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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNTB_16-36_CrumpPAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART secretory Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY BRAXTON DAVIS December 18, 2016 Der David and Sharon Crump 2435 Island Drive North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINORS) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN THE ESTUARINE SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (15A NCAC 07K .0208). - NTBEXI6-36 PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS -110 S. Permuda Wynd, North Topsail Beach, NC Dear Mr. and Mrs. Crump: I have reviewed the information you submitted to our office concerning the necessary filing of an application for a CAMA Minor Development Permit under the Coastal Area Management Act and have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a CAMA Minor Development Permit as long as it remains consistent with your project drawings and paperwork, dated received December 5, 2016, and it also meets the conditions specified below. If you plan(s) should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. SINGLE FAMH Y RESIDENCES WITHIN THE ESTAURINE SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN EXEMPTED 1. All development shall be located at least 40 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level from waters classified as ORW. 2. No ground disturbance or land disturbing activity shall occur within 40 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level from waters classified as ORW. 3. The development may not exceed a 25% built upon area within 575 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level of waters classified as ORW, and shall not include any stormwater collection system. Construction of the "gravel drive" shall be limited to #57 stone, at a thickness of 4"-6" spread over a base layer of filter fabric. No other type of material shall be used without prior authorization from the NC Division of Coastal Management. 4. The development shall be consistent with all other applicable CAMA permit standards, North Carolina Building Code standards, local ordinances and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. 5. This authorization does not allow for any disturbance to any wetlands or open water areas. Any proposal to modify or alter the development plan as proposed will require additional authorization from the Division of Coastal Management. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires one (1) year from the date of the letter. S' ly, on ai , L Cc: =- WIRO NTB - Terrie Woodle State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext, Wilmington, NC 29405 910-796-7215 Dail, Jason From: DAVID CRUMP <> Sent: Monday, December 05, 2016 11:29 AM To: Dail, Jason Subject: DAVID CRUMP REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION Attachments: VILLAGE OF SS OFFER TO PURCHASE COMPLETE.pdf, VILLAGE OF SS SITE PLAN.pdf JASON ATTACHED IS THE OFFER TO PURCHASE PURCHASE AND SITE PLAN FOR 110 S PERMUDA WYND THAT WE DISCUSSED FOR A CAMA PERMIT EXEMPTION DAVID A. AND SHARON L. CRUMP 2435 ISLAND DRIVE NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH NC 28460 TELEPHONE (828-499-0491 ) E-MAIL - ( ) IF ANYTHING ELSE IS REQUIRED PLEASE ADVISE THANKS DAVID DAVID CRUMP BROKER PROPERTY SOUTH REAL ESTATE 1 % a .,' NOMM �. IN, 60. ao _ 10' OSotgg Pdree�. Q56y-f,5 S-�a�r5 d S par» 4Sa Wynd' CsvelreY� Roark Pr�par� �S LLG Dc`k PorG� la's` �# M I JI� cpve+rd P�arc�h f r 1 �r td rsr{I' Drape ' REGEIV ED / EOM WILMINGTON, NO DEC 0 5 I% 'Xs4i.s Qr,rp, Lof 53 Parse I - O-S It's s fir,�MA 4/,VA/ fix. o T+'Mo+�y Massey r ns RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC DEC 0 5 2016 DoeuSi9n Envelope jr)-. MB51BOg-4M64iFC-AB7F-B9E45976D4F5 OFFER TO PURCHASE AND CONTRACT - VACANT LOTa AN"D [Coas,dt "Cwidetines" (form 12G) for guidance in completing this form] NOTE: This contract is intended for unimproved real property that Buyer will Purchase only for personal use and does not have immediate pleas to subdivide- Ir should not be used W sell property that is being subdivided unless the property has been Platted, Property approved and recort�d with the r,giata of heeds m of the date of the cocirwt If Seiler is Buyers builder and the sale in the construction Of n new single family dwelling prior to closing, use the standard Offer W Pwcbm and Contact —New Construction (Form 800-T) or, if the consltuRion is completed, use the Offs to Purchase and Contract (Form 2-T) with the New (:otisttitedon Addendum (Form 2A3-'I). For valuable consideration, tile receipt and legal sttffwiency of which are-haeby acknowledged, Boyer offers to purchase and Seller upon acceptance agrees to sell and convey the Progeny on the teems and conditions Ofthis Offer ToPttmhese and contract and any addendum or modification made in accordance with its terms (together the'Connact"). L TERMS AND DEFiNMONS: The terms listed. below shall have the reapeeeve menning given them m set f h adjatzot to each teen. ennatnS (al ,Satter,: 3:t�f:TI63 45 Bd+RDAYSB KRISTII�4 M (b) ,BUyas:DAV1D A CRTYAR 38ARODT L GRIIM-D (c) 'Tropffq-- Tbt Poperty shall include all that real estate descriw below together with all appurtenances thereto including the improvements located thereon- NOTE: If the ProPerty will include a manufactured (mobile) home(s), Buyer and Sells Should consider including the Manufactured (Mobile) Home provision in the Additional Provisions Addendum (Standard FOOD 2Al 1-T) with this offer. Street Address: 110 SODTR pZ]nTMA 9t324D. Zip: 28460 Uty: NORTH Topq North Carolina County: ONSI..OW utilities and mail rklrvraY may differ from address shown-) (NOTE: Govemrueotal authority over cases, zoning, school districCs. u Iagai Description: (Complete AU applicable) OF STOMP Rdaence:L000nit. Sd ,Block/Sectim, P . Subdivision/Condoucniam V11 LUM SOUND , as shown an PlatBook/Siide 27 at Page(l) The Ppy/PfD or. other identfication munbs of the Pn>Petty is: 42124651980000 / 050444 Otherdescription: 3159 a[Page SomesaleoftheProperrymaybede 7xdin Deed Bonk (d) "Pnrcbace Price": $ 130.1f00.00 paid in U:S. Dollars upo�e oll"isgs: �livaad m Sells by the EtUctive Date. BY DUE DII.IC>ENCE payable 5 1, 000.00 BY JN TIAL E RNp-S"f MONEY DEPOSIT made payable and delivered m Escrow $ Agent named in Panagraph I (f) by 0 cash ® personal check 0 official bank check. 0 wire penis, 0 elecumric =,far, EITHER 0 with this offer OR 0 within five (5) days of the Eftective.Dste of this Contract. BY (ADDTTSONAL} EARNEST MONEY' DEPOSIT made payable and delivered to Eaaow Agent named in Paragraph 1(f) by crib or immediately available funds such as official back cbmk, wire bansfa or elecuvnic transfer rm later than. 77ME HEPYG OF THE ESSENCE with £egard W said date. $ BY ASSUMPTION of the unpaid lxineiPai balance and all obligations of Seller on the existing lose(s) secured by a dead of trust on the Prropeny in accsdauce with the attached Loan Assumption Addendum (SlsadmldForm 2At4-T). BY SIILkR FINANCING in accordance with the attached Sells Finaacing Addendum. (Stamdmd Form 2A5-T). $ 129, 000, 00 BALANCE of the Puxebase.Price in cash at Settlement (some or ail of which may Paid with the Pox ads of anew hoot} Pagel of It STANDARD FORM 12-T This mriu.,johtth, approved by: Revised 712016 North Carolina Bar Arsoiiabao Of d, 09/2016 .rce„ North Carolina Assasatioo ofR4ALTORS®: Tin'^ I(tA,fj Buyer initals Seller Initialsry:. vnr ltt0(fAtV &CVm RPiti fiYtAni- 151A. D0.R'ELIOkSii l9PS..illFACH��wtl i&Rn MkA0M F06e,NWg � n..•Mc�^.v wamaiwm snro.�aeov nvasM RECEIVED GCM WILMINGTON, NC DEC 0 5 2016 ax�ivaxrc DocuSign Envelope ID' B5 jB09-45e641FGA07F-69Ee5376D4F5 either the Due Diligence .Pee or any India, Earnest, Money Deposit by their due dates, m should any Shod Buyer fail DO deliver check or other finds paid by Buyer be distmnmed, for any reason, by the instimoon upon which the payment is drawn, Buyer shall have one (1) banking day after written nonce to deliver cash or immediately available futrds collie payee. Ire the event Buyer does not timely deliver cash OF immediately available funds: Se11a shall have the right to terminate this Contract upon written notice to Buyer. it) "Earls st Mnney Deptrsit": The Seidel Earnest Money Deposit, the Additional l Earnest Money DepositDepo and any other earnest monies paid or required lobe paid in connection with this. transaction, mlleecivelY tits "Earnest Money Deposif', shah be deposited this Contract is otherwise and held in escrow by Escrow Agent until Closing(eh l , at a a condition My be T suldugited to Buyer, is hot ❑ t the Earnest terminated. in the event (I) this offer is not accepted; or (2) Matey Deposit shall be refunded to Enyer. In the event of bleach : of this Contract by Seiler, the Earnest Morey Deposit shall be refimded to Buyer upon Buyer s request, lint etch return shalt not. affect shall by Other ye pea d [oes vailable 5ell •• as toBuyer dam�Oa at d as rite event of breach of this Contract by Buyer, the Earnest Money Depositc and d mage damage to Sella,s sole and exclusive remedy for such breach, but without limiting Seller's rights uMar Paragraphs -() 2() g the P+'opedy or Seller's right to retain the Due Diligence Fee. It is acknowledged by the parties that payment of the Earnest Money Deposit to Seller in the event of a breacb of this Contract by Buyer is compensatory and not punitive, such amount being a actual loss that Sella would inns as a result of such breach. The payment of the Eamett Money ressonatila estunadon of the a Deposit to Sells shall not cactual tlo a penalty or forfeihm- but actual compensation for Seller's anticipated loss, both parties aeknowtedging the difficulty determining Sehen's actual damages for such breach. If legal proceedings are brought by Buyer tx Seller against the other to recover the EamatMoney Deposit, the prevailing party in the proceeding Shan he ceded to recover from the non-prevaititrg party reasonable attorney fees and court coats incurred in conneco m with the proceeding. (f).. "Faerorr 3@H"t" (insert name): KEITH E101, LIN t A22OIW ) _. NOTE: In the event of n dispute between Seller and Buyer over the disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit hold in escrow, a licensed real estate broker ("Bmkee) is inquired by state taw lend Eterow Agent, if net a Broker, hereby agrees) to retain the Earnest Money Deposit in the Escrow Agent's trust or escrow account mrtit Escrow Agent has obtained a written, releasefrom the parties consenting to its thsposiNon or anti) disbtssemant is ordered by a coat of compm m jurisdiction. Alternatively, if a Broker a the Stoker or Attorney an attorney licensed to practice law in North Carolina C'Alramey") is holding the Earde"' Money Deposit' may deposit the disputed merries with the mismit date clerk of court in soc admod with the provisions of 34 C.G.S.:W3A-12. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT A REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE FIRM ACTING AS ESCROW A "M - T MAY PLACE THE BARAI&S: MONEY DEPOSIT IN AN IIdT'FPREST BEARING TRUST ACCOUNT AND THAT ANY INTEREST EARNED THEREON SHALL BE DISBURSED To THE ESCROW AGENT MOZ�A� THEREWITH TION OF THE fiXPENSk.S INCURRED BY MAINTAINING SUCH ACCOUNT AND RECORDS . . ( "Rffecfive Date": The date that:(,) sco last one d to then at'rty elliar making s signed orthe offer a c affer, as thoaled this offer e ease may be- The Mira any, and (2) such signing or initialing the final ahlateNuffa, ff is communicated m the patty g ackno+x{edge and agree that the tt umb, tines at the bottom of each page of this Contract are merely evitlenor of toed having reviewed. the ra ns of each page, aid that the complete cxacotion of such initials litres shall not he a condition of the effectiverress of this Agrearium- fit) "Due Diligence Buyer's opportunity during the Due Dit'r„Qeuiee Period he e investigate the Property 2 below, and the transacde whether contemplated by this Contract, including but am necessarily limited to Inc matters dcscnbadin Rara€� aph below, to decide whether Buyer, in Buyer's sole discretion, will proceed with arterminate the;irarnsacaan. (f) "Due. Df igence Fee": A negotiated amount, if any, paid by Buyer Sella with bis CO Date and shag brig right to edit to ndBuyc e Diligence during the Due:.Dihaenee period it shall be the property o Sell Po at Losing. The Aue Diligence Fee shall xenon -refundable h 9fl� the as th wtisse � provided iterial breach y addendummham. Buyer and. act by Sella' or if let Carsact u terminated orlon Paragraph 6(m) or Para€raP each expressly waive any right that they may have to deny the right to cotuiuct Due Diligence or to assert any defense as to the enforceability re reY of this Contract haled on the absencepurchaseleged and sales o the property without eg d to thcuency of my Due Difigcnc� e exislence a amount of any , it being the intent of the parties m create. a legally binding contract for rite pus Due Diligence Fee. �) "Die Dlilgence, Period": The period begmmmg on the Effective Date and eTIxtoTIMEEBthrough EING OPTNE ESSENCE p.m. on ne.,emtwr 30. 201$ _ !ard to said dare. Papa 2 Of l 1 ('0B STANDARD FORM 12 T t /,fiQ Rnvised VM16 i f�^, � fSdAJ ©712gI6 Buyer intends *C -Seller initials — vmave.iC,zpr^Ta bP 4'tad" .euro ruin: pf�auwFl.w.wcuaa+ews ,.,�. _^, 13nxblllS --jFCEIVED Dom V11% 9INGTON, NC DEC 0 5 2016 Docu$gn Envelope ID: B5B51Bo94566-41FC-AB7F-59E45376DGF5 (k) ,SeOdvment": 3le proper execution and delivery m the closing attorney of all documents necessary to complete the transaction contemptawd by this CouLrnct, including the deed, (ttlem, at sortement, etc such tcans'acect unf mist and other loan or conveyance dcxutne+rts, and tlo closing attomay's receipt of all funds necessary comp December 302615 (1) "Sefilamen[ Duce": The patties agree that Settlement will take Place TO (the "Setlement Date'), unbess otbetwise, agreed in writing, at a time and place designated by Buyer.erom � to Buys, which (m) "Cloning": The completion of the legal pmoess winch results in the transfer of title to the Property includes the following steps: (1) the Seukmeor (defincid above); (2) the completion of a satisfactory title updale to the property following the Setrllmtem; (3) the closing adomey's receipt of audtor ration to disburse all necessary fiends; and (4) recordation in the folnopnate a Setfl registry of the deed(s) and died(s) of trust, if any, wbich shall take place as soon as reasonably possible for the closing attmn,y alter Settlement. Upon Closing,. the proceeds of sale shall be disbursed by the closing attorney in accordance with roe reaiement statement and the provisions of Chapter' 45A of the North Carolina Gen,ral Salutes. If the Eitla. update should reveal mxxPer't� liens, erwnmbmrtces or other tittedefens, er if the closing attorney is not anihonud to disburse all necessary fends, them dieCtosSng shall be suspended and the Seuleaeent de,meddelayed under ParagraAh 10 (D,lay in SeNemenUClming). A'ARNING: Ttie Ncrfi Carolina Stare Sae has det,nuinod drat the Pert°rmance of most acts and ser+tixs Yagtured Fora closing consdintes the practice of law and must be perfotm¢l only ai ovice tthongh� on anromey'tdemcn agents may prohibits unlicensed mdividoals or _rr:tts from readcdng ga closing. perform /united services in cnnncetion with a closing, they may not p�xfona ail the ,cis and s k am of Poe Noidt Cnus, A closing involves Sigel cam legate issues that shoald Ue handfed by an that buyers shout Pas Bar Association and the North Grdina Association of RFALTORSaI that aA kxtyus should hire an aimmey licensed in North Carolina. to perfbrrr, a closing' (n) "Special AsouismenB": A charge against the Property by a governmental authority in addition to ad valorem taxes and meaning governmental service fees levied with such tares, or by an ownere association in addition to ny regular assessment (dues), either of which maybe a her, against the Property. A Special Asseuuwat may be either Proposed roved nor "PS,pused Special Assessmesm ent": A Special Assem. that is. under formal eonsulcraum but which has twti. been ape P to Settlement "Confirmed Special Asseaamene': A $pedal Assessment that has been approved prior in Setdcm,nt whether or not it is fully payable at time of Settlement. 2. BUJFER'S DUE DILiG>ENCEPROCE,S.S: (a) Lose: Dining the Due Diligence Period, Buyer, at Buyei s expense, shall be,ntxxled topursuequalification for and appt-aval of the Loan if any. (NOTE: Buyer is advised To consah with. Buyers leader prior to. signing this offer to assure that the Due Diligence, Period aHpws saffidem time for the appraisal to be completed and for Bayer's leader TO provide Buyer sufficient information TO decide whether to proceed with or terminate the transaction since the Loah is not a condition of the Contract) at Btryefs ex rise, (h) Property Invcstigatiom Daring The Due Diiigeace Period; Bays u. Buyer's agents err represudatives,. pa shall be entitled to condnu all desired tens, surveys, appraisals, investigations, exami�ons and impections of the Property as Buyer deems appropriate, including but NOT limited to the following: (t) Son led Euviroummili d: Repels to determine whether the sail is suitable for Buyer's intended it are and ed use, tret,.is any environmental contamination,. lain, rule or regulation that may prultibit, restrict o- limit Bayei s amended use, (h) atigatian(s) to determine: (f) the condition of an existing sewage system, SepdrlSewer System: Any apPSicabte rev (2) sys the costs and cenuases in install a sewage tem approved by an existing improvement peduh. (3) the availability and expense to correct to a public o. community sewer system, eaator (4) whence an Imprerrr r written evaluation Wray be obtained from the County Health Department for a suitable ground absorption determine: (1) the condition of an existing private drinking water well, (2) the (iii) Racer: Arty' applicable invesdgatinn(s) to by an existing Construction Penrrii, (3) the mats and expenses to install a private drinking water well approved availability, costs and expenses to connecr to a public or community water system, or a shared private well, and/or (4) whether a Consru,tion Permit maybe obtained Prom the CountY Healili Departmentfut a private dnnlang water well. (ivT Review of Docuam IN: Review of the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, Bylaws; Articles Of LncorPoratioe Proper and Regabuirme, and other governing doter erns of any applicable ownem' ulimiation andlorsuhrEvision. If the Property is Pug,3 of t lm re STANDARD FORM 32-T Revised 7nA16 f�AA,� ® 7PM16 Buyer initials $,Heroitials — 13A1tDAYIS neauaawnaarrnntiw�°Y 'amo rm«Rtabe,sae. eravr.r�a'e�+� RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC DEC 0 5 2016 DocuSign Envelope ID: B5B51B09-456&41FGAB7F69F, 5 76D4F5 the pleted subject to regulation by an owners' associaman.'bt is y Serer pre coed al signing this Its also ----ended that the Aad Addendum (Standard From 2A72--I) Provided Bttyee determine if the owners' assoeiatida or its management company charges fees flat providing mforutauon required by Buyer's lender or confirming restrictive wvenact compliance. (v) Appralsats- An appraisal of ftPIOPerty. (vi} Survey: A sdney to determine wbather the property is suitable for Buyer's intended use and the location of casements, setbacks, property boundaries and other issues which may or may not consdmte titlede#ec1s. (vii) Zoning mad Gov=rmrwmtal Regulatian: Investigation, of current or proposed zoning: tx other governmental regulation that may affect Buyers intended use of the PraPmty, adj scent land uses, planned or Proposed road conetmaion, and school mtendance mats. (viii) Flood Hmrd. Iuvesugation of potential flood hazards on the Property, and/or any requirement to purchase floc insurance in order to obtain the Loan. (ix) 17a7ifies and Across: Availability. quality. and obligations for nrain[enarice of utilities including electric, gas,. communication services, do mof th management, and means d access m the the Property and amenities. {x) Strset:Jftoack: lnvestigatim+ of the stems of die) wet/rdad upon which the Property fronts as well as any other sneethoad used to access the Property, including: /l) cobalt© any sheet(s)Foad(s) are Public or prtvam, (or whef private any street(shvad(s) designated as public ate accepted for maintenance by the State of NC a any marmapality, or (S)if'.private and he existence or not accepted for public maintenance, the couegoeaces and resporsibiBty forntain'rerranc�e ant, Terms funding of any mapmeoance agreements: NOTE: NC GencraV Statutes Section 136-102.6(1) (the "Stature,,) requias that under ciccamsteaces described in the prior to entering into an perty Statute, a buyer must be provided a subdivision Street, disclosure stm ment described in subdivided property described in the Statute. If Buyer or Seller are uncertain wlredtc Ire sale of the Properly this Contract is subject to the Somate, consult aNC real estate anomey. (c) Baser a Obligation to Repair Dmrvlge: buyer • at Buyers expense, promptly repair any damage to the Property resulting from ray activities of Buyer and save, agents and comiaaors, but Buyer shall *rot be responsible for any damage caused by accepted practices applicable to any N.0 lideased professional. performing reasonable nract ,als, tests,sarveys, axara moons and inspections of the Property. This repair obligation shall survive any termination of this Canto, da, which (d) Indemnity: Buyer trill indemnify and hold Sella harmless from ss all loss. result of age. claims. suits activities of 3r co and Buyers agents and of any contract, agreement, m injury to arty person or property . etmrractws relating to the Fr except flag any Ions, damage, claim, suit m cast arcing rut of pre-existing d any l m of Ire Property-andlor out of Sellers negligence or willful acts rr omissions. l'ba indemnity shall survive tuts Contact and any lamination hereof (e) buyer's Right to Terminate: Bu}'ea'shall have the right to terminate this Contract for tarry reason a an, reason, by deliveringnTtten Seller written notice of tem-doom n (the "Termination Notice') during the Due Diligence Period (or any agreed -upon extension of the Due Diligence Period), TIW BEING OF THE EgSENCE. If Buyer ri neiv delivers the Termination Notice, this Contract shall be terminated and the Eames, Moony Deposit shag be refunded to Buyer. W ARiNOG: If Buyer is not satisfied with the snails or progress of Buyers Due Diligence, Buyer should terminate this Contract prior an the espirariorr of the Due Diiige=e Period'; unless Buyer can obtain a written Weasion from Seller. SEL"EB IS NM OBLIGATED TO GRANT AN BXTENSTON Akbotgydbuyer May continue to investigate the Property fonowing the expiration of the Dw Diligence Period Buyers faiime to deliver a Tertmnauon Notice to Seier prior to the eapr ation of the Due Diligence Period sbad constitute a waiver by Buyer of any right w terminate this Contract based on any matter retauna. to Buyers Due Diligto ence. Provided however, fallowing the Due Diligence Period, 6 thus Contract Boyo, My son �fo anp othto terminate if Selia f er reason permitted nndz�the materially comply With any of Sella$ obligations under Paragraph terms of this Contract m'North Carolina law. CONDMON q) CLOSLNG SIIe1LL CONSTYtM ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROPERTY IN i'1'3 THEN ERiSTiNG UI+iLM MOVISiON IS OTIIERWM MADE IN WRITING. 3. BUYER REPRESENTATIONS: (a) Lean: Buyer ❑ does Jl does not have m obtain a nesv Some in order to. purchase the Yrnperty. If Buyer is obtaininlom at a loan, Buyer intends to obtain a loan as follows: 0 Conventional 0 Other: Page 4 of I ST A NDA'#D-fYlA2.41't.T O8 � Revised 7/7036 I�.�°� � (k,fj �oe ©7120I6 Buyer iahials * Seller initia}s _ — RUYmIva.W`amaMRxNt 1WiV nMW� iWMY.Fuer.idiW9an4els BARQ+LYiS RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC DEC 0 5 201E DOWSign EtrvelOpe ID: B5B51B09-4%&47FCAB7F-B9E45376o4F5 0 Fixed Rate 0 Adkistsible Rate in the principal amount or far a term of year(s), at an initial interest rate not to exceed % per annum (the "Loan'). (NOTE: Buyers obligations under this Contract are not conditioned upon obtaining or closing any loan. If Buyer represents that Buyer does not have to obtain a new loan in order to putchssse the property. Seller is advised, prim to siguing this offer, to obtain documentation from Buyer which dem xistrates that Buyer will be able to close on the Property without the necessity of obtaining a new loan.) (b) olher Property: Buyer 0 does M does not have to Sell or lease other real property in order to qualify for a new loan or to complete purchase- ffOTC' t If Buyer does have to sell, Buyer and Seller should consider including a Contingent Sale Addendum (.Standard Form 2A2-T) with this offer.) (c) Patgartnauce of Bayer's Fanau" obligatiom lb the best of Boyet's knowledge, there are no other circumstances or conditions existing as of the date of this offer that wontdprohibit Bayer frrnn perfomting Buyers financial obligations is accordance with lids Contraci, except as may be specifically set forth herein. BUYER OBTAGATIONS: (a) ResphoabBity for Proposed Special Assessumills: Buyer shall take title subject to all P6'oposetiSpecial: Assessmens. (b) Responsibility for Certain Casts: Buyer .shall be responsible for all costs with respell Buyer shall be responsible for all costs with respect to: (i) any loan obtained by Buyer, including charges by an owners association and/or management company as agent of an owners' association for providing inftnmatien required by Buyer's lender, (ii) charges required by an owners' association declaration to be paid by Bayer for Buyer's future use and enjoyment of the Property, including, without limitation, wmlting capital contributions, membership fees, or charges for Buyer's use of the cotannin elements andlor services provided to Buyer, such as "move -in fees"; (Ai) deterudning restrictive covenant compliance; (iv) appraisal, (v) title search, (vi)titlaovawaumx (vii) recording the deed, and (viii) preparation and recording of all instruments requbedco secure the balance of the Purchase Price unpaid at Settle.". (cj hudhorisatim to Mdnsa Iai'urmaatjOm Buyer authmcz die Buyers lendex(s), the parties' rant estate agents) and closing attorney: (1)to provide this Contract to any appraiser employed by Buyer or by Buyer's tender(s); and (2) to release and dtsclosa any bayeesclosing disclosure, settlement statement andim disbursement summary, or any Information therein, to the parties to this trai 5acdon, theirreal estate agent(s) and Buyer's lender(s). SELLER RFPRESENFATIONS: (a) ownerstdp:SellerrepresemsthatSell:. 0 has owned it= Property fie at least are year. 0 has owned the Property far less than one year. ❑ does not yet Own theProperty- (b) Assessments: To the best of Sestet's knowledge there are as Proposed Special Assessments except as follows (Insert "Nave" Oa Sober warrants. that that are no Confamod Special Asvrssmerus except as follows 911seat "None" or he identification of such as, Esessrnems, if any): IaD� (c) owners' Asseciaiiou(s) and Dot is To best of Seller`s knowledge, ownership oftbe Woporty © subjects 0 does not subject Buyer to aegulutisn by ore or mote owners, association(s) and governing docuone, , which impose various mandatory mvena>ns, conditions and restrictions upon the Property and Buyers uijoyme¢ thareof, includingant not located to obligations to pay regular assessments (dues) and Special Assessments. If there is not owners association, then an Owners' Association Ihsdosure and Addendtun For Properties Exempt from Residential Property Disclosure Statement (Standard Form 2Al2-'I) shall he completed by Seller, at SeBeYs expense, and must be attached as an addendum to this Contract. (6) Sewage Syst gs Pe indo ( 0 Applicable M Not Applicable) Seller wan;mffi that the sewage system described in the Impravemeon permit attached hereto has been installed, which repis;sentatio¢ stsrlvs Own& but makes no further repressntadons as to the system. Page 5'of I I Bayer im9als�Setiff initials z -� l�Aif1 STANDARD vioad 71E-T Ren"aed/2015 �_ ®i!?/llb Pma,mavnnW,ruMeM+M-��wio Pwn�aarc wrr0.a wasa. ruw4aen m�G a.m.. BARDak15 RECEIVED DCM ULMINGTON, NC UEC 0 5'016 Docu$igo Envelope ID: 65B51 BO9>58H7FGAB7F-BgF0. 376D4F5 (e) Private Dtdnking Water Well Permit: (❑ Applicable ® Not Applicable) Seller warranty that a private dunking water well has been installed, which representation survives Closing, but makes no further representations as to the well. (If well installed after fuly 1, 200g, attach Improvar rx Penrdt be-m.) 6. SELLER OBLIGATIONS: deliver to Buyer as soon as reasonably possible (a) Evideocr of Title and Payoff Statemeni(sl: Seller agrees to use best efforts to not after the Effective Date, copies of all title mformationin cov�aMs, deeds, ssession of " available es and deeds ofllhust. leases, andt'°C"l it deli g so title iuswanCe, policies, attotrreY's opinions on iit1L exnvey , all infaMation needed m obtain a vvritieo payoff stateroom ftcm any the property. Seller shall provide to the closing auornoY lender(s) regarding any security interest in the Property as anon as n quest to possible after the 's behalf and Seller designates the closing attorney m Seller's agent with exptas authority to request and obtain on Seile's beholf payoff statements and/or short -Pay statements from airy such lenders} (b) Aethoris bion to Disclose lnfararadOrc Seller authorizes: (1) MY attorney presently or previously reprosnnting Seller to release and disclose any tips insmaece policy in such atrontey's FIO to Bum and both B yees and Sellees agents and attorneys; j title insurers ((m title insurers a9crrVs) file the Property's chic insurer or its agent to release and disclose sndterialclosing in �tmtey to release and disclose any seller's closing m Buyer and both Buyers and Setters ageerty na and attorneys, () a, a' any inftrmaQun ttrerein, to the parties to this transaction.on, their real disclosure. serdammt statement nd/or disbursement summary estate agearsl and Buyers lender(s). rypaB`-TArongh Inspection: Seller shall Buyer. reasonable bests to the Property (including working. ex Access to Ptnhroug on by Bayer, mchdinR but trot limited to, allowing the Buyer art existing utilities) duct a the cattier of Chasing or no of the To the extent applicable, Sella shall also be responsible for opportunity to conduct a Foal walk-through inspection of the uray t y. timely clearing that portion of the property required by the Corers to perform teats, inspections and/or evaluations to determine the Ohabiliry of the Property for a sewage system mdlm private drinking water well. (4) Removal of Sefiff's r Seller shall remove from the Property. by the date possession is delivered, (f) all personal property which is trot a pint of the purchase and (ti) unless otherwise agreed. all garbage and debris. (e) AiBda»f and lnden dnetsdon Agreemeaf: Seller shall furnish at Settlement m affidavit(s) and indemnification agreermsM(s) in fain satisfactory to Buyer and Buyers title avcuter, if any, executed by Sella and any person or entity who has performed or famished labor, services, materials or rental equipment p m the property within 120 days Dior to the date of Sala muA and who may be ended to claim a Idm agamn the property as described in N.C.G.S. VAA-g verifying that each asoo or entity has been paid in full end agreeing to indemnify Buyer, Buyer's lender(s) and Buyers tide insures against all loss horn any cause m claim arising therefrom. (f) Desigauth, of Llen Agent, Pa3'rnent wed Satisfaction of Lieffi: If regrind by N.C.G.S. a ppo i. mmSeller of 1r�Agen[. designated a Lien Agent. and Sella shall deliver to Buyer as soot as reasonably possible a COPY of the appom must be paid and All deeds of trust. deto redo d vattaxes, uch that Canocellatiortgmay be promptly oagainst the btained following fBowing Gasmg. sumedby SeFia shall remain satisfied by Seller prior obligated:o obtain any such cancellations fotlovm[g Closing. (g) Gwd Title, Legal Accese: Sella shall execute and deliver a G12B'.RAL WARRAPfPY 1)EF.D for the Pmperty in recordable form no fates than Senlame - which shallnces or vtlefeaxs, including arketa le and Ltd be insur[reveal do a limey arch accurate survey of and ro rt any over lima, the property, except: ad valorem taxer for the current yeary affe odedaoub value the date of property; meet); such tat casements 4508,encumbrances and un»ola kXi cOvenaors, tnrdittons or resniaians that do not materially Buyer to due vague he the p property no st have legal access to a Public right of defects as may he 96S,med m specifically approval by Buys in writing. The Pmix'st)' way. (NOTE: Buyers failure to terminate this Contract prior to the expiration of the Due or a Conteaim Period as s result of any enmtmbmnce or defect flat is or would have been revealed by a title examination of the or or a current and accurate snveY shall not relieve Sella of any obligation under this subparagraph) of the property may be a "short sale,,, ale, consideration should be given to attaching a Short Sale Addendum (NOTE: If any sate (Standard Firm 2AW17) as an addendum to this Contract-) (h) "Deed, Taxes, and Fees: Selig shall pay for preparation of a deed and all other docummis necessary to perform Sellers obligations under this Contract, and for ,hate and county excise [axes, and any deferred, discounted or rollback taxes. and local Page 6 of I i STANDARD FORM 1bT m m -' Revised 16 W2916 Buyer -butiab; 'e4`g�,.•`. - Sellermidals k n�RDA:(i'. OiedvGMtlP'mnO4'bP's8i tm'!0 raaM Wa awl. Ftae,. NGY�;(AaM RECEIVED DC" WILMINGTON, NC DEC it 5 `'LA OocuSlgnrnvelopa ID: B5B5a B0"5W4iFC-AB]F-BSF45376D4F5 conveyance fees required by law- Tlie deed is to be. made to: DAV ID A t.1RUMP AND SHARCH L mkmlp (i) Agreement. toPay Buyerrrnses: Serer shall pap at Seaiemuat5 toward any of Buyer's expenses associated with the purchase of the Property, leas MY portion disapproved by Bttyer s leader. NOTE: Examples of Buyer's expenses mmiated with the ptuchase, of the Property include, but are /tot limited to, discount points, loan origination fees, appraisal fees, attaney's fens, inspection fees, and "pre-paids" (taxes, iru aauce, owners assocaton dues, etc). (}) Owners' Association Fees/Charges: Setter shall pay: (i) any fees required for confrmring Sellers account payment information on owns' association. dues or assessments for payment or proration; (ii) any fees imposed by an owners' association owners' and/or a management company as agent of the ow' association in connection with the itansaction contemplated by this Contract other than those fees required to be paid by Buyer under paragraph 4(b) above; and fill) fees incurred by Seller in completing the Residential Property and Owners' Association Disclosure Statement, and resale or other certificates related to a proposed sale of the Property. (k) Payment of Confirmed Special Assessments: Seller stand pay all Continued Special Assessments, if any, provided that the amwit thereof can. be reasonably determined or estimated. (1) Late Listing Penalties: All property tax late listing penalties, if any, shelf tit paid by Seller. (m) Owners' Association Disclosure and Cundundalitrn Reside Statement Addendum (Standard Ilium 2Al2-T): If applicable, Sella shall provide the completed Owners' Association Disclosue and Condominium Resale Statement Addendum to Buyer on a before the Effective➢are. (a) Sella's Falare to Comply err Breads: If Seller fails to materially comply with any of Sellers Obligations under this Paragraph 6 or Seller materially breaches this. Contract,. and Buyer elects to tam inive. this Contract as a result of such failure or breach, then the Earnest Moray Deposit and the Due Diligence Fee shall be refunded to Buyer and Sella shall reamburse to Buyer the resemabla costs actually blamed by Buyer in imitation with Buyer's Due Diligence without affecting any other remedies. If legal proceedings are brought by Buyer against the Seiler to recover the.Eamest MOntry Deposit, the Due Diligence pee and/or the reasonablecosts actually incurred by Buyer in connection with Buyers Due Diligence, the prevailing patty in the proceeding shall be entitled to recover from the non -prevailing party reasonable avorney has and court costs incurred in connection with the pmceedrng. 7. PRORATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS; Unless otherwise provided, the following liens sball be proratedthrough the date of Sadement and either adjusted between the Parties m paid a Settlement - (a) Taxes on Real Properly: Ad vala-am taxes and recurring governmental service fees levied with such tuxes on Mal Property shall be proratedon a calendar year basis: (b) Rem c Rents, if any; for 11rePropet2p: (c) Dues: Ownars'�ssociation regular assessmais(du�s)red abcnlike charges. 8. COMMON OF PROPERTY AT CLOSLYO: Buy, a's obligation to complete the transaction contemplated by this Contract shallbe contingent upon the PiOPetY being in s im" ially the same or better condition. at Closing as on the date of this offer, reasonable wear and tear excepted. 9. RISK OF LOSS: ilre risk of loss or damage by fire Or other casualty prim to Closing shall be upon Seller. If the impmveriw,nts nu the Property are destroyed or materially damaged prim to Closing, Buyer may terminate this Contract by written notice delivered. to Sella ra Seller's agent and thebanner Money Depose and any Doe Diligence pee shall be refunded in Buyee_ In the event Buyer does NOT elect to terminate -this Couana Buyer shall be entitled to receive, m addition to the Property, any of Seller's insurance proceeds payable on account of the damage m destruction applicable to the Property being purchased. Sella is advised no to carrel existing in6trtaance on the Property until after cobfre ang recordation of the deed. 10. DMAY IN SETIlRdE14TICLOSINC: Absent agreement to the contrary in this Contract a any subsrquemi modification thereto, if a batty is unable to complete Settlement by the Settlement Date but intends in complete Cho transaction and is acting in goad faith and with reasonable diligence to proceed to Settlement ("Delaying 3'WI. and if the Other party is ready, wllling and able to complete Settlement on the Settlement Date ("Non -Delaying Parry') then the Delaying. Party shall give as much lotice as possible in the Norm -Delaying Party sad closing attorney and shall be entitled to a delay in Settlement. If the parties fail to complete Settlement and Owing within fourteen (14) days of the Settlement Date (including any amended Settlement Date agreed to m writing by the Parties) or to omacwiac extend the Settlement Date by written, agreement, then the Delaying Party shall be in breach and the Am Delaying Party may terminate this Compact and shall be- entitled to enforce any remedies available to such party under this Contract for the breacfi_ Page 7 of 11 RD FORM f U. Bayer initnis e[ler initials m I t ne / nnr� _ STANDA Revised 47?A116 SR816 wm.waw,+oF ^se'i�arw>.arm men, auenna. v,,..o-uk�sw.ems _- nannAMS RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC DEC 0 5 ''2016 Docu5i9n Envebpa ID: 85951B03456841 FC-A07F4it9E4537604F5 11, POSSESSION: Unless othe�se provided herein, possession, including all memo of access to the Property (keys, codes, including security codes, gate openners, electronic devices, etc.) shall be delivered at Closing as defined in Paragraph 1(m). No alterations, excavarimt& nee or vegetation removal or other such activitiesmay, be done before possession is delivered. 12. ADDENDA: CHECK ALL STANDARD ADDENDA THAT MAY BE A PART OF THIS CONTRACT, IF ANY, AND ATTACH HERETO. pi' Lwm AIL OTHER ADDENDA TO THIS CONTRACT, IF ANY, AND ATTACH HERETO. Q Additional Provisions Addendum (Form 2A11-T) ❑ Owners' Association Disclosure And Addendum For Properties 0 Additional Signatares Addendum (Farm 3-T) Exempt from Residential Property Disclosure Statement (Form C)Rwk-Up Contract Addendum(Fan 2A2-T1 2AIVr-) ('] Corain 'ant Sale Addendum (Form 2A2-T) ❑. Seller Financing Addendum (Form 2A5-T) [] Loan Assumption Addendum (Fotm.2A6-T) ❑ Short Sale Addendum (Form 2AlA-T) [] Identfy other attorney or party drafted addenda: NOTE: UNDER NORTH CAROLINA LAW, REAL, ESTATE BROKERS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO DRAFT ADDENDA TO THIS CONTRACT. 13. ASSIGNMENTS- This Contract may not be assigned.without the written consent of all patties except in connection with a tax - deferred exchange, but if assigned by agreement, then this Contract shall be binding an the assignee andassignees heirs and s¢ceessors. 14.. TAK-DFFRRRED EXCHANGE:. in the event Buyer or Seller desires to effen a tax -deferred exchange in connection wim the conveyance of the Property, Buyer and Seller agree to cooperate in effecting such exchange.; provided, however, that the exchanging party shall be responsible for ail additional costs associated with such exchange, ad provided farther, that a non-exchan party shall not assume any additional liability with respect to such tax -defend exchange. Buyer and Seller shall execute such additional documents, including assignment of iris Contract in connection therewith, at no cost to the norr-exchanging party, as shall be requiredto give effect to this provision. 15. PARTIES: This Contract shalt be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of Buyer and Seller and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. As used herein, words is ttie singular include the plural and the masculine includes the hesitance and neuter genders, as appropriate. 16. SURVIVAL: If any provision herein contained which by is rmnae-and effect is required to be observed, kept or perforased after the Closing, it shall survive the Closing and remsin binding upon and for the benefit of the parties hereto until fully observed, kept or perianerl 17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Contract contains the entire agreement of the parties and there are no representations, indacements or ad= provisions ad= than thme enptesscd herein. All changes, additions or deletions hereto must be in writing and signed by all parties- Nothing Contained herein shalt after any agreement between a REALTORCA or broker and Seller or Buyer as contained. in any listing agreement, buyer agency agreement, or any other agency agreement between. ihCrn. IS- CONDUCT OF TRANSACTION: The parties agree that any action between them relating to the transaction. contemplated by this Contract may be Conducted by electronic means, including the signing of this Contract by one or more of them slid any notice or s:.amnunicaioa given in connection with dais Contract, Any wri¢en notice or communicatitm may be transmitted to any mailing address, email address or fax number set forth in the "Notice Infi amntiwi' section helow. Any notice or communication w be given to a party herein, and airy• fee, deposit of oilier payment to be delivered to a party hetem, may be given to the Party Or on such patty's agem. Seger and Buyer agree that the "Notice Infornadon" and "Ackrwwledgment of Receipt of Monies" sections below shall not constitute a material pat of this Contract, and that the addition or modificationof any information theaull shall not Constitute a rejection of an affay or the creation of a ^otmirzoffer. 19. E-KECCTION: This Contract may be signed in multipleoriginals or counterparta, all. of Which together Constitute one and the same inapparent Page 8 of 11 os C STANDARD FORM 11-T f/� I(l f LlJ Revised 7/2016 Buyer initials. f ./ 0esethr initial, - .� »�J 07/2016 wmma.mgcmcb+kr�reomne w.nwd ter, rbcr.e4�:+ems --- — 9hRd4XLS RECEIVED " 111miNGTON, NC 0EC 0 5 2016 Docu319n Envelone ID: B5B51809458841FCAWf-ME45376D4F5 20. COMPUTATION OF DAYS/TRAE OF DAY: Unless otherwise provided, for purposes of dds Contract, the term "days" shall mean consecudvn calendar days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, whether federal, stare, local or religious. For the purposes of calculating days, rho count of "days" shall begin on the day following the day upon which any act or notice as provided in this Contract was required to be performed or made. Any reference to a date or time of day shalt refer to the date andfor time of day in the State of North Carolina TM NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIA17ON OF REALTORSO, INC. AND THE NORTH CAROLINA BAR ASSOCIATION MAKE NO REPRRSENTATTON AS TO THE LEGAL VALIDITY OR ADEQUACY Of ANY PROVISION OF THIS FORM IN ANY SPECIFIC TRANSACTION. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS FORM OR FEEL THAT IT DMS NOT PROVIDE FOR YOUR LEGAL NEEDS, YOU SHOULD CONSULT A NORTH CAROUNA REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY BEFORE YOU SIGN IT. This offer shall become a binding contract on the Effalrvc Date. Unless specifically provided ottuawise, Buyers failure in timely deliver any fee, deposit or other payment provided lot herein shall not prevent this offer from becoming a binding contract, provided that any such failure shall give Seller certain rights totermivate the contact as described herein in as othen Mw permitted by law. Buyer D r72SP Date: d[ ^-34 Buyer SHARON L GR�L+ Entity Buyer (Name of LS.CICorp6ralibNParmersfiip/T'msUetc.) By: Title: Date: _ Date;11/30/2016 Sell '6"".$ 13�0/2016 Date: Seller ��E+ ,�e38DAXI3 Entity Seller: (Name of LLr_`ti'.�ip�stionlPartnetahipffn3sffetcj By: Tide: m MES.SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANXI, Page of I I w"a„a am �ea�.nMRY.aa�K :mm rumnw..Aom, ra®r.nw�voa, as�.s w,.��rm� RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC 0EC 0 5 2016 STANOARDPORAf 12-T Revised MOM ki 773A16 SARDnxts O Sqn Enelepe ID: B58518D8458541FG-A87F-89E45376W5 NOTICE INFORMATION NOTE: INSERT THE ADDRESS AND/OR ELECTRONIC DELIVERY ADDRESS EACH PARTY AND AGENT APPROVES FOR THE RECEIPT OF ANY NOTICE CONTEMPLATED BY THIS CONTRACT. INSERT "NIA" FOR ANY WHICH ARE NOT APPROVED. BUYER NOTICE ADDRESS: Mailing Addre ss: 5704 SILYB»ELI. ZAANE, mu%sriTS FALLS M U63o SELLER NOTICE ADDRESS: Marling AddrcS5:e222 Mffil G a Z!C, Raleigh, W 27613 Buyer Pax#: (828)-728-9715 Seller Fax#: Buyer E-maiL m rsavee ss x Seller E-mail: SELLING AGENT NOTICE ADDRESS: Firm Name: PROPERTY SOUTH REAL ESTATE Acting as®Buyees Ageac❑ Sellers (sub)Ageot ❑Dual Agent Firm License#: Mailing Addtara:2435 ZSIAHD ORSYA, RORTR TOPSAIL HEALS= RC z8460' Individual Selling Agent: ervm 0102 ❑ Acting as aDestienated Ouzl Agent (check only if applicable) Selling Agent License#:273972 _ Selling Ageut %l one9: (828) 499-D491 Selling Agent Pax#: (828) 728-9715 Selling Agent E-mail: m+�omeo® FrEC F-IV E0 nC.M WIli_MINGTON, NC UEC u 51l0 , LMING, AGENT NOTICE ADDIll LAHI)4ARK 804HABY8 INTERHATIONAL Fnm Name: RRAL-TY Acting as M Seller's Agent ❑ Dual Agent I = License#, Mailing Add[ess:10 80K 2078, SOat[ CITY, = 28445 Individual Listing Agent: Onsc_xattusoua ❑ Acting as aDesignated Dual Agent (Check only if applicable) Listing. Agent License #:147653___ Listing Aaaetu Phrme#: (919) 612-6217 Listing Agent E-mail: e—as—s=.® miry SPACE iNYPSTITONALLY LET BLANK) Page 10 of 1 I mmbv¢�m�mi��+mm��¢wi we nrc4 Twc. tic�m"aazea m� STANDARD FORM L2-T Revised 712816 0712016 BA rmrt s DOMSgn Envelope ID. BW51609456&4tFCA87F$9E4.537eD4F5 :. • cs-.t,ecr .v a • . �kaeZrYy;yfs�i'tt:41 Seller: TGNATIUS M BARDAXIB RBIBRINA M BARIW=S _ (-Seller- 3dver:DAVID A C[IIE9PI SBAPDN L CRM ("Buyer") mopedy Address: 110 S0 gym'+= WM,. nlcl� s+onsxaxa tmaEa 28460 ("Property") 0' U9TJNG AGENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF DUB DYUGENCE TRE Paragraph I(d) of the Offs. to Purchase and Contract between Buyer and Seller for the sale of the Property provides for the payment m Seller of aDue Ditigence Fee in on, amount of $ , receipt of which lasting Agent hereby acknowledges. n. =-. Firm: LASMOMK SOTHEBYS INTERNATIONAL REALTY (Signature) GREG ISEHHOUR (print name) __________________________________--.-_ X FEE Ter for the sale of the Property provides forthe payment to ceipt of which Seller hereby acknowledges. (Signature) _ IfNATIUS M BARDA%IS (Si�anatnre) RRZSTZNA MaaonasrS __..>.-__--_-- ______.„._ ____.________________________ ______.____.---___--_-__.___-_- ER, j ESCROW AGENT ACKi+tOWLRDGMFNT OF RECF-Wr OF INMAL EARI-WST MONEY Y1ER' M Paragraph i (d) of the Offer to Patchese and Contract Between Buyer add Seller for the sale, a the Property provides for the payment an Es w Agent of an Tnitial Earnest Money Deposit in the amount of $ 1, 000.00 . Escrow Agent as identified in Paragraph l(f) of the Offer m Purchase and Contract hereby acknowledges receipt of the Initial Eamest Money Deposit and agrees to hold and distrate the some n acronclaance with the terms of the offer mPurchase and Contract. Data ! %" ��-rr0 F. FmT_TH HOt7/Nj'1'AI2 (ARTORmY T (Pont naive) 0 ESCROW AGENT ACffi40WLEi)CMENT i.>F EECE[IPC OF (A3lD1TTONAL)EA�R[d4i.4T AdONEY 1�EPOSii Paragraph t(d) of the Offer to Purchase and Contract between Buyer and Seller for the sale of the Property provides for me payment to Escrow Agent of an (Addidonal) Earnea Money Deposd in the amount of $ . Escrow Agent as idenified in Paragraph l(f) of the Offer to Purchase and Contract hereby acknowledges receipt of the (Additi(Mat) Famest Money Deposit and agrees to hold and disburse dre same in accordance with the tams of the Offer to Purchase and Contract. Date rim EEITH FOUNTAIN ( ATTORNEY Y Timer AM ❑ PM By: (Signature) (Print name) Page 11 of 11 STAyAXW FORM 12-T Revised 712916 WMA46 ANxtl v$*iWm6MaiMx xNYAFlNm thb naw4; Fro .MWBd^d'n'u46 m nAROAXIS r-;tE-CEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC DEC 0 5 2016 DawSyn Envelope ID: B5B51BO9456641FCAWF-89E45376D4F5 Delna Q 1 p Sentoi Gmi!e fabs, NC l815a 3717 _y'o�r���v 3azoliZ $ 1� ddd•Qii N FSSTC OMB SANK 9'D03?L7e' f:053LDD3DO�:0D75i7?215$D�' RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC DEC052016