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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNTB_16-17_FlowersCoastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITV July 20, 2016 Evelyn Flowers 1125 Will Lucas Road Linden, NC 28356 PAT MCCRORY Gowmor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART secrsmry BRAXTON DAVIS Dveaor RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) EXEMPTION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR - (15A NCAC 7K .0209) —Exemption# NTBEXI6-17 821151 Avenue, North Topsail Beach AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN — Ocean Hazard AEC Dear Ms. Flowers: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. Based on the information provided, I have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing dated received by DCM on 7/18/16, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. Maintenance & Repair 1. The maintenance and repair work authorized under this exemption specifically includes the replacement of decking along the southern side of the existing residence. No additions, including roof overhangs, enclosures, etc. are authorized under this exemption. 2. The development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species. 3. The development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels. 4. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. 5. The proposed development shall remain consistent with the attached work plan drawings. 6. This permit does not authorize expansion of the existing structure. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. cc: DCM — WIRO Terre Woodle, NTB Nothing Compares.` State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Catdmal Drive ExL, Wilmington, NC 28405 910-796-7215 QCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 18 2016 Please Flli nut Form COWLETELy (timer Name BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION North 'fopsafl Beach 2008 Loggerhead Court North Topsail Bleach, NC 28400 S10-M.3186 �c-910-828-U29S fan T7# Bxplrawn Bata Local Pr)Vllega iieense contact Number 9j J- Srgnature i� 04 Square Footage Heated Eeflmafed cost of Project Desorlption of Work ��%�tP, 1::= I—_ A—OL Additlonal GoMmer>fs Issued By Date approved Receipt dumber Unheated Building Permit Fes Zoning permit Fee AddifPonal Fees TOTAL IECBIVED Af/ �A' ff�- / 11 DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 1 L MANG & FL®ODPLAIN I)EVELOPMENTAPPLICATI®N 710Y VALID RNLtu RXa#pD ay ApKXCMr VPHeatton shallberaadaprlmto any davetapmerrtaciivitlealora#ad Withlathe Taft of NorthTopsag130ach.Thefb loWtngitems maybe •equiredWith the 4ppfft UouforazonJngandffoodp{afndevetoPnmentPeWt:7Aptetpkmdrawntosate;7V-,ZoneCerfifleationwith acwmpanongPlans andsPacHicatfonsvedWgthe endrmaredstrucmreand any break,"y** Adesignrand7an Ebeiee cenllkara. DATA tYSICALAD,111Ss �;vdNG s>;reA�:FRONT(Prj; s1DE(FTj; Rsat TnxPARc�LRi# �Z_ 3TSVE (Sq FTI TOTAL PROPOSED IMpERVlow SURFACE (Sq �PLICATIONFOR THE FMOVme7EENtaopaPMdLElNoWatlSr0I-Ce4vISon AL[Y Fw IIS0aa tYzCOY(R/e atg�niosod I MRespcilaawhfcHaViA�7OemrRR9 DENLidenE1nC" UWAYamamcgen AdditkneoGto� ClOfher(spede. SCMPVON OF WORK .M )DATA: )o#3lVfW FLODDZANE:Q QAE :(PT1:__JtegutatotyHood elevation ptes2FT$ealioard (FTj: CBiLS: QYES QNp :UCTLMEBUatTAFTkRJULY2,1987 f jYESEJNO MLOPMENT STANDA RDS DATA; ° ELEVATION W WATION Tfl MEAN SEA LIML (MSL) AT OR ABOVE WHCGOARUMEO P; H THE LOWT FLOOR �N�UNBASEMM'tJ MU51'BE ELEVATION IN RELATION TO MEW SEA LEVEL Ma) ATOR A8011E WIjjWALLATiENOANTUT UTJESTO INCLUDE, BUTNOTLiLWITEp TO, ALL WATIngMR CON1i1VONINGAND ELECTRIML EgUIPMENT (WWBE WTALLEp ° WKWARAGEBEUSED rGRANYPURPOSECTtIERTjjMpAR&jNGVEWCIES,STOR4GRoBBU1fDtitiGQ ° PROPOSED MFIRODOFELEVA-MGTWsTBU C£ yQ1�S[Na ° MILIWYWA"TERCAi1MMALTEREDORRLtOCATERASARESiBTflFTHEPROPOSEtlpEygpPryPM IIY pNa TOTALAREAOFOPENINGSREgVIW. (1SQ. INCH PER Sq F{OFENCLQSEb MOTP"fFAREABELOWBPE). 7/1&/Y016 OnsIm County Property Records Site Parcel ID:002717 Map#:812-77 Luc: Watervlew Class: Dwelling FLOWERS WILLIAM N & EVELYN P 24 �n 6 � 32 Main Building 32 4 27 ...s ,6 24 4 Tax Year: 2016 NBHD:SEAHAVEN 8211 5TH AVE Item Area Main Building 768 PORCH-SO:PORCH 192 WOOD DECK - &&:WOOD DECK 144 Printed on Monday, July 18, 2016, at 9:44:09 AM EST RECEIVED C)CM W M N TON,, NC JUL I u ZfM]DataletsAPrint0atalet.wpx?pin=002717&gsp=&taxyear=2016&jur=067&oi meq=&car&,&roll=&State=&item=&Items=&a.. 1!1