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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNTB_16-25_Fincastle Group Inc.Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY November 4, 2016 Fincastle Group Inc. PO Box 685. Tazwell, VA 24651 PAT MCCRORY Govemor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary BRAXTON DAVIS Dvecror RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) EXEMPTION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR - (15A NCAC 7K .0209) — Exemption# NTBEXI6-25 4194 Island Drive, North Topsail Beach AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN — Ocean Hazard AEC Dear Sir or Madam: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. Based on the information provided, I have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing dated received by DCM on October 24, 2016, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. Maintenance & Repair 1. The maintenance and repair work authorized under this exemption specifically includes the bebuilding of decking along the ocean side of the existing residence. NO ADDITIONS, including roof overhangs, enclosures, etc. are authorized under this exemption. 2. The development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species. 3. The development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels. 4. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. 5. The proposed development shall remain consistent with the attached work plan drawings. 6. This permit does not authorize expansion of the existing structure. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. incerel , i Jason il, LPO cc: DCM — WIRO Terrie Woodle, NIB Nothing Compares_ State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ex ., Wilmington, NC 29405 910-796-7215 (?ct 2416 11:42a NDS 1 1 � I � —?"�> 9103273750 p.3 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION � V North Topsail Beach A/1, 20o8poggerhead Court'U�/j e North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 ,, 910-328-3186 '(' Y' i Fax990-328-a299 Please Fill out Form COMPLETELY Permit Project T 5 l a nd Dom. Number Address J Owner Name Fi n os-He Eitpu(? .one - MailingAddress 1� D BOY (pWS Ta2W>r(( VA 3y(05( Signature !1� Telephone Number General contractor %��y J�V G N.C. License Number / 71 Sl p Expiration Date 1 Z I J (f t (.o Local Privilege License Contact Number `�(('jjf O 3 Z /-3•-1 SS Signature{ (yl U, Date Square Footage Heated Unheated Estimated cost of Project 9, ODD GD Description of Work Re 13 a i r ! tLV 1Q (Q- d fLK due- & SID✓Y✓1 For Office use Only Additional Comments Issued By Date approved Building Permit Fee Zoning Permit Fee Additional Fees Recelpt Number TOTAL RECEIVED Oct 24 16 11:42a NDS 9103273750 p.4 I ZONING & _p iLAj�yY N DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NOT VALID UNLESS SYGRED'nY APPLICANT App}lcatlon shall be made priorto anydevelopmeniacNVRles lcwtcl witf fn the Town ofNorth Topsail Beach. Thefoilowing Items maybe requfmdwith the applicaUanforaxoningandftoodpfafn (levelopmentpermlt 7A plot plan drawnto seafe,7 V-Zone certitfeation with accompunyingplans andspeclacations vedtyfngthe engfneered structureand anybrea$aivaywali cieslgns, and Tan ElevWon Certificate. TO IN SAND SUPPORTING DATA HAVE Y OF7HESMUCIURE BEING PER OR REGISTERED hVDSURVEYOR n rT INTHISAPP11C47107V IS CORRECTAND Al. WORK MU COMPLYWITH N7B TOWN CODEAND VSAND OROMANCESAND REGULATIONS 7HEPLINNIN6DEPARTMENT WILL BE NOTIFIED OF ;fZCIFICATIONSFORTHE PROIECrPERMI17EO HEREIN; 2)1 FURTHERMORECER7IFYTHAT 1AM WT PERMLS.A'ONTO NTBZONIIIG & FLOODPL41NADMINIS7RAWRAND HIS OR HERAGENT(S) ' NT S PERMDIS) FOR THE PURPOSE OF IAISPEMONSI 3)1, 7HE UNDERSI6NEDr UNDERSTAND TPMENT FERP9IYIS CON77NGENT UPON THEA801,E/NFORM4710N 6EX4F CORRECT AND 7HAT IEEN OR SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED, T ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT TILE PRR)A TO 71TTED, AN ELEVATION AND/OR FLOODPROOFING CERTlF1CAT& SIGNED BY A PROFESSIONAL USTAEONFILEWiTHTHEINSPECUONDEPARIMENTINDICA7INGTHE `ASBUILrELEVAMNS AM TAE OWNER/AGENTlCONTRACT PVRCHASER/ZW3EE (CIRCLE ONE) AND BYSIGNATURE ITE DATA HYSICALADDRFSS ylgy TSland UY-iVL TAXPARCELJD# 7lr8A —CIS OWING SUBACKS:FRONT(FT): SJDE(FT}: REAR(F*! oTnr:R(FT)- DTSIZE(SQFI) TDTALPROFOSm IMPERVIOUSSURFACE(SQFT) PPLICA.TION FORTHEFOLLOWINGDEVELOPMENTONLY.. I Excavation f fJRoad Comhuctlon ❑ ResWenffai Conshedlon j 0 Replace NVAC ' FIN DrNaeleyConsfruciron L[Nomesldhnffal CormkuoNon [3MacheNcQE1ecf w1 Grading INCZUDEENGSWPLANS CCIIAdo'Non C7 Olher(spedfy): UUI(ly conetwcuon I]Renmffon rr�I��� 'SCwPTIONOFWORK P—eVG(li' Y(-plu cUcic. All DATA: )OD MAPN FLOOD ZONE: El VEE]AE CBRS: E] YES [1 NO :(FT)_Regufatoryflaod efevatton pfus2F rfreeboard (Fr): JCTURE BUILTAFTERJULYZ 1987❑ YES [] NO IELOPMENTSTANDARDS DATA: 4 ELEVATION IN REIA710M TO MEAN SEA LEVEL (MSC) AT OR ABOVE WHICH THE LOWEST FLOOR (INCLUDING BASEMENT) MUST BE CONSTRUCTED FT. ELEVATION INRETATIONTO MEANSEALEVEL(MSL}ATORABOVE WHICH ALLATTENDANTLMLT17ESTO INCLUDE; DUTNOTLIMITED TO,ALLHEATING,AIRCONDTTIONWGANDELECTR(CALE(ZUIPMENTMUSTBEINSTALLEO FT o WILLGARAGEBE USED FORANYPURPOSEOTHER THAN PARKINGVEHICLES,STORAGEORBUIDfNGACCEM CEYFS Ej NO PROPOSED METHOD OF ELfiVATINGTHESTRUCTURE o WILLANYWATERCOURSE BE ALTERED OR RELOCATEDASA RESULTOFTHE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTI'0YES01;O o T&ALAREA OPOPENINGS REQUIRED: (1SQJNrH PER SQ.PrOF ENCLOSED FOOTPRINTAREA BELOWBFE). t'2616 03:29p NDS 9103273760 p.1 7 6 6 6 7 WOOD �E 16 {5b1 j 16 - 92 f4__j2 2 lit 2 2 •� Main Building 12 (1256) 17 2 1 '12 124 14 2 --------------- 29