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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNTB_16-24_MartinCoastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY September 21, 2016 Larry Martin 104 Arlington Ave. Radford, VA 24141 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) EXEMPTION STRUCTURE (15A NCAC 7K .0209) — Exemption# NTBEXI6-24 128 Topsail Road, North Topsail Beach, NC AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN — Ocean Hazard AEC Dear Mr. Martin: PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART secretary BRAXTON DAVIS Director I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. Based on the information provided, I have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing dated received by DCM on 9/20/16, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE 1. The development specifically authorizes the work detailed in the site plan dated received by the Division of Coastal Management 9/20/16, to include construction of a 6' x 32' sq. ft. deck addition along the ocean side of the residence. Any additional development not illustrated on the referenced site plan will require re-evaluation by the Division of Coastal Management. 2. The proposed deck must be constructed so that it is structurally independent of the existing decking and residence. Additionally, the proposed "covered" shower, as shown on the site plan, is not authorized by this exemption as it is not listed as an exception to the setback. The shower may be enclosed, but shall not be covered. 3. The development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species. 4. The development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels. 5. The development must not alter the land form or vegetation of a frontal dunes. 6. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. 7. The proposed development shall remain consistent with the attached work plan drawings. 8. The development must be setback behind (landward) of the First Line of Stable Natural Vegetation (FLSNV), and behind (landward) of the landward toe of the frontal dune. 9. This permit does not authorize expansion of the existing residential structure. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. rely/ i� on Dail, LPO cc: Terrie Woodle — North Topsail Beach Stele of North Carolina J Environmental Quality I Coastal Masagemmt 127 Cardinal Drive EA, W2=gron, NC 28405 9104967215 Z4 Please Fill out Form COMPLETELY Owner Name Ma01ng Address Signature General Contractor L N.C. License Number BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION North Topsail Beach 2008 Loggerhead Court North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 910.328-3186 Fax-910.328-0299 Telephone Number Expiration Date Local Privilege Licenae Confect Number ,�}, Signature �� Date _ Q 12011. )'+ O I L") �r— Square Footage Heated Unheated Eatlmated cost of Projectt�04107 Description of Work For Office use Only Additional Comments Issued By Date approved ew v i< 6,4fike,* dJ 10rx V UFI 7, Building Permit Fee Zoning Permit Fee Additional Fees Receipt Number TOTAL RECEIVED Y ��✓l���� p� ZONING & FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION ROT VALXD UUMSS SXGUED BY APPLXCART Application shall be made prior to any developmebtectivItW torated wlthtn the Town of North Topsail Beach. Thefollowing Items maybe required with the application for a zoningand floodplaln development permit: 7A plot plan drawnto smote; 7 V-Zane Certifleatlon with accompeltyingplans andspeciflcntlons verilying the engineered structure and anybreakaway wall designs; and 7an Eievatlon certificate. FAT AND SUPPORTING DATA HAVE 'OF THE STRUCTURE BEING PER (HONE fMAI[ ITEDATA ]TSIZE(SQFT) TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE (SQFT) PPLICATION FOR THE POLLOWING DEVELOPMENT 161ccavau0n ]L7 RoadConemrcVon FIII Cl DdvO V Cohatr CA Grading 5MUDE OU"SELANS URllly Ccnstrucgon _ 'SCRIPTION OF roa 45, Repiaoo HVAC MeehantOaVEteowcal 17 Oiher(spedfy}: .M DATA: )OD MAPIR FLOOD ZONE: [] VE [] AE t(FT): Reeulatoryfloodelevationplus2FTfreeboard(FT)L tUCTURE BUILTAFTERJULY 2,1987 [] YES ❑ NO /ELOPMENT STANDARDS DATA: AND HIS OR HER AGENTlS) IDERSlGNED, UNOERSIANND BEING CORRECTANDTHAT AND THAT THE PRIOR TO GNEO BYA PROFESSIONAL NE "AS BUILT"" ELEVATIONS 'ONE) AND BYSIGNATURE CRRS: ❑ YES ❑ NO n ELEVATION IN RELATION TO MEAN SEA LEVEL (MSL) AT OR ABOVE WHICH THE LOWEST FLOOR (INCLUDING BASEMENT) MUST BE CONSTRUCTED FT. o ELEVATION IN RELATION TO MEAN SEA LEVEL(MSL) AT OR ABOVE WHICH ALLATTENDANTUTILITIES TOINCLUDE, BUTNOTUMITED TO, ALL HEATING, AIRCONDITIONINGAND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTMUSTBEINSTALLED FT. a WILL GARAGE BE USED FOR ANYPURPOSE OTHER THAN PARKING VEHICLES, STORAGE OR BUILDING ACCESS? [] YES [j NO o PROPOSED METHOD OF ELEVATING THE STRUCTURE o WILL ANY WATERCOURSE BE ALTERED OR RELOCATED ASARESULT OFTHE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT? [] YES [INO o TOTALAREA OF OPENINGS REQUIRED; (ISQ. INCH PER S% Fr OF ENCLOSED FOOTPRINT AREA BELOW BFf). ,. s