3720109500 K. INDEX DATE Oa-28-18. .THE HOUSE ON EDT 4 APPEARED TO BE TWO LMNC LEVELS ON PILINGS WITH A GROUND LEVEL ENCLOSURE. 'THE HOUSE APPEARED TO BE JOOX COMPLETE. 'HORIZONTAL LOCATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO NAD 1983 lym�s 201_i,LU51NC NCGS VRS WITH A SPECTRA PRECISION SP80 ON 05-22-18. *REVISED 06-06-ia TO ADD PARKING SPACES AND FENCE. *REVISED 01-02-19 TO UPDATE FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION. LINE 1 BEARING DISTANCE Ll I N 553325- W 1 74.04' 40 0 40 0. SCALE: 1' _ 47 M0INISY NAP LEOBI? NOT To9CANE 0 ANGLE ffmsM (FONRND) NP NEw am Ni o NEH N01N PIE (SET) ERB 0 COSIM RE-SAR (FOIAb) 4 WA IMN U �vEEINT SNALLOTTE SHELL T' 0 TELEPHONE PEDESTAL 1lf1ER SAIECOMAA oR CCTV O C 7Q�EMSM wy �E G wGRdRNbVLtNEL MLOSLW �T0.1D. � N4CE PAfOwNO SPACE ZONE VE (EL 13) 4=WALkVAY i LOT 3LOT 5 LOT 4 NCRETE sueEVATION: as• COASTAL INVESTMENTS willMAP BOOK 16, PAGE 14 CAOF DUNEFL4OCF.D By THE TOWN OF _ _ - HOLDEN EIEACH 07-10-17--- 5' ACCESS EASEMENT MB 16. PG 14 G Ll W N 4 LOT 4 U u u 19AM SO. FT. ND TO FIRST LINE M OF VEGETATION N N I.f A CI p N TOE OF DUNE OCEAN SIDE FLAGGED BY THE TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH o3-1a-21 FIRST LINE OF VEcETATKIN FLAGGED By THE TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 07-10-17 GURGANUS LAND SURVEYING GARY L GURGANUS, P.L.S 2011 ELK ROAD SUITE 5 kGARY North Carolino 28462 (910) 233-7605 PROPOSED POOL SURVEY FOR PETER & ELIZABM CO�ETi MADEOMN� R!OT4 11a7 OCEAN aLVD. WMr). PAGE 19. HOLDEN REACH. NORM GIROLINA FOLLY 10RNSIFP BRIRNSINECIf CDIRIIY TIC d 027-073 FRE Nv. 17F41POGl NOB Wa 17Na7 — NC Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality 1103 ocean boulevard west holds X 1 Q Show search results for 1103 ocean b... Layer List Layers DCM Office Locations Sandbags (oceanfront) Setback Factors (2020) Setback Factors (2013) Setback Factors (2004) Setback Factors 0 997) Setback Factors 0 986) Setback Factors 0 983) Setback Factors (1980) Erosion Rates (2020) Erosion Rates (2013) Erosion Rates (2004) Static Vegetation Lines (points) ^. 5 team k 2020 Setback Factors Feature: 2020 Oceanfront Erosion Rate Setback Factors Setback 2.0 Factor: 4y # OEA(feet): 180 STRM100_RE 330.000000 F Effective 4/1/2020, 8:00 PM Date: Zoom to -78.349 33.906 Degrees All rights reserved I,o-ie